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January 25, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-25

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It 3U

:43 t




Disagreement on Hop

Plans Continues















AFL Meat Industry Employes


Work for U.S.

Congress Told To Get Busy;
Ford Co. Announces LayOff




Signal Corps
Contacts Moon
Through Radar
Scientists Outline
Test's Future Value

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Jan. 24-AFL Union officials tonight ordered 55,000 strik-
ing meat industry employes back to work under Government control Satur-
day, but no word was forthcoming immediately from a CIO Union which
has 193,000 members on strike.
Leaders of the AFL Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Union, tele-
graphed President Truman that they issued the back-to-work call as a re-
sult of his order directing the Secretary of Agriculture to take over and
* Coperate 134 struck plants of 19 pack-
ing companies at 12:01 a.m. Satur-
Informed of the AFL Union's de-
cision to return to work, Gayle G.
Armstrong, named by the govern-
ment to operate the packing plants
upon federal seizure,saidC:
:>"h>"If the Amalgamated Meat Cutters
are ready to report for work, their ac-
tion signifies a good spirit of coopera-
tion. It is an encouraging develop-
The CIO United Packinghouse
Workers earlier said its membership
had called a meeting Friday to decide
whether to work for the government.
Exertion of People's
Powers Stressed

One-Night Dance Approved
By Student Affairs Committee
J-Hop plans, which have been up in the air thus far, were even more
stratospherically inclined after yesterday's meeting of the Student Affairs
Committee and the J-Hop Committee.
As things stand now, the Student Affairs Committee has approved
a J-Hop to be held Fri., March 8 with one of the top bands in the coun-
try, a ten dollar ticket charge, and all proceeds going to the University
of the Philippines and the Red Cross. Admittedly there would be a
great margin of profit on the dance, -'

By The Associated Press
Department announced tonight
Army Signal Corps scientists


WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 - )-
President Truman expressed the view
today that there is too much power
on both sides in current labor dis-
putes and Congress now must exert
the power of the people.
He appeared to reject the proposal
of Benjamin F. Fairless that he call
a White House conference of man-
agement to consider "what kind of a

Wearing placards nominating various senators on the "Dishonor
Guard," a group of pickets parades near the Capitol in Washington,'
opposing the filibuster in the Senate on the Fair Employment Prac-

tices Committee legislation.

.,to- operate packing plants

AVC Advocates
Strong Federal
Housing Action
Determined action by the Federal
Government in coping with the hous-
ing situation in the most forceful
and prompt manner possible. was
strongly urged by the Ann Arbor
Chapter of the American Veterans'
Committee at a meeting last night.
To achieve this action the A.V.C.
unanimously endorsed the following
1. The control of housing prices
embodied in the P a t m a n Bill
2. The comprehensive ,approach to
the whole problem of housing and its
treatment of low-cost housing, em-
bodied in the Wagner-Ellender-Taft
3. Stimulation of production of
building materials and further
strengthening of the recent Execu-
tive Order, Priorities Regulation 33,
affording priorities on houses con-
structed for sale or rent to veterans.
4. Reductions of the ceiling, now
established in Priorities Regulation
33, from $10,000 (or $80 per month
rental) to lower levels more consist-
ent with the needs of veterans.
Neil Staebler, and Russell Wilson
reported on the national and local
housing shortage problem. Staebler
said "In the year 1946, 3,200,000 hous-
ing units will be needed, which in-
volves one-ninth of all the families in
the United States. The Patman Bill
is at least a short-range answer to
this major problem."
Four delegates will be chosen at
the February 7 meeting to represent
the Ann Arbor Chapter at the na-
tional A.V.C. convention.
Union Opposes
Hoover Terms
Will Continue Demand
For Vacation with Pay
Answering a company advertise-
ment headed "The Facts About the
Hoover Strike" which has appeared
in the Ann Arbor News since Monday,
Joseph Clisham, said yesterday that
the unit had voted to continue the
ten-week-old strike until demands
fr. n tuon eeksvacation. with pay

Vacation Preview
Hundreds of students desiring
to go home between semesters may
be stranded here if a threatened
nation-wide railway paralysis ma-
The Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen served notice Wednes-
day that a strike will be called in
three and one-half weeks unless
the railroads act on the Brother-
hood's demand for a 25 per cent
wage increase.
If the threat is carried out, the
strike will be called around Feb.
16, opening day of exam week.
wage increase the economy of this
country can endure." Fairless, pres-
ident of the U. S. Steel Corporation,
made his suggestion in a radio speech
last night.
The best thing Benjamin Fairless
can do, the President concluded, is
send word: I accept. This was in
reference to the Chief Executive's
proposal that the steel dispute be
settled with the wage increase of
181/2 cents an hour which the Presi-
dent has recommended: the CIO-
United Steelworkers agreed, but the
company refused.
Steel Strike Causes
Work Slow-Doen
DETROIT, Jan. 24-(P)-The Ford
Motor Co. announced today that 15,-
000 employes would be laid off tomor-
row night "due to the steel strike
which has resulted in curtailed manu-
facturing operations."
Ford added the present curtailment
of production "threatens a ,complete
shutdown" unless the steel strike is
An additional 25,000 Ford work-
ers will be affected a week from now,
M. L. Bricker, vice-president in
charge of manufacturing, said in a
At the same time General Motors
Corp, denied charges of unfair labor
practices filed by the CIO United
Auto Workers and asked the National
Labor Relations Board to specify the
acts, words or needs of the corpora-
tion which frustrated and avoided
bona fide bargaining.
The NLRB is to hold a hearing or
the union's charges at Detroit Mon-
High School Classes
Sched id for Vets

Student Group
Accepts MYDA's
New Affiliation
The Student Affairs Committee ap-
proved yesterday a petition for Mich-
igan Youth for Democratic Action to
affiliate itself with American Youth
for Democracy.
A request for permission to col-
lect food on campus for the families
of strikers in the General Motors
dispute was, however, refused.
MYDA will now request admission
to AYD, which is a national organi-
zation with chapters on 58 college
campuses besides numerous non-col-
lege groups. An officer of the organi-
zation said yesterday that this re-
quest would probably be granted im-
The Student Affairs Committee ex-I
plained its refusal for the food drive
request saying that it would present
the University as taking sides in an
industrial dispute. MYDA intended
to follow a national program being
set up so that hunger should not be
decisive in the strike, but that its
settlement should be based on the
issues of the dispute.
Organized late in 1943, MYDA
has carried out a program of ex-
pressing opinion and acting in
See MYDA, Page 2
500 Vets Expected
In Refresher Work
More than 500 veterans are ex-
pected to register today for the four-
week refresher course scheduled to
begin here Monday.
Dr. Clark Hopkins and Clark Tib-
bitts of the Veterans' Service Bureau
will speak to the group at 9 a.m. to-
day at Rackham. No degree credit
will be given for the course, but vet-
erans may receive assistance under
the G. I. Bill, and classes will be
taught by regular members of the
faculty. Only students who have al-
ready been accepted for the spring
term are eligible to take the course.

Sports Fans,"
Michigan sports fans have a
busy day ahead of them if they
wish to take in all three varsityY
sports events scheduled for Sat-f
urday afternoon and evening.
The Wolverine swimming team I
will lead off the day's athletic pro-
ceedings, meeting Purdue at 3 p.
m. in the Sports Building pool.
Saturday night, a double attrac-
tion has been arranged. The Mich-f
igan - basketball team will play1
Ohio State at 7 p.m. in the Field
House. Immediately afterward,{
the Wolverine wrestlers will go to
the mat with Purdue.
The hockey team, only other
Michigan squad in action this
weekend, will be out of town, hav-
ing a pair of games scheduled with
Toronto University Friday and
Faculty Dimes
Sought in Drive
All faculty members who have not
contributed to the annual March of
Dimes campaign being conducted
throughout the nation should turn
in their donations today and tomor-
row at the Social Director's Office in
the League, Jean Gaffney announced.
Coeds are being urged to sign up
in the Undergraduate office at the
League to pass collection boxes in
the 'local theatres to aid in securing
funds for the annual drive carried
on by the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis.
The Wishing Well, which was con-
structed by Andrew Poledor, will re-
main at the Arcade on State St. to
receive contributions through Mon-
Boxes distributed to fraternity
houses should be turned in at the
Student Offices in the Union today,
George Spaulding, chairman of the
men's committee, announced.

nade radar contact with the moon
in an experiment which promises
'valuable peacetime as well as war-
time applications."
The tests were carried out at the
Evans Signal Laboratory, Belmar,
N. J. The first contact with the moon
was made Jan. 10 and has been suc-
essfully repeated several times.
Special Equipment
Using specially designed equip-
ment, pulses of very high frequency
energy were shot into space at the
speed of light-186,000 miles per sec-
ond-and the echoes detected some
212 seconds later. The moon is about
238,857 miles distant, on the average,
as both.it and the earth move around
the sun.
"The Signal Corps experiments
have valuable peacetime as well as
wartime applications, although it is
impossible i at this stage to predict
with certainty what these will be,"
the War Department said.
Radio Control
One of the possibilities is the radio
control of long-range jet or rocket
propelled missiles, circling the earth
above the stratosphere. The German
V-2 missiles were believed to have
reached an altitude of 60 miles.
Maj. Gen. Harry C. Ingles, Chief
Signal Officer, said the primary sig-
nificance of the achievement is that
for the first time scientists know the
certainty that a very high frequency
radio wave sent out from the earth
can penetrate the electrically charged
ionosphere which circles the earth
and stratosphere. The several layers
of the ionosphere start about 38 miles
above the earth's tsurface and extend
to approximately 250 miles.
String Quartet
To Open Sixth
Festival Today
The Budapest String Quartet will
mark their second consecutive ap-
pearance in the annual Chamber
Music Festival today and tomorrow
in Rackham Lecture Hall with se-
lected quartets by Hindemith, Mil-
haud, Piston and Schubert.
Presenting the sixth annual series
of chamber music concerts, the Quar-
tet will open its program at 8:30 p.m.
today with the E-flat major quartets
of Hindemith and Beethoven and
Haydn's "Quartet in D minor, No.2.'
The programs for tomorrow are as
follows :
Saturday, 2:30 p.m.
Quartet in F major, K.590......Mozart
Quartet No. 12 ................ .Mlhaud
Quartet in G. major, Op. 161. ... Schubert
Saturday, 8:30 p.m.
Quartet in A major, No. 5......Beethoven
Quartet .............................Piston
Quartet in E-flat major...........Dvorak
The Quatet which made its Amer-
ican debut at Cornell University ir
December, 1930, is composed of Jose
Roismann and Edgar Ortenberg, vio
linists; Boris Kroyt, violist; an
Mischa Schneider, violincello.
A limited number of tickets will b
available before each performanc
in the Rackham lobby.

but it was felt by the Committee
that the provision that profits
should go to charity justified the
price of tickets.
But the J-Hop Committee, which
was chosen in a recent all campus
election, felt that it would be unfair
to ask students to pay as much as ten
dollars for a modified J-Hop of this
kind. According to Charles Helmick,
chairman, the Committee plans to
attempt to show that at least two
dollars less (eight dollars) could be
charged for tickets and still leave ap
substantial margin for charity. e
Name of the band which it is hoped d
can be obtained for the dance cannot9
be officially released at this time be-a
cause final contract terms have notc
yet been determined.
The Student Affairs Committee
flatly refused the J-Hop Commit-1
tee's original request for a two-c
night, three band, pre war J-Hop t
with provision for house partiest
and breakfasts afterwards on the
grounds that it was too elaborate ar
dance to be held at this time. <
Originally the dance was scheduledr
to be held the weekendof March 1,4
but the date of the dance was moved
up because a better orchestra will beI
obtainable at that time. If the Hop is1
held March 8, permission has been
granted to hold the dance from 10
p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Sports Building.
Members of the Student Affairst
Committee are Dean Joseph A.,
Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean]
W. J. Emmor.s, Dean E. A. Walter,
Prof. L. C. Anderson, Prof. R. C.
Hussey, Prof. E. V. Moore, Prof.
E. S. Wolaver, Ruthann Bales,
Nora MacLaughlin, Sanford Per-
lis, Charles Walton and Ray Dixon.
J-Hop Committee members are
Helmick, William Lambert, Dick
Roeder, Pat Hayes, Lynne Ford, Betty
Smith, Collee Ide, George Spaulding,
Harold Walters and Roberta Ames.
Martha Cook
Boosts Drve
Philippine Fund Gets
Money from Dance
The girls of Martha Cook again
boosted the Philippine fund drive
yesterday when they decided to con-
tribute the $35.46 left over from their
Winter Formal.
. This supplements the recent pledge
for a minimum contribution of one
dollar per resident. Several girls are
giving up cokes and are doing extra
work in order to help the drive.
In explaining their support of the
t drive, one of the girls said: "We want
to do all we can for the drive in the
hope that others will follow suit.'
The campaign for $7,500 to help re-
place books and equipment at the
- University of the Philippines will end
z tomorrow.
f Barbara Stauffer, chairman of the
- drive, has urged that all University
I residences hold collections immedi-
ately. The money must be turned in
e to Frances Goodfellow between 2 and
e 4 p.m. today and tomorrow at Lane

Constitution of
Student Body
Is Accepted
Affairs Committee
Gives Go-Ahead Sign
Unanimously approving the pro-
posed constitution for student gov-
rnment as printed in yesterday's
Daily (with minor changes), the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee yesterday
gave the go ahead signal to plans for
a revised student government on
All that is necessary to make the
Constitution official i ratification
by the student body in the next all
campus election which probably will
be held early next semester.
Nine Member Council
The proposal calls for establish-
ment of a nine-member Student
Council elected from the campus at-
large which would act as "spokes-
man" for the student body. There is
also provision for a Forum made up
of representatives from every recog-
nized student organization on cam-
pus which would serve in an advisory
capacity to the Council.
Major change made by the Student
Affairs Committee was to provide
that "the Council may call in as ad-
visors the Dean of Students and the
Dean of Women to serve in an ex-
officio capacity at Council meetings."
This modified Article III of the pro-
posed constitution which had read,
"The Council shall call in as advisor
that member of the Administration
most intimately connected with stu-
dent activities (to) serve in an ex-
officio capacity at all Council meet-ig . t e h ne p r vd b
ings."o Oter change approved bry
the Committee were 'minor altera-
tions in wording.
Council Meetings Open
Among the significant provisions of
the proposed constitution are that all
Council meetings shall be open to the
public and shall be held at regular in-
tervals, that Council members shall
have "held positions of executive re-
sponsibility in recognized campus or-
ganizations or the Student Govern-
ment for a period of at least two se-
mesters" and that the Council shall
supervise all campus elections.
More specific functions have been
left for the first elected Council to
incorporate in the by-laws of the or-
Will Convene
Prof. Allen To - Attend
Higgins Lake Meeting
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
will attend a meeting of the State
Committee on Conservation Educa-
tion being held today and tomorrow
at the Department of Conservation
Training School, Higgins Lake.
The purpose of this committee is
to promote the use in secondary
schools of information on natural re-
sources and the understanding of how
they are administered and conserved,
with emphasis placed on local situa-
tions. The committee attempts to
introduce study of the ways in which
people make a living from natural re-
sources, of the way the local com-
munity gets its water supply and
building materials and of the pri-
mary natural resource industries.

Aiierican Occupation Troops Duped by Nazi Propaganda

WEISBADEN, Germany, Jan. 24,
(A)-A U.S. Army poll, taken last fall
of 1,700 men said to represent a cross-
section of American troops stationed
in Germany, shows that 19 per cent
of those questioned believed the Ger-
rnnn..r o c w- a nfiinrfin fr c _rf

and that it appeared to indicate that
the U.S. soldier in some cases had
fallen for the propaganda of Germans
echoing Joseph Goebbels.
It showed large percentages of the
soldiers ready to accept German ex-

was sharply reflected throughout the
poll. Nineteen per cent of the men
said they believed Germany had eith-
er some or a good deal of justi ica-
tion for starting the world conflict
and another 11 percent said they were

Thirty per cent of the soldiers
said they liked the Germans bet-
ter than the English or French. On
the whole, those questioned like
the Germans better than the
French, and preferred the English
to the Germans.

County Clerk Goes
SnI I n it er A ft7

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