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January 19, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-19

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New Out-State


Final Score Is
5-2in Rughest
Game of Year
Grant Leads Team
With Two Markers
Michigan's hockey team ended
Minnesota's mastery over the Wol-
verines with a convincing 5-2 victory
in a rough and hard-fought contest
last night at the Coliseum before an
excited crowd of more than 1200 fans.
The victory was the tenth straight
for Coach Vic Heyliger's unbeaten
sextet and was the first victory the
Wolverines have scored over the
Gophers since 1942.
Wally Grant, speedy wigman from I
Eveleth, Minn., was the leading p
scorer for the Maize and Blue puck- wh
men. Captain Connie Hill, Al Ren-
frew, and Gord MacMillan tallied
also. Bud Frick and Bob Carley
scored for the Gophers. U
Typical of all Minnesota-Michigan
clashes, the game was bitterly con-N
tested and was marked by hard body-N
checking with the Wolverines getting1
the better of the argument. Bob
Marshall aid Ross Smith were hand-
ing out hard but clean checks in a W
spectacular manner. Fourteen penal- tion-
ties were called in the hard-fought tryo
contest. defin
Gopher goalie, Duff McDermid was after
sensational in the Minnesota nets, jecte
turning back Michigan shots time cept
and again. Only his play in the nets Ph
prevented the Wolverines from win- Unit
ning a wider margin. Jack MacInnes conf
played an excellent game for Hey- take
See HOCKEY, p. 3 read
Drive To Seek thn
Dimes at Union ac
Dane Tda most
Contributions to the March of the c
Dimes campaign will be received at yond
the Union dance from 9 p.m. to mid-
night today:R
Donation bottles, marked for the A
various classes in the University, will
be placed in the corridor leading to
the ballroom.-
"Let your quarter be their sup-
porter" is the motto of the women
on campus in charge of the drive.
Donations by women's dormitories
and League and sorority houses to- zWA
taled 210.18 last year, Jean Gaffney, antors
'46, chairman of the drive, said yes- Sena
terday. "This year we hope to dou- this
ble that sum," she said. this
More than 400 dime boxes have S
been distributed in dormitories, lea
League houses, fraternities and so- tab]




POLICE HURL TEAR GAS AT PICKET LINE-Tear gas bombs are thrown by police (left) at a mass CIO
cket line (right) in front of the United States Motors Plant in Los Angeles, in an outbreak of violence during,
hich several persons were injured and two score pick ets arrested.
.S. Steel Rejects White House Compromise,
ation-Wide Strike Scheduled for Monday

By The Associated Press
ASHINGTON, Jan. 18-A na-
wide strike in steel-key indus-
of the American economy-was
.itely called today for Monday
U. S. Steel Corporation re-
d a White House compromise ac-
ed by the CIO.
.ilip Murray, president of the
ed Steel Workers, told a news
erence that the walkout "must
place 12.01 a.m. Jan. 21," as al-
[y tentatively scheduled.
short time previously, President
man had issued an urgent appeal.
he steel corporation, pace-setter
the industry, to reconsider and
;t his compromise plan for a
eincrease of 181'/2 cents an hour.
union has backed down from its
recent demand of 19/2 cents to
pt the President's suggestion, but
company said it could not go be-
1 5 cents.
ilibuster Halts
3naite Act
LSHINGTON, Jan. 18 -(YP)- An
-FEPC filibuster by southern sen-
shalted legislative action in the
Wt today with the prospect that
delay may continue indefinitely.
senator Overton (D-La.), co-
der of southerners opposing es-
dishment of a permanent fair
ployment practices commission,
d the senate floor for three and
Eaif hours and promised to keep
"tat least 30 days."
truce recess over the week-end,
Lthe southerners still in control,
lly was agreed upon at 3:30 p.m.
T) as a mark of respect to the late
Joe W. Ervin (D-NC), who was
id dead in his apartment here
[tmas day.
fore few senators but with pub-
galleries crowded, Overton dis-
ed at length on the fine service
orters of debate, and government
ters of the Congressional Record.
upporters and opponents of the
iposal to establish a permanent
PC with broad anti-discrimina-
apowers, planned strategy dur-
the recess.
oator Tydings (D-Md.) inter-
Rd at one point to suggest by
Aons that the FEPC bill be put
eto permit senate action upon
[ation dealing with "labor-man-
nent problems."
rydings noted that he was among
49 senators who voted to take
FEPC and this caused Overton
observe that "at last Maryland
sseceded from the Confederacy."
oator Chavez (D-NM), floor lead-
)r the FEPC bill, told Overton that
e are enough votes in the senate
)ass the FEPC bill if a vote can
verton agreed, but added there
tbe "adequate", discussion.
iority Given State

The next settlement attempt re-
mained uncertain with each of the
three parties-government, union and
steel management-arguing for its
position on the ground of public in-
"Irreparable Damage"
Said President Truman in his
statement appealing for reconsidera-
tion: A steel strike would "stall our
attempts to establish a sound econ-
Benjamin Fairless, president of the
United States Steel Corporation, told
the President in his letter refusing
to go beyond the company's offer of
15 cents, that a higher figure might
well spell"irreparable damage to the
American people." He said many
companies might be forced out of
Murray drew a parallel between the
position taken by the steel company
and that taken by General Motors in
turning down the wage recommen-
dations of a presidential fact finding
board, and said in a statement:
High War Profits
"American industry, fattened with
war profits, guaranteed a high level
of profits through special tax rebated
under laws written at their behest,
have deliberately set out to destroy
labor unions, to provoke strikes and
economic chaos, and hijack the
American people through uncon-
trolled profits and inflation. They
are determined to accomplish their
objective regardless of the risk to our
Meanwhile leading automobile
manufacturers were non-committal as
to how long they could keep operat-
Union To Hold
Campus Mixer
Dancing and bridge will be featured
at the all-campus mixer from 2 to
5 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom,
sponsored by the Union Council.
Continuing the plan begun this
semester, members of Alpha Chi 0-
mega, Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Alpha Omicron Pi soror-
ities will act as hostesses.
Records will furnish music for
dancing and bridge tables will be
available to all students interested in
playing cards.

ing if the steel strike is carried out
on schedule Sunday night.
A Washington statement by Pres-
ident R. J. Thomas of the CIO United
Auto Workers, that competitors of
strike-bound General Motors had
enough steel to last a minimum of
two months drew no comment from
spokesmen for the industry's "big
Direct Appeal
Is Important
Pointing out that popular arrange-
ments of classical music, such as "To-
night We Love" (from Tschaikow-
sky's "Concerto in B flat minor) have
increased the sale of the classical re-
cordings tremendously, Jascha Hei-
fetz, internationally famous violinist,
said that music must appeal directly
to an audience's senses to be appre-
Not Mathematical
Music, an inspirational expression,
cannot be mathematical, he said. "If
you have to figure too much, enjoy-
ment of a composition's beauty is
like seeking a solution to a problem,"
the violinist declared. Comparing a
new composition to a modern paint-
ing, the Russian-born musician said
that each must constitute an experi-
ence. "Take a painting of just some
wavy lines; the title is 'A Woman
Swimming'-but I can't appreciate
He cited again the works of Tschai-
kowsky which, with the already clas-
sical compositions of Prokofieff, share
a popularity for most musical audi-
ences. Prokofieff, Shostakovich and
Stravinsky were all new and con-
sidered radical at one time, the viol-
inist noted; however, they have been
acknowledged as great composers.
Folk Music
An exponent of American folk mu-
sic, and particularly of new works
by young composers, the long-time
concert favorite said he favored per-
formances of new compositions, par-
ticularly by the well-established or-
chestras. "I remember in Paris at the
first performance of the 'Rites of
Spring' how Stravinsky was booed
by a rioting audience."

' Statement
On Admission
The enrollment of returning
veterans, which is greatly in ex-
cess of expectations, makes it im-
possible for the University of Mich-
igan to admit a large number of
applicants from outside the state.
The University particularly re-
grets that this limitation must ap-
ply to out-cf-state veterans as
well as other applicants for ad-
mission. Qualified residents of
Michigan will be admitted as in
the past.
The situation in Michigan has
been accentuated by the action of
other universities in limiting ad-
missions. A result has been that
the University has had an ab-
normal number of out-ofstate
Present enrollment of veterans is
in excess of 2,200 and on the basis
of admissions to date thenumber
will exceed 5,000 in the spring
term. To accommodate thisrin-
crease in the number of veterans,
the University is preparing for a
total enrollment in March of 1,500
more students than it has ever had
in residence in any previous time.
Further, it is faced with the pros-
pect of a veterans' enrollment
next September of 7,500. A limita-
tion of admissions of out-of-state
students seems the only fair way
to meet the problem.
Out-of-state students now in
residence, former students, and
those already admitted will be
permitted to enroll.
James P. Adams,
No Extension
Of Draft Act,
Johnson Says
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-A Selec-
tive Service recommendation for con-
tinuation of the draft collided today
with a Senatorial prediction that it
would "be out of the window" May
The recommendation came from
Major General Lewis B. Hershey, the
draft director;. the prediction from
Senator Johnson (D-Colo.), chair-
man of a mitary subcommittee in-
quiring into the Army's demobiliza-
tion troubles.
Johnson declared the public
hearings ended today, the third day
of the proceedings. The two other
members of the committee, Sena-
tors Revercomb (R-WVa.) and
Briggs (D-Mo.), objected, asserting
that only Army and draft leaders
had been heard. They wanted the
committee to go into telegraphed
and cabled complaints from GIs,
which Revercomb said were "vol-
The committee spent the final day
questioning Hershey about why the
draft failed to provide enough re-
placements, thus forcing a slowdown
of demobilization.
The draft director, said that if
Congress extends the Selective Serv-
ice Act beyond May 15,which it is
scheduled to expire, it would be possi-
ble to provide an additional half mil-
lion men.
He also thought it would help if
definite tour of duty were provided
in the draft law. He suggested that
18 months, now used as one of the
volunteer enlistment terms, would
be an appropriate period.
Hershey recommended that the
War and Navy departments lower the
physical standards and that men
with "substantially less" than 18
months service be eligible for re-in-

Limited Facilities
Force 'U' Polc
State Applicants Will Be Accepted;
14,000 Enrollment Is Anticipated
Admission of out-of-state students will be discontinued for the spring
term, President Alexander G. Ruthven announced yesterday.
Dr. James P. Adams, University Provost, said that "out-of-state stu-
dents now in residence, former students and those already admitted will
be permitted to enroll."
"Insufficient housing and overcrowded classrooms and laboratories
force the University to adopt a temporary policy which is greatly re-
gretted," President Ruthven said.
The limitation applies to the term which opens March 4.
"The University's first obligation is to the people of Michigan. We
will continue in the future, as in the past, to accept every qualified Michi-
gan student within the limits of our facilities. It is now certain that the
enrollment of Michigan students will exceed 8,200 in the next term," Pres-
ident Ruthven said.
The University expects 14,000 to enroll next term, including 5,000
The temporary admissions policy was adopted Thursday by the Deans'
Conference, official administrative group for all the schools and colleges.
It became official yesterday when all admissions officers of the University
were notified of the policy in a meeting with Provost Adams.

Dorm Space
Assured for
Ousted Girls
Dean Lloyd Confident
Rooms Can Be Found
Women students whose present res-
idences will be reverted to use by
men students at the end of the pres-
ent semester were assured yesterday
by Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Wom-
en, that new housing will be found
for them.
In a statement to The Daily, Dean
Lloyd said that a survey is now being
made to find additional space in
dormitories and League houses.
The text of Dean Lloyd's state-
ment follows:
Women students now on' campus
who are losing their present living
quarters at the end of the present
semester are assured that the Office
of the Dean of Women is assuming
responsibility for re-housing them.
Just where each girl will be assigned
space is still in the process of being
decided and cannot be announced
until later.
Vaughan Taken Over
This is due to the fact that not
only are the women losing Victor
Vaughan dormitory, which had been
temporarily given over to occupancy
by girls, but also a certain number of
the fraternity houses, which, during
the period when the men were in the
armed forces, had been converted to
the use of women. It is not known at
the present time exactly how many of
these fraternity houses will be taken
back for the use of fraternity men.
In the meantime the Office of the
Dean of Women is making a search
for any additional space that may be
available in dormitories and League
Houses. A survey is being made by
the Sanitarian of the Health Service
to determine what rooms are large
enough to take an additional occu-
pant. Only in rooms where health
standards permit are increases being
allowed. By this means it is hoped
that the women now living in Victor
Vaughan and the converted fratern-
ity houses can be re-assigned to sim-
ilar housing units.
League Houses have been surveyed
See DORM, Page 4

FPHA Answer
On Dormitories
Expected Today
Acceptance of Bids
Will Help Shortage
An answer to the University's re-
quest for eight dormitory units from
the Federal Public Housing Author-
ity in Cleveland is expected today.
Grant of the University's request
will go a long way toward solving
campus housing problems, Francis C.
Shiel, Director of Residence Halls,
declared yesterday.
With 2,500 more veterans expected
to enroll for the spring semester, the
dormitory units will accommodate
approximately 1,000. Gain of two
houses in the East Quad and one in
the West Quad for civilian use will
also help to alleviate the housing
Displacement of more than 300
girls from Victor Vaughn House and
converted fraternity houses is making
necessary a survey to determine how
many more girls can be housed in
Stockwell, Mosher-Jordan and other
women's dormitories.
Houses Returned
Fraternity houses being taken back
by the men include Delta Tau Delta,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi and
Sigma Phi, which has been used as
the English Language Institute. Oth-
ers may be included in the list, Mr.
Shiel said, since the plans have not
all been made as yet. Returning these
houses to the men will help in housing
male students, but make the situation
more difficult for the women.
Besides being put into rooms in
the large dorms which are able to ac-
commodate another student, the dis-
placed girls may be put in league
Two fraternity houses, Sigma Nu
and Phi Sigma are being taken over
to house women students next term.
Men's Dorms Crowded
In the men's dormitories, Mr. Shiel
explained, each double room is oc-
cupied by three students each, and
each single room by two. No further
crowding in these dorms is possible.
Approximately 350 of the veterans
now on campus taking refresher
courese in preparation for the spring
term are now being :housed in the
rooms in East and West Quad which
have been vacated by the Army and
Chamberlain To
Speak Monday
'Russia and the West'
To Be Author's Topic
William Henry Chamberlin, for-
mer Christian Science Monitor Cor-
respondent in Russia and the Far
East will discuss "Russia and the
West: Conflict or Co-operation" at
8 p.m. Monday in Kellog Auditorium.
Author of America-Partner in
World Rule and several other books,
Chamberlin served in Russia for 12

Posts for women selling the spe-
cial March of Dimes Daily extra
will be announced in The Daily to-I
rorities and local stores. All boxes
should be returned to the Social Di-
rectof's office in the League by Wed-
Boxes for Boxes for Carney, Har-
rison, Shoni and Kingsbury League
houses can be picked up by the house
presidents until noon today in the of-
fice of the Social Director in the
Pi Beta Phi sorority will be in
charge of a special booth in the Uni-
versity branch of the Ann Arbor Bank
to receive contributions today. Mon-
day, Zeta 'Tau Alpha will be in
charge; Tuesday, Alpha Epsilon Phi;
and Wednesday, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Probe of Rae's
Office Asked
The Washtenaw County Board of
Supervisors voted yesterday to re-
quest the State Attorney General to
investigate accusations and runiors
concerning the office of County Pros-
ecutor John W. Rae.
This procedure conforms to the
method of investigation advised by a
special three-man committee which
reported to the board yesterday af-
ternoon.They chose this procedure
because theyl believed that, since the

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Chinese Truce in Doubt; 17 .Die in Plane Crash

New Strife Plagues China Truce.. .
PEIPING, Jan. 18-(AP)-Cancellation of a scheduled truce-inspection
trip into Jehol Province, plus continuing charges and counter charges of
truce violations, raised new questions today as to the effectiveness of China's
armistice of less than a week ago. It was learned also that no inspections
would be sent to Manchuria by the truce commission, which has headquar-
ters here.
Seventeen Killed in Plane Crash ...
CHESHIRE, Conn., Jan. 18--P-Seventeen persons, including a baby

meat strike faded today as government-sponsored conferences ended without
agreement. At the same time, a labor department spokesman reported there
were no present plans for government seizure of the mtat industry.
UNRRA Delays Ouster for Morgan .,..
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-(IP)-UNRRA announced today that the oust-
ing of Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan as chief of UNRRA operations in Ger-
many has been suspended to permit Morgan to appeal to Director General
Herbert H. Lehman. The organization, the United Nations Relief and Re-
habilitation Administration, had announced termination of Sir Frederick's
appointment after statements by him concerning Jewish refuges: had

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