See page 4
'Old Maid and the
Members of Legislature
Opens Tonight at League
Crowded, Obsolete 'U' Buildings;
- *
-r. 4. 4.
Garden Scene
From Faust'
To Be Included
The first performance of Menotti's
"Old Maid and the Thief" and the
garden scene from Gounod's "Faust"
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Presented by Play Production of
the Department of Speech, the School
of Music and the University Orches-
tra, the operas will be sung in Eng-
lish. Other performances will be a
Friday matinee at 3:30 p.m. and a
Saturday evening presentation.
Old Maids Harbor Thieves
"The Old Maid and the Thief" is
a comic opera concerning two New
England old maids who harbor a
tramp in their home and later dis-
cover that he is a thief. Through
fourteen acts of the opera the old
maids cater to the thief, even sacri-
ficing their dignity by robbing a liq-
uor store for him.
The "Faust" selection ic from the
third act of the Goethe tragedy in
which Faust, who has fallen in love
with Marguerite through a vision of
her conjured up by the devil, Mephi-
stopheles, woos her with a casket of
Casts Include Street, Derderian
The cast for "The Old Maid and
the Thief" includes Carolyn Street
as Miss Todd, Georgia Christophsen
as Miss Pinkerton, Doris Lawton as
Laetitia and Henry ABustin as Bob.
Rose Derderian will play Marguer-
ite in "Faust," supported by Barbara
Lee Smith as Siebel, Guy Baker as
Faust, Henry Austin as Mephistoph-
eles, and Charlotte Boehm as Martha.
Prof. Valentine Windt will direct
the production. Musical directors arer
Prof. William D. Revelli, Dr. Earl V.
Moore and Prof. Arthur Hackett.
Tickets may be purchased at the
theatre box office from 10 a.m. to
1 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m.
Sale of Ticketss
For IFC Ball
Frankie Masters Will
Play Here for Dance I
Tickets for the 13th annual Inter-
fraternity Ball, which will feature the
music of Frankie Masters and his or-t
chestra in the League Ballroom from1
9 to 12 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2, will go
on sale today in all fraternity houses.
Ticket sales are limited and will be
restricted to active members of theI
Greek letter organizations.-,
"With our selection of Frankie Mas-
ters as the band of the evening, the;
Interfraternity Council has chosen
an organization known for its pleas-1
ant song stylings and distinctive ar-
rangements. Masters' orchestra com-
bines sweet and swing music, with'
emphasis on popular melodies," Fred
Matthaei, IFC president, announced.
Outstanding feature of decorations
for this, year's affair will be an ar-
rangement on the walls of the ball-
room of the crests of all campus fra-
Matthaei, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and
William Crick, Phi Kappa Psi, head
the general dance committee. Doug1
James, Alpha Tau Omega, is in charge
of tickets and advertising, while Ar-
nold Linsman, Zeta Beta Tau, and
Charles Lewis, Sigma Alpha Mu, are
making arrangements for the decora-
tions. Fred Marks and Sherwin Block,
Zeta Beta Tau, are on the orchestra
Council Given
Airport Plans',
$750,000 Project Will
Make Class III Field
Plans making the municipal air-
port comparable to the best non-
commercial airports in the state were
sent to the Ann Arbor Common
Council yesterday' after a meeting
Tuesday of representatives of the
city, university, state aeronautical
board, and the Detroit engineering
firm of Giffels and Vallet.
Development of the airport at a
cost of $750,000 will make it a Class
III field: plans include two, mile-long
Proposed J-Hop
Committee Is
Opposed to
Lavish Dance
The Student Affairs Committee
yesterday turned thumbs down on-
elaborate plans of the 1946 J-Hop
Committee for a two-night, three-
band J-Hop with all the trimmings
to be held on Friday and Saturday,
March 1 and 2.
As a compromise, the Student Af-
fairs Committee did approve a one
night dance Friday with tentative
permission for Union, League, fra-
ternity and sorority parties on Sat-
urday night.
Last night, the J-Hop Committee
decided to seek campus support for
their original proposals and drew up
a list of reasons why the dance
should be approved approximately as
they had proposed:'
According to Charles Helmick,
chairman of the Commnittee which
was elected last month in an all-
campus election, "The Committee
feels that our proposals for an elab-
orate Hop were not unreasonable and
could be effectively carried out with
the cooperation of all concerned."
The Student Affairs Committee
(composed of eight faculty members
and five students) did not approve
the Committees recommendations for
the following reasons:
1. It was felt that a two-night Hop
would aggravate the critical Ann Ar-
bor room shortage which, it was
stated, will be especially critical dur-
ing the between-semester period.
2. Cost of three name bands for
the weekend was set at $6,500 which
would necessitate a- $10 ticket charge
for the two nights in order to take
care of additional expenditures. The
Committee felt that publicity to the
effect that a $10,000 dance was being
held at the University would "look
bad out-state."
3. Permission to hold fraternity
house parties after the dance (as the
REHEARSING FOR OPERA - Taking part in a final practice for to-
night's presentation of "The Old Main and the Thief" are (left to right)
Carolyn Street, Doris Lawton and Georgia Christophsen.
To Star in 3dMyFstivl
A galaxy of eleven world-renowned
soloists, including Bidu Sayao, Met-
ropolitan soprano, Anne Brown of
"Porgy and Bess" fame, Nathon Mu-
stein, violinist, and the Philadelphia
Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy,
will headline the fifty-third annual
May Festival from May 2-5 in Hill
Bidu Sayao, outstanding Brazilian
singer who was unable to appear last
season because of illness, will head
the litst of sopranos, according to
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society, who re-
cently completed negotiations in New
York. Anne Brown will be heard for
the first time by Festival-goers in se-
lections from Gershwin's opera and
Ormandy To Direct
Under the direction of Eugene Or-
mandy, the Philadelphia Orchestra
will enter its eleventh consecutive
year in Festival history, appearing at
all six concerts.
Ruth Diehl, oratorio soprano, Wil-
liam Hain tenor, and Nicola Moscona,
basso, will be soloists in the
zart's "Requiea" to be performed by
the Choral Union under the direc-
tion of Hardin Van Deursen. The
300-member choral group will also
present Prokofieff's "Alexander Nev-
sky" with the orchestra.
Baccaloni To Sing
The popular Italian basso bullo of
the Metropolitan, Salvatore Bacca-
CIO, US Steel
To End Dispute
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-- IP) -
President Truman tonight told CIO
President Philip Murray and Presi-
dent of the U.S. Steel Corporation,
Benjamin F. Fairless, to settle their
wage dispute by tomorrow after-
noon or he will make a proposal him-
self "in the public interest."
Press Secretary Charles G. Ross
told newsmen, after the principals
recessed their conversations until 2
p.m. (EST) tomorrow that the Pres-
ident asked for an agreement when
they return then or within a "rea-
sonable time thereafter" during the
Lee ToLee tfe
-O Fine Arts
loni, Jussi Bjoerling, Swedish tenor,
and Jean Watson, Canadian con-
tralto, complete the list of singers.
In addition to William Kapell,
young American pianist, the Youth
Chorus, conducted by Miss Mar-
guerite Hood, will give its annual
presentation of American folk songs.
Hifetz o Play
Brahms, Bach
At Hill Friday
Highlighting his program with the
Brahms "Sonata in A major," Jascha
Heifetz, internationally famous viol-
inist, will present a concert, including
selections by Scarlatti, Glazounoff,
Bach, Schubert and Beethoven at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Heifetz will open his concert with
three compositions by Scarlatti to
be followed by the Brahms sonata and
Glazounoff's "Concerto in A minor".
The Bach "Adagio and Fuga" (for
violin alone), Figaro, from Rossini's
popular "The Barber of Seville," and
"Scherzo" from Mendelssohn's Trio
will be featured on the second half of
the program.
Born in Russia, the famous musi-
cian studied at the Royal School in
his native Vilna, later in St. Peters-
burg under the renowned teacher Leo-
pold Auer. In June, 1917, the Heifetz
family left Russia. On Oct. 27, 1917
Heifetz made his American debut at
Carnegie Hall.
'Ensian Pictures
Pictures of all 'Ensian edit staff
tryouts will be taken at 4:30 p.m.
today in the 'Ensian office. This
includes photographers and art
staff tryouts. Please be prompt.
TO Promote
A rally open to all students and fac-
ulty members sponsored by the VO
International Student ExchangeCom-
mittee will be held at 7:30 p.m. today
in the International Center to pre-
sent the need for student exchange
in the world today.
Enrique Rogers of Chile, Eric S. W.
Cheo of China, Rostislov A. Galuzev-
ski of Russia, and Scott Miyakewa,
will speak on the necessity for greater
exchange of students among nations.
Dr. James Brett Kenna of the First
Presbyterian Church will also speak.
Scott Miyakewa is an American-
born Japanese and a graduate of Cor-
nell University. He worked in the Far
East with an importing-exporting
concern for two years. Miyakewa is
assistant to Dr. Blakeman, religious
counselor of the University.
The VO committee hasgsent invi-
tations to deans of colleges and to
the administrators of the University
inviting them to attend this rally.
All of the speakers will discuss the
necessity of mass-student exchange
as a means to better understanding
and relations with all nations.
The committee hopes to promote
their aims for such exchange in for-
eign universities.
Campus Funds
To Help Rebuild
The University of the Philippines
will supply the country with the edu-
cated people it needs to make de-
mocracy work, Chaplain Fernando
Laxamona, native of the Philippines
said yesterday in a speech before
members of the SOIC and theWSS
at the Congregational Church.
Methods for collecting funds to re-
habilitate the University of the Phil-
ippines in an all-campus drive wil
be discussed at a meeting at 5 p.m
today in the Union.
Expressing gratitude for the Uni
versity's sponsorship of the school
Chaplin Laxamona said that when
the Islands receive their indepen
dence July 4, small nations will b
watching to see what a fellow smal
nation can accomplish, as well a
what education can do to make th
nation a success.
Citing the work of the school i
past years in providing educated
leaders for the country, he said tha
the university is now totally de
stroyed. Millions of dollars, he as
serted, will be necessary to rebuil
the school, although the $7,500 to b
given by the University will bea
good start.
Literacy among the Filipino popu
lation has risen 60 per cent in th
past 45 years thanks to U. S. educa
tional help, Chaplain Laxamon
stated. At present, Philippine stu
dents eager for an education are pro
hibited from attending school due t
lack of room. He emphasized tha
the Independence bill needs a
amendment providing for economi
Committees Investigate Regents'
Request for State Appropriation
Two committees of the State Legislature visited the University yesterday
to inspect crowded and obsolescent buildings here in answer to a request
by the Board of Regents for a $15,300,000 appropriation from the State
for buildings.
In a tour of universities and colleges in Michigan, the Senate Finance
and the House Ways and Means committees stopped in Ann Arbor yesterday
before inspecting Wayne University and saw at first hand the conditions
reported by the Regents as a basis
for their estimation of building costs
or the next five years.
The legislature will consider mak-
ing appropriations from the State's
surplus funds in a special session be-
ginning Feb. 4. investi ated
Explaining to the legislators the
"urgent" needs of the University,
Vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss Report To Be
stressed the threat to teaching stan-
dards which accompany present lack Made Friday
of classroom space.
This is particularly true, he-noted; A three-man committee of mem-
in engineering and sciences, where
"modern equipment and facilities are bers of the Washtenaw County Board
an absolute essential in effective of Supervisors will meet this morn-
teaching." - ing to recommend procedure to pro-
Niehuss and other University of-
ficials took the committees to the En- hide for a complete investigation into
gineering School where they pointed the office of Prosecutor John tae.
out to the group that present space Supervisors Norman Ottmar, Carl
is not adequate for more than half Mast and Don Comstock were ap-
of theaveterans who will wish to pointed at a meeting of the board
take the courses. The Regents have yesterday afternoon to advise meth-
requested an emergency appropriation ods to look into accusations and ru-
for $1,750,000 for an addition to the mors concerning Rae. Their report
engineering building. will be presented to the board at 2
Prophesying that there will be a p.m. tomorrow.
big upswing in the demand for aero- The accusations allegedly concern
nautical engineering, the officials conduct on Rae's part which was un-
stated that "the University finds it- befitting a man in public office. A
self embarrassed because its work is report on a recent incident between
now being given in a crowded base- Rae and Deputy Sheriff Roy Richter
ment intended only fbr storage pur- has been presented to the Board of
posts." Supervisors. Details of the incident
Crowded conditions are also ex- have been withheld.
petdatteSchool fBusiness Ad
ministration and the School of Lit- Meanwhile, the supervisors have
erature, Science and the Arts. granted Circuit Judge James R.
Niehuss said that the present busi- Breakey $2,000 to appoint a special
ness administration school has been prosecutor to act when a grand jury
"in a temporary home for more than meets to take up a pending investi-
20 years." More than half of the pres- gation.
ent students there are veterans, and
an ultimate enrollment of at least U E
1,000 veterans is estimated.
Gargoyle Petitions
Petitions for positions on the
managing board of the Gargoyle
must be in the hands of Mrs.
James, in the Student Publications
Building, by Saturday, Jan. 19.
Posts to be filled are: general
manager, managing editor, busi-
ness manager, and art director.
These are all salaried appoint-
Anyone. with previous experience
on a similar publication, regard-
less of whether he is a senior or
not, is eligible for an appointment.
J-Hop Committee requested) would
only make the housing shortage
worse and present a difficult chap-
eroning problem.
Members of the Student Affairs
Committee emphasized that they
were not against the dance as such,
but that they felt they would be sub-
ject to much criticism if an elabor-
ate party were to receive their sanc-
In answer to these objections
(which the J-Hop Committee admits
are serious and worthy of considera-
tion), the dance committee stated
1. A large number of students,
many of them veterans are whole-
heartedly behind a "pre-war type"
J-Hop and are anxious that it be one
See J-HOP, Page 4
Almost 2,000 chemistry students
have been jammed into space that is
sufficient for no more than half the
number, the legislators were told. The
Regents estimate that an addition to
the chemistry building will cost $1,-
250,000, the sum already requested by
Mrs. Robeson
Discusses U. S.
Negro Future
"The Negro's horizons are widening
today, because he realizes that inter-
national events are of first impor-
tance to him," Mrs. Paul Robeson
said last night in considering "The
Negro in the Pattern of World Af-
The problem in America is not spe-
cifically a Negro problem, but rather,
a minority problem, she said, and or-
ganized efforts by democratic
churches, youth groups, organized la-
bor-especially the CIO, and local
governments are working for a "prac-
tical democracy."
Following the lecture Mrs. Robeson
was honored at a reception given by
members of IRA and Delta Sigma
Theta sorority in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
Cuts City Taxes
Stating that it is his personal be-
lief that the University should com-
pensate the city in some manner for
the services the city renders it, Mayor
William- E. Brown, Jr., said yester-
day that the latest University expan-
sion will cost the city over $100,000
in losses from the tax rolls.
Naming fire and police protection,
street costs as well as certain local
commercial services which suffer
from University competition, the
mayor said that he believes it the in-
tention of the University to co-op-
erate with the city in settling mutual
problems of this nature.
March of Dimes
Drive Will End
In Seven, Days
Seven more days remain in which
students and faculty can contribute
to the March of Dimes now being
carried on by the University under
the direction of Miss Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick, social director of the
A wishing well has been con-
constructed by George Spaulding,
chairman of the men's committee
with his assistant, Andrew Poledor,
which will be placed at the Arcade on
State St. It is hoped, Spaulding said,
that all who pass the well will keep
the slogan "Make that wish to get
well come true" in mind and will
contribute their dimes.
A special dime edition of The Daily
will be issued Monday to be sold on
the streets of Ann Arbor to raise
additional funds for the drive. All
veterans who would be interested in
selling the paper are urged to con-
tact Spaulding. Alice' Miller is the
head ofathe committee which is as-
signing special selling posts to the
Jean Gaffney, chairman of the
women' scommittee, has requested
Meat Famine Looms; GI Rallys Curbed
Conference To Shorten Meat Strike
CHICAGO, Jan. 16 -(I')- Government officials tonight arranged a
hurried conference in Washington aimed at cutting short a nation-wide
packing house strike and one of the two striking unions modified its wage
demands. The nation faced a famine in fresh meat within two to 10 days
unless the government peace efforts, centering in the capitol tomorrow, suc-
ceed in halting the widespread walkout which started this morning.
McNarney Outlaws Dernonstrations
zTVn A mr KYTTR rTmf m Trian. 1.J-/P'}- Ge n in.ienh T. McNarnev
Liquor Sale- Penalties Increased. . *
LANSING, Jan. 16 -(j)- Increased penalties for selling liquor to min-
ors, effective Feb. 1, were ordered by the State Liquor Control Commission
today. The penalty for selling to minors or permitting them to consume
liquor on the premises is 30-day suspension for a first offense, 60-day sus-
pension for the second offense, and revocation of license for a third offense.
Gen. Bradley Rules on Conpensation . .
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -(p)- General Omar N. Bradley, Veterans
Administrator, ruled today that veterans are not entitled to unemploy-