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January 15, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-15

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Navy Plays Hide-and-Seek



Editedand managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Ray Dixon . .
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

Editorial Staff
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* * .. . .Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
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Business Staff
Dorothy Fint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail,.$5.25.

W ASHINGTON. - Playing hide-and-seek with
the Senate continues to be one of Washing-
ton's favorite pastimes. Here is the story of one
game as told by GOP Senator Ferguson of Michi-
The Mead Committee was inspecting the U.S.
naval base at San Juan, Puerto Rico. The place
was immaculate. Every shoe was shined, every
jeep polished, not a speck could be seen on a
barrack floor. The senators were impressed.
At dinner that evening, senators were enter-
tained by gracious Capt. R. H. Baker, the com-
manding officer. Suddenly Senator Ferguson
felt a mess boy slip something into his lap. The
mess boy was an enlisted man and what he
handed the senator from Michigan were the
special instructions issued by Captain Baker
ordering the base to be prepared for the Sen-
ators' arrival.
Captain Baker had not missed a thing. He
even ordered a rehearsal of entertainment cere-
mony for the Senators.
Clean Underwear
"THERE will be an officer stationed at the
entrance of the main office building," read
the order, "to conduct the party through the
main office for inspection. This officer will be
Lieutenant Sampson who will take immediate
steps to insure that the entrance to the build-
ing and the office itself is thoroughly cleaned
and shipshape. The chief clerk will assist in
"Captain of the yard is to issue orders imme-
diately to clean up all areas of the yard and
authority is hereby given to use any and all en-
listed men and civilians in the amount necessary
to accomplish this purpose.
"Uniforms for officers and men will be the
working uniform unless otherwise specified.
Officers are cautioned to wear clean khaki
(grays may be worn if khaki not availale).
Enlisted men on duty will wear clean dun-
garees, blue shirts, and white hats. Shoes will
be polished. Black socks will be worn. Clean
underwear will be worn.
"Inspection of the barracks will be held at 1300
by, Lieutenant Corcoran, who will serve advance
notice that the place is to be immaculate at that
time. Noon meal will be served at 1100 and all

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Schools Not Guilty of bigotry

IN A LECTURE delivered recently at the Detroit
Rackham Building, Dean James P. Edmonson
of the School of Education indicated some of the
refoims in the nation's school system which he
feels are necessary for the schools to be "effec-
tive in efforts to build world peace."
It is not to be denied that many reforms are
necessary and desirable in our educational sys-
tem. The movement toward a more liberal cur-
riculum in colleges and universities is an out-
standing phase of the educational reform.
But Dean Edmonson also points out that "in
many countries, including our own, geography
and history have been taught in such a way as
to develop a national pride and loyalty which
is based in part on contempt for other nations
and their peoples." The existence of "national
pride and loyalty" is unquestionable and seems
quite natural, but whether it is based on con-
tempt for other peoples seems debatable.
The Dean continues, "Teaching pupils to hate
and distrust peoples who differ from them in
culture, language or manners of living will make
it exceedingly difficult to maintain the inter-
national good-will required for a peaceful world.'"
This writer, wondering whether in most school
systems students are actually taught to "hate
and distrust peoples who differ from them," ques-
tioned a representative group of University stu-
dents. The consensus of opinion of the group,
which included students from the east and west
coasts as well as Michigan and the Middle West,
was that in grade and high schools and in college
thus far, they had not met such teaching of intol-
erance as actual teaching.
The students questioned specifically excepted,
the propaganda which, in the war years, by news-
paper, radio and other sources perhaps more than
the schools, has, rightly or wrongly, promoted
distrust and hatred of the German and Japanese
Disregarding this, they felt that in their
schools, by textbooks and teachers, the at-
tempt had been made to encourage study and
understanding of the culture of other countries.
They recalled such attempts, within the range
of the students' age level, even in the earliest
grades. They called attention to studies of the
contributions of other countries to the culture
of America, the "melting pot," such an ap-
proach naturally increasing our appreciation
of other cultures.
Several pointed out, however, that in the study
of the history and traditions of this nation stu-
dents are definitely made to feel that America,
with its ideals of democracy and greater pros-
perity than most countries, is superior. They did
not connect this feeling with a feeling of con-
tempt for other peoples.
One issue brought up by the students ques-
tainu dwas that of understanding, not the

in the schools. Others, too, found that while
intolerance of small groups was not actually
taught, conditions prevalent in the schools fos-
tered it. A few, from Michigan cities including
Detroit, and one from Minnesota, had found very
little racial intolerance in their schools.
It certainly must be admitted that intolerance
of minority groups and distrust of other coun-
tries is present in this nation. From this writer's
own experience and those of the students ques-
tioned, it would seem that the schools are not
the source of such intolerant attitudes. One
student freely stated that she believed the home
to be the source. Such attitudes are dissemi-
nated by talk in the homes of one's associates
and perhaps in one's own home and so spread.
Perhaps we should look to other factors in
our national set-up to discover and remedy the
feeling of distrust and hatred which Dean
Edmonson -deplores. Perhaps education isn't
doing as bad a job in this line as he thinks.
-Frances Paine
Act of Faith
IN DOWNINGTON, Penn., last week, a man and
woman contributed $10,000 to establish a
scholarship at Lafayette College. That is not
tremendously important in itself. The man and
woman, however, are parents of an 18-year-old
son who was killed on Luzon by Japanese soldiers.
And the stipulation that a Japanese student
receive first consideration when the scholar-
ship is awarded makes a small item of news
occurring in a small Pennsylvania city one of
great importance.
There are people who will realize the import
of such an act. There are people who will be
heartened by what Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. John-
stone did with their son's national service in-
It will be important to those Americans because
they understand what compassion is; it will be
important to those Americans, because they will
know that other Americans have not forgotten
that there can be a brotherhood of men; it will
be important to those Americans who have
purged their hearts of war-breeding hatred; it
will be important to every man under God's earth
who will admit that the Japanese are also under
God's earth.
It will be most important, however, to those
Americans who have faith in the ability of men
to overcome their prejudices against certain
races of men. It is most important because
it is an example of that faith.
-Bettyann Larsen

hands will eat at that hour in order to provide
time for policing the kitchensrand the barracks.
"The transportation officer will inspect all
motor vehicles of the yard to the end that they
are washed and as presentable as possible. He
will see that the commanding officer's car is
cleaned no later than 1100.
"A rehearsal for officers will be held on Mon-
day at 1400 at which time all officers will assume
their stations and will be further instructed. The
cooperation of all officers is requested to the
end that a favorable impression of this activity
is gained by the inspecting party."
Captain Baker would have made a great im-
pression on the Senate committee, if the enlist-
ed man hadn't slipped the order of the day into
Senator Ferguson's lap at the dinner table.
Capital Chaff
THE RADIO TIME for Senator Taft's attack on
. Truman's address to the nation was reserved
for him by the Republican National Committee.
When Henry Kaiser signed his new contract
with the auto workers, he remarked: "Dick
Thomas (UAW president) is the man who came
to the west coast last year and convinced me that
I should take over the Willow Run plant and
make automobiles. That puts the responsibility
on his shoulders to see to it that I have the men
to do the job."
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Inflation Danger
WEHAVE TOLD each other monotonously that
the worst inflation danger would arise after
the war was over, and, like many dull remarks,
this one turns out to be quite true. A rise of 18
cents per pound in the ceiling price of butter is
threatened by June, and that will be ten beautiful
months after the end of the war. The Wall Street
Journal tells about an auto dealer who offers his
customers the implausible combination of a bird
dog and a used truck, at something like $350 more
than the ceiling price on the truck alone; later
on he gets to miss the dog and offers to buy it
back, for $15. That is what you can do with a
bird dog, five months after the war's end.
Peace, it's wonderful; and the thing is be-
coming cyclical only now. One large company,
which is having words with its employees, has
offered a wage increase of 7.5 cents per hour.
If butter rises 18 cents per pound, and if the
average employee buys two pounds per week,
the increase in the price of butter alone would
absorb his proposed wage increase for five
hours of his weekly work, or the better part of
a working day. And current wage increases
are supposed to make up only for past in-
creases in the cost of living, not future rises.
If meat prices are shoved up, also, to avert a
packing strike, that might take away the wage
increase for another five hours, leaving our av-
erage employee with nothing to show for ten
hours of his wage rise, except, of course, the priv-
ilege of paying taxes on his new, higher earnings
The dike is leaking. Mr. Chester Bowles still
has his finger in it, like the little Dutch boy, but
the little Dutch boy, unlike Mr. Bowles, did not
have some of the weightiest and most prominent
citizens of his country trying to pull him away
from his post. For even the Truman administra-
tion has moments when it rather responds to the
pull of inflation: a little rise in steel, a little boost
in meat, and the most dreadful difficulties begin
to seem manageable. It isn't really a stimulant,
administration figures are murmuring sheepish-
ly; it's just a kind of tonic, and you can always
stop taking it when you want to.
Only we must remember that inflation, in
the end, exerts almost as seductive a pull on
government as on business; it enables it to
fudge, if not to solve, a number of its prob-
lems. The temptation is enormous, especially
in a setting of sharp social argument since it
makes a nice, ambiguous, obscure solution,
leaving it not quite clear, for a time, who pays,
who loses.
Harassed, hard-pressed men, finding other
solutions difficult, accept the easy, obscure way;
Mr. Philip Murray, fighting for a wage increase

for his steel workers, has been ostentatiously si-
lent about the steel price rise; the meat packers,
at first offered only an increase in the price of
government-purchased meat, may yet obtain a
general rise, and their workers have offered no
objection to this solution for their troubles,
though it would mean an automatic wage cut for
the country. It will be seen that the 'uto workers
were not so very unsound in basing their wage
demand solely on ability to pay, without price
increases. But the day of analysis is ending, and
the time of scramble succeeds it; a kind of soft-
ness creeps over us, and there is a general turn-
ing away of heads from factual unpleasantness.
Can we still halt the thing? We can, of
course, but it means going back to food subsi-
dies, it means a Congressional row; it means
looking into corporate pockets to see who has
how much and can pay what without a price
increase; and as against all this roiling of emo-
tions, there is the feeling that we'can have a
gay party, instead, and ears prick up, and feet
begin to tap the rhythm of a time of seeming
release from care.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

*. . at the State
Joan Crawford, Jack Carson and
Zachary Scott in "Mildred Pierce";
a Warner Brothers production, di-
rected by Michael Curtiz.
SINCE the question of what Mildred
Pierce did has become atmatter of
national concern rivaling the dispo-
sition of the atomic bomb, attendance
is more or less obligatory at the State
this week. The purple prose of the,
advertisements doubtless intended to
suggest that Mildred was what the
Boston censors would call a fallen
woman. Knowing Hollywood, how-
ever, it is easy to predict that Mil-
dred falls only as far as the Johnston
Office normally allows-which means
in this case that we finally leave Mrs.
Pierce walking into a painfully sym-
bolic sunrise trailing a cascade of
chincilla fur and an all-forgiving
In the very competent perform-
ance, you'll find some of the best
cinema in recent months. Joan
Crawford, returning to the screen
after a long absence in which she
seems to have preserved her styl-
ized good looks, emerges as an
eminently acceptable actress in a
mother role that, on paper, is al-
most a caricature. She rises above
the script to play with sincerity
and great good taste.
Jack Carson and Eve Arden are
standouts in the superior cast and
Zachary Scott and Ann Blythe are
excellent, too, as a couple of fash-
ionable heels. If any movie can do
it, "Mildred Pierce" should drag Ann
Arborites away from that fascinat-
ing excavation under way on May-
nard Street and back into the thea-
tre, where the press agents tell us
things of a more cultural nature are
... at the Michigan
Shirley Temple in "Kiss and
Tell"; a Columbia production, di-
rected by Richard Wallace.
" X ISS and Tell" is "Janie" and
"Junior Miss" all over again, but
this field of comedy is apparently not
yet barren of fresh material, for the
film is the most enjoyable farce in
some time.
Plunging again into the alleged
chaos of the adolescent mind, we
behold a snoopy young lady who
upsets the neighborhood no end
by announcing her pregnancy. Her
condition is a figment of her im-
agination, but everyone believes
her implicity and much wittily
written and ably played farce fol-
lows, boasting the year's most pun-
gent dialogue. There is a scene be-
tween the young lady's parents and
the young man whom she has ar-
bitrarily named as the father of
the anticipated little stranger, in
which some sort of world record in
double entendre is set.
Slavic State
NOW that the lar'gest South Slav
state, Yugoslavia, has changed
its form of government to a republic
and has had this step accepted by the
big powers, it is probable that Bul-
garia will follow suit and eliminate
a monarchy that has been losing
steadily in popular approval since
the death of King Boris.
The Bulgarian Parliament intends
to amend the Constitution and this

means the removal of such conserva-
tive and harmful institutions as the
monarchy according to Georgi Dimi-
troff, former head of the Communist
flewspaper, "Boroa." The Bulgarian
minister for Social Welfare, G. Pop-
off, is also on record as stating that
the Bulgarian Social Democratic
Party intends "to liquidate the mon-
archy as soon as possible. "
Creation of a Bulgarian republic
would remove one obstacle from a
scheme that has been in the minds of
many Balkan Slavs for some time
and that is said to be gathering fa-
vor now. That scheme is the union
of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia into one
big Slavic state stretching from the
Black Sea to the Adriatic. Marshal
Tito used to talk about such a federa-
tion during his day as a guerilla
As recently as November Yugo-
slav - Bulgarian unification was
nearly realized. The plan nowis
apparently waiting two things be-
fore it can be implemented; the
liquidation of the Bulgarian mon-
archy and the signing of a peace
treaty between Bulgaria and the
-Alice Jorgensen


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 51
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 16, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Veterans' Books and Supplies. Vet-
erans who are securing books and
supplies under the Public Laws 16 or
346 must complete all purchases for
the current semester by Jan. 15.
This deadline is necessary to allow
the University time to audit and pay
the veterans' accounts at the various
stores and, in turn, to submit invoic-
es to the Veterans Administration for
reimbursement before the end of the
Boyd C. Stephens, Cashier
Admission to School of Business
Administration, Spring Semester: Ap-
plications for admission to the School
of Business Administration for the
Spring Semester MUST be filed on or
before Jan. 15. Information and ap-
plication blanks are available in
Room 108, Tappan Hall.
Interviews for Spring Vacancies:
League housemothers are available
to interview only those girls who have
applied through the Office of the
Dean of Women and have been re-
ferred to the League Houses in this
way. Women students wishing ac-
commodations in League Houses
must apply as above.
The Clements Library contem-
plates arranging an exhibition of rare
books owned by members of the Fac-
ulty of the University. The Director
of the Library would be happy to
hear from colleagues who think this
is a good idea and who would like to
participate by lending some rarity.
Entries are limited to one title per
TWA Airlines: Two representatives
will be in the office Thursday, Jan.
17, to interviewhall seniors who are
interested in the airlines. Call the
University Bureau of Appointments,
Ext. 371 for appointment.
State of Michigan Civil Service:
The Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceived the following Civil Service
Boys' Printing Shop Trade In-
structor. Salary: $160. Last filing
date: Feb. 6.
Reproduction Machines Supervisor
A. Salary: $150. Last filing date:
Feb. 6.
Reproduction Machines Supervisor
II. Salary: $230. Last filing date-:
Feb. 6.
Pediatric Graduate Nurse. Salary:
$180. Last filing date: Feb. 6.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1946-1947 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 8. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
Mrs. Paul Robeson, author and an-

thropologist, will be presented tomor-
row night in Hill Auditorium, 8:30
p.m., by the Oratorical Association as
a substitute speaker for Richard
Wright, originally scheduled on the
Lecture Course. Mrs. Robeson's sub-
ject will be "The Negro and the Pat-
tern of World Affairs." Tickets are
on sale today from 10-1, 2-5 and to-
morrow from 10-1, 2-5, 7-8:30 in the
box office, Hill Auditorium. Patrons
now holding tickets are requested to
use the Richard Wright ticket for ad-
Professor Rensselaer Lee of Smith
College and the Institute for Ad-
vanced Study of Princeton will speak
on "Poussin and the Ancient world,"
at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of
the Dept. of Fine Arts. The public is
coddially invited.
Dr. F. A. Vetting Meinesz of the
University of Utrecht, Netherlands,
recent recipient of the Penrose Medal
of the Geological Society of America,
and well known for his measurements
of gravity anomalies at sea in con-
nection with areas of active move-
ment in the earth's crust, will give a

Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: Tuesday at 3
p.m., 312 West Eng.
Mr. Ernest Williams talks on Elec-
tricity and Matter in Relativity.
Mathematics: There will be a spe-
cial lecture today at 4:00 p.m. in 3010
Angell Hall by Professor Mahlon M.
Day on "Some Characterizations of
Inner Product Spaces." All interested
persons are invited.
Wist ry of Mathematics Seminar:
Wednesday, Jan. 16, 7-8 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall.
Professor Anning will speak on Or-
thegonal Determinants.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet on Thursday, Jan. 17 in Room
410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m.
Dr. Jerome Karle will speak on "In-
fluence of thermal motion on electron
scattering by gases." All interested
are invited.
Events Today
The U. of M. Debate Squad will
meet to have the Ensian picture
taken today. Please meet promptly at
3:10 at the Rentschler's Studio, 319
E. Huron St.
Speech Assembly: Judith Waller,
Director of Public Service for the Na-
tional Broadcasting Company, will
speak on "Careers in Radio" at the
Speech Assembly, sponsored by the
Department of Speech at 3 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. Attendance is required of all
Speech students. The program is
open to the public.
League House President's Meeting
in the League today at 5:00 p.m.
There will be a Tea for Members of
the International Seminar sponsored
by Inter-Guild, given by the Congre-
gational Disciples Guild at 4:30 today
at Lane Hall. All students are cor-
dially invited, especially those inter-
ested in the Philippines.
Seminar on Comparative Religion
will be held at 7:15 tonight at Lane
Hall. The group will continue with a
discussion of Judaism.
A.I.Ch.E. The fist meeting of the
A.I.Ch. E. will be held in Room 3201,
East Engineering at 7:30 p.m. to-
night. All students enrolled in the
department of Chepical Engineering
and freshmen planning to enter this
department are urged to attend. Prof.
G. G. Brown will be the speaker. Re-
freshments will be served.
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers'
Society will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
at the Union, for intercirce competi-
tions and debate on "We should now
complete the St. Lawrence Water-
The English Journal Clb will
hold its first meeting of the year to-
night at 7:45 in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
After the election of officers Mr.
Fred Stocking and Mr. Darrel Abel
will speak on Wallace Stevens and
Contemporary Poetry. Refreshments
and general discussion will follow. All
graduate students and members of
the faculty are invited to attend.
Coming Events
The Women of the Faculty are en-
tertaining with a tea in honor of Mrs.
Paul Robeson on Wednesday, Jan.
16, from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
the fourth of its lecture series Thurs-
day, Jan. 17 at 8:00 p.m. in Kellog
Auditorium. The speaker will be Dr.
Santodomingo Guzman, who will talk
about "Colombia-Pais Del Dorado".
Dr. Guzman will illustrate his talk

with a movie. All members are urged
to attend.
Flying Club: There will be a short
business meeting Wednesday, Jan.
16, at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 E. Eng-
ineering Building. All non-members
interested, as well as members, are
urged to attend.
The I.C.C. Educational Committe
will present a talk by Professor Lob-
anov-Rostovsky: "Causes of the Rus-
sian Revolution," Thursday evening,
Jan. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at Stevens Co-op,
816 Forrest. All are invited to attend
and participate in the bull session
afterwards. Refreshments will be
Research Club: The January meet-
ing of the Research Club will be held
Wednesday evening, Jan.. 16 at
eight o'clock. Because of the illness of
Professor Hobbs there has been a
change in the program. Professor D.
B. McLaughlin will present a paper
on "Michigan Studies of Novae," and
Professor E. A. Philippson a paper on
"New Finds and New Methods in
Germanic Religion.'



By Crockett Johnson
in all honesty... who among your friends

--- .

Have you decided which Quiz Show
you're going to be on, Mr. O'Malley?



Er ... the more t ponder m'boy, the
more I fancy the Detect and Collect




and acquaintances is better able to defect

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