See page 4
Boxes Distributed
'Let Your Quarter Be Their Supporter'
Is Slogan Adopted for 'U' Campaign
"Let your quarter be their supporter," will be the motto of the Uni-
rversity division of the March of Dimes drive which opened yesterday
throughout the United States, it was announced by Jean Gaffney, chairman
of the women's committee on campus.
The money collected in this nation-wide drive will make possible ex-
pert care and treatment for the thousands crippled by poliomyelitis.
De lo ent Strikes ace ongress
UAW To Ask Ford Decision Today
Maddy's Fight3
With Petrilo
Nears Climax
AFM To Conduct
Private Hearing
Climaxing the three and one-half
year old personal fight of Prof. Jos-
eph E Maddy, founder and director
of Interlochen, against James C. Pe-1
trillo, AFM president, a private hear-
ing will be conducted by the National1
Executive Board of the musicians'
union today in Chicago.
To Answer Charges
Dr. Maddy, professor of radio
music instruction at the University,
was ordered last month to appearI
before the board to answer chargest
that he taught music to children atI
the National Music Camp in July andI
August, 1945 and that in so doing he
was guilty of acts detrimental to the
American Federation of Musicians.1
A member of the A.F.M. for 371
years, Dr. Maddy has for the past 30
years devoted his time almost ex-
clusively to the teaching of music to
children. His fight against the re-
strictive bans and edicts interfering
with the rights of educators to teach
and of children to study music be-
gan in July, 1941. When Paul White-1
man and his orchestra offered to do-
nate their services in a benefit con-
cert for the Camp debt, Mr. Petrillo
required th6 Camp to pay three times
the union scale to the orchestra, in
addition to their regular pay.
Broadcasts Stopped
In July, 1942, he stopped a 12 year
series of non-commercial radio pro-
grams from Interlochen on the claim
that these broadcasts were competing
with union musicians. This ban af-
fected all school bands and orches-
tras in this country.
The climax of this and similar
bans, in addition to Dr. Maddy's tes-
timonies in Congress, came one year
ago when the Executive Board placed
Interlochen on its National Unfair
List and prohibited union members
from teaching there.
Two new anti-racketeering bills,
aimed at halting the czaristic tactics
of Petrillo, have been introduced in
the House of Representatives. In
addition to Dr. Maddy's hearing in
which he will be supported by Carl
E. Shaffer, secretary of the Rich-
mond, Ind. AFM local, Petrillo's lat-
est ban on foreign music broadcasts
has acted as a spur to action on these
bills in Congress.
Roers To Talk
At Vets Rally
Chilean Student Will
Discuss Better Relations
At an all-campus rally to be held
7:30 p.m. Thursday at the' Interna-
tional Center the VO Veterans Stu-
dents Exchange Committee will pre-
cent Enrique Rogers, an exchange
student from Chile, as one of the
Rogers' topic will be "Betterment
of Inter-American Relations Through
Student Exchange" and he will rep-
resent the Sociedad Latino-Ameri-
cana in supporting the policies and
aims of the Veterans Student Ex-
change Committee.
A graduate of the Chilean Naval
Academy in 1924 Rogers has seen 9
years in the service and in World
War II was a Turret Officer aboard
a Chilean cruiser patrolling the coast
of Chile.
While in the Navy he had contacts
with officers of England, France,
Germany, and the United States and
became interested in international
Rogers is an exchange student here
at the University and plans to con-
tinue his studies in Sweden on a
Persons Benefited .
Last year 43 persons in Washtenaw
County benfited from contributions
made during' the campaign. It is
hoped, Miss Virginia Schumacher,
chairman of the Washtenaw County
drive, said, that donations made dur-
ing the rest of the month will match
the $18,000 raised in 1945.
Half the dimes given during this
thirteenth annual drive will stay in
Washtenaw County to treat those
afflicted with polio, the other half
being sent to the National Foundation
where the money will be used in re-
search work.
To Distribute Boxes
Dime boxes will be distributed to-
day for the women's residences at
the house presidents' meeting of
dorms and league houses and at the
Panhel meeting to be held today,
Janet Young, chairman of the dime
box committee, announced.
George Spaulding, in charge of the
men's committee, said that more than
75 boxes have been distributed to
merchants in the University area, 25
to the fraternity houses and 10 to
men's dorms. A large jug has also
been set up in the Union lobby to re-
ceive contributions.
Tags will be placed on the back of
the dime boxes, giving information
for their return at the end of the
campus drive, Jan. 23.
All faculty members have been re-
quested by the University committee,
under the direction of Miss Ethel
A. McCormick, social director of the
League, to send their contributions
to the League in care of the Social
Director's office.
Choral Union
Will Present
Heifetz Friday
A great believer in the American
tradition and in the American com-
poser, Jascha Heifetz, the popular
Russian-born vionist, will present
the seventh Choral Union concert at
8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium.
He has appeared on previous occa-
sions both in recital and as soloist
at May Festivals.
For many years Heifetz has been
digging into American folk music and
transcribing it for violin. Works of
such composers as George Gershwin
and Robert Russell Bennett appear
regularly on his programs.
When the war broke out, the re-
nowned violinist offered his services
"for the duration". His first concert
for soldiers was at Camp Roberts,
Calif., inFebruary, 1942. Heifetz, who
had played in Ireland during the Sinn
Fein rebellion, in Japan through the
1923 earthquake, in Russia after the
fall of the Romanoffs, in India after
the Gandhi was arrested, and in Chi-
na when an audience jammed the
concert hall of Tientsin despite a
guard of steel-helmeted sentries, act-
ed as his own master of ceremonies
during these tours.
He has also made two extensive
overseas tours under the auspices of
the USO Camp Shows. As a result of
his tours, Heifetz reports that 70 to
80 per cent of American servicemen
like serious music.
Schwellenbach (seated center) confers with James P. Lafferty (seated left), labor relations manager, West-
ern Electric Company; Ernest, Weaver (seated right), president of Association of Communications Equip-
ment Workers, and J. A. Bierne (standing), president of National Federation of Telephone Workers, as they
seek settlement of the nation-wide telephone strike in Washington. Following a three-day phone paralysis,
the strike orders were rescinded to allow the locals to file 30-day strike notices under the Smith-Connally Act.
State Telephone Service Will
Resume Full Operation Today
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan. 14-Full operation
of the Michigan Bell Telephone Com-
pany service is scheduled for 8 a.m.
tomorrow, as disruption of telephone
service throughout most of the nation
ended today.
Across the country, long distance
and non-dial operations, hampered
since Friday when the Association
of Communications Equipment
Workers (Ind.) threw picket lines
around exchanges, were restored to
normal in all but two key cities,
Cleveland and St. Louis, as the union
called off its strike for 30 days and
withdrew pickets.
Thor C. Glen, president of Detroit
ACEW Local 38, ordered picketing
of Detroit and outstate exchanges to
cease at 1 p.m. today, after the Na-
tional Federation of Telephone
Workers at New York City, ACEW's
Bdates Award
Given to Estep
Samuel DeMars Estep, '46L has
been named winner of the $200
oHenry M. Bates Award for 1945-46,
it was announced yesterday.
Under terms of the gift, the schol-
arship is awarded each year to the
senior law student selected by the
law faculty as outstanding in quali-
ties of scholarship, character, and
Estep, a World War II veteran, en-
rolled in law school in 1942, re-enter-
ing late last year following his dis-
parent, cancelled orders for a general
telephone strike so locals could file
30-day strike notices under the
Smith-Connelly Act.
Glen's statement said: "In order to
comply with the NFTW request, all
ACEW members will return to work
at 8 a.m. Jan. 15." The statement,
issued at New York City, was re-
leased by Barney Hawkins, Local 38
Thief, Devil
To Highlight
Local Operas
Two operas sung in English, one
purely American and the other
French, will be presented by Play
Production of the Dept. of Speech,
the School of Music and the Univer-
sity Orchestra Thursday, Friday and
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
"The Old Maid and the Thief," by
Gian-Carlo Menotti, concerns two
New England old maids whose ro-
mantic ideals are shattered by a
handsome tramp who turns out to be
a notorious desperado. Miss Todd
and Miss Pinkerton turn thives
themselves in order to pacify the
tramp. But their efforts prove to be
useless when, at the end of the opera,
he absconds with everything they
own, including Miss Todd's maid,
To Present Faust
The garden scene, Act III of Gou-
nod's "Faust," will be given as the
finale of the performance. Faust,
who has fallen in love with Marguer-
ite because of a vision of her conjured
up by Mephistopheles, the devil, woos
her with a casket of jewels.
Carolyn Street will play the part of
Miss Todd in "The Old Maid and the
Thief." Georgia Christophsen will
act as Miss Pinkerton, Doris Lawton
as Laetitia and Henry Austin as Bob.
Windt Directs
The cast for "Faust" includes Bar-
bara Lee Smith as Siebel, Guy Baker
as Faust, Henry Austin as Mephisto-
pheles, Charlotte Boehm as Martha
and Rose Derderian as Marguerite.
Prof. Valentine Windt of the
Speech Department will direct the
production. Musical directors are
Prof. William Revelli, conductor of
the University Orchestra, Dr. Earl
V. Moore, dean of the School of
Music and Prof. Arthur Hackett,
nrnfesor of voiec.
Steel Industry
Swings Back
Into High Today
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 14-The na-
tion's steel industry, which chugged
along in low gear over the weekend
because of the projected strike of
800,000 steel workers, swung back
into high today upon the strength of
wage negotiations pending between
the CIO United Steelworkers and the
U. S. Steel Corporation.
Some 29,000 steel workers remained
idle in six states, but 11,000 others
who had been idle resumed work.
Blast furnaces, open hearths, Besse-
mers and coke ovens started re-open-
ing as a result of the week's post-
ponement of the strike by Philip
Murray, president of the CIO and
the Steelworkers Union.
Murray, who delayed the strike
Saturday at the request of President
Truman, and President Benjamin F.
Fairless of U. S. Steel are to resume
wage conferences at the White House
Wednesday. The conferees are now
only 36-cents-a-day apart. On the
wage rate, the union, which at first
asked a $2-a-day increase, dropped
to $1.56 and the corporation offered
$1.20. The new strike deadline is
12:01 a.m. Monday.
Steel Priorities
To Be Cancelled
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 - (P) -
The government is ready at a mo-
ment's notice to cancel all priorities
on steel-military as well as civilian
-if there is a steel strike.,
Civilian Production Administrator
John D. Small said today that in
such an event new priorities would be
granted to channel steel products
only to public utilities and emergency
Would Accept
17 1/12 Per Cent
Wage Increase
Fact-Finding Board
'Set Pattern' - Leonard
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan. 14-Richard Leon-
ard of the CIO United Auto Workers
said tonight that the union would be
willing to settle its wage deadlock
with the Ford Motor Co. on the basis
of a government-backed increase of
171/2 per cent.
Leonard, the union's national Ford
director, said he will propose such a
settlement to the Ford Motor Com-
pany when negotiations resume to-
Vets Crowding Large Schools
"The Presidential fact-finding board
set the pattern for the entire indus-
try when they recommended 171/ per
cent in the General Motors strike,"
Leonard told newsmen as he emerged
from a session with the UAW-CIO's
Executive Board.
Ford has offered the union an in-
crease of 12.4 per cent. Until today,
the UAW-CIO stood firm on its de-
mand for 30 per cent, although indi-
cating that it was open to a com-
promise offer.
Approve Kaiser-Frazer Contract
The Executive Board, of which
Leonard is a member, also approved
today the recently-negotiated con-
tract with the Kaiser-Frazer Corp.,
calling for a bonus plan, an average
wage of about $1.19 per hour, and an
increase matching in percentage any
granted by General Motors.
The National Labor Relations
Board today summoned General Mo-
tors Corp. to a hearing on charges by
the CIO United Automobile Workers
that the company had failed to bar-
gain in good faith in the current
wage dispute that has idled 175,000
production workers for more than
seven weeks.
U'Oicials To
View Admission
Policies Today
University officials will meet today
to decide whether admission policies
should be revised to meet the unpre-
cedented demand of hundreds of re-
turning veterans for education on
this campus, The Daily learned yes-
The University told The New York
Times last week that out-of-state
enrollments for women students may
be limited in the future.
The present admissions policy is
to admit all students who "meet pub-
lished qualifications," according to
Prof. Frank O. Copley, director of
admissions with advanced standing
in the literary college.
With 2,500 more veterans expected
to enroll for the spring semester, an
admissions policy whereby veterans
are given priority may be established.
Other developments throughout
the nation:
In Philadelphia-of 303 high school
students desiring to enter college in
the near future, only 22 have been as-
sured of acceptance.
At Ohio State University-5,000
students, including hundreds of vet-
erans, have been refused admission
becauseofaa shortage in housing and
classroom space.
Nimitz Slated
For Hearing
Congressmen Urge
Many Labor Plans
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14-The 79th
Congress opened its election-year
second session today and put demo-
bilization and strikes one-two on a
crowded alendar.
Ondemobilization, leaders an-
nounced arrangements for a joint
meeting in the Congressional Library
tomorrow morning to hear General
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Admiral
Chester W. Nimitz, the top Army and
Navy commanders. Rep. Andersen
(Rep-Minn) demanded an inquiry by
the House military committee; the
Senate military committee already
has named a subcommittee to investi-
Action To End Strike
A number of senators and con-
gressmen are returning with sugges-
tions for coping with the nation's la-
bor difficulties, several of which
have been or will be incorporated into
bills to revise the Wagner Act, in-
crease union responsibility, and study
industry profit-sharing.
However, Senator Ferguson, (Rep-
Mich.) Said he had a "hunch there
won't be any labor legislation."
Senators Eastland, (Dem-Miss.)
and O'Daniel, (Dem.-Tex.) on the
other hand, asserted that the "pres-
ent wave of strikes is inspired and
engineered in Moscow" and planned
to press for fast floor action on Presi-
dent Truman's fact-finding bill.
Delay Fact-Finding Hearings
The House labor committee put off
until late next week a resumption of
its hearings on the fact-finding bill.
First it plansto deal with a bill di
posing of the U. S. Employment
Service. Mr. Truman wants Federal
control retained until mid-1947. Dur-
ing the recess he vetoed a bill which
would have returned the service to
state control within 100 days.
Tied up with this was a cutback of
$50,345,409,169 in appropriations due
to the end of the war, which the
President had to veto at the same
time. Today he sent Congress a mes-
sage recommending additional cut-
backs of $5,751,428,483 in appropri-
ations and $420,079,000 in contract
Delegates Split
On Jap Islands
U.S. General Opposes
Proposed Trusteeship
LONDON, Tuesday, Jan. 15-(P)-
A split among American officials at
the United Nations Assembly over
Whether American-conquered Jap-
anese islands should be placed under
United Nations' sovereignty was dis-
closed, today as the assembly looked
toward consideration of trusteeship
American delegates said the dele-
gation itself favored a trusteeship
plan for Pacific Isles, while its spe-
cial military advisor, Gen. George C.
Kenney, agreed the United States
should retain any islands of military
Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
asked cheering members of the As-
sembly today for immediate 'acton t
insure that atomic energy shall b
used "for human welfaradntf
more deadly human v
Pledging his countr;"wh l
hearted cooperation" t e
other United Nations, the i~ S
Delegates also urged tha' ow -
ful new secretary coi- g
mediately" its task of b a n
ternational armed force to pu tdwn
IRA To Hold
Meeting Today
Munn Says Football Stress in
Midwest Shows Offense Trend
Tracing the trends in Midwestern
football during the past year, Michi-
gan Line Coach Clarence L. (Biggie)
Munn, a representative of the Fifth
District of the American Football
Coaches' Association, stressed the of-
fensive development in the game at
the annual meeting of the organiza-
tion in St. Louis last week.
Trend Toward "T"
Reporting on the activities of
Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, and Indiana college foot-
ball squads, Munn, recently ap-
pointed head coach at Syracuse, told
- - f +~nr~ai ,r +r% tam in ,f
passing game in the offensive pattern,
adding that there has been a slight
development away from the kicking
More Shifting Defenses
Discussing defensive tactics, Munn
noted that more teams are using
shifting defenses. The crowding of
the secondary closer to the line, he
said, is another noticeable trend. In
the coaching of defensive maneuvers,
Munn, stated that there is a trend
away from spending "a lot of time"
coaching defense. He also stated that
more emphasis is being placed on
kickoff returns and punt returns.
'Dn lli'ny 7Y} th cr na al x7-y-Q
Davis Offers Welding Prize to
Student Authors, Publications
To stimulate undergraduate inter-
st in welding, funds have been do-
nated by A. F. Davis for the A. F.
Davis Undergraduate Welding Award
which will be presented annually to
authors and publications for the best
and second best articles on welding
published in undergraduate maga-
zines or papers during the preceding
tion in which it appears will receive
$150.00 each.
A suitable certificate will be given
to each author and publication re-
ceiving awards. In case of joint au-
thorship, the author award shall be
given jointly and certificates will be
issued to each author.
Select Winners in July
Six copies of the publication must
be forwarded to the office of the
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