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January 13, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-13

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Vets Elect Akers
Group Chairman;
VORa lyPlanned

Campus March of Dimes

Drive Begins

State Meeting
Adopts 6 Points
An all-campus Rally, sponsored by
the Veterans International Student
Exchange Committee of the VO, will
be held 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the In-
ternational Center to acquaint stu-;
dents and veterans on campus with
the need for greater student exchange
and to present the plans of the com-
Foreign speakers, discussing stut-.
dent problems existing in their na-
tive countries will include Enrique
Rogers of Chile and Eric S. W.
Cheo, the secretary and depart-
mental head of the Dental College
of the West China Union, who will
tell how organized groups of Uni-
versity students served during the
war as emergency medical corps to
help the bombed civilian population
of China.
A nation-wide program aiming at
international exchange of undergrad-
uate students and government sup-
port of the students while in a for-
eign country is the purpose of the
Veterans International Student Ex-
change Committee.
"Our program is concerned with
creating public opinion on the part
of student organization and social-
minded groups in an effort to have
Congress pass legislation providing
miass exchange of undergraduate
students," Homer E. Underwood,
director of the Executive Commit-
tee said.
Letters explaining the program and'
Srequesting support have been-sent-to
universities throughott the country
and many have replied in favor of
such a movement.
Vets Approve
Exchange lan
The Veterans International Stu-
dent Exchange Committee went on
record yesterday as favoring pro-
posed legislation introduced by Sena-
tor William Fulbright (Dem-Ark) de-
signed to expedite the inauguration
and operation of a system of foreign
student exchanges.
Announcement of the adoption of
the resolution by this veterans com-
mittee affiliated with VO was made
by Homer C. Underwood, director of
the VO Executive Committee.
Senator Fulbright's measure would
give the state department use of gov-
ernment funds, to dispatch and
maintain American students at for-
eign universities.,
U. S. Attitude
Blamed by Ike
TORONTO, Ont., Jan. 12-(P)-
The wave of "bring them home" pub-
lic opinion in the United States is
blinding American occupation troops
to the importance of the allies "un-
finished task" in Germany and Ja-
pan, General Dwight D. Eisenhower
told a news conference today.
Blaming this condition for much
of the current unrest in the Euro-
pean and Pacific theaters, the for-
mer supreme allied commander in
Europe said:
"This clamor to bring the boys
home gets back to the soldier and has
a very definite influence on his atti-
tude and morale. He thinks 'Well, if
everyone says bring us on home we
must not have much to do over here.'
"It's extremely difficult for a com-
manding officer-in the face of this
kind of thing-to convince the men
of the real importance of their as-
Strikers To Vote

On Wage Increase
A compromise wage solution to the

Vets To Discuss
Exchange Need
William Akers, president of the
Veterans Organization yesterday was
named chairman of the newly-formed
Michigan Student Veterans at that
group's first conference, held in De-
troit at Wayne University's Macken-
zie Unio.
Representatives from more than a
dozen universities and colleges in
Michigan attended the meeting. Ul-
timately, the group will represent
approximately 70 state higher edu-
cational institutions at which World
War veterans are enrolled.
Draws 6 Point Program
The Student Veterans drew up a
six-point program which will be sub-
mitted to Gov. Kelly next week.! It
(1) Requesting the State to dis-
card veterans bonus plans as a means
of allocating Michigan's $50,000,000
veteran reserve fund.
,(2) A recommendation that the fund
be used to supplement the veteran's
GI Bill income and spent for unem-
ployment compensation to veterans.
(3) A recommendation that the
State provide colleges and universities
with funds which would be used for
loans to breach the gap between en-
rollment and receipt of federal funds.
Requests Housing
(4) Requesting the State to assist
municipalities in the immediate con-
struction of low-cost housing.
5) A request that the State gp-
ply funds for emergency housing.
(6) An appeal to the State to
support federal price control legisla-
tion and help obtain priorities for
low-cost veterans' housing.
Akers said that these resolutions
would be presented to the Young Vet-
erans Emergency Conference to be
held Jan. 20 in Detroit.
Next meeting of the Student Vet-
erans will be held in Ann Arbor early
in March he added.
Mrs. Rob eson
Will Speak Here
Lecturer To Discuss
Negro, World Affairs
"The Negro, and the Pattern of
World Affairs" will be the topic of
Mrs. Paul Robeson at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday in Hill Auditorium.
Lecturer on race relations and
other aspects of democracy, she is
the wife of Paul Robeson, interna-
tionally-known Negro singer.
Mrs. Robeson received her B.S. de-
greee in chemistry from Columbia
University. Following some years as
surgical technician and chemist at
the Presbyterian Hospital in New
York City, she took her Ph.D. degree
in anthropology.
Author of "Paul Robeson, Negro,"
and "African Journey", she depicts
the oppressive yoke under which the
millions of black men live. During the
war, Mrs. Robeson was an active
worker in the Red Cross Motor Corps.
The London School of Economics,
London University, the University of
Chicago and Hartford Seminary
Founduation are among the schools
at which the noted lecturer has

The thirteenth annual March of '
Dimes campaign, organized to give
aid to those afflicted with infantile
paralysis, will open on campus to-
morrow and extend through Jan. 23.
The national campaign, under
the sponsorship of the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis,
is carried on in memory of the late
President Roosevelt, who did so
much in organizing the group. Ab-
ner E. Lamed of Detroit has been
named Michigan State Chairman.
Miss Virginia Schurnaker is head of
the Washtenaw County committee.
Lamed, in accepting the March of
Dimes chairmanship, said, "In our
state alone during the first nine
months of this year, 140 cases of in-
fantile paralysis were reported. For-
tunately, through the generous con-
tributions of the American people to
the March of Dimes, it is possible for
the fight against this disease to be
continually strenthened and intensi-
It was announced by Jean Gaff-
ney, head of the women's commit-
tee on campus, that boxes would be
placed by Janet Yound in all dorm-
Students Asked
To Urge Action
On FEPC Bills
A campus drive urging students to
write to their congressmen regarding
current Federal Employment Prac-
tices legislation will take place to-
morrow and Tuesday under the spon-
sorship of the Liberal Action Com-
Booths will be set up at various
points around the campus and writ-
ing materials will be furnished to
anyone requesting them. There will
also be mimeographed letters neces-
sitating only a signature for per-
sons not having time to write their
own and telegram blanks will be
available. Petitions to the Presi-
dent concerning current legislation
will also be at the booths.
"At the present time, two bills are
before Congress which would make
the FEPC permanent, would grant it ,
more appropriation and would givef
it more judicial backing," Pat Kelley,E
chairman of the drive, stated in the
chairman of the drive stated. "In the
Senate the bill is about to be intro-
duced and Michigan Senators Van-'
denburg and Ferguson are said to
favor it. However, southern Senators
are opposed to it and Senator Taft of'
Ohio, the only northern mid-west'
Senator, is also against it", she said.
"However, in the House," she
continued, "the bill has been pigeon
holed by the Rules Committee who
refused to put the proposed legis-
lation on the calendar. A petition
by 218 representatives is necessary
to bring the bill on the floor of the
House. So far 50 Republicans and
110 Democrats have signed. Mich-
igan representatives who have not
signed are Republicans Mitchner,
Hoffman, Jonkman, Blackney, Wol-
cott, Crawford, Woodruff, Bradley,
and Dondero. Students are urged
by the Liberal Action Committee
to request their congressman to
An organizational meeting of the
Association of University of Mich-
igan Scientists will be held at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. All faculty and
graduate student scientists are
urged to attend.

Heads State Mf
Of Dimes Comm

itories, league and soro
Boxes for the fraternity
men's dormitories will
uted by George Spaul
man of the men's corm
by his assistant, Andrei
Tags will be placed or
the dime boxes, giving
for their return at the
For Ensian
"Subscriptions for
Michiganensians which
for distribution in June
in the library and the
Arch and Wednesday in
and the League", Jean
announced yesterday.
The supply of Ensians
ited. "Last year 30U peo
appointed and .,unable
copy of the yearbook,'
said, "and for this rea
evereyone to buy their
early if they want to be
This year's annual is t
ion of the Ensian. The
that there will be addit
shots and a completely
devoted to features o
campus. Another new ac
book will be cartoons.
In accordance with
policy, payment must be
when purchasing the
The price is $4.75.
UNO Secp
Council Se
LONDON, Jan. 12, (P)
Security Council of the
tions Organization, inve
power to invoke arm
preservation of the peac
today by the general ass
overrode Soviet propos
pone election of six no
In a series of secret
assembly elected Austral
Poland to two-year tern
powerful 11-member
named the Netherlandt
Mexico to one-year ter

T omorrow
G:drive. Boxes for the women's resi-
S.. dences will be distributed at the house
presidents' meeting of dorms and
league houses and at Panhel meeting
to be held Tuesday in the League.
Boxes which will be placed in all
University offices tomorrow will be
distributed by Barbara Raymer.
Alice Miller is in charge of securing
coeds to make collections in the lo-
cal campus theatres and selling a
special dime edition of The Daily
Jan. 21.
The University committee, headed
by Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social
director of the League, is asking that
all faculty members mail their dona-
tions to the League in care of the So-
cial Director's office. This request is
being made because of the difficulty
in contacting the faculty members in-
dividually. These c ontributions
should be mailed soon so that they
will be received before the closing
date of the University drive.
ttee Judith Waller
ity houses.BC W ill
7houses and
be distrib-
ding, chair- 68 ak n
mittees, and
w Poledor.
a the back of Authority To Discuss
information Preparation for Radio
end of the
Miss Judith Waller, director of
public service for the National Broad-
)Ins casting Co., will speak on "Careers in
Radio" at the speech assembly 3 p.m.
Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Basing her talk on her own wide
experience in the field of radio, Miss
Waller will discuss preparation for
radio careers in numerous types of
the 1945-46 positions.
will be ready Besides her general background in
will be sold advertising and all branches of radio,
Engineering Miss Waller is noted for her leader-
Angell Hall ship in educational uses of radio. She
is a member of the executive commit-
Pines, editor, tee of the Chicago Radio Council,
which prepares and broadcasts radio
will be lim- programs to the Chicago public
pie were dis- schools.
to obtain a Miss Waller also supervises the
Miss Pines Chicago Round Table and is in
son we urge charge of the programs of the Ameri-
subscription can Medical Association. In addition
assured of a to these positions, she holds posts on
the radio committee of Hull House,
he 50th edit- Chicago, and the Federal Radio Edu-
cf rcation Committee.

Standard time.
4-Hour Eession
Announcement of the delay came
at the end of a four-hour closed-door
session in the executive mansion,
called by the President last night
when wage negotiations broke down
in New York. It also followed sepa-
rate meetings by the President in his
offices with Philip Murray, president
of the steelworkers, and Benjamin
F. Fairless, president of U.S. Steel.
Collective bargaining will continue
next week under the supervision of
the President.
Murray Shows Strain
Murray, showing the strain of the
past few days of negotiations, an-
nounced to waiting reporters that he
had agreed personally to postpone
the walkout of 800,000 steel workers
and would come back to the White
House for more conferences Wednes-
day. He said he did it "at the request
of the President."
The President disclosed that the
corporation has made an offer, pre-
sumably better thant he 15-cent
hourly increase proposed prior to the
breakdown of negotiations on behalf
of the union.
Dropped to $1.56
The union's original demand was
for a $2 a day increase. Murray
dropped this to $1.56 yesterday, com-
pared to the company's counterpro-
posal of $1.30 increase.
Both Murray and Fairless, as well'
as Ross, declined to say what was
offered today.
As today's meeting began, a highly
placed official told a reporter that
the price of steel overshadowed all
other questions involved.
He said the lineup was this as the
administration put on pressure to
head off a walkout that could gravely
affect the nation's whole economy.
Mediators Not
Able To Break
Phone Deadlock
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12-Federal
conciliatorsdtonight were unable to
break the deadlock in negotiations
that might settle the nation's long
distance telephone tieup.
Discussions will resume at 10 a.m.
EST. tomorrow. Government seiz-
ure of the industry is considered pos-
sible if the conference fails.
Nine hours of consultations be-
tween officials of the Western Elec-
tric Company and of the Association
of Communications EquipmentWork-
ers today produced no settlement of
the wage dispute.
Telephone communication through
manually operated switchboards has
been curtailed as a result of picket
lines thrown around telephone ex-
changes by the equipment workers
prize Paintings
To Bfe Exhibited
Work of Two Detroit
Artists Will Be Shown
The College of Architecture and
Design will sponsor a joint exhibition
by two Detroit artists, Sarkis Sar-
kisian and John Pappas, beginning,
Wednesday in the galleries of Rack-
ham Building.
Both Mr. Sarkisian and Mr. Pappas
have enjoyed national fame and have
several of their works, including
prize-winners, in numerous public
and private collections. The New
York World's Fair and the San Fran-
cisco Exposition exhibited some of
their canvases. At present they are
reperesented in various large mu-

New Terms Proposed;
Meeting To Be at Capitol
Collective Bargaining Will Continue Wednesday
Under Personal Supervision of Truman
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12, - Personal intervention by President Truman
brought a one-week postponement today of the nationwide steel strike
scheduled for 12:01 a.m. Monday.
It also produced new offers, of a nature not announced, from, both United
States Steel Corporation, bellwether of the industry, and the CIO-United
Steelworkers who had planned to shut down the mills in support of their
demand for higher pay.
Mr. Truman expressed confidence that an agreement will be reached, and
the White House announced that the parties will be brought together again
next Wednesday at 2 p.m., Eastern'

Student Waiters
State Causes of
Recent Waflkout
Strike Called Protest
Against Discrimination
In an attempt to clarify their po-
sition regarding the recent waiters'
strike, student employes of the Law-
yers Club Dining Hall released the
following statement yesterday which
was the first authorized announce-
ment issued by them:
"In the operation of a dining
hall serving from 250-300 persons
twenty meals a week, there are
bound to be left-over items and
less choice portions of the currently
prepared food. The practice has
been to set aside these portions
for the student employes and full-
time kitchen help.
"If the student employes were pay-
ing a lower rate for their meals than
the prevailing rate charged the reg-
ular diners. there would be no com-
plaintrHowever,'the student employe
do pay the prevailing rate. Therefore,
we felt that there was no justification
for the discrimination described
"The walkout was a protest
against this discriminatory prac-
* tice, prompted by the obvious sub-
stitution on the Thursday evening
menu. The quality of the food in
the dining hall was not the issue.
"The student employes have been
assured that there will be no such
discrimination in the future. At a
meeting of the waiters Friday eve-
ning, a committee of three was elect-
ed to represent the group in future
The statement by the student em-
ployes had reference to the spontan-
eous walkout Thursday night by all
but six of the 45 waiters regularly
employed in the Lawyers Club Dining
room. Issue was taken by the waiters
when they were served roast beef for
dinner while the remaining guests
were given steaks. Dissatisfaction
with the wage scale was also ex-
pressed by some spokesmen for the
waiters. No formal statement of
grievances, however, was made by
the waiters at the time of th walk-
All student water :retrned t
their ebs Fridar ater the had
reotedly rtece ve"a a efrom
the Board of Govern' r -hat they
will receiv the same fod as the
other guests in ice fure. Ernest
Getz, headwaiter, conferred Thurs-
day night with Prof. Grover C.
Grismore, acting secretary-treas-
urer of the Law School, and Miss
M. A. Bailie, assistant director of
the club, concerning the walkout.
The waiters' strike is believed to be
the only instance in the history of
the University in which University-
employed student help has pressed a
wage grievance.

.,, ,,.

s ai reporLs
tional candid
new section
n the entire
ddition to the
the Ensian
made in full
) - The vital
United Na-
sted with the
ed force for
e, was formed
embly, which
als to post-
ballots, the
ia, Brazil and
is on the all-
council, and
s, Egypt and

Of Sports,
Michigan's hockey team coasted to
an easy 10-3 win over Colorado Col-
lege last night at Colorado Springs.
Due to a two hour time difference
between Ann Arbor and Colorado
Springs and the overcrowding intele-
graph lines due to the telephone
strike, The Daily regrets that it is
unable to publish any further infor-
mation on the outcome of the contest
in today's Daily.
* * ,,
Michigan's basketball team did a
right about face last night and
dropped a 60-41 contest to North-
Winning their second victory in as
many nights, Michigan's swimming
team outscored a strong Great Lakes
squad, 46-38, last night at the

Speech Clinic Training Program Aids Vets



"The Speech Clinic offers persons
with speech defects a comprehensive
training program so that they can
learn to use speech well in life situa-
tions," Prof. Harlan H. Bloomer, di-
rector of the clinic who returned last
week from service in the Navy, said in
an interview yesterday.
The clinic is now conducting its

nurse who suffered a serious head in-
jury in India.
Other groups served by the train-
ing program include University stu-
dents who attend classes four days
a week for aid in their particular
difficulties. Among this group are
several veterans who stutter. Al-
though they were formerly stutter-
ers, their difficulties are consid-

Besides this seven-fold program,
the clinic holds University classes,
conducts research in speech rehab-
ilitation and maintains an exten-
sive diagnostic service. Graduate
students work in all phases of the
clinic's program along with staff
Patients are referred to the clinic
from the University Hospital, state

seat everyone here."
Although he termed the present
prog ram "comprehensive," Dr.
Bloomer said that it is, nevertheless,
limited because there is not adequate,
convenient housing for patients. He
termed making such facilities avail-
able as very advisable. None of the
patients live at the clinic.

Jan. 15-Judith Waller will speak
at 3 p.m. in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre on "Careers in Ra-
Jan. 16-Orientation .advisors'
meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in
the League ballroom for all
women students interested in be-
coming advisors for the spring
and fall terms of 1946.
Jan. 16-Mrs. Paul Robeson will
mpakQQ t nn11"'Thga Jgraind1,t he

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