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January 04, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-04

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fnnual Panhellenic Recognition Night Will Be Held M(


Mrs. T. H. Adams To
Be Guest Speaker
Flags Bearing Sorority Colors Will
Decorate Rackham Aisles, Platform

With the theme 'United Panhel-
lenic Conference', the Panhellenic
Association will hold its annual Rec-
ognition Night at 7:30 p.m. Monday
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
"We have chosen this theme be-
cause we feel that intersorority
unity must be furthered," said Lois
Cothran, General Chairman of the
event. Sorority activity and scholar-
ship awards will be made to those so-
rorities who have earned the most ac-
tivity hours and the highest scholas-
tic average, respectively.
Dean Lloyd to Present Awards
Presentation of the Activity.Awards
will be made by Dean Alice C. Lloyd,
while, Registrar, Ira M. Smith will
give out the cup denoting the highest
scholarship among the organizations.
Decorations for the Amphitheatre
will be flags of the different sorority
colors, and bearing the sorority ini-
tials. These will be placed on the
aisles and on the platform.
Mrs. Adams to Speak on Unity
Mrs. Thomas H. Adams of Birm-
ingham, Michigan, for 9 years vice
president of National Panhellenic,
will be the speaker for the program.
Mrs. Adams will speak on "The Fu-

r angagem ents'
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Walsh of
Royal Oak, Mich., have announced.
the engagement of their daughter,
Virginia, to L. William Scudder, A/S,
USNR, son of M. F. Scudder of Mil-
waukee, Wis.
Miss Walsh is a sophomore student
at the University, while Mr. Scudder
is a senior. He will receive his degree
in aeronautical engineering and his
navy commission in February.
* * *
Miss Rita May Jaski, daughter of
lr. and Mrs. Frank Edward Jaski
of Milwaukee, Wis., was married
to Lt. John David Reese, on Decem-
ber 29.
Lt. Reese is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reese of Pittsburgh, Pa., and
is a member of the United States
Army Air forces. Mrs. Reese received
her master's degree in psychology
from the University last June. She
is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi
Mrs. Mable Honn of Detroit re-
cently announced the engagement of
her daughter, Patricia, to Fred Hop-
kins, son of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick
S. Hopkins of Springfield, Mass.
Miss Honn is a junior in the Uni-
versity, and is affiliated with Kappa
Delta sorority, while Mr. Hopkins is
a member of Theta Chi, and is a
member of SRA and a past president
of the Forestry Club.
Course for
A thorough, intensive course-start-
ing February, July, October. Bulletin
A,on request. Registration now open.
Regular day and evening schools
throughout the year. Catalog.
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D. ,
Director, Paul M. Pair, M. A.
Dept. C , 6 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago 2, Illinois

ture of Sororities In a Changing
World." Mrs. Adams has been the
featured speaker at the Birmingham
Town Hall and through her experi-
ence in National Panhellenic is well
acquainted with the sorority systems
on many campuses. She is a Univer-
sity of Michigan graduate.
Committees that have been plan-
ning this affair are General Chair-
man, Miss Cothran, Programs, Glen-
ice Render, Roberta Ames, Grace
Lothrop, Marilyn Holtman, Patricia
Troop; Patrons, Connie Converse,
Paula Ulrich, Dorothy Goppelt, Mar-
garet Gage,. Marjory Dosch, Sally
Stamaatr, Lois Patsloff, Beverly Price,
Marie Neumeister, Finance, Sarah
Stephenson, Janet Richards, Joan
Buckmaster, and Patricia Williams.
Club To% Offer
Golf Lessons
All Coeds May Attend Group
Meeting at 4:30 p.m. Today
All coeds will have an opportunity
to sign up for a professionally-taught
series of golf lessons when Pitch and
Putt, the WAA Golf Club, holds its
first organization meeting of the year
at 4:30 p.m. today in the Women's
Athletic Building.
The lessons, will begin Monday,
Jan. 7, and are to be taught on con-
secutive Mondays by Mrs. Stuart
Hanley, who has won the Michigan
state women's golf championship
three times, and who has also served
as a member of the United States
golf committee.
Facilities for instructing more
than 100 women have been secured
by Pitch and Putt, and all coeds
interested in learning golf are in-
-vited to attend today's meeting.
Methods of teaching will be pat-
terned after those which have been
found successful in several large
cities where professional golfers
have taught at special golf "schools."
More than 80 women have already
signed for membership in the golfing
group, a number which is in harmony
with this year's trend of large WAA
club membership. The Bowling and
Rifle Clubs, for example, have more
than 100 members each, and atleast
75 teams are participating in volley-
ball activities.
Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of
the Department of Physical Educa-
tion for women, said recently, "Our
classes are crowded to capacity, and
we are short of staff members and
facilities for teaching. There is a
heavier demand for instruction,
and all available time and space
during the day is being used at
present. Therefore, we are institut-

WAA To Hold
In 'Qy rn-am'
"Gym-Jam,' an evening of dancing
entertainment coupled with numerous
sports activities, will be presented
from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Satur-
day, Jan. 12, in Barbour and Water-
man gyms by the Women's Athletic
The novel event is open to all stu-
dents on campus and coeds are being
asked to wear informal clothes with
low heels. Sweaters and skirts, or suits
will be in order for the affair which
will feature music under the direction
of Mr. Howard Leibie, of the Physical
Education Department for men.
Games Offered
In addition to dancing, those at-
tending may play ping-pong, bridge
and volleyball, which will continue
throughout the evening. Those desir-
ing to play badminton may do so
from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Rrefreshments will be served at
Gym-Jam and tickets may be pur-
chased at the door. Bridge activities
will take place in the fencing room,
ping-pong may be played in the cor-
rectives room, volleyball will be played
in Barbour gym and badminton games
will ensue in Waterman gym until
dancing commences.
Open To All Students
Gym-Jam is open to all students
and the informal affair will come as
a welcome change from other formal
dances to be held on Friday. Thus,
students may find variety in their
week-end entertainment.
Plans for the evening are under the
chairmanship of Colle Ide, assisted by
Pat Doelle, Ann Wallerstein and Joan
Wilk, publicity; Mary Perrone, equip-
ment; Jean Brown, hostesses, Marie
Neumeister, checking; and Shirley
Hansen, finance.
ing these large evening classes so
that all of the women who wish
instruction will have an opportun-
ity to learn the fundamentals of va-
rious sports.
"Barbour Gym was built in 1896 for
the use of the 200 women then on
campus. At present, with only the
added facilities of the Women's Ath-!
letic Building, we have 1300 in our
required classes, and at least 800
women a week participating in intra-
mural activities," Dr. Bell continued.
Dr. Bell also said that Pitch and
Putt, in cooperation with several of
the other clubs, hopes to plan a
"sports day" with other nearby col-
leges. The last sports day was held in
1939, when teams from the University
of Michigan, Michigan State and Ohio
State competed in golf, riding, and
fencing. Open . competition golf
matches with teams from such schools
as Michigan State may also be ar-
Members of the Central committee
and the singing, dancing, and dra-
matic casts of Junior Girls Play
should attend the mass meeting at
5:15 p.m. today at the League. The
rcom number will be posted on the
board in the League Lobby.

Bobby Sherwood's Orchestra Informal Dance
To Be Featured at Ship's Ball Will Be Qiven
The music of Bobby Sherwood and ranger, and also frequently sings with By Engineers
his orchestra will be featured at the the band. B
final campus Ship's Ball, which is to Tickets for the Ball may be pur- Highlighting the week-end's activi-
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, chased from Battalion commanders ties will be a dance sponsored by the
in Waterman Gym. and at the main desk of the Union. Student chapter of the American In-
The Sherwood Band has appeared j They may be bought by Navy and stitute of Electrical Engineers to be
at well-known ballrooms and theatres I Marine Corps personnel, whether or held from 9 p.m. to midnight today.
in New York, Atlantic City, Philadel- not they are s;tationed on campus, Intermission entertainment will be
and women who are planning to at- presented for students from all de-
tend with out-of-town navy men or partments of the University, as well
marines may also purchase tickets. as the general public who may attend
Women will be given 1:30 a.m. per- the affair.
misin to ae ip's Ball and Feats of magic will be performed by
N°mission to attend Ship's Ball, andNe Sdramebrofheoal
n ° ~~Navy men are to have 2:30 .ems Neal Soddard, a me.Yrnber of the local
: permis- V-12 unit who has aopeared in Army
sion for this dance, which is the only
oneexcusielyfornav an maineshows and at profesiional magicians
one exclusively for navy and marine gatherings for the past seven years.
personnel. It is to be a formal dance. Soddard will display his skill at jug-
Naint-cal Theme gling, riding a unicycle and has
The ball is to have a nautical planned a money making stunt known
theme, ahd the special "P.X." coke as "The Miser's Dream."
bar will be managed by Assembly, ac- Jerry Edwards and his orchestra
cording to general chairman Bin will provide latest hit tunes for the
Randolph. The 1946 dance will be the dancers. Edwards has played at nu-
final dance of this kind, since navy merous campus events aid regularly
men are to leave the university at the supplies music for Saturday night
end of the spring term. dances at the Masonic Temple.
Randolph will be assisted by Rod Among the patrons will be Dean
/ KAnderson and Dominic D'Onofrio, and Mrs. Walter Emmons, Prof. and
decorations chairmen, Dogan Arthur, Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, Prof. and Mrs.
Johx Sorice and George Hawkins, Lewis Holland, Prof. and Mrs. Hemp-
building, Farnum Kerr and Dana stead Bull and Prof. and Mrs. William
Russell, tickets, Lee Beck and Bill Dow.
Upton, publicity, and Robert Gaynor,
patrons chairman. CopsNotRequired
BOBBY SHERWOOD Michigan Dames To Lead Dog's Life
ph, Cl d, d Ch oThe Michigan Dames book group DETROIT, Jan. 3 -(A)- Out in
pa s organed last year.nd Apeaging will meet at 8 p.m. today at the home 3edford Township, cops are going to
with the organization as vocalistsof Mrs Louise O'Dell, 522 Linden be cops and let the dogs run where
are Martha Rice and Garth Andrews. The books to be reviewed will in- they may.
lude "Lust for Life" (the story of Circuit Judge Joseph A. Moynihan
Able Musician Vincent Van Gogh), which will be issued a temporary injunction today
Sherwood himself is an expert gui- reviewed by Mrs. Norman Larzelere restraining the township board from
tarist and trumpeter, and has played and "The Star Gazer" (the story of requiring any police officer to "serve
guitar accompaniments for many Galileo), reviewed by Mrs. Robert W. in the additional- duties of dog
prominent stars, on screen and radio. Bogle. Those planning' to attend catcher."
He is also known as an expert. ar- please call Mrs. O'Dell at 6268. He acted on a complaint of Gra-
ham W. Hurst, Redford policeman,
local 207 of the state, county, and
AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG municipal employes (AFL), and 16
AROUD THJ _ . WIH W AG others,


Start the New Year
off with a new
facial, hairdress,

and manicure

WAA Sports
Clubs To Meet
University Women's Riding club
will meet at 4:10 p.m. today at Bar-
bour gym.*
Plain Skating group will meet at
3 p.m. today at the Coliseum.
Swimming club will meet from 9:50
to 10:45 a.m. tomorrow at the Union
pool. Bring 40c for Ensian picture.
Rifle Team, advanced group, will
shoot from 1 to 3 p.m. tomorrow at
the ROTC range.
. * * *
Due to the extended vacation,
WAA's basketball tournament will not
begin until Monday.
Ah appeal is being made to indi-
vidual women who have not already
signed for a team to do so by leaving
their names in room 15, Barbour gym.
or in Barbara Osborne's box in the
Undergraduate Office of the League.
For further information, call Jean
Brown, 2-5618.
Alpha Omicron Pi recently pledged
Mary Campbell, Bette DEVore, and
Dory Eash.


lt, th
215 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 7249
Ten years of fashionable service
in Ann Arbor.

FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1946
8:15-Meet the Band
8:25-Women Today
8:30-Sleepyhead Serenade
9:00-Music Box
9:30-Popular Music
9:45-Moments of Melodies
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:i5-What Do You Know?

10:30-Broadway Melodies
10:40-Community Calendar
10:45-Waltz Time
11:05--Al & Lee Reiser
11:15-Lean Back & Listen
11:30-Farm & Home Hour
tl :55--College & Martial Airs
12:15-Jesse Crawford
12:20-Today's Band
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45--Man on the Street
1.:05-Salon Music
1:10-Organ Music (Pop.)

1:15-South American Way
1:30-Woody Herman
1:45-Dinah Shore
2:05--Hal Saunders
2:15-Aelody on Parade
3:05-Arthur Chapman
3:15-University of Mich.
3:30-Flashes from Life
3:40-It Actually Happened
3:45-Mystery Melodies
4:15-Dance Music
4:30---Spotlight on the Stars

Tele - hones

1943 Makes Fashion History

IT HAS BEEN SAID that women's
fashions are supposed to reflect the
history of our times better than any
of our texts. If that's so, then future
researchers looking in the year, 1945,
will tear their hair in bewilderment!
The year that ushered in the atom-
ic bomb years before it was due, was
also the year which brought back the
bustles. The year of the greatest mili-
tary contest in history produced a
new wave of femininity. Even babush-
kas were made glamorous by sewed-on
sequins, and formals reappeared in
their full filmy off-the-shoulder glory.
In 1945 waistlines were squeezed in;
square shoulders were rounded, hair

was piled high, and the hour glass
figure came into its own again!
WITH the trend toward the femi-
nine, we admittedly did copy a
few styles from our men in the serv-
ice. We stole the battle jacket from
Eisenhower, the pea jacket from the
Navy, the belted gabardine raincoat
from the Army. From the Canadians
we took the tightly belted coat with
the full skirt and big, hippy pockets.
In spite of the shortages of stock-
ings, shoes, and underclothing, the
American woman of 1945 was quite
fortunate. She walked into 1946 bet-
ter dressed than many of her sisters
all over the world, which is indeed
something to be thankful for.

on Wheels




J .
f/// V

n -i float'
The Bell System plans an extensive trial of t wo-way radio
in pro viding telephone service to vehicles in a number
ofd large cities.
Connections with other telephones will be made
through the nearest of several receiving and transmitting
stations operated by the telephone company. It is gener-
ally similar to the existing ship-shore radio telephone
service fIor vessels in coastal and inland waters.





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