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January 04, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-04

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FitSxtriega r
Fifty-Sixth Year

Red-Tape Trips Meat Packers

Students Thanked, Java Rule Condeiined

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon . .
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth ..
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

. . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . " City Editor
. . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
*.............Associate Editor
. . . . ......Sports Editor
.Associate Sports Editor,
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. -
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Coalleg Publishers Representative
420 MAioN AE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Southern Justice
LAST MONTH, nearly 100 socially-minded
Michigan residents came to the defense of
an 18-year-old Alabama Negro sharecropper
who was facing extradition.
The defendant, Fletcher Mills is accused of
and has admitted the stabbing of his landlord,
T. R. Terry, in an argument over the pasturing
of Terry's cows last October. However, Mills
says he stabbed Terry after the landlord struck
him on the head with a three-foot wooden club.
Fearing mob violence,, Mills fled to Detroit
where he has been living with his sister and
working in a brass factory.
The delegation, appearing in behalf of Mills,
including Dr. Robert G. Foster of the Merrill-
Palmer School in Detroit and Dt. T. T. Brum-
baugh of the Detroit Council of Churches, ar-
gued that because of southern race prejudice,
the defendant cannot be given a fair trial. Mills
could only expect the same southern justice as
was received by Jesse James Payne, Veteran
Moses Green and Veteran Sam McFadden, three
Negroes who have been murdered by lynch mobs
in the past few months.
Extradition as a legal device cannot aspire
to aid in the administration of justice so long
as lynching mobs that go beyond the means
of legality are allowed to administer their
own brutal and cruel justice. The Michigan
residents who came to the aid of Fletcher
Mills are but a handful, but combined pres-
sure from- democratic, peace-loving Americans
everywhere, could do much to reform the
bitter irony of southern justice today.
-Alice Jorgensen
Political Inquiry
THE STRONG FAITH that the Pearl Harbor
inquiry would lead to an expose of what
actually happened on Dec. 7, 1941, has changed
to a feeling of disgust and disillusionment. The
amount of work expected to be accomplished
in committee hearings, despite a transcription
of 700,000 words of testifiers, has been negli-
Pertinent questions have been left unan-
swered. No one knows why U.S. planes were
not in the air the morning of Dec. 7, why
anti-aircraft guns were not manned, why
radar was not operating and why, with Hono-
lulu newspapers headlining possibility of an
attack a week earlier, no one at Pearl Harbor
had expected it.
The reason for the failure to accomplish any-
thing in the committee and for the resignation
of Chairman Barkley and his staff, however, is
easy to answer in one word - politics. Many
Democrats are resigning from the committee.
Barkley feels that it is almost impossible to get
his preparatory information before the com-
mittee. Many Republicans are willing to con-
tinue the investigations.

"It has been current gossip," a PM report
states, "that Republican factionalists, dis-
satisfied so far with the failure to show that
the Roosevelt Administration deliberately sac-
rificed the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, are
awaiting election of a new Congress so that a

WASHINGTON. - Housewives may be in for
another meat shortage as a result of a red-
tape snarl between the small meat packers and
the Office of Economic Stabilization.
Several weeks ago, the small meat packers
went to economic stabilizer Judge John C. Col-
lett of Kansas City, whose Washington nickname
is "Snuffy Smith" because he looks like the
Barney Google character. They told him they
wanted to give a two-dollar-a-day increase to
their employees, and needed a small increase in
the price of meat in order to do so. Collett told
them to go ahead.
"You lay your egg," were his exact words,
"and I'll hatch it."
So the meat packers went home, gave em-
ployees their wage increase, but now "Snuffy
Smith" seems to have forgot all about the
matter. The meat packers have been remind-
ing him of it, but if they don't get action from
him soon, a lot of small packing plants will
have to close down.
Was FDR Responsible?
MOST Republicans piously disclaim any politi-
cal motivation in the Pearl Harbor inquiry,
but not so, frank, able Senator Owen Brewster
of Maine. During a secret session of the com-
mittee he put his cards face down on the table.
"One of my primary purposes in this investi-
gation," said Brewster, "is to find out for cer-
tain whether President Roosevelt had any
commitment with the British prior to Pearl
Harbor that both nations should go to war
with Japan.
"In order to make certain of that fact, which
I think the American people should know, I want
every bit of evidence the State Department or
anyone else has on the subject.
"I think we've had a huge mass of evidence
on that subject already, and I frankly admit
that I could not at this time back up a state-
ment that FDR did have any such commit-
ment. But we've got to be absolutely cer-
Brewster referred briefly to Tyler Kent, for-
mer code clerk in the U. S. embassy in London
who recently returned to this country after serv-
ing a term in a British jail for mishandling what
he claimed was secret correspondence between
FDR and Churchill while the latter was stilll
first lord of the admiralty.
At this point, Republican representative Frank
Keefe of Wisconsin interrupted.
Object To Calling Kent
"I WILL not go along with any move to call Ty-
ler Kent before this committee," he said. "I
sat with him most of a whole night last week,
and I can tell you that, although he has a very
interesting story, it has no direct bearing upon
Pearl Harbor and why we were unprepared for
the Jap attack. That's what this committee was
set up to find out about, and I for one will not
waste time and energy on extraneous matters."
Keefe was seconded by Republican representa-'
tive Bertrand Gearhart of California, who had
interviewed Kent with Keefe.
Senator 'iomer Ferguson of Michigan, the
only other Republican on the committee,
maintained a strict silence through this err-
tire discussion.

Later Gearhart proposed the names of former
American Legion commanders Warren Athertan
and William Colmery as co-counsel to succeed
William Mitchell, now resigned.
But Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois inter-
posed that selection of Atherton by the com-
mittee would have clear political implications,
since Atherton went from his Legion post in,
1944 to Governor Dewey's campaign headquar-
NOTE-Lucas might aiso have mentioned
that Colmery of Topeka, Kansas, was a leader
in the Alf Landon campaign in 1936.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Atom Gad geteers
A NUMBER OF SENATORS are chivvying Mr.
Truman, anxious lest some bit or piece of
atomic knowledge be given away to the world
before a planet wide inspection and security
system shall have been established. These sen-
ators are making a great fuss and pother, un-
doubtedly under the sincere conviction that they
are defending America's place in the world,
and her safety, for they are concerned that, at
Moscow, we may have agreed to part with a
formula or two before the Russians shall have
agreed to let our inspectors into their factories;
they are afraid we have been had.
This tremendous emphasis on keeping the
bomb tells us, I think, a great deal about our-
selves. There has long been something like a
school of gadgeteers in American politics, men
who believe, for example, that we ought to bal-
ance the budget with a lottery, ban war. with a
neutrality act, and, now, keep our heads high
as the greatest power by virtue of the bomb.
The bomb is the most miraculous gadget in
history, and, consequently, we have fallen
upon it with wildest enthusiasm. Some day,
perhaps, a social philosopher will do a study
relating our adoration of the bomb to our
massive folk belief that the way to solve one's
personal problems is to invent a better hair-
pin than any on the market. If personal prob-
lems, why not world problems, too, for in the
bomb we have something like the final gim-
crack, the universal gadget. It is not strange
that we have come to think of it as the Little
Giant World Order Keeper.
Yet, on analysis, what a skinny approach this
is to the matter of America's greatness and
place in the world, to the question of America's
safety! It is not the bomb which makes us
great; what makes us great is that we have an
industrial and scientific system capable of pro-
ducing the bomb.
All the precious diplomatic victories we
have been winning in the matter of keeping
the bomb secret will beceme a whiff of stale
air once some other nation invents a similar
weapon; will our greatness then be gone?
It would seem so, from the emphasis the
political gadgeteers place on the matter. It
doesn't need much more examination to show
that they are committing us to a kind of
sucker's bet.
THEY have not truly examined into the ques-
tion of how to maintain a genuine American
greatness. Britain fears us at the moment, for
example, but, obviously, not on account of the

In Appreciation
To the Editor:
W E, the undersigned Filipino stu-
dents, desire to express our very
great appreciation to the student body
of the University of Michigan for the
considerate, thoughtful expression of
interest in the welfare of a fellow
institution, the University of the Phil-
As you know already, the Univer-
sity of the Philippines has had prac-
tically all of its buildings bombed, its
libraries and laboratories destroyed,
and many of its staff and adminis-
trators killed. It will take heroic ef-
forts to restore, within the next dec-
ade or two, even the semblance of
that University in Manila, the Pearl
of the Orient. President Bienvenido
M. Gonzalez, the deans, and as many
of the instructors as are available are
doing all they can, but their best is
greatly limited by the conditions un-
der which they have to work.
This show of interest on the part
of the student body of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and the expression
of desire to be of assistance will be
of tremendous help in the rebuild-
ing and restablishing of that Uni-
versity. We desire therefore to ex-
press our heartfelt thanks and ap-
preciation to each one of you.
Members of the Philippine-
Michigan Club in Ann Arbor
George E. Carothers, R. S. Swin-
ton, advisers.
Rafelital Hilario Soriano, pres.;
Filadelfo Panlilio, v.p.; Lourdes Se-
gundo, sec.; Mike Abakita, Francisco
Castro, Manuel Hizon, Zailo Lindo,
Lucille Martelino, Cipriano Masidat,
Francisco, Narcisco, Eddie de Leon,
Alfredo, Morales, Eddie Panlilio,
Ramn Reyes, Jose V. Santos, Paz P.
Salgado, Donato Leodoro, Leopoldo
Toralballa, Major Fernandez, Major
Rivero, Capt. Sian, Capt. Quintos,
Lieut. Lozano, Lt. Melotendos.
Dutch Imperialism
N MY LETTER on Dutch imperial-
ism,' I stated that the island of
Java is fabulously rich. Dr. Senstius
says this is not true. Here are a few
figures: (1928, common index) Area
of 51,032 square miles, about equal to
No. Carolina, tin $41.4 mil, gold $2.7
mil., silver $1 mil., oil 32 mil. bbls.,
sugar, 2,948,000 tons, rubber 262,000
tons, vegetable oil 100 mil gal., tapioca
1,090 mil. lbs., tea 162 mil. lbs., rice
128 mil. lbs., corn 77 mil. lbs., coffee
25.1 mil. lbs., Mn $370,000 not to
mention kapok, pepper, cinnamon,
nutmeg, tobacco, etc., ("Goode's
School Atlas")
It is funny how racialism and the
suppression of colored races takes
such a consistently familiar pat-
tern the world over. British sold-
iers are in Java to protect "white
women and children in various
concentration camps insomuch as
the male whites have been sent out
foreign problem, today, is that of
Schleswig. In 1920, Schleswig was al-
located to Denmark despite the at-
ter's neutrality. However, the bulk of
the region of Schleswig and all of
Holstein taken by Prussia in 1864 re-
mains German.
What the Danes apparently want
is to separate South Schleswig
from Germany and to divorce the
entire question from Holstein which
they admit is German. However,
pertions of Holstein north of Kiel
might well be added to South
Schleswig when it is removed from
the Reich. But Denmark does not
wish to assume responsibility either
for initiating these ideas or ad-
ministering them. They do not
want to absorb Schleswig and they

do not wish to administer the Kiel
Canal. Neither would they feel
ccmfortable with Germans smack
on their border and they want
some slight shock absorber in be-
There remain, then, three alterna-
tives. South Schleswig, including the
Kiel Canal Zone, could either be
made autonomous, an International
Canal Zone, or a United Nations
trusteeship. Should the area be made
autonomous, it is probable that Rus-
sia, if she didn't object completely,
would demand special concessions
since the canal is a vital link between
the North and Baltic Seas. Already,
the Danish island of Bornholm is in
Russian hands on these grounds.
The best solution is that of mak-
ing the territory an International
Canal Zone under the trusteeship
of the United Nations. This would
provide the Danes with the much
wanted buffer state between them-
selves and Germany, and would be
satisfactory to the Russians.
-Alice Jorgensen
By Crockett Johnson

of the country." Oh, the chastity
of white women, the crimes, usually
lynchings, committed in thy name.
Perhaps, though, I am a little too
idealistic and not sufficiently "un-
sophisticated" and unappreciative of
"social stratification." Maybe this
is why I fail to see the humor in the
December 13 U.P. dispatch: "A puni-
tive expedition supported by tanks
and planes today burned every build-
ing in the village of Bekasi 12 miles
east of Batavia. Truckloads of sol-
diers swept through the village
drenching wooden buildings with gas-
olene and planting-incendiary bombs.
The village was completely demol-
ished. Indonesian trucks fleeing the
village were cannoned and machine-
Dr. Senstius insists that the nat-
ives are so happy under Dutch rule.
Why then was it necessary for
Queen Wilhelmina to promise them
self-rule and a much wider degree
of independence to get them to aid
the Dutch war effort? A promise
forgotten as soon as it ceased to be

Some people believe that it is per-
fectly moral, even commendable for
westerners to invest money in colon-
ial areas, develop their resources and
make fortunes from the land and
labor of the population, as long as the
"unsophisticated" natives are happy
with their hand full of Tice and head
full of ignorance.
I have always felt that the natural
resources of the land are the property
of the people living on it. That the
advances of science are the common
property of the human race, not sub-
ject to monopolisticrrestrictions
which enable a few people to use
them at the expense of many.
I do not believe that the fact that
the victims of exploitation are
blissfully ignorant is enough to
justify the act of exploitation. A
pickpocket or embezzler is no less
guilty before his victim discovers
he has been "took." Sooner or
later the victims always wake up
to the cold facts. This is what is
happening among colonials every-
where, Java not excepted.
-Cornelius Loeser



bomb; she knowsi
drop atomic bombsc
fret? It is because
tial, at a hundred
ourselves; because
the greatest centerc
world; because she

perfectly well we will not
on her. Why then does she
she understands our poten-
points, better than we do
she knows that we can be
of trade and finance in the
sees that the world is beat-

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL LVI, No. 42
To the Members of the Faculty -
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
The January meeting of the Fac-
ulty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts will be held Mon-
day, Jan. 7, at 4:10 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall.
In view of the importance of the
matters under consideration the Ex-
ecutive Committee feels that a larg
attendance at the next meeting of
the Faculty is very desirable.
Hayward Keniston
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meetings of December 3, 12,
and 17, 1945 (pp. 1215-1226).
2. Consideration of reports submit-
ted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committee - Profes-
sor F. E. Bartell.
b. University Council - Professor
R. L. Wilder. No report.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School - Professor I. A.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-Professor N.
E. Nelson.
e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hay-
ward Keniston. No report.
3. Curricular Recommendations.
4. Departmental Honors Program.
The Editorial Office of Official
Publications has been moven from
221 Angell Hall to the second floor of
the University Press Building, 311
Maynard St. The telephone numbers
(Extensions 794 and 2130) will re-
main unchanged.
Attention All Seniors in Lit, Music,
Education, and Art Schools Who
Are Graduating in'February:
Place your orders for graduation
announcementsrat a booth located in
University Hall today. The booth will
be open from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 3.
Announcements sell for 10 cents each.
All orders must be paid for in full at
the time of placing the order.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for Removal of Incom-
pletes will be Saturday, Jan. 5.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for dropping courses
without record will be Saturday, Jan.
5. A course may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor.
Admission to School of Business
Administration-Spring Semester
Applications for admission to the
School of Business Administration
for the Spring Semester MUST be
filed on or before Jan. 15. Informa-
tion and application blanks are avail-
able in Room 108, Tappan Hall.
Scholarships Open to Senior Me-
chanical, Aeronautical and Electrical
Engineering Students:. Consolidated
Vultee Aircraft Corporation has es-
tablished an annual scholarship of
$250 which is available to students
who have completed their junior year
in the above fields of engineering and
who are highly recommended by their
faculty Scholarship Committee. The
student will be employed by the Com-
pany the first summer after the
award. Application forms for this
scholarship may be obtained in the

nautical engineering. The students
will be employed by the Company the
first summer after the awards. Ap-
plication forms for these Fellowships
may be obtained in the Aeronautical
Engineering Office.
French Lecture: Professor Ren6
Talamon, of the Romance Language
Department, will open the series of
French lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais. The title of his
lecture is: "Lecture Dramatique".
This lecture will be given on Tuesday,
Jan. 8, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance
Languagese(Roomn112, Romance
Language Building) or at the door at
the time of the lecture for a small
sum. These lectures are open to the
general public.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today, at 4:00 p.m. in 310 West
Medical Building. "Histamine," will
be discussed. All interested are in-
Faculty Recital: The first School
of Music recital will be presented at
8:30 Sunday evening, Jan. 6, by
Elizabeth A. H. Green, violinist, In-
structor in Music Education. The
program will include Sonata for vio-
lin by Geminiani, Concerto No. 4 in
D major by Mozart, and Sonata in
B minor for piano and violin by
Respighi. Miss Green will be assisted
by John Kollen, Assistant Professor
of Piano.
The public is cordially invited.

The Art Cinema League presents Jean Gabin
and Annabella in "Escape from Yesterday;"
directed by Julien Dubivier.
FOR MANY YEARS it has been generally ac-
knowledged that the French cinema, while
technically behind Hollywood, has maintained a
higher artistic level than American films. It is
a belief to which I subscribe, too, but in the par-
ticular exihibit currently at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, the French have beaten Holly-
wood at its own game.
"Escape from Yesterday" is a gusty for-
eign legion opus, replete with gun-play, to-
the-last-man heroics and a cavalry-to-the-
rescue finale, that inevitably recalls such Amer-
ican efforts as "Morocco" and "Beau Geste."
It concerns a murderer (Jean G'abin) who flees
his crime and joins the legion. In the desert he
meets a cafe entertainer (Annabella, wearing
more eyeshadow than anyone since Theda Bara)
who is described in the English subtitles as- an
"artiste." Aside from Mr. Gabin's legion career,
the film pictures his romance and marriage with
the lady in question; the latter detail featuring
an embrace that must have fractured at least
three of Miss A.'s ribs.
In a film having no high artistic standing, the
technical short-comings are inevitably high-
lighted. One cannot help noticing the occasion-
ally raspy, sound-track, the choppy continuity,
and the fact that Annabella has looked much
better in all her American appearances. How-
ever, there are typical touches of gallic ingenu-
ity; the realistic sound-track accompanying the
Barcelona street scenes, the photographing of a
brawl from slanted angles, and the well-sus-
tained wedding celebration, replete with jazz
-Barrie Waters



ing a path to our door, and not because we have
invented a better munitions mousetrap -than
our neighbor, either. Do we want to win victories
at conferences? Let us trade on our place, not
on our gadgets.
If we were to announce, for example; that
we have committed ourselves to independence
for all the peoples of Asia; not at some in-
definite future date, but within stated terms
of years, we would be making our weight felt,
and in a consequential style. We have already
set the precedents; we have put dates on both
Philippine and Korean independence; "put-
ting a date on it" can become a standard
American doctrine, and then we will really
emerge from conferences with victories of
Our generally defensive foreign policy line,
our hugging of our glamorous bomb, have none
of the substance of our greatness in them; so
might we chatter if we were small. For half
of what our bomb cost, we could set democracy
on its feet in half a dozen troubled countries
of Europe; and once we did so, we would need
no conferences to find out that our position
in the world had improved.
But though we yearn at countries where
our influence is slight, and shiver at develop-
ments in the Balkans, we are absent-mindedly
indifferent about countries where our influ-
ence is great, as in Italy; or where it could
be great, as in Indonesia; the giant fondles his
slingshot but talks like a boy. It is not only
in Britain that men begin to show fear and
doubt concerning us, but in the humbler
places, too, in Italy and in Java and in India;
and here, also, strangely enough, that is not
because of our bomb.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. to-
day at 12:15 p.m.
Program: (1) A survey of geologi-
cal periodicals in the English lan-
(2) Miss Friedkin on the Develop-
ment of the West Edmond, oilfield,
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
The Pitch and Putt Club will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. at the Women's
Athletic Bldg. A class will be formed
under the instruction of Mrs. Hanley.
A movie with demonstration will be
The Polonia Club is holding an ice-
skating party tonight at 7:30, at
Burns Park. All members and their
friends are urged to attend.
B'nbhi B'rith Hillel Foundation will
conduct Sabbath Eve Services tonight
at 7:45. Following the services there
will be a fireside discussion led by
Rev. E. Redman and Rabbi J. M.
Cohen on the subject "JUDAISM
The 1. C. C. Educational Commit-
tee will present a talk by Father Mc-
Phillips: "Catholiscism and the Mod-
er-n Individual" tonight at 8:00 p.m.
at Muriel Lester Co-op, 1102 Oakland.
Outsiders are invited to attend and
participate in the bull-session after-
wards. Refreshments will be served.
Coming Events
La Sociedad Iispanica will show
"El Sombrero de Tres picos," a Span-
ish movie with English subtitles,


Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
is going to make an epic with my

Oh, he'll be able to.f

Your Fairy Godfather's not worried, m'boy. H
has decided to scrap Technicolor. A colossal
savin. Besides black and white is a more pure

e II

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