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December 18, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-18

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See Pa~ge 2



Wolverine Cagers
Beat Utah, 48-32
.Michigan's Opening Barrage Sinks Utes
In Cagemnen's Fifth Straight Victory
Michigan's basketball team kept its undefeated record unblemished
last night while soundly trouncing a weak University of Utah quintet,
48-32, for its fifth victory of the season before a sparse crowd in Yost
Field House.
John Mullaney, who topped Wolverine scoring with 12 points, ,two less
than Utah's Dave Howard, high man for the evening, led Michigan's at-
tack in one of the most accurate Maize and Blue shooting matches to date.
Starting off with a bang in the first half, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's cagers
potted 12 out of 33 attempted field goals and sunk four charity tosses to
lead the western boys 28-11 at halftime. Mullaney sank four goals and two

free throws in the initial frame to ru
n gine School
Reveals Recent
Course Change
Communication Work
To Be Offered in Fall
Changes in the curriculum of the
Department of Electrical Engineering
and the Department of Mechanical
Engineering have been made re-
cently, Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
College of Engineering announced
A new program in electronics-com-
munication will start next fall, Prof.
A. H. Lovell acting chairman of the
Department of Electrical Engineering
said. It is being offered because of
the demand of returning veterans
and graduate students, he explained.
Veterans taking thecourses offered
in this program will learn the under-
lying scientific theory in back of the
radio and radar equipment they have
been using during the war.
Radar Electives
The program provides that in their
senior year, engineering students
may take electives in radio, radar or
television. A parallel program in the
field of machine-power provides elec-
tiyes .for students interested in that
phase of electrical engineering. The
first three years of the programs are
"Such elemeitary instruction has
tremendous application in industrial
electronics," Prof. Lovell said. He
pointed out that men who under-
stand the principles of electronics
are particularly needed by Detroit
industries working with complicated
speed controls and high frequency
heating and doing automatic weld-
in g.
New Four-Year Program
A new. four-year curriculum is now
taking the place of the old five year
program in industrial-mechanical
engineering, Prof. " R. S. Hawley,
chairman of the Department of Me-
chanical Engineering, announced.
Provision will be made for courses in
economics, business administration,
factory management, and other sub-
jects of patricular value to students
interested in the industrial phases of
mechanical engineering. A course in
heating and air . conditioning is in-
cluded in this curriculum for the first
The usual. fundamental courses
will be required for graduation. Stu-
dents who complete this program will
receive the bachelor of science degree
in industrial-mechanical engineering.
Engineering students who have com-
pleted this program with certain
elections in the School of Business
Administration can fulfill the re-
quirements for the degree of master
of business administration in three
additional semesters, Prof. Hawley
* * *
Faculty Votes
On Proposals
The literary college faculty, in a
special meeting yesterday, voted on
individual recommendations of the
Joint Committee on the Curriculum,
amid growing indications that a final
decision on curricular revision may
be near.
The discussions will be continued
at the next faculty meeting.
The proposed changes were sub-
mitted to a student committee last
week. Dean Hayward Keniston said
that the committee's reaction would
be considered by the faculty in future
discussions on the curriculum.

Glee Clubs To Give
Christmas Concert
The University Women's Glee Club
mm3 r4 rpn ni+t Christmason cert

in his point total up to ten, one less
than the entire Utah team's score for
the period.
After the first six minutes of play
the Wolverines had piled up an
eight-point lead, and were scoring at
such a rate that it seemed pretty evi-
dent the Utah boys didn't have a
prayer. Going into the second frame
17 points behind Utah let out with a
burst of scoring power, peppering the
Wolverine basket with field goals un-
til it pulled to within seven points of
the leaders by the middle of the pe-
But Oosterbaan threw in the entire
(See WOLVERINE, Page 3)
Capt. Michaux
Opposes Armed
Forces Merger
Claiming that proposed legislation
for a merger of the Army and Navy
would be "dangerous to national wel-
fare," Capt. Woodson Michaux, head
of the University Naval Unit, ex-
plained both Army and Navy 'future
administrative plans to Naval and
Marine personnel last night in the
Rackham Auditorium.
He described the purpose of the
official Army Collins plan as fol-
lows: The creation of a single de-
partment of defense; the appoint-
ment of a joint chief of staff;
creation of an air force coequal
with the Army and Navy, and the
creation of a director of Common
In contesting this plan, Capt.
Michaux gave the following reasons
for opposing it: There would be a
"muddle of merger" if the privilege of
free decision were taken away from
the Navy; there might be an attempt
to absorb the Navy because the chief
of staff would control the military
budget; the concentration of power
in the chief of staff would be enor-
mous, and that a very large organi-
zation such as the Army plan would
call for, would make for "much
greater inefficiency, waste and over-
lapping of functions than would sev-
eral smaller departments."
Ekplaining the six points in the
Navy plan, Capt. Michaux noted
that it called for the establish-
ment of a National Security Coun-
cil; retention of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, establishment of a Na-
tional Resources Board; creation
of Central Intelligence and Re-
search Agencies, and the establish-
ment of an autonomous air force.
Criticising the speed with which
the current proposal is being consid-
ered, Capt. Michaux said that "it is
not reasonable to expect a happy
family life as a result of a shot gun
Lieut. Comm. I. V. E. Atherton
announced that all men desiring
room accommodations for the
spring term should make their ap-
lications immediately even though
word has not yet been received con-
cerning benefits for the men from'
the G-I Bill of Rights.

C -I
Cold Weather
Sales Net $801
In Charity Drive
Goodfellow Receipts
Topped Only Twice
On what was probably the coldest
day in Goodfellow history, some 300
shivering coeds raised $801.67 in
street sales of the annual Goodfel-
low Daily yesterday.
In amassing the third largest total
in the 10-year series of Goodfellow
campaigns, the salesmen, represent-
ing two dozen campus women's or-
ganizations, valiantly sold Dailies for
any amount from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Only in 1937, when the Goodfellows
made $825, and in 1942, when they
received $810, have street sales of the
Goodfellow edition topped yester-
day's returns.
Cold Kept 'Em In
Biting weather kept coed salesmen
indoors and prospective buyers'
hands in their pockets a large share
of the morning. Greatest sales boom
came between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.,
when the sun tried half-heartedly to
Group Donations. ..
As in former drives, the balance of
the Goodfellow committee's goal of
$1800 is expected to be filled by group
contributions from fraternities, so-
rorities and other campus houses and
Letters urging these donations
were mailed out by the Goodfellow
committee last week. As yet only a
relatively small number of contri-
butions have been received.
Group pledges should be mailed to
the - Goodfellow Fund, Michigan
Daily, 420 Maynard, before the
Christmas recess.
shine and the temperature soared to
12 above. Of the 5,000 Dailies printed
for the drive, less than 100 remained
unsold at 3 p.m.
Perhaps the luckiest of the sales-
men were the sisters of Alpha Gamma
Delta, who remained the entire day
within the warm lobby of the League.
The most determined efforts to swell
contributions were made by Barbour
and Jordan residence halls, both of
whose salesmen collected many do-
nations after their supply of Dailies
ran out.
Only One Reneged
Only one of the assigned sororities
failed to show up for the drive, all
the other groups sticking steadfastly
to their posts.
Most successful spots during the
early morning hours were the League,
the center of the diagonal and the
Engine Arch. By noon, sales were
highest in the State and North U
Only a few coeds resorted to slacks
to keep them warmer, most of them
braving the elements with bare legs.
As he bought his Goodfellow Daily,
Prof. W. R. Humphreys of the Eng-
lish department said to the salesman,
"Take this "and buy yourself some
By 2 p.m., those students who did
not intend to contribute to the Good-
fellow fund knew all the answers. In
the morning they said,"I'll buy mine
later;" in the afternoon, "I bought
nine this morning." Some who had
money said they didn't have tme to
read it, others who could read com-
plained of having no money.
Officers To Speak
On Service Merger
"Unification of Command of the
Armed Forces" will be discussed by
Lt.-Com. Glen H. Easton, USN, re-

tired, and Lt.-Col. John B. Evans,
USA, at the meeting of Sigma Rho
Tau, Stump Speakers Society, at 7:30
p.m. today at the Michigan Union.
These talks will be followed by dis-
cussion and a mixer. The public is
cordially invited to attend the meet-

Lindbergh Asks
World Military
Force in Future
Sees Power As Only
Possibility for Peace
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Charles
A. Lindbergh, a pre-war non-inter-
ventionist, called tonight for a world
organization backed by military
power and guided by the "quali-
ties represented in Christian ideals."
"I have advocated tonight a world
organization backed by military pow-
er," the noted flier said, "an organi-
zation led by Western peoples who
developed modern science with its
aviation and its atomic bomb.
Believe Alternative Worse
"But I must confess to you that I
am fearful of the use of power. I
plead for strong military forces only
because I believe the alternative is
"If we are able to prevent the mis-
use of power based on aircraft and
atomic energy in the future, that will
mark a greater epoch in human rela-
tionships than their invention
marked in science," Lindbergh told
an Aero Club dinner marking the
42nd anniversary of the Wright
brothers' flight.
"Yet if we fail, the penalty is stag-
gering. We can succeed only by or-
ganizing all nations toward this end.
For we must face the fact that air-
craft and the atomic bomb have
brought us to a time when we will
either live in an organized world or
in constant insecurity.
Must Have Organization
"To me,it is no longer a question
of whether or not we should have
world organization, but of what form
it should take. I do not believe it
would be wise even if it were possi-
ble for this country to dominate the
world by force."
Lindbergh, "lone eagle" of pioneer
trans-Atlantic flying and one of the
all-time "greats" among pilots, made
his first public address since 1941, the
year he resigned his colonel's com-
misssion because he was "greatly dis-
turbed," he said then, by President
Roosevelt's implications "concerning
my loyalty to my country." Last
month he issued a statement sup-
porting "in principle" proposals to
share the atomic secret if effective
United Nations controls were set up.
Supreme Court
Stays Execution
Of Yamashita
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-(/P)-The
Supreme Court of the nation he
vainly tried to master by the sword
granted a stay of execution today to
Japanese General Tomoyuki Yama-
shita, convicted as a war criminal.
The former "Tiger of Malaya,"
convicted by an army commission
of permitting wholesale atrocities in
the Philippines, sped a petition here
by air mail asking that the case be
taken out of the hands of the mili-
The Supreme Court justices held a
hurried get-together and granted a
stay of the death sentence. Whether
the high tribunal actually will take
jurisdiction over the case-and thus
decide the legality of the military
trial-was not immediately an-
nounced, however.
Dance Ticket
Sale To begin

Gene DeVine To Play
At New Year's Party
Tickets for the gala all-campus
New Year's Eve dance, scheduled
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday, Dec.
31, at Waterman and Barbour Gyms,
will be placed on sale tomorrow,
Thursday, and Friday at theumain
desks of the Union and League and
on the Diag, weather permitting.
Gene De Vine and his 13 piece
Michigan State College campus or-
chestra will be featured at the only
University approved New Year's
Party. Women have been granted
1:30 a.m. permission for the informal
dance, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley
has announced that no fraternity or
sorority parties will be approved.
Sponsored by the Union and
League Councils, the event will mark
the fourth consecutive year that an
all-campus celebration has been held
to welcome the New York.
Since this will be the last party
of its kind, due tothe University re-
turning to its peace time schedule
next year, the combined Councils
are making every effort to make this

On Employees -
ork Stoppage

GM Demands Penalties

CHENNAULT MEETS 'THE BULL'-Meeting for the first time, Maj.
Gen. Claire Chennault (left), former commander of the 14th U.S. Army
Air Force in China, and Fleet Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey, Jr.,
chat during a party given in the Admiral's honor at the Stork Club,
New York.
Local Common Council Gives
Licensest10 More Taxicabs

Veterans To Get Special
Preference from Group
The Ann Arbor Common Council
passed a recommendation to the
chief of police that 10 more cab li-.
censes be issued to individual taxi
drivers, giving preference to. veterans
and special consideration to Kenneth
Cavanaugh, at a meeting last night
at the City Hall. ,
The recommendation was made
after Cavanaugh appeared before the
council to explain that the present
cab situation is not conducive to-
wards good service and safe driving.
He also said that drivers, under the
present city ordinance, are not prop-
erly protected when they are driving
for cab companies.
Racketeering Cited
Cavanaugh cited cases of racketeer-
ing in transfer of licenses from per-
sons who have gotten hold of permits
which they do not use, to individuals
who want to drive cabs but cannot
get licenses directly from the police
department. He said that a price of
$2,500.00 had'been set on a used cab
and a license which he was trying to
get. Licenses are issued by the city
originally at a $15.00 yearly fee.
According to Cavanaugh, some li-
censes are now held illegally. The
present city ordinance on cabs states
that no person or company shall own
more than 50 per cent of the issued
licenses. However, Cavanaugh said
that one person who owns a local
company and holds 50 per cent share
in another does control licenses in
excess of the legal number.
Survey Taxi Needs
The number of licenses issued is
deatrmined by the chief of police. At
present a survey is being conducted
by the Common Council to determine
local taxi needs.
Veterans were given preference for
additional licenses since they have
recently been trying to organize a

taxi scheme. Although they have
conferred with several aldermen, they
have not officially appealed their
case for licenses to the council and
have made their applications indi-
vidually to the chief of police.
Meanwhile, five of the veterans,
who had licenses before the war and
were regranted them upon release
from service, opened a service last
German Group
Plans Double
Holiday Party
Deutscher Verein members have
laid plans for a two-day Christmas
celebration today and tomorrow, ac-
cording to Dr. Werner F. Striedieck,
club sponsor.
A program including German
Christmas songs, reading of the orig-
inal Christmas story and another
Christmas story, charades staged
completely in German, refreshments
and exchange of gifts will be features
of the meeting at 8 p.m. today in the
Hussey Room of the League.
Tomorrow the Verein will serenade
women's residences and houses of
professors near campus with tradi-
tional German carols. Club members
and all German students are invited
to attend both functions.
Instruction sheets for the art
staff of the Gargoyle, and others
interested in trying out will be
available at the Gargoyle office
between 4 and 6 p.m. today.
The deadline for literary mater-
ial has been extended until to-
morrow. All material to be used
in the January issue must be in at
that time.

Note to Union
Lists Terms
'Standard Proposal'
Sent to Kaiser-Frazer
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec. 17 - A demand
that "appropriate penalties" be pro-
vided against employes participating
in work stoppages that violate con-
tract provisions was made upon the
CIO United Automobile Workers to-
day by General Motors Corp.
The demand was contained in a
letter to the union listing more than
a dozen stipulations the corporation
said must be included in a collective
bargaining agreement with the
UAW-CIO. The letter was made
public by the management as discus-
sions of new contract proposals, in-
cluding the Union demand for a 30
per cent wage rate increase, were re-
Standard Proposal
The UAW-CIO, led by President
R. J. Thomas, submitted what it
termed a "standard proposal" at the
opening of negotiations with the
newly formed Kaiser-Frazer Corp.
The company, through Edward D.
Riordan, director of industrial rela-
tions, said it will submit its lists on
proposals including its request for a
guarantee of company security, at
the next meeting Thursday.
Termed Satisfactory
Both sides termed today's initial
conference "satisfactory." T h e y
would not enlarge on the provisions
of the union contract proposal nor
would Thomas say whether it em-
bodied a 30 per cent wage increase
The new General Motors agree-
ment, management there said, must
include a stipulation "that there be
appropriate penalties, including loss
of seniority, against any employee
taking part in any strike or work
stoppage in violation of the agree-
Guarantee Demanded
Also demanded was "an adequate
guarantee that the union will make
good on its pledge to eliminate per-
sonal attacks, false accusations and
vilification of management through
union publications, handbills, litera-
ture and releases; and that the in-
ternational union as bargaining
agent shall accept full responsibility
for all items pertaining to manage-
ment in such publications and re-
MYDA Petitions
Signed by 700
Students Oppose U.S.
Intervention in China
Approximately 700 names were
signed to petitions circulated by
MYDA yesterday protesting military
intervention in China, according to
Harriet Ratner, president of the- or-
The petitions will be sent to Presi-
dent Truman immediately, she
"We are wholeheartedly in support
of President Truman's stand," she
said, "but we do not favor military
intervention at this time."
"Although a majority of students
were in sympathy with our petition,"

she noted, "many of them said they
were not well enough acquainted
with the situation to voice an opin-
"Because of this reaction, MYDA
will sponsor an educational program
which will present both sides of the
case in not only this situation, but in
others that will arise."
"All students who are interested in
knowing facts about current politi-
cal and military actions," she em-
phasized," are invited to attend the
1first MYDA meeting following va-
'U' Has Openings for
Typists, Secretaries
The University has openings on
campus for stenographers, secretar-
ies, and typists.
S Women, especially veterans' wives,
interested in securing a job, are, re-

Hill Auditorium Will Be Scene
Of All-Campus Christmas Party

Super-Heavy Artillery Is
Outmoded'--Col. H. W. Miller

Hill auditorium rafters will ring to'
the echo of jingle bells when the,
gigantic all-campus Christmas Party'
takes the stage from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
today, with student talent starred
second only to Santa Claus.
Steve Filipiak, versitile WPAG fun-
nyman and veteran of three years of
big-time vaudeville, will emcee the
gala show. Filipiak was previously in
charge of entertainment at Willow
Run. A prominentrUniversity official,
who prefers to remain anonymous,

will provide jive for Christmas-eager
University Provost James P. Adams
will inject a more serious note, when
he replaces President Alexander
Ruthven who traditionally delivers
the brief Christmas address.
Tommy Lough, popular young
boogie-woogie pianist starred at Var-
sity Night, will be on hand and will
be joined by Jim Evans in a cross-
handed boogie duet. Blues singer
Elizabeth Moore, and Ruth McMorris
and .Tan Touise TTHl in a snecial

Super-heavy artillery is outmoded,
but our army will continue to use six
inch and smaller artillery, Col. Henry
W. Miller of the United States Army,
said today.
Asked whether he considered
ground artillery obsolete, Col. Miller,
chairman of the Department of
Mechanism and Engineering Draw-
ing, and author of "Railway Artillery,"
"Sea Coast Artillery," and "Mobile

ringing in our ears of how much
worse a future war will be," he said,
"we expect more wars. Two or three
in a lifetime are inevitable. They will
not be wars of pushing buttons and
sending out atomic bombs either, for
uranium is scarce and atomic bombs
are every expensive to produce."
The basis of war is either the urge
to dominate or a terrific hunger, Col.
Miller said. The evolution of modern
artillery began when the cave man,

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