ONDAY, DEC. 17, 1945
Fifty-Sixth Year
Battle of Bulge Reviewed
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Thanks, Goodfellow
Thanks, Goodfellow! Your purchase of this
Goodfellow Daily will play an important part in
making the 1945 Drive a success. This means
funds to support the University Goodwill Fund,
the Textbook Lending Library, and the Ann Ar-
bor Family and Children's Service for another
In joining in such projects as the"Goodfellow
Drive, students demonstrate their willingness
and ability to assume a responsible role in the
community life of both the University and
the city.
In addition to the sale of Goodfellow Dailys,
individual contributions made by residence halls,
sororities, fraternities and other campus organ-
izations will contribute to achieving the goal of
$1800. Those which have failed to send in their
contribution should do so at once.
The Union-Daily Goodfellow Committee
wishes to thank Assembly and Pan-Hel for
their co-operation in organizing the Daily
sales, the some 300 coeds who braved the cold
this morning, and the many donors. Thanks
again, Goodfellow.
-Milt Freudenheim
WASHINGTON.-Just one year ago this morn-
ing the American public got the news-at
first heavily censored - that the German army
had launched a violent and successful counter-
attack. In the Battle of the Bulge which fol-
lowed, 60,000 casualties resulted and the tre-
mendous surpluses not piled up in army store-
houses throughout the U.S.A. were largely ac-
quired by frantic army orders during those next
fateful weeks.
That desperate Nazi last-gasp came within
a hair's breadth of succeeding. It did not stop
until 20,000 fresh American troops were flown
across the Atlantic-an unheard of operation
-and landed almost in the thick of battle.
While mistakes happen in wartime, it is in-
cumbent on the army to clean up the source of
those mistakes, especially before saddling the
nation with new peacetime militarism. The War
Department is now waging a fierce campaign
not only to swallow the navy, but to adopt peace-
time conscription for the first time in history.
Before this is done, the same healthy spotlight
now focused on Pearl Harbor bungling ought to
delve into other errors costly in American lives.
Unfortunately the army has long followed
a policy of covering up military mistakes, ap-
parently to preserve the reputations of high-
ranking generals. Not only the mistakes of
World War I, but even some blunders of the
Civil War still are under lock and key. Fur-
thermore, the army seems to follow an inex-
plicable policy of promoting many of those
who err, while those who were right either get
no promotion, or are eased out of the army.
Army Favoritism
the one man who consistently and emphati-
cally warned his superiors that the Germans
were going to attack was Col. B. Abbott Dickson,
Chief of Intelligence for the Second Army. Based
on interviews with German prisoners, he wrote a
report on December 10, 1944, six days before the
attack, warning that it was coming. His report,
labelled "No. 37," is in the files of the War De-
But on December 12, Colonel Dickson's su-
perior intelligence officer in the 12th army
group wrote a report saying that no such
attack was possible. The man responsible for
this report was Gen. Edwin L. Sibert.
If the gallant 106th Division had had warning;
if SHAEF had sent reinforcements opposite the
German lines, the 60,000 U.S. casualties might
have been a different story.
Today, Colonel Dickson, the man who was
right, is out of the army. He retired because
he wasn't getting anywhere: He didn't know the
right people. And General Sibert, the man who
was wrong, has been promoted to be top-ranking
intelligence officer for the entire U.S. Army in
Again Col. Otis K. Sadtler and Col. R. S. Brat-
ton, the two colonels who urged and begged that
something be done about warning Pearl Harbor
just before the Japs struck, never got one single,
solitary promotion. Other colonels and lieu-
tenant colonels all around them were promoted
to be generals. Col. Bedell Smith, who did not
act on Sadtler's and.Bratton's suggestions is now
to be Deputy Chief of Staff. But the colonels
who were right stood still.
The army owes it not only to the men who
weie pushed aside, but to the public to rectify
this favoritism before asking Congress to vote
peacetime conscription or the swallowing up
of the navy.
Ramrod Tom Clark
DURING the first few months of popular Tom
Clark's regime as Attorney General, Capitol
Hill back-slappers sized him up as a pushover.
They figured they could get anything out of him
they wanted.
They have now ruefully discovered, however,
that behind Tom's genial smile and easy-going
manner are some ramrod convictions not easily
swayed by political sympathies.
For instance, Clark bearded the lion in its
den the other day by appearing before the Jack-
sonville, Fla., convention of state attorneys gen-
eral and flatly opposing their ideas on submerged
oil lands. This subject is dynamite in many
states, including Clark's home state of Texas.
Forty-five state attorneys general had publicly
demanded that submerged oil and mineral lands
be the property of the states, not the federal
Clark, on the.other hand, maintained that the
U.S. Supreme Court should decide this question.
In taking this position, he was going directly
counter to Ed Pauley, close friend of Truman
and Clark, who gets most of his lush oil income
from lands under the Pacific Ocean just off the
California coast. Also Clark's home-town Con-
gressman, Judge Hatton W. Sumners of Dallas,
chairman of the judiciary committee, pushed
through a bill taking the question of submerged
oil out of the hands of the Supreme Court.
But despite all this, the Attorney General went
down to Jacksonville, faced the convention of
hostile state attorneys, told them they were ab-
solutely wrong, and said he was going full speed
ahead with his Supreme Court case.
Said California's Attorney General Bob
Kenny to the Attorney General of the United
"You fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.
Don't you know that the Civil War's over?"
Republican Row
IT DIDN'T LEAK OUT at the time, but there
was some bare-knuckled scuffling before Con-
gressional Republicans approved their statement
of "aims and purposes" later adopted by the
national committee meeting in Chicago.
The big bone of contention was a proposal
by Representative Leslie Arends of Illinois that
the Republicans should favor a law barring
campaign contributions by labor organizations.
This, of course, was aimed at the CIO's Politi-
cal Action Committee which helped elect
-The Arends proposal ran into a storm of pro-
test in the closed-door caucus of House Repub-
licans. It was finally howled down by a militant
bloc of objectors including Representatives An-
gell (Ore.), Baldwin, (N.Y.), Bender (Ohio),
Bolton, (Ohio), Canfield (N.J.), Case (N.J.),
Corbett (Pa.), Dondero (Mich.), Dirksen (Ill.),
Wolverton (N.J.) and Welch (Cal.).
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Chinese Will Return
To Former Capital
Associated Press Correspondent
SAN FRANCISCO. -Nanking, designated by
China's central government to become once
more the nation's capital, is likely to repeat
Chungking history when it comes to overcrowd-
ing and other discomforts.
This is according to a special dispatch from
Spencer, Moosa, AP correspondent in Chungking,
where winter mists and cold are turning the
thoughts of nearly every one toward the impend-
ing return to Nanking.
The move back is expected to take place by
March or April, and in the meantime the Chinese
Executive Yuan met in Nanking and Premier
T. V. Soong and 1500 government workers will
go to Nanking fairly soon. Officially, however,
the government will remain in Chungking until
early spring.
Some foreign diplomats, Booking ahead to
the time when they will follow the government
down the river, have visited Nanking on house-
hunting expeditions. Some nations, like Brit-
ain and America already have Nanking em-
bassies, which probably will have to be re-
paired. But many countries don't, and their
diplomats figure that the most of building is
going to be high. One questing diplomat was
asked $50,000 in U.S. money for a flimsy struc-
Correspondents, too, are thinking about going
back to Nanking, but this week were advised by
P. H. Chang, the cabinet spokesman, that they
would be more comfortable in Chungking this
"It's very cold in Nanking," he said, "and
there's no coal or other comfort."
Moosa reports, meanwhile, that some of the
diplomats are murmuring about what they con-
sider the "indifference and inconsideration" of
the Chinese Foreign Office in helping them to
find suitable quarters in Nanking.
The Foreign Office takes the attitude that it is
doing the best it can under the circumstances,
whch admittedly are rigged against anyone who
hopes to do anything with a city occupied by
Japanese since 1937.
"From the way the Japanese looked after
Nanking it doesn't seem as if they planned to
stay there permanently," commented Chang
after a quick trip to the recaptured capital.
He says the Japanese let the roads and streets
go without repairs, and that the housing short-
age is acute. He might have added that the
Japanese generally built little in China except
for exploitation purposes, and that what they
did build was pretty junky. They made shoddy
or ruined nearly everything they touched.
Diplomats in Chungking, however, says
Moosa, are griping in. a genteel sort of way
that the Chungking foreign office hasn't done
too well by them all along.
They say that when they set out for Chung-
king at various times they were told by Chinese
diplomats in their home countries that excellent
hotel accommodations would be available in
Chungking, but upon arrival they found them-
selves in the rat-infested Chialing house where
they were given one - or at most two - small
They found the food poor, no running water,
and no heat except for charcoal braziers, which
are dangerous in small rooms. There was no
better hotel in Chungking, an emergency capi-
tal in a war that lasted eight years.
The diplomats remark bitterly that the only
way the Chialing house compares with a first-
rate hotel elsewhere is in its rates, which
average more than $6 per day for a small room
lacking some of the refinements common even
to. servant quarters in a high-class pre-war
foreign home in Shanghai.
They wonder, says Moosa, if Nanking will be
any better.
The annual performance of Georg
Friedrich Handel's "Messiah" was
presented yesterday afternoon with
the University Choral Union, a spe-
cial "Messiah" orchestra, Rose Dir-
man, soprano, Arthur Kraft, tenor,
Kathryn Meisle, contralto, Mark
Love, bass, Hugh Norton, narrator,
and Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organ-
ist, all under the direction of Hardin
Van Deursen.
Always a popular concert, the
"Messiah" was enthusiastically re-
ceived by the huge audience that
packed Hill Auditorium. As usual,
the chorus displayed the clear, even
tones of unforced, well-blended
voices, and gave such inspired per-
formances of the familiar choruses
"Lift up your heads," "the Hallelu-
jah Chorus, and the concluding
"Worthy is the Lamb that was
slain," that the apparent sponta-
neity of their singing infected the
audience until it was hard not to
join in the singing, a chance which
did not come until the Hallelujah
Chorus. The enunciation was about
as perfect as it is possible for so
large a group to do, and the attacks
were refreshingly clean and pre-
cise. Under Mr. Van Deursen's
forceful conducting, the high de-
gree of unanimity, power, and ac-
curacy combined with the intrinsic
greatness of Handel's music to give
a magnificent rendition of the
choral portions.
The orchestra, unfortunately, was
extremely shaky. The attacks were
badly blurred, neither the sections
nor the individual players within the
sections played together, and the
whole effect was onesof great hesi-
tancy and unsureness. These quali-
ties were most noticeable when the
orchestra was playing alone or ac-
companying a soloist, but when the
chorus joined in, the orchestra
seemed to take heart and played with
a good deal more gusto and convic-
As for the soloists, it can be said
that in most instances they were ade-
quate. Mr. Kraft led off weakly in
the first solo passage, bravely going
on although his voice was almost
wholly obscured by the orchestra in
many places. His tone was unsteady
and he lacked both control and vol-
Mr. Loves tone was rich, his pitch
and enunciation good, as were Miss
Dirman's. She showed exceptionally
fine feeling for what she was singing,
although her voice grew a little shrill
on the high notes.
The most noticeable thing about
Miss Meisle's singing was her inter-
pretation, which conssted largely of
strange and sudden dynamics, bring-
ing her voice from quite a sizable
volume to a bare whisper all in the
course of half a measure. This pro-
duced quite a unique performanceof
"He shall feed his flocks," which was
nothing if not unexpected.
All in all it is a pity that Choral
Union doesn't get good enough
soloists that parts of the Messiah
would be something more than an
endurance contest for the audience,
for if the high standard of per-
formance set by the chorus had
been maintained by the soloists
and orchestra the concert would
have been superb.
-Paula Brower
Obj ectivity
"RUSSIANSResume News Censor-
ship," the headline on a recent
front page article in the New York
Times read. According to a United
Press correspondent in Moscow, par-
ticularly upset about his dispatch on
the new censorship, strict Russian
censorship of outgoing news dis-
patches has been restored.
At a departmental-lecture last
month, Russian-born economist,
Vladimir Kazakevich, pointed out
that foreign correspondents in the
Soviet Union often have poor in-
terpreters, thereby directly con-
tributing to Russia's fears through
inaccurate news coverage. He attrib-
uted many of the press' mistakes in
interpreting the Russian picture
not only to such inefficiency, but
also to editors' interest primarily in
"hot" news instead of important
things such as the Soviet Union
As a result of this accusation and
the hotly-debated "free press' stipu-
lation recently struck from the
UNNRA appropriations bill, we
should investigate our news sources
before accusing the Russians for cen-
soring news services.
The ever-vigilant Times,. how-
ever, already suspects or perhaps-
hopes for-the worst. "It appears
possible that the resumption of'
tight censorship was ordered be-
cause of the impending meeting of'
the Big Three's Foreign Ministers
in Moscow," the article concluded.1
-Charlotte Brobecker
CORE Action
UNDERTONES ..... By Bob Chapin
Dutch Imperialism
WITH reference to Mr. Cornelius J.
Loeser's open letter to the Mich-
igan Daily of Dec. 12, 1945, I fear that
Mr. Loeser's youthful enthusiasm for
sponsoring the cause of democracy
among peoples known and unknown
to him, has led him too rashly to
"climb up his fountain-pen," as a
Dutch saying goes.
Where did he get the information
that Java is "rich in . . . tin, gold,
silver . . . ?No geologist, and no
economist would support such a state-
He appears to be equally ignorant
of the distinct social stratification
stillhprevailing among the 48 mil-
lion Javanese, except, perhaps,
among the handful of rebels. Thus,
a few years before the war the
Susuhunan of Surakarta-one of
the four ruling native princes in
Java-made a trip into East Java,
far outside of the borders of his
principality. Everywhere he was
hailed with genuine reverence and
devotion by the masses of un-
sophisticated natives.
Again, Mr. L. seems to disply a
blissful ignorance regarding the role
of the British military forces in Java.
They were not originally sent there
-o suppress any possible native up-
rising. They were sent for the pur-
pose of (1) supervising the surrender
of Japanese arms; (2) protecting the
white women and children in the
various concentration camps, inas-
much as the male whites had been
sent out of the country as slave-
laborers. Whatever fighting the Brit-
ish forces have done so far, has been
incidental to the second purpose. For
some time the British have even pro-
hibited the landing of Dutch troops
on Java. Recent reports have it, how-
ever, that a determined effort will
now be made to suppress the revolt
systematically, since attempts at
peaceful settlement of the contro-
versy have failed. Considering the
dearth of transport facilities and
military equipment for the Dutch
troops, it is obviously too early to
expect any tangible results.
Mr. L. makes the amazing state-
ment that "in 1932 the average in-
come of the natives was one cent
a day." Even if we had forgotten
that the year 1932 had marked the
deathof the depression, in Java
as elsewhere, the statement is in-
credible. I suspect that it has been
lifted from its original context
only to make sensational news.
Nevertheless it is sad to reflect
that so many supposedly educated
people should assign as much
weight to the value of money in a
civilized country as in communities
of semi-primitive peoples living in
a bountiful natural environment.
Equally amazing is Mr. Loeser's
statement that "each year before the
war L32,000,000 ($130,000,000) profits
went to Holland," when the facts
show that in '31, '32, '33 the favorable
trade balance amounted to only
80,000,000 dollars. But suppose his
figure were correct, is there anything
fundamentally wrong in earning a
profit of 130 million dollars on a
capital investment of 1,400,000,000
dollars under the murderous climatic
conditions of an equatorial country?
As far back as 1898 it has been
estimated that the sugarcane industry
-one of the white man's industries-
alone, occupying about 11 percent of
the ricefields, had enriched the native
population by 55 million guilders
more than the rice would have yield-
ed. In 1938 a similar computation
showed that 2.4 percent of the arable
land under sugar-cane produced six
times as nuch revenue to the Java-
nlsle :onlm i nit y cendnab P a nd
;pen( on"the tnrrov n i off tn a
"It's o.k., chMief. They say they're a couple of UM archaeologists
digging for ruins.
Letters to the ditor
to far more oppression and despotism
than under a responsible white gov-
ernment. This is one of the major
reasons why the population of Java
had remained at a fairly constant
level of 5 millions through the cen-
tures, until an effective and benevo-
lent white government was estab-
lished some 125 years ago. Mr. L.
would do well to consult on this score
Mrs. Paul Robeson's observations on
the Republic of Liberia in her recent
book "African Journey," as well as
Katherine Mayo's "Isles of Fear" for
the Philippine Islands.
Look at a picture of the Javanese
insurrectionists. Who are they?
They are mostly boys in their teens,
as has been verified by newspaper
reporters. They are thse that
"wear shoes and carry ostentatious-
ly a fountain-pen," as they have
been aptly characterized by one of
my nephews, a Dutch medical stu-
dent who was among the first to
land on Java as a member of the
.British Intelligence Service.
The common man o Malay stock,
whether ,he be a Javanese, or a Sun-
danese, or a Madurese, is conserva-
tive to a degree and looks askance
on all innovations; he prefers to be
ruled by his own native chiefs and
hereditary princes under the Dutch-
man's guidance, with which he has
become familiar. And this guidance
has been proven, by and large, to be
wise and salutary.
In much the some way as the
American soldier has fought to retain
the rights and privileges which his
forefathers have gained, so is the
Dutch soldier now fighting to retain
the rights and privileges which his
forefathers have gained. Is there any-
thing wrong in that? At no time in
history, however, has the Dutchman
been guided by the thought that a
good Indonesian is a dead Indonesian,
as the rapidly increasing native popu-
lation of Indonesia sufficiently testi-
fies; he has let him live a far better
life than most of the natives in
equatorial regions enjoy.
"I should like, therefore, to end
this answer to Mr. Corielius J.
Loeser's diatribe with Alexander
Pope's counsel:
"A little learning is a dangerous
Drink deep, or taste not the
Pieran spring" etc.
-M. W. Senstius
Nisi Equality
ARY MASUDA is a Japanese-
American who was run out of her
home town last May by five "vigi-
lantes" -because of her Japanese
She has been given the Distin-
guished Service Cross awarded to
her brother who was killed at Cas-
sino. Three other brothers also
served in the United States Army.
Following the presentation, a rally
was held in Santa Ana - her home
town - in honor of veterans of all
races. Not only Japanese, but Fili-
pino, Chinese, Negro, Mexican and
other minority groups of American
citizens spoke.
This is a turn-about to say the
least, but as General Stilwell aptly
termed it, the veterans of this war
should "use ax handles if necesary"
to see that there is justice to those
veterans, who may not be in the
majority but who share the same
democratic rights.
-Bettyann Larsen
On the Ball
A $2,00,000 apartment-hotel, larg-
est housing unit in Evanston, Ill.
will be crec ted by Northwestern Uni-
A POSITIVE APPROACH to the solution of
the race problem in America has been taken
by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), a
national federation of-local inter-racial groups
committed to the goal of erasing the color line
through methods of direct, non-violent action.
CORE assumes that social conflicts are not
ultimately solved by the use of violence; that
violence perpetuates itself, serves to aggravate
rather than resolve conflict and is suicidal
to any group. It seeks to overcome injustice
by using the powers of active goodwill and of
public opinion against a wrong-doer. Members
must refuse to cooperate with injustice, such
non-cooperation being illustrated by boycott
and strikes. They have also pledged to accept
punishment if necessary without retaliation.
At all times each member is pledged to in-
vestigate the facts before determining whether
or not racial injustice exists in a given situation
and to seek a complete understanding of the case
and of the peoples involved.
Members of CORE live on an inter-racial level
finding out directly what it is to be discriminated
against when the color line is crossed. Besides
working against discrimination in public places,
they attempt to attack the more basic social,
economic, and political problems of discrimina-
tion, particularly as they are manifested in
employment and residential segregation.
Individuals and groups who say that the
race problem will solve itself do not under-
stand and feel the emotion and depth to which
race prejudice goes. In order for barriers to
be broken and segregation eliminated, groups
must work fast and in cooperation so that
changes will come about, not overnight, but
slowly and positively. With this understand-
ng, CORE welcomes the participation of in-
dividual members of other groups, such as 1
The Hangue Dogfood Telephone Quiz Program
is on the air! Our prize this week is a dandy
vjtiotn pcf ur cWjera . We are now dialing
Hello! The Hangue Dogfood Company
has a question for you, sir, And if
By Crockett Johnson
T bese interruptions . . . Let's stroll :
,a,' e "n eurl
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