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December 17, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-17

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Less'sympathy, more aid:
Join, the Goodfellow brigade.
Give what your pocket will allow,
Not eventually, but now!



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Goodfellow Funds

To Aid Local Charities

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Committee Seeks

$1800 in


Annual Appeal
Coeds Brave Subzero Winds
To Sell Special Daily Edition
Coeds representing two dozen women's organizations took over the
campus this morning armed with metal buckets and stacks of this special
Goodfellow edition of the Daily.
They sold Dailies for any amount to raise funds for the tenth
annual Goodfellow drive. Their goal was $1800.
Because you bought this Daily, your contribution will materially
benefit these three services:

* *

*' * *

Ann Arbor Family and Children's Service
Among the agencies supported by Goodfellow Funds derived from this
drive, is the Ann Arbor Family and Children's Service. Since the end of
the war, a number of veterans have visited the agency for aid in, adjust-
ment to civilian life. The following case is typical.
Mr. Collins had had his discharge for about six months. During the
time he was in service, Mrs. Collins placed their two children in a day nursery
while she worked. When her hus- * *

here are (1. to r.) President Ruthven, Vice-president Niehuss, Dean Burs-
ley, and Dean Rea, resplendent in their Goodfellow aprons, selling the
1944 Goodfellow Edition.
* * .~. * *

* ;~.. * * * * * * *

High Pressure Selling Marked Early Drives


Student Talent
To Star in All-
Campus Party
Women's Glee Club,
Navy Chorus To Sing
A huge all-campus Christmas Party,
climaxing the pre-vacation week, will
take the stage from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
Featuring student talent entirely,
the event is held annually to initiate
the holiday season and is sponsored
by an all-campus committee. The
Women's Glee Club and the Navy
Chorus will combine their talents un-
der the direction of Miss Marguerite
Hood to present a program of light
Christmas music. Special arrange-
ments of "Jingle Bells" and "White
Christmas" will be featured by the
Navy Band To Play
In addition, the 16 pieceGNavy
Swing Band directed by George
Hawkins will provide an even lighter
vein of entertainment for Christmas-
eager students. Individual student
acts are headed off by Tommy Lough,
young boogie woogie pianist from
Highland Park who made such a hit
at Varsity Night. An unusual dance
number will be performed by Ruth
McMorris and Jean Louise Hole and
Elizabeth Moore will be featured sing-
ing the blues.
Anonymous Santa Claus.
It is rumored that a former well-
known University sports figure will
emcee the show, and a prominent
University official, who prefers to re-
main anonymous, will appear. as San-
ta Claus to distribute amusing gifts
to students and faculty members.
University Provost James P. Adams
will give a brief address on Christmas.
President Alexander Ruthven, who
traditionally delivers the address, has
been called to Washington. Mimeo-
graphed sheets of Christmas Carols
will be distributed to everyone.
Thanks, Goodfellow
U.S. May Split
With Franco
tTA m T MT'm1Vrm u. I L' (1D m' h.

Must Decide
On Wage Policy
DETROIT, Dec. 16 -(P)- A new-
comer to the automotive field, Kaiser-
Frazer Corp., Monday comes under
the big guns of the CIO United Auto
Workers, already loaded with a 30
percent wage demand and leveled at
the industry's big three.
Kaiser-Frazer has not made public
its wage policy, but a spokesman has
said the firm will press the UAW-
CIO for a new type company security
Such an agreement has already
been offered Ford, although the union
has threatened to withdraw it unless
the company readies a specific wage
increase proposal.
GM unions in Flint, Mich., have
condemned the security plan for Ford
as a "treacherous blow" to the labor
movement, and asked that it be with-
Thanks, Goodfellow
'Be Yourself'
Not for Krafts
"Name is Kraft, sir. Arthur Kraft
of the Daily."
. "Really, where are you from, New
York?" Arthur Kraft, solo tenor in
yesterday's "Messiah" concert, replied.
"New York City is my home. Our
students would like to know a few
things about ... "
"I'm from Rochester myself. Teach
voice at the Eastman School of Music
at the University of Rochester. You
from Germany? All our relatives live
in Germany."
"My dad was born in Russia, sir.
Travelled through Germany on his
way to this country. Now about this
story ..-.
"It was a wonderful concert," Ar-
thur Carl Kraft said. "The Choral
Union was particularly fine," his wife
interpolated as your reporter reached
for his pen to assist tenor Kraft sign
oti -.rrhrl

Faculty Phalanxes, Unsigned Diplomas,
Snowballs Coerced Prospective Purchasers

Our statements from 1936 to 1945
notwithstanding, this Goodfellow
Daily does not climax the tenth
Goodfellow Drive.
Because the first Goodfellow edi-
tion was sold in 1935, it has been
assumed that the first Goodfellow
Drive took place then as well. The
dusty pages ofe1915nDailies, how-
ever, contain the story of what was
not only the first Goodfellow Drive
in Michigan, but very probablythe
first charity drive ever sponsored
by a college newspaper.
At the top of the articles urging
Song Writing
Contest Award
Is $100, Prize
A prize of $100 for the best origi-
nal, previously unpublished college
song written by undergraduates or
alumni is being offered by the Uni-
versity Glee Club of New York City.
The purpose of the contest is to
encourage song composition and
singing in colleges while adding to
the club's repertory of college 'songs.
Rules for the contest are as follows:
1. Compositions should be written
for four-part male chorus (or most-
ly in four parts), with or without
2. No music without words will be
3. If the composer is not also the
author of the words, and if the text
is not in public domain, the prize
will be split, half to the composer,
half to the author.
4. If the composer is also author
of the words, or, if his setting is of
a ,lyric free of copyright, he (com-
poser) will receive the whole prize.
5. The University Glee Club re-
serves rights to private reproduction
and to first performance of the win-
ning song in April, 1946.
6. The composer's name should not
appear on the manuscript, but should

1915 students to become "Good Fel-
lows" by contributing money, food,
clothing or entertainment for needy
children in Ann Arbor, appeared three
telephone numbers which prospective
"Good Fellows" were told to call. One
was the Daily's-the other two re-
mained a secret for more than 20
Although several people even-
tually realized that the phones
were connected in two fraternities,
they never did find out just what
was happening.
The two fraternities, as well as the
other eight then on campus, each had
a member representing them in a
senior society known as the Owls.
One of the members was T. Hawley
Tapping, now secretary of the Alumni
Before entering the University law
school, Mr. Tapping had worked as
city editor for a Illinois newspaper
which had taken part in the newly
established Goodfellow movement.
Mr. Tapping thought that being
Goodfellows was a good idea; so did
the rest of the Owls, when he sug-
gested it to them.
Because Goodfellows were supposed
to be anonymous, the Owls told no
one of what they were doing. Harold
L. Smith, another Owl member, in-
structed his fraternity's pledges to
answer the phone as Goodfellows.
The other phone belonged to Mr.
Tapping, whose work as correspon-
dent for 24 papers required him to
have a private-number.
Response to the drive was en-

thusiastic. Organizations offered
to clothe completely one or more
children. Parties were given for
them. Girls filled stockings and
baskets. Christmas trees were
donated., The Owls, very pleased,
repeated the drive in 1916.
In the meantime, news of what
Michigan was doing had spread to
A list of the sororities and wom-
en's houses that will handle the
Goodfellow Daily sales, together
with their selling places and gen-
eral instructions, appears today on
Page 4.
other campuses, and many of them
imitated the Goodfellow Drive.
But in 1917, Michigan did not take
part in the movement. All the Owls
had gone to war.
For the next 19 years, however,
campus organizations kept cloth-
ing, feeding and entertaining chil-
dren at Christmas time, until in
1935 the Family Welfare Bureau,
through which the children were
contacted, decided that there must
be a better way to expend such
generous Christmas spirit.
Families in the midst of the depres-
sion were not likely to be cheered
materially by having five or six chil-
dren in hand-me-down overalls look
enviously at their brother or sister
wearing new clothes for the first time.
A box of toys could not make a
little invalid very happy if all the
toys were ones with which he was not
See COERCIVE, Page 4

band returned she. quit her job at his
request. Since then, they have had
some difficulty in making the income
stretch and they are both impatient
for the many things they have
planned for their family and home.
Couldn't Talk Things Over
The young couple seemed to find it
difficult to talk things over together
as they formerly had done and nei-
ther knew what the other was plan-
ning or thinking.
Quarrels over petty little things
cropped up and they were both wor-
ried and restless. Mrs. Collins noticed
that even the children began to react
to the tensions. She was even fearful
that her husband had consulted a
lawyer about the possibility of divorce.
They had always been so happy that
she just couldn't understand what
was happening to them.
Went to Service
By regular conferences with a
worker, whom Mrs. Collins learned
about through a friend both she and
her husband had a chance to think
the matter over with someone who
was outside the situation. Talking in
confidence with a worker who helped
them to understand their situation
they were able to arrive at a solu-
tion and could cooperate with one an-
other. They came to realize that the
little things had assumed too much
importance and that by working to-
gether, they could avoid a lot of the
unpleasant feelings that had been
growing between them.
Thanks, Goodfellow
Christmas Jobs
Open for Coeds
Positions Available in
City During Holiday
Any women students who are plan-
ning to remain in Ann Arbor over the
Christmas holidays and who would
like to work in private homes for
their room and board should contact
the Office of the Dean of Women im-
There are several positions open in
a local department store for clerks
for the Christmas sales. In addition
to these jobs, there are also several
girls needed for part time, permanent
work. A local business firm would
like a girl with some typing ability,
and a University laboratory needs a
student to take care of mice for use
in experiments.
Thanks, Goodfellow
Christmas Boxes Must Be
In League Office Today
Al n a- a

Goodwill Fund ...
Much of the proceeds from today's
Goodfellow Daily will go into the Uni-
versity Goodwill Fund which aids stu-
dents in financial difficulty.
Given as an outright gift from
either the Dean of Students or the
Dean of Women's Office, the money
is available to any student regardless
of scholastic standing or class.
"As much as 50 dollars might be
given to a student whose case has
Bundled up to the ears, 300 coeds
more than earned a tribute today,
when they braved near-zero weath-
er to sell Goodfellow Dailies.
After a chilly session at the all-
campus sing, yesterday, one be-
numbed sorority got "cold feet," lost
their nerve, and informed the Daily
that they couldn't make it. Usually
reliable sources report that after a
cup of hot tea, they reconsidered,
and manned their posts on schedule.
come to the attention of this office,"
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students,
"Usually a friend of such a student
explains the case to us," he said, "and
that student is called in for an inter-
view. No hearing before a committee
is necessary, however."
There is no obligation to pay back
the money, Dean Bursley said, but an
individual may if he likes.
Textbook Library ...
Goodfellow money is also used to
buy textbooks.
To a person partially or entirely
paying for his own education, the
price of a $5 or $10 text can be pro-
hibitively high. It is the function of
the Textbook Lending Library, for
which a portion of the Goodfellow
Fund has been set aside since 1942,
to help such students.
Upon obtaining permission from
Dean Erich A. Walter, his academic
counselor or an engineering mentor,
the student withdraws the books he
needs for an entire term.
If none of the Library's 1700 books
are what the student has to have, the
Library performs its "24-hour serv-
ice." Every effort is made to purchase
the text as soon as possible so that
the student will not have to miss his
assignments because he has no book.
This fall it was necessary to buy 70
books, almost as many as were bought
all last year.
Even during the war years, when
money was supposedly plentiful, there
was a decided need for the Library's
services. Many students took advant-

Former Student Writes of
Experiences with Red Cross

"It's as hot as July here, and it
won't seem like Christmas," Zeta
Barbour, former student here now
stationed with the Red Cross in the
Philippines, wrote Mrs. Ruth Buchan-
--- r,+ Hn Ti:..ei. r u.rn.m r-

members of the Reel Cross aboard the
"Sea Corporal" arranged entertain-
ment for some 150 enlisted men on
board which included a variety show,
a minstrel show, community sings,

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