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Truman Has Personnel Troubles
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
IN HER recent editorial about' the apparently
inconsistent penalties the Women's Judiciary
Council handed out for Thanksgiving night
latenesses, Miss Miriam Levy contended that
"in order to have decisions more generally ap-
plicable, more consistent, and, what is more
important, more acceptable to the student body,
it is imperative that the rules of the council be
more explicitly stated . .
Miss Levy is quite right in asking for a definite
statement of council policies, and it is unfortun-
ate that those policies have not been explained
to all women students before now. Because if
such an explanation had been made, there prob-
ably would have been no occasion for Miss Levy's
The council has a standard set of penalties
for infractions of house rules which bring
women before it, supplemented by a file of
precedents established in other cases. All
council decisions are based on council policy
as defined either in the list of standard penal-
ties or cases previously decided.
However, even though policy calls for a stan-
dard penalty for a given offense, the circum-
stances which led to the infraction of rules may
be. such that the standard penalty would be
unjust. In such instances, the council modifies
the penalty to fit the individual case. In other
words, whether or not the housemother was
notified by telephone before closing time the
night the lateness occurred, as well as the reason
for the lateness, is taken into consideration in
passing sentence.
In the cases to which Miss Levy referred,
the apparent inconsistencies are probably only
the result of modifying sentences to fit indi-
vidual circumstances. Had the policies fol-
lowed by the council in making its decisions
been made clear to every woman on campus,
it is probable that no criticism of the decisions
would have been made.
And to forestall future criticism resulting
from a misunderstanding of council rules and
the way in which the council operates, it is
highly advisable that the council compile all
council regulations governing procedure, stan-
dard penalties and precedents into one com-
prehensive judicial code.
While it is true that all council policy is in
writing, in one place or another, the greater part
of that policy is scattered through a fairly large
body of cases previously decided. Theoretically,
all written council policy, in whatever form, is
available for examination by any student. In
actual practice, however, such examination is
impossible because it is also council policy that
the details of any case are confidential, unless
the woman affected desires that the details be
made public. Furthermore, reading through
several years' cases in order to find out what the
council's policies are is a job which few students,
no matter how interested, would have the time
to undertake.
Compilation of a general judiciary code
would make readily available to all students
the complete rules and regulations under
which their cases are judged. It would also
be of great help to new council members, who
must depend upon old members to explain the
policies that they must apply
WASHINGTON.-Few people realize it but
President Truman spends a lot of time these
days trying to persuade people to take important
federal appointments.
An illustration was the tussle he had with as-
tute 40-year-old Wilson Wyatt, mayor of Louis-
ville, Ky., just appointed federal housing czar.
Wyatt was first offered just about every job in
the book. Postmaster General Hannegan tried to
get him to serve on the important Civil Aeronau-
tics Board, also to accept the job Jim McGranery
wants to resign as assistant to the attorney gen-
eral, one of the key spots in the Justice Depart-
The Civil Aeronautics Board job really tempted
Wyatt, and he asked for a few days to think it
over. Next day he got a phone call.
"This is the President calling," said a voice at
the other end of the phone.
"Mr. President, I've been thinking," Wyatt
said, "and I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn
down that civil aeronautics job."
"That's swell," replied the President. "I have
a more important job for you. Please come back
here right away."
Next day, Wyatt appeared at the White House,
where Truman told him about the tough job of
coordinating housing.
"I consider this housing situation the most im-
portant problem confronting the country today,"
explained the President. "If we don't solve this
one, we'll really be in trouble in a year and a
"But, Mr. President," said Wyatt, "I'm afraid
I can't afford a federal job. I want to go back
home and practice law. I need the money."
Truman hit the ceiling.
"I know you want to go back to your law
practice," he said. "I know you want to make
some money. But I didn't like being President
either. However, I feel I have to do it, so I'm
doing it."
Then, staring at Wyatt. sharply, he said, "How
can I do a good job if fellows like you aren't
willing to come up here and help me?"
This made a deep impression on Wyatt. Next
day he called at the White House for five min-
utes. Walking into the executive office, he said,
"Mr. President, I've come to surrender."
Ordinarily it is the work of a cabinet officer
to tender a man a job. But riow Truman finds
he has to phone men personally and beg them
to work for the government.
Ike FMeets Senate
at his first meeting as chief of staff with
members of the Senate Military Affairs Com-
mittee. It was an off-the-record affair, for
which the Senators went across the Potomac to
Eisenhower's office in the Pentagon Building for
Sitting over coffee and French brandy which
he had just brought back, Eisenhower spoke
frankly about Soviet Russia and other matters,
including cooperation with Congress in running
the Army. Discussing his experiences as the
chief U. S. representative on the Allied Control
Commission in Germany he declared:
"If the American people had a chance to study
the Russians at close range, and vice versa, I
am certain there would be a fine mutual under-
standing and respect between the two peoples. I
rubbed elbows with Marshal Zhukov and others
and have a high regard for them. We enjoyed
splendid cooperation. I was always able to get
along with them.
"What most people don't realize is that the
Russians are a. good deal like us. They enjoy
life like we Americans, are full of fun and have a
fine sense of humor."
The general said he held no fears about future
amicable relations between our own country and
Soviet Russia.
Military Secret
A SIGNIFICANT test of strength is going on
between a congressional committee and the
Palestine Came
THE commission set up by Prime Minister Att-
lee and President Truman to study the Pal-
estine situation has been given 120 days within
which to report. This four month period covers
the greater part of winter, months during which
those few Jews who still live in Europe will have
to endure, besides the material sufferings which
most Europeans will undergo, the suffering of an
insecure future. The shadows of men who live
physically may well die psychologically during
those long days.
Meanwhile, General Eisenhower has approved,
quite generously, a directive permitting Jewish
refugees from Poland to enter the American zone
of Germany. Little as we may like to believe it,
their treatment there, and in the British zone to
which many are fleeing, is far from the humane
treatment one would expect Hitler's worst perse-
cuted victims to receive.
Were the situation not so pathetic, it might
seem ridiculous. However, we cannot reconcile
ourselves to this dilly-dallying when human
lives are concerned. Can we allow the card
players in this game with human chips to con-
tinue to deal from the bottom of the deck?
-Malcolm Roemer
Army over the list of 200 key Nazi agents who
operated in this country. The test illustrates how
high-handed the Army has become with civilian
government agencies of late.
The Senate's Kilgore Committee first wrote
the War Department on Nov. 8, asking for a
copy of the list of Nazi agents. The list had
been seized by U. S. troops in Frankfurt and sup-
posedly was public property. Fifteen days later,
Brig. Gen. Donald P. Booth wrote back that it
was "not possible" to furnish the list at this
time. When the committee demanded to know
why it was not possible, General Booth said no
copy of it was in the United States-even
though it had been discovered approximately a
month earlier. He added that he had cabled for
Time passed and the committee called for the
list again. It was told that Gen. Lucius Clay,
military governor of Berlin, had been advised
that the committee wanted to see the list. In-
stead of ordering that it be cabled to Washing-
ton, the general ordered that it be brought
from Frankfurt, not to Washington but to Ber-
When or how much of the list of key Nazis
here will reach the Senate group is still an un-
answered question. Apparently the Army is try-
ing to cover up certain people in the U.S.A.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Hungry Europe
THE AMERICAN' PUBLIC has recently been
treated to a variety of stories about hunger
in Germany, and some Germans are hungry; we
have been shown affecting pictures of starving
children in the streets of German cities, and some
children are starving. These appeals seem de-
signed to make us blush for very shame, as if we
were a nation of sadists, deliberately withholding
food from the German needy as a matter of high,
cruel policy. It is hard for Americans of good
will to continue to wear their fierce looks when
they are shown this kind of material; and many
have been shaken.
It is perhaps time to try for a bit of perspec-
tive; and the first point is that any photogra-
pher with a Brownie and a roll of film can get
you pictures of starving children in any country
in Europe. Starvation is a European problem, of
which hunger in Germany is only one aspect;
and once that point is conceded, we are entitled
to view with doubt any plea for the relief of
Germany alone, and to reject it as inadmissi-
ble unless it is part of a plan for the relief of
At this point a remarkable separation of sheep
from goats takes place; for a number of (often
isolationist) observers and kibitzers who pull the
longest faces about Germany's dismal prospects,
about Russian "looting," etc., about "harsh"
allied policy, about the "mad" Morgenthau plan,
and so on, are also among the most violent critics
of UNRRA. While. it is certainly not true of all
those who have spoken in sympathetic terms
about the Germans, it is true of some, that they
try to move us about the fate of Germany, while
remaining themselves unmoved about the fate of
THIS, then, is the test: whether your man
speaks in German terms, or in European
terms. Any one who sincerely wants to help the
Germans must also support the new $1,350,000,-
000 appropriation for UNRRA, for our con-
sciences will not allow Germany to go hungry
once the rest of the continent is even moderately
cared for; but they also will not allow Germany
to be fed while the continent is hungry.
A plea that we give a German more is also
an unspoken suggestion that we give some
other European less, and thus any attempt to
separate the German problem from the Euro-
pean problem, and to talk about it separately
is, by that very fact, tendentious.
These truths apply with equal force on the
question of dismantling German factories for
reparations. Secretary Byrnes makes the point,
in his new and strong statement on German
policy, that removing Germany's factories as
reparations will not "build up industry" in the
rest of Europe; it will, very largely, only make up
for factories stripped and removed by the Ger-
mans. Germany is only a place, on the continent,
in which there happen to stand the best of
Europe's surviving factories.
The future of European industry is our real
question; it far outweighs the question of the
future of German industry; any industrial recon-
struction plan which treats of Germany alone,
and forgets the continent, is as lopsided as a
food plan which considers Germany alone, and
ignores Europe.
The answer to the man who talks about Ger-
many is to talk about Europe, to make him
focus on Europe, and think Europe; but the
very same commentator who is elaborately un-
concerned about, or even hostile to, Russian
industry, French industry, Italian industry,
and British industry, is often found to be in a
tizzy about the future of German industry. Let
us remember that Germany claimed once to be
the protector of Europe; it is too late in the day
to allow her to carry on as if she had never
heard of the place.
(Copyright; 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
Student Government
THE Student Government plan
which has been proposed by an
anonymous student group and publi-
cized in the "Daily" contains several
serious defects. It is not true repre-
sentative government, because it is
overbalanced by ex officio members
and is therefore quite remote from
the whole student population which
it is supposed to govern. There is
considerable overlapping in that a
number of students tend to belong to
several of the organizations repre-
sented, while very large groups of
students are not represented at all.
Moreover, the proposed government
would consist largely of students al-
ready overburdened by their partici-
pation in many other activities. "Really, dear. Pounding a nail shou
The most important functions of
Student Government are to pro -
vide practice in living democracy, FOR THE NAZIS:
to serve as a channel for the ex-
pression of student opinion, to
coordinate student activities, and
to handle certain special matters
such as campus elections. The first A
two can only be accomplished by a
widely representative organization,
which must be quite large-50 to IS THERE any specific example of a
100 students-because of the size successful military occupation of a
of the University. The members of conquered nation? We need only
this large council should be elected look through countless history books
proportionately by class and col- to find that not one has ever really
lege. succeeded.
It is important to have adequate In last month's Harper's an an-
representation of underclassmen onymous member of the RAF recog-
for a number of reasons. Students ( nizes this fact and condemns our
who begin participating in student present method of occupying Ger-
government as underclassmen will many.
be better qualified to act as officers "The defeat of an occupation be-
and leaders later on than those gins when the war that brought it
who have gained .prestige and a ends," he writes. Perhaps beginning
more limited type of experience from as insignificant, everyday irritations
participation in some other extra- that serve only to lower the dignity
curricular activity. Furthermore, wide and morale of our troops, the process
representation of this sort would of defeat proceeds to the formation
make for more discussion between of underground movements.
council members and students in "A soldier is shot in the street on
general, so that student opinion as a a dark winter evening. In the long
whole could make itself felt. More- run, incidents such as this, both
over, there would be less tendency for trivial and great, can spell no good
election to the council to be consid- to the well-meaning Tommy and GI
ered merely an honor if councilmen Joe."
were elected from smaller districts It is hard for us to conceive of the
rather than from the campus at bitter feeling and the resentment
large. Finally, and most important, that can and is being harbored in the
this plan would insure a greater de- German mind. As the force in power,
gree of stability and continuity from we are held responsible for the suf-
year to year, because a large part of fering and the failures that are un-
the council membership would be avoidable in a war-ravaged land. The
carried over. A Student Government responsibility, however, should be put
composed largely of Seniors, aside where it belongs, with the Germans.
from being undemocratic, tends to Our members of the RAF suggests
collapse as each crop of Seniors grad- the following five-point program as
uate. This has been proved by past an effective way to control Germany:
experience on this campus.
For the executive and administra- 1-Germany must be totally dis-
tive functions of Student Govern- armed of every weapon.
ment, which are also important, a 2-A commission of experts must
small, efficient group of capable decide which industries Germany is
leaders is obviously necessary. This
should be an Executive Committee
.elected by the council. Election by
the Council is more satisfactory than DA ILYeO FFIC
cause the council members would be
more familiar with each other and
would be in a better position to select
competent leaders from among them- rublication in the Daily Official Bul-,
selves. The members of the Execu- letin is constructive notice to an mem-
tive Committee would have valuable - bes of the University. Notices for the
experience from working in the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
larger Council the year before; and form to the Assistant to the President,
this would make for continuity and 1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
efficiency. preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
It is not true that a large organi- -rys)-_
zation, such as the Council pro- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1945
posed here, cannot act effectively. VOL. LVI, No. 36
The proper functions of a Student
Government cannot be performed
by any less democratic type of Notices
representation.Eit,. u mhnrl i 1f UIt~ I74,UUA
immediately and permanently to
3-These laws must be enforced
with the utmost publicity and with
the strictest penalties.
4-The Allies on the frontier
should exercise control of the Ger-
man imports and exports, with no
restrictions except in the case of
goods which could be used for war-
like or politically dangerous purposes.
5-The Allies should retain con-
trol of the German airfields.
Thus reads the contract. After be-
ing "clearly stated and suitably im-
pressed upon the German people, the
Allied forces should be withdrawn."
How then, are possible subversive
activities to be uncovered and
stamped out? What is needed, our
RAF friend states, is a "swift, mod-
ern highly mobile body of men, mod-
eled on the T-force now in existence.
These men, well-paid scientists and
industrialists in uniform, experts in
weapons and warfare, would have the
complete right of entry and inspec-
This method of control would
prove to have all the advantages and
none of the disadvantages of occu-
pation. The majority of our troops
would be able to return home. The
removal of the yoke and irritation of
occupation wouud appeal to the Ger-
mans. Although the presence of the
T-force might not prove so attrac-
tive, yet force is all that they can un-
-Doris Waisbrod
gested for
-by Bob Chapin
ld be simple after atom-smashing."
-R. L. Taylor, '46
Academic Enigma
ALTHOUGH I am sure no harm
was meant, the item on page 1 of
this morning's Daily titled "Academic
Enigma" has two very serious impli-
cations. The first that I am careless
with confidential communications
and leave them in classrooms or cor-
ridors. The original of this letter was
placed in my files as soonasrreceived
and is still there. The doors to my
rooms are always locked. The letter
was answered in a personal confer-
ence on the day following its receipt.
The second implication is that the
ethics of the Daily permit it to pub-
lish letters which are picked up with-
out the consent or knowledge of the
writer. If the Daily was handed a
copy of this letter it must publish
the circumstances which gave it the
right to insert it in this morning's
-Walter F. Colby
Professor of Physics
EDITOR'S NOTE: The communica-
tion was sent the Daily soon after it
had been found on a bulletin board in
the Physics Building. Ethics of the
raily do not include publishing letters
from which a negative implication can
be drawn. We regret any misconcep-
tions that may have been created.
To the Mlembers 01 thle actuty,
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: There will be a special
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
on Dec. 17 at 4:10 p.m., to discuss
proposed changes in the curriculum.
(See Faculty Minutes, pp. 1186-1193.).
The Business Office and those de-
partmental offices of the University
which can properly be closed will not
be open on Monday, December 24.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary.
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Friday,
Dec. 21.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for freshmen
and sophomores and white cards for
reporting juniors and seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at midsem-
ester is "D" or "E", not merely those
who receive "D" or "E" in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at 108
Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
SENIORS: College of L. S. & A., and,
.- . , t.. . e r ~i: ...................
and 9 meet in 1025 Angell Hall; all
others in Natural Science Audito-
rium. Bring blue-books.
Handel's "Messiah" will be pre-
sented by the University Music So-
ciety Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, at
3:00 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Par-
ticipants will be Rose Dirman, so-
prano; Kathryn Meisle, contralto;
Arthur Kraft, tenor; Mark Love,
bass; Hugh Norton, narrator; Frieda
Op't Holt Vogan, organist; Special
"Messiah" Orchestra; the University
Choral Union; Hardin Van Deursen,
The audience is invited to join in
the singing of the "Hallelujah" Chor-
The concert will begin on time, and
the public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early in order to
be seated, as the doors will be closed
during the performance.
Events Today
Luncheon Discussion: Students are
invited -to make their reservations
with Pat Kelly at Lane Hall before
10:00 Saturday morning for the 12:30
luncheon at Lane Hall. Rev. Redman
of Unitarian Church will review
Richard Lautersach's "These are the
Lutheran Student Association: The
Annual Christmas party will be held
on Saturday, Dec. 15, in Lane Hall,
from 8:00 until 12:00.
Coming Events
Michigan Youth for Deniocritic
Action will have a petition campaign
against American Intervention in
China, on Monday, Dec. 17. There
will be tables in Angell Hall and in
front of the Library, for all those in-
Inter-Cooperative Council: Meet-
- - -,
By Crockett Johnson
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