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December 15, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-15

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Present NRO Members
Will Fill Peace Quota
No New Entries Expected In Spring Term;
Most Members Will Be Juniors and Seniors
Although the organization of a peacetime NROTC will be quite similar
to the pre-war set-up, there will be a few differences, Capt. W. V. Michaux,
Commaning Officer of Naval Activities here, said in an interview yesterday.
"The main difference is that it appears that the NROTC will be more
than filled to quota by those who were members under the war-time set-up
and will wish to continue in order to complete their college education," he

Goodfellow Sale
Will Be Monday
Fund Has Set $1,800
Goal in Annual Drive
Climaxing a week long drive, 25 so-
rorities and women's residences will
cover the campus Monday, serving as
newsboys-for-a-day in the tenth an-
nual Goodfellow drive.
The Goodfellow Fund with a $1800
goal, is the all-campus charity cam-
pus charity campaign of the year.
The contributions of individuals, so-
rorities and fraternities (which
should be mailed to the Daily office
no later than today) plus the sale of
Complete instructions to Goodfel-
low salesmen will appear in tomor-
row's Daily.
Goodfellow Dailies Monday will aid
in the support of the Ann Arbor
Family and Children's Service, the
Textbook Lending Library and the
University Goodwill Fund.
Group contributions have been an
important factor in making past
Christmas drives a success.
The sale of Goodfellow Dailies
Monday will be through the co-oper-
ation of Assembly and PanHellenic.
The drive is jointly sponsored by the
Union and the Daily Goodfellow
Be a Goodfellow
Med .School
eceves Grant
Of $15,000
The Medical School has received
a grant of $15,000 from the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation for the expan-
sion of its post-graduate medical
education teaching facilities, Dean
Albert C. Furstenberg announced
The money will be used for a
training program, starting Jan. 1,
1946, and three review courses for
returning medical officers and ci-
vilian physicians.
The program has as its aims pro-
vision of education opportunities for
medical veterans and expansion of
the present curriculum of continu-
ing education for physicians prac-
ticing in the area which the medical
school serves.
Each course will last for two
During January and February
"Clinical Applications of the Basic
Sciences," will be the subject of
the review course. For March and
April it will be "Internal Medi-
cine," while the May and June
course is primarily for doctors who
have been in general practice.
Brief review courses in specialized
fields, varying from three days to a
week, will be offered from March un-
til June.
Special clinical instruction for
practioners will be available each
week until June.
Be a Goodfellow
Funds Asked by
Philippines '

"Thus, there will probably be no
recruiting of new entries next term,"
he pointed out. "Again, this also
means that a majority of members
next term will be in the junior and
senior classes, rather than in lower
Will Not Prescribe Courses
After this semester, the Navy will
not prescribe the courses a NROTC
member will take, other than a few
in basic naval science and tactics.
These will be reduced to approximate-
ly two-thirds the number of hours
required now, Capt. Michaux said.
Emphasis will be on basic college
courses to qualify students for civilian
careers, as well as to insure "a well-
rounded and well-educated graduate
with sufficient naval knowledge to
enable him to fill almost any general
junior officer billet in the Navy," he
Will Not Wear Uniforms
Because NROTC members will not
be on active duty, they will not wear
uniforms except for military cere-
monies and drills, he said, and they
will not be housed separately, in line
with the Navy's desire to avoid seg-
regating the group.
"In the meantime, the actual per-
manent peacetime organization has
not been approved by Congress as
yet, and we are forced to fall back on
the pre-war set-up. The Navy De-
partment has proposed to Congress
a definite act for a permanent Naval
Officer Training Corps," Capt. Mich-
aux said.
Serve as Ensign
Under this proposal, the "Holloway
Plan," the Navy would pay tuition,
books, laboratory fees, and $50 a
month expenses for the NROTC stu-
dent. He would, in return, serve as
an ensign for a period of 15 months
minimum to three years.
Greduates of the reserve training
program would be "fully equivalent"
to graduates 6f the Annapolis Naval
Academy and would receive equal pay,
Capt. Michaux said.
Four-Point Project
The plan for a NROTC program in
certain colleges is only part of a four-
point project sponsored by Senator
David I. Walsh (Dem.-Mass.), chair-
man of the Senate Naval Affairs Com-
The "Army-Navy Journal" of Nov.
10 quoted Senator Walsh as saying
that the plan would be used as a
"basis of study by Congress for mod-
ernizing and streamlining the Naval
Academy courses and Reserve train-
ing to best fit the needs of a strong
post-war Navy."
Be a Goodfellow
Shiel Requests
Housing Survey
A survey to determine the number
of men now in the navy units on cam-
pus who plan to continue their
schooling here next term, and the
number who will desire accommoda-
tions in University residence halls, is
being made at the request of F. C.
Shiel, Acting Director of Residence
Results of the survey, indicating
the number of accotmodations which
will be available in the West Quad
for other civilians, will be published
next week.
Although there is a normel decline
between the fall and spring enroll-
ment figures, the housing problem
will be increased by an additional ap-
proximately 2,000 veterans.
All of the East Quad, except the
third floor of Prescoot House, which
will be occupied by Army medics un-
til about June 30, will be used for
civilians next term.

May Rate
Evaluation of Faculty
May Start in Fall
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may be
asked to rate the effectiveness of
their instructors next year as part of
a plan for evaluating faculty services
The plan, promulgated in 1941, was
to be inaugurated -in 1941-42, but
was postponed because of the exodus
of students, Dean L. S. Woodburne
said yesterday.
"With the expected return of a
normal student body next fall, it is
assumed that the project will be
started," he said. "Student rating,
however, is only part of the whole
plan for evaluating faculty mem-
As planned in 1941, a committee in
each department will appraise each
member of that - department on the
basis of his published writings, re-
search in progress, teaching effect-
iveness, his standing in the profes-
sion, his administrative responsibility
and effectiveness and his personal
Student rating blanks, unsigned,
will be classed according to sex, field
of concentration, class and grade-
point average.
As originally planned in 1941-42,
students enrolled in courses num-
bered below 100 were to rate those
courses and teachers. In 1942-43
courses numbered from 100 to 199
were to be evaluated, and in 1943-
44 those numbered above 199 would
be appraised.
After a three-year period, the
faculty was to decide upon the con-
tinuance or modification of the
"This procedure in other schools
has been found to be very good for
the best teachers and very accurate
for the poorest. At both extremes
there is a high degree of unanimity
of opinion," Dean Woodburne ex-
plained. Without this large measure
of agreement the validity of student
judgment is doubtful as a basis of
making decisions concerning a teach-
er's effectiveness, he added.
Be a Goodfellow-
Vaccine Found
For Influenza
By Drr. Francis
A successful vaccine against influ-
enza resulted from research directed
by Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair-
man of the Department of Epidemi-
ology in the University School of
Public Health.
The research centered at the pub-
lic health school here under a War
Department contract with the Uni-
versity. Dr. Francis is director of the
Commission on Influenza set up in
1941 by the Surgeon General's Of-
fice of the Army. He was assisted by
Dr. Jonas E. Salk, a research associ-
ate at the School of Public Health.
Proper Care of Patient
Before the vaccine was discovered,
a doctor's only means of combating
the disease was proper care of the
The vaccine proved effective dur-
ing an influenza epidemic late in
1943. One-fourth the number of
Army personnel who had been vac-
cinated contracted the illness as
compared with groups not vacci-
Patients with the two types of in-

fluenza, A and B, will be protected,
but the vaccine has no effect on the
common cold or pneumonia, it was
Effective After 7-10 Days
Dr. Francis pointed out that vac-
cination should take place before an
outbreak of influenza, as it takes
from seven to ten days for the vac-
cine to become effective.

Band's New
Song To Be


Highlighting the '1th annual Un-
ion Formal from 9 p.m. to midnight
today in the Rainbow Room of the
Union, will be the introduction of
Bill Layton's new theme song, "Medi-
tations." The song was written by
Billy Rhodes, a G.I. arranged for
Layton's orchestra who expects to
join the band soon upon his return
from Bermuda.
"White Christmas" and "Jingle
Bells," featuring Whitey Benson on
the drums, will head the musical en-
tertainment by Layton and his or-
chestra, Patty DuPont, vocalist, on
the bandstand for the first campus
formal of the year. Every effort has
been made by the Council and co-
chairmen of the affair, Dick Roeder
and John Sorice, to make this dance
an all-out post-war affair.
Flowers, gifts of the Union Council,
will be distributed to all coeds by a
Santa Claus posted at the Ballroom
entrance. Coeds are requested not
to wear other corsages. Leather pro-
grams bearing the Union seal, which
is the decoration theme will also be
Punch and cookies will be served in
the Rainbow Room and the Taproom
will be open to women.
Be a Goodfellow
AVC Telegram
To Senators
Endorses Bill
Telegrams were sent by the Ann
Arbor chapter of AVC to Senators
Vandenberg and Ferguson and to
Rep. Earl C. Michener endorsing the
Patman Bill and giving approval to
the appointment of Wilson Wyatt as
housing expediter, it was learned yes-
A telegram from Charles G. Bolte,
national chairman of the AVC, was
received by Victor Baum, local AVC
chairman urging that the telegram
be sent,
The telegram Baum sent stated:
"The veterans of America are
pleased by the appointment of Wil-
son Wyatt as housing expediter.
The American Veterans Committee
endorses the Patman Bill for price
control on new and old houses. It,
will ease critical shortages; pro-
tect against inflation; and will help
veterans get the homes they fought
(Signed) Victor Baum
Chairman of the
Ann Arbor chapter of AVC.
Be a Goodfellow
Dorms To Be
Ready in '46
The married students' dormitories,
for which excavation began Thurs-
day, will be ready for occupation at
the beginning of the fall term of
1946 if building conditions will per-
mit, according to W. C. Roth of the
Plant Department.
Mr. Roth stressed, however, that
due to difficulties in obtaining mate-
rials and labor, and other unforeseen
exigencies, it may be impossible to
meet this deadline, and that it is
really very indefinite.
Be a Goodfellow
Gov. Kelly Proclaims
Today 'Bill of Rights Day'
LANSING, Dec. 14 -()- Gover-
nor Kelly today proclaimed Satruday
"Bill of Rights Day," and asked Mich-
igan citizens to "reflect upon the ben-
efits insured to us by the Bill of
Rights" and to "do everything with-
in our power to preserve those ben-

Hope f Early
Passage Gone
Committee To Resume
Work After Christmas

World News
At A Glance

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-The Ad-
ministration's hope of getting the
new labor bill through Congress in
time for the steel strike set for Jan.
14 went up the chimney today.
The Senate Labor Committee re-
cessed its hearings until after Con-
gress returns from its Christmas holi-
days. Chairman Murray told report-
ers, the hearings then will run for
another month-100 or more wit-
nesses have asked to testify.
Thus the fact-finding board which
President Truman proposes to name
for the steel wage dispute will have to
depend upon voluntary cooperation
from the companies and the union,
like the board that was appointed for
the General Motors strike. There will
be no law to stop the CIO steel work-
ers from striking as they have voted
to do.
The Senate committee decided,
Chairman Murray said, "that it
would be absolutely impossible to
conclude reasonable hearings and get
Senate- action on the bill before
Be a Goodfellow
Courses To Be Known
As 'Basic College Plan'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in a
series of articles on the subject of gen-
eral education.)
With far less fanfare than has ac-
companied the celebrated Harvard
Plan, Michigan State College last fall
initiated a program of general edu-
cation courses known as "the basic
The purpose of general education,
as conceived by Michigan State, is
"to provide a broad foundation on
which students may build an intelli-
gent interest in personal, family, vo-
cational, social and civic problems, a
better understanding of these prob-
lems and a greater ability to cope
with them."
On the issue of general versus
specialized education, Michigan
State believes that "a broad educa-
tional foundation is essential for
all students.
"It is recognized that a specialist
will be more effective in his own field
if a well-rounded basic education has
given him a greater understanding
and appreciation of the relationships
of his special field to the needs of
society as a whole," the plan points
"In devising basic comprehensive
courses, important material will be
selected and woven into unified pat-
terns so that students may study
thoroughly the relationships among
the fields encompassed in an area
and their significance to everyday
human experience."
The Michigan State Plan sets up
seven "core" courses as follows:
(1) Written and spoken English,
(2) Biological science, (3) Physical
science, (4) Social science, (5) Effec-
tive living, (6) History of Civiliza-
tion, and (7) Literature and fine arts.
Though written and spoken Eng-
lish is the only required course, stu-
dents must elect four of the remain-
ing six courses.

Annual Union
Formal Will Be
Held Tonight

Pearl Harbor Controversy
Shakes Senate Committee;
Labor Bill Hearings Delayed

By The Associated Press
Kramer Hanged .. .
HAMBURG, Germany, Dec. 14 -
Josef Kramer, "the Beast of Belsen,"
his blonde subordinate, 22-year-old
Irma Grese, and nine others of the
notorious Belsen gang were hanged
in a little less than seven hours yes-
terday on twin gallows in the Pied
Piper town of Hamelin.
The headquarters of Field Marshal
Sir Bernard L.sMontgomerysan-
nounced today that the death sen-
tences pronounced by a British mili-
tary court at Lueneburg a month ago
had been carried out.
iyrnes Lands . .".
MOSCOW, Dec. 14-Unable to lo-
cate the Soviet capital for more than
an hour because of a blizzard, the
plane carrying U. S. Secretary of
State James F. Byrnes to the three
power foreign ministers' meeting lan-
ded at the central airdrome today just
before dark.
Vets Appeal. ".
DETROIT, Dec. 14 - United Auto-
mobile Workers (CIO) said today that
top leaders of the union may be called
as supporting witnesses next week in
new appeals by war veterans disqual-
ified for unemployment benefits in
the General Motors strike.
The union said it would attempt
to establish that the shutdown is not
the result of a labor disputs, but at-
tributable to the corporation's refusal
to bargain collectively.
Patton To Return "* *
HEIDELBERG, Germany, Dec. 15-
Gen. George S. Patton will be moved
back to the United States for hospit-
alization "as soon as his condition
permits," Col. R. Glen Spurling, chief
specialist attending Patton, said to-
Pay for Ex-.I.s..
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-The Vet-
erans Administration today ordered
a speed-up in the payment of first
subsistence checks to veterans study-
ing under the GI Bill of Rights.
Under the new system the first pay-
ment will reach the veteran 30 days
after he enrolls in school, which is
the day he becomes eligible for aid,
officials said.
Be a Goodfellow
Carol Sing Is
Open To All
All students and residents of Ann
Arbor are invited to a community
Christmas carol sing at 8 p.m. tomor-
row on the steps of the General Li-
Dr. David Mattern of the School of
Music, and director of Men's Glee
Club will lead the program. A brass
quartet, composed of Nathan Ander-
son, Russell Shields, George Mur-
thum, and Haskell Sexton will ac-
company the singing. Nativity scenes
under the direction of Eileen Lay
will be staged on the library steps.
Marilyn Mason, chairman of the
music committee for the Student Re-
ligious Association, invites all stu-
dents to an open house at Lane Hall
following the sing.

Barkley May
Resign As Head
Legal Staff Will Work
Until Early January
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 74-Contro-
versy over the scope and detail of the
Pearl Harbor inquiry shook the Sen-
ate-House committee today and pro-
1. Notice from the entire legal staff
of four that they can continue work
no longer than early January and
want to be replaced. William D.
Mitchell, chief counsel, said he had
believed the "essential facts" could
be presented in a relatively short pe-
riod but that it has become apparent
that some committeemen take a dif-
ferent view of what is essential and
that the hearings will go on for
2. A statement from Senator Bark-
ley (D-Ky) that he is considering re-
signing as chairman. He said he
would make a decision in a few days,
that he must decide whether his duty
to the committee or to the Senate as
majority leader is the greater.
3. An angry protest by Senator
Lucas (D-Ill) against witnesses being
asked "the same questions over and
over again."
"I cannot for the life of me under-
stand why there are these repetitious
questions," Lucas said at a time when
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich) was
questioning Lt. Gen. Leonard T.
Gerow appeared the least ruffled
of any of the principals as he related
to the committee his recollections of
War Department events Dec. 6 and 7,
1941. He was chief of the war plans
division at the time.
Mitchell said he had accepted the
position with the understanding that
his services would not be needed
longer than early January. The res-
olution creating the inquiry commit-
tee directed that it report by Jan. 3.
Mitchell said that securing new
counsel should cause "no serious
break" in the hearings and that the
present legal staff would be willing to
continue for the rest of December
and for a short time in January.
Be a Goodfellow
Documents of
Surrender Are
Exhibited Here
A victory train, displaying original
Japanese and German surrender doc-
uments, will be open for exhibition in
Ann Arbor from 3 to 9 p.m. today on
the NYC railway.
To be placed from the freight
house west toward Main St., the train
will appear in connection with the
Eighth Victory Loan Drive. A booth
will be set up and attended by veter-
ans in uniform for the sale of victory
bonds., Arrangements for the event
are under the direction of the Ann
Arbor Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Sponsored by the Navy, Marine
Corps, ground forces and the na-
tion's railroads and the Treasury
Department, the train will feature
various weapons of war.
The surrender documents will be
shown in specially built cases and
will be guarded by 23 personal agents.
In addition, latest infantry equip-
ment, including flame throwers and
bazookas, a Medical Corps company
collecting station and a field kitchen
will be shown.
Captured Japanese and German
equipment will be placed in a posi-
tionl which will enable spectators to
compare it with our own equipment,
Other features will include a

Sherman tank, a Black Panther
howitzer and an eight hundred
million candle power searchlight
which was used in the defense of
strategic cities such as London.
Col. Donald C. Clayman, graduate
of Cornell University, will direct the
personnel of combat veterans. Col.
Clayman was at Pearl Harbor on
Dec. 7, 1941, fought in the Asiatic
Theatre, acted as observer to Gen.
Montgomery and his Eighth Army
and fought in France and Germany.
Among other metals he holds the
nistin nishe Ser'viceross .Memn-

Library Are


An answer to the cable informing
the University of Philippines that
University students will supply re-
construction aid and a reply from
the Philippine Resident Commission-
er in Washington were received by
Jack Gore, chairman of SOIC Execu-
tive Council, yesterday.
Expressing his appreciation for
student aid efforts, Bienvenido Gon-
zales, president of the University of
the Philippines, stated that while
cash will be most useful, laboratory
equipment, books, periodical sets and
a library building are the most ur-
aent snecifie needs

Four Guest Soloists Will Be Featured in 'Messiah' Tomorrow

Opening a week of campus holiday
celebrations, including the all-cam-
pus sing, Christmas party, and a
Glee Club and Navy choir concert,
the 65th annual performance of Han-
del's religious oratorio, the "Mes-
siah," will be presented by the Choral
Union at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
A traditional presentation of the

cial "Messiah" orchestra, Frieda Vo-
gan, organist, and Hugh Norton of
the speech department, narrator, will
be under the direction of Prof. Har-
din Van Deursen, of the School of
Music, acting conductor of the Uni-
versity Musical Society.
One of the best qualified oratorio
tenors in the field today, Arthur
Kraft nrevirnsdav nnared at a Mav

songs. Her repertoire also includes
50 oratorio works ready to be sung
at a moment's notice.
Famous for his resonant bass voice,
Mark Love has made a special study
of oratorio. His nearly 500 perform-
ances of the "Messiah" and 250 of
"Elijah," in addition to concerts
abroad and performances with the
Chicago Opera company and sym-
nhonv orchestra have won the nlad-

J . .... - ,. :: ..*. . . :



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