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December 14, 1945 - Image 1

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Comm itt

ee Fund







$100 Scholarships Will Be Awarded;
Applications Can Be Submitted Now
The Student Bomber Scholarship Committee voted yesterday to make
its $25,000 fund available to veterans as scholarships and set the spring
semester as the starting date for such aid.
Ffteen $100 scholarships will be awarded each semseter to veterans
needing financial aid to supplement subsistence benefits under the G. I.

Group Will Investigate
All Governing Methods
Saari, Dixon, Chayes, Siegan, Gore, Strauss
Will Draft Charter for 'U' Student Council
A six-member committee to investigate the functions of existing cam-
pus organizations, student government bodies at other universities and to
draft a student self-government plan for this campus, was elected by stu-
dents at the Town Hall meeting last night.
Composed of two student speakers at last night's meeting, Wayne
Saari, president of the Committee for Liberal Action, and Ray Dixon, Man-
aging Editor of The Daily, the committee also includes Judy Chayes, Joyce
Siegan, Jack Gore and Jane Strauss. ~

Party, Formal,
Carols To Usher
In VU'Yuletide
Leroy Smith To Playi
At All-Campus Dance
An intermission-time floor show
will highlight the all-campus Christ-
mas formal from 9 to midnight to-
day in the League Ballroom.
Sponsored by the Latin-American
Society, the dance will feature Le-
roy Smith, violinist, and his orches.
A veteran of several seasons at the
Reisenwebers Paradise Roof, New
York City and an extensive engage-
ment at the Mayfair Casino, Cleve-
land, Smith has co-starred in various
New York Colored Revues such as
"Rhapsody in Black" with Ethel
Waters and Connies Hot Chocolates.
City, Campus To Join
In Singing of Carols
All students and residents of Ann
Arbor are invited to a community
carol sing at 8 p.m. Sunday on the
steps of the University library.
Dr. David Mattern, professor of
music education in the School of
Music and in the School of Educa-
tion will direct the program. Nathan
Anderson, Russell Shields, George
Murthum, and Haskell Sexton make
up the brass quartet which will ac-
company the singing. Nativity scenes
under the direction of Eileen Lay will
be staged on the library steps.
Marilyn Mason, chairman of the
music committee for the Student Re-
ligious Association, invites all stu-
dents to an open house at Lane Hall
following the sing.
All-Campus Party Being
Planned for Tuesday
Santa Claus will come early to the
University campus this year, when he
appears at the all-campus Christmas
Party from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday
at Hill Auditorium.
Held annually to initiate the holi-
day season, the program will feature
student talent. The Women's Glee
Club and the Navy Chorus, under the
combined 'direction of Miss Mar-
guerita Hood, will present a program
of light Christmas music. George
Hawkins' 16 piece Navy Swing Band
will provide part of the entertain-
ment, which will also include several
acts of student talent.
Although selection of student acts
is not complete, it is certain that
Tommy Lough, popular boogie-
woogie pianist featured at Varsity
Night, will appear. Amusihg gifts to
the Administrative Staff and faculty
will be distributed by Santa Claus, a
prominent University official who
prefers to remain ananymous.
University Provost James P.
Adams will give a brief address and
the program will close with the en-
tire student body joining in the sing-
ing of favorite Christmas carols.
UAW, Hoover Co.
Confer on Contract
Representatives of the Hoover Ball
and Bearing Co. and the bargaining
committee of the UAW-CIO local 38
met in an all day session Wednesday
to negotiate for a new contract.
The meeting was the first one to be
held since the Union called a strike
six weeks ago. It was arranged by
Harry Caton, Federal conciliation
commissioner from Detroit.
Discussions on the new contract
will take place again Tuesday.

X'cuse Please
"X" marks th'e spot where the

Bill of Rights.
Applications Now Acceptable
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley said that applications for the
scholarships would be accepted in
his office now. A March 9 deadline
has been fixed for applications for
aid during the spring semester.
The scholarships will be awarded
primarily on the basis of need, but
character and scholaistc ability will
also be considered.
Requirements for Scholarship
Veterans eligible for the scholar-
ships are former University students
who meet these requirements of the
Bomber Scholarship Committee:
At least six months service in the
armed forces (time spent in a col-
lege training program not counted);
have completed the equivalent of two
semesters of credit. hours in any un-
dergraduate school or college of the
University; have insufficient credit
hours for a degree of any kind from
the University (a diploma in nursing
not considered a "degree").
Reciipents of the scholarships will
be chosen by the University Scholar-
ship Committee and the general
chairman and funds committee chair-
man of the Student Bomber Schol-
arship Committee.
More Scholarships if Needed
V. O. President Bill Akers, general
chairman of the committee, said that
more scholarships will be made a-
vailable in a given semester if a need
for such aid is indicated.
The committee abandoned its pre-
vious plan for a "veterans' emergency
fund" after Dean Bursley reported
that the present Students' Goodwill
Fund can meet all emergency cases
to benefit from the original plan.
The original Bomber Scholarship
plan, conceived in March, 1942, by
Art Rude, '42, had envisioned tuition
scholarships for former University
students returned from the war.
The committee had been faced with
the problem of how to dispose of its
funds after the G. I. Bill made tuition
scholarships meaningless.
The $25,000 fund, most of which
is invested in war bonds, was raised
by donations from campus groups
and social functions.
TI' Sponsors
Veteran Dance
Veterans and their dates will dance
to the music of Bill Layton and his
orchestra from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
today at Waterman Gym at the
dance sponsored by the University
and the Regents in honor of returned
All veterans are invited to the in-
formal dance. Those who have not
received invitationsemay still call
for them in the Dean of Students
Office in University Hall.
President Alexander Ruthven and
University Provost James P. Adams
wil be informally introduced at this
first large University sponsored affair
for veterans.

GEN. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (left) -Army Chief of Staff bids Secretary of State James F. Byrnes off
for Russia at National. Airport, Washington, D.C. as the diplomat heads for a conference of the big three
foreign ministers on control of the atomic bomb to b e held in Moscow.

Student Queries Professor
In Unorthodox Communique

It is the policy of an occasional
professor or two to ask prospective
"A" students just beginning certain
courses "Why do you take this
course and what do you expect to get
out of it?"-
Whether or not Prof. Walter Colby
of the physics department makes a
habit of asking students that ques-
tion is not immediately evident, but
late last month one neophyte phy-
sicist, Abrams by name, after an all-
night bull session with a philosophy
major and an engineering student,
became puzzled about what exactly
were the goals of life and why he
of all people should imagine that
physics should represent to him a
valuable field for study.
Apparently brother Abrams had
just before that time been saddened
by the outcome of his first bluebook
in physics.
This interpretation of the situation
is spurious, but the communication
which follows is actual. The note
was discovered recently in the East
Physics Bldg., and has just now come
to the attention of The Daily. It does,
it would seem, deserve further com-
ment by fellow students as to why
it had to be written at all:
From: Abram To: Prof. Colby
Subject: clarification of positions.
Remarks: My reason for, taking
this course is that I DO NOT KNOW
IT. My purpose is coming to this
class is:
1. To find HELP in clarifying
points not understood after honest
study of material in book and careful
attention to lectures.
2. TO BE SHOWN HOW to apply
the principles considered.

3. To have pointed out where my
reasoning or interpretation of the
principles involved was at fault, and
what should be the proper applica-
tion and why.
Request: w.
1. Your ATTITUDE in respect to
my position.
2. Your AIM in conducting this
Observation: Please do not misun-
derstand. There is nothing personal
or disrespectful meant or implied. I
am sure you are a splendid person,
and quite obviously you are a fine
Most confused,
M. A. Abrams
P.S. In pursuing these studies I am
interested in the knowledge, the use-
ful knowledge, not at all in the "pass-
ing" or "grade."
IFC Discusses
New Fraternity
Postwar Plants
"The Interfraternity Council
unanimously approves and will en-;
force completely the recommenda-
tions of the University and the Inter-
fraternity Alumni Conference," Fred
Matthaei, IFC President, said last
night, following a meeting of fra-
ternity house presidents and alumni
,representatives at the Union.
The meeting was called to consider
the booklet, "The University of
Michigan and its Postwar Plans for
Fraternities," which contains rules
and regulations concerning fraternity
postwar policy as drawn up by the
Conference in cooperation with the
Among the regulations which fra-
ternities must abide by in the future
"Houses are encouraged to plan for
the inclusion of a housemother as a
part of the program for postwar op-
"All activities associated with both
the informal and formal initiation
ceremonies be educational in char-
Married Vets
Get West Court
The entire West Court of Willow
Village will be reserved for married
veterans of the University of Michi-
gan and Michigan State Normal Col-

Constructi on
To Begin On
Veteran Center
Construction work on a veterans'
readjustment center to be built here
will begin immediately with the
State financing the project, it was
announced ,in Lansing yesterday.
Failure to get a reasonable private
bid caused Gov. Harry S. Kelly to
order the State building division to
take over the project for the build-
ing of a structure to care for the
mentally disturbed veterans of World
War II.
Building Division Director A. N.
Langius said that excavation for the
building would begin in two weeks,
and that the structure would be com-
pleted within six months. The esti-
mated cost is $350,000, Languis dis-
The new center, Gov. Kelly said,
will be designated Veterans Read-
justment Center instead of Veterans
Neurosis Center. Gov. Kelly also an-
nounced that the Veterans' Adminis-
tration in Washington favors the
construction of a treatment center
for veterans with mental disorders
It's Your J-Hop'
So that all students may con-
tribute their ideascfor thee1946
J3-Hop, the J-Hop committee has
placed, a suggestion box on the
Diagonal in front of the General
Library. Suggestions concerning
the theme, decorations, special
features of the weekend program
should be written and deposited
in the box today and tomorrow.

Committee To Report
A report on the committee's in-
vestigation which will coordinate in-
formation already gained by several
campus groups, will be made at an
all-campus meeting after the resump-
tion of classes on Dec. 31.
Pointing out that he is "all for stu-
dent government" which will work
practically as long as it is headed by
capable students and "things go
smoothly," Dean of Students Joseph
A. Bursley said that any plan for
such an organization must be ap-
proved by existing student govern-
ments. He said that there have been
various student governments on cam-
pus during the past two decades, most
of which were short-lived bodies. "Not
many things remain to be done by
such a group which are not already
done by existing campus groups, if
they want to do them," he concluded.
Dixon Presents Plan
Ray Dixon, presenting the case for
a student government plan already
proposed by nine campus organiza-
tions, stressed the need for a unified
group to act as "adequate spokesman
for all students." He noted that nu-
merous campus organizations, how-
ever, such as the Men's Judiciary
Council which handles campus elec-
tions, are not truly representative.
The plan proposed by these nine
organizations includes: 1) The mem-
bership would be composed of heads
of these groups plus two represen-
tatives-at -large chosen in an all-
campus election; 2) The council
would handle all campus elections;
3) Heads of other groups having
strong campus representation from
year to year, but not classified as
"permanent" may be invited to join
or petition for membership; 4) Ini-
tiation of student projects and co-
ordination of campus activities; 5)
Publication of a campus handbook
and initiating student entertainment
and benefits. Dixon explained that
these functions would be enlarged
upon as the "prestige" of the Stu-
dent Council grew through the years.
Wayne Saari, the second student
speaker, said that he felt the pro-
posed Student Council should have
more direct representation from the
campus and also should have more
definite and more extensive dele-
gated powers.
Campus Heads Are Busy
He emphasized that present heads
of campus groups have more than
they can do at the present time and
that other capable leaders can be
found from the expected post-war
enrollment of 18,000 or more students.
"A Council which is made up of pres-
ent campus leaders," he said, "would
tend to become a purely honorary
organization and would not, in the
long-run, adequately represent the
students on campus."

City, VO, AVC
To Sponsor
Housing Survey
Available Units Will
Be Listed in Armory
Plans to form a committee to make
a city-wide survey of housing were
announced to American Veterans
Committee members at their meeting
last night by Russell Wilson, co-
chairman of'the AVC housing com-
The survey is being sponsored
jointly by the City of Ann Arbor,
through the cooperation of Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr., and veterans
groups in the city, including Veterans
Organization and American Veterans
Canvass Housing
Purpose of the newly formed com-
mittee is to canvass every unit of
housing within the city so that lists
can be compiled of all available
rooms and apartments. These lists
will be kept in an office in the Ar-
mory designated for this purpose.
The office will also register persons
in need of accommodations and try
to secure for them housing units.
The primary purpose of the new
committee is to provide quarters for
veterans attending the University,
but the services of the committee
will be open to all persons in Ann
Idle Space
Reporting on housing in Ann Ar-
bor, Wilson said that results from
spot checks show that despite the
housing shortage, there the still
homes in Ann Arbor with idle space.
A city-wide canvass would greatly
aid in solving the present critical
situation, Wilson declared.
Volunteers are needed to carry out
the work of the committee in making
the canvass. Anyone who is inter-
ested may assist, but it is hoped by
the American Veterans Committee
that, as the problem is especially
one for the veterans and their wives,
they will take this opportunity to
work toward its solution.
Persons interested in working on
the new committee should contact
Miss Baker at the Armory.
Housing Query
To Greet Vets
To prepare an "intelligent back-
ground upon which to base action"
in remedying the housing shortage, a
survey will be taken from every serv-
iceman returning to the city by the
Selective Service boards, Mayor
Brown announced yesterday.
Stating that he believes the pres-
ent housing problem to be over-rated,
Brown said provisions for the real
crisis six months from now are being
made. Veterans are asked the fol-
lowing questions on housing: 1. Are
your housing arrangements satisfac-
tory? good? poor? none? 2.. Are
you living with your family? If so,
what are your plans?
* *
Excavation Begun
On Housing Project
Excavation for the basement of the
married student's housing project to
be located on the University Hospi-
tal grounds was begun yesterday, ac-
cording to W. C. Rot4 of the Plant
The George E. Fuller Construction
Company, general contractors for the
University housing project, have es-
tablished an office at 1103 E. Hrn.


'What A Life' Will Have Last
Showings Today, Tomorrow

Laughter 'Reigns' After Three
Year Campus Humor Drought

"What a Life," Clifford Gold-
smith's comedy on the high school
scrapes of Henry Aldrich will be pre-
sented by Play Production of the
speech department at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The last performance of the play
will be given tomorrow evening. Tick-
ets are being sold at the theatre box
Byron Mitchell takes the leading
role of Henry who gets in trouble
with teachers, fellow students, and
almost everyone else he encounters.
Others in the cast include Dorothy
Murzek as Miss Shea, Henry Mc-

scrapes, he is saved from total dis-
grace just as the final curtain goes

Surpassing the wildest dreams of
everyone except the art staff and the
economics department, the Gargoyle
was sold out to the last copy in its
first campus appearance in three'
years yesterday.
Loud shouts of unmitigated joy
rang through Lane Hall corridors
when the first copy of the Garg went
on sale. "Oh gee, this is super," one
coed said before she read the maga-
zine. She later donated her copy to
the UNRRA.
Opinions Vary
Comments about the 3,000 copies
of the "back-to-campus issue" ranged
from "Naughty but nice" to "There's
nothing in it I couldn't have learned
from my parents."

cember issue received hearty laughter
from its author.
Monday Dead Line
Deadline for the January Garg has
been set for next Monday, as all the
literary material must reach the
printers before Christmas vacation.
"We need stories and poems from
anyone who can 'write and write
humorously. Above all, it must be
funny," Goldstein said yesterday.
One staff member, delirious about
seeing his name in print for the first
time, wrote:
Three long years of deprivation;
Now Garg sold out - what elation!
Goldstein and Chatfield's latest




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