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December 05, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-05

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Gale Supports Hurley's Chinese Policy

cated by Hurley a "magnificent ges-
ture," Dr. Gale said the former Chief
of Staff faces the same conditions
Hurley did but may enjoy such a
prestige as to make him "invulner-
able to sabotage from lower foreign
service brackets."
Marshall Knows Chiang
Gen. Marshall, Dr. Gale pointed
out, has met Chiang Kai-Shek (at
the Cairo conference in 1944), but
probably has had no contact with
Communist leaders since he has never
been in China.
President Roosevelt's fundamental
policy, now assumed by Truman, is
fundamentally correct," Dr. Gale con-
tended. "The Chinese, with whatever
proper advice and assistance we may
offer, must find a solution to their
own domestic problem. From the
military point of view we are under
obligation to aid the recognized gov-
ernment, our wartime ally, in com-
pleting the surrender of the Japan-
ese forces in China.
"Up to the present, the policies of
the United States in China, political
and military, leave us with clear
Elections ..
(Continued from Page 1)
7. Ballots will be filled out and
folded by the voter and handed to at-
8. Attendant will stamp and imme-
diately place ballot in box in full view
of the voter.
9. After the election, ballot boxes
will be collected, opened and counted
by members of the Men's Judiciary
Council in a private room. No unau-
thorized person will be present while
ballots are being counted.
10. Ballot boxes will be checked,
locked and sealed before the election
by members of the Men's Judiciary
Council. e
11. The total vote and the vote for
each candidate will be published in
The Daily.
12. Ballots will be retained by the
Men's Judiciary Council for a period
of thirty days following the election.
The candidates for the campus po-
sitions are as follows:
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations: Kenneth Bissell, Monroe
Fink, Harvey Frank, Carsten Orberg,
Evelyn Phillips and Paul Sislin.
Union vice-president: Combined
schools (business administration,
music, forestry, architecture and
pharmacology) candidates John
Blank, Fred Comlosy, Charles
Cooper, John Johnson and Frank
Uncontested candidate from the
Medical School is Ross Hume. Liter-
ary college candidates are Richard
Bailhe, Paul John, Curly Walters
Max Weil and Glenn White.
Senior class officers of the engi-
neering college:. Henry Fonde, Donald
Snider and Howard Yerges. The can
didate polling the greatest vote will be
president, the second highest will be
vice-president and the third candi-
date will be secretary-treasurer.
Senior class officers of the liter-
ary college: Jean Athay,-Patricia
Barrett, Bliss Bowman, Margaret
Carroll, Sam Emmons, Paul John,
Emily (Liz) Knapp, Greta Lee
Kranz, Patricia Picard, Bet ty
Vaughn and Glenn White.
J-Hop Dance committee: Candi
dates from the literary college are
Charlotte Bobrecker, Joan Buckmas.
ter, Arthur DerDerian, Connie Essig
Lynne Ford, Pat Hays, Collee Ide
Ethel Isenberg, Gilbert Iser, Lois R
Iverson, Estelle Klien, Marge Kohl
haas, William Lambert, Bettyan
e Larsen, Richard Roeder, Lnne Sper
r er, Margaret Thompson, Janic
e Ward, Joan Wilk, and Janet Young
(Ed. note: Miss Thoipson's nam
e was inadvertantly omitted from pre
vious lists of committee candidates.
e Engineering college candidates fo
- the committee are Charles Helmicl
d Henry Horldt, Morrie Rochlin, Georg

Spaulding and Harold Walters.
Combined school candidates are
Roberta Ames, Jeanne Busch, Jerry
Comer and Joan Schlee. Betty Smith
is the uncontested candidate from
h the architecture college.
s Five members of the committee
t will be elected by the literary college
d three by the engineering college, one
e by the combined schools and one b:
the archietcture college.
r Foreign university candidates for
e the SOIC adoption: Philippines,
a Strasbourg, Tsing Hua and Warsa A

Society To Give.
Holiday Dance
An all-campus Christmas formal,'
featuring Leroy Smith, violinist, ands
his orchestra, will be sponsored byt
the Latin-American Society from 9-12t
p.m. Dec. 14 in the League ballroom.
Smith has played for several sea-1
sons at the Reisenwebers Paradise3
Roof, New York City, several well-1
known hotels and for 17 weeks atI
the Mayfair Casino, Cleveland. Hec
co-starred in famous New York Col-
ored Revues- such as "Rhapsody In1
Black," with Ethel Waters and Con-
nies Hot Chocolates.
Patrons for the dance are Pres. and
Mrs. Alexander Ruthven, Dean and1
Mrs. Joseph Bursely, Dean and Mrs.
Peter Okleberg, Dean and Mrs. Wal-
ter Rea, Dean and Mrs. Hayward
Keniston, Dr. and Mrs. Esson Gale,
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs.'
Walter Emmons, Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Rev. Father Frank McPhillips, Prof.
and Mrs. Warren W. Chase, Prof. and
Mrs. Karl Lagler, Prof. and Mrs.
Frederick Sparrow, Prof. and Mrs.
Malcolm Soule, Prof. and Mrs. Carl
La Rue, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Aiton,
Prof. and Mrs. Irving Leonard, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Klinger, Dr. and
Mrs. Buenaventura Jimenez, Prof. and
Mrs. Emerlindo Mercado, Prof. Julio
del Toro, Prof. and Mrs. Charles
Fries, Dean and Mrs. Samuel Dana,
Dr. and Mrs. A. Cozon.
, Ballroom dancing will be presented
as a floor show during intermission.
Tickets, limited to 400, will be on
sale at the League and the Union
starting today.
Large Turnout Expected
At 'M' Academy Meeting
Approximately 500 members of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters are expected to attend the
50th anniversary meeting of the so-
ciety, to be held here sometime in
April, according to Dr. Frederick K.
Sparrow of the botany department.


Cross Says Need for Homes
Won't Be Met for Two Years

"The effects of contemporary local
elections on the 1948 presidential I
campaign will probably be so over-t
shadowed by events occurring in the x
three year interim that they offer lit-
tle basis for prediction of the out- 1
come," Prof. John W. Lederle of the b
political science department stated i
"National problems like the Atomict
bomb and strikes must be settled," he
pointed out. "We must observe Presi-
dent Truman and his relations with
Congress. However, certain observa-
tions can be made concerning the De-
troit and New York mayoraltyhcam-
'No True Test'
"While the main issue in the De-
troit election was labor control in the
City Hall, there was no true test of
the strength of PAC organization in a
national campaign. Local issues do
not attract the same spontaneous
suppot as do national issues."
In addition, Prof. Lederle explained,
Mr. Frankensteen was not the ideal
PAC candidate and there was a di-
vision of opinion within the labor'
group over his nomination. In a na-
tional election, he asserted, there
probably woluld not be such a pro-
nounced division as to support of a
presidential candidate.
Dewey Candidate Lost
Lederle said that the most notice-
able factor in the New York election
is that Mr. Goldstein, the candidate
supported by Governor Dewey, lost
by a wide margin.
However, Lederle declared the de-
feat of Gov. Dewey's candidate for
mayor of New York is not likely to
remove him as a contender for the
1948 Republican nomination.
"As for the general party outlook
in regard to both 1946 and 1948 con-
gressional elections," Prof. Lederle
explained, "we may expect a swing of
the pendulum in the direction of the
Republican party. In 1946, they prob-
ably will win more seats in the House
of Representatives and may even gain
control. However, there are not
enough disputed Senate seats being
voted on to allow the Republicans to
make much headway there."

"Any major satisfaction of the cur-
rent housing shortage, particularly int


;he field of small homes, appears to i
~e at least two years away," Robert
. Cross, research associate for theI
Bureau of Business Research of the
usiness administration school, stated"
n an interview yesterday.
Despite ample buying power, Mr.
Cross said, the great demand for pri-
Social Meeting . .
An official organization of veter-
ans' wives has scheduled its first so-
cial gathering for 7:30 p.m. today in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
Overstreets To Speak
Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Overstreet,
adult educators, will lecture on1
"The Individual Moves Into the
Community" at 8:00 p.m. Wednes-
day, Dec. 12 at Pattengill Audi-
The lecture is sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Adult Education Coun-
cil and the University Extension
Phi Sigm Io Met**.
Phi Sigma, honorary biological fra-
ternity, will hold its first meeting of
the year at 8 p.m. today in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. New members will be voted
upon, election of new officers will be
discussed and plans made for the init-
iation lecture.
Political Discussion .-, -
A discussion of the political par-
ties of modern Palestine sponsored
by Avukah, student Zionist organi-
zation, will begin at 8 p.m. tomor-
row in Hillel Foundation.
A short business meeting to
choose delegates to attend the
Zionist Youth Conference in Chi-
cago will precede the meeting.
International Center .. .
A Sunday night program at 7:30
p.m. including movies and discussion
about the Youth Hostel plan will cli-
max the week's activities at the Inter-
national Center.
The All Nations Oiub will meet at
the Center at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow.
The weekly International Center tea
will begin at 4 p.m. Thursday. Friday
events include an ANCUM tea dance
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and a meeting
of the American club at 8 p.m.
Students Riot in Istanbul
ISTANBUL, Dec. 4 - (P)- Nearly
20,000 rioters-chiefly university and
high school students - wrecked two
Istanbul newspaper plants and a
least two book stores in what police
called a sudden violent anti-Com-
munistic demonstration today.

vate homes cannot be met for some
time because of shortages of building
materials and building trade labor
and current high prices. Lumber for
home construction is extremely
scarce, while the present brick pro-
duction is only 20 percent of its vol-
ume in 1926, when private home con-
struction was at a high level.
It will take time to expand these
facilities, and also to develop a
skilled building labor force. During
the 1930's few young men entered
the building trades, and now, when
a substantial number of carpenters,
brick masons, electricians, and
plumbers is needed for a large
home construction program, the
workers are not available. Further-
more, he said, before individuals
can become accredited as skilled
workers, they must serve long ap-
"It has been estimated," Mr. Cross
continued, "that the deferral of home,
construction during the war, the in-
crease in marriages in the war period,
plus the normal demand, have created
a market for the construction of one
million new homes per year in the
United States, or 40,000 to 50,000 a
year in Michigan, for the next ten
On the other hand, building costs
are at a record high level, and it
is estimated that construction costs
of the typical small home have risen
nearly 60 per cent since 1939. There
is a tremendous demand, but what
is needed is a large number of
adequate houses in the $4,000 to
$6,000 price range. This need is
almost impossible to fulfill at pres-
ent price levels.
"It is essential that an ample sup-
ply of building materials becomes
available immediately, so the most
pressing housing demands can be met
as soon as possible. Until there is an
improved flow of building materials
and a larger supply of building labor,"
Mr. Cross concluded, "prices will re-
i main high and a substantial portion
of the present housing need remain
Prof. Staubach
Will Address
Spanish Club
Prof. Charles N. Staubach of the
Romance Languages faculty and re-
cent visitor to Columbia, will be the
first speaker on the lecture series
sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica,
on Wednesday, December 12.
The lecture topic, "The Life of Bo-
gota as Seen by a Yankee Professor,"
will be illustrated with specially-pre-
pared maps, photographs and post
The series will be free to all mem-
bers of La Sociedad, who may. call for
their tickets in Rm. 306 Romance
Languages Building. Tickets for the
series for non-members will be 60c
and may be purchased at either the
i Romance Languages department of-
fice Rm. 112 Romance Languages
t Building or from any Spanish in-
Announcement of the complete ser-
ies will be made later in the week.


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MAKE $1.25 a morning by delivering
The Michigan Daily Tuesday
through Sunday. Bicycle needed.
Permanent job. Contact Circulation
Department, Student Publications
Building between 1:30 and 5:00.
FURNACE BOY to take care of fur-
nace in women's residence in ex-
change for room and board. Call
MEN! Are 'you lonely? Do you need
rehabilitation? Come to the Ob-
servatory open house, 1308 East
Ann, 7-10, Dec. 7th.
WANTED: Army Officer's blouse, size
37 or 38; also pink or green
trousers, 32 waist. Write PFC R. L.
Watson, 3650 S.U., Det. 1, or visit
316 Hinsdale House, East Quad,
after 9 p. m.
WANTED: Army officer's uniform:
blouse, 38L or 39L; trousers, 33
waist; shirt, 15-34. Write PFC S. H.
Scheuer, 312 Hinsdale, East Quad.
3650 S.C.U. Det. 1 A.J.L.S.
FOR SALE: Men's full dress suit,
size 38. Leather music holder. Both,

in first-class condition. 619 E. Uni-
versity, Apt. B-2.
FOR SALE: Girl's ski suit practically
new. Size 11. Red and navy blue.
Very reasonable. 2-3620.
LOST: Green wallet, initials N. L. H.
Contains about $7.00. Identifica-
tion and key. Lutetia Holloway.
Phone 23557. Reward.
LOST on Nov. 17 in Arcade or Uni-
versity High School, large black
leather purse containing valuable
papers, child's mittens. Return to
Michigan Daily Office. Reward.
LOST: One gold leaf-shaped earring
with rhinestones Saturday night.
Reward. 24471. Room 5506.
LOST: Near Angell Hall, pair of
double-strand pearls with Rhine-
stone clasp. Reward. Call 5835.
LOST: K and E log-log slide rule
Friday morning. Please contact
4404 after 7:00 p.m. Reward.
LOST: Parker 51 pen and pencil,
green with gold top. Phone Mrs.
Norman after 5:30 at 8806. Reward.
LADIES' WATCH in Romance Lan-
guage. Contact Talbot Honey, tele-
phone 2-1349.
LOST: Semi-circular brown leather
wallet containing money order, also
I. D. card and green pen. Call Sonia
White, 7721.
LOST: Shell-rimmed glasses in tan
case, Friday night on campus. Call
E. Woodward, 2-3225. Reward!
VETERANS desiring free complete
information on GI insurance from
a veteran, write or call C. L. Carter,
512 S. Washington, Ypsilanti.
HEY, JOE! Meet you at the Mistletoe
Mingle Saturday night in the

TONIGHT at 8:30

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