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December 05, 1945 - Image 1

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Will Give
Deans To Discuss
Curriculum Changes
A student committee will be con-
vokedsDecember 12 in the League to
discuss proposed changes in the lit-
erary college curriculum, Assistant
Dean Erich A. Walter announced yes-
Dean Hayward Keniston, Assistant
Dean Walter and members of the fac-
ulty's Joint Committee on the Cur-
riculum will present the proposed
changes to the student committee for
the purpose of gaining an idea of stu-
dent opinion.
Student Participation Lauded
"Students are on the receiving end
and should have, a chance to see the
proposals," Dean Walter said, and
added that he was "anxious to have
a good discussion."
Members of the student committee
will be chosen as follows:
Juniors and seniors-on the basis of
recommendations by concentration
Sophomores and second semester
freshmen - on the basis of recom-
mendations by academic counselors.
Dean Walter said the committee
would have "between 50 and 60" mem-
Suggestions Commended
During the spring term, Dean Wal-
ter said, members of the faculty's
curriculum committee had received
"very valuable suggestions" from
meetings with a, group of 13 sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors.
The literary college faculty reopen-
ed its debate on changes in the cur-
riculum at the beginning of the pres-
ent term. Dean Walter said the fac-
uilty did not wish to be "prejudiced"
by publicizing the proposed changes
at this stage in the discussions, but
would welcome an expression of stu-
dent opinion in a committee broadly
representative of the campus.
New Princeton
Plan Announced
Emphasis To Be Put
On General Courses
Princeton University last week join-
ed the growing ranks of colleges and
universities who have adopted the
general education idea.
President Harold W. Dodds an-
nounced that the new Princeton plan
would provide for closer supervision
of underclass courses, place increased
emphasis on independent research by
upperclassmen and supply a bridge
between the general courses of fresh-
man year and the specialized courses
of senior ,year, to be accomplished by
concentration during the intervening
years in one of the major fields of
Broader Field of Study
Freshmen and sophomores will be
required to take courses in these four
broad areas: (1) natural science, its
methods, significance and some of its
specific conclusions; (2) the study of
modern society, its development and
organization and its chief institutions
and their functions; (3) arts and
literature, their types and character
and their insights and value for man-
kind; (4) history, philosophy and re-
ligion, their characteristic perspec-
tives and importance as organizing
and synthesizing approaches to other
Other features of the Princeton

Plan include:
Upperclassmen will be 'required to
do independent work under the guid-
ance of advisers in their special de-
Language Requirement Reduced
The foreign language entrance re-
quirement has been reduced from
three years to two;
Students at Princeton may substi-
tute a knowledge of trigonometry and
calculus for the requirement of a
reading knowledge of a foreign lan-
The Princeton Plan is based upon
the university's experience that many
students graduate with little knowl-
edge in any of the major fields of
learning. The new plan is designed so
that all students will at least have a
general background in the four major
Princeton's reorganization of its
curriculum indicates a trend away
from the elective system introduced
by President Eliot of Harvard in the
1880's. The elective system is now in
use in most liberal arts colleges.

Daily To Print Special
Campus Election Page
The Daily will publish a special campus election page to-
morrow featuring statements of all the candidates, sample
ballots and complete election rules.
Any candidate who has not yet submited a statement of
qualifications and plans for the office if elected may turn them
in at the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard, until
3 p. m. today. They should be left with Mrs. James, secretary,

on the second floor.
Be sure to see tomorrow's Daily for
information. Be sure to vote Friday.

complete election

Committee for
Liberal Action
outlines Phns
Former Post-War
Council Reorganizes
Reorganizing themselves as the
Committee for Liberal Action, mem-
bers of the former Post-War Council,
after ratifying a constitution, last
night outlined a program for the re-
vival of an active student govern-
ment on campus.
A brief history of the Post-War
Council, which was formed imme-
diately after Pearl Harbor to com-
bat the apathetic isolationist atti-
tudeamong the students and fos-
ter thoughtful discussion of na-
tional and international issues, was
presented by Barbara Hazelton, of
Martha Cook'
Citing the need for action, the
steering committee pro-tem, com-
posed of Winnifred Barr and Wayne
Hazelton, and Wayne Saari, public
affairs chairman of Lane Hall, pre-
sented possible issues, such as the
Full Employment, wage agency and
international control of the atom
bomb legislation, which may be acted
upon by the re-organized progressive
The following committees to in-
vestigate the needs of student gov-
ernment were appointed: corres-
pndence, Jeanne Cockburn, chair-
man; league houses and dormitor-
ies, Joyce Siegan and Barbara
Hazelton chairman; co-ops, Jack
Weiss chairman; research, Wayne
Saari chairman. Reports are to be
made at a meeting of the steering
committee at 3 p.m. Friday in Lane
An election of officers and selec-
tion of sponsors for the organization
will head the agenda of the next
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Lane
Hall. Membership in the group is
open to all students, including gradu-
ates, veterans, Army and Navy per-
sonnel, on campus. Students are re-
quested to bring their eligibility cards
to the next meeting.
Question Box
A Veterans Question Box that is
publish'ed weekly appears for the
second time on page 6.
Questions for the column are
compiled from letters addressed to
Veterans' Editor of The Daily and
will be answered by Clark Tibbitts
and the staff of the Veterans' Ser-
vice Bureau.
Questions received by The Daily
before each Saturday morning will
be answered in the column of the
following week.
All veterans are urged to submit
questions relating to any veteran
problem or question.
GOP To Quiz
MacArthur on
Pearl Harbor
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4-(R')-Dis-
closure that President Roosevelt took
a personal hand in getting war warn-
ings to the Philippines in 1941
brought a Republican demand to-
night that General Douglas A. Mac-
Arthur be called as a witness in the
Pearl Harbor inquiry.
The demand came from Senator
Ferguson (R-Mich) who declared it
was evident that MacArthur, then
commander of army forces in the
Philippines, received a great deal

more information on the threat of
hostilities than did army and navy
commanders in Hawaii.
Ferguson, a member of the joint
Pearl Harbor investigating commit-
ftr- +tAd rannr+arq hnould a em fr-r

Candidates for student offices are
bringing their campaigns to an end
as student voters continue to secure
voting eligibility before the elec-
Navy to Get Identification
Voting eligibility can be obtained
by securing an identification or spe-
cial election card from the cage in
University Hall. Cards are being is-
sued daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Either an
identification or election card must
be presented at the polls to secure
ballots. Navy students will be issued
special identification cards Friday
Charles Walton, Men's Judiciary
Council president, reminded candi-
dates to secure eligibility cards before
election day.
Election Rules Listed
Election rules, as approved by the
Council, are as follows:
1. At least two persons will be sta-
tioned at the ballot boxes during poll-
ing hours.
2. Campaign issues will be made
clear and candidate's petitions will be
published in The Daily.
Campaigning Restricted
3. No campaigning will be allowed
within fifty feet of the ballot box.
Campaigning is defined as any at-
tempt to influence the decision of
qualified voters.
4. Electors may vote once unless
otherwise specified. In the case of
multiple choice elections where an
elector may vote for more than
one candidate, the elector need not
vote for more candidates than he
5. Identification will be checked
by poll attendant in manner prede-
termined by the Men's Judiciary
Vote by Ballot
6. Ballots will be given to voters at
time of identification check.
Invites Aid in
Housing Plight
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 -(p)- The
worsening plight of veterans and
others seeking homes prompted the
government today to call for help in
getting full-scale housing construc-
tion underway.
John B. Blandford, Jr., national
housing administrator, invited repre-
sentatives of contractors, labor, fin-
ance agencies and materials produc-
ers to a Washington conference Dec.
17 for advice on clearing away obsta-
cles delaying quantity home produc-
Along with this move Senator
Mead (D.-N.Y.) renewed appeals for
funds to transfer temporary war
housing and abandoned army bar-
racks to cities.
Mead testified before the Senate
Education Committee in behalf of
his resolution to provide $195,000,000
for "panelizing" war housing. This is
a process of cutting up the temporary
dwellings into panels for transporta-
tion and erection in localities which
need them.
Government housing experts believe
Mead's proposal would help but they
oppose any widespread new building
of temporary living quarters in the
belief it would simply postpone the
need for permanent housing.

Sheean Will
Speak Today
'Personal Opinion'Is
Topic Chosen for Talk
Recently returned from five months
with General Patton's Third Army in
France and Germany, Vincent Sheean
wil lecture on "Personal Opinion" at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
He will be introduced by Prof. Wes-
ley Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment. The address will be the third
in the Oratorical Association lecture
series for 1945-46.
Sheean, experienced foreign corre-
spondent, is best known as the author
of "Personal History" and "Not Peace
But a Sword."
Covering the war in Europe, he was
in Czechoslovakia when the Nazis
moved up their guns, and in France
during the invasion of the Low Coun-
tries. He was in London at the time
of the intense bombings of 1940 and
1941, and accompanied General Pat-
ton's Army in the invasion of France
and Germany.
More recently, Sheean traveled in
New Zealand, Austria, the Dutch East
Indies, India and China, collecting
material for articles on war condi-
tions in the Pacific.
Described by Dorothy Thompson as
a man who in another age would have
been a great poet, Sheean's first hand
accounts of his exploits have found
their way into his books, both fiction
and autobiographical history.
Vect Delegation
To Seek Funds
Group Wants 1500
Housing Units Here
The agenda of proposals that will
be presented to Lt. Col. Philip Pack,
director of veterans' affairs in Lan-
sing, Thursday by a delegation of
VO and AVC members will be read
and discussed at the regular Veterans
Organization meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today, Rm. 316 of the Union.
The delegation is going to Lansing
this week to seek funds for the es-
tablishment of 1500 temporary living
quarters to be established for mar-
ried veterans now attending the Uni-
versity and for those planning to en-
ter in the spring term.
AVC is contacting agencies of gov-
ernment in cities that appear to have
made the most progress in an attempt
to find a model which Ann Arbor
could follow in alleviating the housing
shortage. Reports will be given, in
Lansing, from various committees of
VO regarding housing, the coopera-
tive eating establishment, and the
veterans international student ex-
Russell Wilson, co-chairman of the
AVC housing committee and Edward
Moore are going to Lansing tomorrow
to see the governor for advice and
suggestions with regard to housing.
The Veterans' Organization meet-
ing will be over by 8:30 p.m. so as not
to conflict with the lecture at Hill
Houser To Speak
On Racial Equality
George Houser, executive secretary
of the Congress of Racial Equality,
will speak on "How to Combat Racial
Discrimination" at a meeting of the
Inter-Racial Association at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 316 of the Union.
Houser, who is from Cleveland, O.,
is being brought here by the Educa-
tional Committee of the IRA, of
which William Holloway is chairman.

A general invitation is extended to
all those interested.
A.S.M.E. Meets at Union
Prof. Seventon will discuss life in
Santo Tomas prison camp at a meet-
ing of A.S.M.E. to be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 302 of the Michigan

Anderson Attacks Board

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec. 4-Hope that the
strike of 175,000 General Motors em-
ployes could be settled without resort
to President Truman's fact-finding
board was expressed today by Harry
W. Anderson, the corporation's vice-
president in charge of personnel.
Anderson made his comment at
Washington as it appeared the Mon-
day appeal by Mr. Truman for an im-
mediate return to work by strikers
had failed to dent the ranks of CIO
unionists seeking to enforce demands
for a 30 per cent wage increase.
Asks End to All Picketing
Emerging from a conference with
Edgar L. Warren, chief of the U. S.
Conciliation Service at Washington,
Anderson said General Motors was
prepared toabargain collectively with
the union as soon as its complaint
against "illegal picketing" was dis-
posed of.
Representatives of the corporation
and union will meet here tomorrow
to discuss management's charge that
supervisory and office employes have
been illegally barred from GM plants.
Anderson was asked, "Do you think
the strike can be settled without a
fact-finding board?"
"I hope so," he replied.
Vet Head Assails Plan
The President's plan for such
boards was assailed in Detroit by
John W. Anderson; chairman of a
UAW-CIO Veterans' Committee, as
continuing what he termed "the war-
time practice of denying the workers
their just demands through an agency
set up by the government."
R. J. Thomas, UAW-CIO Interna-
tional president, who said he was
opposed to Mr. Truman's proposals,
conferred at Pittsburgh with Philip
Murray, president of the CIO, and
then left for Washington.
Whether he planned conferences at
the capital with high government of-
ficials was undetermined. He said he
would address a group of Congress-
men headed by Rep. Sabath (D.-Ill.)
meeting to discuss labor legislation.
Draft Plan May
Defer Science,
Engine Students
Advanced students in the physical
sciences and engineering may be dis-
charged from the services or deferred
in the draft, according to information
received here by the Selective Serv-
ice board.
Under a plan of the newly-created
Reconversion Working Committee on
Deferment and Selective Release, the
following categories of students may
be discharged or deferred:
Candidates for a Master's or Doc-
tor's degree in the physical sciences
or engineering;
Teachers of physical sciences or
engineering in accredited colleges and
Assistants employed by accredited
colleges and universities for research
in the physical sciences or engineer-
Students who have satisfactorily
completed at least three years of work
leading to a Bachelor's degree in the
physical sciences or engineering.
The Deferment and Selective Re-
lease Committee, in a memorandum
to draft boards, declared that poten-
tial scientists and engineers would be
enabled to continue their studies in
the "demands of long range national
The Committee acknowledged that
the demands of the armed forces and
industry during the war had "resulted
in a curtailment in advanced studies
for men having high technical and
scientific qualifications."

By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 4 - President Philip Murray of the CIO tonight
rejected President Truman's proposals for ending strikes and charged that
the federal administration has "completely ignored human rights" in the
current industrial problems.
In an address prepared for radio delivery, he said that "the design of the
specific legislative proposal" of the President "is to weaken and ultimately
destroy labor union organizations."

Murray, Miners Object




F or urn Treats
Significance of
Atomic Energy
Fajans, Uhlenbeck,
Dorr Express Views
Three members of 'the University
faculty expressed their views on issues
raised by the release of atomic energy
in a forum sponsored yesterday by the
Graduate Student Council. The three
participants were Prof. Kasimir
Fajans of the chemistry department;
Prof. George Uhlenbeck of the physics
department; and Prof. Harold Dorr
of the political science department.
Prof. Fajans opened the forum with
an explanation of the development of
atomic research in recent decades.
Prof. Fajans explained that the term,
"Atomic Energy", applies to the ener-
gy released in the changes of the
atomic nuclei during the transforma-
tion of the elements themselves. The
fmounts of energy involved are very
much larger than those connected
with usual chemical reactions.
"For example," Prof. Fajans said,
"Energy released from one gram of
uranium would provide enough
power to operate the University's
power house for the period of one.
Prof. Uhlenbeck's discussion of the
implications of the atomic bomb in
future wars revolved around a state-
ment issued to the press by the As-
sociation of Cambridge Scientists.
"There is nothing secret about the
bomb," Prof. Uhlenbeck said. The
secret was given away when the first
bomb was dropped. Prof. Uhlenbeck
further declared that there is no de-
fense against atomic bombs and that
safety cannot be assured by virtue of
superiority in atomic armament.
"International cooperation of an
unprecedented kind is necessary for
survival," Prof. Uhlenbeck reiterated.
"National sovereignty in its tradition-
al form will have to be sacrificed."
According to Prof. Dorr, the prob-
lem exists on a national as well as
an international level. He said that
neither secrecy nor agreement to out-
law the use of the bomb will be ef-
fective in preventing its use in a
future war. "The United Nations Or-
ganization should first be regarded
as the proper international agency to
supervise, on a world basis, -not only
the use of atomic energy in war, but
also the use of atomic energy in
peace," he declared.
He said, however, that control
should be vested in the Economic.
and Social Council rather than in
the Security Council.
"If Russia, or some other power,
will not agree to the sharing of in-
formation which such control would
make necessary," Prof. Dorr contin-
used, "the United States would owe
it to the other nations in the world
to assume leadership in organizing a


"It can be but the first step for
ever more savage repression. For this
reason the CIO shall mobilize its
entire membership and the American
people to defeat this specific measure
and all similar attempts directed
against labor," he added.
The CIO leader declared the ad-
ministration is embarked "upon a
policy of continued appeasement of
American industry in the face of its
contemptuous attitude toward the
American people and the government
This was Murray's reply to the
President's message to Congress call-
ing for legislation which would create
fact-finding commissions to inquire
into major disputes. President Tru-
man had at the same time called on
Mine Workers Oppose
President's Program
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4-- (AP)-
John L. Lewis' United Mine Work-
ers (CIO) opened an angry attack
today on President Truman's pro-
gram to curb big strikes, while in
the House plans were announced
to rush action on the legislation
before Christmas.
The UMW issued a statement
calling the Truman recommenda-
tions a "fooler bill to revamp and
strait-jacket American industrial

the CIO United Auto Workers to go
back to work and appealed to the
CIO United Steel Workers, of which
Murray is also president, not to
"Industry has refused to -engage in
collective bargaining," Murray said.
"Industry has refused to accept vol-
untary arbitration in the automobile
dispute. Industry has refused to meet
with the union in the steel industry
though specifically requested by the
federal government.
"To all this arrogance, the federal
administration yields in abject cow-

Senate Okays
In UNO by U.


WASHINGTON, Dec. 4-(OP) --
Senators Ferguson and Vandenberg
(R-Mich) voted with the majority
today as the Senate approved full
United States participation in the
United Nations Organization. The
vote was 65 to 7.
Before the final vote the Senate re-
jected a proposal to require the Presi-
dent to come to congress for author-
ity each time American troops are
furnished to the UNO security coun-
cil for putting down aggression.
This left in effect a requirement
that the President get congressional
approval only on the "numbers and
types" of armed forces to be supplied.
These then could be used as required
by the security council.
Numerous attempts to amend the
bill were rejected during several days
of debate. As passed it contains all
provisions recommended by the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations committee.
Supporters defended .the broad
powers that would go to President
Truman to use "measures short of
war" or actual force, in connection
with the security council, to maintain
peace of the wrold.
Early in the day both Senators
Connally (D-Tex) and Vandenberg,
leading backers of the legislation, had
agreed to an amendment requiring
Senate confirmation -of all delegates
of this country to any of the organi-
zations set up under UNO. The
amendment was passed.

new type of world order for
preservation of peace."


Hospital Houses University of Philippines

Hlandicraf t Is
Work of Kids
Those articles of handicraft' now
appearing in the display window of
a State St. book store are not for
They are Christmas presents made
by the shut-ins in University Hospi-
tal for their families and were put
there by Galens to show what the kids
can do in their ninth floor workshop
while recovering from operations and
Bird houses, lanyards, jewelry, book
ends, door stops and a variety of
other articles have been built by these
youngsters with painstaking effort-
an effort which helps take their
minds off their ailments and restores
their confidence and self-reliance.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a
series of four articles on the foreign
universities slated in Friday's election.
Information for this article was supplied
by Francisco Castro and Cipriano Masi-
clat, who left the Philippine Islands Oct.
27, 1945.
Students in GI garb, gift of the
soldiers stationed in the Philippines
and the only clothes available there,
attend classes in a small section of
the Philippine General Hospital, new

formerly housed the University. To
hold classes in these buildings is im-
possible because the rubble that was
once a roof is still falling.
Classes began Aug. 4 of this year
in the Hospital and Cancer Institute.
Students sit on the floor because
chairs are unavailable.
Enrollment Limited
There are sufficient facilities for
1,000 students, just one-eighth the

Students fetch their own water and
for Bunsen burners they improvise
alcohol lamps of tin cans.
Library Burned
The main library was burned to the
ground and there is little chance of
getting new books printed very soon.
All the presses in the Islands are run-
ning to print the more than 40 news-
papers that circulate in the Philip-
pines today.'



Today Vincent Sheean will speak
on "Personal Opinion" at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditor-
Today A discussion on political
parties of Modern Palestine
will be sonsnred h Am

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