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December 04, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-04

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TI I E' Al I C I G A 1 f°i AY


THE " ..MICI --1EAN 11' 11A I.




Rated Top

ea of I945; Miihiga ixth

Hockey Team
Drills for Owen
Sound Contest
Heyliger Likes Play
Of Youthful Puckmen
Michigan's hockey team, sparked b
last Saturday night's victory over the
Windsor Spitfires, resumed practiec
yesterday in preparation for Satur-
day's game here with the Owen
Sound pucksters.
In the initial match of the season,
the Wolverine squad appeared to most
observers on its way to becoming one
of the top collegiate squads in the
country, even though it is one of the
youngest in Maize and Blue puck his-.
HeyligerIs Pleased
Coach Vic Heyliger said that the
team played a good game and showed
some top offensive and defensive
work. In the opening period, the Wol-
verines crashed through the Spitfire
defense, marking up five goals, and
later adding two more in the final
stanza. It was not until the last per-
iod that the Windsor club finally
broke into the scoring column with
two fast goals.
The Maize and Blue hockey mentor
interchanged three lines during the
encounter. The forward line of Neil
Celley, Wally Giant, and Walt Gacek
looked exceptionally good as the trio
netted four goals. Michigan's two
other lines also performed well, but
missed several scoring opportunities
when Monty Reynolds, Spitfire goalie,
made several saves on hard, fast
Defensive Play Tops
On the defensive angle of the game,
Heyliger's charges were in top form
as they displayed some excellent back-
checking, and ably covered the inside
of their blue line. Jack Macnnes
proved his ability as the Wolverine's
varsity goal tender as he made sev-
eral nice saves.
Coach Heyliger said that it is hard
to single out one player as the star,
since the team as a whole played a
fine game. Scoring honors went to
Celley who made two goals and three
assists, with Grant, Gacek, Al Ren-
frew, Gordon MacMillen and Ross
Smith the other goal-getters.
Heyliger announced that the team
appeared a little faulty on shooting
and power plays, and scrimmages this
week will center around these points.
Residence Hall
Basketball Loop
Opens Tonight
Intramural basketball play will
open tonight at the Sports Build-
ing bringing together the class "A"
and "B" teams of the residence hall
The following "A" division teams
will play at 8 p.m.: Allen-Rumsey
vs. Tyler, Wenley vs. Greene, Lock-
wood vs. Baldwin, Fletcher Hall vs.
any team that desires a practice
At 9 p.m. the following "B"
teams will play: Allen-Rumsey vs.
Fletcher, Greene vs. Tyler.
The independent teams will play
at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow with the fol-
lowing teams scheduled: Rangers vs.
Ship's Company, Junior Birdmen vs.
Royal Poontangers, Watched Dogs vs.
Wolverines, and Engineers vs. D. D.
Some of the rules under which the
leagues are conducted are: No indiv-
idual is permitted to play with more
than one team; holders of P.E.M.

health excuses cannot play, nor can
members of varsity squads. Games
will be forfeited if less than five
players report, if a team is not ready
to play at the scheduled hour, or if
an ineligible player is used.
The games will consist of seven-
minute quarters with one minute be-
tween quarters and five minutes be-
tween halves. Referees for all games
are furnished by the intramural d-
partment. Most of these are volun-
teer§ and more referees can be used.
Entrees will still be received this
week. It is also possible to reserve
courts for practice.
Pro Influence
Felt in '25, Too
With advocates of college sports
loudly and verbosely decrying the in-
roads of professionalism into ama-
teur athletics, it is not surprising that
the following item from a Michigan
Daily of Nov: 25,-l95 should occa-
sion no little eye-blinking.

FOR TWO YEARS NOW, we've been covering Michigan football games.
During those two years, by conservative estimate, no fewer than 100
persons have assailed us with the query, "What's it like in the press box?"
There seems to be something about a press box that excites the
average imagination. Countless times we have been congratulated for
being "lucky" enough to have a press box seat, as if a press box seat
was the nearest thing to heaven on this earth.
In one sense, the press box is near heaven. It's high, so high, in fact,
that you need a pair of binoculars to see what's going on down on the field
if a cloudy day happens to come along. There the resemblance ends.
We don't like to shatter illusions. If any reader feels that something
near and dear may be removed from his life by a factual account of
the press box in all its reality, we advise him to read no farther. Let him
dream on. It's probably more fun that way.
AT THE OUTSET, we might as well admit that a press box, on a cold
or rainy day, is a nice place from which to see a football game-if it is
enclosed. The great majority-of press boxes in our experience, however,
were not enclosed, so even that feature cannot be termed a universal
Our main objection to press boxes is that they are crowded. Each
individual has approximately 18 inches of space in which to operate.
In that space, he must arrange typewriter, paper, pencils, erasers, pro-.
grams, data sheets, and other tools of the sportswriter's trade so he
can work with them efficiently. A good trick, if you can do it. We can't,
and we've been trying a long time.
Of course, if you aren't a member of the working press (which means
you have no business in the press box anyway) the cramped quarters may
not be so troublesome. But then there's another factor-noise.
For sheer uninterrupted noise, a press box has no equal. Imagine,
if you can, 50 or more telegraph keys clicking, 100 or so typewriters
clattering, two or three hundred people talking, a loud-speaker blaring
in your ear, a half dozen announcers (their booths aren't sound-proofed)
hollering their heads off, and you have some idea of the cacaphonic din
in the average press box.
W ORSE YET, the sportswriter is supposed to work in all that racket. He
is supposed to keep a running account of the game, special notes and
highlights, and, in some places, statistics and substitutions. Just incidentally,
he is supposed to watch the football game. ,.Again, it's a darned good trick.
Try it sometime.
Yes, we get free food-sometimes. All you have to do to get it is fight
your way through 40 other people with the same idea. For your pains
someone will probably spill a cup of coffee down your neck.
Yes, we're right on the 50-yard-line-sometimes. During the Michigan-
Nayy game at Baltimore we sat on the 20, and felt very happy we weren't
in the end zone as some other writers were. And even when you are on the
50, you have a fine assortment of posts, frosted windows, doors, heads, and
other opaque objects to block your view.
No, the press box is not a picnic. In fact, we have deliberately taken
seats in the stands on several occasions when the press box was open to
us. We have often longed for the opportunity just to sit and watch a
game as other people do.
We're not complaining, you understand. Sportswriting is our chosen
profession, and we like a lot of things about it. But we like it in spite of,
not because of, the "opportunity" to sit in press boxes and work under thei
conditions imposed by them.1
Washington Redskins Almost
In Pro Play-Off ...Or Are They
. '_ _

Un defeated
Cadets Top
APJRatin ,.s

Mann Will Inaugurate 22nd
Regime at Swimming Helm

When Michigan's swimmers open
N , N' 'Btheir 1945-6 campaign with the an-
nual Swim Gala December 15 in the
F Intrmural Building pool, Matt Mann
1 Spot will be inaugurating his 22nd regime
as head Maize and Blue tank mentor.
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 3-Army's great It was back in January 1925 that
football team, unbeaten and untied the genial Matt joined thetWolverine
the last two years, was unanimously coaching staff and it was at that time
acclaimed today by sports writers that the great Michigan swimming
throughout the nation as the best tradition was begun, After that initial
college eleven in the country. season, 15 Conference titles came the
way of the Wolverines and not once
The Cadets' 32-13 victory over Navy in the other five years did the Maize
on Saturday to retain the mythical and Blue natators wind up worse than
national championship gave Army the in second place.
first place votes of all of the 116 Have Taken 12 NCAA Titles
scribes participating in the final As- Matt's success story doesn't end
sociated Press weekly poll. there. In National Collegiate com-
Navy Tops 'ama petition his charges have walked off
Navy's fine showmtg against the with 12 titles, including a stretch of
West Pointers after the first quarter eight straight from 1933-4 through
brought the Middies sufficient second 1940-1.
and third place votes to edge Ala- In dual meets the Maize and Blue
bama's Rose Bowl-bound team for the piled up a string of 35 straight tri-
umphs from 1938 to 1942 when Matt's
The Crimson Tide wound up an un- "boys" finally suffered defeat at the
beaten, untied record Saturday by hands of Yale's great NCAA crown
whipping Mississippi State, 55-13. winner of that year. That rates as par
Indiana, unbeaten but tied, and Ok- for any course.
lohoma Aggies are the only other Boast Many Stars
teams in the top 10 without a setback To name all the Wolverine greats
sitce Matt took over the helm in_
Final tabulation: 1925 would be like reciting the names
1. Army ...................... 1,160 in Who's Who. Many of the Maize and
2. Navy ...................... 942 Blue headliners have gone on to win'
3. Alabama .................. 932 further fame in the services of Uncle
4 Indiana .................... 720 Sam. A black board in the IM Build-
5. Oklahoma Aggies ...........651 ing pool pays tribute to many of
6. Michigan .................. 378 these.
7. St. Mary's .................320 Matt's reputation wasn't made at
8. Pennsylvania ...............218 Michigan; it was merely carried on.
9. Notre Dame ...... .... ......217 Before hitching his horse to the Wol-
10. Texas....-...............163 verine bandwagon the Maize and Blue

mentor had already achieved a na-
tion-wide reputation with the Detroit
Athletic Club. Even in the elite of the
East, Matt was hailed. His three
teams at Yale in 1916, 1917 and 1918

Cagers Please
Coaching Staff
In State Fray
Gridders Join Stuad ;
Harrison Top Scorer
The results of this weekend's bas-
ketball activity found head coach
Benny Oosterbaan well satisfied with
the Wolverines' 'showing against a
highly rated Michigan State outfit.
A 'perfianent starting lineup for
the 1945-46 cage season has not as
yet been decided. "There are a couple
of boys from the football team such
as Pete Elliot who haven't had time
t9 show their stuff yet," Oosterbaan
Besides Elliot, erstwhile gridders re-
porting for basketball practice include
Jack Weisenbulger, recently recover-
ed from a football chest injury, 6 ft.
5 in. Leonard Ford, Don Hershberger,
Ed McNeill, Bob Swanson and How-
ard Yerges.
Harrison Leads Scorers
In commenting on Saturday night's
hoop clash, Oosterbaan pointed out
that although the team had made
mistakes, it was still early in the
season and there was time left in
which faults could be corrected. In
line with these comments, the hoop-
sters were emphasizing drills during
yesterday's practice session.
With two hoop contests completed,
the leading scorer on the Maize and
Blue squad is young Bob Harrison,
boasting the sum of 34 points. Glen
Selbo is second to the Toledo fresh-
man in high scoring honors, 10 mark-
ers to the rear of Harrison's total.
John Mullaney and Dave Strack, fol-
lowing in the wake of the leaders have
14 and 13 points respectively.
For Michigan State, standout per-
formers included Sam Fortino and
Robin Roberts. Fortino, who last fall
was named the most valuable player
in the state, came out of the fray the
Spartan's top scorer with 13 points.


GENIAL GENT - Garnering swim-
ming titles is the main occupation
of Michigan's great tank mentor,
Matt Mann.
copped three NCAA swimming and
water polo championships.
For 1945-6 Matt expects to carry on
with his amazing record. His Big Tn
champs of last year will be seeking
their third Conference crown in a
row. In the NCAA his charges will be
seeking to end the four-year domina-
tion of Yale and Ohio State. It's a
big order but Matt has been fill ng
big orders for a long while. From here
it looks as if the Wolverine swimmers
will be the team to beat in 1945-6.

Doherty's Thinclads Will Field
Another Well-Balanced Squad

Satisfied with the showing of the
various members of the track team in
last weekend's time trials, Coach Ken
Doherty commented "We will have a
well balanced team again this year."
Remembering that balance in all
events is the Wolverine cinder men-
tor's credo, and that this balance has
brought seven out of twelve Confer-
ence titles to the Ann Arbor campus,
things look bright for another good
season for the thinclads.
In the hurdles and dash events
John Larson, Julian Witherspoon
from last year's Championship squad
and Elmer Swanson, a hurdler for
the Maize and Blue from 1942-44
returned from the wars, are compet-
ing with 12 hopefuls who have their
eyes set on a position on the 1946

herty has letterman Bob Thomason,
Archie Parsons, Chuck Low and
Chuck Birdsall back to lead a field
of 20.
In the field events, pole vault, broad
and high jumps, and shot put, the
Wolverines are exceptionally well off.
Chuck Lauritson from last year's
team, George Ostroot, from several
years back, Jim Artley, John Larsen,
another member of last year's team,
are all back for another season's com-


WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 - VP) -
Coach Steve Owen and his New York
Giants had Washington's Redskins
all mixed up emotionally today.
One moment, the Redskins felt
humbly grateful to the Giants for
upsetting Philadelphia's vaunted
Eagles Sunday, 28-21, putting Wash-
ington on top of the Eastern Divi,,ion
of the National League.
The next moment, the Redskins be-
came skittish about next Sunday's
final scheduled game here with these
amazing Giants . . . a game that will
either clinch the title for the Red-
skins or throw- them into a playoff
with Philadelphia.
"Where'd those guys get all that
punch?" asked. Redskin players who
dropped into the club's front office.
"Any club that can spot those
Eagles 21 points and still win is some-
thing out of this football world, par-
ticularly after what the Eagles did to
us." The Eagles recently smothered
the Redskins, 16-0, in Philadelphia.
The Redskins beat the Giants late'
Miami, Holy Cross Clash
In Orange Bowl Jan, 1
MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 3-(IP)-A scrap-
py University of Miami eleven that
jumped from past mediocrity into the
limelight as the "Cinderella team" of
the South, was chosen. unanimously
today to play against the Holy Cross
Crusaders in the Orange Bowl game
Jan. 1.
There will be a meeting of the
M club at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in
the Union. All members are re-
quested to attend.

in October, 24-14, but both teams have
been strengthened since then with
star players returned from the armed
"That win isn't going to make us
cocky Sunday," one oldtimer on the
Washington squad said.
The Redskins can clinch the East-
ern title by winning Sunday, but a
Giant victory would throw them into
a first-place tie with Philadelphia,
providing the Eagles beat the Boston
Yanks Sunday.
If a playoff is necessitated, it will
be held in Philadelphia, but the Red-
skins resolved today, "That will never
happen. We'd rather do anything
than meet those Eagles in Pbhilly
again. . . . They get our goat over
there. .. We haven't won there since
Blanchard Wins Maxwell
Award As Top Gridder
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3 - )P) -
Felix A. (Doc) Blanchard succeeds
teammate Glenn Davis as winner of
the Maxwell Club's "outstanding foot-
ball player of the year."
All young men interested in
playing organized basketball on a
Y.M.C.A. representative team are
invited to report for practice Tues-
day and Friday nights at the Y.M.
C.A. from 7:30 to 8:30, starting
A coach has been secured and a
full schedule, city and out-state, is
being arranged. All players must
either be "Y" members or join the
"Y" to be eligible to play on the
Y.M.C.A. teams.

Val Johnson is the lone letterman
running in the quarter mile at present
but Hank Fonde, a member of last
year's team although not a letter
winner, and 14 or 15 others are train-
ing for that event.
In the distance events, Michigan's
forte during the past few years, Do-

Your haircut is blended, shaped,
cut to your individual tastes.
Your hair and scalp problems
are our problems too. Our pop-
ularity with the Service Man is
commendable. We are glad to
serve in the interest of public
health and morale.
The DASCOLA Barbers
Off State on Liberty


1945-46 Lecture Course


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from 1 P.M.



,e. r. en/nVA#xfF t T~ftp.,~W eekdays
30c to 5 P.M.
YOUNG Margaret
'r acrd OLD! 0 'BRI E N Ai
wihJ mes crqi,



Also Added





Playing Through


MtC.tt( 1AT






The Henry Aldrich Comedy Hit

ilF.FUt.E! a I A U aU~E I~ E.. 3


III 0"AA 1 1 starring I



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