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December 04, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-04

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'I'll'LS AY, L)I,;CIMBER 4, 19-I5


Fifty-Sixth Year

Profit-Sharing Gains Support



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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Ray Dixon . .
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guirnaraes

. . . . . . Managing Editor
.. ....,.... City Editor
. . . . . . . . EditorialDirector
. ..Associate Editor
. . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . ..Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
.W. . . s. .eWomen's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . ... Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the, regular school year by car
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Vet Eligibilt Y
AFTER spending two years overseas, the serv-
iceman at last returns to the states and be-
gin his delayed college education.
Anxious to get in the swing of things because
he has had too much time to think about his
plans for college, he tries out for Play Produc-
tion or The Daily or some other organization--
only to find that first semester freshmen, regard-
less of age, are not allowed to participate in ex-
tra-curricular activities.
Psychological studies tell us that the G.I. Joe
who has turned Joe College is older, more seri-
ous-minded, and more conscious of the oppor-
tunities open to him than the usual entering
Some provision, therefore, should be made
for the veteran who, as one ex-serviceman put
it, has "waited too long already for life to
begin." He has had enough of restrictions and
red tape and should be permitted to direct
his surplus energy towards those activities in
which he is interested.
-Annette Shenker
Slanted News
TJ7HE necessity for great care and critical analy-
sis in reading newspapers cannot be over-
emphasized. Inaccurate or misleading headlines
and statements are not infrequent. Sometimes
they are intentional; sometimes they are the re-
sult of carelessness.
Two striking examples of poor journalism
have appeared recently. Friday, the headline
in a Detroit newspaper reporting a Presidential
press conference read: "Reconversion Job Fin-
ished, Truman Says." This statement was ban-
nered across the top Of the page, and probably
was taken as a condensation of what the Presi-
dent said. Persons who did not read the re-
port would not appreciate the gross inaccur-
acy of this headline.
I the fourth paragraph of the story one reads:
"The Chief Executive emphasized, however, that
the Country is still in the midst of reconver-
sion. . .. " This is directly opposite to the head-
line statement. True, the headline is more en-
couraging and interesting, and perhaps a bit
sensational, to readers, bue it is incorrect.
An Associated Press report, datelined Lansing,
Nov. 30, reported: "Lt. Col. Philip C. Pack, direc-
tor of the State Office of Veterans Affairs, said
today he would confer next week with a delega-
tion of veterans attending the University of
Michigan who, he said, contend that the Univer -
sity is not prepared for an expected increase of
veteran enrolles next term." The veterans who
arranged the meeting with Col. Pack have denied
the criticism of the University implicated in this
report. v
Somewhere along the line somone slipped up.
But the average reader of this article, which
fortunately was investigated before publication
in The Daily, would not be aware of this.
These are but two examples of a too-fre-
quently repeated occurrence. Controversial
matters are sometimes reported from a slanted
viewpoint. All these factors block the reader's
path to accurate, unprejudiced information.
Until reporters and sensationalist newspapers

realize their responsibilities in supplying such
information, readers must be careful and criti-
tical, even to the point of cynicism.
-Malcolm Roemer

WASHINGTON.-New Senator William Know-
land of California is a staunch Republican.
Stuart Symington, surplus war property admin-
istrator, is a Democrat. But they seem to have
something in common when it comes to helping
solve the tangled labor situation.
At any rate, Symington telephoned Senator
Knowland the other day to congratulate him on
his recently announced plan for labor to share
in company profits.
"It's a great idea," the surpus property ad-
ministrator told the senator from California.
"I know. I tried it in St. Louis and it worked."
What Symington put across in St. Louis was an
experiment which the Labor-Management Con-
ference could well have studied. He had a bad
strike in his Emerson Electric plant, led by a un-
ion leader who frankly admitted he was a com-
Finally, Symington proposed profit-sharing. At
first labor was suspicious. So were the stock-
holders and directors. But Symington persevered.
Finally they agreed to a plan whereby profits at
the end of the year were divided, partly on the
basis of seniority, partly on the basis of skill and
importance of work.
First year the profits were only $13,000, but
last year they totaled $2,000,000, a lush melon
to divide up among employees. The latter are
now 100 per cent sold on the idea and so are
the stockholders. The workers worked harder,
profits are larger, and stockholders got a big-
ger dividend check.
"Labor got 30 per cent of every nickel we
made in 1944," says Symington, "and, a system
like that is the only basis for permanent labor
NOTE-Symington's survey of various profit-
sharing plans leads him to believe that when-
ever it has been tried out sincerely it has never
Hurley's Slinach
rVE delightful and irrepressible Patrick J. Hur-
ley, ex-ambassador to China, could tell an in-
teresting story of how he got the Silver Star cita-
tion which so proudly adorns his chest. It was
awarded for "gallantry in action on Nov. 11, 1918,
in voluntarily making a reconnaissance under
heavy enemy fire."
Nov. 11, 1918, of course, was Armistice Day, and
everyone knew on that fateful morning the war
was coming to an end. Furthermore, what the ci-
tation does not say is that Hurley was with the
judge advocate general's office which operates
well behind the lines.
But an hour or so before the armistice, Hur-
ley came forward in company with Col. E. St.
John Greble to watch the historic end of the
war. They were about 2,000 yards behind the
lines when Lieut. Col. Wilbur Rogers of the
77th field artillery stopped them and told
them the show was over. But they were bent on
going forward anyway.
Seven months after the war was over, on
June 3, 1919, Hurley mysteriously received a
THE MOST GRATIFYING thing about the Don
Cossacks is the reassurance they bring re-
garding the stability and permanence of things.
For at least four years now they have come
around as unfailingly as the seasons, until to
conceive of a Choral Union Series without them
is difficult, despite whatever one might wish i
the matter.
As usual .their performance last night was
both colorful and atmospheric, spiced up with
deafening whistles, moans as of pain, shouts
as of almost anything, the antics of the dan-
cerswith their spring-steel knees and other
devices outside the musical realm. As a show
the chorus's performance was good: the mili-
tary bearing of the men, their romantic cos-
tumes, the showy sort of music they sing, the
added attraction of the dancers, the sentimen-
tal aura of the past and the glamour of being
Russians-and exiled Russians at that-all
combine for great effectiveness. So much for

the dramatic aspects of the concert.
It is now my unfortunate duty to comment up-
on the musical quality of the concert. The two
.most important attributes of a chorus, pitch and
unity, were notably lacking throughout the per-
formance, and the chorus habitually hit a note
with the unanimity of a string of freight cars
being dragged around a curve. For all his man-
ner of a general reviewing troops, Mr. Jaroff
does not have precise enough control over the
chorus to achieve clean attacks or unified tone,
and an irritating habit of sliding up to a note
was evident, especially when they didn't slide
quite all the way.
The tones of the individual voices seem to
be growing forced, and they are apparently
under less control. On the whole the chorus
did best on very rapid, highly rhythmatic
pieces, in which the basses didn't need to wait
for the tenors before they dared to make a
tone change, and where there was no question
of maintaining pitch throughout a sustained
-Paula Brower

Silver Star citation for "voluntarily making a
reconnaissance under heavy enemy fire on Nov.
11, 1918."
Regardless of any other facts in the citation,
the trip obviously was "voluntary."
Iilbo, the Martyr
THE story is being whispered round that Mis-
sissippi's Senator Bilbo actually paid to have
his office picketed by a wounded war veteran.
Whether true or not, it is a fact that the Mis-
sissippi filibuster always h s thrived on persecu-
tion. He was in jail o a contempt of court
charge when he first began his campaign for the
Senate. It made him a martyr. Since then, Bilbo
has always capitalized on the attacks against
him. He is now claiming a Northern conspiracy
to dictate to the State of Mississippi whom it
should send to the Senate. That's why it's ru-
mored that he paid the veteran to picket his of-
fice so he could pull the persecution charge again.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Risig Crisis
A CRISIS is maturing in American foreign pol-
icy, of which the resignation of General Hur-
ley as Ambassador to China is only one of the
portents. The plain truth is that since the end of
the war we have had no foreign policy, recogniza-
ble as such. While the war continued, we were
forced to apply the objective test: "Will this
work?" to our policy lines, and so long as we
thought in these pragmatic and objective terms,
we were fairly safe. Since the end of the war, we
have dropped this objectiye test, and we have
substituted subjective tests. Our policy used to
reflect the practical accords and accommodations
necessary for making this a stable world; but it
has turned inward since the war ended, and it
now reflects our fears, whimsies, caprices, our
domestic quarrels and our minority pressure
Our policy, which used to be something like
a blueprint, has become something like a day-
dream, resting vaguely on the dreamy notion
that if we play our cards right we can some-
how have our own way almost everywhere.
To SEE just how far we have turned inward,
it is only necessary to listen to some of our
own current talk. Major General Leslie R.
Groves, head of the atomic bomb project, tells a
Senate committee that he cannot favor a world
inspection system over atomic energy projects
until other nations become as "honest" as the
,United States. Could there be a more innocently
subjective approach to a question of world policy?
And Senator Johnson of Colorado, after an-
nouncing that he has come to believe in world
organization as the planet's only hope, declares:
"With vision and guts and plenty of atomic
bombs, ultra-modern planes and strategically-lo-
cated air bases, the United States can outlaw
wars of aggression." Again, could there be a more
naively anti-collaborationist approach to world
And though Senator Taft is decidedly an
opponent of the administration, it is significant
of what he thinks the public thinks when he
introduces a bit of legislation declaring that
the American delegate to the World Security
Council shall not consent to any use of Ameri-
can force, even if international peace and se-
curity shall be saved thereby, unless he is per-
sonally convinced that justice is also served by
the action in question. Again we have a declar-
ation that our moralty is superior to all other
moralities in this world, and must be the arbi-
ter of events.
ONE TURNS, now, to President Truman's sen-
sational declaration that, there will, in all
probability, be no more Big Three meetings, and
one senses here somtheing of the same subjec-
tice approach to our foreign affairs. This news,
at the very least, should come as a Big Three an-
nouncement; and it would have been heartening
if the Big Three had pointly declared that they
were turning all outstanding questions over to
the United Nations Organization. It has not
been like that at all; the principle of unaimity
has been abandoned by our unilateral choice.

One can imagine what a shock would have
swept this country if Russia had bluntly an-
nounced that she was not interested in meeting
with the United States and Britain again; and
it is a sign of how deeply we have turned in-
ward, of how we have discarded the objective
approach, that we can make at similar an-
nouncement in a spirit ofblithe confidence.
It is an evasion to say that the United Nations
Organization will be able to handle the situation
thus created; the UNO is only an arena, into
which we must come with policy; we need policy
just as badly with it as without it. A crisis is ma-
turing in our foreign affairs precisely because we
are giving up policy.
We are slipping off into an adventure, and
we are giving up trying to make the world
work; we come into the arena not with an
objective blueprint for world accommodation
and accord, but like an angry Congressman,
full of local projects, willing to leave to chance,
or circumstance, or whatever, the question of
how it will all add up, whether it all will work.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 26
Memorial to Dean C. S. Yoakum.
Under the auspices of the University,
a memorial meeting will be held at
4:15 p.m., Monday, Dec. 10, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, in honor of
the late Dr. Clarence Stone Yoakum,
Dean of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Members
of the faculties, students, and other
friends of Dean Yoakum are invited
to be present.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due Dec. 6 in the office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be due
Dec. 6. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
'108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
A. Van Duren
Identification Pictures will be given
out between Dec. 4 and Dec. 8 from
the cage in University Hall outside
of Room 2, University Hall. Dec. 4
and Dec. 5 the cage will be kept open
At the State . .
Edward G. Robinson, Margaret
O'Brien and Agnes Moorehead in
"Our Vines 'Have Tender Grapes";
an MGM production, directed by
Roy Rowland.
" UR RVines Have Tender Grapes"
is an unspectacular film that tells
its story with sincerity and well-mod-
ulated sentiment. The critic's usual
escape in items of this type is to say
that the film is ''homespun" and has
"gentle humor." Being conscientious
in my own way, I'll avoid these
cliches, which leaves only the alterna-
tive of being factual about the film.
So it's a leisurely pastorale detail-
ing the life of a Wisconsin farming
family. For the more sophisticated
who can't get excited over things
rural, there is the pleasure of seeing
such genuine artists as Robinson,
Miss O'Brien and Miss Moorhead go-
ing about their work. They head a
cast that for sheer acting know-how
can hardly be equalled this year.
If I am still to avoid those two
demon cliches, there is only one
other service I can perform for the
reader. I can be the umpteenth
person to tell him, with asuperior
loek on my face, that the bizarre
title is a quotation from the Bible.
Offer of of ug9 e
ican Republic has made an offer
of refuge for all persons endangered
by racial, religious, or political perse-
cution resulting from the first reper-

cussions of the post-war period.
This offer is a reiteration of one

from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. including interested call the Hillel Foundation,
the noon hour. r26585.

Seniors and graduates in Engineer-
ing, Chemistry and Physics: A repre-_
sentative of Chance Vought Aircraft,
Stratford. Connecticut, will visit the
campus on Thursday, Dec. 6, to in-
terview February and June graduates
in Aeronautical, Civil. Chemical, Elec-
trical, and Mechanical Engineering,
as well as chemists and physicists.
jThe company has positions open in'
aerodynais, structures, flight test,
testing, drafting, and in the Instru-
ment, Electronics and Materials lab-
oiatories. Interviews will be held in
Room 3205 East Engineering Build-
ing. Interested men will please sign
the interview schedule posted on the
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
The Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters: The Academy wish-
es to invite into active membership
all persons in the University engaged
in research, the promotion of litera-
ture or the arts or the dissemination
of knowledge. At the Annual Meet-
ings in March sections are organized
in the following fields: Anthropology,
Economics, Folklore, Geography, His-
tory and Political Science, Language
and Literature, Philosophy, Sanitary
and Medical Sciences, Zoology, Bot
any, Fine Arts, Forestry, Geology an
Mineralogy, Landscape Architecture,
Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology.
The "Papers of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science, Arts and Letters" are
published annually. If you wish to
become a member or if you are a for-
mer member and wish to resume
membership please communicate with
the Secretary, F. . Sparrow, Botany
All women students on the campus
who are employed part-time or who
are seeking such work are instructed
to register this fact immediately at
the Office of the Dean of Women.
The Health Service and the Academic
Counselors Office are cooperating to
put this requirement into effect,
which has been decided upon so that
good health and maximum academic
efficiency will be insured among
women students. A brief form will be
filled outby each woman student
who is employed in any capacity
whether she works on the campus or
Army Service Forces, Special Services
Division again have openings for a
number of civilian accountants for
employment in Europe. General qual-
ifications are: A degree in accounting,
Draft exempt, and willing to sign a
contract for one year. The salary of-
fered is $300 per month in addition
to subsistence and quarters or an al-
lowance in lieu thereof. All traveling
expenses will be paid by the Army
Exchange Service. For further in-
formation, please call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Detroit Civil Service Announce-
ments for Junior Typist, $1734 to
$1800, Intermediate Typist, $1886 to
$2018, and Junior Stenographer,
$1952 to $2084, have been received
in our office. For further information,
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Detroit Civil Service announcement
for Principal Personnel Examiner
(Veterans' Couhsellor), $4440 to
$5160, has been received in our of-
fice. For further information regard-
ing examination, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
A cademic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Today at
4:00 p.m., in Room 1564 East
Medical Building. Dr. Stanley Mar-
cus will discuss "Experiences in an
Army Medical Corps Diagnostic Lab-
oratory in the Pacific." All interested
are invited.
Section 7 of English 31 will meet.

House President's Meeting will be
held today at 5:00 p.m. in the League.
Room will be posted.
Polonia Club: The Polonia Club will
meet in the Union, Room 308, to-
ight at 7:30. A former member of
the Polish Air Forces will give a talk
regarding his experiences during the
war. All students of Polish descent
are welcome.
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers'
Society, will meet tonight at 7:30 at
the Union. The first training period
will take place. All technologists are
Post-War Councils: All members
and former members of the Post-War
Council and any interested students
are requested to attend an organiza-
tional meeting tonight at 7:30 in the
Union, Room 304.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a
meeting tonight at 7:30 at the
Michigan Union. All members are
urged to attend, and any other stu-
dent who is interested in a program
of fellowship and service to the
campus is invited also. Alpha Phi
Omega is a service fraternity whose
membership is composed of former
Boy Scouts.
Science Research Club: The De-
cember meeting of the Science Re-
search Club will be held tonight in
the Amphitheatre of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
at 7:30. Program: The Pharmacology
of the Tetraethyl Ammonium Ion, G.
K. Moe, Dept. of Pharmacology. Fos-
sil Plants of the Michigan Coal Basin.
Chester A. Arnold, Dept. of Botany.
The Seminar on Comparative Re-
ligions will hold its fourth meeting at
Lane Hall tonight at 7:15. Under the
direction of Reverend Redman, the
group will continue their discussion
of Hinduism.
The Women's Research Club will
meet tonight at 8:00 in the West Lec-
ture Room of Rackham Building. Dr.
Elzada Clover, Assistant Professor of
Botany and Assistant Curator in the
Botanical Gardens, will talk on "Uni-
versity of Michigan Botanical Gar-
dens with a Demonstration of Certain
Unusual or Otherwise Interesting
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Wednesday, Dec. 5, instead of
Dec. 4, because of the Graduate
Forum scheduled for Dec. 4. Every-
one interested in outdoor activities
are cordially invited to meet in the
Outing Room at 7:30 p. m.
Veteran's Wives: Let's make friends
Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
Phi Sigma, honorary biological fra-
ternity, will hold its first meeting of
the year at 8:00 Wednesday, Dec. 5,
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. All members are
requested to attend, as new members
will be voted on, new officers dis-
cussed, and plans made for the initia-
tion lecture.
Deutscher Verein: There wil me a
meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
Dec. 5, in the Women's Athletic Build-
ing. A program of folk songs and folk
dances will be presented. All students
of German and members of the Ver-
ein are invited to attend,
Flying Club: An attempt is being
made to reorganize the University of
Michigan Flying Club. Information
has'been compiled and is now ready
for presentation. All U. of M. stu-
dents interested should report to
Room 1042 East Engineering Building
at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 6. Stu-
dents with an instructor's rating are
also urged to attend. For those who

are interested but who are unableto
attend the meeting on Thursday eve-
ning, contact Warren H. Curry at
Room B-47 East Engineering Build-
ing before December 6.
Le Cercle Francais will meet Thurs-
day, Dec. 6, at 8:00 p.m. at the Rack-
hiam Building. Dr'. Francis Gravit of
the Romance Language Department
will give an informal talk on "Sou-
venirs de Provence." Also on the pro-
gram are: Charades, Group Singing,
and Social Hour. The picture of the
members of the club will be taken

made by this small West Indian re- in Room 2235, Angell Hall, hereafter.
public in 1938, when it accepted 6,000 F. W. Peterson.

exiles from the Spanish Republic.
Also, in 1940, Jewish refugees were
settled in the country, and the present
announcement is made with special
regard to the masses of Jewish people
undergoing hardships and persecu-
As far as the masses go, the Do-
minican Republic, with its popula-
tion of 1,650,000, obviously can't,
receive very many of them. But
this spirit of good will, and one
might be tempted to say brother-
liness , were thatt good word still
meanigfulwmigtA well set anl ex-
opl for certain larger nations
who take pride in their unselfish
motives and their good neighbor
-Elinor Moxness.

Mathematics: Seminar in Alathe-
matical Logic. A preliminary meeting
will be held today at 3 pm. in Room
3201 Angell Hall.
Ilistory of Mathematics Seminar
Wednesday, Dec. 5, 7-8 p.m. Room
3001 Angell Hall.
Ftlif fina G~ionn F~~~fn"T:iF

Poutzcat science: Hereafter P o nt- frteEs .Th lbi pnt
ical Science 1, Section 1, will meet all students on the campus. Bring
in Room 229 Angell Hall. Political your membership cards or your dues.
Science 51, Section 1, will meet in
room 2203 Angell Hall.
H-larlow J. Heneman,. t rCS
John A. Perkins,

Your father doesn't understand how twas able

By Crockett Johnson
Besides, they don't have to trust him for 1

Seminnar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions meets today at
3 p.m. in Room 312 West Engineering.
Professor Hay will continue his dis-
cussion of The Design and Operation
of Differential Analyzers. Visitors are

Vincent Shecan, noted foreign cor-
respondent, will be presented tomor-
row night at Hill Auditorium, 8:30
p.m. as the third number on the Ora-
torical Association Lecture Course.
Mr. Sheean has recently returned
from the European battle zones where
he was stationed with General Pat-
f't r tmt i-, ~ i ifI,- ----1

And Pop says how could they trust


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