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November 29, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-29

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'I'llUR SDAY, \'(>VE'AIBER 29, 1945

THlE 11Ml. 11"['1.NI I !ITV IWSAY.NVEBE1Z L94

_ _ _ __

Fifty-Sixth Year

U.S. Scientists Protest

U. S. InterventionSupportsDictator


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Ray Dixon . .
Robert Goldman.
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz .
Dona Guimaraes

Editorial Staff
. . . . . . . . Managing Editor
... . . . . . . . . City Editor
.. . . . . . . . Editorial Director
.. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff

Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
LAST week commanders of three of the
branches of the armed services spoke of the
danger that rapid and extensive demobilization
is causing.
General Carl ("Tooey") Spaatz termed the
discharge system "hysterical demobilization"
and blamed the deterioration of the Air Forces
on it. He forecast a "rising curve of flying ac-
cidents due to loss of experienced ground per-
Admiral Ernest J. King admitted that the
Navy could not fight a first class battle today
because of its disorganization.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "If our
strength in Germany is cut below the point
where we can do our job, then we had better get
the residue out as quickly as possible."
A danger is clearly stated here, and yet -all
of America is eager to have its defenders re-
turn. Those men who have fought overseas
for months should be, and are being, sent
home, but there are many who had just been
drafted when the war ended.
Reluctant as people are to send men overseas
in peacetime, it is necessary under plans set
forth in war-time conferences.
General Eisenhower asks, "Are we going so
far in weakening ourselves in Europe that we
are going to abandon unfulfilled the purpose
for which we fought?"
-Patricia Cameron

COME to think of it, there was something odd
about our destruction of Japan's cyclotrons.
Cyclotrons are not factories for making atomic
bombs; cyclotrons are laboratory instruments
for studying the nature of the atom. To destroy
them is like destroying logarithmic tables, or
perhaps microscopes would be a better illustra-
tion; and thus there was in the act something
like a touch of intellectual vandalism. I am sure
no such motive consciously entered the hearts of
our military men when they ordered the destruc-
tion; but, after all, it is the whole point of our
atomic policy that, consciously or unconsciously,
it makes us fear knowledge.
There is a kind of splendor in the manner in
which American scientists have risen to protest
the destruction. Professors Johnson, of Chicago,
Stone of the University of California, and Bur-
ton, of Notre Dame, have protested, and so has
the Association of Oak Ridge Scientists. These
men are hardly pro-Japanese (many of them
worked on the atomic bomb which killed so
many Japanese) but something about the sight
of soldiers pulling laboratories apart gives them
the goose-bumps.
The action was unlike us, somehow; it was-
unlike America; and it raises horrid visions for
the future. While, for example, we have not
yet made a bonfire of books, it would be only
a logical follow-up of the destruction of Jap-
anese cyclotrons to destroy any good Japanese
book on nuclear physics; if the one is justi-
fied, the other is, too. And then what do you
do with the Japanese physicist? You can't
very well have a sergeant blow him up. Do
you make him sign a pledge not to think?
OUR action was a kind of wild pitch; and it is
a characteristic of our atomic bomb policy
that, instead of giving us a real solid feeling of
security, it makes us fearful, and it makes us
pitch wildly. For President Truman, hardly a
week before, had carefully dravn a line between
theoretical atomic knowledge and industrial
atomic techniques, of the kind which make it
possible to build fission bombs; he had said that
while we would keep the second a secret, we
were not greatly concerned about the first. Then
we go on to destroy cyclotrons, which are run by
quiet-type characters who can rarely tell a fac-
tory from a mine.
The greatest value of the incident is that it
shows us exactly, and in the clearest form, what
is worrying American science; our policy sen-
tences almost everybody outside a selected group
of official thinkers, to ignorance concerning a
vast field of natural knowledge. It means that
the enemy will not only be deprived of factories
for making steel and munitions, which is one
kind of problem; but that he is also never to
know the truth about the neutron. He is to be
officially benighted.
He is to be kept ignorant; his ignorance is
necessary to us; and that is a new kind of
thing in our world, almost a new kind of
world for us. Yet it reminds us of a very old
kind of world, too; of bygone civilizations
cetirt. th~e,Clitor
To the Editor:
TAKE issue with your editorial entitled GM
Strike signed by Lila Makima.
It is my belief that the notion that "Labo's
big moment" consists of a production-crippling
strike or wave of strikes is adverse to the true in-
terests of all three parties to industrial produc-
tion-the Public, the Unions, and Management.
It is my honest conviction that labor's big
moment will come when union leaders can
agree with management leaders that the you
and me of industrial America-the public,
have a vital interest in higher production,
higher wages, and lower prices. To say that
wages can be boomed without increasing the
prices of consumers goods is mere political

To say, as Miss Makima did, "Management
must come to terms now" after reporting the
existence of a serious production stoppage is
lut one-third of the story. I submit that the
labor, management, AND the people, through
their governrment, must "come to terms now."
I believe that the editorials and letters which
have appeared in this student paper since No-
vember 1 do not do justice to the intelligence
of the students of this University. The editorials
and letters I have read have been too "union-
As a citizen and veteran, I expect that our
government will help recalcitrant unions and
stubborn management to reach agreement
through negotiation. When negotiation fails, as
it does all too often, I believe that the public in-
terest in economic health requires compulsory
arbitration in some form.
I maintain that none of the three parties
to t enera Motors-AW-CIO strike is
faultles; and that saying fanagement must
comc to terms now" is a biased understate-
-Joseph N. Morency, Jr.

which once tried to thrive and prosper by
forcing algebra underground, or whatever.
SOME of us are pitching wildly in another de-
partment, too; and I think now of the com-
ments which are increasingly cropping up in
some (isolationist) newspapers, to the effect
that it is anti-American to question our atomic
policy. Here we are really getting into something
new, for not only do we have an official science,
for the first time in our national history, but we
also have supposedly patriotic and unpatriotic
ways of thinking about that science, and of
commenting on it, and it is precisely this welter
of cops and laboratories, and of demagogues pas-
sionately laying down the law of both, that is
frightening some of our best scientists.
This mixture of legal authority and science
and hot nationalism, all compacted, appears to
our scientists as something strange, and pro-
foundly, perhaps irremediably, reactionary;
and it seems to me that those of us who are
more familiar with the issue of freedom as it
concerns the press, etc., must begin to think
now about freedom and the scientist, for much
is wrapped up in that issue.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
O(ff the 9ence
by Leo ard Cbei
A FEW DAYS after my first column appeared
in The Daily, I received a long and very
sarcastic letter from a Mr. Mackey, a student
at the university and a veteran of World War
II. His letter expresses a point of view that is,
unfortunately, common to many of our veterans.
He dismisses any question of the workers' kids
going hungry with, "I would have thought they
might have saved a bit." He quotes soldiers as
saying, "The unions roll in greenbacks; we roll
in the mud." He describes cold nights at the
front when, "Our ammunition was limited, and
it was understood on some authority that this
shortage was occasioned by strikes in certain
plants manufacturing ammunition."
Near the end of his letter Mr. Mackey makes
the observation that, "Years ago the writer of
"Off The Fence" would have been called a dan-
gerous radical."
Mr. Mackey is, of course, entitled to his
opinion. As a veteran he has a right to expect
people to give special consideration to his
expressed views. But, because his opinions
mean so much, the veteran has a special obli-
gation to consider the opinions of others, and
to search for a truer picture of what is
actually happening than he can get from his
daily newspaper, or from casual conversation.
He has an obligation to dig out the real facts,
and to make his judgment on the basis of the
evidence he finds.
What are the facts on wages, profits, and
prices, and how do honest people like Mr. Mackey
get such distorted pictures of what's going on?
This is what "In Fact" for November 12, 1945
had to say: "The newspapers showed which side
they were on by sensationalizing strike news,
suppressing real news, as for example the official
U. S. Government survey showing that industry
generally could afford a 24 per cent wage increase
without losing money, decreasing dividends, or
increasing the price of the goods-in fact Gen-
eral Motors could do all this and reduce the
price of a Chevrolet by $100."
So say the Government economists, according
to "In Fact." And just in case anyone thinks
Editor Seldes of "In Fact" is a "dangerous
radical," I will quote a character reference for
Mr. Seldes. Harry S. Truman wrote to Mr.
Seldes, "I believe you are on the right track ...
and I hope you are successful."
If the reader is interested in more facts,
here they are. According to U. S. Department
of Agriculture statistics, the average worker in
manufacturing industry was earning $45.42 a
week in August, 1945. The cost of living has
risen 30 per cent since 1939, which means the
average worker in manufacturing earns $31.90
a week at 1939 prices. That's not exactly
rolling in greenbacks.
But what most veterans are really interested
in is strikes. Well, what about the wartime strike
record of the unions? What are the facts there?-
According to Secretary of Labor Schwellen-

bach, "Not one of these work stoppages had the
sanction of top labor leadership. And the fact
is that time lost through strikes averages only
one-tenth of 1 per cent of total time worked.
. . . By staying on the job holidays, American
workers more than equalized the time lost
through strikes."
Writing a column of opinion that is really
"Off The Fence," I naturally expect name-
calling. I am fully aware of the fact that "Years
ago the writer of 'Off the Fence' would have
been called a dangerous radical!" I am also
familiar enough with my American History to
know that George Washington, Thomas Jeffer-
son, Tom Paine, and Abe Lincoln were all called
dangerous radicals in their day. Moreover, they
really were radicals, and the first three were
actually Revolutionists.
So you see, Mr. Mackey, it all depends on
the time and place, and who's calling names.
Who can state with certainty that both Mr.
Mackey and Mr. Cohen would not have been
burned as witches had they lived in a certain
town in Massachusetts about 300 years ago?

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second4
in a series of articles on the Far EastI
by S. 1D. Yvehta, an Indian national
attending the University.t
AMERICAN intervention in China is
no longer a secret. The State De-1
partment knows this, yet forges ahead{
with the continuance of help to the
Chungking government. With Ameri-
can planes, arms and ammunition,
with the blood of United States Ma-
rines, the Chinese people are driven
under the one-party dictatorship of
the Kuomintang.
Thereare those who call this one-
party dictatorship a democracy. Let
us examine the facts.
The fact that Chiang Kai-Shek's
government is not democratic has
been proclaimed even by anti-
Communists in China. The undem-
ocratic character of the Kuomin-
tang has been described by one of
its leading members as follows:
"If we had strictly observed the
principles of democracy during the
past twenty years, the democratic
spirit of Kuomintang would today
shine brilliantly. Unfortunately, we
have not strictly observed this prin-
ciple for various reasons. As a result
of the organization of the Kuomin-
tang now moves on the contrary from
top down to the bottom. The men
of the committees of the provincial
and municipal party headquarters,
for instance, are appointed by the
central party headquarters. . . . .
Does it not mean that the represen-
tatives of the Kuomintang National
Congress elect themselves? We must
frankly admit the fact that in these
twenty years the machinery and
practice of Kuomintang have turned
in a wrong direction, inconsistent
with the party constitution drafted
by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in 1923 and con-
trary to, the spirit of democracy."
Sun Fo, China Looks Forward (p.
This member of the Kuomintang,
who served his party for years, is not
alone in pointing out that reaction-
ary elements now dominate the
Chungking government. Donald M.
Nelson. in his January 26, 1945 report
to the late President on his mission
to China, stated:
"The government should also
benefit from its closer relations
.with industry. At the same time
the heightened status of Chinese
industry under the War Produc-
tion Board will tend to exert a
liberalizing influence. Under that
influence there is more likelihood
that moderate elements in Kuo-
mintang will continue to gain
power adding to the chances of
genuine cooperation between the
national government and the Com-
What is this in effect saying? It is
implies that the chief obstacle to
genuine cooperation between the na-
tional government and the Commun-
ists lies with reactionary elements
within the Kuomintang ..who wield
the power, and it says that effective
cooperation awaits the rise of the
moderate elements in the Kuomin-
The membership of the Kuomin-
tang amounts to less than one per
cent of the population under its
control. Governmental representa-
tives have not been elected since
1936. The places of those who have
died have been filled by appointees.
Whether or not the country has
had time for an election, is it il-
logical to suppose that those who
have been appointed will toady to
those to whom they owe their ten-
The Central Government itself is
made up of a number of rival cliques,
whose only common denominator is
loyalty end- subservience to feudal
reaction. Each group has its Gestapo.
Prominent among these is the gang
run by the C. C. Group, which is led
by two brothers, Chen Li-Fu (for-
mer Minister of Education and in
charge of Kuomintang Party organi-
zation, and Chen Kuo-Fu, head of
the personnel division of Chiang's

headquarters. Another such group
is headed by Tai Li who runs the
secret police of the Military Affairs
Commission. Both these organiza-
tions operate abroad as well as in
China, keeping track of the behavior
of Chinese students and officials
abroad and presenting their views to
the believing eyes of foreigners.
Let us turn next to an evaluation
of the way in which the war was
fought against the Japanese. Max-
well Steward of the American Coun-
cil Institute of Pacific Relation states
in his book, War-Time China (pub-
lished in 1944):
"Manufacturers who had made
contracts with the government found
that owing to the constant increase in
prices of raw materials and labor they
could not afford to fulfill their con-
tracts. They found it more profitable
to hoard and speculate in raw mate-
rials than to run them to finished
goods..... Mineral output had also
been cut drastically and because of
the extremely high costs of trans-

portation, most construction, includ-
ing the building of new industry, had
come to a standstill."
The Central Government failed to
build the basic war industries. And
they blamed the lack of supplies on
the inadequacy of American lend-
But what do the figures say?
The figures say that although steel.
production in China wept down


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 22
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due Dec. 6 in the office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be due
Dec. 6. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
A. Van Duren
Students are' reminded that all
blanks taken out for registering with
the Bureau of Appointments, must
be returned a week from the day
taken. Friday is the last day for re-
turns during the registration period.
Engineering Faculty: Five-week re-
ports on standings of all civilian Eh-
gineering freshmen and all Navy and
Marine students in Terms 2, 3, and 4
of the Prescribed Curriculum are due
Dec. 8. Report blanks will be furnish-
ed by campus mail and are to be re-
turned to Dean Crawford's Office.
Engineering Faculty: Five-week re-
ports below C of all Navy and Marine
students who are not in the Prescrib
ed Curriculum and for those in Terms
5, 6 and 7 of the Prescribed Curricu-
lum are due in Dean Emmons' Office
by Dec. 8. Obtain report cards from
your departmental office.
.All Student Organizations desiring
space in the 1946 Michiganensian
should contact the Michiganensian
business office between 2 and 5 p. m.
or 2-4561, line 338, after 7 p. m. This
must be done this week. All organi-
zations that have already received
contracts should return them as soon
as possible.
Phillips Scholarships: Freshman
students who presented four units of
Latin, with or without Greek, for ad-
mission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, are invited to compete for
the Phillips Classical Scholarships.
Two awards of fifty dollars each will
be made on the basis-of an examina-
tion covering the preparatory work
in Latin 'or in both Latin and Greek,
as described in the bulletin on schol-
arships, a copy of which may be ob-
tained in Room 1, University Hall.
The examination will be held this
year in- Room 2013 Angell Hall on
Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 4:00 p. m. In-
terested students are asked to give
notice of their candidacy to Professor
Pearl (2024 A. H.) or to Dr. Rayment
(2030 A. H.) in advance of that date.'
Past holders of the scholarships who
seek renewal should file an applica-
tion before Dec. 5 with the same
The W. J. 1-Uammill prize of $100
will be awarded for the best essay
concerning the pertinence and mod-
ernity of ideas found in classics of
thought and literature in the fields of
history, economics and political sci-
ence. The contestants for the prize
may choose any one of the following
topics: 1. Theories of relationships
between human ecology and political
systems; 2. Relationships between
political systems, ethical values, and
the concept of personal property; 3.
the individual and the state. Lists of
books that shall form the basis for
the discussion of these topics will be
supplied contestants. The essay is to

be between ten thousand and twenty
thousand words. The contest is open
to any undergraduate of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and essays must be
submitted by March 15, 1946. Con-
testants are requested to consult with
any member of the committee on
awards before writing the essay.
Joseph E. Kallenbach
William B. Palmer
Palmer A. Throop

14. The test is a normal requirement
for admission to nearly all medical
schools. It is extremely important for
all students planning to enter a medi-
cal school in the fall of 1946 to take
the examination at this time. If the
test has already been taken, it is
not necessary or advisable to repeat
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall,
and fees must be paid at the Cash-
ier's Office by Dec. 1.
Lecture: Paul Hagen, former Ger-
man and Austrian trade union labor
leader, and author and, lecturer on
the subject, "European Labor in the
Post-War World," on Friday, Nov.
30, 4:15 p.m., Room 101 Economics
Building, under the auspices of the
Workers Educational Service. The
lecture is open to the public.
Academic Notices
Mathematics: Orientation Seminar
today at 3:30 p. in., 3201 Angell Hall.
Mr. Rabson will speak on the Five
Employment Seminar: The first of
a series of meetings to study employ-
ment in all branches of Forestry will
be held in Room 2039 Natural
Science Building this afternoon at
4:30. Professor Allen will make a
general survey of the course and dis-
cu'ss Methods and Techniques of Se-
curing Employment. All Foresters and
Pre-Foresters will be welcomed.
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet today in Room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p. m. Mr. John Biel
will speak on "Electronic Structure
and Reactions of Acrylonitrile." All
interested are invited.
Make-up Final Examination in
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will. be
given Friday afternoon, Nov. 30, in
Room 207 Economics Bldg. at 3:00.
Geology 12 make-up field trip to
Trenton, Michigan, is scheduled for
Saturday, Dec. 1st, from 8-12. All
students who missed the original
field trip must report to the Geology
office, 2051 Natural Science Building,
promptly at eight.
Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches
by Various Japanese-American Ar-
tists, On Relocation Centers,. From
Nov. 26 to Dec. 16. Sponsored by Stu-
dent Council of Student Religious As-
sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial
Association, All Nations Club. Office
of Counselor in Religious Education,
Michigan Office of War Relocation
Authority, U. S. Department of In-
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology, 434 South State Street. His-
torical Firearms and other Weapons,
Nov. 25 through Dec. 9. Weekdays,
9-12; 1:30-5; 7:30-9:30; Sundays, 3-5.
Events Today
Bible Seminar: Mr, Littell of Lane
Hall will discuss the prophet Amos
Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 at Lane
Hall. All are invited to attend.
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
American Veterans Committee will
meet tonight at 7:30, room 305 of the
Michigan Union. Servicemen and
women, veterans, and their wives are
invited to attend.
The Chemistry Club invites all men
interested to hear Prof. Barker speak
on ATOMIC ENERGY at a smoker
Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 p. in., Room
316, Michigan Union.
Forestry Club Meeting - Elections

will take place at the meeting of the
Forestry Club this Evening at 7:30
in the Natural Science Building.
Other business will be discussed and
refreshments will be served after the
meeting. All Foresters and Pre-For-
esters should make a special effort
to attend.
Committee "Z" will meet today at
the Hillel Foundation. Al curious
souls ar einvited to attend.
Art Cinema League presentation

from 10,000 tons in 1942 to 8,000
tons in 1943, Allied aid increased
at the same time from 3,000 to 20,-
000 tons monthly. The argument
that military defeats were due to
insufficient Allied aid thus appears
to be a disguise to hide the real
crux of the matter.
There is more, far more, for those
who believe in the staunch anti-Jap-
See CHINA p. 4

Air Corps Vets
A RMY AIR CADETS recruited from civilian
life are offered three options under the
present discharge plan: honorable discharge, a
career in the postwar Service Force or enlistment
in regular Aimy.
No provisions have been made, however, for
the discharge of pre-service cadets. Those
who fit into that classification have objected.
They have entered their present training from
the regular Army and have consequently for-
feited rank and pay as well as the opportunity
to gain discharge points.
These pre-service cadets have had no oppor-
tunity for air crew training through voluntary
enlistment because of the strict early require-
ments which were later lowered. When the
recruiting program slackened these men were
They would be eligible for discharge under
the present plan if they had gone through to
commissions, but as explained, they have had
no opportunity for air crew training.
The men in this branch of the service feel
that they have been discriminated against.
They, too, should be eligible for discharge.
-Liz Knapp
Wheel, er's See
"IOU would be compelled to go to war with
Russia," said Senator Burton Wheeler to his
colleagues the other day, even if the United Na-
tions were already organized to stop aggression.
In opposition to a bill outlining the terms of
American participation in the United Nations
Organization, he suggested "a real peace confer-
ence" to bring about disarmament, abolition and
international contrbl of the, atomic bomb.


By Crockett Johnson

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