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November 29, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-29

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YI r


43 41P
a t









Deans OK
Four Day
Class Resumption
Is Set for Dec.t31
Extension of Christmas vacation to
Monday morning, Dec. 31, was au-
thorized yesterday at a conference of
the University deans.
The action, setting up a ten-day,
vacation, followed petitions from ap-
proximately 700 students in the Vet-
erans Organization, the League
Council, University residence halls,
league houses, and cooperatives, all
of which requested an extension un-
til Jan. 2 or Jan. 3.
Six Days Impossible
"A six-day extension is imprac-
ticable," Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assis-
tant to the President, pointed out
yesterday after the meeting.
"It would necessitate the shorten-
ing of the present semester by an en-
tire week, to a total of 14 weeks of
classes, instead of the normal 17,"
he said. "The deans felt that it
would be unwise to shorten the se-
mester to such an extent."
Some petitioners suggested that
the first or second semester be
lengthened a few days to make up
for the longer Christmas vacation.
Registratioh Period
"However, this is also impossible,"
Dr. Robbins said. The first semester
will end Feb. 23 and the spring term
will begin March 4. The last few
days of this period are needed for
registration and the first part is nec-
essary to bring records for the past
semester up to date. "This time is
important esiapeelly to V-12 officials,
who base service assignments on rec-
ords of the past semester," he contin-
Discussing possibilities of moving
Commencement back a few days, Dr.;
Robbins pointed out that the summer
essions, as it is now, begins later
thanfis advisable. School teachers
object to such a late-beginning ses-
sion because they have to return to
their schools Sept. 1 or thereabouts.-
Society Meetings
Dr. Robbins said that one consider-,
ation which weighed heavily with the;
faculty was the meeting of many sci-I
entific and language societies soon;
after Christmas for the first time in
four years. Many faculty members
are already listed to read papers on
the programs.3
One of the chief arguments ad-r
vanced by student petitioners was
that many of the 2,000 veterans on
campus were looking forward to their
first Christmas at home since joining
the service.c


S~ a
Peceime 1
Dow Reveals Development
Of New Vacuum Radio Tube
Coinciding with the national announcement of the development of
anti-radar devices by the Radio Research Laboratory at Harvard University,
Prof. William G. Dow of the Department of Electrical Engineering said in
a press conference yesterday that the peacetime uses of radar counter-
measures are of greater importance than those of the radar program itself.
Prof. Dow recently returned to campus after serving for two and one-half
years in administrative and consulting capacities with the Radio Research
Laboratory, where methods of radar-jamming were perfected.
Methods Save 4,500 Lives
Although these methods saved an estimated 450 bombers and 4,500 lives
for the Allies, Prof. Dow stressed the importance of their peacetime





East Hall
For Site


________________________________________ :il

Candidates for
Campus Posts
Will Be Named
Council To Interview
Union Office Aspirants
Candidates for campus offices to be
filled in Wednesday's election will be
announced in The Daily Saturday.
Interviews are being scheduled by
the Men's Judiciary Council with lit-
erary college candidates for the Un-
ion vice-president position, and five
candidates will be selected by the
Council to appear on. this ballot.
All Names to Appear
Candidates who petitioned for
other posts will appear on the ballot,
since interviews were scheduled only
for Union candidates.
The universities of Strasbourg,
Tsing Hua, Warsaw, and the Philip-
pines will be candidates for adoption
by the Student Organization for In-
ternational Cooperation, Jack Gore,
SOIC president, announced.
Printed Matter Rules
Candidates for campus posts were
reminded by Charles Walton, council
president, to follow University Regu-
lations in regard to distribution of
printed matter on the campus.n t
The rule reads, "No handbills or7
other printed matter shall be distrib-
uted on the campus or in University3
buildings without first securing the
approval of the Secretary of the
University. Handbills, signs and
printed matter not inconsistent with
good taste may be posted on the bul-
letin boards in campus buildings, but
not elsewhere."1
To clarify the campaign issues, The 1
Daily offers to publish written state-
ments by the candidates. These state-
ments will appear Tuesday in a spe-
cial election section.
Statements may not exceed 250
words. Candidates should state their
qualifications and their plans for the
office if they are elected. Written
statements must be received at Thet
Daily by Monday to appear for pub- k
lication. Statements should be ad- e
dressed Michigan Daily, c/o Arthur
Gronik, Student Publication Building.
Tea Dance, Coke
Bar Petitions Due
Petitions for central committee s
positions for league house tea dances
and chairman of the coke bar may be c
brought to the interviews, which will s
be held from 3 p. m. to 5 . m. today j
in the League.
The coke bar chairman will have r
charge of Assembly's soft drink con- c
cession at all the big dances. The I
central committee, in cooperation c
with the Union, will plan and direct C
the informal Saturday tea dances. f

The development of the "resna-
tron," a new continuous wave vacuum
tube, means for the American public
the availability Vf 100 times as many
radio and television "channels" as
were possible before the war, he pre-
Used for Radar Jamming
Use by telephone companies pos-
sibly could eliminate overhead lines
in large metropolitan areas because
of cheaper and better operation by
new vacuum tubes, Prof. Dow said.
In wartime, the "resnatron", which
will produce 50,000 watts of power
at a frequency of 500 megacycles, was
used for the electronic jamming of
enemy radar.
"Electronic jammers operate on the
simple principle of radio interference,
which is familiar to anyone who has
tried to listen to a radio while an
electric razor is being used nearby,"
Prof. Dow explained.
"The jammers 'attack' enemy radar
receivers with radio waves modulated
by random 'noise', which drowns out
the radar signal and obliterates all
signs of the radar's target from the
radar's indicating screen or scope,"
he continued.
In addition to guiding the indus-
trial development of "resnatrons,"
Prof. Dow directed a small vacuum
tube research laboratory which exam-
ined new or unexplored methods of
producing continuous-wave power at
desired high frequencies. Continu-
ous-wave transmission is the type re-
quired for normal fregency-modu-
lated radio, for television and for
ultra-short-wave communication by
Work in perfecting the "Tuba,"
acclaimed the most spectacular
product of radar research during
the war, was also supervised by
Prof. Dow.
The "Tuba" is a 125-ton land-
based radar jammer which was used
by the British as a counter-measure
S9e RADAR, Page 4
IFC Chooses
District Heads
At a meeting of 'fraternity presi-
dents last night, four student mem-
ers of the Interfraternity Council
executive committee were elected to
epresent fraternity districtsh:-
Zone I, Edward Brehm, Chi Psi;
Zone II, Richard King, Sigma Phi
Epsilon; Zone III, Morton Scholnick,
Zeta Beta Tau and Zone IV, Douglas.
James, Alpha Tau Omega. Fred
Matthaei, IFC president of Delta
Kappa Epsilon, automatically repre-
ents his own district, Zone V.
The executive committee, composed
of student, faculty and alumni repre-
dentatives, acts as an advisory and
udiciary body for the Council.
An amendment to the Interfrater-
iity Council constitution permitting
direct election of the IFC secretary by
house presidents was approved by the
council and will be submitted to the
Committee on Student Affairs for
inal approval.

I ______
PROPOSED MORTIMER E. COOLEY MEMORIAL -Equipped with a large auditorium and library, this
.building is designed to serve the needs of the engineer ing student as Rackham serves the graduate student.

GM WillBe Asked To Resume
Negotiations By Government

Conciliation Chief Will
Contact Wilson Today
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28--(P)-The
government agreed tonight to ask
General Motors to resume negotia-
tions with the CIO auto workers look-
ing toward an end to the strike in
GM plants.
Edgar L. Warren, federal concilia-
tion chief, said he planned to contact
GM President Charles E. Wilson to-
morrow to try for the resumption of
collective bargaining asked by the
union on its 30 percent wage increase
Arrangements Promised
Secretary of Labor L. B. Schwellen-
bach promised union leaders at a
lengthy meeting here he would try
to arrange for renewed negotiations
promptly, Warren told reporters.
R. J. Thomas, CIO-auto workers
president,, said the union was ready
to meet with the GM management at
"any time, any place, anywhere."
Four Hour Talk
Secretary Schwellenbach sat in
with Thomas and other union leaders
for approximately two hours of a
four-hour meeting with Federal Con-
ciliation Chief Edgar L. Warren.
"The secretary gave us complete
assurance that he will attempt to get
negotiations resumed as soon as pos-
sible," Walter Reuther, UAW vice
president, told reporters. "Of course
that means one thing-that GM will
have to be convinced."
Reuther said he hoped the next
meeting with the government would
be one which GM President Charles
E. Wilson would also attend for a
resumption of negotiations.
Desiderio Elected
Band President
Members of the University Concert
Band last night elected Anthony
Desiderio, '46SM, president of the
organization for the coming year.
Also elected were George Murthum,
'47SM, vice-president; Ruth Ziegler,
'48SM, secretary and Mildred An-
drews, '47SM, treasurer.
Carl Snyder, Grad.SM, was recently
appointed Student Business Manager
of the band by director William D.

,No Sign of Settlement
Seen; 225,000 Stay Idle
DETROIT, Nov. 28-(P)-The Gen-
eral Motors strike with its 225,000
idle workers passed its eighth day
today without a sign of early settle-
As strikers continued picketing the
Corporation's inactive factories, the
State of Michigan took official cog-
nizance of the problem of unemploy-
ment compensation involving World
War II veterans employed by Gen-
Michigan's State Office of Veterans
Affairs, established to assist the re-
turned soldier, announced that three
"test cases" of strike-idle veterans
would be presented the Veterans Ad-
ministration in Washington for ad-
judication under the GI Bill of
No figure on the number of veter-
ans employed by General Motors and
made idle in the strike has been an-
nounced, but the total is believed to
run into many thousands.
Michigan law, similar to that in
many other states, holds a person in-
eligible for unemployment compensa-
tion if he has a direct interest in a
Hagen To Talk
Here on Labor
"European Labor in the Post-War
World" will be discussed by Paul
Hagen, former German and Austrian
trade union leader, at 4:15 p. m. to-
morrow in Room 101, Economics
building, under the auspices of the
Workers Education Service.
"Paul Hagen" is a pseudonym used
by Karl B. Frank since he became a
refugee from Hitlerism ten years ago.
During World War II he served as
research director of the American
Friends of German Freedom which
issued "Inside Germany Reports." He
is the author of "Will Germany
Crack?" and "Germany After Hitler."
In 1935, Hagen came to the United
States where he was recognized as a
powerful advocate of underground
groups opposing Fascism. He last vis-
ited Germany, incognito, in 1938.

U' Schedule for
Next Year Is on
Pre-War Basis
Three-hour final examinations will
probably be resumed next year with
the return to a pre-war University
schedule, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the President, announced
The Executive Committee of the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts has indicated that it would pre-
fer a return to the practice of three-
hour examinations, he said, and the
calendar for 1946-47, accepted yes-
terday at the dean's conference, pro-
vides for a nine-day examination
period, allowing longer finals.
Next year's schedule includes a
two-week Christmas vacation and a
ten-day spring recess. Classes for the
fall term will begin Monday, Sept. 23,
and the semester will close Feb. 8,
1947. Commencement Day is sched-
uled for June 15, 1947.
After three years of an accelerated
program, the calen;ar for next year
was drawn up according to a general
plan approved in 1928 by the Univer-
sity Senate and the Board of Regents.
The outline calls for the fall semester
to begin the last Monday in Septem-
ber and end 20 weeks after that date.
The second semester is scheduled to
end 18 weeks after the fall term ends.
The 1946 fall semester will open a
week earlier than the general plan
suggests, in order partly to accomo-
date veterans, who, under the GI Bill


Congress Seeks
Investigation of
Hurley's Claims
Marshall Prepares To
Leave for China Today
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 - () -
Demands for an investigation of Unit-
ed States foreign policy swept Capitol
Hill today as legislators vigorously
debated the charges levelled by Maj.
Gen. Patrick J. Hurley against some
of America's professional diplomats.
Drowns Out Signal
Meanwhile, Gen. George C. Mar-
shall slipped quietly into the White
House for a conference with Presi-
dent Truman and Secretary Byrnes
prior to leaving probably tomorrow
for China to replace Hurley, who re-
signed as ambassador yesterday.
Hurley charged career diplomats
with undermining American policy in
China by backing Communists or
"imperialists" instead of democracy
and unity.
Clamor for congressional investi-
gations of Hurley's charges arose in
both Senate and House, with Repub-
licans leading the demands. Chair-
man Connally (D.-Tex.) of the Sen-
ate foreign relations committee pro-
tested that "this is no time for parti-
san politics--this is no time to inject
into foreign affairs matters of polit-
ical expediency."
Senator Wherry (R.-Neb.), saying
that the conduct of American diplo-
mats as reported by Hurley "skirts
the edge of treason," had introduced
a resolution calling for a special
committee to investigate the whole
course of U. S. foreign policy and the
State Department. Wherry declared
that "we need a housecleaning in the
State Department."
Coke Bar Will
open in "League
Next Thursday
Thursday, Dec. 6, will mark the
opening of a Coke Bar complete with
juke box music for dancing, in the
League Grill Room.
Designed to fill the needs of the
entire campus for a midafternoon
meeting spot, Coke Bar will operate
daily between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday afternoons.
In addition to the regular fascilities
of the League's grill, adequate space
will be set aside for dancing to the
latest popular music.
Since one of the primary purposes
of this inovation is to increase the
opportunities of students to meet one
another, both fellows and girls are
encouraged to come either stag or
with dates. The impetus for the es-
tablishment ,of this center was fur-
nished by two NROTC students now
on campus.
"We heard from other transfering
students how far this idea went to-
wards creating a better campus spirit
andrn'c fvi ar ,H!7a 4n,vnrhar and

Building To Serve
As Student Center
"Plans for construction of the
Cooley Memorial Building to be
erected in memory of Dean Morti-
mer E. Cooley, for many years dean
of the College of Engineering, are
progressing rapidly," Dean Ivan C.
Crawford and Dr. Charles A. Brei-
tung, '17E, of the College of Engi-
neering announced today.
Service Keynoted
Service is the keynote of the Cooley
Memorial which will be built on the
site of old East Hall. Planned to ful-
fill the engineering college's need for
a combined library-auditorium-stu-
dent center building, it will promote
the realization of Dean Cooley's
dreams for a broader education for
engineering students. He believed
that a student learned as much from
association with other men as he did
from books. The State Planning
Commission has approved extensions
to the present instructional plant of
the college and the project has been
approved by the Board of Regents.
According to the floor plans, the
entrance lobby of the proposed build-
ing will contain an impressive sculp-
tured likeness of Dean Cooley, flanked
by panels bearing the names of the
men whose generosity made the
building possible. A spacious audito-
rium, engineering research offices,
conference rooms, students' lounges
and college administration offices
will occupy the first floor.
Second Floor Library
An outstanding library with large
reading room, ample office facilities,
bookstacks and work rooms will be
located on the second floor. Engi-
neering exhibitions will also be
housed on this floor. Special student
See COOLEY, Page 4 --
Madame Pandit
Sees Germs of
Race War Sown
"Nothing is so horrible as a race
war and the germs of such a war are
being sown now by the misguided
statesmen of the West," Madame
Vijaya Pandit, Indian Nationalist
leader, declared yesterday in a lec-
ture sponsored by the Oratorical As-
"If we are interested in building up
a world free of wars, every nation
must be permitted to contribute ac-
cording to its own strength," she
continued. You cannot reconstruct
the minds of others unless you give
them what you yourself value, she
said. "India is a test case."
Main Problem is Not Religion
Concerning the question of relig-
ious disunity in India, Madame Pan-
dit explained that 82 Ser cent of the
people live in the villages where all
are faced with one problem-hunger.
"Religion is the luxury of the rich"
she pointed out.
Divisionamong the people is not
religious,tbut entirely political, the
India stateswoman said. The mis-,
conception arises because electoral
divisions, established by the British,
are drawn by religious lines.
Calls Charter a 'Farce'
'Terming the United Nations Con-
ference the "farce of San Francisco,"
Madame Pandit spoke of the char-
ter as some "beautiful sentences with
not a thing behind them." She
pointed out that "the peoples of the
world must take over, not Big Fives
or Big Threes or Big Twos" More
power to those that had it and less
to those without the idea behind the
conference, she added.
"America and Britain are pro-
Fascist even now," the Indian leader
said, "and you are using the enemy
you fought to suppress the Indones-
Intense Feeling Thrives
"Today Inda is in real rvolt aft

a 25 year policy of non-violent resis-
tance. The generation with which
Britain has to deal now prefers to
die if it cannot have freedom."
Comparing the British army in
India to MacArthur's army of occu-
pation, Madame Pandit pointed out
that half of In'dia's revenue goes to


Students To Vote on Foreign 'U' Aid Dec. 5

The choice of a war ravaged foreign SOIL. It has since been learned that
university to receive material aid will it is impossible to get supplies to cer-
be made from the Universities of the tain of the schools and their names
Philippines, Strasbourg, Tsing Hua have been eliminated from the slate.
and Warsaw at the campus election A joint drive by SOIC and WSSF is
next Wednesday. being planned to raise the necessary
This slate was approved yesterday funds. Possible projects for the cam-
a+, n Ypn~+ , -- o~f paign include a dance, a winter car-

gin soon after, Jack Gore, Executive
Council chairman said.
k* ~
Council Ratifies
'A-Bomb' FPlan

The text of the resolution is as fol-
In accord with the policy of the
Student Organization for Interna-
tional cooperation and friendship,
BE IT RESOLVED that this or-
ganization give whole-hearted sup-

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