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November 27, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-27

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GM Halts,
Of Strike


lemlal(4 Are

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 26--General
Motors Corporation tonight refused
to re-enter discussions with the
United Auto Workers (CIO) on wage
issues that have idled 225,000 GM
"Unless you are now prepared to
modify your unreasonable wage de-
mands we do not think that anything
can be gained by further discussions
with your union at this time," the
company declared.
Accused of NLRA Violations
GM's curt reply came less than 24
hours after Walter Reuther, UAW
vice-president, asked GM to resume
negotiations on the 30 per cent wage
rate increase issue. Reuther also
asked that press and radio men be
admitted to the proposed session.
The UAW, in a statement signed by
Reuther, tonight accused GM of "fur-
ther violations of the National Labor
Relations Act" and expressed ignor-
ance of any illegal picketing, asc
charged by the company.
The union declared that it was
"still prepared to negotiate a settle-
ment of this issue any time and atj
any place."
Creates Lawlessnesst
General Motors statement assailedf
what it termed union refus'al to per-j
mit many, salaried employes to enter
its plants throughout the country.-
''When your union uses force andj
threats of force to interfere with free
entrance at our plants you are creat-
ing a situation of lawlessness." ,
The company estimated today that
50,000 salaried employes are being
kept out of plants throughout the
The corporation contended that,
collective bargaining negotiations
were broken off Nov. 20 by the strike
Anderson declared:
"We engaged in collective bargain-
ing with your union in meetings cov-
ering a period of weeks. It was clear
to us from the very beginning that
you were determined to have a strike
in General Motors.
"You now have that strike (your
so-called labor blockade) which you
planned for many months."
Halfway Mark
In Bond Drive
Reached by U
With some $16,000 already sub-
scribed, the University still has nearly
halfway to go to reach its $29,000
quota in the Victory Loan Drive,
which ends here Saturday, Dec. 8.
There will be no organized campus
solicitation for the drive. Orders for
bonds should be placed in the Cash-
ier's Office, either in person or
through campus mail.
All bonds sold during the campaign
will be stamped with the Victory
Loan Torch, which has become the
symbol for the drive. Bonds will be
ready for the purchasers the day after
they are ordered.
Featured in the Victory Loan is the
new $200 bond issued in commemora-
tion of the late President Roosevelt.
The bond is sold for $150.
Fi l To Become
Austrian Head
VIENNA, Nov. 26 --(P)- Leopold
Figl, 43-year-old chairman of the
rightist Volkspartei, appeared slated
tonight to become chancellor of Aus-
tria as a result of Sunday's national,
assembly elections.
Figl said his party won the election
by 51 per cent in defeating the So-
cialist party of Chancellor Karl Ren-
ner which ran second and the Com-
munists, who trailed a poor third..

The Volkspartei, like the Socialist, is
strongly Catholic.
With four districts undecided and
12 unreported, the Volkspartie al-
ready had won 76 seats, the Social-
ists 70 and the Communists three.
Most of the unreported districts were
expected to be carried by the Volks-

Wanted: Heavily
Dressed Filcher
Somewhere tonight in Ann Ar-
bor there strides a heavily if not
well dressed creature in a flannel
night-shirt, a pair of blue jeans,
a plaid shirt, a striped pajama topj
and a pair of army shorts.- '
It is highly possible that this
person merely wanted some tan-
gible memory of the 1945 Michi-
gan Homecoming, because he ac-
quired his wardrobe from the
display at White House, 1617
However, the residents of the
abovementioned house not only
want some tangible memory of
said homecoming, but are faced
with the problem of weathering
the approaching winter without
their nearest and dearest woolens.
"In other words," say the girls
of White House, "would the person
who filched from our front lawn
please return the filchings?"
Jennie Tourel
Will Present,
Concert Today
Jennie Tourel, Russian born mezzo-
soprano of the Metropolitan Opera
Company, and former star of the
Opera Comique in Paris, will feature
selections by Debussy, Rachmaninoff,
Moussorgsky and Gretchaninoff on
her program at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
As the fourth attraction in the
Choral Union concert series, Miss
Tourel will make her Ann Arbor de-
but, accompanied at the piano by
Erich Kahn. Her performance of the
popular young New York City Sym-
phony conductor, Leonard Bern-
stein's "I Hate Music" will climax the
Soloist with Boston Symphony
Within a short time after her
American debut the New York Phil-
harmonic under Toscanini, , Miss
Tourel was heard as soloist with
Serge Koussevitsky and the Boston
Symphony and with the NBC Sym-
phony under Stowkowski in her first
season. She has participated also in
oratorio and has presented several
Town Hall recitals.
Called "the greatest recitalist to
come up in a decade," Miss Tourel
has been a frequent guest on the
radio and has tou~red Brazil where she'
attracted the attention of Villa-Lo-
bos. Her concert here tonight is part
of a transcontinental tour, of the
United States and Canada.'
Educated in France
The petite, dark-eyed French-Rus-
sian singer, celebrated for such diver-
sified roles as Carmen and Mignon,,
was reared and educated in France.
Her parents were Russians who
brought her to France when she wasI
a little girl.
* * *



'U'onRsider s Lxended Vcation;


29 Major Awards, 16 Minor
'M's' to he Given Out by Coach

mo71 Final Decision

30 Numerals Also
Awarded Athletes
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan Head Football Coach and
Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler
rang down the curtain for all prac-
tical purposes on the 1945 Wolverine
football season yesterday with the
announcement of 29 . major letter-
winners, 16 secondary awards, and 30
numeral-winners from the squad
which placed second in the Western
Formal announcement of the
awards will be made tonight at the
annual football banquet in the Mich-
igan Union, at which time Crisler will
review the fall grid campaign. The
squad members will also take the op-
portunity to elect a captain for 1946.
Football Bust
Officially, however, the season can-
not be counted as over until after
the "Football Bust" in Detroit, sched-
uled for Dec. 4. The squad will be
permanently disbanded at that time.
The total award list of 75. one of
HarryWatts, Michigian's scrap-
py 170-pound center, was named at
the pivot post on all-Big Ten team
chosen by the Conference coaches
for the Associated Press. See page
3 for picture and story.
the highest on record, was in keeping
with the tradition set by the 1945
Wolverine aggregation which boast-
ed few individual stars but a large
number of competent football play-
Won Seven of Ten
Crisler has already paid high trib-
ute to the freshman-studded squad
that confounded the experts by win-
ning seven of 10 games making up
the tpghest schedule a Michigan
eleven has ever been called upon to
tackle. "It was a great bunch to
work with," he has been quoted as
saying, and he will probably elaborate
on that statement tonight.
Lost to Indiana
Among other things, the Wolver-
ines won six of seven Western Con-
ference games, losing only to Indiana,
the eventual winner. That loss, by a
single touchdown, was the margin
by which the Hoosiers nosed out the
Wolverines for championship laurels
and forced them to accept runner-up
honors for the second straight year.
Outside the Conference, Michigan
lost to Army and Navy, but no one
expected anything else. In fact, Cris-
ler's youngsters gained rather than
lost prestige in holding Army to a 28-
7 score. That achievement loomed
larger each week as the fabulous Ca-
dets steam-rollered over other oppo-
sition with child-like ease.
Minnesota, OSU Downed
Those three defeats, to the elevens
ranked one-two-three in the nation,
were not so hard to take when the
seven victims of Michigan's might
were considered.'
Especially prized were a thumping
26-0 triumph over Minnesota in the
traditional "Little Brown Jug" clash
and a hard-won 7-3 decision over
Ohio State, another historic rival, to
close the season.
In addition, the Wolverines hum-
bled Great Lakes, Michigan State,
Northwestern, Illinois, and Purdue to
round out a season that can be de-
scribed only as "highly successful."
Cabaret Group To Meet
The refreshment committee for As-
sembly Recognition Night will meet
at 5 p.m. today in the League.
Members are requested to bring
their eligibility cards.

The 29 major "M" winners were:
Warren W. Bentz, Washington,
D. C.; Robert T. Callahan, St.Louis,
Mo.; George Chiames, Freeport,
Ill.; Robert Derleth, Marquette,
Mich.; Daniel L. Dworsky, Souix
Falls, S. D.; Peter Elliott, Bloom-
ington, Ill.; James Foltz, Toledo, O.
Henry Fonde, Knoxville, Tenn.;
Leonard G. Ford, Washington, D.
C ; J. Cecil Freihofer, Indianapolis,
Ind.; Donovan P. Hershberger,
Freeport, Ill.; Eugene Hinton,
Drumright, Okla.; George H. John-
son, Columbus, O.; John F. Lintol,
Edward D. McNeill, Toledo, O.;
Anton Momsen, Toledo, O.; Wesley
M. Muelder, Coalfax, Ill.; Robert
Nussbaumer, Oak Park, Ill.; Team
Capt. Joseph Ponsetto, Flint; Mil-
ton Prashaw, Massena, N. Y.; Ar-
thur W. Renner, Sturgis, Mich.;
John E. Smith, Muncie, Ind.
Joseph R. Soboleski, Grand Rap-
ids; Walter H. Teninga, Chicago,
Ill.; Dominic Tomasi, Flint; Harold
Watts, Detroit; Jack E. Weisen-
burger, Muskegon; F. Stuart Wil-
kins, Canton, O.; Howard F. Yer-
ges, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
The 16 secondary award winners
James M. Artley, Savannah, Ga.;
Louis A. Brunsting, Jr., Rochester,
Minn.; Howard R. Doty, Downers
Grove, Ill.; Edwin A. Grenkoski,
Saginaw; George F. Hutter, Fond
Du Lac, Wis.; C. Robert Johnson,
Dearborn; Russell L. Kavanaugh,
Stanley J. Kuick, Midland, Mich.;
Fund Founded
In Memory of
Ensign Tachna
A University memorial scholarship
has been established and a contribu-
tion to the Julian Messner Award
made by the family and friends of
Ensign Lionel J. Tachna, M.B.A., '39,
who was killed in action.
The Ensign Lionel J. Tachna Me-
morial Scholarship was established
in 1943 by gifts from Tachna's fam-
ily and friends and is offered each
year to a deserving candidate for the
M.B.A. degree. At present, the sti-
pend is $100 for the academic year.
The dean of the School of Business
Administration is receiving applica-
Ensign Tachna was graduated with
distinction in 19,39. After entering
the Navy at the outbreak of the war,
he lost his life in the Battle of the
Coral Sea in 1942.
The Ensign Lionel J. Tachna Me-
morial Foundation has also contrib-
uted to the Julian Messner Award,
increasing the outright prize to $5,000.
This amount will be awarded to the
author of the best book combating
intolerance in America.
Judges are Lewis Gannett of the
New York Herald Tribune; Clifton
Fadiman, master of ceremonies of
"Information Please;" and Carl Van
Doren, biographer and critic.
All entries must be submitted by
May 15, 1946, to the Contest Editor,
Julion Messner, Inc., 8 West 40th St.,
New York 18, N. Y.
The work may be fiction, non-fic-
tion, or graphic, of any length.
'Garg' Staff Meets
There will be an important
meeting of all Gargoyle art staff
tryouts from 4 to 6 p. m. today
in the Gargoyle office. Assign-
ments will be given at the meet-

GOERING TALKS IT OVER IN COURT-Hermann Goering (seated)
right in prisoners' dock) chats with Lti Gustave Gilbert (left) of New
York City, and Lt. Richard Nalle (second from left), of Culpepper, Va.,
in Nuernberg, Germany, court during recess in war crimes trial. The
MP at the right is unidentified.
* * * * * *
American Prosecution Uncovers
Details of Hiter's Preparations,

Account Constructed
From Nazi Writings
By The Associated Press
NUERNBERG, Germany, Nov. 26-
The American prosecution, seeking to
establish coldblooded Nazi premedi-
tation of aggressive war, today laid
bare at the International War Crimes
Trial the black story of Nazi plotting
from the rape of Austria to the Hit-
ler-approved Japanese attack on the
United States.
The detailed account, constructed
from the written words of the Nazis
themselves, revealed that Hitler had
planned to assassinate the German
ambassador to Prague, if necessary,
to justify his attack on Czechoslo-
vakia. It disclosed that he had de-
liberately planned to starve millions
of Russians to get food for the Wehr-
World Terror Reconstructed
Assistant Prosecutor Sidney S. Al-
derman methodically and dispassion-
ately reconstructed the world terror
which Hitler planned and executed.
Hitler's secret announcement in
November, 1937, that he envisaged the
expulsion of 3,000,000 persons from
Austria and Czechoslovakia after seiz-
Si ma Rho Tau
To Meet Today

ing the two countries at an oppor-
tune moment.
"Case Green," Hitler's plan for
conquering Czechoslovakia in four
days, which was outlined in April,
1938, with a proviso for the assassi-
nation of the German ambassador as
a provocation,'if necessary.
Plan To Invade Low Countries
Hitler's plan in May, 1939, to in-
vade Holland and Belgium in the
event of war with France and Britain.
Hitler's decision Aug. 22, 1939, to
destroy Poland.
"Case Barbarossa," the plan of De-
cember, 1940, for the invasion of the
Soviet Union.
Hitler's promise to Japanese For-
eign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka in
April, 1941, that Germany would fight
alongside Japan if the latter became
involved in war with the United
Bus Tragedy7
Sends 16 to
Watery Death
CHELAN, Wash., Nov. 26- (P) -,
Fifteen school children, ranging from
six to 18 years old, and a bus driver
were drowned early today when a
school bus hit a rock and dived over
a 50-foot embankment into Lake
Chelan during a blinding snow storm.
The accident occurred about nine
miles north of here.
Ted Brown said -his wife, Glenna,
37, and five children saved them-
selves after she broke a window and
they scrambled ashore. Jack Randle,
38, the bus driver and 15 children
were lost.
Six grief-stricken families mourn-
ed the loss of two children each as
deep sea divers were dispatched from
Seattle and Coulee City to aid men
dragging in about 60 feet of water for
here, was being treated for shock
Brown said his wife, who caught
a ride on the 25-mile Creek school
bus to keep a dentist's engagement
here, was being treatde for shock at
a friend's home after the ordeal. She
told him no blame was attached to
Randle; that the bus was moving
slowly when it hit the rock and slid
out of control.
The accident happened near an
emergency highway phone installed
at the site of a rock slide.
Training Plane
Crashes in Lake
MONROE, Mich., Nov. 26-(T)-
Chief Deputy Sheriff Carl Fritz said

Will Be Made
Meeting of Deans
To Settle Question
A four day extension of the Christ-
mas vacation for all students, V-12's
included, will be discussed and de-
cided upon at a meeting of the Uni-
versity Deans at 10 a.m. tomorrow, it
was learned yesterday.
This action on the President's part
followed negotiations with the Uni-
versity begun by various campus or-
ganizations, including Veterans Or-
A committee representing the
Veterans Organization asked that
the vacation be from Dec. 21 to
Jan. 2, rather than ending Dec. 27
as now scheduled.
Residents of University dorms,
league houses, fraternities and sorori-
ties, cooperative houses, and practi-
cally every organized level of campus
society are preparing petitions which
they will circulate and present to the
administration as an indication of
their position on this matter.
It has also been reported that
some sort of mass student action
will be forthcoming tomorrow
morning. This will take the form, it
is rumored, of a student parade be-
fore the Dean's meeting.
The veterans presented reasons to
Dr. Alexander Ruthven yesterday fa-
voring such action.
"There are 2,000 veterans on
campus, many of whom are look-
ing forward to their first Christ-
mas at home since joining the
service," Bill Akers, president of
V. O. said.
"Many of these veterans came to
the University on terminal leaves
preceding discharge and have not had
sufficient time at their homes,"
Akers continued. "Under the present
schedule for vacation only those liv-
ing in the immediate vicinity would
be able to have more than Christmas
day home," he said.
"The war is over and we veterans
feel the University, can give us the
four extra days vacation without dis-
rupting the semester schedule too
much," Akers added.
Other campuses, formerly also run-
ning on a three semester basis, have
arranged their programs to give their
students an extended vacation over
New Years. A few of these also have
large V-12 complements.
Petitions For
Campus Offices
Due Wednesday
Candidates for positions to be filled
in the Dec. 5 all-campus election
must file petitions with the Men's
Judiciary Council before noon to-
Petitions must be signed by 25 stu-
dents and should state the candi-
dates' qualifications, aims and views.
Petition forms can be obtained in the
Student Offices of the Union.
Union Vice-presidents
Positions to be filled include four
Union vice-presidents, two student
members of the Board in Control of
Student Publications, ten members of
the J-Hop Dance committee and sen-
ior officers of the literary and engi-
neering colleges.
Union vice-presidents will repre-
sent the Medical School, the Dental
School, the literary college and the
combined schools (business adminis-
tration, forestry, architecture, phar-

macology and music.)
Only juniors are eligible to run for
the J-Hop Dance committee but the
entire undergraduate body will se-
lect the committee. Five representa-
tives from the literary college, two
representatives of the combined
schools and three from the engineer-
ing college will compose the commit-

Sherlock To
On Specialist


JENNIE TOUREL-to sing today
* * *
Sigma Alpha Iota
To Initiate Singer
Miss Jennie Tourel will be made a
national honorary member of Sigma
Alpha Iota, professional music fra-
ternity for women today.
The initiation will take place at
3:30 p.m. at the Rackham Building,
and will be followed by a tea. Miss
Arlene Puegot, president of Sigma
Alpha Iota, will perform the rituals.

"Engineer? Technologist? Techni-
cian? Which Do You Want To Be?"
will be the topic of Prof. Robert H.
Sherlock's address to the members
of Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers
Society, at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm.
305 of the Union.
Prof. Sherlock of the Department
of Civil Engineering, Coordinator of
Engineering, Science and Manage-
ment War Training, will discuss the
special training features that distin-
guish the three specialists mentioned
above. He is also going to relate some
of his experiences on interstate
speaking trips.
A musical stein will be awarded to
the winner of the "howdy" contest to
be held at the meeting. Units will be
organized for intercircle competition,
and the subjects to be debated will
be announced. A tentative program
for intercollegiate conference debates
and exchange speakers will be
A- treasurer will be elected at the
business meeting to be held at 7:15
p.m. today. Representatives of the
University chapter of Sigma Rho Tau
to attend the Sigma Rho Tau con-
ference Sat. at the Rackham Build-
ing in Detroit will also be chosen at

Official 'U' Ring Is Now On Sale,

An official University ring, author-
ized by the Alumni Council and ap-
proved by the Board of Regents, is
now on sale at the offices of two 10-

and the University seal and class
year on one side of the ring shank.
Men's rings will have a scene of the

designated for the University, regu-
lations concerning its sale are being
set up. Each customer will be

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