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November 25, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-25

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Heavy Tax Placed
On Jap War
MacArthur Orders Reorganization
Of Government Financial Activities

Medical School
Plans Extension
In Five Fields

Top Allied Prisoners May Call
Leading Britons as Wtnesses


Designed for
and Civilians


By The Associated Press
TOKYO, Sunday, Nov. 25-General
MacArthur in a stern "war does not
pay" directive today ordered the Jap-
anese government to tax away the
war profits of all Nipponese firms and
individuals and make a capital levy
ranging up to 70 per cent on corpor-
ate and private fortunes-including
the imperial households.
Prohibits Credit
In the most strongly worded order
British Draw
Near Control of
Soerabaja Base
Indonesians in Java
Still Offer Resistance
BATAVIA, Java, Nov. 24-()-The
British virtually completed capture of
Soerabaja tonight, but were battling
powerful Indonesian forces in at least
two other areas of Java and were re-
ported to have set the torch to native
settlements in one locality in retalia-
tion for mutiliation of captured Brit-
ish troops.
Heavy fighting was reported in
central Java at Semarang and Am-
barawa. In Soerabaja the British
blasted Indonesian positions with
Sherman tanks to advance more
than a mile in the two-week's old bat-
tle for the big naval base.
The new gains placed the British in
control of Soerabaja's prosperous
residential area of Simpang and left
only the southern suburb of Darmo to
be taken.
A captured Indonesian Lieutenant
estimated nationalist casualties in
the Soerabaja fighting at around 5,-
The burning of native settlements
was ordered by a British brigadier,
the Dutch News Agency Aneta re-
ported, after a searching party found
the mutilated bodies of four RAF
crew members and 20 Indian soldiers
whose planes had crash landed yes-
terday six miles from Batavia.

of the occupation to date, the su-
preme commander prohibited all gov-
ernment credit or subsidy activities
pending sweeping reorganization of
government finances, and direct the
Japanese to submit a complete war-
profits tax program to the first ses-
sion of the Diet in 1946.
MacArthur also ordered the gov-
ernment to terminate by Feb. 1 the
payment of any discharge allowances
or service pensions to Japanese veter-
ans "except compensation for physi-
cal disability limiting the recipient's
ability, to work."
War-Profits Tax
Generally the tax program con-
templates a 100 per cent war-profits
tax on all war industries and a gradu-
ated tax up to 100 per cent on all
other corporations and individuals,
supplemented by a graduated capital
levy up to at least 70 per cent.
The recapture of war profits and
the capital levy are expected to yield
well over 100,000,000,000 yen, thus
providing "the financial basis for the
reorganization of government fi-
nances toward peaceful ends."
MacArthur described the directive's
termination of all service pensions as
"another major step toward lighten-
ing the deadweight burden which
Japanese militariasm forced the rest
of the country to bear."
Permitted To Import
Meanwhile, hungry and bedraggled
Japan obtained permission from
MacArthur to import food, cotton,
petroleum and salt, thus opening' the
way for revival of its foreign trade.
Tempering this news, however, was
the disclosure by Kyodo News Agency
that allied occupation would cost the
Japanese about 10,000,000,000 (B)
yen ($667,000,000) annually. Presi-
dent Truman's reparations represen-
tative, Edwin Pauley, already has ex-
pressed doubt that Japan can meet
the bill.
Metallic echoes of the old aggres-
sive era were heard in the nation's
foremost scientific laboratories, as
sledgehammers wielded by American
troops smashed five cyclotrons with
which Japanese scientists had been
probing for the secrets of atomic

In response to the greatly increased
demand for educational opportunities
during the post-war period, the Medi-
cal School has augmented its pro-
gram of graduate and post-graduate
instruction in five fields, with courses
designed to aid returning medical of-
ficers and civilian physicians.
The Department of Post-Graduate
Medicine announced yesterday that
the number of resident staff positions
in all of the departments within the
University Hospital has been in-
creased to enable qualified physicians
to obtain additional hospital training.
Those whose post-graduate specialty
preparation was interrupted by the
war may also apply to the hospital
for appointments to one of the new
"Special Instructorships."
Three intensive review courses,
each of two months duration, have
been established, the first one sched-
uled to begin January 1, 1946, the
others following in succession. Dur-
ing the spring semester, brief review
courses in specialized fields, running
from three days to one week, will be

Plan Is Hindered by
Legal Restrictions
By The Associated Press
NUERNBERG, Germany, Nov. 24-
Defense attorneys said today they
would call titled members of the
"Clivenden Set" and other prominent
Britons as witnesses in the historic
war crimes trial, but it appeared they
would be blocked by legal restrictions.
Lawyers Disclose Plans
The lawyers for the accused Nazi
leaders disclosed their plans at a
press conference. It was learned au-
thoritatively later that restrictions on
bringing in foreigners as defense wit-
nesses before the international mili-
tary tribunal are so multifold that
"Big Names" are almost excluded at
the outset.
The defendants who planned to
call British witnesses were former
Foreign Minister Joachim Von Rib-
bentrop, Field Marshal Wilhelm
Keitel and former deputy Fuehrer
Rudolf Hess.
May Call Lady Astor
Von Ribbentrop's attorney said the
one-time German ambassador to
London would call Lady Astor and
others who used to meet in the 1930's
at the Clivenden estate of Lord and

Lady Astor, including Lords Beaver-
brook, Londonderry and Derby.
Kei tel's attorney annrounced that
his client would call Giles Rommily,
a nephew of Winston Churchill who
was captured by the Germans at
Narvik, Norway, in 1940, and Capt.
Michael Alexander, a cousin of Field
Marshal Sir Harold Alexander, also
a prisoner of war.
Hess' attorney indicated he would
call the Duke of Hamilton, on whose
estate the former No. 3 Nazi landed
when he parachuted upon Scotland in
'Ens ian Business
Staff Appointed'
Managers of the 1946 Michiganen-
sian business staff were announced
They are Mary Lou Rookus, sales
manager, Kappa Kappa Gamma, De-
troit; Norma Johnson, accounts man-
ager, Kappa Delta, Detroit; Barbara
Raymer, circulation manager, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, Chicago; Pat Owens, ad-
vertising manager, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Detroit, and- Carol Siebert,
contract manager, Independent, Ply-

FORMER MARINE EDWARD J. GLASS, 27, stands on the steps of
St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Palo Alto, Calif., with his bride, Louise
Alcene, 25, a d is Seeing Eye dog, "Ruff," who guided his master to
the altar. Glass was blinded when he stepped on a land mine in North
SofE r
Ii Named y








Has anybody, here seen Murphy?
Commander harry Fitch would
know, for unless that big hand-
seme red Irish seter is pointing
the Sigma Chi squirrel, he's with
Commander Fitch-attending sea-
manship classes.
Murphy is used to uniforms. In
fact, he's rather partial to them, for
before he came here with Lieut.
Henry Loeb six months ago, Murphy
stayed with an Army officer.
Lieut. Loeb, who was in C.A.T.
school, is now in Japan. so Murphy
is carrying the torch until he returns.
Murhy is suppesed to be a
hunter, but the fact that he's gun-
shy rather dampens such aspira-
Murphy is supposed to be shy, but
32 are Woulnded
SAIGON, Nov. 24-(IP)--Two Brit-
ish Indian soldiers and 30 civilians
were wounded in an outburst of vio-
lence at Bien Hoa, rail town 30 miles
northeast of Saigon, a British-French
communique said today,

he's been spoiled by all the petting he'
gets here-even from civilians.
Every day, Murphy eats with the
men at the Quad, and gets all the
meat he wants. It really isn't such a
tough life.
Murphy just rates. By the way,
has anyone here seen Murphy?
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers
Society, will hold an organizational
meeting at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in The
Union, Prof. Robert D. Brackett, an-
nounced yesterday.
M. D. Carroll is student president
of the group which is meeting to
plan a training program for its
Prof. Robert H. Sherlock,, civil en-
gineering instructor, will also relate
his experiences as an engineering
speaker. Refreshments will follow the
meeting which will conclude at 8:20
p.m. because of the concert.




x t
d the M n 1odei Junior toard
,..and sowilyu...whien you see it

FOR SALE: 5 men's suits and 1 top-
coat, size 36. Excellent condition.
Reasonable price. Phone 6015 or
call at 821 E. University, Apt. 4.
ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments.
Some work on men's wear. Velvet
collar. 410 Observatory. Phone
WANTED: Second-hand camera in
good condition. $15-$25.00. Contact
Fred Ullman, 420 S. 5th Ave. 8367.
WANTED: Sewing, repairing, refit-
ting or the making up of new ma-
terial. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divi-
sion. 2nd floor front.
MEN AND WOMEN on part-time
basis as orderlies and nurses' aides
at University Hospital. Apply at
hospital Personnel office. Room
only, no Sundays. Mrs. Zimmer, 915
Oakland. Phone 22868.
PART TIME WORK for students who
have had experience pressing. Ex-
cellent pay. Apply in person. Gold-
man Bros. Cleaners. 214 So. State
LOST: Gold watch lost in Angell
Hall. Reward. Call Kathleen Wat-
son, 8891.
LOST: Black binder type notebook.
Finder please return to Waterman
Gym or Ulrichs. Contains 46 seme-
ster notes.
LOST: Small gold signet ring bear-
ing initials H.A.B. Call Harriet Bo-
den, 8930. Reward.
LOST: Brown silk handbag in vicin-
ity of Thayer and Washington on
Thursday afternoon. Contains keys,
kid gloves. Call 3723. Reward.
LOST: Mu Phi Epsilon pin on Tues.
S.C.K. inscribed on the back. Re-
ward! Finder please contact Sybil
-4121 Ext. 114.

In INhe po/lihI for holi-
day parties. Wear this
black crepe wi/h a rosea
cluster at the side for con-
trast . . . 17.95.
r the Lady
for (Zhristlas.






A very long show, requires
unusual time schedule.
Shows Today



LOST : Gold earring set with three
green stones. Reward offered. Find-
er please call Amy Schreiber, 2-6954,




."Week-End at the Waldorf"
With Every Bond Sold in Any Ann Arbor Theatre

Continuous from 1 P.M.
They Crash the Studios!

.rrvwara rrj rf

It's our prize prom-trptter... in alpaca rayon...
brightened with swisi ayo taffeta! Black with
pink, Coast Guard an,,1gs yellow. 7 to 15.
Alin lotus yellow, 7 to 15,"

You'll fall in 1(L,(, w'Ib
2 " } Fabe-,dc's tang)) tata-
izing per f e nt tha t
clins like a burr to
siceaters and isu its.t
Purse sie 2.50


~ ~~~ieS O RBETT
1-r ~


4:~Z HA~Zt



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