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November 25, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-25

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Michigan Nips Bucks ininalerio

















Indiana Clinches First

Western Conference



U AW May Ask Die,
Tool Workers'Aid
G. M. Strike Will Idle Parts Employes;
Union Accepts Secretary's Invitation


# * *

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 24-Cooperation of
tool and die workers may be sought
by the CIO United Automobile Work-
ers union in the strike against Gen-
eral Motors Corp., union officials in-
dicated today.
At the same time a spokesman for
automotive parts makers asserted the
strike which already has idled close
to 200,000 workers in 51 cities will
result in early lay-off of 100,000 parts
industry employes and eventually halt
all automobile production.
Union Accepts Invitation
The UAW-CIO, demanding a 30
per cent wage rate increase within
General Motors' present price struc-
ture, has announced acceptance of an
invitation to meet in Washington
with Labor Secretary Schwellenbach.
A spokesman for General Motors,
which yesterday rejected. a union ar-
bitration proposal, said no invita-
tion had been received from the la-
bor secretary. Until it had been re-
ceived, he Added, there would be no
management comment on the pro-
posed conferences in Washington.
"Industrial War"
Walter P. Reuther, UAW-CIO vice-
president, in a prepared statement
today asserted that "General Motors
has committed itself to industrial
war all along the industrial front."
"America's postwar problem," the
statement said, "is not production;
it is maintenance of purchasing pow-
er so that the American people can
buy back the abundance they can
"You will see in this strike," Reu-
ther asserted, "the greatest demon-
stration of labor's solidarity ever seen
in this country."
Madame Pandit
Will Discuss
India's Future
Madame Vii ayai Pandit, noted In-
dian Nationalist leader, will discuss
"The Coming Indian Democracy" in
the second lecture of the Oratorical
Association series at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday, in Hill Auditorium.
With her sister, Jawaharlal Nehru,
Madame Pandit has been instrumen-
tal in the development of the Indian
Nationalist movement and because
of government opposition to her ac-
tivities', claims to have spent as many
years in jail as out.
Received Good Education
Daughter of one of India's richest
men, Madame Pandit received many
educational and cultural advantages,
including a superior training in Eng-
lish. Her fortune and her life have
been spent in an attempt to achieve
political independence for India. For-
merly a cabinet member, she has held
a number of important public posi-
tions and her influence is said to ex-
tend to 300,000,000 people.
May Return to India
Madame Pandit camne to the United
States to visit her daughter at Wel-
lesley College and to supervise the
publishing of her new book, "Sun-
shine and Shadow." Expecting to be
recalled to India soon, she has ex-
changed speaking dates with Owen
Lattimore, who has recently been ap-
pointed to the Japanese Reparations
Committge. Lattimore will appear
here February 5 and holders of sea-
son tickets are asked to use the origi-
nal November 28 ticket for admit-
tance to Madame Pandit's lecture.
Truman To Present
Award To Marshall
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24 - (') -
President Truman will present the
Distinguished SerXice Medal to Gen.

SEES THE END-John W. Gibson
special assistant to Secretary of
Labor Schwellenbach, talks via tel-
ephone to union officials after pre-
dieting the auto workers' strike will
end by Jan. 15.
Welles Says
He Rearded
War Inevitable
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24-Sumner
Welles, former Undersecretary of
State, said today that as early as
mid-September of 1941 he regarded
war with Japan as "probably inevit-
He told Congressional investigators
of the Japanese attack on Pearl Har-
bor that in his opinion only "complete
acquiescence" in Japan's policy of ag-
gression could have forstalled hos-
tilities. In fact, the Japanese pro-
posals of Nov. 20, 1941, amounted to
an "ultimatum," he said.
Questioned by Senator Ferguson
Under questioning by Senator Fer-
guson (R-Mich.), Welles said he did
not know, however, what information
and views were relayed by the State
Department to the Warand Navy De-
Welles named former Postmaster
General Frank Walker as one of the
"influential persons" with whom Jap-
anese Ambassadors Nomura and Ku-
rusu were dealing in the critical days
immediately before the war.
Commission Sees Kurusu Note
Earlier in the hearings, the com-
mittee had been given a copy of a
dispatch from Nomura and Kurusu
to Tokyo advising that they were
talking with "influential" individuals
behind their "frontal negotiations"
with Hull and President Roosevelt.
Ferguson was insistent about the
disclosure that President Roosevelt
and Prime Minister Churchill had
agreed they would warn Japan that
each nation would act if the Japan-
ese engaged in more aggression.

Parri Resigns
[From Italian
By The Associated Press
ROME, Nov. 24-Premier Ferruccio
Parri, confronted with a right-wing
revolt, resigned tonight as head of
Italy's six-party coalition govern-
The Committee of National Libera-
tion, after a one-hour session, ac-
cepted Parri's resignation.
The retiring premier addressed the
committee, which included represen-
tatives of the Liberal and Christian
Democrat parties, whose withdrawal
from the government coailwition pre-
cipitated the current cabinet crisis,
during the session, to which corres-
pondents were not admitted.
The premier indicated his resigna-
tion would result in rightist with-
drawals and charged that the Lib-
eral withdrawal was in reality a
maneuver to achieve a coup d'etat.
He said the Christian Democrats had
engaged in the same tactics.
Chinese Troops
Report Capture
Of Chinsein
Strategic City Falls
In Uncontested Drive
By The Associated Press
CIIUNGKING, Sunday, Nov. 25
-Chinese Nationalists troops have
wrested the Manchurian port of
Hulutao from the Chinese Com-
-mnoist, the Nationalist press re-
ported today.
CHUNKING, Nov. 24-(P)-Chinese
Nationalist troops reportedly seized
Chinsien's railway station today and
surrounded that city 120 miles from
Mukden in an uncontested drive 100
miles deep into Manchuria.
Although the Chinese Communists
had predicted the "first big battle for
Manchuria" would be fought at Chin-
sien-a strategic city girt by hills-
the Chunking World Daily News as-
serted the Nationalist Army threw
its lines about the city against only
"unorganized resistance."
Communist reports declared that
their Chinese forces were pouring
into the industrial city of Mukden.
They asserted 200,000 men including
the "people's malitia," were ready to
fight for Manchuria.
Alumnus, Gift
Donor, Is Dead
Prof. Brown Attends
Anderson Services
Prof. Everett Brown; chairman of
the Department of Political Science,
represented the University at the fu-
neral yesterday of John W. Anderson,
a law graduate of 1890 and donor of
many gifts here.
Anderson died Thanksgiving Day
in Grosse Pointe after being an ac-
tive alumnus for more than half a
century. In 1940 the James O. Murfin
Professorship of Political Science was
established through a gift from An-
derson. The late Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden, advisor and consultant in
civil affairs on General MacArthur's
staff, was the only holder of the pro-

Wolverines Miss Last Bid for Crown
As Hoosiers End Season Undefeated

Pihos Sparks
Victory Drive
In Last Quarter
By The Associated Press
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 24-
Crafty Alvin (Bo) McMillin's once-
scorned "pore lil Hoosier boys" were
roaring football giants today, pow-
ering undefeated Indiana University's
first championship in Big Ten history
with a decisive 26 to 0 victory over
A delirious throng of 27,000 who
overflowed the small Indiana Sta-
dium saw the Hoosiers, denied a
championship since the school en-
tered the Big Ten in 1900, explode for
not only the Conference title, but
also a spot close behind Army and
Navy in the National picture.
With burly Pete Pihos, a rough
and tumble ex-paratrooper-bulling
his way to the first two of Indiana's
four touchdowns, the Hoosiers fin-
ished with a near-perfect record of
nine victories and a 7-7 conference
tie with Northwestern.
First Half Scoreless
The Boilermakers lived up to Old
Oaken Bucket tradition by battling
Indiana to a scoreless tie in the first
half. But relentless Hoosier power
unleashed by Pihos and George Tali-
aferro, great Negro halfback, and
Quarterback Ben Raimondi's superb
passing ripped Purdue's defenses to
shreds in the last two periods.
After Pihos rammed across from
the one-yard line to cap a 77-yard
Indiana march midway in the third
See INDIANA, Page 7
Jennie Tourel
Offers Varied
Music Program
Selections by Stradella, Pergolesi,
Rossini, Debussy, Rachmaninoff,
Moussorgsky and Leonard Bernstein
will highlight the concert to be pre-
sented by Jennie Tourel, brilliant
mezzo-soprano of the Metropolitan
Opera Company, at 8:30 p.m. Tues-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Initial Appearance
The petite Russian-French singer,
will open her initial Ann Arbor per-
formance program with three Italian
numbers to be followed by the rondo
from Rossini's "La Cenerentola,"
Chabrier's "Romance de 'Etoile" and
"Toujours" by Faure. Included in the
group of Russian songs will be Rach-
maniff's "O Cease Thy Singing Maid-
en Fair," "Hopak" by Moussorgsky
and Gretchaninoff's "Lullaby." Two
Debussy compositions, an American
spiritual and Leonard Bernstein's "I
Hate Music" will complete the sing-
er's program.
European Star
A star of the Opera Comique in
Paris before the outbreak of the war,
Miss Tourel succeeded in leaving the
capital city and came to the United
States by way of Lisbon. After her
Carnegie Hall debut with Toscanini
and the New York Philharmonic in
October, 1942, the charming mezzo-
soprano skyrocketed to a top place
among concert and radio attractions
of the day.

:k * *

PRAISED-Howard Yerges, substi-
tute signal-caller who has stepped
into Capt. Joe Ponsetto's shoes so
ably, was applauded by his coach,
Fritz Crisler, for his work in pilot-
ing the Wolverines to victory yes-
10,000 Cars
Expand City
T raffic Load
Football was more than a game for
city, county, and state police yester-
day, when 80,000 odd fans poured
into Michigan Stadium from Colum-
bus, Chicago and Detroit.
The sheriff's office put the esti-
mated automobile traffic at "a con-
servative 10,000" which required
the complete city police force as
well as 35 state officers and 10
county deputies, a total of 78.
One woman died of a heart attack,
but there were only two recorded ac-
cidents, neither of which was fatal.
Chief result of the thousands of
emptied bottles which littered the
stadium after the game was a host
of inebriates, disorderly or lost or
both, which descended on police
and sheriff's headquarters steadily
late yesterday. Eight arrests were
reported, and countless others were
turned over to worried friends and

midway in the fourth period for the
touchdown that provided the win-
ning margin.
Schnittker Kicks Goal
Up until the drive that culminated
in Fonde's tally, the only successful
scoring effort of the contest was a
20-yard field goal by Max Schnittker,
Ohio State reserve tackle, early in
the third period.
Aside from those two thrusts, neith-
er eleven was able to engineer any-
thing resembling a scoring threat as
the two lines stole the show in a great
display of defensive football.
The Bucks provided the only other
scares for the highly partisan Wol-
verine crowd with a flurry of passes
near the end of the first half, but
some great defensive work by Bob
Nussbaumer turned them aside.
Hoosiers Take Title
Meanwhile, Indiana's surprising
young ball club won a Big Ten title
for itself, exploding for 19 points in
the fourth quarter to down Purdue,
26-0. That victory gave the unbeaten
Hoosiers the championship and
forced Michigan to accept runner-up
honors for the second successive year.
All Conference teams ended their sea-
sons yesterday.
But loss of the title did not detract
from the valiant efforts of the fresh-
man-studded Wolverine eleven as it
battled against superior weight on a
muddy field and finally saw its efforts
rewarded. The uphill win provided
ample revenge for last year's 18-14
defeat by the Bucks that cost Coach
Fritz Crisler's 1944 squad a cham-
Offense was at a minimum as the
two lines stole the show. For Ohio,
it was big Russ Thomas, 223-pound
tackle, and guard Warren Amling
who proved most adept at upsetting
the Wolverine offensive game. For
Michigan, it was the whole of the
two alternating lines that rose to the
See MICHIGAN, Page 6

Pi Pi, ATO
Houses Win
First Prizes
Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Madison House and Wenley House of
the West Quadrangle took top hon-
ors in this year's annual Homecoming
House Display Contest.
Honorable mention was given to
displays erected by Alpha Omicron
Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Chi,
Beta Theta Pi, and Zeta Psi.
Pi Beta Phi, which received the
Burr-Patterson Trophy for the
most original sorority display, used
"Michigan Comes Through While
Ohio Is On Defense" as a slogan
and depicted a Michigan player
bursting through the banner on the
house, while Ohio's Buckeyes
sprawled in disarray on "de fence,"
which carried the remainder of the
The other Burr-Patterson Trophy
was awarded to Alpha Tau Omega in
the men's division for their "Better
Ballance Beats Buckeyes" slogan. The
exhibit featured a gilded balance
scale with an oversized Buckeye just
balancing the weight of a tiny Wol-
Winners of the Union Trophies
were Madison House and Wenley
House. A butcher shop, with "Fritz
the Butcher" behind the counter,
showed the Ohio State team as
dead ducks and Michigan men as
the cleavers. "Ohio State, Ration
Free, No Points" was the theme.
Wenley House constructed the
Wolverine Express," with Crisler at
the throttle running down ,Bessie
Buckeye, a cow on the track un-
der the slogan of "Fire Up, Fritz."
Alpha Omicron Pi's barnyard, Kap-
pa Alpha Theta's whale, Sigma Chi's
barbershop, Beta Theta Pi's shelf of
canned goods, and Zeta Psi's funeral
won honorable mention for these
Judges included Prof. Emil Wed-
dige, Miss Ethyl A. McCormick, and
students Nora McLaughlin, president
of the League Council, and Sandford
Perlis, president of the Union.
Grad Students
Represented i
Elected Council
The graduate student body is unit-
ed and organized by the Graduate
Student Council.
The Council is composed of 35
members who are elected by the grad-
uate students. The number of rep-
resentatives from each department
is determined by the number of
graduate students enrolled in the
Officers are William Akers, presi-
dent; Rostislav A. Galuzevski, vice-
president; Kenneth O. Beatty, treas-
urer; and Ruth Hartmann, executive
The Council seeks to promote a
program for the graduate students
which will be both social and intel-
lectual. During the summer session
the Council sponsored three dances,

85,132 See Crisler's Fighting Eleven
Comne from Behind in Final Minutes
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's fighting young football team did not win a Western Con-
ference championship yesterday, but it played like a champion in its last
1945 appearance anyway, coming from behind in the fourth quarter after
being outplayed most of the way to score the only touchdown of the game
and beat Ohio State, 7-3.
It was little Hank Fonde, 165 pounds of dynamite, who provided the
Homecoming Day crowd of 85,132 roaring fans with its biggest thrill. He
slammed over the Buckeye goal line, * *

Workshop Helps Youngsters
In 'U' HospitalTo Pass Time

Japanese May Soon Turn To Christianity

A youngster in a hospital ordinarily
has a restless convalescent period,
but the kids in University Hospital
can go up to the Galens workshop on
the ninth floor and pass the time in
work that is fun and constructive.
Any afternoon of the week a
dozen or so of these younger pa-
tients may be seen in the work-
Gillette Directs
TU' Navy Unit
Annapolis Graduate
Served in Air Corps
Commander Norman C. Gillette Jr.,
has replaced Commander A. L. Wil-
liams, Jr., as executive officer of the
University Navy unit, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
An Annapolis graduate of 1936,
Commander Gillette transferred to
the Navy Air Corps in 1942. He served
as an instructor at the Jacksonville,
Fla., Naval Air Station six months be-
fore he formed a "Blackcat" squad-
ron of Catalina patrol bombers,
which participated in attacks on Mo-
rotai, Leyte, and Lingayen. The.

shop, industriously fashioning a
variety of articles out of wood and
the new plexi-glass, which was used
in bomber noses and turrets dur-
ing the war.
The kids are now busy making
Christmas presents for their par-
ents! Tie racks, book ends, bird
houses, whatnots and plexi-glass
jewelry are among the many items
that the youngsters are turning out
by their painstaking efforts.
They all believe in Santa Claus and
their Christmas spirit is strong-
these kids who can't go outside and
play like other boys and girls they
All this is made possible through
the efforts of Galens, junior and
senior medical society. On Dec. 7
and 8 these embryo doctors will
take time off from their studies to
form a "bucket brigade" over the
campus and downtown Ann Arbor.
The Galens will be swinging their
pails for the 17th consecutive lear.
They hope that enough coins will
roll into their pails for their $3,000
goal to be realized. For the past two
years the goal has been oversub-
scribed by $500.
'Russky Krushkov'


C ?


By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24-Japan1
is "ripe for Christianity," in the re-t
ported opinion of four prominentY
Protestant American churchmen who
recently landed here after a trip tot
Japan. They included officials of
the Federal Council of Churches, The
World Council of Churches, The

gives the following figures on re-
ligions in Japan at that time; Shin-
toism-16,000,000 adherents; Budd-
hism - 41,000,000; Christianity -
about 439,000; including 208,000 Pro-
testants, 191,000 Catholics, and about
40,000 Greek Orthodox Catholics.
The Potsdam Declaration guar-
antees Japan religious freedom, but

Such measures were intensified
dUring the war. Christian organiza-
tions were forced to "unite" in a sin-
gle Japanese Christian Church to fa-
cilitate government control.
Occupational authorities are
changing such things, and the great
Shinto shrines of the nation are re-
ported virtually deserted-one theory
being that the Japanese want to for-

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