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November 24, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-24

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FiftySi gaxt Ye ar
Fifty-Sixth Year

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Ue Deteriorates




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Stafff

Ray Dixon
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth .an
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
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. . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . Editor
.~Editorial Director
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.Associate Editor
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. . Associate Sports.Editor
. . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
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The Associated Press fs exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
GM Strike
HE UAW-CIO has taken the big step. The au-
tomobile industry is at a standstill. Related
industries are slowed down. Thousands are out
of work.
The union steps back and looks at what has
been accomplished. Something must be done.
Management must come to terms now.
But is labor's "big moment" so opportune?
The automobile industry has already made its
profit for the year. Added gains will be cut
into by the excess profits tax. If labor wanted
to strike when it would do the most harm, was
it intelligent in its choice of time?
-Lila Makima
Baruch's Plan
IKE most thinking men of this uncertain post-
war period Bernard Baruch has a plan for
world peace.
The primary point of this plan is the establish-
ment of a national science foundation whose
duties would include counsel for "effective polic-
ing for the war-geared science of Germany and
Mr. Baruch, because he believes that these
two defeated nations will attempt to prepare
for a third world war through intensive scien-
tific, technological and engineering research,
naturally feels that we should also prepare our-
selves for a future emergency.
Members of this foundation would be "se-
Leted solely for the contributions they ,can
muake to the advancement of science."
Now, here are the fields which this proposed
foundation would concentrate on:
1. Developing new weapons for national de-
2. Intensifying the war against physical and
mental disease.
3. Offsetting the depletion of natural re-
It seems that instead of armament races, we
are going to initiate a new type of scientific race
to see who can create a mechanism to kill the
no6t people the fastest.
The only loop-hole in this admirable attempt
to be prepared next time is the fact that it
nmay not be our scientific foundation that will
create the Killamillionmenaminute machine.
We are not alone in the science age merely be-
cause we were lucky enough to hit upon atomic
energy first.
We will never be alone. Until we realize that
it should be an international science foundation
rather than a national one; until we realize that
all nations must pool their resources and dis-
coveries; until we realize that both victorious
and vanquished nations must join together to

Swintou's Reply
To the Editor:
MR. FRANKLIN H. LITTELL of the Student
Religious Association has seen fit to make
reply to certain statements which I made in an
interview with a Daily reporter. Of course our
difference of opinion cannot be resolved in the
public prints and normally I would not prolong a
fruitless discussion. However, I will be in this
area too briefly to see Mr. Littell personally and I
object, quite frankly, to the ill-tempered over-
tone of his remarks insinuating that I am full of
sound and fury but don't know what I am talking
First, I was with the 85th Infantry Division
when they liberated Pastor Martin Nie-
moeller and 350 other political prisoners from
Lago di Braies internment camp. That evening
I went to his room with him and talked per-
sonally with him for, just short of an hour. I
also participated in a full-dress interview of
another hour.
Second, I flew from Rome to Naples two weeks
later for the purpose of another and longer in-
terview with Niemoeller. In the interview certain
information regarding him had come into my
hands and I specifically questioned him regard-
ing that information on my second trip. Thus, I
had the opportunity of talking with Niemoeller
for a total of four hours or so after his libera-
tion. I have read his addresses presented in Ger-
many since that time and done a good deal of
research into his history since eventually I in-
tend to finish a magazine article on his per-
sonal history.
From the basis of my personal contacts and
research let me say that Mr. Littell is defending
what Niemoeller came to represent to all of
us-not Niemoeller, the man. I met him pre-
pared to pay tribute to the leader of all spir-
itual anti-Nazi forces and found an opportun-
istic, imperialistic German.
Specifically, I would make these points-or re-
peat them, for I have said the same thing in
various articles and in a number of public
1. Martin Niemoeller broke with the National-
ists only' after a long flirtation and, more par-
ticularly, only when the super-Nationalism of
the Nazis intruded upon his particular sphere at
Dahlem. I refer you to the various writing of Jo-
hannes Steel on the history of his pre-war po-
litical activity. The transcript of his remarks at
Naples recorded by Clete Roberts of ABC and
broadcast in part in this country affirm this. So
does the interview written in June by Ann
Stringer of United Press. Upon questioning,
Niemoeller frankly admitted to me that his
break with Hitler-in his words-followed "a
doctrinal disagreement."
2. Martin Niemoeller's. position was not
"Christ-centered and church-centered." He
told me twice that he applied for rein-state-
ment as a German Navy officer after Ger-
many went to war with the allies. He admitted
that he hoped to go back into the U-Boat
service. He paraphrased the text of his letter
to the German High Command. I refuse to
believe that Mr. Littell considers the work of
a U-Boat commander on behalf of Nazi Ger-
many "Christ-centered."
3. Martin Niemoeller seeks to carry on the
legend of the "good German." He says the Ger-
man people could not help themselves-they
were forced into their position by the Nazis. He
feels the people of this country are obliged to
send food into Germany this winter to prevent
starvation. He says there was a Church resis-
tance movement within Germany. In an effort to
prove that point, he produced three "leaders" of
the resistance in the Munich area. After two
hours, they admitted to us that their "resis-
tance" was mental-that they were against the
Nazis "but what could we do without going to
jail?" There was never any resistance of the
kind we saw in France or in the Po Valley or
Yugoslavia. The only steadfast opposition to the
Nazis within Germany came from a sect known
as Jehovah's Witnesses. They refused to support
the war in any way and went to prison for their

4. Niemoeller is anti-Semitic or something
very near it. In four hours of discussion he re-
ferred always to what should be done for
"Protestant" Germany. He never once made
any reference to the persecution of the Jews
in Germany or offered any suggestion as to
what their eventual lot would be. He evaded
any reply to questioning on the Jewish prob-
lem in Germany.
5. Mr. Littell calls the statement "the body be-
longs to the State but the mind belongs to God"
a caricature. It is Martin Niemoeller's statement,
not my own, Mr. Littell. He was asked how he-a
Christian-could have sought reinstatement in
the U-Boat fleet. He replied that he was a Ger-
man and that when Germany went to war it was
his duty as a German to fight for her. After
several more questions he said: "In essence, I
suppose that is right. The body belongs to Ger-
many. As Germans it is our duty to fight for the
state if it is wrong or right. This is the physical
being. But the spiritual being-the mind-may

revolt against a Nazi war. But as a German there
is no alternative."
The whole point is this: Niemoeller is not what
you and I believed him to be. Mr. Littell I know
this because I have spent much time with him
since his last magnificent pastoral message. Two
recent dispatches by Pat Frank of Overseas News
Agency on Niemoeller's efforts to become a politi-
cal power in post-war Germany are in point.
Niemoeller is the same type of man to be
fpun4 so frequently in his own Dahlem parish.
He is a Pan-German. Ie is a violent nation-
alist. He is a German before he is a Christian.
Moreover, he has changed his position in recent
weeks. He told me on the night of his liberation
that he had seen no indication of atrocities at
Dachau Buchenwald or other camps. Today
he is bemoaning the horrors of those camps. He
told me that it was a war thrust upon Germany
by the Nazis. Now, because the Allies want to
hear it, he says the German people must bear
much responsibility for the war. He has made
recent statements that we are erring in carry-
ing the de-Nazification programs so far - that
many Nazis were forced to join. The second-hand
report of a Chaplain Ben L. Rose which you
quote attributes statements to Niemoeller which
are the opposite of what he said in those first
hours of his freedom. Then he spoke along the
line used by Hjalmar Schacht, who was in the
camp with him. Now-or at least to Rose-he
offers a new explanation of his difficulties with
Hitler. It may be that he has learned from ex-
perience. I prefer to believe that he has done
what so many millions of other Germans have
done-leaped on the bandwagon and offered lip
service to the victor by saying what he thinks we
want to hear. Then he didn't know the world
had considered him a martyr. Now he does.
In closing, I would like to register objection
to the statement "I suppose some newspaper-
men will never learn." I think that first-hand
information on the subject, may, perhaps,
more nearly approximate the truth than that
gathered some thousands of miles away. I
know that Mr. Littell is sincere. His objections
are not new to me. I wish with all my heart
that Niemoeller was the man Littell thinks he
is-the man I thought him to be. He is not.
Lastly, you say: "the appaling religious illiter-
acy of the average American boy, about which
so many chaplains have both commented and
written, was never better demonstrated." I re-
fuse to plead guilty to religious illiteracy. As a
soldier in the African, Sicilian, Italian, French
and Austrian campaigns I feel I know something
about the subject. It is hardly sound sense to
castigate the American soldier for religious il-
literacy. .Would it not be wiser to accuse those
whose mission is to educate the American boy
to religion of failure? If those whose task is
to make religion, an immediate and important
part of life fail, naturally there is religious illit-
eracy. It is an unhappy fact but the war showed
exactly that-it underlines the task of the re-
ligous teacher and challenges all of us who are
interested in religion.
-Stanley M. Swinton
Pastor Nie oellr
To the Editor:
IT IS gratifying that a voice from the SRA chal-
lenges the interpretation of Rev. Martin Nie-
moeller's controversy with Hitler and of his sig-
nificance in present German affairs-owed to
the recent Mediterranean correspondent to Stars
and Stripes. Was it to be expected that campus
intelligence would remain so unobservant of the
acts of defiance and the penalty suffered by the
Dalheim pastor, during the ten years since he be-
came a marked figure, as to leave the way open
to acceptance of the correspondent's dictum?
On a ride up the Weser in July, 1936, an
American Lutheran pastor who had spent the
previous evening with the regional Protestant
bishop informed the undersigned that Hitler
was taking his orders about the churches of
Alfred Rosenberg. Arrival at Berlin discovered
that every bookstore was showing alongside of
"Mein Kampf"-the book that stood to Nazi re-
ligion as the other did to Nazi politics-Rosen-
berg's substitution of Teutonic paganism for

On the first Sunday after arrival the under-
signed attended Pastor Niemoeller's church. The
fervor with which he delivered a sermon on the
text, "Beware of false prophets who come to
you in sheep's clothing" carried conviction that
he was battling for a spiritual cause and was
reenforced by the story of his trials told by his
sympathetic wife after the service. About the
attitude of the "confession churches," which her
husband was leading, towards the social ques-
tions of the hour there was no time for enquiry.
But it happened on - shipboard three months
later- that a young German business man, whose
father and brother were Lutheran pastors, re-
moved all uncertainty as to the opposition of the
"confession churches" to the persecution of the
Rev. Martin Niemoeller's apparent attitude
towards the war has been surprising, some-
times disappointing, to his American admirers.
With no attempt to justify, it may be perti-

S MEV'BODY ought to warn the iso-
laticnists (those true American
antiques) that they have taken on an
impossible job in trying to smear the
late President Roosevelt on account
of Pearl Harbor. Their lust to defeat
the dead man who defeated theml
places them in the position of trying
to prove (a) that Mr. Roosevelt de-
liberately planned to get us into the
war in the Pacific, and (b) that he
was wholly unprepared for it when
it cae.
That is double-talk, but much of
the Pearl harbor case, as developed
to date, proceeds on the basis of
double-talk. It is argued (a) that
Mr. Roosevelt should not have sent
the fleet to Pearl Harbor from our
west coast, becahse that irritated
the Japanese, and (b) that he
should have pulled every American
combat vessel off lend-lease duty
in the Atlantic, and sent the whole
shootng-m tchtaring into the
aif phaps on the theory that
that would have soothed the Jap-
It is being said that we should have
scared the Japanese less, and, also,{
that we should have scared them.
more; almost every isolationist editora
and congressman disdaining to wait
for the expert witnesses to complete
tleir cases, or to answer each other,
dribble with hindsight as to what
would have been just the right
amount of scaring to do; and the
headlines blossom out with impond-
erable evidence about an unprovable.
It is said that we should have

abandoned the use of Pearl Harbor
(thereby showing the world that we
Americans were afraid to use our
greatest naval base); and it is also
said that we should have moved our
fleet into west coast ports and there
put it on a "frank" war basis, though
what that would have accomplished
beyond moving the Decemnber 7
bombing to the mainland is hard to
And, of course, it is Franklin
Roosevelt, who (a) is said to have
wanted the war, and who (b) is
now chided for not having put the
fleet on a war basis; while it is the
isolationists who (a) said in 1941
that there would be no war who
(b) are now full of belated anger
about the fact that we were not on
a war basis. How they would have
hollered had Mr. Roosevelt put a
single rowboat on a war basis!
DOUBLE, double, toil and trouble;
fire burn and cauldron bubble.
And when they grow tired of double-
talk about Mr. R., they go on to dou-
ble-talk about poor Cordell Hull who
(a) let the Japanese buy millions of
dollars worth of oil and scrap steel
in this country before the war, be-
cause he was fearful of precipitating
conflict by an embargo, and who (b)
is accused of having provoked war
by one diplomatic note after years of
following this conciliatory and cau-
tious policy. In their wild desire to
find one man who somehow left one
window open, one code message that
was ignored, one diplomatic note that
did it all, one single, sinister, melo-


dramatic incident, understandable to
even the meanest intellect, the at-
tackers are, with one accord, forget-
ting years of history.
Pearl-Harborism snows signs of be-
coming a learned profession, like bot-
any, with experts who will make liv-
ings at it for years. And yet the truth
underlying it is perhaps not too ob-
scure. Blunders were certainly made
at Pearl Earbor; but they were made
because this was a divided country,
torn by internal debate, its mind un-
certain, its purpose confused. If one
would like to know just how confused
and uncertain, one need only listen
to the confusionsrand uncer tainties
being shouted today by the Pearl
At this point an odd thought
arises. Why, at the present mo-
ment, when we are trying to or-
ganize the world, do we see this
extreme effort in some Congres-
sional and journalistic circles, to
paint the last war as a mistake, an
accident, perhaps even the fruit of
conspiracy? Why this effort to
smear the architect of our victory
over fascism, and the best organizer
of world peace? Why, if not to cast
doubt on the whole enterprise,
along with the man, in a desperate,
last-ditch effort to avoid world
progress? And here one shakes his
head smartly, to brush aside the
disturbing vision that the Pearl
Harbor investigation may, in itself,
become the Pearl Harbor of the
next war.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 18
School of Education Faculty: The
November meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, Nov. 26, in
the University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will; convene at
4:15 p. m.
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify the Information Clerk
in the Business Office of the number
of Faculty directories needed in your
department. Delivery will be made by
campus mail.'
Staff members may have a copy of
the Directory by applying at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall.
The Directory will be ready for dis-
tribution Nov. 28. To save postage
and labor the practice of mailing di-
rectories is discontinued.
Herbert G. Watkins
Attention all house heads: Any pro-
posed change in the house rules for
undergraduate women shall not be
put into effect by a house mother or
house head until'she receives written
official notification from the Office
of the Dean of Women and the
Women's Judiciary Committee.
Registration Blanks: Students who
nent to take note that his life-long
outlook on war had been the Prus-
sian outlook-also that in school
he was indoctrinated with the be-
lief that Germany was "encircled"
by enemies. It was in August, 1937,
that his imprisonment began, a
full year before Munich, and knowl-
edge of Germany's incentives to
war would naturally have been
limited to German propaganda.
His denial of atrocities in the con-
centration camp from which he
was liberated in Northern Italy,
raises the question whether such
persons as Blum, Schusnigg, and
Nienoeler, who were certain to
have bargaining value in case a
negotiated peace were secured,
were appraised of what went on
throughout the camp.
Many will recall that thedGerman-
American editor, Gerhard Seeger,
spoke in Ann Arbor a number of
times in the early years of the war.
Speaking with knowledge of German
affairs gained as a member of the
Reichstag at the time when the Nazis
assumed power, Mr. Seeger gave the
opinion that Rev. Martin Niemoeller
was not enough of a politically mind-
ed man to be a factor in political
-Mary L. Hinsdale

took blanks from the Bureau of Ap-
pointments are reminded that they
are due a week from the day taken.
After that time a late registration
fee of $1 must be charged.
Tau Beta Pi Members: All return-
ing undergraduate members of Tau
Beta Pi who are interested in re-
establishing contact with the Michi-
gan Gamma Chapter please get in
touch with:
Frederick Gehring
311 Lloyd, West Quadrangle
Ann Arbor.
University Lecture: Mr. T. C.
Roughley, F.R.Z.S., Superintendent
and Research Officer of the New
South Wales State Fisheries, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Wonders of the
Great Barrier Reef," illustrated by
colored motion pictures, at 8:00 p.m.,
Monday, Nov. 26, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Auspices of the
Department of Zoology. The public is
cordially invited.
Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit,
noted leader of the Nationalist move-
ment in India, will be presented by
the Oratorical Association, Wednes-
day evening, Nov. 28. Suject, "The
Coming Indian Democracy." Season
ticket holders are requested to use
the Owen Lattimore, Nov. 28, ticket
for admission as Mme. Pandit and
Mr. Lattimore have exchanged speak-
ing dates and Mr. Lattimore will be
heard here Feb. 5. Single admissions
will be placed on sale at Hill Audi-
tbrium box office Tuesday, Nov. 27 at
10 a. m.
Academic Noatices
Doctoral Examination for Max
Schlamowitz, Biological Chemistry,
thesis: "Enzymatic Dephosporylation
of Ribonucleic Acid: A Study of the
Soy Bean Nucleases," Monday, Nov.
26, 313 West Medical Building, at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, R. L. Garner.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman mayinvite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
"Seminar in Theory of Games and
Economic Behavior" will meet in
Room 3010, Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m.
on Monday, Nov. 26. Professor A. H.
Copeland will continue his introduc-
tory outline of the work of the Sem-
inar. Authority f o r Publication:
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, Leader for the
Seminar. Prepared and submitted by
direction of Prof. Kaplan, to whom
any inquiries should be addressed.
Seminar In Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: Tuesday, Nov.
27, 3 p.m. in Room 312 W.E. Professor
G. E. Hay talks on the Design and
Operation of Differential Analyzers.
Visitors are welcome.
Wersons intending to take the pre-
liminary examinations for Ph.D. in
English notify N. E. Nelson by Nov. 24.
.The Mathematics Concentration
Examination for those whose sched-

offices of the University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
Tickets will not be issued after 4
Charles A. Sink, President
Jennie Tourel, contralto, will give
the fourth concert in the Choral Un-
ion Series Tuesday evening, Nov. 27,
at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will consist of compositions by
Stradella, Rossini, Debussy, Chabrier,
Faure, Rachmaninoff, Moussorgsky,
Gretchanioff and Chanler and Bern-
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and at the box of-
fice in Hill Auditorium after 7
o'clock on the night of the perform-
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology, 434 South State Street. His-
torical Firearms and other Weapons.
Nov. 25 through Dec. 9. Weekdays,
9-12; 1:30-5; 7:30-9:30; Sundays, 3-5.
Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches
by Various Japanese-American Ar-
tists, On Relocation Centers. From
Nov. 26 to Dec. 16. Sponsored by Stu-
dent Council of Student Religious As-
sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial
Association, All Nations Club, Office
of Counselor in Religious Education,
Michigan Office of War Relocation
Authority, U. S. Department of In-
M.C.F. is sponsoring an informal
gathering in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League at 8 o'clock tonight.
Everyone is invited.
The Lutheran Student Center will
have Open House today from 4:15 to
Wesley Foundation Homecoming
celebration will be held following the
football game today. A program of
music and speeches will be presented
by students and alumni. Undergrad-
uates and Graduates should make
reservations for the 6 p. m. dinner
at the Wesley Foundation Office,
A Retreat, especially for those in-
terested in Fellowship Groups, will
leave Lane Hall at 9:30 Saturday
morning for a week-end at Pine-
brook Farm. Mr. Floyd Howlet, of
Toronto, Canada willbe the guest and
will explain the Fellowship Group
Plan as it has been working in Can-
ada. The group will return Sunday
at 3:00 p. m.
Coming Events
Rev. Harold DeVries will speak be-
fore the Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship this coming Sunday afternoon,
in the second of a series of Gospel
Lectures. His topic will be "The Na-
tural State of Man". The place is the
Fireside Room at Lane Hall at 4:30.
Come. at 4 o'clock for the Hymn-
Avukah will hold a musicale for all
members and thetr guests Sunday,
Nov. 25, at 7:45 p.m. The informal
program at the Hillel Foundation, will

Cheer up, Ellen. After ol!, a venison roast joxN1O/
like this is something to be thankful for.


By Crockett Johnson

Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfaiher.
sent it over to the Littie Men's Club.

Oh, yes. Mr. O'Malley and his friend, the
I Sigahstaw Indian, were both coming, but--


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