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November 24, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-24

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Ohio Game

o limax Homecoming Day

* * *

GM Refuses Union Request
For Arbitration of Issues

* *

Both Parties Invited
To Come to Capital
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 23-General Mo-
tors Corporation tonight bluntly re-
jected a union request for arbitrations
of wage issues that led to a strike of
200,000 GM employes Wednesday.
The company action came within
a few hours after Secretary of Labori
Schwellenbach had conferred with
President Truman at the White
House on the strike situation.
Schwellenbach said General Motors
officials and representatives of the
United Auto Workers (CIO) would be
invited to Washington to talk with
Edgar. L. Warren, chief of the Fed-
eral Conciliation Service.
Walter P. Reuther, UAW vice-
president in charge of General Mo-
tors negotiations, said "We will be
most happy to confer at Washing-
ton and to help in any way we can
to effect an early settlement of
this strike."
Company officials withheld com-
ment pending official notification
from Washington on the Schween-
bach report.
Asked if he was optimistic about
the situation, the secretary said: "It-
is too early to know."
Terming the arbitration offer of
the United Auto Workers (CIO) a
"demand for abdication, not an offer
of arbitration," the nation's largest
automobile manufacturing concern
bitterly assailed the union's stand.
"Stripped of its deception, the
union proposal is that GM should
relinquish its right to manage its
business," the company statement
Earlier today, a GM spokesman had l
admitted the strikewas' "100 per cent
The original union demand thatf
GM submit the dispute over 30 per
cent wage rate increases was sub-
mitted to the company Monday and
the union set-a 4 p.m. Tuesday dead-
line for reply.
On Tuesday, GM officials notified
the union their reply would not be
available until today and this action
was followed by a strike call, which
was recommended by t1e 200 dele-
gates to the GM council of the UAW
which held a two-day meeting here.
The GM statement brought a
quick reply from R. J. Thomas,
UAW president, who said: "This is
what we expected today, because
General Motors had actually re-
jected the whole principle of vol-
untary arbitration in their letter of
last Tuesday.
"If the corporation were willing to7
accept the principle of arbitration in
any form they would have made a
counter proposal," the UAW chieftain
The Ford Motor Co., pressing its'
demands for what it terms "company
security," today called upon the
UAW-CIO to assume financial re-
sponsibility for unauthorized work
stoppages in a proposed new con-
tract. The company said the union
could make "labor history" by agree-
ing to such a proposal.
GM not only rejected the 30 per
cent wage demands, but also with-
drew its counter offer of 10 per cent
increases declaring, "in view of the
union's summary rejection of our
proposals, this offde is hereby with-
* * * -
Steel Prices Firm
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 -- (P) -
OPA today refused to grant higher
ceilings on steel-price increases
which industry leaders declare to be
necessary before they can discuss
wage demands of their CIO employes.
Price Administrator Chester Bowles
announced that e finds "no cause at

this time for a general increase in
steel prices," but would review the
plea early in 1946.

picket line parades past an entrance to the General Motors Corp.'s
Fisher Body plant at Cleveland as the union began its long-threatenedj
strike against the corporation. (AP wirephoto)
Rhodes Scholarnships
r vailable
Oflftle M~ofmv-1

Vet Refresher
Courses Will1
Pre-Term Casses
Initiated in gall
A pre-term refresher course will be
conducted by the University begin-
ning Jan. 25, 1946 and ending Feb.
22, for all veterans who desire to re-
view their formal knowledge, and ac-
custom themselves to academic work
before the beginning of the regular
spring term.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
successfully inaugurated the fall term
refresher session at the University
last September. This course had an
enrollment of 142 veterans, who had
served on all fronts and were then
faced with the problem 'of fitting
their G. I. personalities into a civilian
campus life.
Veterans Questioned
A questionnaire was distributed
among the veterans after the comple-
tion of the fall refresher session and
the concensus of opinion was that the
work was very beneficial, and some
went so far as to say that the course
should be made compulsory for veter-
ans. The chief complaint was that
the session was too short, and did not
allow time to review the work exten-
sively enough.
It is estimated that the enrollment
for the spring refresher session will
be two or three times larger than the
fall term. To take care of this in-
crease, courses will be offered in
mathematics, 'English, social studies,
languages, physics, chemistry, and
business administration. Since the
courses are merely review and re--
fresher, they will not be elected un-
less the veteran has already covered
the subject in a pre-war or service
Survey To Be Included
A special course in academic sur-
vey which includes reading drills
and lectures by eai ius professors
will be included again in the curric-
ulum. The aim of the academic sur-
vey course is to improve the veteran's
ability in reading, concentration,
See VETERANS, Page 4
Services Held
For Yoakum
Rev. W. P. Lemon
Conducts Ceremony
Funeral services were held yester-
day afternoon for Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum of the Graduate School at
his home, 2017 Hill Street.
The Reverend W. P. Lemon of the
First Presbyterian Church officiated-
at the short ceremony, attended by
close friends and colleagues.
Bearers were President Alexander
G. Ruthven; Assistant Dean Peter
Okkelberg of the graduate school;
Shirley Smith, vice president of the
University; Dean F. Blythe Stason
of the law school; Prof. F. B. Vedder
of the dental school; Prof. Henry C.
Adams of the engineering school;
Clark Tibbitts, director of the Insti-
tute for Human Adjustment; and
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the
School of Business Administration.
De Gaulle Presents
Nationalization Plan
PARIS, Nov. 23-YP)--President De
Gaulle called today for nationaliza-
tion of credit, electricity and insur-
ance, and for a foreign policy based
on vigorous, sincere international co-

The Constitutent Assembly unani-
mously voted confidence in le
Gaulle's new cabinet.

Backs Homecoming
* * *
Dance Tonight
Will Feature
Carter's Band
BroadcasL of 'Frolic'
From Union Today
Launching into the second day of
the bang-up Homecoming Weekend,
the headline event will be the infor-
mal dance featuring Benny Carter
and his orchestra from 8 p.m. to mid-
night today at the Intramural Build-
"Early Morning Frolic"
Joe Gentile and Ralph Binge will
broadcast their wacky "Early Morn-
ing Frolic" until 9:30 a.m. today from
Women have been granted 12:45
a.m. permission for the dance to-
night, according to an announce-
ment from the Dean of Students

eisenburger Out
Of Last Encounter
Ford Also Reported Unable to Play
As Conference Title Chances Fade
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's hopes for victory in its all-important clash with Ohio State
today took a nose-dive last night when Coach Fritz Crisler announced that
first string fullback Jack Weisenburger has a broken bone in his chest and
will be unable to play against the Bucks, when the two teams take the field
at 2 p. m. in the Michigan Stadium.
It was also reported that Leonard Ford, 6 ft. 5 in. end, will not be
available either, owing to a tonsil infection. Ford missed several days of
practice earlier in the week, but ran through signal dkills with the squad
Weisenburger's loss was announced .after X-rays had been taken of
the injury sustained in the Purdue game last week. Earlier examinations
had disclosed no break, but the in-
jury continued to give him trouble
all week.
Replacing Weisenburger will be Robbins Sees
freshman Dan Dworsky, 205 pounds
of hard-hitting line bucker who has
been used both at full and at defen-
en ue oh a ula d a ee-sive quarterback. Dworsky started at
full early in the season before Weis- Long Vacation
enburger was moved over from left
halfback to fill the need for a spin- "A great many objections" to a
ner at the position. Veterans' Organization request for
Yerges Is Quarterback extended Christmas vacation were
Otherwise, theWolverines appeared predicted by Dr. Frank E. Rob-
to be in good shape for the Home- bins, assistant to President Ruth-
coming Day fray. Team Captain Joe ven, yesterday.
Ponsetto will miss the game of course, "If the Veterans' Organization
but Howard Yerges, who has re- requests an extension, the petition
placed him in the last four games, would have to be considered at a
has shown himself capable'of han- conference of the deans,".he said.
dling the signal-calling post. The possibility of an extension of
Walt Teninga, sidelined last week the Christmas holiday to Jan. 2,
by a shoulder injury, is ready for ac- 1946, was overruled earlier this
tion at his left halfback post. He will year since it would upset a "fairly
be pressed for starting duties, how- rigid" schedule. Veterans voted
ever, by Pete Elliott, who gave a bril- Wednesday to petition the Uni-
liant exhibition in leading the Wol- versity for such an extension.
verines to a 27-13 victory over the Since the Navy V-12 program
Boilermakers, permits adjustment to the sched-
Big Ten Title at Stake ule of each institution, it would
These new developments on the in- not be an obstacle to an extension,
jury Lront will probably mean that Dr. Robbins pointed out.
MicY. an wilD enter ithe gamenapsoe

University male students may ap-1
ply now for Rhodes Scholarships or
the newly-created War Service Schol-
arships tenable at the University of
Oxford, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assis-
tant to President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, announced yesterday.
First post-war elections in the
United States will be held in Decem-
Soldier Missing
Inra Calcutta Riot


Being Restored
Trlree-Day Clash

CALCUTTA, Nov. 23-QP)-Order
was being restored gradually in Cal-
cutta tonight after three days of
rioting in which one U. S. soldier was
missing, 30 others injured and a total
of 31 persons killed.
No trace has been found of the
missing American. His name was not
British Military Police began pa-
trolling the streets. Machine guns
and steel helmets were issued to U. S.
Military Police.
The city was quiet in all sections'
for the first time since the shootings
began Wednesday.
"Free Press" Struck
From UN1NRA Bill
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 - (P) -
The widely-discussed "free press"
amendment was struck from the
$550,000,000 UNRRA fund bill today
by a Senate appropriations subcom-
mittee. The members acted unani-
The House had stipulated that
none of the fund could be spentt in
countries which refuse American re-
porters free access to news of
UNRRA activities there.

ber, 1946, and scholars-elect will en-
ter the English university in October,
1947. The Rhodes Scholarships are
available for the first time since Eng-
land entered the war.
President Ruthven has asked Dr.
Robbins to receive applications from
Universitystudents this fall and to
advise prospective candidates on
problems of eligibility and applica-
No Decision Before Spring
The committee of the University,
which will interview applicants and
select those whom it will recommend
to the state committee of selection,
has not yet been appointed. However,
the committee will probably not begin
selection until next spring at the ear-
liest, Dr. Robbins said.
To be eligible for a regular Rhodes
Scholarship, a candidate must be an
unmarried male citizen of the United
States, with at least five year's resi-
dence here; must be between the ages
of 19 and 25; and have at least juriior
standing at some recognized, degree-
granting university or college.
Requirements Listed
Candidates for War Service Schol-
arships must have completed one year
of war service, which may be civilian
work for which draft boards have
granted deferment; may be married;
must have one year of training in an
accredited college or university; and
"ust fulfill the other requirements of
a Rhodes Scholarship candidate.
The applications of candidates rec-
ommended by the University will be
considered by the state committee,
which is headed by Edgar H. Ailes, a
former Rhodes scholar and University
The state committee may nominate
two regular and two war service can-
didates, whose applications will be
submitted to the Fourth District
Committee of Selection. This group
may select not more than eight men
who will represent their states as
Rhodes Scholars at Oxford.

the Union Ballroom, a regular feature
of station CKLW in Detroit and
Windsar. - : r-.
Judging of the house displays will
take place between 10 a.m. and noon.
Trophies will be awarded to the win-
ningsorority, independent women's
residence, fraternity, and indepen-
dent men's house. Winners will be
announced during the extraordinary
halftime program at the Michigan-
Ohio State game beginning at 2
A "Cavalcade of Transportation,"
depicting the various means alumni
have used to attend Homecoming
celebrations, will be performed by the
University Marching Band under the
direction of Prof. William D. Revelli.
From Bikes to Planes
To the strains of "A Bicycle Built
for Two," the 1902 alum arrives at
the game on a bicycle, while in 1910,
he comes in "The Surrey with the
Fringe on Top." Greatly modernized,
old grads of 1919 roll up "In My
Merry Oldsmobile." Train travel
comes to the fore in 1925, with the
band playing "Casey J ones" and
"The Atchison, Topeka, and the
Sante Fe." This year, the-up-to-date
alumnus files in for the game to the
accompaniment of the Air Corns
Ohio State will be saluted with the
"Buckeye Battle Cry" and "Across
the Field" as the band forms HI
OHIO. The Michigan Block 'M' and
"Maize and Blue" will conclude the
Dance Is Final Event
"America's Amazing Man of
Music," Benny Carter, and his or-
chestra will take the bandstand at the
final gala event of the 1945 Home-
coming Weekend. Appearing between
sets, the George Rose instrumental
trio will provide continuous music
for dancers.
Saxophonist, trunmpeter, clarinet-
ist, pianist, arranger, and composer of
such popular numbers as "Back Bay
Boogie" and "Symphony in Riffs,"
Carter and his all Negro band are fa-
mous for their unique style.
Consisting of piano, guitar, and
3trinig bass, the George Rose Trio is
featured by station W WJ in Detroit,
and is a popular cocktail combina=
Tickets for the dance may be pur=
chased at the door.
Uruguay Asks Collective.
American Intervention
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 - (9) -
Uruguay has suggested that the

..Ohio State Linemen
slight underdog with a possible Wes-
tern Conference championship at
stake. The winner of today's fracas
can move into undisputed possession
of first place if Purdue upsets unde-
feated but once-tied Indiana this af-
Possible inclement weather also
added to the Wolverine woes. Yester-
day's snowfall was adequately taken
See MICHIGAN, Pg. 3"
pera Favorite
Featured by et Singe
When Jennie vrourel, Metropolitan
Opera mezzo-soprano, made her first
recital appearance in New York in
November 1943, she was acclaimed ,As
"the greatest recitalist to come up in
a decade" by New York critics.
In the two years since her Ameri-
can debut, Miss Tourel, who will ap-
pear here at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in.
Hill Auditorium, has become a favor-
ite in opera, on the radio and on the
concert stage.
Educated in France
The dark-haired, Russian-born
singer was reared and educated in
France where she made her debut at
the Opera-Comique in 1933.
Miss Croure1, who will feature
group of French and Russian songs
in her concert here, has been heard as
soloist with the New York Philhar-
monic under Arturo Toscanini, twice
with the Boston Symphony under
Serge Koussevitzky and with the NBC
Symphony under Stokowski.
Has First Papers
Until the Nazi occupation of France
in the summer of 1940, Miss Tourel
lived in Paris. She already has her
first citizenship papers, however, and

Petitions for
' Ehction
Due Wednesday
The petition filing deadline for of
fices to be filled in the Dec. 5 all-
campus election has been postponed
until Wednesday.
The deadline, originally set for to-
lay, had to be postponed because of
confusion in the election of Union
vice presidents.
Four Vice Presidents
The Men's Judiciary Council clar-
ified the Union election by announc-
ing that four Union vice presidents
would be elected to represent the
following schools: the Medical School,
the dental school, the literary college
and the combined schools (business
administration, forestry, architec.
ture, pharmacology and music.)
To give petitioners for the Union
positions adequate time, the dead-
line was set back. In its original
announcement, the Council had stat-
ed that only two Union vice presi-
dents would be elected.
Other positions to be filled in the
election are two members of the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations, senior officers of the literary
and engineering colleges and ten
members of the J-Hop dance cori-
Publication Staffs Ineligible
No member of a publication staff
is eligible to petition for the board;
only seniors may petition for the
senior offices, and only juniors may
petition for the J-Hop committee.
The J-Hop committee will be com-
posed of three representatives of the
engineering college, two from the
combined schools and five from the
literary college.
Hull, Welles Deny
Allied Commitment
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 --(P) -
Cordell Hull and Sumner Welles de-
clared today they had no knowledge
of any commitment for the United
States to go to war if Japan attacked
a British or Dutch possession.
The former secretary and under-
secretary of state were asked, at the
Senate-House Pearl Harbor Inquiry,
specifically whether President Roose-

War Prisoners Take Interest in IU.
"B" stud
Democracy has wider horizons today because of the University's Corres- sition. Ir
pondence Study Department. derivation
By supplying a standard English course to nine Italian war prisoners embarras
still in this country, the department inadvertantly has given expression to ing out i
a respect for the American way of life where it was least expected. all words
The prisoners are enrolled in English lE, a transitional composition Praise An
The mia
course between the high school and college levels, To fulfill the outlined piithijsma





Today Ohio State-Michigan foot-
ball game, 2 p. m., Michigan
Today Homecoming Dance, fea-

ents in high school compo-
n an exercise calling for the
n of words, several of them
sed their instructor by writ-
n Greek the derivations of
derived from Greek,
nerican Authors
ejority of them have become
tic readers of modern Amer-

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