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November 21, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-21

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Richardson Says Fleet
rJap Tradewith A ericas

Proximity Fuse
Research Aids
Naval Guinnery
Dennison, Elder Workt
On Operations Reports
Further evidence of the Univer-
sity's contribution to the success ofa
the war effort through scientific re-
search was revealed yesterday.
Recommendations prepared by two!
faculty members on the tactical use
of the radio proximity fuse led to the
destruction of many additionel enemy
aircraft and to the probable saving;
of some of our own ships.
Profs. Dennison, Elder7
Prof. David M. Dennison, physics'
department, assisted by Dr. John D.j
Elder, mathematics department,
headed the research group which
studied thousands of reports on naval
operations to determine the effective-
ness of the fuse in actual anti-air-
craft defense of the U. S. Navy.
The recommendations, suggesting
improvements in the tactical use of
the weapon, were issued to the gun-
nery officers of the fleet over the sig-
natures of the highest of the highest
ranking naval officers. Work was
begun in January, 1944, and contin-
ued until the end of the war.
Analyses covering months of battle
actions were necessary to get a true
picture of the combat performance of
the fuse, Prof. Dennison says, since
individuals aboard ships get too lim-
ited a view of the battle to judge the
effectiveness of anti-aircraft equip-
Formed Research Groups
Dr. Dennison formed small re-
search groups here on campus and
also in Silver Springs, a suburb of
Washington, D. C. Assisting with the
work in Ann Arbor were Dr. Theo-
dore Berlin, who received his Ph.D.
in chemistry here in 1944, and four
graduate students, Robert Pidd, Dan-
iel Long, Gordon Hansen and Davie
M. Gates. The group at Silver
Springs, in the absence of Prof. Den-
nison, was directed by Dr. Henry
Foley, who received his Ph.D. in
physics from the University in 1944.
The Navy Department is keeping
secret the actual recommendations
based on the research of the civilian
scientific tacticians.
The research followed the work of
Prof. H. R. Crane, physics depart-
ment,,in the development of the fuse,
and of both Prof. Crane and Prof.
Dennison in testing its performance.
U' Trends...
(Continued from Page 1)

Success Predicted for Venezuelan Revolt

"Because over three-quarters of
the Venezuelan people are behind
the recent revolution, including the.
majority of military men, I don't see
Third Rushing
List 0istributed
To Fraternities
A third rushing list containing 60
names was distributed to fraternity
presidents yesterday by the Inter-
fraternity Council.
The total number of students now
being rushed by fraternities has
reached 379. Men on the second rush-
ing list may be pledged after Thurs-
day and those on the third list after
Dec. 3.
Registration for rushing is contin-
uous throughout the semester. Stu-
dents may register from 3 to 5 p. in.,
Monday through Friday, in the IFC
office on the third floor of the Union.
House presidents are urged to turn
in receipts from the sale of Varsity
Night tickets before Friday. Money
will be collected Thursday and Friday
in the IFC office and to facilitate
collection, the office will be open
from 1 to 5 p. m. Friday.
Tago ay Dates
Are Aunnilneed
Funds To Be Collected
By Galens Dec. 7, 8
Galens honorary medical society
will stage its annual Tag Day Dec.
7 and 8, Marty Feferman, '46 Med,
chairman of the drive, announced
Funds collected on tag day will en-
able the University Hospital to con-
tinue its workshop for younger pa-
tients. The workshop was set up by
the Galens in 1927 to relieve the tedi-
um of young convalescents and to give
them some useful work to do.
Success of tag day will also en-
able the hospital to have its annual
Christmas party, at which every
youngster is given a present.
The goal of this year's drive has
been set at $3,000, Feferman said. In
the past two years the quota has
been oversubscribed by more than
Members of Galens and other med-
ical students will solicit contributions
on campus and in downtown Ann
Arbor. Each contributor will be pres-
ented with the Galens tag.
Feferman said that samples of the
children's handicraft will soon be on
display in campus and downtown
Gardner Heads
New Committee
Robert Gardner has been elected
chairman and Marian Swarthout sec-
retary of a student committee whic
will make plans for the setting up o
an organization for students in the
school of business administration.
Other members of the committee
which will also draw up a constitution
for the proposed organization, are
Dorothy Flint, Walter G. Kell, Dun-
can Noble, Benjamin Lockhart and
C. Parker Anderson.

how it can fail," Blanca Alvarez,1
studying at the University for a mast-,
ter's degree in Library Science, said
in an interview yesterday.
"The present, temporary govern-1
ment has promised many privileges
that the Venezuelans have never had;
before. A junta, consisting of five;
civilians and two army men is now in
the process of revising and amending
the present constitution to make it
more democratic," Miss Alvarez ex-
Free, Secret Election
Among the revisions promised, Miss
Alvarez said, are a free, secret direct
election of the preiident in April by
men and women over 18; arrange-
ments to be made to assist the illiter-
ate, who comprise 60 per cent of the
population, and splitting the civil
government from the military and
giving all power to the civil.
"Plans for the revolutions, of
which I had no inkling until it was
announced in the newspapers, had
been brewing for two years," Miss
Alvarez said. "The original instiga-
tors encouraged carefully investigated
sympathizers to sign papers includ-
ing them in the revolution. In this
way no one could betray anyone else
without running the risk of getting
into serious trouble himself."
Salaries of Ministers Lowered
Commenting on further improve-
ments made by the new government,
Miss Alvarez said that the salaries of
ministers, higher than that of the
President of the United States, have
already been lowered. In addition,
all bank accounts over $30,000 have
been confiscated until the owners can
prove that the money was made
(C(ontinued from Page 1)

through legitimate business channels
and not through the black market or
other underhand dealings.
Excess money will be turned over
to the government treasury to provide
funds for badly-needed schools, im-
provements in the communications
system, and highways and railroads.
'Will Provide New Life'
"There is integrity in this revolu-
tion, and -democratic ideas, which, if
accomplished, will provide a new life
for the Venezuelans. This will be the
first time that the left hand has been
in power in all of Latin America,"
Miss Alvarez concluded.
Miss Alvarez, on scholarship from
the United States Department of
State through the Institute of Inter-
national Education of New York, has
been studying here since November,


--- ,


Student Rate
2.67 for 8 onehs

MAJ. GEN. WALTER SHORT (left), Army commander in Hawaii at
the time of the Dec. 7, 1941, attack, and Col. Bernard Thielen (right),
of the War Department staff, a witness, confer on the fourth day of the
Congressional Pearl Harbor investigation in Washington.
Old 'Clippy's Stadium' Situated
On Corner of North U State

World War and an impressive memo-
rial service has been included in the
plans. "It will provide," Morgan re-
ported, "an opportunity for dissemi-
nation of information regarding the
tremendous war program carried on
by the University of Michigan."
Program To Be Announced
"It is expected," Morgan said, "that
there will be a tremendous amount of
interest on the part of the alumni to
return to their alma mater after sev-
eral years' absence and to help cele-
brate another milestone in the his-
tory of the University."
The full program of events, he an-
nounced, will be outlined at a later



Way bacl in the Gay Twenties,
the corner of North University and
State streets was the scene of an
unusual ."structure" dubbed Clippy's
Stadium by a witty Daily columnist.
The B and G boys (men in the
Buildings and Grounds Department)
had inexplicably set up some long
white benches around the drinking
fountain at the northwest entrance
to campus-so the story goes.
Benches Too White
Timothy Hay, 1927 Daily column-
ist, objected to the glaring white-
ness of the seats. "Must have been
painted white to match the snow,"
he suggested and he forthwith be-
gan a contest to name the semi-
circle of California redwood benches
which he referred to as the stadium
until a'more suitable title might be
chosen. (The Michigan Stadium was
in the process of construction at
that time.)
Two box seat tickets to every
sport event in the "stadium" were
offered by Hay to the winner of the
contest. Among names submitted
to the "Toasted Rolls" column were
Romeo Stadium, White Elephant and
Michigan Alumni Stadium.
Clippy Wins
The "winnah" of the contest was
Clippy himself, according to Tim-
othy Hay. Clippy was President Lit-
tle's black dog who got lost on cam-
pus while the campaign was in full
The President ran a series of ad-
vertisements in The Daily-his "shy
and undemonstrative" pup was lost.
Students searched for him and Tim-
othy Hay caught up the words "shy

and undemonstrative" as suitable
for the "unobtrusive" white benches
in their semi-circle.
Around Hamilton Fountain
The benches were specially con-
structed to complete the circular
effect of the northwest entrance to
the campus. They were grouped
about the Hamilton memorial foun-
tain, which still remains on the
Funds for the fountain were do-
nated by Francis M. Hamilton, may-
or of Ann Arbor from 1905 to 1907,
on the fiftieth anniversary of his
graduation from the University.
Present Location Unknown
The fountain, unveiled in June,
1919, consists of three basins sunk
in the top of a circular drum of
bronze surrounded by a procession
of figures in relief representing
Youth, Labor, Poetry and Philos-
And what happened to the white
California redwood benches? The
last use of them is rumored to be
as benches in the out-patient wait-
ing room at University Hospital sev-
eral years ago.

322 South State




athletics, especially intercollegiate
athletics," he stated in his thesis.
Today, Prof. Angell says, the stu-
dents do not take athletics so serious-
ly as they did in-the past. Football
had its great heyday between 1927
and 1931, in the first few years after
the new stadium was built.
Prof. Angell suggests that the
lessening of interest in football may
be due to greater compactness of
the playing group. A large propor-
tion of the players are enrolled in
the Physical Education Curriculum,
he believes, and are not distributed
as widely as formerly throughout
the various schools and depart-
ments. They thereby do not be-
come so well-known in the student
On the whole, then, the University
student has knuckled down to his job
-the job of learning-at least better
than some of his predecessors did.


"Our six barbers will give you service
and workmanship designed to your
tastes. Have you tried them lately?
. Personality Styles 0 Crew Cuts
0 Facials 9 Scalp Treatments
Between State and Michigan Theatres



WED., NOV. 21, 1945
7:30-Sleepyhead Serenade.
8:15-Meet the Band.
8:25-Women Today.
8:30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Wake Up and Live.
9:00-Music Box.
9:30-Popular Music.
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Know?
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Community Calendar.

10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Popular Vocalist.
11:15-Lean Back & Listen.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-College & Martial Airs
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Today's Band.
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45-Man on the Street.
1:00-News. '
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Organ Music (Pop.)
1:15-South American Way.
1:30-Lawrence Welk.

1:45--Music for Millions.
2 :00-News.
2:05-Bob Chester
2:15-Melody on Parade.
3:05-Social Security Board.
3:15-University of Michi-
3:30-Flashes From Life.
3:40-It Actually Happened.
3:45-Mystery Melodies.
4:15-Dear Santa.
4:30-Meet Me at Morays.
4:45-Dixie Quiz.
5:05-Music for Listening.

(Choice of One)
Chilled Tomato Juice jumbo Shrimp Cocktail

Chicken Soup a la Imperial
Hearts of Celery

Fruit Cup Supreme
Fresh Radishes


Mixed Olives

Starts Thursday

WANTED: Sewing, repairing, refit-
ting or the making up of new ma-
terial. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divi-
sion. 2nd floor front.
WANTED: Two boys without one
o'clock. are wanted to work for
lunch and dinner. Call 2-2547.
better price paid for men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E.
Washington St.
WANTED: Sorority near campus de-
sires boys to wait tables in exchange
for meals. Call 7100.

PART TIME WORK for students who
have had experience pressing. Ex-
cellent pay. Apply in person. Gold-
man Bros. Cleaners. 214 So. State
Masonic auditorium, Detroit. Sun-
day, Nov. 25. Call at League desk.
1-15 WATT AMPLIFIER. R. Moore,
441 Mich. House. W. Quad.
DIAMOND engagement ring in plati-
num setting, $400. Call 8996.

ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY with Nut Dressing and Cranberry Sauce
JUMBO FROG LEGS - Fried - Tartar Sauce
Mashed or French Fried Potatoes

Fresh Asparagus

or Fresh Peas in Butter

Fresh Vegetable Salad -- Choice of Dressing
... DESSERTS .. .

Htnf c

or Pum i.k in Pie

loft Ka" J



vapoppw- morugm-


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