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November 20, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-20

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U.S. Makes Attack Possible

Uninsky Gives Varied Performanee

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is the first in a series
on the Far East by S. D. Mehta, a native of India, who
is now attending the University. Mr. Mehta has writ-
ten for publications in Bombay.
THIS is not the first time that an undeclared
war has been fought. Undeclared war is an
oft-used Fascist strategy and tactic. What hap-
pened at Pearl Harbor? When did Japan declare
war against China? This technique, now being
used by Chiang Kai-Shek in North China, does
not differ essentially from the technique used by
Hitler. China's civil war is not a spontaneous
outbreak of hostilities; it is necessary for the
public to realize this.
The attack on the Communists was no acci-
dent. It was planned long ago. It was planned on
the day Japan surrendered. Chiang's orders con-
firm this:
"The supreme commander-in-chief today or-
ders officers and men in the various war
zones to intensify your war efforts and ac-
tively push forward without the slightest re-
laxation, according to fixed plans and or-
The second order, which was sent to Yenan,
"Units of the Eighteenth Group Army (8th
Route and New 4th Armies) are to remain at
their present posts and wait for further in-
On August 15th, another order was issued:
"Upon the cessation of hostilities, Japanese
troops are temporarily permitted to retain
their arms and equipment for the mainte-
nance of public order and communications
and must wait for military instructions from
General Ho-Ying-Chin, Chinese Military
Chief of Staff."
This is the same General Ho-Ying-Chin who
wanted conciliation with Japan. It was he who,
as Minister of War, signed the Ho-Umedzu
Agreement, opening part of North China to Jap-
anese penetration. Now, when Japan has been
militarily defeated, he wants to reconquer that
part of the country (North China) so that he
can shape it, under his rule, as he likes.
Consider what would be our reaction if Gen-
eral Eisenhower ordered German soldiers,
who had just lain down their arms against the
Americans, to maintain "public order and com-
mnunications?" This is what Chiang has done.
f1e apparently has faith in the Japanese sol-
diers whom he fought for years.
The question is now: What made Chiang at-
tack the Communists at this time? He has been
trying to "exterminate the bandits" since 1927.
He knows that he has failed. He could never
have embarked on this latest venture but for
American support.
T HIS policy of supporting Chiang against the
Reds was instituted at the time General Stil-
well was called back. He was called back be-
cause Chiang insisted on his recall. The pres-
ence of United States Marines in North China
after the defeat of Japan is the next important
linkc in the chain of intervention. At first, Gen-
eral Wedemeyer flatly denied the news that
United States Marines had supported the Na-
The second interpretation offered for public
consumption was that although we were in-
volved in the fighting, "our forces did not take
the initiative." Now we see that although the
Marines are to be withdrawn "after their mission
is completed," we are neglecting the fact, in sup-
plying American arms to Chiang, that Chiang is
no longer fighting Japan.
Proof of this supplying of American arms is
found in a United Press story of November 8th
out of Kunming:
"Millions of dollars worth of American sup-
plies originally intended for use against the
Japanese have been turned over to the gov-
ernment of Chiang Kai-Shek, Army officials
disclosed today.
"The officials said this included more than
75% of approximately 80,000 tons of Ameri-
can supplies.
"The equipment, which includes 8,000 2-

ton trucks and a large number of weapons,
carriers jeeps and spare parts, is material
originally intended to implement Lt. Gen. Al-
bert C. Wedemeyer's plan for training 39
Chinese Central Government divisions."
The situation obviously calls for an alert atti-
tude on the part of every American. Truman has
said, "We shall refuse to recognize any govern-
ment imposed upon any nation by the force of
any foreign power." We should not forget that
to the Chinese people, we are most definitely a
foreign power. Truman also stated that, "We
believe that all peoples who are prepared for
self-government should be permitted to choose
their own form of government by their own
freely expressed choice without interference
from any foreign source."
These statements constitute "fundamentals
of our foreign policy" as announced to the
American public on Navy Day, October 27th.
How is this foreign policy consistent with our
supply of arms to the Nationalist leaders in
China today?

Three Sonatas: B minor, A major,
B-flat majorm..................Scarlatti
Sonata in E-flat major, Op. 31,
No. 3.....................Beethoven
Sonata No. 7, Op. 83 ............ Prokofieff
Three Etudes: C major, Op. 1; C-sharp
minor, Op. 25; G-sharp minor,
Op. 25 ..........................Chopin
Nocturne in D-flat major.........Chopin
Wa ltz in G flat..........Chopin
Feuilles mortes..................Debussy
General Lavine-eccentric ......Debussy
Spanish Rhapsody .................. Liszt
N THE course of his program last
night Alexander Uninsky covered
a gooddeal of territory and gave con-
siderably varying accounts of himself
between the beginning and end of
the concert. The three Scarlatti so-
natas with which he opened the con-
cert were played with consummate
skill and with the singing tone that
characterizes good performances of
formalistic music.
In his performance of the Bee-
thoven sonata he captured much of
its humorous, cheerful mood, but his
inability to play a legato passage pre-
vented him from conveying all of its
ethereal beauty. On the whole his
finger action is wiry and perfectly
controlled, but predominates exces-
sively over the arm movement essen-
tial to the achievement of a smooth,
singing tone, resulting instead in a

harsh quality which makes one very
conscious of the fact that keys are
being struck.
However this apparent fault be-
comes an asset in the rapid pas-
sages which compose most of the
Prokofieff sonata. Mr. Uninsky
seemed in spiritual league with the
composed as he turned his little
melodies about against an empty,
depthless background of chords,
then as he reproduced the impov-
erished atmosphere of early second-
rate American jazz in the second
movement, and ended after an in-
conclusive passage of discordant,
elusive turmoil.
Only in the Chopin did Mr. Unin-
sky appear to be at his best, for his
mannei of striking sound from the
notes, which destroys any anticipated

legato, creates the brilliance neces-
sary in Chopin, and his light, deft
touch achieved a superb performance
of the three etudes and the waltz.
In the Chopin nocturne he created
tones as liquid and clear as the
proverbial bell though his interpre-
tation was too restrained, and undue
evenness of dynamics made for unim-
passioned playing.
The Debussy selections lacked the
high emotional pitch essential to a
good performance of this compos-
er's works, and the Liszt, too, seem-
ed to want fervor. Though Mr.
Uninsky is unquestionably a su-
perb and flawless technician he
does not have the ability to stir
his hearers deeply, and is seri-
ously wanting in tonal richness and
emotional depths.
-Paula Brower.


Atomic Policy
ONE MUST feel sorry for Mr. Truman
job of deciding what to do about the
omb is perhaps beyond the capacity
man, or even of any country. If he g
manufacturing secrets of the weapon a
if we are ever atom-bombed, his name
cupy a page of eternal disgrace in our h
we have any more history. If, contrar
keeps the bomb, and its secrets are
dently discovered elsewhere, historia
hound him for having clutched at an
and bred world distrust in doing so.
The net result is to force Mr. Tru
find ever more complicated ways of no
anything about the bomb; a process illu
by the new Truman-Attlee statement
can only be called a well-elaborated po
ment of the issue.
Our moral sense is outraged by ouro
nopoly over the bomb; for we know in o
that this makes a cockeyed world. But
portion of our moral sense rises to resc
complaining that Russia, chief prospe
cipient of bomb secrets, is notoriously a
that never gives anything away, andt
probably wouldn't tell us how to operate
light if we didn't already know.
It is out of pressures like these that o
bomb policy is being shaped, if you ca
that; and we produce such document
Truman-Attlee statement. This curiou
ment is equipped with two forward sp
two reverse gears, all operating simult
It takes off with the bold statement
nation can have a monopoly of the atom
and it then declares that we are going
our monopoly. It announces that ato
secrets can be distributed only whent
tions of the world develop the necessar
fidence;" it pledges that we and Brita
work to create such confidence; but
poses that we shall work in a spirit of
confidence, by keeping the bomb, and b
lenging the rest of the world to mak
fit to be trusted. The statement becomn
curiously for a diplomatic instrument,
laration of distrust.
YET there is demonstrable sincerity
side, for we have already publishe
official Smythe report, an astounding
intimate data on the bomb, matter w
other country would have released. I
any other nation would even have let it b
that the bomb was an atomic bomb; v
have avoided a certain amount of co
simply by not saying what it was that m
a loud noise and killed so many peopl
We are torn, between a desire to sha
desire to keep; and we blat and burble
sides of the fence. The result is that
caught in an evil drift; and what finall
out of the Truman-Attlee statement is]
it solves the problem of the atomic bo
that it perhaps makes a solution im
For the most disturbing effect of the c
que is that it actually rules out a world
ence, or a Big Three meeting at which
tions, including that the bomb, could b
the table. It sets up a schedule of year
which an Anglo-American combinatio
work one step at a time, "by separate
and these are to be years of no solution
It is perhaps wrong to ask Mr. Tru
any otler finite man, to hand down a c
answer to the bomb; but it is not w
suggest that we ought not to embroid
and call it policy. It is precisely when
men can produce such a product as th
we catch the most appalling glimpse of
ture of the world's split and the world
ing. Against this, the frank annon
that we had no solution.whatever for th
lem but were summoning a major con
to explore it would have seemed like a
ingly direct attack on the question.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. ot syndicate

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-

VOL. LVI, No. 17


indepen- at the State
ans will
illusion, Claudette Colbert and Don Ame-
che in "Guest Wife"; an RKO pro-
man to duction, directed by Sam Wood.
it doing "Guest Wife" is one of the long
strated series of marital comedies that have
which sprung from "The Awful Truth" of
stpone- several years ago. This one is about
a wife (Claudette Colbert) whose
married life is disrupted by her hus-
own mo- band's best friend. It seems the
ur hearts friend (Don Ameche) has told his
another boss of a fictional wife of his, and
ue us, by now he must produce the wife to
ctive re- keep his job.
Lcountry The husband agrees to lend his
that she wife to Ameche for the purpose of
h deluding the boss (it's really quite a
a flash- friendship). There are the usual
complications: the vigilant hotel de-
r atomic tective who has his own base thoughts
n call it about the glut of husbands coursing
s as the through Miss Colbert's suite; the
s instru- tense moment at the house party
cods and when disposition of rooms for the
neouslyd night must be made.
Miss Colbert is an excellent com-
that no edienne and along with co-star
bomb; Ameche wrests enough dregs of
to keep spontaneity from the proceedings
n bomb to make an adequate evening's en-
the na- tertainment.
y "con-
in shall . . . at the Michigan
it pro- Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cot-
lack of ten in "Love Letters"; with Ann
y chal- Richards; a Paramount picture, di-
e itself rected by William Dieterle; produc-
es, very ed by Hal B. Wallis.
a dec- I've been sitting over my trusty
qwertyuiop for a full half hour try-
ing to think of a coherent way to
on our state the tortuous convolutions of the
d, in the plot of "Love Letters." On its sim-
array of plest level, it's about the trail of mur-
vhich no der and mental derangement that
doubt if follow in the wake of some falsely
)e known authored love letters, written by a
we knould soldier at the front to an unseen lady
we could in England. But that's not the half
ntroversy of it. It takes two hours of feverish
ade such concentration to keep abreast of lat-
e. est developments in "Love Letters,"
e and a and chances are you'll end up a couple
on both of reels behind the cast at the fade-
we are out.
y comes All of which makes "Love Let-
not that ters" something of a paradox, be-
mb, but cause it is to be highly recommend-
hossible. ed on the basis of three wonderful
ossuib-e performances. Jennifer Jones and
2mmuni- Joseph Cotten, as the recipient and
3 confer- the author of the fatal letters, are
all ques- as smooth a team as you'll see in
e put on years. Their emotional scenes
s, during (especially one played by a bridge
n is to midway through the film) are in
stages;" such close rapport that they earn
the ultimate criticism of a duo-
performance-it seems like one
man, or performance.
rong to Moreover, the film presents a quite
er drift unheralded newcomer called Ann
s Richards, whose performance will set
sincere admirers of good acting excitedly con-
is, that jecturing about her future career. In
the na- a supporting role she contributes a
's drift- characterization that matches Miss
ncement Jones and Cotten all the way.
e prob- Despite the most unwieldy plot
iference put on the screen in years, "Love
refresh- Letters" offers the year's best emo-
tional performances and some stun-
ning photography to boot.

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov.
22, is a University holiday. Classes
and other University activities will be
suspended for that day only.
The General Library and all of its
branches will be closed on Thanksgiv-
ing day, Thursday, Nov. 22.
The Student Book Exchange Closes
Wednesday: Please come to Lane Hall
before that time if you want your
unsold books back. Office Hours of'
the exchange are 3:00 to 5:00 on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
Attention Undergraduate Women:
Closing Hours, Wednesday, Nov. 21,
12:30 a. m. Thursday, Nov. 22, 11:00
p. m.
Requests for late permission on
these nights cannot be granted un-
less they are submitted to the Office
of the Dean of Women before the
offices close on Wednesday.
The University Automobile Regula-
tion will be lifted for the Thanksgiv-
ing holiday from 12:00 noon on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 21 until 8:00 a. m. on
Friday, Nov. 23.
World War II Veterans, College of
Literature, Science and the Arts:
Veterans who need tutoring in the
subjects listed below should report
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors (108 Mason Hall) for assign-
ment to sections, not later than Wed-
nesday noon, Nov. 21.
Chemistry, Mathematics, French,
Physics, German, Spanish.
U. of M. Men's Glee Club Member-
ship List: Anderson, Armour, Beam,
Bender, Blair, Bricker, Bridges, Bun-
taine, Carpenter, Cortright, David,
Dreifus, Dunn, Edberg, Erickson,
Foster, Goldberg, Guilofile, Hancock,
Harkness, Harris, Henry, Honey, Hor-
witz, Isaacs, Jastram, Jones, Kelly,
Keplinger, Kulbarsh, Loessel, Lough-
rin, Lowden, McCain, McConnell, Ma-
litz, Miller, Morris,'Morrison, J., Mor-
rison, P., Nuechterlein, Person, Pet-
ach, Phebus, Pollock, Quetsch, Rabe,
Ranger, Raskin, Rebstock, Schneider,
Scott, Smith, H. E., Smith, L., Spring-
born, Steding, Suddard, Tattersall,
Tenhoor, Ure, Wenzel, Westphal, Wil-
son, Yozzo.
-David Mattern, Conductor
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who'I
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term (Nov. 21), even though
they have registered, and have at-
tendedhclasses unofficially, will for-
feit their privilege of continuing in
the College.
E. A. Walter
Blanks may be obtained for regis-
tration with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, Monday
through Friday, Nov. 19 to Nov. 23rd.'
This applies to Feb., June, and Aug.
graduates, also to graduate students
or staff members who wish to regis-
ter and who will be available for posi-
tions within the next year. The Bu-
reau has two placements divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division in-
cludes service to people seeking posi-
tions in business, industry, and pro-
fessions other than education.
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for the following
have been received in our office: Re-
ceptionist B, $132.25 to $155.25 per
month, Cashier B, $126.50 to $148.50
per month, and Engineering Drafts-
man A2 and B. 125 to $160 a month.

the Arts, School of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by December 1. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-
University lecture: Mr. T. C.
Roughley, F.R.ZS., Superintendent
and Research Officer of the New
South Wales State Fisheries, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Wonders of the
Great Barrier Reef," illustrated by
colored motion pictures, at 8:00 p.m.,
Monday, Nov. 26, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Auspices of the
Department of Zoology. The public is
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Today at
4 p. m. in Room 1564 East Medical
Building. Dr. Marshall L. Snyder will
talk on "Laboratory Experiences with
General Hospital 298."
History: Make up examination will
be given on Friday, Nov. 30 in Room
C, Haven Hall, 4:00-6:00 p. in. All
students wishing to take examinations
must apply to their respective in-
structors and receive written per-
mission to present themselves for the
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: Today at 3:00
o'clock in Room 312 West Engineer-
ing Building, Professor Rainville will
continue on Symbolic Relations
Among Classical Polynomials.
Seminar in the History of Mathe-
matics: .Wednesday, Nov. 21, 7-8 p. m.
Room 3001 Angell Hall. The Develop-
ment of Complex Numbers and Var-
iables will be discussed by P. S. Jones.
Make-Up Examination: Political
Science I and Political Science II:
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 4-6 p. in., Room
2035 Angell Hall.
Seminar on Comparative Religions
will meet tonight at 7:15 at Lane
Hall. Rev. Redman will conduct the
group which will continue discussing
Oriental Religions beginning with the
religions of India. Everyone is invited.
Events Today
Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity
is holding its first business meeting of
the semester tonight in The Michigan
Union at 7:15 p. m. All men who are
present members or were former
members of Alpha Phi Omega, and
all men who have had Boy Scout
experience and want to join this cam-
pus organization are urged to attend
this meeting. Elections for this
semester will be held at this time.
A.E.E. The first meeting of the
fall term of the Michigan Student
Branch of the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers will be held to-
night at 7:30 p. in., in the Michigan
Union. Mr. George Chute of General
Electric will speak on "Recent Trends
in Industrial Electronics." All stu-
dents of electrical engineering and all
others interested are invited.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
first meeting of the year tonight, at
8:00 p. . in theAssembly Room of
the Rackham Building.
Professor Arthur Hackett of the
School of Music will sing French
songs and Professor Charles Koella,
Director of the club, will give a short
informal talk on "La France et la
Paix Mondiale."
Election of the Bureau. Group sing-

in social hour. All students on the

Formula for South
"MR. PRESIDENT, we urge you as our Com-
mander-in-chief to send General MacArthur
into the South and instruct him to put into ef-
fect that fine program which he has outlined for
the Japanese people."
This unique suggestion was submitted to
President Truman by James F. Barrett, well
known Southern labor leader and executive sec-
retary of the Southern Labor Press Association.
Barrett pointed out that better public schools,
suppression of monopolies, and wider distribu-
tion of income, reforms now being instituted in
Japan, are sadly lacking in our own Southland.
Citing the numerous industrial establish-
ments where management joins hands with
law enforcement officers and vigilante com-
mittees in opposing the organizing of work-
ers and is proficient in the use of armed thugs
against union leaders, Barrett succeeds in con-
vincing us that some of the energy expended
in democratizing the land of the Cherry Blos-
soms could well be diverted to its American
counterpart in the land of the magnolia blos-
-Annette Shenker
If our deer is in the hands No explainum
r -..t- -. -... -N-,-ex-- -- rmi

By Crockett Johnson
Our truck just got in from market
,ih;. ikm, rs. B AArc R r A hit

Don't quibbleHoward. The Baxters are sure
rl ,r .,nn. :n e anr 1, vAnd 2,'r


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