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November 20, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-20

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VOL. LVI, No. 17


U ________

Ask De Gaulle
To Remain
Guns, Excitement
Go With Request
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 19-France's Constit-
uent Assembly, in an atmosphere
bristling with guns and taut with
excitement, asked Gen. De (aulle t-
day to continue as interim president
but under conditions which seemed
to have left the government crisis
no nearer a solution.
With armored cars standing guard
outside the chamber and pro-De
Gaulle demonstrators s u r g i n g
through the streets, the Assembly re-
jected the general's resignation by a
vote of 400 to 163 and asked him to
continue his efforts to form a coal-
ition, government.
Accepts Mandate
De Gaulle, who was not present in
the packed chamber during the pro-
ceedings, accepted the new mandate
when ad elegation, headed by As-
sembly President Felix Gouin, in-
formed him officially of the action.
Gouin's office announced that the
general would confer tomorrow
morning with representatives of the
three major parties-Communist, So-
cialist and Popular Republican move-
Communists Oppose
The Communists, whose demands
for specific cabinet posts precipitated
the crisis, voted solidly against the
renewal of De Gaulle mandate. They
abstained from voting on a motion
specifying that De Gaulle give equal
representation in the government to
the three big parties. The motion
passed, 358 to 39.
Communist Jacques Dulcos accused
De Gaulle of trying to form a gov-
ernment of "reactionaries" and de-
clared the price of Communist par-
ticipation in the government was one
of three cabinet posts-Interior, War
or Foreign Affairs.
Bike Riders
a Have To
ay Higher Fee'
Enforcement Cost
Necessitates Measure
Approving the motion of Alderman
Arthur D. Moore, the Ann Arbor
Common Council voted last night at
a meeting at the City Hall to refer
to the traffic committee an investi-
gation on the possibility of raising
the bicycle license fee to 50 cents and
increasing the enforcement of the
licensing ordinance. /
Prof. Moore, who is a member of
the engineering school faculty, esti-
mated that the 3,500 bicycles now
licensed represent only between one-
third and one-half of the total of
the city. He further pointed out that
the present fee of 25 cents does not
provide sufficient funds for proper
enforcement of the ruling.
The approved motion requires that
a report on the investigation be sub-
mitted before May 1, 1946, when the
present license expires.
Traffic Problem Gets Attention
The Common Council also voted
an investigation of the need for bet-
ter traffic regulation at the corner of
South State and South University,
in front of the Union, from five min-
utes to five minutes after the hour
during the day. Prof. Moore, who
proposed the investigation, said that

he thinks the present blinker inade-
quate since cars do not slow down
when approaching the intersection.
Light May Be Set Up
He considered it very fortunate
that accidents have not occurred re-
cently at the corner. His suggestion
for correction of the inadequacy is
that a clocked red-green light, regu-
lated to run during the critical hours,
be set up there.
President C. 0. Creal named Alder-
men Julian Frederick, F. M. Reed,
Jr., S. W. Smith and Ben E.Pry er
to constitute a committee on juve-
nile problems.
Fire Causes
Small Damage
A small roof fire, causing only lo-
cal damage, occurred at 7:40 last
night in a two story house at Hill
and Brown Streets.
Three of the city's fire engines
ra.nnd ri o+he fih'ei hrinainrrit iunder





An estimated 220 part time jobs
are now available to University stu-
dents, a Daily survey revealed yes-
Chief item is a total of 100 job
openings in the Union cafeteria and
dining room. According to Franklin
Kuenzel, manager, students without
11 or 1 o'clock classes, who will be
able to work during the noon hour,
are especially needed. Applicants
should expect to work Saturday and
Sunday as well as during the week,
he said, explaining that 'students
have to eat every day.'
Second largest call for help is
from student residence halls. F. C.
Shiel, business manager, reports
that 35 positions for men'and wom-
en, chiefly board and room pobs,
are still available. Positions are for
dining room and kitchen work, and
noon hour workers are needed.
At the Student Employment Bu-
reau, Miss Elizabeth Smith has re-

ceived calls for approximately 25 men
for part time yard and garden work.
Also on file at the Bureau are 20 din-
ing room and kitcnen jons at which
students may earn board.
Assistant Dean Mary Bromage re-
ports an estimate of 25 women need-
ed for housework and child care.
"There are fewer jobs available since
the end of the war, and students are
the first to suffer," she explained.
Many jobs, she said, have already
been filled in laboratory and sales
At University Hospital there are
about 10 openings in diet kitchens
and nurses' work, Robert Greve, as-
sistant director, estimated. Work-
ers during the evenings are espe-
cially needed.
The League offers vacancies for five
men to serve in the dining room, ac-
cording to Miss Lettie Belle Lange,


Goldstein Denies Q'uotes,
Accuses Logan of Fraud

Vigorously denying that he had
ever made any of the remarks at-
tributed to him in an article in the
Daily Saturday, William S. Gold-
stein, A/S V-12, general manager of
the new Gargoyle, yesterday charged
freshman reporter P. Logan with "at-
tempt to defame a first-class char-
acter with fraudulent misquotations
and vicious slander."
"I have never," he said in a state-
ment issued to all high school and
trade newspapers in Michigan, "been
so grossly insulted in my brief but
brilliant career as a humorist, sav-
ant, and general connoisseur of the

arts. That such material should be
allowed in what is the finest college
newspaper in Ann Arbor is indeed a
disgrace to any University that I
happen to attend," he pointed out.
Goldstein alleged that the article
was indecent in character and tended
to minimize his chances of becoming
a squad leader at morning forma-
tions. "You might also mention," he
added, "that the Garg, resplendent
in a new face, designed yesterday by
a hectic art staff, will appear on cam-
pus about Dec. 15."
"Logan," he went on to say, "not
only held me up to ridicule, but also
gave the impression that I was the
only important faan on the Gargoyle
staff. While this in the main is true,
it should be remembered that occa-
sionally we will ask one or two others
to write something, say a precis of
some of my own lengthier works."
For the first issue, however, all
bars are down-the Gargoyle wants
as many humorous articles as it can
get. All such material should be
turned in not later than tomorrow to
the Garg office in the Student Publi-
cations Bldg.
160 naval Med,
Dent Students
To Be Released
One hundred sixty students in the
Navy's medical and dental program
at the University will be released to
inactive duty upon the completion
of the current semester, Lieut. Paul
G. Fisch, liaison officer, announced
The release will be conditioned by
the stipulation that students con-
tinue and complete their studies in
civilian status, he said.
Term endings for the various clas-
ses in both Medical and Dental school
are different: Forty-two Medical
school freshmen will be released Mar.
9, 1946; 45 sophomores, Dec. 1, 1945;
55 juniors, Feb. 16, 1946, and one
senior, Joel Clay, who, because of ill-
ness ,was unable to graduate with the
last class, will graduate Mar. 9, 1946.
All classes in Dental school will
close Feb. 23, 1946. Twenty-eight stu-
dents comprise this group which con-
sists of six freshmen, 11 sophomores
and 11 juniors.
Both programs were initiated here
by the Navy July 1, 1943.

Health hisurance
System Proposed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-President
Truman proposed to Congress today a
compulsory "health insurance" sys-
tem for "all persons who work for a
He suggested that the premiums be
calculated on the first $3,600 of a
person's yearly earnings.
4 Per Cent of Earnings Needed
An amount equal to 4 per cent of
these earnings would be needed to
carry out the program, he said. How-
ever, he left up to Congress the ques-
tion how much of this sum. should
come from premiums and how much
from the Treasury's general revenues.
This is one of five points in a
health program the President outlin-
ed in a message urging careful con-
sideration now. The others:
1. Federal financial aid to states
and localities for enlarging, modern-
izing and building new hospitals and
other health facilities.
2. "More generous grants to the
states" for public health services and
maternal and child care,
The sum of $20,000,000 yearly is
now authorized for such purposes.
Suggests Federal Grants
3. Federal grants to public and to
non-profit private institutions to pro-
mote medical education and research.
4. Payment of genefits "to replace
at least part of the earnings that are
lost during theperiod of sickness and
long-term disability."Through ex-
pansion of the present Social Secur-
ity system.
Senator Wager (D.-NY.), with
the co-sponsorship of Senator Murray
(D.-Mont.), immediately introdued
a Senate bill designed to carry out the
program. The measure does not pro-
vide any particular method for
financing the health insurance plan,
however. Wagner said that "if the
Congress thinks that it is sound," a
method could be worked out jointly
by Senate and House committees.
French Trend
Explained yB
Noted Pianist
Commenting on the present de-
plorable condition of France, Alexan-
der Uninsky, Russian-born pianist,
pointed out that the devastation
wrought by the Nazis in the spring
of 1940 has been a major factor in
the swing to socialism.
Uninsky, who lived in Paris for
nearly twenty years while touring
the Continent and the Far East, join-
ed the French Army on his return to
the French capital in the spring of
1939. His friend and relatives in
France are leading a bare existence,
relieved only by canned foods and
goods they receive from America, the
young artist said.
Gen. de Gaulle's apparent coup,
the ex-French soldier said, was to be
expected. "He was just a great strat-
egist before the French collapse, later
he became a symbol of hope to the
people. Frenchmen have had a cer-
tain fear of generals in the govern-
ment, however, since the days of
Napoleon, and de Gaulle is not an-
other Clemenceau," he noted.
Enthusiastic about his first Ann

Arbor performance, the widely-trav-
eled musician recalled the pre-war
days when his friend Prokofieff was
giving concerts in the French cap-
ital. Written in the spring of 1942,
the "Sonata No. 7, Op. 83" performed
on last night's concert, is "a little
difficult to understand at first," Unin-
sky commented, "however the audi-
ence was excellent."

KVi dsav or
To Church
"The comic strip has taken the
place of Sunday school and church
for many children of this genera-
tion," Prof. C. D. Thorpe of the
Department of English has com-
mented to one of his classes.
"Superman and Kerry Drake are
always on the right side. Virtually
all the heroes are exemplary in mor-
als and are champions of good
causes," he pointed out. "Comics can
thus make children respect what is'
right and know what is wrong."
"In spite of this, ordinarily the
representation of moral issues in
the comic strip lacks finesse. Every-
thing is all black or all white;
everyone is either a villain or a
hero. And this, of course is not
conducive to a view of life as it is,"
Prof. Thorpe continued.
"Moreover, the continual reading
of comics leads to inevitable shallow-
ness in esthetic experience, There is
little substance in the majority of
them." He added, "Barnaby Rudge
has more substance than most."
Comic, strips can too easily become
substitutes for books, Prof. Thorpe
Campus Officer
e ito e
Petition Due
Election of Students
Scheduled for Dec. 5
Petitions nominating candidates
for campus offices must be submitted
to the student officers of the Union
by the Saturday deadline, Charles
Walton, Men's Judiciary Council
president, said yesterday, urging
prospective nominees to avoid the
penalty which disqualifies late peti-
The Dec. 5 all-campus election will
elect the following campus officers:
two Union vice-presidents, senior of-
ficers of the literary college and the
engineering college, ten members of
the J-Hop Dance committee and two
student members of the 'Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Petition forms can be obtained in
the Student Offices of the Union.
Senior officers of the literary col-
lege are responsible for the admini-
stration of class activities.' Class dues
are collected and handled by the of-
ficers. Cap and gown distribution
as well as direction of the Senior Ball
are other student officer activities.
After graduation, senior officers con-
tinue to represent their class as alum-
ni representatives, and since the dut-
ies of the officers are few, the offices
are to be conseiered honorary in na-
IFC Directory
Two Copies Is Limit
For Each Fraternity
An Interfraternity Council Direc-
tory is now ready for distribution to
fraternity presidents and can be ob-
tained any day this week at the IFC
The directories are a guide to cam-
pus fraternities and will be distribu-
ted as rushing material to incoming
freshmen next semester. Each fra-
ternity can obtain two copies of the

Tryouts for Interfraternity Coun-
cil will meet at 4 p. m. today in the
IFC office. Work for the semester
will be outlined.
Money obtained from the sale of
Varsity Night tickets to fraternity
members should be turned in at the
IFC office either Thursday or Fri-
day. To facilitate collection, the IFC
office will be open from 1 to 5 p. m.

The survey also found a decided
decline in the general quality of
rooms and apartments regardless of
the rental price. The demand for
rooms this summer and fall caused
landlords to convert rooms never
before used into high-priced rooms
to meet the demands of the incom-
ing veterans.
"The cost of food in Ann Arbor is
higher than other cities in the area"
Akers claimed. This item was includ-
ed in the survey conducted by V. 0.
"Even the Union and League cafe-
terias, supposedly 'non-profit' organ-
ization, are operating at a decided
profit at the expense of the veteran
and student" Akers added.
As a result of .findings the commit-
tee concluded that the costs of food
at the Union and League could be
reduced 20 per cent and still operate
at a profit.
The Veterans' Organization is
now trying to organize a non-profit
or cooperative eating place. All
veterans interested in such a place
are urged to come to a meeting of
the V. 0. 7:30 p. m. tomorrow in
the Union to sign up.
All veterans who believe their rents
to be in excess are urged to submit
specific complaints to the V. 0. Hous-
ing Committee who will investigate.
A list will be compiled of high rental
establishments and the V. 0. will not
recommend them to any veteran com-
ing on campus.
"Prices in- Ann Arbor -are 'geared'
for war workers, not fur vettans and
the Veterans' Organization aims to
try to lower these prices, To do this
we need the full support of all vet-
erans on campus," akers concluded.

Akers Airs Protest

Cost ofRet. 'o
Says Local Living Expenses Greater
Than in Comparable Cities in This Area
"At a time when veterans are trying to economize, rental and living
costs in Ann Arbor are higher than those of any Michigan city of comparable
size in the Detroit area," William Akers, president of the Veterans' Organ-
ization and a member of the V. O. Housing Committee said following a
V. O. sponsored housing survey.
The survey resulted from complaints of many veterans on campus
against the high cost of rooms and food.
The Committee found that rooms formerly occupied by war workers
earning $100 a week are now housing veterans having an income of $75 a
month and paying the same rent. 1

AC: y's


Sen.atos Ask.
To See File
Ferguson Claims Navy
Knew of Enemy Spies
A demand for the State Departs
ment's file on the case of Tyler Kent,
employe of the American Embassy in
London who was convicted of violat-
ing the British Official Secrets Act,
was made yesterday by Senators Fer-
guson (R.-Mich.) and Brewster (R.-
Me.) yesterday, according to the As-
sociated Press.
Ferguson also told the Pearl Har-
bor Investigation Committee that he
was able to prove that therNavy knew
the day before Pearl Harbor that a
spy had arranged for visual signals
from Hawaii to Japanese vessels lurk-
ing off the coast.
* * *
WAShINGTON, Nov. 19-(1P),--
Admiral James 0. Richardson, Spe-
cial Assistant to the Secretary of
the Navy and Commander-in-Chief
of the Fleet in October, 1940, told a
Senate-House Pearl Harbor investi-
gating committee today that he had
strongly advised President Roose-
velt to remove the fleet from Pearl
Harbor to the West Coast at that
Richardson informed the commit-
tee that the late president took the
position that the presence of the
fleet at the Hawaiian base served as
a curb to the Japanese.

See col 1o1 ics rofessors
Retrn rom ar'ie ervice

. ,. .to address JAGS
* * *
Gen. ,Cramer
Will Address
JAG Graduates
Maj. General Myron C. Cramer,
the Judge Advocate General of the
Army, will address and present certi-
ficates to 109 officers and candidates
of the Judge Advocate General's
School at 10:15 a. m. today in Hutch-
ins Hall.
Eighteenth Graduation
This will be the eighteenth gradua-
tion which General Cramer has at-
tended since the site of the school
was transferred here from Washing-
ton in September, 1942. Colonel Reg-
inald Miller, commandant of the
school, will introduce General Cram-
er. E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the
Law School, will also address the
graduating 14th and 25th Officer
Classes. Thirty-six second lieuten-
ants who were commissioned yester-
day compose the former group, and 73
officers are in the latter class.
General Cramer, who will retire
from duty Nov. 30, will be honored
at a banquet tonight. Other guests
will include Dean Stason and Dr.
Alexander Ruthven, president of the
University. Captain Charles Moore
will be toastmaster and community
singing will be lead by Captain Mor-
ton Bernard. The officer candidate
committee arranging the banquet has
written a drama entitled "Please

Professcrs Robert S. Ford, William
Haber, and C. F. Remer of the econ-
omics department, have returned
from wartime government service;
and resumed teaching positions at
the University,
Prof. Ford, who is director of the
University Bureau of Government,
has returned from three years in
Lansing where he worked as special
assistant to the governor and direc-
tor of the department of business
Ford Worked on Central Services
During this time Prof. Ford worked
on a program for improvement and
development of central office services,
such as license-issuing units, central
mail and passenger service, and cen-
tral duplicating machines.
He also made a survey on the pos-
sibilities of state government reo -
ganization, and worked on plans for
consolidating the oneh undred dif-
ferent departments of state govern-
Directed Labor Relations
Prof. William Haber has held the
position of Director of Manpower and
labor relations for the Office of War
City PlaitsNe
Air Terminal
To provide the best possible air -
ort for the city as well as f acilitres
for the use of the University, the two
groups have been cooperating 100 per
cent in planning a new Ann Arbor
Airport, Mayor W, F. Brown an-
nounced yesterday.
Stating that "we welcome this op-
portunity to encourage the Univer-
sity in working with the city," the
Mayor said that the first of a series
of informal meetings to discuss the'
airport has already been held. Rep-
resentatives of the College of Engi-
neering, the aeronautical and me-

Mobilization and 'Reconversion dur-
ing the last four years.
In this capacity, Prof. Haber co-
rdinated the activities of the War
Manpower Commission, Selective Ser-
vice, and other manpower agencies
which were concerned with mobil-
izing manpower for war production.
Prof. C. F. Remer has spent four
years working for the Office of Stra-
tegic Services and the State Depart-
Worked for Strategic Services
Prof. Remer was chief of the re-
search and analysis branch of the
Far Eastern Division of ;the Office'
of Strategic Services for two years.,
He was also adviser on Far Eastern
Investment and Finance in the State
Department for two years. In this
S gma ho Tau
To eetToa
A "howdy contest" and a "ten top-
per feature" will highlight the open
meeting being held by Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speech fraternity,
at 7:30 p. in. today in the Union.
Among the other attractions at
the meeting, which is open to all
newcomers, returned veterans and
former students, are talks by Prof.
A. D. Moore of the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Head Mentor
in the College of Engineering, by
other members of the' faculty and by
students. These will be, followed by
music and refreshments.
Woiiien Appointed
T1o Fill Vacancies
Appointments have been made far
the positions of senior member of
Judiciary Council, chairman of Merit-
Tutorial Committee, assistant direct-
or, costume chairman and assistant

'U' Band Promises Gala Homecomninmg

Appearing at the Pep Rally, Var-
sity Night, and the Michigan-Ohio
State game, the University March-
ing Band and the University Con-
cert Band will be in the spotlight
during the entire Homecoming
Weekend, Friday and Saturday.
Ticket sales for Varsity Night
anA the IHomDnm inz Df~ i ap'uill

steps to Ferry Field at 7 p. m. Friday!
for the huge Pep Rally and bonfire,
headed by drum majors Doug Clark
and John Packer.
Following the rally, the band will
march to Hill Auditorium where the
Concert Band will take the stage at
8:15. Varsity Night is an annual
event sponsored by the University
Bands to obtain funds to send them

Whitey Benson, drummer with Bill
Layton's campus band, will be fea-
tured in a legitimate swing number,
"Swingin' the Ingots.' '
Halftime at the game Saturday
will see the University Marching
Band performing an intricate for-
mation depicting a Cavalcade of
Transportation, showing the various
means alumni have used to come to




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