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November 15, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-15

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omub Secret Disciosure

Daily To Publish
Special Edition . $.
SOIC Members To Sell Newspapers;
Proceeds Will Aid Foreign University
In observance of International Students Day a special issue of The
Daily will be published Saturday.
Members of the Student Organization for International Cooperation
will sell the issue, the proceeds to go toward sending aid to a foreign uni-
Students Day will be celebrated by youth of all democratic nations ...s:.<, }:

in memory of those killed by the Naz

Awards Benefit
Social Science
Researh Study
Field Work Planned
For Stipend Workers
Fellowships up to $2,500 for direct
research in the social sciences are
available to advanced students in the
field, the Social Science Research
Council has announced.
Purpose of the fellowship is to pro-
vide direct contact with the raw ma-
terials of soial science as a supple-
ment to formal academic training.
They include post-Doctorate and pre-
Doctorate research, grants-in-aid,
and demobilization awards.
Fieldscov ered are economics; so-
cial, economic and political history;
political science; social psychology;
sociology; cultural anthropology; sta-
tistics; and social aspects of related
The demobilization awards, of-
fered for the first time in 1944, are
planned to help research workers,
whose careers have been disrupted by
the war, in resuming their profes-
sional work.
Qualifications f6r the four groups
of fellowships, as listed by the Re-
search Council:
Pre-Doctoral Field: Applicants
must be citizens of the United States
or Canada, and 30 years of age or un-
der on July 1, 1946. They must have
completed courses and examinations
preliminary to' the doctoral thesis at
this time.
Awards are aimed at emphasizing
the opportunities for obtaining real-
istic bases in the student's field of
research, not at finishing the theses.
Successful candidates will be as-
sisted in selecting a location for field
The basic stipend is $1,800 for a pe-
riod of twelve months.
When requesting application
See AWARDS, Page 6
Student Town
Hall To Discuss
Atomic Bomb
"The Atomic Bomb and Its Effect
on Our Way of Life" will be the topic
under discussion at the Student Town
Hall meeting at 7:30 p. m. today in
Lane Hall.
The forum will be led by Dave Tey-
ner, who worked on part of the atomic
bomb in Tennessee and at Chicago,
and Wayne Saari. An open discus-
sion will be held after the formal
meeting is concluded.
The Fellowship of Song under the
direction of Jesn Rolfe will be held
at 4:30 p. m. today for any students
interested in an hour of fun with old
and new folksongs..
During the course of these get-to-
gethers various students from other
lands will teach songs typical of their
countries to the group.
Tomorrow, under the chairmanship
of Dr. James P. Adams, the Colo-
quim on Religion in Higher Educa-
tion will have its first meeting at
4:15 p. m. in Lane Hall.
The Colloquim will concern itself
with the basic question of religion in
higher education, especially as related
to state universities. The specific
problem at this university will be dis-
Dance To Feature
Navy Swing Band
Music of the campus Navy swing
hand with vncals hv senman Paul

zis Nov. 17, 1939 at Charles Univer-
sity, Prague. This year the world
Student Conference will convene on
that day at Charles University to
form a new International of Stu-
SOIC, a group comprised of repre-
sentatives from 20 campus organiza-
tions, will work in collaboration with
the World Student Service Fund to
raise funds for a specific university.
The institution will be chosen at the
campus election Dec. 5.
Anyone interested in selling the
Dailies should contact Manny Rose
today at 2-2218.
Meanwhile, the ten-day World
Youth Conference adjourned in
London Tuesday after framing a
blanket program to insure youth
security in a democratic world.
The conference, comprising 464
delegates from 63 nations, approved
the constitution for another new
youth organization to be known as
the World Federation for Democratic
Delegates agreed almost unani-
mously on main principles and pur-
poses. As stated in the constitution,
chief aims are to:
Strive for close international
understanding and cooperation of
youth in economic,- political, edu-
cational and social activity, in or-
der to make a maximum contribu-
tion toward eliminating fascism in"
all its forms and to raise the stand-
ard of living for the young genera-
Fight race, religious or sex discrim-
ination. Insure freedom of press, reli-
gion, assembly, demonstration and
assist the foundation of democratic
youth organizations where they do
not exist.
Work for good conditions of edu-
cation, labor and leisure and for
the development of cultural, edu-
cational and sports activities among
all youth.
The WFDY will set up perma-
nent headquarters in Paris.
Several of the delegates will also
attend the World Student Conference
at Prague.

PRIME MINISTER ATTLEE ADDRESSES CONGRESS-British Prime Minister Clement Attlee (at rostrum,
center) addresses a joint session of the U. S. Congress at the capital, pleading for harmony among all nations
for security in the atomic age. Behind him are Senate President Pro Tem Kenneth McKellar (D.-Penn.)
(left) and House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D.-Tex.)

Whitsiott Unanimously Elected
New President at I A Meeting

~u'-To Welcome
New Students
The 17th annual Principal-Fresh-
man conference will be opened offi-
cially at noon today with a Univer-
sity sponsored luncheon at the Michi-
gan League.
Dr.Alexander G. Ruthven will
give the welcoming address to more
than 700 freshmen and 100 graduates
of junior colleges now attending
school here, and their former teach-
ers, principals and junior college
deans. Representatives of eight out-
of-state high schools - four from
Ohio, two from Illinois, and two from
Indiana-are expected to be among
those attending.
The University sponsors the con-
ference, which has not been held
here since 1942 on account of war-
time traveling curtailments ,in order
to give freshmen and their high
school principals an opportunity to
confer on their college work. The
registrar's office is in charge of ar-

Terrell Whitsitt was unanimously
elected president of the Inter-Racial
Association at an organizational
meeting yesterday-
According to the newly elected
president, "The Inter-Racial Associa-
tion has a very definite program to
fight racial discrimination. We are
particularly concerned with manifes-
tations of racial prejudice on the
campus and in the city of Ann Ar-
Herbert Otto, advocating militant
action, also outlined suggestions as
outgoing president to combat "the
tendency of the organization to too
much talking and too little action."
He advocated militant action includ-
SallLucas Jean
To Speak 'On
Polio Cases
Sally Lucas Jean, Educational Di-
rector of the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, will address Pub-
lic Health students at 3:15 p. m. to-
day in the Auditorium of the School
of Public Health.
Miss Jean is attached to the na-
tional headquarters of the organiza-
tion in New York and has long been
connected with public health work.
She has been lecturing across the na-
tion bringing to public attention the
newest facts discovered about the di-
sease, and the latest work of The
March of Dimes, which is sponsored
by the Foundation.
The University has a grant from
the National Foundation for carry-
ing on research work on transmission
of infantile paralysis. This labora-
tory work is conducted under the di-
rection of Dr. Thomas Francis.
Identification Pictures
Students who have not yet had
their identification pictures taken,
may do so in Rm. 7, Angell Hall to-
day, tomorrow or Saturday morning.
It is requested that students bring
their registration receipts with them.

ing picketing and prosecution of
cases; extensive use of pamphlets,
letters and movies in campaigns;
utilization of meetings with people
to overcome "too much talk of equal-
ity on a social level while members of
both races are afraid to mix;" meet-
ings with church groups, concrete
lectures on local problems, and some
lectures of the information and in-
terest arousing type.
Other officers chosen were Sheldon
Se les n ic k, vice-president; Jeppy
Madison, secretary-treasurer; Vic-
toria Cordice and Mickey Spencer,
co-social chairmen; William J. Hol-
laway, education; Rona Eskin, pub-
licity; and Herbert Otto, Mrs. Mary
Jean Arvidson, and Norma Lyons,
delegates at large to the executive
"All those interested in combating
discrimination through IRA," Whit-
sitt says, "are invited to attend
A4VC Elections
The election of a temporary chair-
man and three other officers will
highlight the agenda drawn up for
the American Veterans Committee
(AVC) meeting to be held at 7:30
p.m. today at Room 305 Union.
All veterans and men in uniform
are urged by Dr. Sidney Norwick,
chairman of the steering committee,
to participate in the election of tem-
porary officers. In addition to a
chairman, other offices to be filled
are those of vice-chairman in charge
of public relations, corresponding
secretary and secretary-treasurer.
Campus housing for veterans, a
full summer semester for veterans,
and a boarding co-operative for vet-
erans are campus problems to be dis-
cussed at tonight's meeting. Racial
and religious discrimination in local
service enterprises and problems of
a national scale, fill employment, the
atomic bomb and the establishment
of a permanent FEPC are also on the
temporary agenda.

Patterson Asks
Nine-Man Atom
Control Board
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-The War
Department called today for quick
creation of domestic controls over
atomic energy, as American, British
and Canadian leaders neared the end
of their conference on international
Secretary of War Patterson told a
news conference that domestic leg-
islation should be adopted promptly
to clear the way for international
The War Department's idea of leg-
islation, he said, contemplates that
a nine-man commission would con-
trol all atomic energy activities, in-
cluding the construction of atomic
President Truman, Prime Minister
Attlee of Britain and Prime Minister
Mackenzie King of Canada met again
at the White House. Allied diplo-
mats speculated that if the leaders
agree on any plan for control of
atomic force through the United Na-
tions, the plan would be immediately
communicated to Generalissimo Sta-
lin of Russia, and possibly to leaders
of France and China as well. Those
countries, with Britain and the Unit-
ed States, would have primary re-
sponsibility for carrying it out as
permanent members of the United
Nations Security Council.
Union Policy
To Help Allay
Dance Crowds

Department Heads Send
Letter To Vandenberg
Two-Point Program Requests United
Nations Armaments Control Board
In a letter to Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg, eight University department
heads urge that the atomic bomb secret be turned over to a greatly
strengthened United Nations Organization, it was learned last night.
The letter, mailed to the Michigan senator Oct. 27, advocates a United
Nations armaments commission to safeguard a pool of international military
Signers of the document were Prof. Robert Angell, sociology; Prof.
Ernest F. Barker, physics; Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle, chemistry; Prof.
Walter F .Hunt, mineralogy; Prof. Kenneth C. McMurray, geography;
Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt, math-
ematics; Prof. Everett S. Brown, poli-
tical science; and Prof. John F. Shep- Eirht Petitions
ard, psychology.
Secrecy on our part in respect to ail-'or 171'
the bomb can only incite the hostility
of other nations, the faculty mem-
bers stated. They cite the fact that Officer Electio
others are already well on the way to
possession of the secret.
The professors propose a United Fraternity Presidents
Nations Organization under which To Make Final Choice
there will be an "international
pooling of military knowledge and a Eight candidates have filed peti-
system of periodic inspections of tions for the offices of president and
armament production in all coun- secretary of the Interfraternity Coun-
tries." This alone, they feel, will cil and final selection of officers will
provide a sound basis for mutual be made by fraternity presidents in a
trust and world peace, meeting at 7:30 p. m. today in the
The professors strongly believe that Union.
this is a most opportune time for the Candidates are Richard Hurd, Phi
United States to "assert forceful lead- Delta Theta; Frank Hauserman, Beta
ership toward this stronger world Theta Pi; William Crick, Phi Kappa
agency." A heightened spirit of co- Psi; Fred Matthaei, Delta Kappa Ep-
operation among all nations partici- silon; Douglas James, Alpha Tau
pating in the world federation and a Omega; Borge Orberg, Sigma Alpha
suitable argument for an armaments Epsilon; Harold Fletcher, Beta Theta
commission will be found only if the Pi and John Sweeney, Sigma Phi Ep-
United States shows a willingness to silon.
part with the secrets of the atomic List To Be Narrowed
bomb, the professors conclude. The executive committee of the IFC
Following is the text of the letter: will meet at 4 p. m. today in the office
"We, the undersigned, wish respect- of the Dean of Students to narrow
fully to communicate to you our opin- the list of candidates to three for the
ions concerning two closely related two positions. All candidates must
matters: atomic energy and world appear at this meeting.
organization. From the list of three candidates,
"It is our conviction that it is to the house presidents will choose a
the interest of the United States president by majority vote. The sec-
and other nations alike that the retary will then be elected on a sepa-
remaining secrets of the atomic rate ballot from the remaining two
bomb be divulged to the world in candidates. Those elected will hold
the near future. Any advantage office for two semesters.
that we might obtain by refusing Ask War Chest Donation
full disclosure will be at best tem- At the meeting of house presidents,
porary, since other nations are well each fraternity will be solicited for a
on the way to the discovery them- ~ donation to the Community War
selves. Moreover, a secretive course Chest. House presidents were urged
on our part will generate suspicion to determine their fraternity con-
and hostility toward us among na- tribution before the meeting.
tions hitherto friendly and will tend Homecoming participation by fra-
to stimulate them to counter- ternities will be further clarified at
measures. International ties are tonight's meeting.
strained to the breaking point now. Rushing procedures and pledging
To add a new source of distrust and rules will also be discussed. Two rush-
thus initiate an armaments race ing lists have been distributed to fra-
would be a catastrophe. ternities with 313 students being
"We firmly believe that every effort rushed. Those on the first list may
should be made immediately to be pledged after Nov. 21 and those on
strengthen the United Nations Or- the second list after Nov. 22.
ganization. It is to give the world. Arthur urged all affiliated veterans
the peace that all nations so ardently to contact their fraternities as soon
desire that it must come to inspire as possible. Contact can be made
loyalty as well as to command force. directly to the fraternity or through
Nothing could more certainly develop the IFC.
trust in the UNO among the peoples
of the world than for them to witness
the early effectuation, under, its au- Chinese Reds
spices, of an international pooling of
military knowledge and a system of T r w B a
periodic inspections of armament pro- i iirOW n
duction in all countries. A strength-
ened United Nations OrganizationIn Savage 1' ht
could and should undertake these
programs.CHUNGKING Nov 14-P-Crack
"It seems to us that the time is CUGI ,No.-- th bCack
most opportune for the United Communist troops were thrownrback
States to assert forceful leadership in savage fighting as they hurled
See PROFESSORS, Page 2 heavy attacks at two major National-

Patrons of terpsichore

in the

Ticket Sale for Events Opens

Union's Rainbow Room on football
weekends this season have had oc-
casion to notice that at times during
the evening there has been an un-
usually large crowd of prospective
dancers underfoot, making dancing
difficult and anything else impossible.
To allay this difficulty, after 500
tickets have been sold to any dance,
the Union management will hence-
forth inform newcomers that the
dance floor is already crowded, and
that they purchase admission at their
own risk. Because football dances
are primai'ily open house affairs with
many out-of-town visitors, the Union
does not feel justified in refusing en-
trance to .anyone.
After Dec. 1, when the crowds will
normally have subsided, Friday and
Saturday night dances will be as
usual limited to Union members and
their guests. The normal crowd at
membership dances is in the neigh-
borhood of 300 couples.
* ~.4
Navy Game Movies
To Be Seen Sunday
Movies of the Michigan-Navy game
last week at Baltimore will be shown
free of chargo to the campus a8 n im

Court To Hear
Injunction Plea
Hoover Strike Case
Postponed Until Today
Permission to postpone proceed-
ings to 9:30 a. m. today in the hear-
ing on the proposed injunction
against Local No. 38, Hoover unit of
UAW-CIO was granted yesterday by
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.,
when the union attorney failed to ap-
pear here.-
The union, represented by two in-
ternational officers and several hun-
dred members, issued a statement
granting the company request that
maintenance men and others neces-
sary for the upkeep of the plant be
allowed to pass the picket line, and
permitting a shipment of coal to be
Annroximatelv 500 men walke dnut

ist strongholds in Inner Mongolia,
an official dispatch said today.
The battles still1swirled about the
railway terminal of Paotow and long-
besieged Kweisui, capital of Suiyuan
province 80 miles to the east, where
the Communists threw in 10,000 re-
inforcements, the dispatch added.
The attack on Paotow, western
terminal of the now-severed Peiping-
Suiyuan railroad, opened at 3 a. m.
yesterday and 3,000 Communist troops
forced the western gate, this account
claimed. Eleven-hours later they
were expelled.
Gen. Ho Lung, famed Communist
commander, meanwhile was reported
to have attacked Kweisui with five
columns 10,000 strong.
# The situation remained obscure on
the southern border of Manchuria,
southeast of this battle zone, where
neutral advices had reported Nation-
alist troops had captured the Com-
munist fortress city of Shanhaikwan
Ruth ven To Address

Tickets for Varsity Night, Joe Gen-
tile's broadcast, and the informal
dance, only a few of the unequalled
series of events planned for Home-
coming Weekend, Nov. 23 and 24, go
on sale today at the main desks of
the Union - and League, and in the
center of the diagonal.
Although Ohio State has asked for
blocks of tickets for all of the events,

and Ralph Binge will be on hand
with their regular broadcast car-
ried over station CKLW in Detroit
and Windsor.
Because of the length of the broad-
Campus talent for Varsity Night
will be auditioned from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in
Morris Hall. William D. Revelli,

on the Varsity Night program at Hill
Auditorium. The University Band, a
professional act from Detroit, and
campus talent acts will complete the
Benny Carter and his orchestra
will be featured from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday at the Intra-
mural Building, for an informal
dance which will wind up Home-

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