Continued Warmi
Yanks Crash
Citadel While
Germans Flee
Battle for 19 More
Sites Continues in Snow
By The Associated Press
Three of Metz's 22 forts-one of
them a keystone inthe southern de-
fenses of the Citadel-fell with as-
tonishing speed yesterday to U. S.
Third Army troops who stormed
through snow and bitter cold all
along a 40-mile front.
The Germans ceded without a
struggle the subterranean fort
L'Airne, one of nine main forts'
guarding the city five miles to the
* *
4tz Forts
* *
Navy Trainees Granted Liberty for 'Kapers
T- -
_ l
Army captures three Metz forts
and open drive threatening Saar.
GERMANY-Hitler reported un-
der care of four doctors. Sunday
proclamation called ghost written.
PHILIPPINES- Yanks tighten
squeeze on Ormnoc.Five Jap divi-
sions are surrounded.
WASHINGTON-Congress back
to work. Inter-party harmony ex-
pected to grant FDR extension of
war powers.
FRANCE-Agreements reported
power of France in post-war set-
snow To rFeature Judy Chayes,
Doc' Fielding, Layton's Band
Western Front: 301 miles (from
west of Duren).
Eastern Front: 304 miles (from
Vistula north of Warsaw).
Hungarian Front: 420 miles
(from Budapest).
Italian Front: 557 miles (from
southeast of Bologna).
south, and two nearby smaller forti-
fications, indicating they were falling
back into the city's inner defenses.
Meanwhile, the wheeling move-
ment southeast of Metz pressed on
up to four miles to within 15 miles
of the Saar border, heightening the
peril of encirclement to the city.
Underground Fortresses
Fort L'Airne is a series of under-
ground fortresses 'similar to Fort
Driant, southwest of Metz across
the Moselle River, which the Third
Army tried in vain to capture.
Pressing their head-on attack
against Metz, the Doughboys cap-
tured the village of Corny, only 41/2
miles southwest of Metz on the east
bank of the Moselle across from Fort
The first indication that Field
Marshal Gen. Karl Rudolf Gerd Von
Rundstedt may not try to hold Metz
came in a broadcast early today from
the German commander's headquart-
ers in the west.
"Certainly, Metz is being fanatic-
ally defended," the broadcast said,
"but Metz has fulfilled its task al-
ready during the months of Septem-
ber and October when it stopped the
advance of the Third Army and thus
enabled the Germans to deepen their
front zone fortifications.
Fort Verny Captured
Fort Verny, one of the smaller
outworks 5%/ milesdsouth of Metz
but heavily built and deeply dug in,
was captureduwithout a shot as the
Germans fell back on the network
of fortifications girdling the city.
Four towns six to seven miles south
of Metz also were taken.
Despite the mud, which for a time
slowed the Third Army on this sixth
day of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's
new offensive, Sixth Armored Divi-
sion tanks in an advance of up to
four miles drove into Many and Thi-
court, 15 miles south of the Saar
Deepening their bridgehead across
the Nied River southeast of Metz to
at least four miles, these forces were
fighting within four miles of the ene-
my base at Faulquemont, 19 miles
east and slightly south of Metz. .
Legion Officers
To Be Installed
By'hamp Team
Formal installation of officers of
the new George Ham Cannon Post
No. 348 of the American Legion will
be held at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow at
the American Legion Home.
The ceremonies will be conducted
by the 40 and eight, National cham-
pionship ritual team of the Legion
which will come out especially for
the event from Detroit.
This Post was formed only this
summer and received their charter in
October and is made up entirely of
LONDON - $50 million Nazi
'ghost' ship Tirpitz sunk by RAF.
Six-ton blockbusters end three-
year hunt.
Russian Tfroops
Tighten Noose
About Budanest
Cover 13 Miles in Day
To Take Ten Towns
By The Associated Press
LONDON, NOV. 13-Marshal Ro-
dion Y. Malionvosky's Second Ukra-
nian Army closed its steel arc tighter
around the southeastern approaches
to Budapest today, capturing the
railway town of Jaszapati and, ac-
cording to a German announcement,
breaking into the important congu-
nicationscenter of Jaszbereny.
The day's advance, in which at
least ten towns were seized, carried
13 miles northward and brought
Malinovsky's southern and eastern'
columns within 20 miles of a junc-
Fight Reaches New Fury
German commentators, asserting
the fighting on the Hungarian capi-
tal's flank had reached new fury
with both sides throwing in rein-
forcements, said the Russians were
attempting to encircle Budapest,
with Red Army troops in Czechoslo-
vakia likely to join Malinovsky's
forces in a vast maneuver.
The official broadcast Germani
communique said Soviet troops had
penetrated into Jaszbereny, 28 miles
southwest of Fuzesabony, a junction
of the Budapest-Miskolc railway, but
claimed the attackers had been
thrown back.
Suburb of Jaszbereny Taken
Moscow, did not mention Jaszber-
eny in its broadcast communique,
but announced the capture of the
suburb of Jasztelek, five miles south-
east. It was probable, therefore, that
forward units already were battling
inside Jaszbereny, a city of more
than 30,000 population, from which
highways and railways radiate in
several directions.
Jaszapati, biggest of the prizes won
today by the Russians, is 11 miles
due east of Jaszbereny and 45 miles
east of Budapest.
Among the other places captured
were Jaszkiser, five miles southeast,
and five small towns spread along a
20 mile front north of Cegled. These
places-Benye,Pand, Tapio-Bicske,
Kava and Tapio-Szt-Marton-all
were taken in the northward sweep
toward Jaszbereny and Hatvan and
marked out theRissians' obvious in-
tention of sweeping around the flank
of Budapest before striking directly
at the capital.
Usher Tryouts To Meet
A special meeting for all girls in-
terested in ushering for legitimate
theatre productions in Ann Arbor
this fall will be held at 3 p.m. tomor-
row in the Kalamazoo Room in the
Nov. 15 Kampus Kapers, 7:30
p.m. at Hill Auditorium.
Nov 16 Oratorical Association
lecture by Francis B.
Savre. 8:30 n.m. at Hill
All Navy V-12 and NROTC train-
ees stationed on campus who are not
on probation or warning will be
given late permission to attend Kam-
pus Kapers which will be held at
7:30 p. m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Announcement of the late permis-
sion was made by Naval Headquart-
ers yesterday afternoon. Special
tickets will be distributed to all Navy
men after the performance so that
they may get back to the West Quad.
For All the Campus
Hailed as an "all campus show for'
all the campus," the Kapers will
present seven star acts featuring
Billy Layton and his band with Judy
Ward and Doc Fielding as master of
The forces of the Union, the Daily,
and the League have combined their
efforts to arrange and produce the
show which the committee calls "the
biggest and best show the campus
has ever seen."
It was pointed out that the main
purpose of the show was to "re-
awaken the old campus community
spirit, to present an insight into the
value and meaning of campus activi-
Activities Discussed
Tom Bliska, President of the Un-
ion, and Marge Hall, head of the
Woman's War Council, will discuss
the position of activities in campus'
life during the show.*
Besides Layton and the band and
Fielding, the show will present some
of the outstanding student talent on
campus including Judy Chayes, one
Belle Petitions
Due Tomorrow
Petitioning for the fifteen positions
of captains for the Bond Belle teams,
which will sell bonds to faculty and
administration members during the
Sixth War Loan Drive, will be held
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and
Thursday in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League.
Each 'captain will organize her
team and be responsible for the can-
vassing of the faculty of a particular
school. Any eligible junior women
in any school of the University may
Petitions may be obtained in the
Undergraduate Office of the League
and should be brought to the inter-
view. Interviewing will be held by
members of the JGP central com-
mittee. I
"These Bond Belle captains and
their teams will be doing a vital part
in the drive," commented Frances
Goldberg, JGP special events chair-
of the singing stars of the Co. D.
show of last spring. Miss Chayes
will be accompaniedat the piano by
Dick Thomas, a member of Co. A.
who composed and directed the mu-
sic for that production.
k Some tunes sweet and mellow will
be sung by an all girl trio made up
of seniors in the school of nursing.
They are Mary Gregory, Rae Pierce,
and Marcie Ely.
Campus Spirit Aflame
To ignite that spark of Michigan
tradition in the audience, Prof. Da-
vid Mattern and the Varsity Men's
Congress Set
To Reconvene
Expect FDR To Get
Extended War Powers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Exten-
sion of the President's war powers,
without serious inter-party contro-
versy, was indicated today as the
78th Congress gathered for its final
House Republican Leader Martin,
of Massachusetts, told newspaper-
men he knew of no planned opposi-
tion to prolongation of the powers-
including the authority for priorities
-which under present legislation ex-
pire Dec. 31. He commented:
Power To Be Granted
"Congress is going to give the
President all the power he needs to
fight the war."
The old Congress, with a House
numbering 215 Democrats and 212
Republicans, convenes at noon to-
morrow. Among the members will
be about four score "lame ducks"
who must help dispose of a heavy
pre-Christmas roster of legislation,
Stage To Be Cleared
It will clear the stage for momen-
tous war and peace debates in the
new Congress, with a stronger Demo-
cratic flavor, which meets Jan. 3.
In this Congress the Democrats will
have a plurality of at least 50 mem-
bers in the House.
For More Shells
Attempt Made
Of Churchill,
on Lives
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 13. - Agreements'
for the demilitarization of the Saar
-with France in control of the mines
as was done after the last World War
-full participation by France in the
postwar development of Europe, and
the speedy rearmament of the
French Army, were reached during
the weekend conferences between
Prime Minister Churchill and Gen.
Charles De Gaulle, it was reliably
reported tonight.
Assassination Attempted
(An unsuccessful attempt was
made to assassinate Churchill and
De Gaulle as they were riding down
the Champs Elysees together during
his visit, an enemy radio station said
Monday in a French-language broad-
cast. The broadcast, recorded by
BBC, was officially described in Lon-
don as "obviously an enemy propa-
ganda story" and "a complete Bo-
"The broadcast was made by a new
station believed located near Berlin.
It said the attempt was made by a
number of "armed individuals" and
that police had arrested 30 men.)
Fighting Force To Be Equipped
In addition to giving France a seat
on the European Advisory Commis-
sion, Churchill and De Gaulle were
reported agreed that a strong French
fighting force should be equipped as
quickly as possible and that the
French should participate in the
military occupation of Germany
along with the British, Russians and
Americans. .
Noted Artist
Will Lecture at
Hillel Tonight
The well-known American artist,
A. Raymond Katz, whose work has
been displayed in leading museums
and art galleries throughout the
country and whose murals decorated
the walls of the New York World's
Fair's Hall of Religion, will lecture
In Post-War
Is Determined
France's Part
... heads Glee Club.
Glee Club will bring back the theme
of the campus with a few rousing
"We want them all to sing loud
and lusty." said Prof. Mattern in
speaking of the community singing
that will follow the Glee Club. Song
sheets will be provided for all.
Rounding out the show with 'a
demonstration that almost makes a
keyboard talk. Bill Beck, '45 Med,
will run his nimble fingers over the
ivories in some special arrangements.
The entire production is being run
by students and no admission will be
charged. The doors of Hill auditor-
ium will be open early to facilitate
Student Activities
Meeting to Be Called
Discussion of problems for the cur-
rent year will be the theme of the
meeting of the heads of student ac-
tivities at 4 p. m. Wednesday in Rm.
2, University Hall.
Joseph Bursley, Dean of Students,
who will conduct the meeting, has
urged all student officers to be pres-
Revealed by
RAF Gets
In Norway
Three Direct Hits
Finish Battleship
By The Associated Press
LONDON, November 13.- The
41,000-ton German battleship Tir-
pitz, last "unsinkable" giant in Adolf
Hitler's fugitive navy, capsized and
sank early yesterday morning in the
icy Norwegian waters of Tromso
Fjord when hit squarely by three
six-ton earthquake bombs dropped
by RAF Lancasters, the British an-
nounced tonight.
Attacking out of the Arctic mists
it took the British only a few minutes
to finish off this great potential killer
which never had engaged in a single
surface battle, and which the Ger-
mans were five years in building at a
cost of $50,000,000.
RAF Loses One Plane
The cost to the British was one
bomber. out of an attacking force
of 29, an air ministry communique
Three bombs landed on the deck
of the Tirpitz, which blew up inside,
keeled over, and sank slowly, ending
a three-year chase by the British and
The Tirpitz, already crippled by
previous air and midget submarine
assaults, had been a threat to the
I Arctic supply lines to Russia, and a
potential menace to any landing in
Norway. She had kept some units of
the British home fleet watching her
moves for a long time.
Releases Home Fleet
Obviously these vessels were freed
by the sinking and possibly would
be available for the battle in the far
east much earlier than if the Tirpitz
had remained afloat. The German
Navy, already a skeleton, now has
its backbone snapped.
The successful mission of the big
bombers, carrying the new stream-
lined, armor-piercing 12,000-pound
earthquake bombs, taking off from
Britain on the historic flight the
planes "landed away from base,"
presumably in Russia.
Yanks Tighten
Lines on Leyte
Five Jap Divisions at
Ormoc Are Surrounded
QUARTERS, Philippines, Nov. 14.,
Tuesday- (Via' Army Radio)-(R)-
Advance elements o the First Cav-
alry Division are consolidating posi-
tions they have seized on the heights
of Mt. Catabaran, 2,000-foot high
peak dominating the Pinamopoan-
Ormoc road on Leyte Island, head-
quarters reported today.
The cavalrymen extended their
left flank to include another key
ridge position, termed Hill No. 2926,
eight miles southwest of Carigara.
The Japanese now are using five
divisions in their attempt to break
American encirclement around Or-
Japanese preparations for a coun-
ter'attack have been dislocated by
our current offensive which has pen-
etrated the enemy's central assembly
areas, "compelling him to make pre-
maturecommitments of his forces
for defense of the main bastion of
the Yamashita line," today's com-
munique said.
Japs Strip U. S. of
Last China Air Base
Japanese drive to clear American air
power out of southeastern China ap-
peared near completion tonight with
the Chinese high command reporting
only localized street fighting in Liu-
Legion Post Opens Drive for
Gifts for Wounded Servicemen
Under Secretary of War Patterson
reported today that General Dwight
D. Eisenhower "has an imperative
need for much more artillery am-
munition than we are producing."
He told a news conference that
troops on the western front are -fir-
ing 35 days planned supply of heavy
artillery ammunition in 10 days and
there are no reserves in this country.
That implied a tremendous drain on
ammunition stockpiled in Europe.t
All such material produced here
is being shipped overseas immediate-
"Although our production of ar-
tillery ammunition has tripled since
the beginning of this year the needs
of our armed forces have gone up
even faster," Patterson said.
"The amount of ammunition which
has been used in the campaigns of
western Europe, especially in the
,major offensives, has been stagger-
"General Eisenhower has cabled
that the present needs for one month
for the troops in northwestern Eu-
rope alone approimate 6,000,000
rounds of artillery and 2,000,000
rounds of mortar ammunition. The
first army alone used more than
300,000 rounds of 105 milimeter how-
itzer ammunition in a two-week siege
of Aachen.
"Expenditure of ammunition in the
course of the European campaign has
thus far exceeded 375,00 tons. If.
General Eisenhower's operations are
to receive adequate support, it is
necessary to fire four to five thou-
sand pounds of ammunition every
minute, 24 hours a day. This means
3,600 tons of ammunition per day."
Six Posts Filled on
Daily Business Staff
Appointments to The Daily bus-
iness'staff for the coming year were
announced yesterday by Lee Amer,
business manager.
They are' June Pomering and Bar-
-- nO a , -nnnercrnn a a '.,,.4'rnc.-_
In cooperation with the national
American Legion drive to see to' it
that every disabled, sick, or wound-
ed serviceman or woman in govern-
ment hospitals here at home gets a'
gift this Christmas, the local Legion
Post No. 348 will open its drive in
Ann Arbor today.
Commander Leonard Cavanaugh of
the Post indicated last night that
"we hope to get everybody in Ann
Arbor to cooperate in the drive so
that each resident of the city can
help make some wounded boy a little
happier this Christmas."
The national drive has been in
progress for more than two weeks
and it has been estimated that more
than 500,000 packages will be neces-'
sary to make the campaign a success.
IMM Aft --vrlif
Arrangements have been made
with local merchants so that 'ur-
chasers of Christmas gifts can leave
them in the stores. The Legion will
see to it that they are picked up and
The national slogan of the drive is
"Christmas Gifts for Yanks Who
Gave" and Cavanaugh said all Le-
gionaires will do double duty to see
that the local drive is a success.
Special Depository for Gifts
A special depository for the gifts
will be set up on campus at the Union
and students are urged to add their
gifts to the drive.
Toilet articles, candy (home-
made), playing cards, stationery,
cookies. and books for men and
at the Hillel-Avukah sponsored study
group at their opening session to be
held at 8 p. m. today at -the Hillel
assembly room.
Mr. Katz is now touring universi-
ties throughout the midwest, address-
ing students on a type of artistic
design based on the Hebrew alpha-
bet, his object being to furnish the
Jewish religion with an art based
on its own motifs.
Admission to the lecture, which
will be illustrated by artist Katz, is
free and open to all.
Emnty Tin Cans Will Be