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November 09, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-09

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&IrE &lAan DUII
Fifty-Fifth Year


Britain Has Her Problems

Peace Cannot Be Built on H ate


Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Stafff

Evelyn Phillips
dStan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho,
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Managing Editor
City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor




WASHINGTON, NOV. 9-One of the most im-
portant documents bearing on the post-war
world will be issued by the British Government
in the form of a White Paper. It will be a
survey of Britain's financial position and a frank
admission that she is bankrupt.
The White Paper will tell in detail how
British investments throughout the world have
been liquidated to naiy for the war and will
come to the conclusion that, if the British
Empire is to continue free trading, she must
have outside help.
The alternative to free trade and free com-
petition, the White Paper will say, is a system
of barter, restricted trade and cartels, such as
that practiced by Germany after the last war.
Back to Wor k
NOW THAT THE excitement of the campaign
and the election is over it will become in-
creasingly clear that things are continuing pret-
ty much the same; we are still at war; we must
still work for peace. It is time to forget election
differences. This is no time for "I told you
so" or discontented statements and lackadaisical
effort in our important jobs.
A president has been elected and it is our
duty as fighting Americans to support the war
and peace effort of his administration and that
of our representatives in the Congress. We
must not turn our eyes, no matter what our
political preference toward sowing seeds of dis-
content and mistrust in either candidate as has
been done, and has always been done, in the
political campaigns.
Although some of us may have forgotten
the real issues that face us during the past
few months, it is now time to get back to the
more sober tenor of a people at war. It is
time for unity and let us not forget that.
-Arthur J. Kraft

Lee Amer . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

NAM vs. Closed Shop Amendment

RETURNS are not yet in on the proposed
amendment to the constitutions of Florida,
Arkansas and California which would outlaw
the closed shop, but passed or not, the proposal
is significant.
Certain groups, led by the National Associa-
tion of Manufacturers, are bent on re-establish-
ing their dominance of the industrial scene at
the expense of labor.
In the past decade, labor has made trengen-
dous gains. Their right to organize and to
bargain collectively has been recognized and
disputed by only the few diehards of the
Sewell Avery variety. Organized labor under
these conditions and with the added impetus
of full employment has' reached record
These special interest groups Are the first to
object to trust, securities and other regulatory
legislation on the grounds of their unconstitu-
The question of the constitutionality of the
proposal under the due process clause is an
important one. It would, in effect, forbid an
employer and a union to include in their con-
tract a stipulation that employees must join a
union as a condition of employment. This would
be an abridgment of "liberty of contract" with-
out due process of law.
More important than the legal aspect is the
implication that the closed shop is an unjusti-
ied limitation on the freedom of the individual.
In the "Little Steel" case, the WLB provided
for a maintenance of membership clause, which
states that "All employees who, 15 days after
the date of the Directive Order, are members
of the union . . . and those employees who be-
come members, shall during the life of the
agreement as a condition of employment remain
members of the union in good standing."
Since the proposed amendment would also
outlaw maintenance of membership, the con-
curring opinion of Dr. Frank P. Graham, repre-
sentative of the public on WLB, commenting on
the justice of the clause is significant.
"Membership in any organization neces-
sarily imposes restrictions. A free union, like
a free society, derives its freedom from the
consent of the governed and from subordina-
tion of personal rights to the general welfare
of all members of the union. Limitations on
individual rights are, by the very nature of
organized society, the basis of civilization
"Some limits on the liberty of workers are
self-imposed for larger liberty of the hid.e-
pendence, dignity, self-expression and creative
cooperation of workers in labor unions through
which they have won and are winning a larger
share in the economic, social and-spiritual things
by which men work and live and for which they
hope and dream for themselves and their chil-
If the requirement of membership in a union
as a condition. of employment is a limitation
of individual liberty and thus undemocratic;
by the same reasoning our own government is
That organized action and unions raise the
standards of living of the workers is a recog-
nized fact. The costs of this action should be
distributed evenly among those benefits, just
as is the cost of government, police protection,
education and national defense, shared by all
the citizens of a nation.
Democracy is based on the principle of rule

mic weapon of labor, thus making possible the
strike-breakers, labor goons, neo-Pinkerton
services and unrestricted war of the early
'30's with the employers riding high with the
aid of the militia, guns, and teargas.
--Betty Roth
UNIVERSITY students, for the first time in
three years, are being asked to take an
active part in the homecoming celebrations this
Homecoming weekend, a campus tradition
that like most traditions has been dormant
since 1941 because of the war. Active partici-
pation in the festivities and celebrations this
weekend will serve two functions: It will help
to revive the pre-war campus spirit; and will
also serve to unify the students on campus once
The Michigan-Illinois game is the main feat-
ure on the weekend program. The footbz4l
game, plus the Friday night pep-rally at Fer-
ry field; dormitory, league house, fraternity and
sorority displays and judging; and the dance
at the Union Saturday night, which promises
to be one of the best dances the Union has had
this semester, should assure every student that
a good old fashioned college weekend is in store
for him.
The revival of this tradition can only be
a success if all of us shoulder a part of the
responsibilities necessary to carry out the plans
of the committee.
Only with the combined efforts of every stu-
dent, can the campus as a whole display to
returning alumni, and Illinois patriots, who will
be here this week, that in spite of the war, the
University of Michigan has a united, enthusi-
astic, and faithful student body.
Can we do it?
It is seldom that we can support wholeheart-
edly gay festivities in gvar time. Most always
we frown upon them and decline because "it
isn't in keeping with the proper spirit."
This charge may have been held by some
when details for the first University Homecom-
ing weekend were announced and such criticism
such criticism we feel is unjust.
Homecoming was abandoned on campus dur-
ing the darkest days of the war and then rightly
so. Though we still must view the job ahead
sternly, we know that happy people will always
do their part better.
Since having a Homecoming celebration does
not involve extra essential items and since it
is a big morale factor in campus life, it de-
serves 100 per cent support.
The Union has done a fine job in organizing
the weekend and the rest is up to the campus.
A big crowd at the Pep Rally tomorrow night
will do the trick.
-Carol Zack

International cartels, of course, have been blast-
ed publicly by President Roosevelt and one
British corporation, Imperial Chemical Indu-
stries, already has been prosecuted by the Jus-
tice Department on a charge of conspiring with
the du Ponts before the war to control the
World production of certain chemicals.
According to inside word from the diplomatic
corps, the publication of Britain's frank survey
of her bankrupt financial position will coincide
with the secret conferences now taking place
here between Lord 'Keynes and U. S. officials
regarding the renewal of lend-lease.
With the war in Europe nearing a close and
with U. S. forces now getting a greater propor-
tion of war supplies direct from the United
States, British war needs for lend-lease are
dwindling. However, the British have pro-
posed, in Lord Keynes' private conversations,
a new type of post-war lend-lease whereby the
British could resell goods to foreign countries
in order to re-establish their export trade.
Keynes Proposal . .
Word leaking from the diplomatic corps is
that Lord Keynes now proposes a total lend-
lease allotment to Great Britain of six and a
half billions for 1945, of which three and a half,
billions could be re-exported in British trade.
Most of this would be in the form of American
raw materials which the British would process
into finished goods and then sell. The British
do not propose that finished American products
be given them for re-export, but only that they
get lend-leased raw materials to revive their
crippled industries.
One proposal is to set uo a new post-war
lend-lease court composed of one Britisher
and two Americans which would decide which
goods could be used for British trading pur-
The whole plan will be submitted to Congress
probably before Christmas, and promises to be
full of controversy.
NOTE-General Pat Hurley and Jim Landis,
U. . economic administrator in Cairo, both
submitted scorching reports on the use of Brit-
ish lend-lease in the Near East, claimed it was
being used to bolster British trade. Recently,
however, Landis has been more satisfied.
Army's Pre-Fabricated Bridges.-.
One of the great but little known stories
of the Western front is the way in which Army
engineers got a group of bridge experts together
nearly two years ahead of the European inva-
sion and designed fabricated sections of bridges
which would exactly replace specific bridges
in France, Holland and Belgium.
Through the European underground, Army
engineers were able to get exact measurements
of the bridges which they knew would be
destroyed by the retreating Nazis. Each part
was numbered, and special assembly crews,
trained in England, rehearsed the job of put-
ting them in place.
When the invasion came, these bridges travel-
led so close behind our advancing armies that
they were frequently ahead of the field kitchens.
And on arrival at a destroyed bridge, its re
placement was a matter of hours.
Cool Witness Before Senators .. .
Least ruffled witness before a Congressional
committee in a long time was George K. Sim-
mons, publisher of the Philadelphia Trade Union
This is the sheet which first published the
story linking Sidney Hillman with a group of
New York racketeers, plus the series of pictures
which put President and Mrs. Roosevelt, Fanny
Perkins and other high Government officials
alongside Lepke, Gurrah and various members of
Murder, Inc., some of whom have now been elec-
This story was later published in pamphlet
form by the Pennsylvania State Republican
Committee-which, however, omitted to identify
itself as the publisher of the three million copies.
Simmons appeared last week before the Sen-
ate Campaign Expenditures Committee. Mast-
head of his Trade Union News lists E. B. Faunce
as "Publisher and Managing Editor." Asked

to identify Faunce, Simmons said he was the
printshop foreman. Simmons himself is editor
-with no editorial staff.
Although Simmons published the Hillman
story, he did not attempt to check the facts.
He did, however, publish a box stating that the
editors of the Trade 'Union News had gone to
great pains to get the story and give their
readers the facts. He admitted, under question-
ing by Senator Joe Ball, that this was published
"just to impress the readers."
Asked the circulation of the paper, Simmons
replied, "I told you gentlemen 20,000. Actually,
it's about 2,000." Senator Homer Ferguson
sharply remarked that Simmons had earlier
said "20,000" while under oath.
When Ball quizzed him about his staff-or,
rather, his lack of staff-Simmons explained
that he did not need a staff because the paper
prints only labor news,
"I see," Ball replied, looking at the screaming
headlines linking Hillman with, gangsters.
"Nothing sensational."
"No, nothing sensational," Simmons grinned
back, enjoying the whole situation.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

WE ARE LAYING the superstruc-
tures of tomorrow's society on a
foundation of hate. And hate can
blow us to kingdom come.
When the New Republic says that
a Carthaginian peace is no peace at
all, it gives utterance to the most
elementary truth. Carthage was com-
pletely destroyed by Caesar's legions
-and yet, periodic warfare contin-
ued unabated in the West. If eighty
million Germans obligingly vaporized
into the air and disappeared from
this earth today, nothing basic with
respect to power politics would be
altered-except for the moment.
We cannot cure a world-wide dis-
ease by getting rid of its victims.
Little over a hundred years ago
France was the terror of Europe, and
at least one English historian re-
ferred to what he called the congeni-
tal nature of Gallic militarism. We
did not exterminate Frenchmen en
masse then. In fact we have lived to
see France scornfully referred to as
decadent because of its pacifistic
Hate will get the Allies nowhere
if it is directed at men instead of
at factors that shape and mis-
shape men, that cast and re-cast
them into what they are.
The sublime Spinoza said, "Do
not condemn or execrate or criticize,
but understand." Never did a time
more importunately call for such an
attitude. The science of criminology
has taught us to treat law breakers
curatively instead of punitively.
Criminals are not bad, they are sick
people. (Clarence Darrow once ob-
served, "I may hate the sin, but
never the sinner.") Unfortunately.
American prisons have not caught
up with university textbooks, or uni-
versity textbooks with Mr. Darrow
Thus, punition is stiil the rule--
and so is crime, at a higher peace-
time per capita rate than any-
where else in the world. But, at
least the principle has burrowed
into the consciousness of most
people who are willing to recog-
nize it theoretically even if they
are unwilling to employ it prac-
tically. In the international field,
and one hopes this is only due to
war fever, we do not even seem to
have recognition of the principle.L
THE "HITLER GANG" is a good
name for the National Socialist
Party because those who are in it
have the same pathological symp-
toms that may be observed in any
gun-toting underworld character. Dc
we condemn or execrate or criticize
the inmates of an insane asylum?
Not if we use our heads. We cer-
tainly condemn paranoia as a terribe
illness; we do the same with Nazism
However, unless our statesmen are
prepared to accept the Nazi premise
that sick people should be ruthlessly
exterminated, they cannot with a
clear conscience sharpen their diplo-
matic knives to vivesect Germany
Viewed ethically by any objective
standard, it is true that the German
people, in the grip of a mass psycho-
sis, are evil itself. Lidice and Lublin
testify to that fact no more than a
hundred equally atrocious acts. Thi
should scarcely betregarded as perti-
nent. What needs to be asked is not.
"Are the Germans evil?" Of course
they are. The relevant question is.
"Why are they evil?" Any effort to
affix blame for the present moral

collapse of Germany promptly proves
its complexity.
To cite one example, the German
Thyssens are no more blameworthy
than the American, French, and
English big businessman who went
along with the Nazis-seeing in them
a bulwark against -Soviet Russia.
Again, who is to blame for not having
stopped Japanese aggression when it
first reared its ghoulish head two
years before the fall of Weimar?
Exactly what fraction of the onus
falls upon our own heads for failing
to re-distribute natural resources
after World 'War I in such a way as
to abolish poverty? Whom shall we
curse for the refusal of those willful
Senators who by a Constitutional
quirk were empowered with the right
to destroy collective security by iso-
lating America?
I know and you know a score ofj
similarly embarrassing questions.
None of them changes Germany's
guilt. All they do is extend that guilt
to include every major power. They
sinned as we sinned. Germany and
Japan are the dregs from the cup of

iniquity whose contents we all im-
bibed-each in our turn. Nazi-Fas-
cism stands as the Frankenstein
monster society has created. That
we must destroy it or expire ourselves
is beyond reasonable dispute. But it
is hydra-headed and international.
Lopping off one head, in vindictive
rage, will only make room for a clus,
ter of new ones.
The literary critic, Wallace Fowlie,
has stated that just as' the Middle
Ages were characterized by scholas-
ticism and the Renaissance by schol-
asticism, so ours is dominated by
psycologism. This reads more like a
prophecy than an appraisal. If man
had used the few rules of psychology
he has learned no planetary havoc
could be wrought half so monstrous
as this one that maddens us now.
The frustration-aggression pat-
tern is fundamental in war. If we
would stop being vengeful and sub-
limate some of our hate into the
study of frustration, then, possibly,
the insects would not replace us as
masters of this globe so soon.

_.. ..



THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 8
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
excep't on. Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
.To All Members of the University
Council. . There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
November 13, at 4:15 p. m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater. S e n a t e
members may attend. The program
will consist of the following:
Approval of the Minutes of March
13, 1944.
Report of Nominating Committee
on Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
Election of Director of Michigan
Request for Approval of Faculty
Representatives to the Western Con-
Report of the Advisory Committee
on the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information- I. M.
Smith, Chairman.
Report of the Committee on Co-
operation with Education Institu-
tions-I. C. Crawford, Chairman.
Report of the Counselortto Foreign
Students and the Director of the
International Center - Esson M.
Report of the Committee on Hon-
ors Convocation- J. A. Bursley,
Report of the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct-J. A. Bursley, Chair-
Report of the 'Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs-J. A. Bursley, Chair-
Subjects offered by members of the
Reports of Standing Committees.:
Educational Policies-L. L. Watkins
Student Relations-C. H. Stocking
(Four Reports)
Public Relations-H. M. Dorr
Plant and Equipment-J. H. Cissel
Announcement of Chairmen of the
Four Standing Committees of the
Council for 1944-45.
Fraternity Rushing. Anyone wish-
ing to register for fraternity rush-
ing may do so by coming to the In-
terfraternity Council office, 306 Mi-
chigan Union, Wednesday through
Friday from 3:00 to 5:00 p. M.
Orientation Advisers: Please pick
up enough assembly booklets to dis-
tribute to each girl in your group at
your meeting to discuss assembly
andpanhellenictorganizations. Book-
lets should be obtained between 2
and 5:30 p.m., today in the new
assembly office (Kalamazoo Room)
in the League.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information: We have
received notice from the Division of
Teaching Personnel, Cincinnati, O.,
that they are interested in having
applications from teachers in the
kindergarten-primary. and physical
education fields.
Anyone interested may receive
further information by calling at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
Registration for positions will be
held by the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation Monday, Nov. 13, at 4 p.m.
in Rm. 205 Mason Hall. This regis-
tration is for those interested in both
teaching and non-teaching positions,
including business, professional, gov-
ernment service, etc. It is open to
seniors, graduate students, and Uni-
versity staff members who may be
desirous of positions after each of
the next three commencement peri-
ods. Only one registration is held
during the school year and everyone
who will be available up to next

on the land. At the end of the sea-
son, each gardener should clear his
plot.' Corn stalks, stubble and dead
plants of all kinds should be pulled
up and, after the earth has been
knocked from their roots, piled in the
middle of the plot, so that they may
be readily picked up by the garden
truck and burned. Stakes should
also be pulled from the ground and
taken away if the owner wishes to
use them again) or piled separately
from the rubbish. There need be no
hurry in clearing those parts of the
gardens that are still productive.
Gardeners who do not clear up
their plots this fall, as well as those
who have not contributed the dollar
requested last sPring, will be con-
sidered ineligible for further use of
this garden area.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of. the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used.
Mathematics 327 will meet- Tues-
day and Thursday at 9 in 3201 Angell
Social Studies 93: Problems of the
War and the Post War. This class
will hereafter meet in Rm. 25, Angell
Hall (south end of basement floor)
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 p.m.
Students in Dr. Hance's Classes:
Speech 31, Section 3, MWF 10, and
Section 6, MWF 1, and Speech 32,
Section 1, MWF 9, will not meet on
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will be heard in a recital' on
the Baird Carillon in Burton Memor-
ial Tower at 7 this evening. His
program will include University of
Michigan songs, a group of folk
songs, and four compositions written
especially for the carillon at Arnhem,
Holland, by Frans Althuisen.
Events Today
John Muehl will lead a new semi-
nar in Social Ethics, featuring Ber-
trand Russell's What I Believe, this
evening. This Association Seminar
begins at 7:30 in the Lane Hall
Library. Students, servicemen, and
faculty are welcome.
Graduate Record Concerts at 7:45
p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
G.raduate School will begin again
this evening with a program includ-
ing the Brahms Double Piano Con-
certo, Beethoven's 7th Symphony,
and the Don Juan Tone Poem by
Richard Strauss. Graduates, ser-
vicemen and their guests are cr-
dially invited.
'Coiing Events
The Ann Arbor Library Club will
have its first meeting'of the aca-
demic year on Friday, Nov. 10, at
7:45 p.m., in Rm. 110 of the General
Library of the University.
Dancing class: 7-8 p.m., followed
by the regular Friday night dance,
8-12 p.m. Portrait sketching by Mrs.
John Bradfield from 2-5 Friday
afternoon, U.S.O.
Saturday night dance: 8-12. Re-
freshments. All servicemen and jun-
ior _hOstesses are invited. tS.O.





See Its Record
" OU CAN JUDGE by works,"
David E. Lillienthal has advised
the people of the Missouri Valley-
the works of the TVA. It is an
important suggestion and one wE
should heed.
TVA's record of experience, it
chairman pointed out in his address
at Bismarck, N.D., can be a pearl of
great price to the Missouri Valley,
and at no time more so than now, as
the people study the merits of an
MVA and weigh the objections being
raised to one big plan for one big
river. Nearly every one of the objec-
tions was hurled at TVA while it was
still on the drafting board, and every
one dissolved into the dust of a dead
issue as the Authority carried out its
great creative job. Mr. Lillienthal
cited the principal hobgoblins which
time and the river laid to rest,
One was the invasion of states'
rights, although, as the chairman
said, "in 11 years TVA has not taken
one single power of the states." Some
said TVA would be a "superstate"-
but in fact it has no power to compel
anyone to do anything (save such
land condemnation powers as rail-
roads and private utilities possess.)
Others professed to fear it would dry
up local initiative and frustrate local
government-but, being in the valley,
it was close to the people and more
responsive than agencies officed in
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
By Crockett Johnson




Exhausting campaign, wasn't it?
So many confusing issues. And-
You seemed a

Me? Nonsense! Maybe there
was a moment or two when I
seemed a bit distracted, but-
Ir 7 - f . a r f.i ..l-

I haven't seen the papers yet.
But undoubtedly the returns
are exactly what were to be
expected as result of your
Frirv Gorfther' nrned rk=

No, Barnaby. .. I'm still
too exhausted. Get me
a diverting magazine-
-., -



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