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October 30, 1944 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-10-30

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Erase Early Fears
Of Acute Shortage

Dorms, Converted
Largest Number of

Cut Number of1
Trainees Here;
2,600 Remain
V-12 To Be Curtailed j
Dentists Discharged
One Navy program will be cur-
tailed and an Army group will be
discharged this fall when approxi-
mately 2,600 servicemen utilize Mich-l
igan's academic facilities, Prof. Mar-
vin L. Niehuss, director of theI
Division for Emergency Training has
The number, representing a de-
crease from a peak of 4,000 last year
at this time, still places the Univer-
sity virtually at the head of colleges
instructing service units.x
V-12 Cut Down1
- Curtailment of the Navy V-12 pro-c
gram at the University was indicatedZ
when it was announced that approxi-
mately 1,070 trainees would remain
on the campus compared to earlier
quotas of about 1,300. The Army 1
has announced that all dental train-
ees stationed on the campus will be
discharged at the conclusion of the
current 'term.
,AdmiralrRandall Jacobs has an-t
nounced in Washington that the
ogram will be closed to new
enVatS archi 1, 1945. "This deci-f
sion does not affect in any way those
men now under training in the V-12C
program," Admiral Jacobs stated. s
In addition to V-12 and Marine
trainees in the unit, Naval ROTCt
members and a group of Naval Archi-
tects are also stationed on the cam-e
pus. The unit is headed by Lt.-a
Comm. J. E. Branson, who succeededC
Capt. Richard E. Cassidy, who was
assigned to another post during thea
summer. C
While Army courses as a whole
were diminishing at the University l
two .courses were added. Contract
Termination and a Civil Affairst
Training Group for Far Easternf
New GroupsAddeds
The Contract Termination Group, r
part of the Judge Advocate General's
School, will train to renegotiate mili-
tary contracts and handle other legal s
aspects of supply.
The Civil Affairs school, initiated
July 31. is composed of both Army
and Navy officers. During a six
months intensive training course,
they study languages essential char-
acteristics and people of the Far East
and the application of principles of
military government to occupied
At its peak the Army had 2,200
men stationed on the campus and t
through the cooperation of the Uni-s
versity and campus organizations, the o
men were integrated into campus e
life. -
12 Graduated n
In First Class t
The graduation of the first class,
with Its 12 graduates, is described in
Elizaeth M arrand's "History of j
the University of Michigan," pub-
lished in 1884:
"It was a great day for the town o
as well as for the University; mer- p
chants closed their stores, and old )n
and young crowded to the church. t
Each student of the graduating class s
delivered an oration, and, in thea
judgment of the press of the day, t
each acquitted himself well. F
The Detroit Advertiser said of Y
them: 'The pieces spoken by the
graduating class were, for the most
part, of, superior merit, evincing a r
ienth of nriitilitv o nf thnht and r

'aternities Contain
>eds on 'U' Campus
Despite mid-summer predictions
that housing facilities would not be
sufficient for incoming students, ac-
commodations for all freshman men
and women, enrolling for the fall
term,have been provided, a survey
Unexpected cancellations of reser-
vations by woman students and new
facilities provided enough; rooms to
house approximately 800 entering
freshman women, Miss Jeannette
Perry, Assistant Dean of Women,
said yesterday.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley revealed that existing housing
facilities for men students, and the
newly opened sections of West Quad-
rangle previously occupied by the
Navy, will provide sufficient quarters
for the men.
Shortage Almost Eliminated
When all the University's women's
dormitories were filled last March,
prospective enrollees were advised to
provide housing in Ann Arbor before
committing themselves to attend the
University. Howeve additional fa-
cilities for women and last minute
cancellations have almost eliminated
the housing shortage, Miss Perry
said, and all incoming women will
be accommodated.
Besides the University's regular
dormitories accommodating 1,100 wo-
men, 17 fraternities were converted
to coed residences under University
Men students will be housed in a
section of the West Quadrangle this
fall for the first time since the group
of buildings was closed to civilians in
July, 1943, by the Naval V-12 pro-
gram. Freshman students will live in
Wenley and Allen-Rumsey Houses in
the Quadrangle. Fletcher Hall has
been relinquished by Army Head-
quarters on campus and will house
approximately 55 civilian students.
One House in Use
Of the six fraternity houses used
as men's dormitories last spring only
one will be retained this fall, the Cy
Adams House, formerly the Psi Upsi-
on fraternity.
Approximately one half to one
third of the students living in the
four buildings accommodating 280
men will be freshmen, Dean Bursley
aid. About 225 freshmen are antici-
pated, he added.
Dean Bursley said private rooming
facilities supervised by the Univer-
sity will also be sufficient.
Students Have
Little Use for
'A' Cards Here
Gas rationing and auto care are
wo problems the average University
student isn't bothered with since
operation of motor vehicles while
enrolled in school is prohibited by a
Regents ruling passed in 1927.
Not except under extraordinary
ircumstances will students be per-
itted to operate or ride in a private
motor car after 8 a.m. Thursday
when the driving ban becomes effec-
Administration of the ban is under
he supervision of Assistant Dean of
tudents, Walter B. Rea and it was
irst passed to make Ann Arbor's
streets safer, but "now under the
national program to curtail the use
of motor vehicles, it has added im-
portance," Dean Rea stated.
Regulations Listed
Driving privileges are extended to
tudents under special circumstances
and applications may be made in
he office of the Dean of Students,
Rm. 2, University Hall. Persons ap-
plying must state the "exceptional
and extraordinary" circumstances

which make the use of a motor ve-
hicle necessary and . follow these



THE BOARD OF REGENTS-The supreme governing body for the University is popularly elected.
From left to right: Ralph A. Hayward, Lt.-Comm. Harry J. Kipke, John B. Lynch, President A. G. Ruth-
ven, Edmund C. Shields, Mrs. Vera Baits, Alfred B. C onnable Jr., R. Spencer Bishop, and J. Joseph
Herbert. -Photo by John Horeth


.. .. . ..

University Plans $27 Million
Post-War uilding Program
Study of plans drawn up for the University's twenty-seven million
post-war expansion program has been under way since architectural con-
tracts were let last August, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, of the Civil Engineering
department, said.
Prof. Gram said actual work would have to await final acceptance of
the plans and a grant from the state legislature for construction. The
expansion program will gear the University to accommodate an expected
post-war enrollment of 18,000 full-time students.
Architectural -contracts were let '
last August on the University post- ond unit would be added, to Angell
war building and expansion program Hall.
geared to accommodate an expected This move would be the second
enrollment of upwards of 18,000 step in the proposed plan for the
full-time students. literary college first adopted in 1924
The physical face of the campus when the present structure was
will be completely lifted when the erected. It is hoped that the future
projected program is completed. A will see a quadrangle constructed.
new administration building, expand- around the present building to bring
ed women's gymnasium facilities, together all the departments and of-
additional men's and women's dor- fices of the literary college.
mitories, an addition to the main Projects Are 'Musts'
lirary, and erection of new laboratory Additions to the physics lab, the
and research facilities are included Union, and construction of a new
in the plans. dormitory for women would complete
After four months of study, the the list of projects marked "must"
report of the University Plant Exten- for immediate construction in the
sion committee, was submitted and program.
approved by the Board of Regents The second phase of the building
in September 1943 and transmitted to and expansion scheme, projected
the Governor for study and legis- overa ten year period after the war,
lative action. would greatly enlarge all present
Favorable Action Taken structures-hospital, medical build-
A committee from the state legis- ings, health service, men's dorini-
lature surveyed the campus last Feb- tories. It would provide, as the com-
ruary and favorable legislative action mittee sees it, "A physical plant on
was taken the following month which a par with the high rating the Uni-
made $580,000 available to the Uni- versity holds in the nation."
versity to begin the program, legislative action.
A serious need for improvement
and expansion was cited in the com-
mittee's report which stated "the Health Service
University is seriously handicapped
in many departments by the inade-d
quacy' and obsolescence of its physi- I f Studen s
cal plant."
Grant First Since '32 Co lDlete
Whatever building is done on the -
campus after the war will mark the If your stomach is woozy and your
first state grant for University con- brain is tired; if you have a sore foot
struction in the last 12 years. There or need medical care of any descrip-
have been no major plant extensions tion. University Health Service is
on the campus since 1932. ready and willing to help you.
The proposed new administration An institution established to main-
building, badly needed for many tain the physical well being of all
years, will be .constructed on State students, the Health Service has
Street between Helen Newberry complete facilities including a full
House. and the Union. staff of competent doctors and nur-
'U' Hall To Go ses, dental clinic, laboratories, X-ray
All administrative offices, business equipment and infirmary.
activity, broadcasting studios, and One of the First
department offices would be housed The University was one of the first
in this General Service Building and major institutions in the nation to
University Hall, condemned as a fire establish a community health center,
hazard since 1923, would be razed. and records of the pastten years
At a proposed cost of $1,310,000 have proved the experiment a com-
this building would bring up to date plete success.
University administration housing A staff of doctors headed by Dr.
which is now centered in a building Warren Forsythe maintain regular
built in 1871 for an enrollment of office hours during the week and are
1,200 students. on call at any time.
A planned addition to the present Freshman first get a glimpse into
Chemistry Building would increase the Health Service with all its effi-
the laboratory space 70 per cent at ciency when they receive their com-

The President's
Greeting.0 0
Michigan, which in years past
has welcomed more than 135,000
young men and women to her care
and tutelage, again greets a new
addition to her family-the stu-
dents entering in the fall of 1944.
Do not think, because Alma Ma-
ter's sons and daughters are so
numerous, that she will for that
reason care the less for any of you
or neglect you, and do not think,
either, because Alma Mater's age
is great, that she is not alive to
the needs of the present and the
future and amply able to help you
become useful citizens of your
country, with spiritual and intel-
lectual resources which will con-
tinue to be a comfort and a satis-
faction to yourselves. Accept her
guidance, therefore, in full reali-
zation of the privileges which you
enjoy and with the determination
to prove yourselves worthy of the
opportunities now freely offered.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Campus Committee
Approves Functions
Final approval of new campus so-
cieties, the policies of student organ-
izations, hours of dances, and in gen-
eral all student affairs is granted by
a board of faculty members and
students known as the Student Af-
fairs Committee.
Matters decided upon by the com-
mittee are usually of an unexpected
nature. The committee functions in
the consideration of such questions
as the traveling of athletic teams to
out-of-town games, the moving of
sorority or fraternity houses to new
sites, or the hour, of termination of
an important campus function.


University Trains
2 600 Servicemen
Number of Coeds Hits All-Time High;
First Student Increase Since 1939 Seen
Civilian enrollment is expected toincrease by more than 15 per cent
and the total is expected to reachmore than 7,000 when registration
is completed this week, Universityofficials predicted.
At the same time the largest nun-
®r~j 1 ber of coeds in University history is
now on campus, including more than
900 freshman girls. Dean of Women
Hear Keniston at Alice Lloyd estimated that more than
half of the total enrollment, approxi-
Com n cenment mately 4,000, will be women.
Total enrollment for the fall term
Faith in De m ocracy last year was 6,274. Of these 3,700
were coeds.
Stressed in Address First Jump Since 1939
Dr. Hayward Keniston told more In addition to the increased enroll-
than 300 graduates at the summer ment of, civilians military authorities
commencement exercises October 21 here estimated that there would be
comeafirmenfathexecisdesoctobe 2,600 military persons on campus,
to reaffirm a faith in democracy and maintaining the University as one of
that the 'world is our new frontier." the largest military training colleges
A former head of the University in the nation.
Romance Language Department, Dr. This figure will be far below the
Keniston has been cultural attache record high of 4,000 servicemen who
to the American Embassy in Buenos were stationed here a year ago. This
Aires for the past year and was re- reduction in part can be attributed
lieved of his post in time to deliver to the drastic reduction in ASTP
the commencement address. He will effected last April and the closing of
resume his former University posi V-12 assignments.
tion this fall after a two year leave This fall's enrollment will be the
of absence. first in the last five years that has
Tells of Argentine Fascism shown an increase over the previous
Disavowing the criticism that the year. The record high was in 1939-40
American system is outworn, Dr. when close to 13,000 full time civilian
Keniston related a story of fascist students were on campus. Since that
tyranny under which he lived for a year, each semester has shown a
year in Argentina. marked reduction as the pressure of
"For the last year I have been the war increased until now.
living under a military dictatorship Housing Eased
of the Fhalangist type. I have Mid-summer visions of coeds living
watched individual freedom disap- practically everywhere because of a
pear. I have seen the universities lack of adequate housing facilities
stifled, ,their students sent to Jail, were partly erased when 11 more
their professors dismissed or muz- fraternity houses and. eight . new
zled. And I want to assure you league houses were turned over to
that I have come to the conclusion girls housing early this month.
that whatever are its evils and Two of the fraternity houses were
abuses, our democratic way is a not vacated to give sufficient time
better way." for needed cleaning and decorating
.eand while this is being done, some
Dr. Keniston called for a new m- 48 girls will be living in the main
terest to make democracy live and lounge rooms of the Women's Ath-
declared that for too long we have letic Building. Meals for them are
taken our freedom for granted; we being served in the League Main
must not only -defend it, we must Ballroom.
justify it in terms of the community ,
as a whole."
Six Get Commissions IRA Considers
During the commencement cere-
monies sixmembers of the NROTC Race Problems
unit on campus were granted com-
missions among whom was Ensign The Inter - Racial Association,
Robert Adams, son of Dr. Randolph formed to educate students on vari-
Adams, curator of the Clements ous racial problems, will continue its
These exercises were the second program of forums, debates, lectures
summer ceremonies under the three and social gatherings in the fall
term, acceleratd University program semester, Ethel Sherwindt and Mar-
adopted in the spring of 1942. On garet Stevens, co - chairmen an-
the three term basis, graduation is nounced recently.
held at the end of each term. The Association will welcome to its
The Reverend F. E. Zendt of the membership any incoming freshman.
Church of Christ read the invocation Undergraduates, graduates, towns-
and the University Band under the people, and members of the faculty
baton of Prof. William Revelli parti- of all races and religions are eligible
,-.n-n -a ri fin h nrrnrn,to4ni4n I

ciparea in Lne grogram.

uo loin.


200 Ex-Servicemen Expected To Enroll

When the more than 100 expected
discharged veterans enroll in the
University this week, they will swell
the ranks of World War II veterans
on the campus to approximately 200
men and they will find the Univer-
sity and two veterans organizations
fully equipped to help them fit into
the campus scene.
The Veterans Organization came
into existence during the summer
term and was granted full recogni-
tion by the Student Affairs Commit-
tee last August.
Legion Post Formed
Headed by Laszlo Hetenyi, a vet-
eran of ten months active Army ser-
vice, this group of men banded to-

University Veterans Service Bureau,
headed by Prof. Clark Tibbits, execu-
tive secretary of the War Board.
'Michigan Plan' in Force
This body was set up last May
after the Board of Regents approved
the University plan for aiding the
returned veteran. This plan worked
out in great detail calls for special
counselling service, individual atten-
tion, and special tutoring and has
been adopted by other large universi-
ties as the "Michigan Plan" for vet-
eran assistance.
Leonard Cavanaugh, a veteran of
four years combat air force, duty
with the 19th Bombardment Group,
is commander of the Legion Post
which is named after Lt. George

indicated that their group doesn't
intend to duplicate the work the
Veterans Bureau is doing, but only
to "supplement it according to our
individual problems."
Most' of the veterans who have
come back to school are doing so
under the GI Bill of Rights passed
by Congress early this year. It pro-
vides educational opportunities, with
expenses paid up to $500 per term
and a living allowance, for service-
men and women whose education was
irterrupted by military service.
All other veterans on campus are
here under special legislation which
includes pensioned men with service

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