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February 16, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-16

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1,500 Carrier



Tokyo in



* *







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* *

Russian Army

Smashes Oder


Def enses



Topple Three
Key German
Sommerfeld, Sorau
Gruenberg Captured
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 15.-The Red Army
has smashed the Germans' central
Oder River defenses with a powerful
30-mile break-through which toppled
three of the enemy's largest strong-
holds southeast of Berlin, Premier-
Marshal Stalin announced tonight.
Steadily outflanking the Nazi Fuer-
stenberg - Frankfurt - Kuestrin line
due east of the imperilled Reich cap-
ital, Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First
Ukraine Army captured Sommerfeld,
only 67 miles southeast of greater
'Berlin, Sorau, 13 miles to the south-
east, and Gruenberg, 25 miles north-
east of Sommerfeld, an order of the
day said.
Front dispatches said Konev's low-
er wing also had slashed to within
45 miles of Dresden, capital of Sax-
ony, after reaching the Neisse River
in the area of Goerlitz, 74 miles
northeast of Prague, Czechoslovak
The fall of the three "important
junctions of communications and
mighty strongpoints of German de-
fense" southeast of Berlin was aided
by a U.S. heavy bomber attack on
Cottbus, strategic rail junction only
27 miles west of captured Sommer-
In another striking example of
closest liaison between the American
airmen and Russian ground forces
nearly 580 U.S. bombers hurled some
1,500 tons of explosives on Cottbus,
a big 12-way junction clogged with
German troop and supply traffic
rushed up in an effort to stop the
Wr's Greatest
Raid Continues
LONDON, Feb. 15-(AP)-More than
1,100 American heavy bombers es-
corted by 450 fighters, carrying the
greatest non-stop air attack of the
war into its second day, threw their
main weight of destruction today
against clogged rail yards at Cottbus,
only 12 miles in front of the on sweep-
ing Russian Army.
Burning Dresden also was hit again.
Nearly 500 bombers hurled some
1,500 tons of explosives on Cottbus,
aiming at a vast rail web in the cen-
ter of the city, where six main lines
Dresden was attacked for the
fourth time since the great air assault
began Tuesday night, some 200 more
American heavies bringing the total
bomb weight unloaded on the Saxon
capital to 4,000 tons.
It was estimated that 14,000 Allied
planes-more than half of them
heavy bombers which had spread
some 20,000 tons of explosives on at
least 15 industrial and rail centers
from Austria to the Ruhr-had taken
part in the great 48-hour link up
of the Eastern and Western fronts.
Three City Residents
Return on Gripsholm
Of the more than 660 civilians for-
merly interned by Germany now be-
ing returned on the exchange ship,
Gripsholm, three residents of Ann
Arbor have been listed. They are:
Agnes Gwiazdowski, Barbara Gwia-
zdowski, and Joseph Gwiazdowski.
The Daily was unable to secure fur-
ther information late last night.

Today Daily ceases publication.
Feb. 17 Final exams begin.
Feb. 18 Faculty recital: Gilbert
Ross, Helen Titus to per-
form at 8:30 p. m. in
Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
tre. .
Feb. 24. Mid-year graduation ex-


PACIFIC FRONT-Navy carrier
planes attack Tokyo and surround -
ing area, hit city in first direct
blow since Doolittle raid in 1942.
Planes take off from largest Amer-
ican sea force ever assembled for
one operation.
smash central German's central
Oder river defenses in 30-mile
breakthrough, topple three enemy
strongholds southeast of Berlin.
First Army makes two-mile gain
across last river before Goch
stronghold, advance on munitions
and RAF craft impede Nazi troop
movements out of the Balkans.
Crashes at New
York; 5 Survive
Plane Misses Runway,
Burns in Flushing Bay
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Feb. 15.-A B-29 Su-
perfortress, attempting to make an
emergency landing at La Guardia
airport, crashed and burned spec-
tacularly in Flushing Bay at 3:50
p.m. (E.W.T.) today.
Five survivors were rescued from
the flaming waters by Coast Guard,
police, and airlines crash boats which
fought through the fire and heavy
smoke to the wreckage. An unknown
number of persons were listed as
Col. Eugene F. Gillespie, command-
ing officer of the Army Air Transport
installations at the field, said such a
plane usually carried a crew of 11.
Eye-witnesses said the big bomber
apparently overshot the runway as
it attempted to land. The pilot nosed
the Superfortress up to circle the1
field again but as it turned, the leftt
wing dipped. The ship lost altitude,
struck the water, somersaulted and
crashed, immediately bursting into1
It had taken off a short time ear-
lier from Mitchel Field, Long Island,'
about 15 airline miles away.
Rescue equipment, thrown into ac-
tion by a radio message from the
plane that it was coming in with the
the left outboard engine not operat-a
when the crash occurred.
Firemen and crash workers, how-<
ever, could only stand helplessly on
the shore of the bay at the end of
the runway as the plane blazed 250
yards off shore. Rescue boats imme-
diately rushed to the scene.
With the publication of today's
issue, The Daily will cease publi-
cation for the Fall Term. Publi-
cation will be resumed March 6.
New PenicillM
Discovery Will
Replace 'Needle'
Associated Press Science Editor
NEW YORK, Feb. 15-Discovery of
a method to make penicillin pills, to
replace the injection by needle, was
announced today by the Lederle Lab-
oratories of the American Cyanamid
Pills to be taken by mouth have
been one of the main medical goals
in penicillin treatment. Until now it
has been impossible to do this be-
cause the gastric juices in the stom-
ach destroyed most of the penicillin.

Raymond L. Libby, of the Cyana-
mid Research Laboratories at Stam-
ford, Conn., solved this trouble by
placing penicillin in a double-deck
capsule. The outside covering is gel-
atin, which is dissolved in the stom-
ach. The inside cover is cottonseed
oil, which is little affected by stom-

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Largest U.S. Sea Force
Hits Japanese Islands
Assault Indicates Major Developments Are
Imminent; Yanks Strike Iwo Jima Again
U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUARTERS, Guam, Friday, Feb. 16-(P)-
The most powerful battleship and aircraft carrier force afloat poured more
than 1,500 Hellcats, Helldivers and Avenger planes today at Tokyo while
warships and army planes shelled and bombed islands to the south.
More fiattops than America ever before assembled in a single sea opera-
tion are sending raiders in continuous waves against Tokyo's airfields and
military defenses, tangling in sky battles with the enemy airforce.
First Smash at Capital
The carriers, protected literally by thousands of anti-aircraft guns mount-
ed on battleships, cruisers and destroyers, disgorged swarms of bombing,
torpedoing and strafing raiders in the first such smash of the war at
Japan's capital.
The huge and audacious operations, -


Air Mj

ALLIES FOUND DRESDEN-Red Army troops west of the Oder River have captured Striegau, advanced 1
toward Dresden, and have taken Sprottau and Neus alz. Germany reported a new Russian bridgehead
across the Oder east of Berlin, and Moscow said the g uns of advancing Russians could be heard in Stettin.
On the western front, the Allies were edging ahea d in Kleve and Trier areas.


Yank Drive Blasts Japanese
Plan To Reverse Luzon Battle

Associated Press Correspondent
MANILA, Feb. 16, Friday- Gen.
Douglas MacArthur disclosed today
that Japan's master plan to make
Manila the turning point of the Lu-
zon campaign in Nippon's favor is
being smashed by a powerhouse
American drive nearing victory in the
scarred city and fast overrunning
nearby Bataan peninsula.
Steady Reduction of Enemy
Today's communique, reporting
steady reduction of the enemy pocket
in south Manila, new gains on Ba-
taan and withering air attackson
Corregidor, also announced seizure of
an enemy document.
This document, the General said,
made it clear the Japanese had ex-
pected to hold Manila with '20,000
troops, street and house fortifica-
tions, thousands of mines, elaborate
concrete strongpoints and hundreds
of heavy guns-all prepared for an
attack from the south.
But MacArthur struck from the
north and the campaign for Manila
is closed to American victory, with
destruction of the defense system,
slaughter of the last ditch defenders
and capture of hundreds of cannon.
Four Miles Below 1942 Line
Of high interest is the swift prog-
ress on Bataan, in a push of only a
few days down the east coast, Yanks
of the 38th Division have advanced
four miles below Abucay Bay to the
340 TO Receive
Degrees eb. 24
Prof. Bonner To Speak
At Graduation Exercise
In the third mid-winter war-time
graduation degrees will be conferred
upon 340 candidates at 10:30 a. m.
Feb. 24, in Rackham Lecture Hall
Herbert G. Watkins, secretary of the
University, announced yesterday.
Prof. Campbell Bonner, formerly
dean of the Greek department, will
speak at the graduation. Prof. Bon-
ner, who will begin his retirement
furlough at the conclusion of the
present term, has not yet announced
the title of his address.
Of the tentative list of graduates
139 are members of the Literary Col-

eastern bastion of the final American
defense line in 1942.
MacArthur's revelations of the
seized document recalled a Domei
News Agency broadcast from Tokyo
Feb. 8 saying, "The Luzon battle is
fought for very high stakes."'
The communique told of a 112-ton
bombing of Corregidor but made no
reference to Japanese reports that
American minesweepers had forced
entry of the bay, followed by bom-
barding warships and troop-laden
Daps Expected Success at Manila 1
The General said the captured doc-
ument set forth Japanese expectancy
of a major and successful defense of1
"The garrison comprised more than
20,000 men, with hundreds of guns3
of various calibers, and many thou-
sands of mines based on elaborate
system of concrete strong points, pill-
boxes and street and house fortifica-
tions," he declared.
"These were especially fitted in an-1
ticipation of attack from the south
and from Manila Bay. The enemy
apparently hoped to hold Manila and
Manila Bay, thus making this the
turning point of the Luzon cam-
MacArthur said these plans were
defeated "by the rapidity of the en-
velopment by our forces and the dis-
location and unbalance caused by
our unanticipated advance and at-
tack from the north and east."
MacArthur said the three Yank
divisions closing in on the trapped
Manila garrison had captured or de-
stroyed an additional 320 cannon and
244 emplaced machineguns.
Tobera and Lakunai airdromes on
Rabaul, on New Britain Island just
north of New Guinea, were plastered
with 115 tons of explosives unloaded
by heavy and medium bombers and
fighter bombers.
Dean Kraus To
Receive Medal
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, will be presented with the Roebl-
ing medal, at a special meeting of the
Mineralogical Society of America to
be held Tuesday in New York City.
Dean Kraus, a founder and past.

liaising of Little
Steel Formula
Is Urged b CIO
State Representatives
Of Plants Seek Change
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 - The
necessity of revising upward the Little
Steel Formula was urged today by a
delegation of 30 CIO members rep-
resenting major Michigan war indu-
stries upon Vice President Truman,
stabilization officials, and Michigan
Senators and representatives.
The unionists, accompanied by
Mayor Hubbard of Dearborn, Mich.,
asserted that low wages were respon-
sible for the manpower shortages,
that prices had advanced beyond the
15 per cent wage increase the formula
permits and that wage levels were
damaging worker morale.
The CIO delegation spokesman said
Senators Ferguson and Vandenberg
had agreed that the formula should
be revised and he also said Vanden-
berg had promised to communicate
the CIO program to Stabilization Di-
rector Vinson.
The spokesman reported Demo-
cratic Representatives Lesinski, Hook,
Dingell, Sandowski, Rabaut and
O'Brien promised to form a commit-
tee to work with Vinson and the
White House on the revision issue.
Japanese Diet
Appoints Two
Follows Resolution for
An 'Economic Staff'
By The Associated Press
Tokyo radio today announced the
appointment by Premier Kuniaki
Koiso of two cabinet advisers, a vet-
eran industrialist and a railway ex-
pert. The appointments followed a
recent Japanese Diet resolution call-
ing for establishment of an "ecomo-
mic general staff.
Those appointed were former muni-
tions minister Ginjuro Fujiwara,
known as Japan's "paper king" and
for more than 50 years affiliated with
the Mitsui financial interests, and
Yoshiaki Hatta, transportation ex-
pert and former president of the Jap-
anese Chamber of Commerce. The

posing a challenge to Nippon's fleet,
strongly suggests major developments.d
Purpose Not Known
(There was no word from head-
quarters of the raid's purpose but it
easily could be intended to cover new
amphibious landing operations within
the inner defense ring of Japan's
island outguards).
A navy communique today, first dis-
closing the action, said the planes
were raiding "in and around Tokyo"
while warships shelled Iwo Jima in
the Volcano Islands and other enemy
bases some 700 miles to the south. I
Tokyo Confirmst
Tokyo confirmed the attack, said it1
began at 7:15 a. m. Tokyo time, re-(
ported two hours later .it still wasi
continuing and still later that the
planes were fanning out in attacks
southeast to air bases on the Boso
"Screaming Hellcats, their heavyt
multiple machine guns spewing death
and destruction in the first Americant
carrier sweep over Tokyo, jarred thet
Japanese capital shortly after dawnt
into a day of hysterical terror," re-
ported Al Dopking, Associated Press,
War Correspondent, in a Guam
Headquarters dispatch.
Follows Superfort Smash
The Tokyo smash followed by a
day a Superfortress blow at Nagoya
on the same island. The 21st Bomber
Command said the force of B-29s pos-
sibly was the largest ever to strike at
Signaling the beginning of the car-j
rier assault on Tokyo, the Japanese
radios there went silent at 7 a. m.'
just as the American flag was being
raised over headquarters on Guam.
The overall fleet actions-the Tokyo
raids, the Bonin and Volcano shell-
ings-were under the direction of
Adm. R. A. Spruance.'
Vice Adm. Marc A. Mitscher com-
manded the huge task force off Japan.
Plan for Tokyo
Raid by Yanks
Now Revealed
(Editors Note: The following story writ-
ten by Vern laugland, Associated Press
Correspondent at Guam, on Feb. 8 was
released today by the censor when news
of the carrier force strike on Tokyo and
environs was announced officially by
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz.)
THE PACIFIC, Feb.8- (Delayed) -The
largest warfleet in history rides at
{ anchor here restlessly awaiting the
Sdatealreadyascheduled when for the
first time an American sea-borne
force will strike at Tokyo in force.
The task force is so large that it
is difficult for the mind to grasp
this fantastic mixture of large and
small fighting ships and all the auxil-
iary vessels needed to keep them
armed, fueled and supplied.
Of the hundreds of vessels in this
great base, scores of them will steam
toward Tokyo within a few days in
quest of a fight.
That task force will be the great-
est ever known to man-greater even
than dreamed of a few years ago
and it will include the largest and
newest American carriers, battleships,
light carriers, jeep carriers, cruisers
and destroyers. It will launch con-
sideably more than 1,200 planes

Canadian First
Gains 2 Miles
In. Gech Drive,
Army Crosses Niers
In Approach to Goal
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Feb. 15-The Canadian
First Army in a two-mile gain poured
troops and tanks today across the
last river before the stronghold of
Goch, beyond which lies open roll-
ing country leading to Germany's
great munitions producing region.
As Canadians and British welded
two crossings of the Niers River into
a solid five-mile bridgehead, other
forces pressing due east 14 miles in-
side Germany neared Moyland, less
than two miles from the communica-
tions center of Calcar and 17 miles
from Wesel in the northwest corner
of the industrial Ruhr.
Seize 20 Mile Stretch
On the north flank, Canadians
seized control of 20 miles of the
Rhine's south bank east of Nijmegen
by entering Hurendeich and captur-
ing a ferry crossing to the textile
town of Emmerich, five miles north-
east of Kleve.
At the opposite end of the western
front, the U. S. Seventh Army lash-
ed out in a new attack south of the
Saar Basin that gained up to a mile
and a half on a five-mile front.
This attack, dealt by the 44th
Division, ironed out a German salient
east of the French city of Sarregue-
mines in the northern Vosges
Third Attacking Pruem
Comparative quiet lay over the re-
mainder of the front, except for the
Eifel Mountain sector where the
U. S. Third Army is attacking the
westwall south of Pruem. This fal-
len German citadel was under enemy
artillery fire.
Best Third Army advance of the
day was a mile and a half through
advance westwall positions 25 miles
south of Pruem along the Sure River.
A falof "I inches on the flooded
Roer, where the U. S. First and Ninth
and British Second armies are deploy-
ed, indicated that that troublesome
barrier on the Cologne Plain was re-
turning to normal.
Text Lending
Library Needs
Used Volumes
Students were urged by Dean Erich
A. Walter yesterday to give their used
textbooks to the Textbook Lending
Library for the use of needy students
during the next and succeeding sem-
The library is located in Angell
Hall Study Hall and is for use of all
needy students enrolled in any school
of the University. Books are charged
to students for one term, with the
privilege of renewing the loan for
another term providing the books
are not carelessly handled.
There are now approximately 1,000
books on the library shelves. The

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