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February 14, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-14

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W~h~iSDAYj7EB. j4, if)4;

Governor Calls Conference To.
Discuss Revision of Tax Plans

Largest Class Will Train Here
For Far East Administration
The largest single class of Army
and Navy officers to train for Civil Amphitheatre at 3 p. m. which will
Affairs administration in the Far be greeted by President Ruthven,
Fast will be enroled at the Universitv other University authorities and the

and Education Committees to pre-
pare for a conference Friday with a
group of mayors and city managers
who have demanded that the legis-
lature and Kelly make a statement of
what they intend to do for local gov-
Cities Ask For Revenue
Rep. ,;Abe Dykstra, Grand Rapids
Republican, read into the House rec-'
ord a warning that "Our cities may
be forced" to seek their own relief by
attempting to amend the constitution
into form giving them a share of
state sales tax revenues.
"It is my humble but honest opin-
ion that we do not need any addi-'
tional taxes, but a more equal distri-
bution of present taxes," Dykstra's'
statement said. His city operates
under the 15-mill limitation on real
property taxes.
Until a delegation of mayors and
city managers visited the Capitol last
week there had been general under-
standing that the legislature would
do little if anything for the cities, be-
cause members were irked by reluc-
tance of cities operating under the
15-mill limitation on real estate taxes
to raise this ceiling before turning
to the state for aid.
Tax Revision Is Discussed
The mayoral demand, however,
brought prompt discussion of plans
to revise the intangible tax to make
it more prodluctive and to give the
local units all of its revenues, and
possibly to clothe cities with power
to impose some form. of excise tax to
swell their income. In addition, the
legislature has given indication of 7
willingness to reimburse local units
for homestead property tax exempt-
ions accorded to war veterans.
Kelly said he would enter tomor-
row's meeting with no intention to
tell the legislature what to do, but
that he was willing to "make some
observations" and insist that any-
thing done should be on a basis of
Kelly Advocates Change
"Every dollar should be used so
it will bring the greatest good to the
greatest number," Kelly said at a
press conference after returning from
a trip to Pittsburgh.
"I. want no question in the minds
of anyone of the sincerity of our
purpose to bring tax problems into
proper focus. Other states will be
doing next year what we are doing
now. (A reference to his state tax
study commission's examination of
tax laws.)
I will do everything in my power
to settle the tax problem in this
term of my office."

-4 au V,- f./ c,.a1a Vl444\a Wu u al.. W aaa r a..t i.: a uy i

The third group of its kind, the
new class will includi a number of
WAC officers who will form the larg-
est single WAC group ever to study
at the University. The class also will
include the first foreign officer to be
enrolled in the Civil Affairs Training
School here. He will be a ma.ior
from the British Army. The class
itself will be largely composed of
Army officers with only a few from
the Navy.
Monday morning will be devoted
to registering and orientation talks
by Prof. W. F. Ramsdell and Col.
Stephen A. ,Park, Director and As-
sociate Director of the school. A
convocation will be held in Rackham

Army and Navy commandants. A
reception at the Rackham Building
for the new class will be held at 4
p. m. Although some of the group
already are on campus, the formal
date for reporting is Saturday.
oss Titus4-To


TANKS MOVE INTO MANILA-Medium American tanks, flanked by infantrymen, move past the bullet-
pocked buiding of the Far Eastern University as they advanced toward downtown Manila. The dead
Japanese in the foreground was cut down by American fire.

W orKers
Ne w State Of ficeAenterF


V ay Sunday
The final Faculty Recital of the
Spring Term will be heard at 8:30
p. m. Sunday, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, when Gilbert Ross, violinist,
and Helen Titus, pianist, will play
compositions by Pugnani, Pergolesi,
Mozart, Brahms, Jacobi, Strewinsky
and Bartok.
Dr. Ross,. Professor of violin at the
School of Music, and acting conduct-
or of the University of Michigan
Symphony Orchestra, has appeared
in a number of recitals in and around
Ann Arbor. His most recent program
was given with Miss Titus on Feb-
ruary 6, in Grand Rapids.
'he recital will be open to the gen-
eral public.

Byrnes Repeats Stipport
lOf 'Work or Fight' Bill

ifecommenided to (overnor (

LANSING, Feb. 13 - (P) - An
$8,000,000 to $10,000,000 state office
center of five new buildings, one a 27-
story skyscraper, was recommended
to Governor Kelly and the legislat-
ure today by the State Capitol Build-
ing Commission.
The committee recommended re-
taing the present 60-year-old cap-
itol building for its sentimental and
historical value,devoting it almost
exclusively to the uses of the gov-
ernor, legislature, state treasury and
auditor general. The present seven-
story office building a block from the
present capitol also would be retain-
ConspJira tors Giv eu1
Prison Sen tences
BAY CITY, Mich., Feb. 13--UP).-
Kitty Marie Case, 21, and Shirley
Jean Druce, 18, former Owosso can-
ning factory employes convicted of
conspiring to aid the escape of two
German prisoners of war, were :sen-
tenced to prison terms today by Fed-
eral Judge Frank A. Picard .
Miss Case was sentenced to a year
and three months, and Miss Druce
to a year and one day. Where they
will be imprisoned awaits the recom-
mendation of the attorney-general.
Judge Picard said the girls will be
eligible for parole consideration after
one third of the term is served.

The proposal would start construc-
tion of the five new buildings in a
four-block square area behind the
present capitol, building there first
an office building of five and seven
stories and a skyscrap'r. Oth-
er buildings propOSnCi would be a
structure to house the supreme court,
law library, attorney general and al-~
lied agencies; a state museum and
archives building, a second office
building and a state library building.
The committee said the plan can
be achieved on land now owned or
being bought by the state at an esti-
mated cost of $800,000.
Completion of the major office
building would permit a number of
agencies to leave present inadequate
rented quarters scattered through-
out downtown Lansing and Detroit.
Bill Ilt roduced
Eimploye'- s yihis
Wouldi Be Increied
LANSING, Feb.13--UP- The Mich-
igan Unemployment Compensation
Commission's bill to broaden its basic
law was introduced in the Senate to-
Senator Ivan A. Johnston, Mt. Cle-
mons Republican, said the measure
would increase the payments of em-
ployers by about $70,000,000 a year,
bolstering the state's $260,000,000 re-
serve against postwar unemployment.
Revise Merit Rating
He said it would revise the so-called
"merit rating" for employers with
good employment experience, under
which most Michigan employers have
reduced their contributions to the
fund to one per cent of their pay-
rolls. He said high employment in
Michigan plus the low rate of employ-
er contribution has weakened the
The bill proposes that no employer
would benefit by the reduced contri-
bution rate until he had achieved
and maintained a five per cent re-
serve of his payroll in the fund.
Johnston said the change would af-
feet large employers with erratic em-
ployment levels more than small em-
ployers with constant employment.
$25 for 26 weeks
The bill would increase unemploy-
ment benefits from $20 for 20 weeks
to $25 for 26 weeks.
Contrary to the present statutory
coverage of every employer with eight
or more employes, the bill would cover
employers with four or more em-
ployes. Johnston said the change
would bring 100,000 more employes
under the law and 15,000 more em-

Qall Off Strike
DETROIT. Feb. 13-(A')-A strike
of approximately 1,000 employes of
the Square D. Company here was
called off today at a meeting of the
workers at which representatives of
the Army Air Forces and the regional
War Labor Board urged the import-
ance of their work to the war effort.
The strike, which began Friday,
interrupted production of electric
circuit breakers used in air craft,
landing vessels and rocket bombs,
produced in only one other factory
in the United States.
The strikers, members of Local
937, United Electrical Workers (CIO),
left their jobs in a dispute with. the
management over the method of dis-
tributing a wage increase authorized
recently by the regional WLB.
Still unsettled tonight was a strike
of 1,030 employes of the Dodge main
plant of Chrysler Corporation. The
strike which followed disciplinary
lay-offs for several fellow workers
interrupted production of engine
parts for B-29 bomber planes.
Foresters To Hold
Conference H ere
The first conference of forestry
school*executives, sponsored by the
Division of Education of the Society
of American Foresters, which 25
deans of forestry schools in the coun-
try are expected to attend, will be
held Sunday through Tuesday at the
Those attending the conference will
be the guests of Dean and Mrs. Sam-
uel T. Dana at an informal gather-
ing at 8 p. m. Sunday at their home.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13-P)-War
Mobilization Director Byrnes today
reiterated support of the work-or-jail
manpower bill, asserting "more men
will be in combat in March than ever

Sall All Your




STUDENT HELP-Pinafore Restau-
rant one block east of Rackham
Bldg. Work spring semester for
60c to 70c per hour board or cash.
Call 6737 after 8 p. m.
WANTED: Cook's helper, experience
not necessary if capable and will-
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6
day week. Vacation with pay. Ap-
ply Miss Tomlinson, University
Health Service. 2-4531.
LOST: Eversharp pen, maroon with
gold top Monday, somewhere be-
tween Jordan and Angell Hall. Call
24561, room 381. Reward.
LOST: Friday afternoon, green Shaf-
fer pen. Reward for return. Phone
LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two
weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street.!
White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729.1
LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib-
bon-in Union swimming locker
room. Sentimental value. Tele-
phone 2-2914 or 4483 evenings.
LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches

long with topaz attached. Lost in
or near Rackham on Washington
up to parking lot. Family heirloom.
Substantial reward.


BOARD AND ROOM at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon House, 733 S. State,
Spring term, for students only-
fraternity men preferred. Location
near campus. See Mr. Reeck at 12
or 6 p. m.
chards. Limited schedule filling
now. Rapid approved service. P.
0. box 536.
REWARD: Equivalent of one month's
rent in cash for information lead-
ing to rental of 1 or 2 room furnish-
ed apartment in Feb. or Mar. Leave
Tel. message at 8610 for Pfc. Fred
BIKE FOR SALE. European make,
lightweight. Twenty dollars or less.
James Kemp. 719 Tappan. No

Let's all refresh ...Have a Coca-Co la





C F 2

MARCH 9.1945



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Tickets: 400

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