SATURDAY, NOV. 4, 1944
Clements Library Receives
Full Set of" DDay Notices
A former student who is now a also printd in English. The notices
lieutenant colonel stationed in France were posted as the Allies advanced.
has forwarded to the William Clem- Liberation Proclamation Posted
ents library what appears to be a One of the posters is a copy; of
fairly complete set of notices pre- General Eisenhower's invasion proc-
pared for the civilians of France be- lamation. This is the one that stazts.
fore D-Day. "The hour of deliverance has arriv-
In spite of the paper shortage (two ed." Six thousand copies of this
were printed on the back of other notice were printed and distributed
larger ones which had been cut up throughout France.
for the purpose), nine different post- The provisional government of
ers were prepared. They were aUl France issued two of the notices. One
in French and seven of the nice were of these announces the restriction
~ of travel or "circulation," of both
persons and vehicles farther than
:N *o .+car six kilometers from a residence: the
!other is against illa nd
Oi". ww Voe
Student Ads Former
Slave on First Ballot
VU1C } ntpi g anm aUn-
nounces that serious offenses will be
punished by death.
Posters Protect Historic Sites
Another of the posters, printed in
both English and French, is intend-
ed for the protection of historic
VARSITY GLEE CLUB-A smoker will be held for tryouts at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Informal
group singing and a tryout under the direction of Prof. David Mattern will be featured.
$e .. '
Glee Club To
a Hold Smoker
For Tryouts
o Offering an opportunity for goo
r fellowship, the 'Varsity Glee Clul
) one of Michigan's finest old trad
d tions, will hold its second inform
) smoker and tryout for all freshme
upperclassmen, graduate studeni
m and servicemen on campus at 4:3
d p.m. tomorrow in their third floc
e club rooms at the Union.
d Despite the lack of cigarettes i:
Ann Arbor, the "smoker" will affor
1, all male students who are intereste
g in participating in group singsa
g chance to air their talent.
e Undef the direction of Prof. Davi
s Mattern',of the School of Music, th
1 Glee Club has performed for church
h es, educational organizations, con
ventions and alumni gathering
throughoutthe country in past year
and expects to carry on with th
dormitory serenades which it starte
last year. Radio broadcasts an
campus sings are also a part of th
club's regular activities.
The club will give its first per
formance of the year at "Kampu
Kapers," the all student show, spon
soreai by The Daily, League an
Union on Nov. 15 in Hill Auditorium
The Glee Club which dates bac
to 1886 now boasts of 2,000 alumni.
A newsletter is sent to former mem
e bers in service and to alumni by
present members. Gov. Thomas E,
Dewey, Republican candidate fo
n president, numbers among the club'
one-time members.
- Give to the War Chest -
yFugitive Cautht
e4n Wyoming
Nelson King, who escaped from th
State Prison of Southern Michigar
June 15 and kidnapped Ann Arbo
detective George Stauch the sam
day, is being held by federal author-
ities at Cheyenne, Wyo., it was an-
nounced today by Robert A. Guerin
head of the Detroit FBI office.
Stauch picked up King and a com-
panion at 6:30 a. m. June 15, wher
he stopped the pair hitchhiking at
Stadium Blvd., and Englewood Ave
While on the way to the station.
the two attacked Stauch on Main and
Packard Sts., stripping him of his
uniform and gun.
After tying the kidnapped police-
man, the thugs abandoned him in a
deserted farm house on Crane Rd.,
southwest of Ypsilanti and escaped
to Detroit in his police car.
Stauch was then able to hobble,
still tied and stripped, to the road
where a passing motorist took him
to the Ypsilanti state police post.
After a federal impersonation
charge has been disposed of, Nelson
King, alias Marion Buczynski, will
be returned to Michigan, Guerin ad-
ded. Nelson's mate was killed in an
attempted holdup in Wyoming.
- Give to the War Chest -
Leisure Time
Activities Start
The Willow Run Area Recreation
Project's new training program, for
anyone interested in leisure-time
activities, will start at 9:30 a.m.
today at the Gilbert Community
House, High and Grove Sts., Ypsi-
Emphasizing family recreation and
education through leisure-time activ-
ities, the training project will con-
tinue for the next three Saturdays.
Courses offered include: puppetry.
Leaders Plan To Vitalize Adult
Education in Campus Meeting"
monuments and proclaims these
Born into slavery in Kentucky, areas off limits.
Feb. 15, 1853. but eligible to vote for The remaining five were all head-
the last 50 years, Mrs. Kitty Walker. ed "Public Notices." These noti ;es
91-year-old Ann Arbor resident, will order a complete blackout, forbid
cast her first ballot in the 1944 the use or carrying of either cameras
presidential election. or glasses, order the turning in of
Extremely alert despite her 91 all arms, war material, radio trans-
years, Mrs. *Walker explains simply.,l rs a aerardotas
, mitters and carrier pigeons, forbid
"N.o one ever taught me about vot- travel on specified routes and order.
ing. You see, I was born a slave.' a curfew.
Taken from her mother at thie age; ~ ~ ~
All th a e notiP.ca that inln n
Plans to vitalize adult education
projects by better satisfying the needs
of the people, and by securing their
participation in one planning and
conduct of the program were discuss-
ed at the final discussion panel yes-
terday of a two day meeting of state
leaders in adult education.
McClusky Leads Discussion
The discussion, under the direction
of Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, direct-
or of the University's adult education
program, stressed the need for the
use of visual aids, radio; and more
printed pamphlets in simple, attract-
ive form. The group considered
means of taking the program to the
people, into the shops, offices, and
local libraries. Education through the
presentation of fine paintings in pub-
lic places, and through programs or-
ganized for clubs were also discussed.
Two-Week College Proposed
Resident centers releasing people
from their work for a one or two
week course at a "people's college" or
family camp where children would
be cared for while parents studied
were given attention. These "resi-
dence schools" would correspond to
ordinary colleges in that they would
free students from the responsibility
of work during the term; it was pro-
posed that expenses be covered by
the national'government.
of ten, she went to Louisiana when
her owner moved his family to a new
plantation there during the Civil
I War. She was a nursemaid and
house servant to the family for
nearly five years, when the war fin-
ally ended.
Her education did not start until
after "freedom" and then "no one
ever talked to me about voting."
This fall she received a telephone
call from a University student who
was aiding in the registration drive
in this area.
"I told the young lady I didn't
know about voting so she came down
to the house and talked to me." Mrs.
Walker explained.
Later a notary public was brought
down to take her registration and aid
her in preparing a ballot.
When asked about the Civil War,
sl said, I heard the boss and his
fs sadk ardtthe boss and ahis
Mr. Lincoln but I was just a child.
I didn't understand it."
- Give to the War Chest
Civil Service
Raises Salaries
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Nov. 3.-The budget
department today accused the state
Civil Service Commission of again
upsetting budget plans at the last
minute, a complaint renewed at each
budget preparation period in recent
The Commission last Tuesday rais-
ed salaries of some state employes
$360,000 a year and plans to discuss
in December the institution of a '40-
hour week for all state workers.
Budget director Fred C. Striffler said
this action would delay the 1945-46
budget drafting.
Striffler said the budget depart-j
rat tae 1uces say uaL vioazions
will be punished by whatever pen-
alty the courts may prescribe.
- Give to the War Chest --
Sergeant Lauds
U' Hospital Unit
Now in Frane
The University of Michigan's hos-
pital unit, now serving in France,
received high praise in a letter sent
to President Alexander G. Ruthven
by Walter Opacki, sergeant in a
quartermaster truck company serv-
ing overseas.
The sergeant reveals his story in
between the lines of appreciation
voiced in the letter. He had been in
a serious condition as a result of an
abscessed molar whichinfected his
right cheek bone when he was finally
brought to the University hospital
unit. There Maj. J. B. Farrior oper-
ated successfully.
The University hospital unit left
here June 7, 1942 and served in Eng-
land until shortly after D-Day. Then
it moved to France and has been
operating behind the lines ever since.
The staff of both doctors and nurses
is composed entirely of University
staff members.
- Give to the War Chest --
Construction of New
Gas Pipeline Begins
Initial steps in the construction of
a new $70,000,000 natural gas pipe-
line from the southwest to midwest-
ern cities including Ann Arbor, have
been announced by William G. Wool-
folk, president of the United Light
and Power Co:
SATURDAY, NOV. 4, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 4
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of thej
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a, m.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts : There will be a
meeting of this Faculty in Rm. 1025,
Angell Hall, Nov. 6, 1944 at 4:10 p.m.
Notices of this meeting and the
proposed agenda and reports have
been distributed through campus
mail. Edwsard H. Kraus
Notice to all Faculty and Staff
Members: New Tax Exemption cer-
tificates are required from every in-
dividual for the purpose of figuring
withholding tax on salaries begin-
ning Jan. 1, 1945. These certificates
must be filed in the Payroll Depart-
ment of the Business Office, Rm. 9,
University Hall not later than Dec. 1,
1944. Blank certificates may be ob-
tamed either at Rm. 1 or Rm. 9,
University Hall.
Please attend to this at once to
expedite clerical work involved.
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov.
23, is a University holiday. All Uni-
versity activities will be resumed on
Friday, Nov. 24.
Freshman Health Lectures for
Men: Fall Term-1944. It is a Uni-
versity requirement that all entering
freshmen are required to take, with-
out credit, six lectures in community!
and personal health and to pass an
examination on the content of these
lectures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also required
to take the course unless they have
had a similar course elsewhere. ;
These lectures will be given in Rm.
25, Angell Hall at 5 p.m. and repeatedi
at 7:30 p.m. as per the following
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with theChairman of the Committee
on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all others from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.
Eligibility, First Year: No fresh-
man in his first semester of residence
may be granted a Certificate of Eli-
A freshman, during his second
semester of residence, may be grant-
ed a Certificate of Eligibility pro-
vided he has completed 15 hours or
more of work with (1) at least one
mark of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 22 times
as many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility, General: In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C average
for his entire academic career.
, Unreported grades and grades of X
and I are to be interpreted as E until
removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
ment had the promise of Civil Ser- Expansion of underground storage
vice to cooperate in getting the bud- facilities in Michigan is also included
get prepared early. in the plan.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MEN FOR BOARD at A. T. O. house,
700 South State. Call house man-
ager. Nick Krusko, 23297.
suits, coats. Inquire about skirts for
sale. A. Graves. Opposite Stock-
well Hall.
WANTED: Rooms for delegates and
wives attending University Press
Club Thursday and Friday nights.
Nov. 9-10. List rooms with D. H.
Haines, 212 Haven Hall. Will pay
$1.50 per person per night.
tables in exchange for breakfast
and dinner. Please phone 7595.
WANTED: Student waiters and wait-
resses. Excellent arrangements for
food. University Grill, 615 E. Wil-
liam, 3rd door from State, upstairs.
WANTED: Four bus boys for lunch
and dinner service at 620 State
Street. Boys or girls apply. Call
WANTED-Two boys to wait table
and wash dishes at sorority house
at lunch and dinner in return for
meals. 3018. Ask for Mrs. Walk-
student help. Kitchen help 70c per
hour. Waiters and waitresses 60c
per hour plus tips. Work 2 hrs.
per day. Open 11:45 to 1:15, 5:30
to 7:15. 1109 E. Huron. 1 block
east of Rackham Bldg.
DON'T STARVE, fellows! Wait table
and eat heartily at the Alpha Xi
Delta sorority house, 715 Hill
Street. Call Mrs. Donald Miles at
2-5570 immediately. if
cal. University music graduate.
Campus studio. Ruth Van Natter.
Phone 21575.
Lecture N
o. Day
. Wednesday
Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 13
Nov. a.4
note that attendance is re-
and roll will be taken.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
Director, Health Service
Issuance of Keys: On and after
Nov. 15th the Key Office at the
Buildings and Grounds Department
will be open between the hours of
1 to 4:30 p.m., Mondays throu^ Fri-
days, and from 8 to 12 a.m. Satur-
LOST: Saddle leather wallet. Re-
ward. Call June Luttrell, 5938.
LOST: Gold identification bracelet
near league. Reward. Write Box
PIANO LESSONS: Elizabeth Har-
wood Correll. U. of M. music
school graduate-1940. 316 N. State