I MI it qii
Partly cloudy and
much colder today.
Budapest in Panic as Russians
Near City
Close In on
Roer River
Schinidt Captured
By Advancing Yanks
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Paris, Nov. 3.-The southern
flank of the U.S. First Army assault
swept two miles southeast of cap-
tured Vossenack today, overrunning
the German village of Schmidt only
three-quarters of a mile from the
river Roer, next enemy barrier on
the way to the Rhine 28 miles to the
east. *
The doughboys gouged out their
advance in hard fighting through
heavily-mined woodland under lead-
en clouds so low that close air sup-
port was virtually impossible.
But fighter bomber pilots of the
Ninth Air Force, flashing out of the
flank of First Army sweeps two
miles southeast of captured Vosse-
nack, overrunning village of
within sight of Budapest's spires.
PACIFIC--Troops of 24th Divi-
sion push five miles west of re-
cently-captured Carigara. Pursue
withdrawing Japs.
Give to War Chest
YOU'VE JUST RETURNED to the Michigan campus. You came
back to Ann Arbor loaded with money. You planned on having
rent to pay, meals to buy, a few books to purchase, a lot of little inci.
dental expenses that go along with a new semester.
You put a little extra money in your pockets just in case. In short,
these first two weeks will be the one time this year that you cannot
honestly say that you're broke. You're set for a good time this term.
Now there may be one or two others someplace in the world who
haven't got their pockets heavy with American dollars. They're spend-
ing invasion money-liras and francs and South Pacific yens. For years
a lot of other people have been forced to use "occupation" German
marks and Japanese yens. Some of those people, had to starve for'that
money-some in uniform maybe had to do a little fighting and shed a
little blood to get theirs. They don't expect to have much of a good
MAYBE a lot of foreigners don't mean much to you. Maybe those
guys in uniform aren't very close to you. But you and your people
and the things you represent mean an awful lot to all of them. They're
looking to you for help. You can't help them physically. But you can}
give them your support in one fine way.
Give to the War Chest now. You've got only two more days.
--Ray Shinn
War Chest Campaign Expected
To Exceed Last Year Totals
Reds Capture Sari;
Guns Heard in City
Berlin Admits Critical Situation Exists
But Plans Street-by-Street Defense
By The Associated Press
LONDON, NOV. 3-Russian troops swept within sight of Budapest's
spires today with the capture of Sari, 15 miles to the southeast, and 100
other localities, as Berlin admitted "A critical situation" amid Axis
defenses on the approaches to the Hungarian capital.
A Bucharest radio broadcast recorded by Reuters said "A revolution
is in full swing" inside Budapest, but there was no confirmation of this
report, and the Budapest radio at a late hour still was functioning.
A Red Star front dispatch said panicky civilians were fleeing Budapest
toward the Austrian border, 90 miles to the west, and Stockholm reports
said some personnel in Prime Mini-v
< - ster Ferenc Szalasi's puppet govern- of the Reich had repulsed attacks by
ment also had abandoned the imper- large enemy tank and infantry for-
illed city. ces north and south of Goldap, 19
RECONSTRUCTION-U. S. Army engineers blast debris before rebuild-
ing a bridge blown out by Germans in Belgium.
Soong Denies U.S. Exerted'
Power on China To Oust Reds
clouds, dealt what blows they could,
knocking out three tanks and prob-
ably destroying three others of the
German armored supply.
Fight To Open Docks.
Although the impact fell heaviest
on the German home front there,
fighting as fierce was going on in the
last hours of the battle for Wal-
cheren Island, which will open the
docks of Antwerp to a flood of Allied
The tempo of battle also rose along
the Mark River line, five miles south
of the Maas in western Holland, and
beyond Vaccarat in Franzce; _.reme
Allied armies are battling toward the
passes which lead through the Vosges
Mountains to the Rhine and Ger-
The swampy south Schelde pocket
was liquidated as the last Nazi sniper
nests were cleaned out late in the
afternoon, and for the first time
since the Canadian offensive brokey
there 28 days ago that front fell
silent. ,
Nazi Guns Silenced
On nearly-drowned Walcheren Is-
land to the north, the last of the
port-blocking big guns of the Ger-
mans fell silent too-most or pos-
sibly all of them by now knocked out
or captured.
Vlissingen (Flushing) was cap-
tured. Its garrison commander. Lt.-
Col. Reinhardt, and a good many of
his men surrendered. The rest fled
to the east into a triangle menaced
by a British-Canadian bridgehead
broadening on the east shores of the
island around the causeway from
south Beveland Island.
- Give to the War Chest -
Jack Miner, Famous
Bird-Lover, Dies
KINGSVILLE, Ont., Nov. 3. --
(A?)-Jack Miner., who in 1904 started
his now world-famous bird sanctuary
with seven wild geese in a pond on
his farm near Lake Erie, died today
at the age of 79 in his home at
Bird lovers from all parts of the
world have visited the sanctuary.
Four years after the first seven
geese were attracted to the pond
near here, 11 more visited the spot
and in recent years the annual num-
ber of wild ducks and geese has been
estimated at 30,000. Miner began
banding the birds in 1909 and thus
added much to the knowledge of
migration routes across the conti-
Nov.4 Choral Union Concert
Helen Traubel, soloist
8:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
Nov. 5 Daily poll f or songs for
Guy Lombardo programs
Nov. 5 Glee Club Smoker 7:30
p.m. at the Union
Nov. 6 End of 'U' War Chest
Nov. 6 Daily tryout meeting, 4
p.m. at the Student Pub-
lications Building.
"In spite of the fact that the War
Chest Drive for funds was disrupted
by the break in semesters, I am con-
fident that we can raise by Monday
afternoon an amount matching or
exceeding our total last year, Pro-
fessor Harold M. Dorr, co-ordinator
of the campaign on campus, said
"I am very enthusiastic about the
way the campaign has been organ-
ized among the students, and the
fIt ih Fays '
Jap Home.n
IsP ~Wie Ope'
By The Associated Press
pan's homeland has been left pretty
wide open by reduction of the enemy
to a fifth rate naval power and prac-
tical elimination of Japanese naval
aviation, Vice Adm. Marc A. Mit-
scher, task force 58 commander, said
today on his return home on leave.
Despite the great successes on land
and sea and in the air, the veteran
officer said the Pacific war soon
probably would shift from high to low
gear because of the supply problem.
"Americans have no idea of the
amount of effort it takes to get food
and ammunition and other supplies
out to the islands in the Pacific,"
said the Admiral. "It means a lot
more shipping than we have avail-
able now."
Reciting publicly for the first
time the plane and shipping destruc-
tion racked up by his mighty task
force 58, Mitscher said the box score
showed 795 naval and merchant yes-
sels had been sunk or damaged from
January 29 to October 27. and 4,425
Japanese planes destroyed.
Mitscher said Japanese naval
aviation had been assigned the task
of protecting the Empire's island
outposts and had been practically
eliminated in the American drive
across the Pacific. Defense of the
Japanese homeland was assigned
the army air force, the Admiral
Recent battles off Formosa and
the Philippines reduced Japan to a
fifth rate naval power, Mitscher said,
adding he didn't believe the enemy
had more than a few battleships
left, and only one or two major car-
riers and several baby type carriers.
- Give to the War Chest -
Pilot And Crew Die
In Bomber Crash j
pilot and three crewmen of a medium
army bomber were killed today when
the plane crashed and burned 1 /z
miles west of Glennie, Mich., in the
Huron National Forest, the public
relations officer at the Army air base
interest shown by both the student
and faculty solicitors and contribu-
tors," he declared.
Paul John, '46, and Peggy Morgan,
'45, directors of the student cam-
paign, have contacted representatives
in each of the organized residences
on campus. These include a dozen
men's houses, and some 98 women's
dormitories, sororities and league
houses. Special agents haye solicited
each student in their houses, and the
number of contributors approaches
Contributors Help Servicemen
"Most of the girls have relatives or
sweethearts in the services and they
want to give to this War Chest cause,
because they know that this is an
opportunity to help their fighting
men," declared, Miss Morgan.
To facilitate faculty contributions,
the campus has been divided into
two parts, with Prof. Kenneth Hance
of the Speech department directing
the drive in the west half, and Prof.
James Gault of the engineering col-
lege in the east half.
Houses Set Quotas
Although no definite quotas have
been set for each house, many resi-
dences have set their own quotas.
A rough estimate by the directors
indicates that close to $16,000 has
already been reported. Women so-
licitors should turn in their receipts
by 5:30 p.m. Monday, to the Under-
graduate office of the League; men
should turn in theirs at the Student
offices in the Union.
For those students who were not
contacted by one of the agents, a
desk will be set up in the Union to
receive contributions between 1 and
4 p.m. Saturday and Monday.
-Give to the War Chest -
Election Results
May Be Delayed
Soldier Vote Can Be
Deciding Factor, NoV. 7
NEW YORK, NOV. 3-(P)--If the
presidential race is as close as four
nationwide polls predict, the winner
may not be known until the soldier
votes are counted--days or even
weeks after election day.
Eleven states, with a total of 123
electoral votes, will not count all
their military ballots election night.
At least three of them-Pennsylvania,
Maryland and Missouri-are classed
by the polls as "doubtful." One opin-
ion survey has concluded that Penn-
sylvania's 35 electoral votes will de-
cide the election.
Pennsylvania Vote Decisive
In the event of such a close race,
the winner might not be known un-
til Pennsylvania's tabulation of its
250,000 or more soldier votes is com-
pleted. The tabulation will begin
Nov. 22 and may take several days.
Should the election hinge on Cali-
fornia's 25 electoral votes, however,
as it did in 1916, the winner might
not be known for an even longer
By The Associated Press
Soong, Chinese foreign minister, de-
clared today that China and the
United States have reached "com-
plete agreement" on closer military,
political and economic cooperation
and denied reports that the U: S. had
exerted pressure on China to settle
her Communist piloblem.
In the first detailed statement
from a Chinese government offi-
cial since the recall of Gen. Joseph
W. Stilwell as commander in chief
of American forces in the C'ina-
Ka ers To Show
Campus Life
Entertainment and novelty, activ-
ities and campus life are the themes
of the newest show to be staged on
campus-Kampus Kapers to be held
at 8 p. m. Wednesday, November 15
in Hill Auditorium.
Featuring an array of student tal-
ent including singing, dancing, mu-
sic and mirth, the Kapers is being
staged completely by University
students and only student talent will
Billed as "an all-campus show for
all the campus," the Kapers will
feature such campus favorites as Bil-
ly Layton and his band, Doc Fielding
as Master of Ceremonies, The Varsity
Men's Glee Club headed by Prof Da-
vid Mattern, Bill Beck, a piano player,
and a host of other student "stars".
The forces of the Daily, the Union
and the League have combined to
make arrangements for the show
which will be open to the entire
campus free of charge.
Burma-India theater, Soong said
the recall was "entirely a question
of personality"-that Stilwell and
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
simply did not like each other and
could not work together.
"The recall of Gen. Stilwell was
entirely a question ofpersontand
has nothing to do with any difference
of policy between China and the
United States," the foreign minister
said in a written statement, which he
later supplemented in a talk with
foreign correspondents.
"On the contrary," he said,
"when Maj. Gen. Patrick Hurley
and Mr. Donald Nelson, as per-
sonal representatives of President
Roosevelt, came to confer with my
government on closer military, po-
litical and economic cooperation,
complete agreement was reached
between us.
"Far from any rift developing be-
tween China and the United States,
I believe that from now on relations
between the two countries will be
more understanding, more intimate
and more fruitful than ever before."
-Give to the War Chest -
IFC Registration
Tops Summer Total
Combined civilian and Navy totals
for the summer semester were topped
when 180 male civilians registered
with the Inter-Fraternity Council,
according to Bliss Bowman, Council
Budapest's factory belt now lies
within Soviet artillery range and the
thunder of the big Russian guns
could be heard in the city.
Budapest is Prized
There was no indication that the
Germans planned to spare Budapest,
a beautiful city lying on both sides
of the Danube, from the saattering
ordeal of a vicious street-by-street
fight since the capital is a great com-
munications prize op the road to
so'uthern Germany.
From Budapest, a city odf 1,217,000.1
railways radiate not only into Au-
stria and Germany, but into Czecho-
slovakia, Yugoslavia and northern
Italy. The city also is in important,
Nazi arsenal with one of the biggest
electrical works in Europe.
Hint Reds Cross Tisza I
The Soviet bulletin did not mention
the middle Tisza river front in north-
eastern Hungary, but Berlin hinted
the Russians already had crossed. that
stream by announcing a heavy assault
on Tokaj, wine center of the west
bank of the river 27 miles east of
Miskolc, pre-war Hungary's fifth city.
--in German-- EstrPrussit -'where
the first heavy snowfall of the winter
was reported, the Russians announced':
that Gen. Ivan D. Cherniaknovsky's
third white Russian army invaders
Patterson Hits
Detroit Strikes
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, NOV. 3-Strikes by
mechanics closing 24 Detroit war
plants today brought from Undersec-
retary of War Robert P. Patterson a
statement that they were "striking
our fighting men from the rear" and
that "such conduct is equivalent to
Patterson's demand that the strikes
be halted at once was made in a tele-
gram to Matthew Smith, national
secretary of the Mechanics Educa-
tional Society of America, an inde-
pendent union.
MESA leaders claimed the union's
entire membership of nearly 20,000
in this area walked off their jobs at
10 a. m. in sympathy With the union's,
jurisdictional dispute with the United
Automobile Workers (CIO) in the
Toledo plant of the Electric Auto-Lite
Co. However, some spokesmen - of
companies involved and officials of
government agencies placed the total
idle at 7,000 to 11,000.
miles inside the Nazi provin.e
Heavy losses in men and material
were inflicted on the Germans, the
bulletin said.
- Give to the War Chest-
'U' Builds $4000
Model House
A mo;ern five-room house com-
plete with bath, built out of seven
pre-fabricated units, has been finish-
ed by the University, it was announc-
ed yesterday.
Designed by Prof. George. B. Brig-
ham, in the School of Archtectuore;
in cooperation with the War Pro-
duction Board, the experimetal
house is expected to sell for approx-
imately $4,000 during the postwar
New Features Included
Planned to be warm in the winter
and cool in the summer,, featurs f
the new house include: absence of
furnace.dps.a -~ and h1Ja t4K
plumbing.rHot, filtered air fromthe
furnace forced into a. ten-inch ade
between floors provides ahe
system. Heavy insulation prevens
heat loss downward. , Rooms are
heated by registers cut into the
Units Bolted Together
Units of the house, which are bolt-
ed together, can be unbolted and re-
arranged into new room combina-
tions These units can be transport-
ed to °the building site, placed, on
foundation posts, and bolted togeth-
In the experimental house there
are 15 doors, 16 windows, two sky-
lights, a storage room, combination
porch and car shelter, laundry rooM,
furnace room and kitchen. In addi-
tion there is a combination living
and dining room.
Prospective home-owners may in-
spect the house located' on E. Univer-
sity near the East Engineering Build-
-Give to the war Chest-
Favorite Tunes
To Be Featured
Lombardo To Air Five
Winners of Daily Poll
"Let's Sing a Song About Susie..."
Not your favorite tune, you say?
Well, then, what is?
Whether or not you're possessed
of the mind of a Koussevitsky, wheth-
er or not your mother gave you piano
lessons as a child, whether or not you
know anything about harmony, you
still know which song you like best
to hum.
Your favorite song and the favo-
rites of everyone else on campus ae
news today. For Guy Lombardo and
His Royal Canadians are going to
play the Favorite Five songs of the
Michigan students on his Musical
Autograph show at 10 p. m., Satur-
day, Nov. 18, over the nation-wide
Blue network and station WXYZ
Every student is assed to write the
name of his favorite melody on the
special ballot he will receive with
his Sunday Daily. These ballots
must be turned in by 4 p. m. Tues-
day. In case you don't get a ba-
'lot, there'll be some extras on hand
at the Student Publications Build-
ing on Maynard street. Ballot boxes
will be set up in the Union, the
League, at the center of the diagoilal,
the Engine Arch, and at the Daily.
Registration for the Navy
held Monday and Tuesday
quadrangle. Civilians canr
Wednesday and Friday from
p.m. at the IFC office in the
will be
in the
3 to 5
Helen Traubel Metropolitan Soprano,
To Sing Here Tonight at First Concert
Helen Traubel, the all-American
soprano from St. Louis who will be
heard in the first Choral Union con-
cert at 8:30 p. m. today at Hill Audi-
torium, believes that opportunities
for a singer to be heard always have
existed, but that what mattered most
was one's readiness for them.
While other American-born and
American trained singers have long
bemoaned the lack of professional
opportunities for them in their own
country, Miss Traubel has preferred
to come up the slow way and deferred
her Metropolitan Opera debut until
four years ago, when she had already
passed her 35th birthday.
-.. ..
.* .. .-
Sang in "Die Walkure"
When she finally did emerge from
her preparatory period, it took only
three weeks, highlighted by her New
York debut at Town Hall, and her
historic first performance as Siglinde
in "Die Walkure" for the Metropoli-
tan Opera, to establish her as one
of the greatest dramatic sopranos of
all time.
She has since then been voted "the
Metropolitan Opera's great all-Am-
erican soprano"; has been presented
with the turquoise and diamond
brooch worn by the Metropolitan's
only other American-born Isolde.
I - ~