FEB. 8, 1.945.
Candidates for L
Offices Announce
Senior Class Elections
Will Be Held Friday
Editor's Note: Printed below are state-
ments solicited by the Men's Judiciary
Council to give adequate publicity to the
literary college election tomorrow. Each
statement was written expressly for this
purpose by the candidates.
Robert C. Acton ...
I, Robert C. Acton, feel qualified
because of the work I have done since
entering the University. I have held
every major office in the Sigma Chi
fraternity including a pledge class
adviser, vice-president, steward, and
president for the past two semesters.
Last semester I led a discussion
program with Dr. Hance at Percy
Jones Hospital. I have had leads in
several plays and done debate work
the last two terms.
Pat Coulter ...
A member of the Womens' War
Council, I have served as summer
term president and am at present
serving as vice-president and per-
sonnel administrator of that organi-
zation. I have been active in student
affairs, having had experience in a
variety of capacities, one. of which
was program chairman for the 1944
V-Ball. Because I enjoy numerous
contacts with members of my class,
I feel qualified to represent their
interests in the functions of a class
George Darrow ...
I have been in continuous associa-
tion with Michigan campus affairs
simle I first entered as a civilian in
1942. Through myhwork as secretary
of the Union, I have gotten inti-
mately acquainted with Michigan
student activities and interests. I
am a member of Phi Gamma Delta.
fraternity and am currently par-
ticipating in varsity wrestling.
Patricia Heil...
This class has been so actively
strong under unusual conditions that
it would be a deep responsibility and
honor to serve it and to help organize
it into a strong alumni group. My
main qualifications are simply my
sincere desire to devote unlimited
time to class interest and my experi-
ence as an executive in my house.
Sonya Heller .. .
Senior offices require students with
aggressive natures plus administra-
.S.&A. Senior
e Qualifications
Sample Ballot
Ballot for Class Officers
for L. S. A. College
tive ability. Then seniors will be
adequately informed on all matters
pertaining to class activities and
graduation preparations.
Had I not thought myself pos-
sessed with these characteristics, I
would not be running.
Previous work as Hillel Student
Director and on the Gargoyle bus-
iness staff has provided the experi-
ence necessary.
Henry gngho
The leader of a graduating class of
a major university such as Michigan
must be a man of high purpose,
known and respected by his fellow
students and an individual wh has
shown by his actions in campus life
that he possesses a keen sense of re-
sponsibility of his community obli-
I feel that these have been my
goals and the 'degree of achievement
can be read in the record.
I have been active in athletics, am
vice-president of the Michigan Un-
ion, and am now president of Sphinx,
junior men's honorary society.
Jim Plate...
October graduate. Twenty - one
years of age. our semesters Union
staff. Appointed president of Michi-
gan Union for Spring Term of 1945.
Two semesters co-chairman of the
Bomber Scholarship committee.
Chairman of "March of Dimes"
AnnTerbueggen .
As a candidate for a senior class
office I offer the following among my
qualifications: (1) Vice-president of
Mortar Board, senior women's hon-
orary society, with the opportunity
to organize the veteran's tutoring
project; (2) oresident of Martha
Cook with experience in meeting and
working with large groups of stu-
dents. As class officer I would do my
best to further the interests of the
student body.
Pam Watts . .
On the basis of being secretary of
the Womens' War Council in the
summer of 1944 and vice-president
of the Women's Athletic Association
this year, I think I am justly quali-
fied to hold a class office, because
these activities involve contacts with
students as well as business people.
Frankena To
Speak at Hillel
Prof. William K. Frankena of the
philosophy department will lead the
ninth in a series of fireside discus-
sions, the last of the semester, at 8:30
tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation on
the topic, "The Dilemma of the Paci-
In the course of the lecture, Prof.
Frankena will discuss the current
political position of the pacifist, his
beliefs i relation to the war and
how he will act upon them, the ethi-
cal adjustments to the contemporary
scene he must make, and the philoso-
phical aspects of his belief.
Prof. Frankena attended Calvin
College in Grand Rapids, from which
he received his B. A. degree in 1930.
He was awarded his M. A. degree from
the university in 1931, and then went
to Cambridge, Mass., to receive his
Ph. D. from Harvard University.
While attending Calvin College he
was a member of Phi Beta Kappa
honorary society. Prof. Frankena
has been with the philosophy depart-
ment since 1942.
Sabbath Eve services will be held
at 7:45 p. m. in the Foundation cha-
pel, and refreshments will be served
at a social hour following the lecture.
All vet
house to
of coop
mura, p1
"A la
ity ofT
come I
er-Co-Op Cojuneil Invites Veterans
Investioate Benefits of Co-Op Living
terans on campus have been
by the Inter-Cooperative campus: it is owned by a former sion, had its nucleus at Michigan
Inc. tot visit a cooperative member who rents it at a low rate House, later established the Wolver-
peak ine Cooperative cafeteria and has
investigate the advantages enabling the house to operate ate grown to its present size. Dur-
erative living, Frank Naka- efficiency. ing the depression it answered the
resident of ICC, said yester- igtedpeso tasee h
Co-ops reduce cost-of-living by need for inexpensive living facilities
half and more, the entire mainten- for students with limited finances and
rge share of the responsibil- ance of the houses being borne by it 'is expected that veterans in in-
maintaining the cooperative the members. Time on' the work creasing numbers, under the G. L
ent now and in semesters to schedule amounts to approximate- plan will avail themselves of the
mill rest on the shoulders of ly five hours per week per man. opportunity.
veterans," he explained. I Arrangements for visiting the co-
Robert C. Acton
Patricia Coiter
George Darrow
Patricia Heil
Sonya Heller
Henry Mantho
James Plate
Ann Terbrueggen
Pam Watts
Each man is encouraged to do thec
2............................................................ Two men's coops, Michigan and type of work for which he is most
3 Robert Owen, both permanently es- fitted and which he prefers. Oppor-
tablished. remain open. Robert Owen tunity to display, aptitude for cook-
4 .................................................... ....has recently been purchased by the ing, meal-planning, purchasing, ac-
Inter-Cooperative Council and Mich- counting, and other varieties of com-
NOTE: Vote for four people in the order of your preference for igan House. The first co-op on this mittee work is offered.
the four positions; i.e. your choice for president on the line oppo- House officers are chosen demo-.
site "1."; vice-president on the line opposite "2."; etc. mj1a Jed " cratically and house policies are for-
Imulated at open meetings. All mem-
bers comply with Rochdale principles,
This is the sample ballot that will be used in Friday's Literary the bases of cooperative living. These
College election. are: open membership regardless of1
race, religion or creed; one member,I
one vote; and political neutrality.-
THE PROFESSORS' TEXT The Inter-Cooperative Council,1
With one victory and one defeat al- consisting of representatives from
Staten ready behind them, the Univesity each of the two men's house and
C-7 enger 1 uanisiroiii a eI'i~enL State sharpshooters at 4 p. in. tomor- houses (Palmer, Rochedale, Lester
Editor's Note: Following is the complete tcxt of the joint statement issued by Pro- row at the ROTC rifle range located and Stevens) is a central legisiat-
fessors alE .U a~touadCrsinN cgri h atro h
request made by the Board of Regents for their resignations, near the center of campus. ive body and a non-profit corporate'
The following day, the team, shoot- entity. By uniting all the co-ops
In view of the statements that have been transmitted to the press re- ing at special targets, will aim at the in this manner, large-scale pur-
garding our dispute with the University of Michigan administration, we are coveted Hearst trophy while compet- chasing and integrated organiza-
offering the following comments. ing in the National Rifle meet from tion of social and educational func-
1 to 3 :30 p. in., at the ROTC range. tions is possible.
On Friday, Feb. 2, 1945, we received official communications stating In previous matches this semester,
that the Board of Regents requested our resignations as of June 23, 1945. the ROTC squad nosed out the The cooperative movement, begun
We have sent to the national office of the American Association of Univer- NROTC team 884 to 880 and lost to during the early days of the depres-
an Oklahoma A. and M. squad 1837 -__
sity Professors a request to investigate this demand for our resignations. to 1731.aThey have yet to fire against -
The 900 and some pages of the record now in our possession will be fully Wisconsin, Illinois, Chicago, Idaho, Prof. Deer
at the diposal of the Association. Utah, Idaho Southern, Pittsburgh and
Pennsylvania. Of these, the rifle team
will meet Illinois, Utah, Wisconsin W ill Give _1 ,.
It is true that our classes have been invaded and students dismissed. and Pennsylvania next week.
On Dec. 30, 1942, three weeks before the end of the semester, Dean The five teams will fire on their Lecture Topic To Be
Ivan C. Crawford and Prof. Carl G. Brandt invaded and dismissed two own range and the results will be
classes at 9 a. m. Prof. Brandt and Prof. Jesse E. Thornton invaded exchanged by mail in order to deter-] French Engineering
and dismissed two additional classes later in the morning. This in- mine the winner. All matches will be
velved about 100 students. The classes were taken away from us, and cond according entre les deux guerres" will be the
action sanctioned by Pres. A. G. Ruthven although he had not heard Assciion rule. T topic of Prof. Marc Denkinger, of
our side of the case. Since that time, we have been assigned approxi- Members of the NROTC rifle team the Romance language department,
niately one half time schedules. are ert Ca.u gee . in a lecture to be delivered at 4:10
cheski, Eric V. Younquist, George R.pitoainR.DAlmiM or
Crossman. Gene E. Ellis, Robert W. p.m. today in Rm. D, Alumni Memor-
In May, 1943, an unsuccessful attempt was made to reduce our sala- Soulen, William S.LHarrison, Arnold A
ries by one half. The executive committee of the college of Engineering D. Held, Donald L. Milbourne and I c anieh sides g ares
will deal with engineering projects
was challenged and it then withdrew the recommendation. It is true that William G. M Kechnie. of the French, emphasizing modern
our salaries have been greatly depressed not only since 1937 but before. techniques employed. Facilities of
There is no charge relating to the competency and performance in r , ;alarza To L2 Havre, the largest dry-dock ever
teaching and in scholarship during our long years of service. Although the constructed, and the efficient re-
only charges against us may be summarized in the nicely indefinite word on building of Moroccan frontier towns,
"non-cooperation" with attention focused on the use of a so-called depart- Speak Today such as war-torngArras, will be de-
alee ob uiom h scribed. Prof. Denkinger will discuss
mental text and conformity to a program alleged to be unifom. The the development of French ingenuity.
record reveals that uniformity is not a genuine issue. Behind the caiou- Pan- mer ie He will present and comment upon
flage of words is the actual opposition of two men who have long sup- slides showing the French equivalent
ported and exercised academic freedom. That has been and is the chief Dr. Ernesto Galarza, of the Pan- of Boulder Dam, the longest mari-
issue--academic freedom. American Union, will be guest of time tunnel in the world, located
honor at a luncheon at 11:50 a. in. near Marseilles, and electrical plants
today in the Russian Tea Room at operating in the largest caves ever
the Michigan League. built.
ops may be made at 7211.
Prof. Wells To
Participate ini
Radio Forum
Prof Carlton S. Wells, head of the
Freshman English program at the
University, will participate in the "In
Our Opinion" radio forum, on "The
Future of Poland" at 12:30 p.m.,
Sunday, over radio station WJR.
The program, sponsored jointly by
The Detroit Fr'ee Press and radio
station WJR, will also feature Dr.
Oscar Halecki, former University of
Warsaw history professor, and Geo-
rge Cushing, WJR News Editor.
In recent weeks, Pref. Wells has
exhibited keen interest in the cur-
rent disputes over the future of
Continuous from 1 P.M.
- - - S a A NOrWt A rT.d.y
--- -Starts Today --
r: _
LOST: Brown leather case for glasses
Tues. evening at Hill Auditorium.
Please call 2-5146 or 5959 if found.
LOST-Two balloon-tired bikes on
campus. License numbers'2222 and
3260. Call 2-5163.
PI PHI PIN between Pi Phi House
and State Theatre Sunday after-
noon. Reward. Call Mary Coch-
ran, 24514.
LOST-Cocker Spaniel, lost two
weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street.
White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729.
LOST: Gold watch fob, four inches
long with topaz attached. Lost in
or near Rackham on Washington
up to parking lot. Family heirloom.
Substantial reward.
LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib-
bon-in Union swimming locker
room. Sentimental value. Tele-
phone 2-2914 or 443 evenings.
WANTED-Housekeeper, family of
three, laundry out, no children.
Call 2-1592.
HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and
fountain. Excellent hours. Better
pay. Witham Drug Co. 601 S.
WANTED: Assistant cook, experience
not necessary if capable and will-
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6
day week. Vacation with pay. Ap-
ply Miss Tomlinson, University
Health Service. 2-4531.
ROOM AND BOARD for men and
women at inexpensive rates rang-
ing from $4 to $8 per week, in six
student co-operative houses. For
further information call Joan
Schwartz, 6957.
BOARD AND ROOM at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon House, 733 5. State.
Spring term, for students only-
fraternity men preferred. Location
near campus. See Mr. Reeck at 12
or 6p. m.
chards. Limited schedule filling
now. Rapid approved service. P.
0. box 536.
GRADUATE STUDENT and wife de-1
sire apt. near campus. Will do
some maintenance for part of rent.
D. H. Baker, 414 Adams, Owaso,
REWARD-For information leading
to rental of apartment in February,
March, 2-3 rooms, $42 maximum.
Phone Jackie or Jeannie, 2-2218.
Dr. Galarza will speak on topics
connected with his work as Chief of
Labor Information Bureau of the
Pan-American Union beginning about
an hour later and will remain for
discussion and conference with indi-
At 4:00 p. m. Dr. Galarza will
speak on "The Good Neighbor Pol-
icy in the Post-War World." He will
be introduced by Prof. Hayward Ken-
iston, who was until recently special
attache with the U. S. ambassage to
Argentina. The talk will be given
in Rm. 108, Romance Languages
building. There will be opportunity
for discussion following Dr. Galarza's
speech. The public is welcome to
McClusky Will Be Guest
At Lane Hell Coffee Hour
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
education school will be guest of hon-
or at Lane Hall Coffee Hour at 4 p. m.
tomorrow in the Lane Hall library.
All students and faculty members
are invited to enjoy coffee and cake
served by hostesses Joyce Siegan, '45,
and Deb Stoll, '48.
A native of Switzerland, Prof. Den-
kinger studied there before attending
Harvard. He has spent much time in
An American organization
and an American tradition!
SUN.,oF EB. l11
at 3I.M.
Tickets, with tax
$3.00, $2,40, $1.80, $1.20
Coming Sunday
"Can't Help Singing"
k I
Cor. W. Huron & N. Main
Ca l 6608
at the
University Musical
Burton Memorial
Dr. John Finley Williamson
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