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February 08, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-08

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State House Calls for'Public 'U' Regent Mee


Legislator Objects
To Closed Sessions

1t 1, -

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Daily Barred Under
'Secrecy' in 1912
Long standing objections to the
secret nature of meetings of the Board
of Regents were embodied in a reso-
lution passed by the State House of
Representatives yesterday and the
motion asks the Regents to "open
their meetings to the public and the
press," A. P. reported.
The resolution, which was sent to
the State Senate for its approval, was
introduced by Rep. Elton R. Eaton
(Rep.) of Plymouth and it said in
part that "the policies of the Board of
Regents should be known and should
not be formulated in secret."
Eaton Not Interested
Rep. Eaton stated that "I am not
interested in the case of the two pro-
fessors whose resignations have been
requested recently. The Board of
Regents has met in secrecy for years
and nobody could do anything about
it." This statement was reported in
the Detroit News.
The resolution stated "Be it resolv-
ed by the House of Representatives
(the Senate concurring) that the
Legislature as the appropriating body
of the tax dollars of the people of
Michigan hereby request the Board
of Regents to open their meetings
to the public and the press."
The Board of Regents is a body

W10 PI a
To .Be Given
3 More Days
"The Skin of Our Teeth," a pro-
duction by Play Production of the
Department of Speech, will be pres-
ented at 8:30 p. m. today, tomorrow
and Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre after a successful opening
last night.
Leading parts are taken in "The
Skin of Our Teeth" by Dorothy Mur-
zek, Janine Robinson, Nancy Upson,
Byron Mitchell, Robert Acton and
Annette Chaikin. Director of the
production is Prof. Valentine Windt,
while scenery is in charge of Herb-
ert Philippi of the speech depart-
Part comedy, part allegory, part
sheer nonsense, part serious think-
ing, "The Skin of Our Teeth" is a
history of man and his ability to
exist by the skin of his teeth. The
author, Thornton Wilder, ignores the
limits of time and space, uses both
symbolism and anachronisms to put
across his ideas and interrupts his
play to have the actors talk to the
audience. It is a satiric survey of
the history of mankind, starting with
the ice age and coming down to the
present war.
Ten Churchill Aides
Die in Plane Crash
LONDON, Feb. 7-(P)-Ten passen-
gers, including six members of the
British Foreign Office, were killed
when a plane carrying some of Prime
Minister Churchill's aides crashed
while en route to the "Big Three"
conference, it was announced tonight.
Five passengers were listed as miss-
ing and presumed killed, and five
others were injured.
Today Capt. Peter Freuchen will
lecture on the "Epic of an
Explorer in the War" at 8
p. m. in Rackham Lecture
Today Dr. Norman Hartweg will
describe movies of erup-
tion of Paricutin at 8 p.m.
in Rackham Amphithea-
Today "Good Neighbor Policy in
the Post-War World" will
be discussed by Ernesto
Glalarza at 4 p. m. in Rm.

elected by the people and is the sole
controller of all University policies
and funds. In the first instance all
funds are appropriated by the state
To test the secrecy of the Regents'
meetings, two Daily reporters at-
tempted to attend a meeting on Nov.
12, 1942 and were ordered from the
Regents room by President Alexander
G. Ruthven before the meeting start-
Daily Report
The Daily recorded the incident on
Nov. 13, 1942 and reported that Pres-
ident Ruthven told the reporters that
"there is a rule against their stay-
ing and that the Regentstnever "allow
outsides in their meetings."
When asked for a copy of the rule,
the Daily story states, President
Ruthven said there is such a thing as
common law as well as written law.
Two Ousted
Professors Ask
AAUP Probe
Dahlstrom, Wenger
Issue Joint Statement
Declaring that "there is no charge
relating to our competency and per-
formance in teaching and in scholar-
ship," Profs. Carl Dahlstrom and
Christian Wenger in a joint state-
ment yesterday appealed to the
American Association of University
Professors to make a complete inves-
tigation "of this demand for our
Asked To Resign
The two professors of engineering
English who have served the Uni-
versity for more than 25 years each
were asked to resign by the Board of
Regents in their secret meeting of
Jan. 26.
In their statement, the two profes-
sors insisted that the charge of "non-
cooperation" entered officially a-
gainst them is a "camouflage of
words" and that the chief issue "is
and has been academic freedom."
Chief Issue Cited
"Behind the camouflage of words is
the actual opposition to two men
who have long supported and exer-'
cised academic freedom. That has
been and is the chief issue-academic
Referring to the charge made a-
gainst them in the report of the Uni-
versity Senate Advisory Committee,
the two veteran faculty men main-
tained that "there is no charge re-
lating to the competency in teach-
ing . . . Although the only charges
against us may be summarized in
the nicely indefinite word 'non-co-
operation' with attention focused on
the use of a so-called departmental
text and conformity to a program
alleged to be uniform."
The complete text of the state-
ment issued yesterday by Profes-
sors Carl Dahlstrom and Christian
Wenger will be found on page two.
The statement confirmed reports
that classes of the two men were
entered and dismissed by adminis-
trative officials of the College of
Engineering and pointed out that on
"Dec. 30, 1942 . . . Dean Ivan C.
Crawford and Prof. Carl Brandt
(head of the engineering English
Department) invaded and dismissed
two classes at 9 a.m."
The textbook referred to in the
statement is understood to be "Pat-
terns and Perspectives, Essays for
College Youths" and was edited by
four men in the department, Carl
E. Burkland, W. Earl Britton, Wil-
liam H. Egly, and Ivan H. Walton.

Is on AFM
'Unfair List'
Maddy Says Act Is
'Personal Retaliation'
On the heels of the announcement
made yesterday that the American
Federation of Musicians had put the
Interlochen National Music Camp on
its "unfair list," Prof. Joseph D.
Maddy, director of the camp, de-
clared last night that the action is
a "personal retaliation against me."
The AFM decision, Prof. Maddy,
predicted, would not have much
affect on the future of the music
camp. It will mean, he- said, that
about 25 Union members, all orches-
tra players who instruct at Inter-
lochen, will have to be replaced by
University faculty members this sum-
Might Be Bluff
In commenting upon the decision
of the AFM, Prof. Maddy stated that
they (the Union) have no right to
put us on the unfair list, because
there is nothing unfair about our
activities." He also hinted, that the
Union's move "might be a bluff."
A member of the Musician's Union
"for 36 years, longer than Petrillo,"
Prof. Maddy said, "You may rest as-
sured that I am going to teach any-
way." He also asserted, according to
the Associated Press, that the Union
has no law against teaching.
Dondero To Act
At Washington, it was learned Rep.
Dondero (Rep., Mich.) stated that he
would press the House Interstate
Commerce Commission for quick ac-
tion on Sen. Vandenberg's bill, pas-
sed by the Senate last week, which
would make interference with music
programs illegal.
In urging the passage of this bill,
Interlochen authorities, according to
Prof. Maddy, "fought Petrillo in Con-
gress, and this (the placing of the
camp on the Union's 'unfair list') is
Petrillo's personal retaliation against
The radio broadcasts by Interlo-
chen music students were discon-
tinued several years ago, when Pe-
trillo, president of AFM, claimed that
they deprived professional musicians
of employment.
Interlochen Music Camp, at Inter-
lochen, Mich., has been training spe-
cially selected high school music stu-
dents for 18 summers.
Russian Movie
Will Be Shown
Film Adapted from
Novel, 'The Rainbow'
At the request of several campus
groups, the Michigan Theatreis pre-
senting the Russian film, "The Rain-
bow" starting today and running
through Saturday.
The movie is adapted from the Rus-
sian prize-winning novel by Wanda
Wasilewska, a journalist who has
taken most of the incidents in the
plot from accounts of actual skir-
mishes in the Ukraine during the
German occupation.
Natalia Alisova, a Russian actress
who received the Stalin award, plays
the role of Pusya, a woman Quisling,
convincingly despite the fact that she
hates the- character fervently. Miss
Alisova portrays a spoiled, stupid
woman who betrays her people and
her husband not only for stockings,
food, and pretty clothes, but in the
vain hope that her German com-
mandant will take her back to Dres-

The Russian actors had no diffi-
culty in displaying emotions aroused
by their hatred of the Nazis.

V-Ball Tickets
Will Be Sold
At Union Toda
Interfraternity Coun
To Direct House Sale
Tickets for the third annual V
tory Ball will be sold for the fI
time from 12:30 to 6 p. m. today
the lobby of the Michigan Union.
The V-Ball, popularly termedt
biggest social event of the school y
will be staged from 9 p. m. to 1 a.
Friday, March 9, in the Intram
Sports Bldg., featuring the music
Hal McIntyre and his orchestra.
Friday Afternoon
Tickets will also be sold from 3
5 p. m. Friday.
An innovation for the dance t
year, fraternity men will be able
purchase their tickets through in
vidual house presidents, under the
rection of the Interfraternity Co
"If a large number of students 1
their tickets to the V-Ball during
first days of the sale, indicating t
the dance will be its usual success,
rangements will be made to engag
second nationally-known orches
for the dance," Paul Jhn, V-B
committee chairman, has asser
Traditionally the V-Balls in the p
have always two bands.
Sales May Be Limited
In the event that a second da:
unit is not signed for the dance, tic
sales will be limited to 1500, Nor
Johnson, ticket chairman,. decla
Tickets will be sold Monday at
center of the diagonal, the booth
ing open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in.
In previous years, the annual
Hop dance, brought large stud
crowds to dance to the music oft
leading'bands of the nation. T
dance, always conducted on a t
night scale, was the major social
ent of the school year.
Vets To Handh
Own Orientatio
At the final meeting of the Vet
an's Organization held yesterday
the Union, it was agreed thatt
Veterans would handle their ori
tation program for next semester.
Although some members have v
unteered for the work, more m
are needed who can give their s
vices between Feb. 28 and March
Laszlo Hetenyi, president, urges a
one who is interested to apply at
office of the Veteran's Organizat
from 3 to 4 between Feb. 12 a
Feb. 16.
The Veterans also voted to aid
the publicity for the World Stud
Service Fund drive on campus.A
rangements have been made by
committee headed by William Me
cus for the participation in the e
tertainment at the WSSF Carni
to be held Friday, Feb. 9.

Danish Resistance Hamstrings
Germans, Capt. Freuchen Says

Denmark has not given up the fight
S against the Germans!
Capt. Peter Freuchen, here to tell
Vic- the story of Danish resistance to
irst Nazi invaders, revealed in an inter-
in view yesterday that without national
- .leaders, with their king a German
the prisoner, the Danish still are effect-
ear, ively sabotaging the Nazi military
m. machine in Germany.
aral A polar explorer,nauthor and lead-
of er in the Danish underground, Capt.
Freuchen will speak at 8 p. m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall on the
to "Epic of an Explorer in the War." The
lecture is sponsored by the geogra-
this phy department under the Univer-
* to sity's Non-resident Lecture Fund.
zdi- Saboteurs Welcomed by Danes
di- "Saboteurs fleeing the Nazi police,"
un- Capt. Freuchen said, describing the
courage of his people, "only have to
buy tell any Danish householder they are
the wanted by the Nazis to gain safety in
hat their homes."
ar- Despite the fact that the Germans
e a take the lives of ten Danish hostages
tra for every slain Nazi, the work of
Ball resistance has continued, Capt. Freu-
ted. chen revealed. ,
ast In an attempt to halt railroad sabo-
tage, the Nazis shackle 12 Danes in a
car just behind the locomotive. If,
nce in a wreck caused by sabotage, the
ket -- -
ma A
Aed Alton Proposes
the ]
be- All -American
J- History Course
[he "A basic course covering the his-
vo- tory of the Americas as a whole
ev- should be incorporated into our edu-
cational system to provide an ade-
quate background for visitors to
Latin America, the unofficial repre-
sentatives of the United States,"
Prof. Arthur Aiton, of the history
1 depar-tment, proposed, addressing La
Sociedad Hispanica last night.
er- Ill-informed tourists should be
at barred from Spanish America in an
the effort to improve international rela-
en- tions, Prof. Aiton suggested. At pres-
ent, sufficient preparation is not
ol- provided for visiting students, and
nen ignorance of specific local customs
er- and history creates an unfavorable
1. impression, he pointed out. Improve-
ny- ments in the diplomatic service, too
the often employed as an opportunity for
ion political reward, are also essential,
nd he commented.
The problem of post-war coopera-
in tion with Latin America involves
ent both political and economic aspects.
Ar- We must be tolerant of systems of
a government which in many instances
di- do not coincide with our own; and
en- modern . techniques of production
val must be adapted to industries of
South America, Prof. Aiton noted.

hostages are not killed, the Germans
shoot them.
"The Danes are willing to sacrifice
their lives so that German troop and
supply trains might be halted," the
six-foot, five-inch, red-bearded ex-
plorer said.
Leading in the Danish resistance
are university students, the explorer
said. No student dares attend the
universities now, and college build-
ings, used as German headquarters,
have been devastated by saboteurs.
Underground News Informs People
The Danish underground papers,
which outnumber the official Ger-
man organs, have been a strong fact-
or in undermining Nazi morale.
"The Germans know only what
they are told," Capt. Freuchen said,
"and the propaganda ministry is
careful to tell them only of Nazi
successes. We tell them the truth!"
Capt. Freuchen's work mapping
Greenland's interior has been inval-
uable to Allied military intelligence.
The weather of Europe is made in
Greenland, he said, and weather sta-
tions there give Allies fighting in Eu-
rope advance information on condi-
tions they will meet.
Prof. Hobbs Told Value
Discoveries by Professor Emeritus
William H. Hobbs of the University
first indicated the importance of
Greenland as a weather observatory,
he said.
After spending more than 30 years
in the Arctic, Capt. Freuchen will re-
turn to Greenland this summer to re-
sume administration of a Danish
post, the northern colony of Thule,
which he founded in 1910. His huge
frame makes him a marked man in
Denmark and he will confine aid to
his country by service in Greenland.
In the United States since Dec. 17,
he is at present writing a book, his
third, on experiences at Thule. He
will leave Ann Arbor after his lecture
travelling to Toronto.
lts Officers
To Be Chosen
Election To Be Held
In 'U' Hall Tomorrow
Printed on page 2 are statements
from each of the nine candidates in
tomorrow's election for senior class
positions in the literary school giving
their qualifications for the job and
reasons why they should be elected.
The election for posts of president,
vice-president, secretary and treas-
urer will be held from 8:30 a. m. to
3:30 p. m. in the main floor corridor
of University Hall. All students in
the literary school who will graduate
See Sample Ballot and Candi-
date Statements-Page 2.
in February, June or October, 1945
will be eligible to vote. (70 hours of
credit earned before the beginning
of this semester will be the basis upon
which eligibility to vote will be de-
termined.) -

-Associated Press Photo
THE BIG THREE MEET-Franklin Roo sevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin.

Final Blows
At Germany
Agreed Upon
Occu ation Plans
Are Also Discussed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-The "Big
Three," in secret, historic session in
the Black Sea area, have agreed to
aim coordinated, knockout punches
at fast-weakening Germany, and are
now discussing a "secure peace."
This was disclosed late today in an
official announcement that President
Roosevelt and Prime Minister Chur-
chill are in session with their highest
diplomatic and military advisers.
Postwar Cooperation
The tone of the pronouncement in-
dicated that they have substantial
hope for achieving real Anglo-Amer-
ican-Russian cooperation for the fu-
ture of Europe and the world.
A three-power statement issued in
Washington, Moscow and London at
4:30 p. in., EWT, gave the first official
word of the meeting which practic-
ally the whole world knew was taking
place. The statement showed that
the military phase of the talks has
ended and the critical political dis-
cussions have begun.
Three Subjects Discussed
Three overall political subjects were
listed in the official report, released
by the White House here:
1. Joint plans "for the occupation
and control of Germany." The "Big
Three" have long since agreed on un-
conditional surrender and on plans
for the initial stage of military occu-
pation, the problem now is how to
keep Germany weak and unable to
start a new world war for many
2. The "political and economic
problems of liberated Europe." Ev-
ery liberated country in Europe now
has a shortage of some kind of es-
sential civilian supplies and all of
them are real or potential powder
barrels politically. Hottest spots are
in the Balkans where British and
Russian influences and interest con-
International Peace
3. Proposals for the "earliest pos-
sible establishment of a permanent
international organization to main-
tain peace." The main problem here
has been the conflict between Russia
and the United States ov'er-the ques-
tion of a great power veto in the
world security council. The British
have been seeking a compromise and
are expected to get it. A major ques-
tion also is that of mandated terri-
tories, such as the strategic islands
formerly held by Japan in the central
The purpose of the big three is "to
concert plans for completing the de-
feat of the common enemy and for
building, with their Allies, firm foun-
dations for a lasting peace," the of-
ficial announcement said.
It promised that at the conclusion
of the conference a communique will
be issued.
World News
at a Glance
PARIS, Feb. 7.-The U.S. Third
Army thrust elements of four divi-
sions across the Our and Sure Rivers
into Germany from Luxembourg at
ten places on a 24-mile front today
as the U.S. First Army burst through

the last main zone of the Siegfried
Line defenses in the Olef River sec-
tor near Schleiden.
*. * *
MANILA, Feb. 8.-The fire-ravaged
business district of Manila has been
cleared of Japanese demolition
squads by Yanks now holding all the
area north of the Pasig River but
American troops still are held up in
the Pasay suburbs at the southeast



Johnsmiller To Receive Navy Cross Saturday



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