RedArmyridges inAl
U.S. Bl<
Oder, Reported 32
Miles from Berlin
(Cross Rtiver NorthwesL oi Kttri i
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Tuesday, Feb. 6-The Red Army in massive strength surged
up to the Oder River's east bank on a 73-mile front yesterday, capturing
Zellin, 32 miles northeast of Berlin, while the German radio reported
Soviet troops had crossed the strategic water barier and were fighting on
its west bank.
Moscow claimed no bridgeheads over the Oder, but Col. Ernst Von
Hammer, German military commentator, announced from Berlin:
"Northwest of Kustrin, they succeeded, after heavy fighting lasting
several days, in establishing a bridgehead on the western bank of the
Oder which is subjected to continuous artillery fire."
Van Hammer did not locate the crossing, but Swedish dispatches
from Berlin said it had been made at Kienitz, eight miles northwest of
Kustrin and 35 miles from Berlin.
At Zellin, Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's first White Russian Army is
15 miles northwest of Kustrin and six miles southwest of Barwalde, cap-
tured Sunday.
Win Oer Positions - --- -
Yanks Bi
Knock, 011
Key Bastion
First Army Seizes
'Two dyer Dams
By The Associated Press: .
PARIS, Feb. 5.-The U.S. Third
Army smashed clear through the
Siegfried Line today, knocked out a
key communications center beforeI
Prum, and struck to within three
and a half miles of that western
German mountain stronghold against
an astounding lack of 'resistance.
The battle of western Germany
i was taking a more-ominous turn for
the enemy, as the First Army to the
north-which by one front account
yesterday breached the west wall
where it divides into two defense
lelts--seized control of two vital
Roer River dlams.
Gen. Bradley in Command
Supreme Headquarters disclosed
that Lt.-Gen. Omar N. Bradley, skill-
ed architect of the Normandy break- ...
through, once more was in command
of these operations, with the First AT AN A
Army again back in his 12th Army st
group. by Lt. e
The U.S. Ninth Army remained T. McNar
under Field Marshal Montgomery, to Italy, A
who took over the First and Ninth
when the Ardennes break-through
split Bradley's group and left him in Y ank
d mnr nly f t h dri Avm
The nightly communique broadcast
from Moscow reported that Zhukov's Ru Iuh cci, u ves
troops had won positions on the Oder
from Zellin south and southeast to t'
Radnitz, 58 miles southeast of Frank- e i ?( fort i
furt, r.
Among the more than 100 towns 1, U470nI ais
taken in this push to the river were
Goritz, between the bastions of Kus-
trin and Frankfurt, and 40 miles due failed To CooperaLe,
east of Berlin; " Tirpitz, five miles Stalement Declares
south of Goritz and five north of
Frankfurt; Reipzig, five miles south- In an official statement, President
east of Frankfurt and less than a Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday set
mile from the river; Rampitz, three down the University's position and
miles from Furstenberg, a defense gave a detailed account of the history
point on the west bank, and Rarnitz, of the cases of Profs. Carl Dahlstrom
five miles from the stronghold of and Christian Wenger.
Crossen on the opposite bank. Bth these men who. have been
Clear Enemy From Samland associate professors of engineering
Moscow also announced further ad- English for 25 years or more were
vances in clearing the enemy from notified Saturday than the Board of
the Samland peninsula in East Prus- Regent? reouested!their resignations.
sia and in the Budapest area. The Failed To oNoN.nrate
communique said Soviet troops had Professors Chistian N. Wenger
pentrtedPona, Pladwhere and Carl S. Dahls tromn have been
penetrated Poznan, Poland, t 0 asked to offer their resignations from
German garrison estimated at 20,000 the University of' Michigan faculty
has been encircled for 10 days, and becas over a considerabie period
captured an armaments factory, col- of time they have failed to cooperae
lecting much booty. to such an exnt that the Executive
With the capture of Goritz and Committce of the College of Engi-
other comiunications centers along neering is of the opinion that the
the Oder, the Russians won a firm ijest interests of the University would
grip on all railroads and highways s serred by asking for their resig-
east of the Oder. nations," tho statement declared.
Attack at Kustrin --- - -------
Another captured town, Schaum- Complete text of President Ruth-
berg, is three and one-half miles ven's statement is reprinted on
IRPORT IN ITALY upon their arrival, Ha rry Hopkins (second from left), special advisor to
Roosevelt, and Secretary of State Edwar d R. Stettinius, Jr. (second from right), are met
n. Ira C. Eaker (left), commanding general of the Mediterranean Air Force, Lt. Gen. Joseph
ney (center), deputy supreme allied commander in Mediterranean theatre and U. S. ambassador
Ilexander C. Kirk (right),
Troops Liberate Fellow
northwest of Kustrin, the closest ap-
proach to that city officially an-
nounced by the Russians, although
the Germans have reported Kustrin
under fierce assault.
German accounts of the war on the
eastern front gave the Red Army
control of nearly all the Oder's east
bank, winding 350 miles southward
from the baltic port of Stettin to
Ratibor near the Czechoslovak bor-
Poland To Gain
Land .'. Beirut
WARSAW, Feb. 2-(A*")-(Delayed)
-Boleslaw Bierut, President of . the
Soviet-Sponsored Polish National
Council, announced from the cold
ruins of this blasted capital today
that the new Poland would include
land along the German Oder and in
East Prussia and that Polish civil ad-
ministrators were being sent to those
"There will be Polish Administra-
tion on what we regard as Polish soil,
regardless of opinions to be express-
ed in international conferences," Bei-
rut said.
Today Ruth Draper will present
solo dramas at 8:30 p. m.
in Hill Auditorium.
Feb. 7-10 Play Production of the
Department of Speech
will present Thornton
Wilder's comedy "The
Skin of Our Teeth" in
four performances at 8:30
p. in. Wednesday through
Saturday in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
Feb. 7 Meeting of Veteran's Or-
ganization 7 p. m. Lane
Feb. 7 La Sociedad Hispanica,
Prof. Arthur Aiton will
speak at 8 p. m., Rm. 316,
Feb. 7 Last Ruthven Tea of sem-
ester 4 to 6 p. m.
page fiur.
Dr. Ruthven pointed out Lthat "their
case has been givensa long and thor-
ough hearing," and that "every safe-
guard for faculty tenure which Uni-
versity's traditions and by-laws pro-
- vide has been observed."
Ccnrier of Controversy
Both men have been the center of
controversy for the past two years
and The Daily for Jan. 6 and 7, 1943
reported that one of the issues in-
volved was the professors' failure to
use a textbook edited by four of their
colleagues. The textbcok entitled
"Patterns and Perspectives, Essays
for College Youths" was the work of'
Carl E. Burkland, W. Earl Britton,
William H. Egly, and Ivan H. Walton.1
Classes Ordered Dismissed
On Jan. 6, 1943, The Daily report-
ed interviews with students in the
classes of both Dahlstrom and Wen-
ger which held that the classes had
been entered on Dec. 29, 1942 and
ordered dismissed. Other instructors
assumed the work for those classes.
The "Executive committee of the
College of Engineering," Dr. Ruthven
stated, "composed of the Dean and
four faculty members appointed a
special committee of professors to
investigate the lack of cooperationI
on the part of Mr. Dahlstrom and
Mr. Wenger, which culminated in
their failure to follow teaching pro-
grams adopted by the entire depart-
Both Prof. Dahlstrom and Wenger
declined to comment on the Presi-
dent's statement last night but indi-
cated that they would prepare a pub-
lic statement."
commanc omy of ueiirc Army. j
This arrangeinent possibly wasj
reached in preparation for future
joint British and American opera-
tions against an enemy weakened by
1,260,000 west front casualties since
D-Day. SHAEF in a review said Ger-
man losses equalled tire strength of
110 divisions.
Germans Fear Aachen Fight
tA late German broadcast insisted
that a big scale offensive north and
east of Aachen was imminent. The
drumming of American artillery fire
along the Roer was increasing in
intensity, it said, and "strong masses
of troops" were arriving.)
As the whole front stirred rest-
lessly, U.S. Tanks and French Colon-
ial Infantry slammed the door of
escape on German forces in southern
Alsace which Supreme Headquarters
reports said might total 10,000 but
which a front dispatch said probably
would number no more than 1,000.
New Officers
Named byHillel
Daily Staff Members
S Given Council Posts
In the first mid-term election in
the history of the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation student council, held last
Sunday, David Loewenberg, '45, was
elected president, Betty Korash, '46,
first vice-president, and Sheldon Sel-
esnick, '46, second vice-president, to
serve for the spring term.
Loewenberg, succeeding four time
president Stanford Wallace to the
council's presidency, is secretary-
treasurer of Sphinx, associate editor
on the Daily sports staff, a member
of V-ball committee and president
of Sigma Alpha Mu. He held the
position of first vice-president dur-
ing the fall semester.
Miss Korash, a junior night editor
on the Daily women staff, is also act-
ive in JGP and play production.
Selesnick is a member of the Post-
war Council and is active in IRA and
Americans in Manila Prisons,
By The Associated Press
SANTO TOMAS PRISON CAMP, since the troops entered Manila
Manila, Feb. 6, Tuesday-Liberating Saturday to more than 5,000.
American troops freed some 1,350 1Of those freed at Bilibid, 800
American and Allied nationals from were prisoners of war and 500 were
Bilibid prison in Manila. Sunday af- civilian internees.
ter releasing 3.700 from this former Most of those released at the two
university internment camp. ; places were Americans. The next
This brought the total released largest group were British and Aus-
FILIPINOS: They were all half-starved, includ-
Ning- women and children, after three
of years of Japanese captivity.
Fal _l ofM anila Tnrcops of the motorized First CaV-
airy, who entered the Santo Tomas
gates Saturday night behind a tank
CYthat knocked down the barrier,
quickly emptied their packs to give
the prisoners food, tobacco and can-
Students -dy.
The cavalrymen, hardened as
Celebraing the liberation of Man- they were by sights and sounds of
ila, more than 150 Filipino and other war, were shocked at the emaciated
students from the United Nations at condition of some of the prisoners.
the University with their American All were thin and weak from mal-
friends assembled for long-planned nutrition.
Manila V-Day remembrance services Packs were turned over immedi-
yesterday at the International Cen- ately, with rations, cigarettes and
ter. candy. These served as emergency
A resolution was sent to Philippine relief until the arrival of a caravan
President Sergio Osmena stating that of supplies, already rolling down the
the fall of Manila heralded "we con- highway to Manila, for the released
fidently anticipate, an era of friend- internees.
ship among all the nations represent- The work of evacuating them to
ed here tonight, and a glorious ren- other quarters was started almost at
ascence of the Philippine Nation." once.
Feliza Bailon, representing the Fili- Most of the prisoners were free
pinos, said in her address, "We give thei nstant the tank smashed the
thanks that Manila is free again. Its gate ern the comander had
liberation is the triumph of the for- oruI'm coming in anyway,"
ces of democracy and freedom over
those of-tyranny and appression. Japanese guards still in the camp
"The great American people under retreated into the Education building
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, of the former Santo Tomas Univer-
and the American liberating army sity, taking more than 200 internees
under General Douglas MacArthur with them as hostages. These were
uder Geerad ougherl g Macthur 'released 34 hours later in a truce
have made good their pledge that our exchange.
Philippines shall be redeemed from exchange._
the clutches of the enemy. To them,
and to this great American nation, 'SKIN OF OUR TEETH':
we, the Filipinos, owe a debt of last-
ing gratitude."Teo
Donato Teodoro, president of the
Filipinos on campus, was toastmaster
at the celebration, and PresidentP
Ruthven, Miss Bailon, Prof. Del Torro P formance
of the Spanish Department, Miss Bei-
Tsung Li, representing China, Mr. Tickets are now on sale for the
Arun Chhatrapati, representing In- play "The Skin of Our Teeth" which
dia, and Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of will be presented by Play Production
the botany department, representing of the Department of Speech in four
the United States, were guest speak-
ers. Father McPhillips gave the In- performances at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
vocation, through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
---- _--delssohn Theatre.
German Exhan e Written by Thornton 'Wilder, the
g I comedy is a satiric survey of the his-
Frees 826 Civilians tory of mankind starting with the
ice age and continuing to the present
Candidates for
Serior Offices
Are Announced
Four Class Officers
To Be Elected Friday
Names of ten literary school sen-
iors campaigning for senior class of-
fices were announced yesterday by
the Men's Judiciary Council.
Robert Acton, Pat Coulter, George
Darrow, Pat Heil, Sonya Hellar, Hank
Mantho, Jim Plate, Ann Terbrueg-
gen, Glenn White and Pam Watts
seek the highest offices in their class.
Four of these will be chosen presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer of the Class of 1945 in the
election from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Voting Restricted to Seniors
Polling booth will be set up in the
main corridor of University Hall.
Voting will be restricted to seniors in
the Literarydcollege, and they must
present an identification card at the
polls to be eligible to vote.
The four candidates who receive
the highest number of votes will
assume the class offices, represent-
ing all of the three classes to grad-
uate this year. The election will be
regulated according to the revised
set of campus voting rules adopted
last month by the Judiciary Council,
and published Wednesday, Jan. 24,
in The Daily.
Students Should Vote for Four
"Students are urged to vote for as
many as four candidates," Jim Wal-
lis, head of the Council, declared
yesterday. "They may vote for any
number less than four, but to make
the election returns complete, the
Council strongly urges that students
vote for a full slate of four candi-
Troops Wipe
Out Remnants
Of Enemies
Fre Internees from
Filthy Bilibid Prison
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Tuesday, Feb. 6-As a
three-way trap doomed any Japanese
within the city, Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur today hailed "the fall of Man-
ila" where liberating Yanks have ad-
ded 1,350 Allied prisoners held at
filthy Bilibid penitentiary to the more
than 3,700 saved at Santo Tomas.
A triumphant proclamation of the
five-star general made it clear the
liberation is, in the broadest sense,
already accomplished with three
Yank divisions "rapidly clearing the
enemy from Manila." He said de-
struction of all surviving Nipponese
is imminent.
Three Divisions Enter City
The 11th Airborne Division of the
Eighth Army, in a forced march of
35 miles, drove into the ity from the
south after the First Cavalry had
penetrated from the east Saturday
night, followed by the 37th Division
from the north.
The 37th Division seized vermin-
infested Bilibid, 10 blocks south of
Santo Tomas whose internees were
saved by the First Cavalry.
Triple Push Encircles
The three-way push left the Japa-
nese no avenue of escape other than
in the direction of Manila Bay, an
area under the constant bombsights
of American planes.
An NBC broadcast quoted ABSIE,
American Broadcasting Station in
Europe, as saying the Japanese are
withdrawing to Corregidor).
Control Bataan Entrance
One temporary haven could be
Bataan peninsula, where Americans
and Filipinos made their heiroic stand
in 1942. Today's communique an-
nounced Eighth and Sixth Army col-
umns have junctured at the base of
the peninsula and control all roads
leading into it.
Two of the main bridges spanning
the Pasig River through the center of
Manila were blown up by the enemy.
These were the beautiful Quezon
bridge and a structure named the
Ayala to the south.
Parley of Big
Three Settles
Fate of Reich
LONDON, Feb. 5. M.--Claims on Ger-
man territory by bordering nations
which felt the first crushing blows of
the Nazi armies would reduce Ger-
many's pre-war territory by one
third, Allied officials said today as it
became generally accepted that the
Big Three conference deciding the
Reich's fate was under way.
High on the agenda of the confer-
ence, it was believed, were the ques-,
tions of border annexations, indus-
trial supervision and the division of
Germany for occupation by the vari-
ous Allied armies-measures aimed
at rendering. Germany incapable of
making war in the future.
German propagandists still insis-
ted that the meeting of -Roosevelt,
Churchill and Stalin was being held
somewhere on the Black Sea pos-
sibly on a warship, and the Berlin
radio reported today there was fear
in Tokyo that Russia may enter the
war against Japan as a result of the
The spheres of Allied military oc-
cupation were more or less agreed
upon when the Big Three met, with
French participation apparently the
only issue left for agreement.
Non-Partisan Foreign
Pokey Essential, Dulles
DETROIT, Feb. 5-(YP)-John Fos-
ter Dulles asseirted here today that
l erir_ c _nt, t irc _ r r _ - vc$ le .
Ruth Draper To Eutertan with
Series of Character Sketches
lay- Production.
4re on Sale
American family who go through a
thousand reincarnations, suffering
the slow progress, rejoicing in the
triumphs of the human race. J.
George Nathan has said of the play:
"Wilder does everything with # his
stage-peoples it witha maid, who
spoofs the stage doings; a pre-his-
toric mammoth; a house whose walls
tumble in when they are dusted; a
blaring Salvation Army band; ' a
glowing fireless fireplace and just
Ruth Draper, celebrated solo-dram-
atist, will appear in a program of
character sketches at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
sketches. The actress changes her
program twice a week and is noted
for the remarkable control she has
over the different moods and per-
sonalities which she assumes every