Lit igan
Cloudy With
Light Snow
Russians Reach Last Major Nazi Bast
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Two Men on Engineering
FacultyAsked To Resign
Dahlstrom, Wenger Are Key Figures;
Action Brings to Light Internal Dispute
An internal dispute within the de-
partment of engineering English and
the administration came to light yes-
terday when the dismissal of two
professors of the department was
Professor Carl Dahlstrom, recog-
nized as an international authority
on Strindberg, Swedish author and
thinker, and Professor Christian
Wengei were asked to resign their
faculty posts.
Ruthven States Charge
When questioned on the matter,
President Alexander G. Ruthven stat-
ed the charge against them was a
"lack of cooperation (on the part of
the professors) with the College of
The action grew out of a report by
the Senate Advisory Committee head-
ed by Prof. A. D. Moore of the engine
school to the Board of Regents at
their January meeting ten days ago.
At first Dean Ivan C. Crawford of
the engine school was reluctant to
comment upon the matter but later
stated that "I agree with the Presi-
dent's statement and it doesn't need
Professors Decline Comment
Both Professors Dahlstrom and
Wenger who between them represent
51 years of service to the University,
declined t.o comment "immediately"
upon the matter. The former has
been on the staff for 25 years while
the latter has served for the past
26 years.
The terms of the request for resig-
nation were not immediately ascer-
tained but it was intimated that they
called for termination of services at
the end of the current term with
compensation running through the
school year.
sThe dispute is said to have cen-
tered around the use of textbooks
written by members of -the faculty
who receive royalties from them. It
is reported that both Wenger and
Dahlstrom rejected the use of the
texts written more than five years
Department Head Silent
Prof. Carl Brandt, LLM, head of
the engineering English department,
said he had no comment to make onj
the dismissal, and it is held by sup-
porters of the two professors that
both Brandt and Dean Crawford en-
tered their classrooms on various
occasions in the past, broke up the
meeting, and dismissed the students.
Backers of Dahlstrom and Wengert
insisted that the whole dispute should
have been presented before the entire
University Senate before going to
the Board of Regents. President'
Ruthven denied that the action tak-
en was unusual.
It is expected by friends of the two
dismissed faculty men that the mat-
ter will be appealed to the American
Association of University Professors
(AAUP) which is composed of fac-
ulty men from schools all over the
AAUP Effeceive Forcet
A potent force in American educa-
tion since it was organized in 1916,
the AAUP has as its purpose the1
task of raising the level of teaching
in American colleges and universities
and investigating charges of injus-
tice to faculty men in matters of
In normal practice if the AAUP
finds a university administration has
acted unjustly cr arbitrarily, the
AAUP puts the University on its
blacklist, which, according to an as-
sociation bulletin, "leads td a lower-
ing of the standards in the institu-
tion because the faculty will feel
At present it could not be deter-
mined whether an appeal had been
filed with the AAUP.
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XoStarted Jan. 12
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Yanks Hit Berlin
In Record Raid
Soviet TroopsKill or Capture More
Than 17,000 Germans Near Oder
By ThPe Associated Press
Soviet troops killed or captured 17,450 Germans trapped near the Oder
River yesterday and moved in swiftly on Kustrin and Frankfurt, last
major bastions about 40 miles from refugee-packed Berlin, rubbled and
flaming following a record daylight raid by American bombers.
The British-based U. S. heavies, numbering more than 1,000 dumped
approximately 3,000 tons of explosives and incendiaries on Berlin Satur-
day in the most concentrated raid ever carried out against that capital.
A Soviet communique said 8,000 Germans were killed and 9,450 were
captured southeast of Kustrin, which Berlin reported was under asshult
from four sides after the Germans had wiped out Soviet units which crossed
the Oder in that vicinity.
Yanks Thrust
Farther into
German Line
sian attacks near the east-west
Frankfurt, a last major bastion.
BERLIN-Heavy arrow above indicates the concentration point of Rus-
roadway from Kus trin to Berlin. Heavy blows were also aimed at
Kustrin was reported to be under attack from four sides after Soviet
Michigan 37, Iowa 50.
Michigan 50, Great Lakes 34.
Michigan 12, Indiana 12 (Tie).
Michigan 2, Minnesota 15.
Michigan- Two Mile Relay-
First Place.
units had recovered from counterattacks in that sector yesterday.
Parallel Roads Lead Yanks
On to Victory at MaMla
Goldman, Schu man, Gould To
Be Guest Conductors Today
The University Concert Band, with
Dr. Edwin Frank Goldman, Morton
Gould and William Schuman as guest
conductors, will present its annual
mid-winter concert, climaxing the
two-day sessions of the Seventh An-
nual Band and Orchestra Clinic, at
4:15p. m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Under the baton of Morton Gould,
noted young composer-conductor of
radio fame, the Concert Band will
open its program with "American Le-
gion Forever." One of Gould's most
recent numbers, this march pays tri-
bute to the American Legion.
'Jericho' To Be Performed
Gould will then conduct the band
in the Middle West premiere of his
rhapsody, "Jericho," which tells how
"Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho."
"American Salute," his popular work,
based on "When Johnny Comes
Marching Home," will also be per-
formed by the band.
A new descriptive band composi-
tion, "Newsreel," in five parts :Horse
Today University Concert Band,
under the direction of
Prof. W. D. Revelli will
give the annual mid-win-
ter performance at 4:15
p. m. in Hill Auditorium.
Today Dr. Alfred Jospe will
speak on "A Program for
American Jews" at 8 p.m.
at the Hillel Foundation.
Feb. 6 Ruth Draper will present
solo dramas at 8:30 p. m.
in Hill Auditorium.
Feb. 7-10 Play Production of the
Department of Speech
will present Thronton
Wilder's comedy "The
Skin of Our Teeth" in
four performances at 8:30
Race, Tribal Dance, Fashion Show,
Monkeys at the Zoo and Parade, will
be conducted by its composer, Wil-
liam Schuman. Noted for the bold-
ness and originality of his music,
Schuman derives much of the source
of his style from Roy Harris and jazz.
He was recently appointed to succeed
the late Carl Engel as director of
publications for G. Schirmer.
Arnold Will Conduct
A march by Holst, the Finale from 1
Tschaikowsky's fourth symphony,
somemamammx.. r r} .es
By 'Cthe Associated Press
American columns were nearing
the outskirts of Manila today, front
line reports said, sweeping southward
on parallel roads over the Bulacan
Province plain.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique put the Yanks of the First
Cavalry and 37th Infantry Divisions
less than 15 miles from the city, but
this was the official report as of 6
p. m. Friday (Philippine time-11 a.m.
Thursday U. S. Eastern War Time).
Resistance Along Manila Bay
The 37th Division met some resist-
ance along the highway along Man-
ila Bay. There was no report of any
opposition to the First Cavalry's
thrust along the highway to the east.
The troops of the two divisions, be-
longing to Maj. Gen. Oscar W. Gris-
wold's 14th Corps, were reported com-
peting for the honor to be first into
Manila, but Griswold said "good mili-
tary judgment" forbade a footrace
into the city which "may be stoutly
"No troops under my command are
entering the city until they have
heavier guns and heavy equipment,"
he declared.
Japs Installing Traps
(George Folster. NBC war corre-
spondent with advance units, said
Filipinos of the region reported the
Japanese were installing tank traps
Plate, Lindsay
To Head Union
New Officers Will
Carry On Activities
See PICTURES, Page 8
James Plate, '45, and Robert Lind-
say, NROTC, have been named presi-
dent and secretary, respectively, of
the Union Executive Council for the
spring term, it was announced yester-
day by the Union Board of Direct-
The two men, succeeding Thomas
Bliska and George Darrow, assumed
office at noon yesterday.
Both of the new officers, who com-
mented that.they intend to "keep up
the many and varied activities of the
Union during the next term," have
served for four semesters on the Un-
ion staff. Until his recent appoint-
and steel roadblocks in Manila and
'mining buildings.)
First Corps troops on the east flank
of the central Luzon plain pushed
through the Caraballo Mountains to
shell Tumana, two miles south of San
Jose, a town at the mouth of the
highway piercing Cagayan valley
where the Japanese have been re-
ported in force.
MacArthur said Japanese casual-
ties in the first three weeks of the
Luzon campaign, which opened Jan.
9, were more than 33,000, while the
American casualties for the period
were 5,589-including 1,271 killed,
219 missing and 4,099 wounded.
Heavy Jap Losses
Heavy losses were inflicted on the
Japanese by 25th Division units which
captured Umingan and Santa Maria,
on the Sixth Army's left flank north-
west of Tumana.
Jospe "oTl
On American
Jenws Today
See PICTURE, Page 2
"A Program for American Jews"
vwill be the topic of a lecture to be
delivered by Dr. Alfred Jospe, Direc-
tor of the B'nai Brith Hillel Founda-
tion at Indiana University at 8 p.m.
today at the Hillel Foundation.,
The lecture is presented under the
auspices of Avukah and the local
chapter of Hadassah.
Bor- in Berlin, Dr. Jospe received
his Ph.D. degree in 1932 from the
University of Breslau, and then at-
tended the Jewish Theological Sem-
inary in the same city.
He was invited, in 1936, to occupy
the pulpit of the "Neue Synagogue"
("New Synagogue") in Berlin. Dr.
Jospe was one of five members of a
committee which was in charge of
selecting German-Jewish children
for immigration into European coun-
tries, the United States, and Pales-
He was arrested by the Nazis in
1938 and held in a concentration
camp, from which he was later re-
leased with orders to leave the coun-
try. Dr. Jospe went to London where,
working with Dr. J. Hertz, Chief
Rabbi of the British Empire, he was
instrumental in organizing religious
Big Three May
Create, World
.Grand Council,
Body Would Consider
International Prohlems
LONDON, Feb. 3.-()-The vic-
tory and peace deliberations of the
Allied "Big Three" are believed here
to include creation of a Grand Con-
ciliation Council to settle political
and economic problems and prevent
disagreement among the Allies on
European policy.
The urgency for such organization
has been underlined by admitted'
policy disagreements between Britain
and the United States on Greece and
Italy and the separate views of the
Soviet Union and the British and
Americans on the Polish question.
Creation of Council Certain
Whether this crganization will be
called the "Grand Conciliation Coun-
cil" or by another name was not
known, but its creation, was con-
sidered certain in informed London
In this connection, the "Big Three"
also are reported considering a pro-
posal for a quarterly meeting of their
foreign ministers to efect closer liai-
Such meetings were proposed by
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in
Commons last December when Anglo-
American relations were at their
lewest point of the war.
Idea Is Significant
The Grand Council idea is more
significant from the American view-
point, since both Secretary of State
Stettinius and presidential adviser
Harry Hopkins recently have made
it clear that the United States in-
tends to take a firm hand in Euro-
pean affairs.
Its creation would go a long way
toward turning the United Nations
partnership into a bulwark for peace,
most diplomatic sources agreed.
Last Nazis Pushed
From Belgian Soil
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Feb. 3-American troops
thrust three miles deeper into Ger-
many today to within a mile of a
break through the permanent forti-
fications of the Siegfried Line and
pushed the last Germans off Belgian
U. S. First Army spearheads were
11 miles inside the western border of
the Reich and 31 miles from the
Rhine, while the French First Army
and its American reinforcements in
Alsace liberated the city of Colmar
and carved a five-mile slice off the
German salient in that province.
Total penetration of the Westwall's
double belt of defenses would not
open the way completely for the con-
tinuing First Army advance, as the
Germans feverishly have been throw-
By The Associated Press
1-EASTERN FRONT: 47 miles
(from Sonnenburg-by official So-
'viet announcement); 38 miles
(from near Kustrin-by German
2-WESTERN FRONT: 310 miles
(from Linnich-Julich-Duren area.)
3--ITALIAN FRONT: 544 miles
(from Reno River.)
ing up temporary fortifications far-
ther back.
During the day, however, more
than 1,000 U. S. heavy bombers
reached the heart of Germany,
spreading flaming ruin on refugee-
packed Berlin only 40 miles or so
from the Russian forces hammering
at the embattled Nazis' last eastern
lines of defenses.
(The Berlin radio said that despite
thaws, Gen. Eisenhower was making
"frantic preparations" behind the
lines for a big push from the west,
"with no effort to keep it secret.")
Two of Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hod-
ges' First Army divisions were rip-
ping the vitals from German defen-
ses due east of Monschau and 25
miles southeast of Aachen over rough,
river-cut terrain where, if anywhere,
the Germans should be expected to
attempt a stand.
The veteran Second division, 11
miles deep into Germany, was entire-
ly through the first belt of defenses,
had surged across open country and
seized the village of Bronsfeld, only
a mile from Schlieden in the east-
ern edgeof the Siegfried line.
Tank Battle Rages
As the Red Army poured thousands
of tanks, guns and infantrymen into
the Oder-Warthe River bulge point-
ed at Berlin, a great tank battle raged
on historic Kunersdorf battlefield,
three miles east of Frankfurt. Both
Kustrin and Frankfurt, last' strong
points before Berlin in the east, were
being shattered by Russian artillery.
Red guns also were blasting German
defenses on the west bank of the
Oder between these two cities.
North of the Warthe River the
Russians seized Vietz, 11 miles north-
east of Kustrin, in an eight-mile two-
day advance down the highway and
railway from Landsberg.
Stettin's Position Strategic
The capture of Stettin would cut
off a 13,500-square-mile section of
Pomerania, the Polish corridor and
Danzig. There were unconfirmed re-
ports that German ships already had
fled Stettin and put into Copenhagen
in Denmark.
Farther east other Soviet troops
were attacking toward the Baltic
coast in a similar effort to split up
Pomerania and lessen the threat of
a German flanking attack on the
central salient pointed at Berlin.
Advancing on a 32-mile front on
both sides of imperilled Deutsch-
Krone, big 12-way German comu-
nications center, the Russians seized
Schloppe, on the Berlin-Danzig high-
way and railway 70 miles southeast
of Stettin and 23 southwest of encir-
cled Schneidemuhl.
Front Is Active
At the other end of the front the
Russians took Jagdhaus, and at in-
termediate points closed in on Deut-
sch Krone by seizing Sagermuhl, three
miles on the northeast; Quiram, three
miles on the south, and Karlsruhe,
five miles on the southeast.
WSSF Drive
Begins iToday;
Quota Is $4,000
The campus-wide World Student
Service Fund drive begins today with
a University quota of $4,000.
This money will contribute to a
fund for buying of books and study
materials for student prisoners of
war, internees and refugees and
toward purchase of food and cloth-
ing for students in Greece, China,
France and other countries.
Twenty-seven campus organiza-
tions are now working to support the
drive. Those who wish to become
canvassors or who wish to help in
the WSSF drive in other ways may
obtain the necessary information
from 2 to 4 p. m. Monday through
Friday in the WSSF office in Lane
Letters Tell Need
Letters and reports demonstrating
the great need for aid of students all
over the world pour into WSSP1
headquarters in New York daily. The
material destruction of the Univer-
sity of Caen in France, "may be
summed up in the tragic statement:
'Everything has gone up in flames',"
reads a report from that university.
Damage caused by the Allied bom-
bardments on July 7, 1944 of the
German-occupied city demolished the
university library with its 300,000 vol-
umes and the municipal library with
its 350,000 volumes. 40,000 homeless
persons in Caen are living with fami-
lies in the one-fourth of the city still
Students Resourceful
Resourceful students at the Uni-
versity of Caen, the report says, in-
Opportunity Great for Singers
... guest conductor
Rachmaninoff's arrangement of an
Italian Polka and "American Planta-
tion Dances" by Arnold will follow
Dr. Goldman, conductor of the
famous Goldman Band of New York
The opportunities for youngsing-
ers today are better than ever," Dor-
othy Maynor, American soprano,
stated in an interview after her con-
cert yesterday.
Although opportunities have in- 1
creased, Miss Maynor stressed the
naarl fm- nr.. ~~.,ri, .frn r.mn.r Q 1.0ain-
goal," Miss Maynor asserted. She'
added that the formula she had
given applied not only to the music
field, but to all fields.
Recordings Important
Miss Maynor stated that record-
ings have played an important part