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February 03, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-03

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-Fijili- [ j -iiiG.1 N -ayJiLY

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Ff y-Fifth Year

FDR To Demand Showdown

'fli1[ VAR iSil t over ,yet, anld no one ___________________________ __ ____________
knows when it will be over. Nev-I- -
etheless we must start to plan for SATURDAY, FEB. 3, 1945 1 The Ann Arbor Alunae Club will
the post-war world-a world that will !be hosts at the International Center
ensure a lasting peace-now. VOL. LV. No. 73 Program this Sundah<v Prh 4Lnt 7:3

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
* . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff

Lee Amer . . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . * Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Plan for Peace
PRESIDENTS of twelve outstanding universi-
ties advised President Roosevelt this week
that it would be unwise and dangerous to intro-
duce the question of compulsory post-war mili-
tary training to Congress before the war is over.
They believe that such a measure could be
enacted only "after a cool and delibate debate."
Passage of a post-war conscription law in the
midst of our considerations of peace plans would
indeed seem to make a mockery of our lofty
aims, our determination to make this a rela-
tively lasting peace, our faith that there shall
not be another war like the present holocaust.
Provision for peacetime conscription would be a
virtual admission that we expect to lose the
peace before it is made, that disillusion is already
poisoning our aims.
The time for consideration of post-war con-
scription is not this year or next year or the
next. Our energies must at present be concen-
trated on insuring that there shall be a peace
which will make another war unnecessary, not
upon introducing a militaristic system which
might do much to hasten another war. If we
desire peace, let us prepare for peace.
- J..M. Fitch
DISTRICT Judge Philip L. Sullivan's decision
that rulings of the War Labor Board are ad-
visory only may have an adverse effect upon the
no-strike pledge referendum now being conduc-
ted by the UAW-CIO..
The no-strike pledge was originally given
shortly after Pearl Harbor in return for the
establishment of the WLB as an instrument for
the peaceful settlement of labor disputes. But
Economic Stabilization Director Fred Vinson's
recent order forbidding the Board to issue deci-
sions in wage cases before the OPA has certified
that prices will not be effected, together with
the court decision that WLB rulings are advisory
and cannot be enforced, virtually ties the Board's
hands. And labor leaders advocating elimination
of the no-strike pledge can make a strong point
of it.
The no-strike pledge should be retained, not
only because strikes in wartime stop production
of desperately needed war material, but also
because rescinding the pledge at this time would
result in a wave of unfavorable public opinion
that would hinder labor activities for a long time
to come.
By removing the possibility of an unfavor-
able Supreme Court decision by amending the
Smith-Connally Act to give President Roose-
velt the power that the U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals says he doesn't have, Cngress could
restore some of the WLB's lost power and
take away a strong talking point for voting
against the no-strike pledge.
- Margaret Farmer
German Fall
,HE TREND of recent events would seem to
indicate that the fall of the German capital

is imminent. Although the fall of a warring
nation's capital may be a severe blow to their
morale, it is likely that much more blood will be
blotted up in German soil before the day of
reckoning comes.
Let us not forget the days of 1942 when the

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.- F.D.R. has what
his advisors describe as some tough diplo-
matic medicine ready for Winston Churchill at
the Big Three meeting "over yonder." It pertains
chiefly to Greece and Italy. This was what
Haviry Hopkins was hinting at when, in his Rome
interview, he said the American people wanted
an idealistic peace and the triumph of democra-
cies in the liberated countries.
What Roosevelt has in store for Churchill is
first, a demand that the British quit meddling
in the politics of liberated countries-Greece,
Italy, and Belgium; second, he will demand
that an Allied commission be established in
each liberated country to guide the new lib-
erated governments, and that this Allied com-
mission report to a conference of big four
foreign ministers approximately every three
The big four foreign ministers would estab-
lish permanent headquarters in Europe, proba-
bly in Paris. And the foreign minister of France
would be added to the Big Three (Russia, Britain
and the U.S.A.), thus making up the big four.
This was what Harry Hopkins meant when
he said in Rome that the political structure of
Europe could not wait until the war was over.
FDR Watched- Woodrow Wilson
Inside fact is that the President has gone
through an important change of policy regard-
ing Europe's political problems during the past
two years. At Casablanca in January, 1943, he
gave Churchill a pledge that the British could
have military direction of all operations in the
Mediterranean, following which Churchill went
to Turkey and informed the Turks that the
British had been given the Mediterranean as
their sphere of operation and that the Turks
would have to do business with London.
Churchill's impication was that the Turks
would have to do business with the British politi-
cally and economically, as well as on military
matters. This went far beyond what Roosevelt
thought he promised at Casablanca, and pri-
vately he hit the ceiling. However, the President
apparently did nothing at the time to correct
Churchill, for the latter continued to have his
way in the Mediterranean. All U.S. messages to
the Balkans had to clear through British codes,
while U.S. officers going to the Balkans had to
travei in British ships or planes. If they didn't
like certain U.S. officers who opposed the Greek
king, these officers didn't, get to Greece.
At Teheran also, the President seemed more
interested in the Pacific than in Mediterran-
ean problems, lie let Churchill and Stalin
dicker over their respective spheres of influ-
ence in the Balkans; Russia taking Roumania,
Bulgaria and eastern Jugoslavia as its sphere;
Britain getting the right to influence Greece
and the Adriatic roast of Jugoslavia.
The President's thinking up to that time
seemed to follow the line that his old chief,
Woodrow Wilson, got into trouble by trying to
iron out the detailed problems of Europe-
Fiume, Memel and upper Silesia-and that he,
Roosevelt, would let Europe iron out its own
problems. So he evinced more interest in the
islands of the Pacific, the possibility of an Amer-
ican naval base in French Indo-China and close
cooperation between Australia, New Zealand,
Canada and the U.S.A.
White House advisors say that it was the
shooting of Greek civilians by British tanks, plus
Churchill's rebuff to Count Sforza, in Rome, plus
the surrounding of the Belgian Parliament with
British tanks, which caused the President to
reverse his policy. During the Greek crisis, F.D.R.
sent some stiff messages to Churchill demanding
that the Athens situation be cleaned up and
warning him that he was alienating American
public opinion.
at the Big Three conference, the President
will do his best to work out an immediate and
constructive political machine to give the lib-
erated ceuntries a democratic break.
lDe Caile jai ViCdyite . .
VERY LITTLE has been said about it, but a
significant Vichyite-Frenchman has just been
secretly arrested by the De Gaulle government.
He is Jacques Lemaigre-Dubreuil, the man who
worked with U.S. diplomats to bring General
Giraud and Admiral Darlan to North Africa.

Lemaigre-Dubreuil was one of the most fam-
ous big business lobbyists of France, was founder
of the "Taxpayers League," a founder of the
Fascist Cagoulards, and subsidized various
French Fascist papers before the war. In Vichy
he was a close friend of U.S. Minister Robert
Murphy and later of Brig.-Gen. Julius Holmes,
whom the State Department placed on General
Eisenhower's staff as his political advisor.,
It was Murphy and Holmes, working largely
through Lemaigre-Dubreuil, who cooperated
with the French rightists and fascists in North
Africa even after the Allied occupation. As
political advisor on General Eisenhower's staff
it was also Holmes' job to pass on whether the
U.S. Army should desist from British polur
when they stormed Athens and surrounded
the Belgian Parliament with tanks. Unfor-
tunately because Eisenhower acquiesced in
these operations, the British performed them
jointly in the name also of the United States
and we shared part of the blame.
The President has now made General Holmes
Assistant Secretary of State. General De Gaulle
has now thrown Lemaigre-Dubreuil in jail.

Beribboned Holmes.. .
GENERALHOLMES is one of the most decor-
ated men ever to hold office in the State
Department. Though he has never been in com-
bat, Holmes is a Commander of the Crown of
,Jugoslavia, Commander of the Order of the Foe-
nix (Greece), has the Lebanese Order of Merit,
the Southern Cross of Brazil, French Legion of
Honor, Commander of Oussam Alaouite of Mo-
occo, Grand Officer of Nishan Iffticar of Tuni-
sia, and is a Commander of the Crown of Ron-
mania. Some of these he got as a result of being
chief greeter or protocol officer of the State
Department and of being in charge of foreign
exhibits at New York's World's Fair.
Holmes' decorations take up three rows of
ribbmns across his chest. As he assumed office
in the State Department his subordinates
promptly dubbed him "Ribbentrop."
Capital Chaff .
SECRETARY Henry Morgenthau got awfully
sore when White House advisor Sam Rosen-
man was given a commission to study not only
supplies but the "finances" of liberated coun-
tries. Finances come under his Treasury De-
partment. Henry was especially sore at FEA's
Oscar Cox who wrote the broad letter of instruc-
tion to Rosenman. It was Henry who originally
brought Cox to Washington .
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicat, Ic e
Senate 1Blocik
NEW YORK-It may be easy enough for Sen-
ate conservatives to block Henry Wallace's
plan for 60,000,000 post-war jobs. They have
shown they have the power to do it. But then
what? The labor movement in America will
hardly accept this action as final. It is hard to
imagine Philip Murray of the C..O. saying to
Sidney Hillman of the P.A.C.: "Well, Sidney,
looks as if we're licked." And Mr. Hillman reply-
ing: "Yes. Phil. It's all over." And Mr. Murray
sighing: "Tough." Then they take down their
office signs, throw away their stationerv, and
go out of business.
The actual outcome will be exactly the reverse
of this pipe-dream. The Senate's conservatives
will find that they have given the P.A.C. a pow-
erful stimulus, a program, and name to hitch
the program to. Life goes on, you know; one
thing leads to another; but these are principles
which conservatism finds it extremely hard to
learn. It is addicted to terminal thinking; it
invariably believes it is ending something when
it is only starting it.
The Senate's conservatives will soon find
themselves compelled to fight the labor move-
ment. Naturally. After tying 'the hands of one
Henry Wallace, they will look up to find ten
thousand Henry Wallace's breathing down
their necks. Congressional conservatism will
then stir unhappily, and try to dream up an-
otoer law. The impulse has already shown
itself in the effort to pin an open-shop amend-
ment to the May-Bailey bill for limited na-
tional service. One thing leads to another, and
Congressional conservatives, having commit-
ted themselves on the Wallace matter, will go
on morosely to do battle with up to 20,000,000
organized workers.
Only they will find that it is much easier to
howl down the symbol, Wallace, than to vote out
of their sight and hearing the realities of post-
war unemployment and distress.
ONE THING leads to another. The isolationist
press of America, most bitter against Henry
Wallace, is now re-publishing its favorite phan-
tasy. It tells its readers how the servicemen are
going to return to America in a high state of
fury; that they are going to "take the govern-
ment over;" that the home-coning soldier is
going to have a kind of field day of toppling over
government agencies, and running out of Wash-
ington such vipers as believe that every man is
entitled to a job.
This delicious dream of discord comes nat-
urally to the minds of those who don't want to
provide for full employment. Having chosen
the road of obduracy instead of compromise,
they find it necessary to set group against
group, to have a favored group and a hated

group, perhaps on the theory that it will be
cheaper in the end to do a lot for the soldiers,
and let them mangle the labor movement,
than to do something for everybody.
One thing leads to another, and it would be
nice if some of those who have embarked so
gaily on the fight against Henry Wallace would
care to tell us where they think they are going.
They've climbed aboard an express, and it must
be going somewhere. If it's going toward some
of the vistas sketched out above, it seems hardly
worth the trip.
We are all going to have to live together for
a long time, and it would seem that reasonable
men might 'be willing to get together on a plan
for full employment; a plan for how to live,
rather than a design for discord. Look around
you, and you will see how the agony of doubt
about the post-war period bites into the heart
of America; how it gives us a down-in-the-
mouth appearance even now, at the grand
climax of the war; how it makes us seem
queerly reluctant to celebrate even our mili-
tary victories.
(Copyright. 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

This has been said over and over
again, but little, except talk, has
been done until now. A Big 'Three
meeting is Iumored for the near
futurm. Fie, but will anything
constructive be decided at that
The United Nations supposedly
have a foreign policy, but what it is
no one really Vnows. If there is such
a thing as a United Nations foreign
policy, other than one which states
that there must and shall be a last-
ing peace, it has not been announced.
A United Nations foreign policy
mast be based on proper democratic
principles, some of which will be sug-
giAted here.
.'lhere must be a firm imple-
nentation of the Atflntic Charter.
There is no written charter, but
its principles have been announced
to the world. These principles must
be upheld.

Publbeati1nII in D he Daily (fl4eis Ilil-
lett Iw contriit ivet' noiiice t ;ail meii-
lhers or ine siWiverity. Notices tin' the
Bulletin should lit. sctn11y hi hiypOwrif tenu
form lo tIn Assistant ii, the PreiJdent.
. I Anu klil , l :3 ni. or e
precedinlie pullical n i:(1311 ,t. 4,. 5:, I.-
X Notices
Washing ton's Birthday: Washing-
's birthday, Feb ,22, will not be
observed <ai a University holiday.
Conservation If eat and light:
In couphiance with tLe order of th('
Director of Wa,1 Mobilization the Uni-
versity is making arirangemeis11 t(
conserve botf heat andlIh.I Fac-
ulty and stafi members should there-
fore turn out all unnecessary lights
and are cautioned against changingI
any adjustments which may be made
in the thermostate. Where certain
conditions must be maintained, in;


The Women's Research Club will
meet Monday, Feb. in the West
Conference Room of Rackham Build-
ing, at 8:00 p. m. Dr. Norma L.
Pearson will talk on "'Th Whys of
Cotton Fiber Rescarch."
Spanish Play Trvotits: Tryouts for
Zaragueta, this year's play to be pres-
ented by La Sociedad Hispanica, will
take place on Monday and Tuesday
Feb. 5 and 6 in Romance Languages,
room 408 from 4 to 5 p. m. The play
is to be presented on April 17 and
18 at the Lydia Mendelssohn and
rehearsals are to begin the first week
in March.
Junior Research Club: The Febru-
ary meeting of the Junior Research
Club will be held n Tuesday, Feb. 6,
in the Amphitheatre of the Horace
HI. Rackham School of Graduate Stu-


!tV 2G22 tt t7 FJ1.Ltt(( 1, 1c . f J
p. in. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will speak
on "National l aid International Re I -
tions of the University Campus.
The Lutherau Student Association
will meet this Sunday afternoon in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hail at, 5:00.
i The program will be recorded sacred
music and a short dis tssion of the
music by Miss Evelyn Olsen. Supper
will be served immediately after the
.rogiail at 6:00 and le fellowship
hou wi follow


The question of the supervision of' laboratories, animal houses, hospi-
all liberated countries has come up. tals, etc. proper arrangements will be
There must be joint supervision or made. This policy has the approval,
administration by all the Allied Pow- of the Conference of the Deans.
ers of liberated and occupied areas, Alexander G. Rutiven
until those countries are completely
liberated with functioning represent- City of Detroit Civil Service An-
i ltive governments. Poland cannot be 3nouncement for Administrative As-
dm"inistrated by Russia alone, nor ! sistant, salary $4,330 to $5,589 perl
Greece by Great Britain. Supervision year, has been received in our office.
For further details stop in at 201.
u st be united!'Nl r ,,27,1 L~r1. r n rni r il1- .


No definite settlements of frontiers
can be made now. That must be set
aside until the representative gov-
ernments can speak freely, for all the
people of those countries.
There cannot be a settlement of
the German problem by forced de-
portation of vast populations into
a Germany that has been split up

SMasan Tail BureaSuIoLappoiments. dies at 7:30 p. i. Program: "A Sur-
. vey of Antibiotic Agents," J. E.
Application Forms for Fellowships Kempf, Dept. of Bacteriology; "Ex-
and Scholarships in the Graduate, ploring For Quinine in the Andes,"
School of the University for the year W. C. Steered Dept. of Botany.
1945-1946 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.', f
All blanks must be returned to thatI
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive First Baptist Church:
consideration. 512 E. Huron.

at the wishes of the members of the Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
United Nations. This would only Notice to Men Students: Men stu- Roger William's Guild H:use.
make Germany a political and eco- dents living in approved rooming 502 E. Huron.
,iomic plaque spot in Europe. houses who intend to move to differ-~ Saturday, Feb. 3-
ell quarters for the Spring Term or .
The settlement of Germany must who expect to leave the Universitya 7:10 Choir rehearsal .in the church.
be just and severe. The settlement tho expect to leve the U ive ni- 3:00 6:00 clean-tp party and sup-
the end of this Term, must give no-
should be based on punishment of tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-he chrch
war criminals, total permanent dis- dents before 11 a. m. today. Feb. 24 Open House at the Guild
armament, and joint occupation. is the oficial closing date for the House.
The smaller nations of Europe all Term. Sday Feb. 4-
should be encouraged to federate, in- 9:00 Breakfast at the Guild House.
stead of permitting the continuation 10:00 Study class starting "The Idea
of the puppet governments that were .LC'cCIureS :of Suffering."
installed after World War I. Only 'University Lecture. Captain Pet- 11:00 Morning worship "The Cycle
through federation of the small na- erFreuchen Danish Polar Explorer of Christian Exlerience."
tions, can the economic, social, and will lecture on "Epic of an Explorer 6:00 Roger William's Guild meeting
political problems of these nations in thq War," at 8:00 p. m., Thurs- : at the Guild House. Rev.
be aeviaed.Loucks will lead a discussion
be aleviated. day, Feb. 8, in the Rackham Lecture
on worship. Supper will be
Above all the United States must Hall; auspices of the Department of
be prepared to use its greatest Geography:- The public is cordially served.
weapon-economic power, streng- Finvited.First Church of Christ, Scientist:
thened by lend-lease-if the above University Lecture: Dr. Gustav E. 409 S. Division St.'Wednesday eve-
stribnciplespare to be achieved. We von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic, ning service at 8 p. in. Sunday morn-
mst be prepared to finance a pro-I University of Chicago, will lecture on ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject
grane for peace, but we cannot the subject, "The Arabian Nights and "Love." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
Ifinance a program in which we do,,, --Acnenn rdigrmism -
Classical Literature" at 4:15 p. m., A convenient reading room is main-
not beieve. Wednesday, Feb. 7, in the' Rackham tained by this church at 106 E.
Through our lend-lease, we have Amphitheatre; auspices of the De- Washington St., where the Bible, also
been able to supply the United Na- partment of Oriental Languages and the Christian Science Textbook, "Sei-
tions with the materials they need i Literatures. The public is cordially ence and Health with Key to the
for war. We can do the same thing invited. Scriptures" and other writings by
with materials for peace. Mary Baker Eddy may be read, bor-
The United Nations need American Academic rowed or purchased. Open daily ex-
economic cooperation, and only by ''Noice cept Sundays and holidays from
our economic aid can a program be Electrical Engineers, Architects and 11:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays until
peacefully achieved. others interested in lighting practice 9 p. m.





Now is the time to set forth a
definite post war program. Tiese
are some of the democratic princi-
pies upon which this program
should be based.
-Aggie Miller
Scholars Too.
N A RECENT poll of servicemen
stationed on the Ohio State Uni-
versity campus, the question was ask- l
ed: What type of a university do you
want when you return from.' ser-
vice? One soldier replied, "Make
courses tough enough to give Ohio'
State an academic reputation such,
as Wisconsin and Michigan have.
Spend more on faculty facilties, less
on football."
-Evelyn Phillips

7i-iniedt1 atn7adese7t7h


are invited to attend addresses to the1
classes in E. E. 7 and E. E. 7b by Grace Bible Fellowship:
Allan Larson, experienced Lighting Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth
Engineer of the Westinghouse Elec- Avenue.
tric and Manufacturing Company, at Harold J. DeVries, pastor.
11 o'clock Monday and Tuesday 10 a. m. University Bible class. Ted
morning, Feb. 5mnd 6. Groesbeck, leader.
English Concentration 11 a. m.. Hubel Lemley, linguist,
All students who have previously I will speak. Mr. Lemley has for six
conferred with Prof. Davis should ar-: years been engaged in reducing to
range for appointments for Tues- writing the language of the Tlapaneco
day, Feb. 6 or 13, between 2 and 5 Indians of Southern Mexico.
p. m. 7:30 p. m. The pastor will speak
Those who have previously confer- on the subject: "What Can Youth Be-
red with Dr. Greenhut should ar- liev.e-About Amusements."
range for appointments for Monday,
Feb. 5 or 12, between 1 and 4 p. m., Unversity Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Students concentrating for the first Washtenaw: Sunday service at 11
time may arrange for appointments o'clock. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred
with either Prof. Davis or Dr. Green- Scheips, "The Hearing Ear." Bible
hut during the above hours. class at 10:15.
Gamma Delta Lutheran Student
Lip Reading Classes: Hard of hear- Club, will have its regular supper
ing students who are interested in ; meeting Sunday at 5:30.
obtaining instruction in lip reading
should meet at the Speech Clinic on First Methodist Church and Wesley
Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 4:00 p. m. The Foundation. Student class at 9:30
Speech Clinic is located at 1007 East a. m., with Dr. E. W. Blakeman, lead-
Huron Street. er. Morning worship service at 10:40
o'clock. Dr. James Brett Kenna will
Concerts preach on the theme "Can We Have A
I Christian Social Order?" Wesleyan
Concert: Dorothy Maynor, Negro Guild Meeting beginning with supper
soprano, will give the eighth program at 5 p. m. At 6 p. m. Miss Alexan-
in the Choral Union Concert Series dra, Feldmahn will speak on the work
this evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditor- and program of the WSSF.
ium. She has chosen a program of
interest and variety, including a group Unity: Sunday services which were
of Negro spirituals. held at 4 o'clock through January
A limited number of tickets are will return to the 11 o'clock hour be-
available at the offices of the Univer- ginning Feb. 4th, and continue to
sity Musical Society in Burton Memo- meet in the Michigan League Chapel.
rial Tower. The subject for this week is "Febru-
ary's Keynote." Student Social Hour
.vents odav at 7:30, Unity Reading Rooms.
Three new classes, Christian Heal-
At 4:00 this afternoon a Tea will be ing, Tuesday night at 8; Lessons in
served at the Congregational-Disci- Truth for Correspondence School stu-
ples Guild so that members may meet I dents, Friday night at 7 o'clock; and
informally Miss Sandra Feldmahn, Unity Basic Principles at 8 o'clock,
Associate Secretary of the World Stu- Friday, all meet rt the Unity Read-
dent Service Fund, who will give us ing Rooms. 310 S. State.


x '

By Ray Dixon

N ;


Our troops in the Philippines are!
raising their bataan averages.
There is as much speculation con-t
cerning the whereabouts of the im-!
pending Big Three meeting as there
is concerning the ground hog and his


Yestei'day Stettinius, Hopkins,
Churchill amd Eden were reported not
present and unaccounted for and
FDR has been noticeably silent about
friend Wallace.
Both Stettinius and Hopkins gave
'Rome the air by air and no one knows
wvhere they've roamed.
By Crockett Johnson


2 ""- """


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