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February 02, 1945 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-02

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PRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1945

MiCHa .. I atpG.AN D sr A MV.3


a HI MICIraa sa TtA i L 1 1 V

a *WXAUA A, A v J12,


USO Holds Open

New Red Cross WAA To Hold1

Pau,.j . B tir vctn Dance Tv Celebra'Le

Layton To Star

-*® -


HouseCiviiansHomeNur sing First Indoor Fabulous Woodsman s Birthda Ne
House for Civilians ry Cz asr itda ls oBgieprsNgt ___Bl
f rC s T B ip t NhThetbirthday of Paul Bunyan, the| be on
W kEd n r."talles'"ofAl great Americans, will.Formal was made "many strange and tunes f
Week-End Entertainment To Be Highlighted Two hone nursing courses, one be-I odsC cir~ anclcntradictory stories have beenofsu
Coeds, Civlians, Servicemen, be celebrated at an all campus danee . s es ae en of stud
By Fourth Anniversary Celebration There ginning Tuesday and the other on sponsored by the Forestry Club, Fri- sweeping the campus concerning the p. m.
Wedncsday, will be offered by the Red Al Invited to Evening's Games Iday, Feb. in the Rainbow Room of fabulous exploits of the mighty Paul," morrow
th o.I As the Forestry Club wishes no "taint1 Union
Civilians, usually barred from the Cross, according to Mrs. Walter Pom.. In Borbour, Waterman Gyms the Union. As uhtrutrestty Clor thes reptation .
exclusive center for servicemen in tivities in addition to providing a eroy county Home Nursing chair- Tickets for the aair may be pur-uest
meetng pace nd ecretionl fcil chaed rom 0:15a. . of11thei.r.gustof honor they dele~at- k new fe
Ann Arbor, will have an opportunity mneting place and recreational facii- mWAA invites everyone on campus to chased from 10:15 a. m. to 11 p. m. ed Johnson to set some of these
to see the USO in action during open ties for men and women in uniform. 'an its evening of sports from 8 p. m. to today, from 12:45 p. m. to 1:30 p. m. s arigh. Falvay,
In order to help out at during the ModyadIo .i.t .m ae rgt isE
house periods from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Backed by National Groupsdd Monday and from 4 p. m. to rop. m. Miss Fa
today in observanec of the Fourth Osias Zwerdling is charman of the registered nurse shortage, all coeds 10:30 p. m. today in Barbour and Tuesday at the Travel Desk of the To start with" he said "ugly ber of c
Anniversary of the National United local USO committee which includes have been urged by the Red Cross to Waterman gyms with the slogan Union. Remaining tickets will go rumor has it that the majority of the itioned
Service Organiration, representatives of the six national register for this course by calling Red "WAA invites you to play." on general sale after Tuesday. stories about the exploits of Paul cupy-a
Tours of the USO building locatedrentatis o he sinato Cross Headquarters 25546. Sports to suit all tastes will be of- Scent of pine, wind rustled are lies, pure and simple. It is dances.
ToursueofathelUss building frocatedoorganiaationsevenith havlyjoined to
at East Huron and State Street, will operate their service to soldiers as he Tuesday class will meet from fered, with ping-pong, volley ball, branches, colorful plaid shirts, blue tlmost a sacrilege even to reply to In ad
be conducted during the visiting the USO, and of other local groups 7:30 p. i. to 9:30 l. m., and an hour shuffleboard, badminton, deck tennis, jeans and ranger boots will nhelp t a to biv the skties orst
hours, the USO committee in charge participating in its support. for a Wednesday afternoon class will darts, and duck-pin bowling, while transform the Rainbow Room into a lot have to bleve thestoriesar en-ochest
has announced, so that visitors to the The national groups include the be arranged for the convenience of exhausted players may sit down to corner of the Great North Woods and cionc he wants to. There are noug n at ti
Club may see exactly what their con- Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., the Na- the members of the class. The meet- bridge and table games. because singing around the fire after concrete proofs of Paul's exploits i wide e
Club mase xctywa hir conlce fY.bth caCss wAlb thee Yday'WlogiCg.iAfiihthe na- i existence today to convince even the (Charlie
tributions have made possible. tional Catholic Community Service, ig place for both classes will b There will be a small admission the day's logging is finished is one most hardened agnostic." e thham's
Saturday Dance the Salvation. Army, Jewish Welfare announced. charge to cover the cost of the sports of the most pleasant parts of lumber- sg
The theme of the usual Saturday ! Board, and Travelers' Aid. Local During the 12 class periods, in- equipment, all of which will be fur- jack life, Forestry Club members Paul Johnson's most convincing argu- dition t
night dance will be centered around groups represented on the board in- struction will be given on simple ways iished except tennis shoes, which ab- Reis. Jack Stanford, Ted McKil-- ment as to the reality of Paul con- Conti
the anniversary celebration. "Happy elude the Community Fund, cham- to keep a sick person comfortable and solutely must be worn by volley ball lop, USMCR, and J. W. Johnson, cerned Niagara Falls. "Every woods- Layton'
Birthday USO" will be the central ber of Commerce, Ann Arbor Mini- well-nourished, how to bathe a pa- players. USMCR., have arranged a commun- man knows that Paul built this last- of the d
theme of the party to be held frogi sterial Association, and the Univer.. tient, and protect the health of all The O S Niht is be ity-sing program in which all partyg monument when he was a boy Lonely
8 p. in. to midnight tomorrow at the sity of Michigan. members of the family while caring held especially forthose who wo guests will participate.
USO. "As USO is financed by the Amer- for a patient with a contagious di- like to participate in active Bill Layton and his band will fur- when the occasion warranted one." Ticke
Regiment W is in charge of ar- ican people through the National sease. The work will also include a sports but have no opportunity to do bs cladsic forthe dance. They willgr a Johnson declared. is s fr as a
rangements for the party which will War Fund," Osias Zwerdling, chair- Istudy of diets, administering medi- and for servimenne cladin clothing appropriate or recordsgo,is is the first known sales a
feature square dancing in the earlier man of the USO council, said, in mak- (nes, and maternity and infant care on campus who would like to meets coe dresein tre No Wokdd _oower ever mde_membe
part of the evening followed by ball- ing the announcement today, "con- problems. new friends. tcome dresse- true North Wods--
room dancing. tiuost h u hog h --- ..--sye
Junior Hostesses trbutors to the fun through the ----------- Shelby Dietrich. president of WAA, I Johnson, who is also publicity V EDWARDS and
JuirHsessCommunity Fund or War Chest are said,_ servicemenED coedsi(
Junior Hostesses planning to at-~! especially urged to attend to see what ormitory, auxiliary dormitory, isaid,nWemvite all servicemen, coeds, chairman for the dance, said in
tend may dress informally in skirts their money has made possible within and ce-op war stal) representa- and civilians to attend the Open a recent interview that since the first featring NAN COOPE
and sweaters. Every hostess be- such a short space of time." ives trust turn in all the money Sports Night, and hope that they will announcement of the Paul Bunyan A well-organized band,
for all their stamps by Thursday enjoy the many sports offered." R ,
to Miss McCormick's office in the The committee for the night in- - -~_ -ET
Hosten s ubsitueregee dILeague, according t Claire Mac-! cludes Ann Barlow, equipment; Rudy Pne 5930f SinceFn
Juos i Her eare also invited J\yJursery tXieaui, GP durinitory chairman Bales, personnel;. Betsy Perry and INV EST I ,N VI CTURY for E
to attend the Open House celebrationsors. Jane Archer, finance; and Ruth j-Currently: Masonic Temple Ever
on Sunday. Entertainment for the Weinberg, publicity- -_~
afternoon will be divided between"-

w Vocalist
Layton and his orchestra will
hand to provide latest hit
or the dancing entertainment
ents and their guests from 9
to midnight tonight and to-
in the Rainbow Room of the
ng her debut as the orchestra's
minine vocalist will be Sue
'48, from Ripley, New York.
lvay was chosen from a num-
.oed applicants who were aud-
and she is expected to oc-
featured place at weekly Union
dition to the band's new solo-
nry Deteras, bass man of the
ra, will occupy the spotlight
ght's dance. He has gained
xperience with Les Brown,
Barnett and Sunny Dun-
rchestra and is a welcome ad-
o the Layton gang.
nuing its customary policy,
s band will play featured tunes
day including "A- Little on the
Side." Requests from weekly
'nthusiasts will also be played,
ts may be purchased by Un-
mnbers at the Union desk and
re limited to one ticket per
his Orchestra
M, vocalist
popular for
y Saturday Night

Army and Navy personnel on campus. The first meeting of the training
A varied program has been planned course which is being given to answer
incluling selections by the Navy Choir
and specialty acts by several mem- the current need for teachers ' and
hers of Co. A. aides in nursery' schools will be held
RemodelIed- For Use at 7:30 p. m. February 8 in Room
The Ann Arbor USO was dedicated 88 of the Ann Arbor High School.
on December 11 after the remodelling
Residents of Ann Arbor and vi-
operations on the building which was cinety o Ast rtor the
formerly the Young People's Hall of4cimty who wish to register for the
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. The course must do so by Tuesday, at
building has been turned over to the: the Office of Civilian Defense, 26551.
USO for the duration. The course, which will continue for
Under the direction of Mrs. Robert six weeks, is to meet twice each week
A. Burton, with Miss Jesse Hoag for lecture and discussion, from 7:30
as Assistant Director, the USO is p. m. to 9:30 p. n. on Thursday, and
carrying out a varied program of ac- from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. on Friday.
--- - _--- An additional four hours each week
will be spent in observation or prac-
tice teaching in nursery schools.
The evening lectures are intended
primarily for a limited number of
persons who cannot attend the re-
- OI t Pmainder of the courses, and will dis-.
cuss especially the individual child
while the morning lectures will deal
We spcialize in Full Fash- more definitely with group procedures
and techniques, and will be directed
oned Branded She-er Rayon toward those who wish to prepare for
substitute teaching in the nursery
Hosiery. schools.





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