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February 02, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-02

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H Ei M i C ff i GA -A-

1jc Sw11tigat Bat
Ff y.F;tfh Yea
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student. Publications.

Naton ideCoal Strike Seen

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwi
June Pomering

Editorial Sta f.
. . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . Sports Editor
S . . ±.Associate Sports Editor
S . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
* . A Business Manager
k . . Associate Business Mgr.
p . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in. this newspaper.- All rights of re-
publication of allother:matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the wrters only.
Veteran's Button
REP JOHN DINGELL, (Dem., Mich.) usually
one of Congress' most progressive thinkers,
seems to have leaped off the deep end on the
annoying veteran button issue.
Dingell yesterday criticized what he termed
"Cheap insignificant discharge buttons."'
"The gilded, plastic buttons are about on a
par with products heretofore made in Japan,"
he said.
These statements may be true. Discharge but-
tons may be both cheap and insignificant, but it
seems doubtful that the returned serviceman
resents or is worried about the appearance of his
discharge button.
The vet is worried about the job and educa-
tional opportunities offered him when he re-
Considering Rep. Dingell's commendable
past political record, it would be extremely
beneficial to the entire nation if he and all
Congressmen of his high calibre directed their
energies toward some more important legisla-
tion. After all, even though servicemen may
be wearing "unworthy discharge buttons," this
nation is still at war. When the war ends,
there will be the peace question, discharge
buttons or no discharge buttons.
s nBob Goldman
FDR's Reluctance
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S departure for the
big three parley in the midst of a domestic
battle between "right" and "left" wing forces is
a virtual invitation to the opposing groups to
fight the matter out among themselves. Inten-
tionally or not, the President seems to be wash-
ing his hands of the whole business through his
reluctance to bring any pressure to bear in Wal-
lace's favor and by his failure to clarify the
cryptic letter to Jesse Jones, which even Wallace
supporters now suspect was a veiled admission
that the appointment was made in payment of
a political debt.
The fall election has failed to reconcile the
split in the Democratic party, the alliance
between Republicans and conservative south-
ern Democrats. This rift, which has dangerous
implications both for post-war domestic secur-
ity and for any peace measures, seems only to
be intensified, perhaps inevitably, because few
Presidents have had a united Congress behind
them for longer than one term, and FDR in
his fourth term must count on decreasing
Congressional cooperation, diminished per-
haps by war weariness and confusion.
Antagonized by the CIO-PAC element in the
Democratic party, distrustful southern Con-
gressmen have again lined up with Republican
elements representing industrial and financial
interests, Republican elements which have con-
sistently opposed every major social reform of
the last twelve years. FDR himself has been
accused of allowing the influence of conservative
businessmen to reach an unprecedented peak in
his administration, especially in his appointment
of Ed Stettinius and his State Department team.
Nor has his bow in the direction of progressive
groups, the Wallace appointment, corrected this
impression for the appointment is taking on
more and more the aspect of an empty gesture.
while it has had the effect of reopening old
Roosevelt's compromises with conservatives

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2-Several backstage de-
velopments point with almost tragic cer-
tainty to a nationwide coal strike on April 1,
despite the present desperate coal shortage.
They are:
1.John L. Lewis has rejected the proposal of
Hard Fuel Administrator Ickes to continue the
present coal agreement for another year.
2. Lewis has also rejected Ickes' proposal that
negotiations for a new wage agreement begin
earlier than March 1, thus giving coal operators
and miners more time to sign a contract.
3. Within a few weeks, Lewis' gigantic United
Mine Workers Union finally will be taken into
the American Federation of Labor, at which
time several AFL leaders will back him in trying
to break the Little Steel formula on behalf of the
This latter point is where CIO-AFL rivalry
comes in. CIO Chief Phil Murray tried to up
the Little Steel Formula on behalf of the steel
workers, but failed. Now if the AFL, through
John L. Lewis, (an do what Phil Murray failed
to do, even if it throws the entire country into
an even more serious coal crisis, it will he
regarded as a big victory.
What Lewis Wants.
WHAT LEWIS DEMANDS is a wage differen-
tial for miners working the second and third
shift, plus $1.25 more daily for travel under-
ground to and from the mouth of the mine, plus
a. straight wage increase.
Last year it was recognized that the mines had
suffered in comparison with wages paid in other
industries. But this year Economic Stabilizer
Vinson believes the wage situation is more nearly
balanced and is flatly opposed to giving John L.
Lewis anywhere near what he is demanding. To
do so would not only break the Little Steel
Formula but shoot a gap in the dike against in-
flation. So it looks as if there will be a sure
showdown on April 1.
sNte- The coal crisis points to one result of
postponing a decision on a new Secretary of
Labor. Miss Perkins is staying tn the job "by
request," her heart not in the work, and never
able to cope with these big strikes. Meanwhile,
some White House advisers suggest that vari-
ous moves could be made in advance to head
off John L. Lewis, such as bringing home sev-
eral hundred decorated heroes who live in
mine areas, and who culd impress the miners
with what coal means at the front. However,
there is no far-sighed Secretary of Labor on
the job to head off a national catastrophe.
'General' Elliott Roosevelt ...
T DIDN'T LEAK OUT of the Senate Military
Affairs Committee, but last week, its new
chairman, Senator Elbert Thomas of Utah, made
a deft move probably aimed to facilitate con-
firmation of Elliott Roosevelt as a Brigadier
Hitherto, all military promotions sent to the
Sohate have been sent to a Military Affairs Sub-
Cohimittee headed by Happy Chandler of Ken-
tucky for scrutiny. This committee has then
recommended passing or rejecting the promo-
However, Chairman Thomas told his col
leagues last week that this committee had
been rather cumbersome and he believed it
should be disposed with.
At this point, Senator Chandler spoke up, and
without any irritation remarked:
"I'm not looking for a job for myself, but I
think it would be a mistake not to examine these
nominations. I've been chairman of this sub-
committee for so long that I don't know that
I'd want to continue anyway, but I do feel that
no man should hold the high place of General
'in the United States Army without a group of
Senators looking into his record and studying it
Several other Senators agreed with Chand-
ler but nevertheless it was decided for the time
being to take military promotions up in full
committee. The full committee, therefore, was
sitting when Young Roosevelt's name was
voted out of the committee for confirmation.
Had a sub-committee handled the matter it
might have been bottled up considerably
Under the Done . . .

dent said could not be spared from the White
House staff on loan to the Foreign Economic
Administration any longer, now is going to
Switzerland to negotiate a new treaty. Looks
like he could be spared after all . . . As a result
of Ed Stettinius's new instructions to State
Department employees to write personal, cozy
letters he is now called "The Dale Carnegie of
Diplomacy." . . Allied and Russian bombers will
be heading out over the Baltic now that the
Russians have new bases, to look for the German
fleet. Hitler's remaining battleships have kept
out of the western Baltic because of England-
based bombers and took refuge around Danzig.
These ports are now under Red guns. . . . Henry
Wallace is winning a significant victory this
week as the State Department signs a new tin
agreement with Bolivia. Two years ago when
he was in charge of economic warfare, Wallace
tried to sign a treaty with Bolivia stipulating
that the increased prices we paid for tin would
be passed along to workers in increased wages.
But the State Department said no. This week,
however, the State Department is signing a new

agreement, and this time Wallace's proposal to
benefit the men who mine the tin is written into
the text.
Capital Chaff ...
hear that Brazilian Ambassador Carlos Mar-
tins had paid a call on Jesse Jones immediately
after the White House demanded his resignation,
and offered his condolences. It is highly unusual
for diplomats to mix in U.S. domestic affairs,
especially when a cabinet officer bucks the Pres-
ident . .. Many local Red Cross chapters have
been asked to curtail the 'olling of surgical
dressings due to the fact that the Army now
has a surplus. However, work will be resumed
again when the Army's supply of bandages falls
below a certain point . ..Some of the locals
have been mystified by the sudden curtailment
of bandage rolling, but National Red Cross head-
quarters describe the order as merely routine ...
Helen Gahagan Douglas, movie-star Congress-
woman from California. has been elected chair-
man of the 79 Club, a newly-formed organiza-
tion of first-term Democratic Congressmen.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Be1 Syndicate, inc.)
The Next Secretary?
NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-The President may have'
messed the Wallace case a little by not being
entirely frank. He said in his letter to Jesse
Jones that he was in effect rewarding Wallace
for his work during the campaign. This put the
nomination on the lowest possible level. It gave
the impression that the President was trying to
put one over, that he was finding a job for a
friend and supporter. Many thought, of course
that the President had larger reasons, that he
wanted Wallace to be Secretary of Commerce
because Wallace is a liberal, and is determined
to work out a plan for full employment. But by
not mentioning these larger reasons, the Presi-
dent made his own motives seem furtive and
almost surreptitious; as if there were something
to hide; again, as if he were trying to put one
It is an astonishing performance, because
there is, in fact, nothing to hide. The Presi-
dent could have said, quite candidly, that he
had just made a number of conservative ap-
pointments. to the State Department, includ-
ing such businessmen as Messrs. Stettinius,
Clayton and Rockefeller; but that there is,
after all, a huge liberal interest in America;
that this interest deserves representation as
well as any other, and that he was naming Mr.
Wallace to Commerce in order to balance off
and round out the picture. This would have
put the whole thing on the table, where every-
body could look at it.
It would have been hard to object to Mr.
Wallace after this kind of presentation, without
convicting oneself of wanting everything one's
own way, and to want everything one's own way
is kind of unethical in a democracy.
THIS CANDID, objective approach would have
been of educational value to all of us. It
would have made us face the fact that con-
servatism and liberalism in America must learn
to live together. It isn't Mr. Roosevelt's fault
that there is a huge liberal bloc in America, as
well as a great conservative bloc. He didn't in-
vent the country; he has to work with it the
way it is.
But by acting sort of ashamed that there is
a vast liberal bloc, by humming a wordless tune
and doing his best to look as if he were only
waiting for a trolley car in making the Wallace
nomination, the President allowed conservative
opinion to dodge reality, too, and to commence
its uproar. The conservatives like it even better
than he does when issues are presented oblique-
ly, instead of frontally.
The whole question of whether conservative
and liberal opinion in America can work to-
gether, or whether they intend to square off
for a finish fight, is concealed in the Wallace
Some rather horrid vistas are opening. The
Democratic party has succeeded in national elec-
tions precisely because it has, even though nois-

ily and unhappily, found room within its ranks
for both conservatives and liberals; the Republi-
can party fails because it is short-ended in this
regard. But when conservative Democrats break
this alliance with their own liberals, and work
with most of the Republicans, they flirt with the
possibility of new party formations in America;
parties which will be opposed to each other on
all points; parties which will mass their legions
for verbal civil wars, instead of parties which
will attempt trial flights of national unity within
their own ranks.
The rejection of Wallace, the refusal to admit
that he represents a large and legitimate section
of opinion, will be a gage thrown down for even
worse battles in the future.
That is something to be scared of. If we
were an occupied country, the Allies might be
worried about us, listening to our talk of the
moment. How is America going to govern
itself after the liberation? they might ask.
The country seems split; its rival factions
don't seem to want to come together; they fly
at each other, over even so moderate a politi-
cal figure as Wallace. Who will keep order
after the war ends?
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

By BERNARD ROSENBERG tion undauited, Rasselas manages
"T HE HISTORY of Rasselas, Prince surreptitiously to hack through a fis-
of Abyssinia" was Samuel John- sure in the- surrounding mountain.
son's only novel. Really a series of He and his sister, Nekayah, and Im-
dialogues, loosely fictionized and sick- lac, one day depart to seek out the
lied o'er with the melancholy that was realities of life.
just then bearing him down, it might RASSELAS meets every manner of,
well be given the same name as his man in diverse walks of life and
well-known poem, "The Vanity of always he is sorely disappointed. EachI
Human Wishes." Thematically, both has flaws and weaknesses; all are uni-
works are identical. In addition, they formly unhappy. Johnson, of course,
reflect with the clarity of polished deplores this. His attitude is best
and austere prose the classicism, described as severe acceptance of the
skepticism, and especially the con- 1existing order, no matter what it may
servatism of mid-Eighteenth Century be. Thus, while examining pastoral
thought. life, he labels shepards, "rude and
At times Johnson exercised ap- ignorant" because they considered
parent prescience. He not only themselves condemned to labor for
foresaw man's ascent into the air, the luxury of the rich and had the
but the evil consequences that temerity to grumble about their hard
would come with it. Rasselas, lot. He finds discontent anywhere a
awaiting eventual accession to the j":canker" that could only spring from
throne, lives in a paradisiacal val- malignity.
ley one of whose brighter inhabit- Imlac is an Abyssinian Johnson,
ants has mastered the art of fly- I supposedly wise and sophisticated
ing. lie will not, however, instruct enough to see the uselessness of tanc-I
others in this art. "What," he asks. pering with things as they are. Sta-
"would be the security of the good, bility and order, the catch-all, for-
if the had could at pleasure in- ever pharisaical terms of reaction
vade them from the sky? Against even unto our day, are at the root
an army sailing through the clouds .f this philosophy.
-neither walls nor mountains nor Senator Bailey could have taken{
seas could afford any security." his cue last week for cross-exam-
Some people think it remarkable ining Henry Wallace from Imlac-
that Tennyson in the Victorian Johnson although he would have
period had visions of aerial com- appeared no less foolish. For Im-
merce. But, here was Johnson, in lac has this to say about what he
his correct appraisal of man's called visionary schemes, "When we
perversity, envisaging a Luftwaffe first form them, we know them to
almost two hundred years ago. be absurd, but familiarize them by
Rasselas, provided with every ma- degrees and in time lose sight of
terial want and adulated by his sub- their folly." Change struck John-
jects, having tasted all the sensual son as a kind of madness. He
pleasures, still feels a great void. stubbornly believed in the immu-
Kept within the confines of his hap- tability of institutions that were
py valley, this prince knows nothing crumbling even then. Schemes for
about the world outside. He deter- political reformation represented
mines to escape and see things for nothing less than the indulgence of
himself despite the admonitions' of fantasy to him and his neo-classi-
Imlac. the wise man, who warns him,j cal confreres.
"Human life is everywhere a state To which Senator Bailey would say.
in which much is to be endured and "Hosannah!" were he a little more
little is to be enjoyed." His resolu- literate and articulate.
Ltr to theEd

fore turn out all unne-cssary lights
and are cautioned against changing
any adjustments which may be made
in Llth]tertosta<te. -Wh er e tcertainl
eonditiosis is must11he mainrtinedC, in
laboratories, annimal houses, hospi-
tals, etc. proper arrngements will be
made. This policy has the approval
of the Conferenice of the Deanis.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming
houses who intend to move to differ-
ert quarters for the Spiring Term or
who expect to leave the University at
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before 11 a.m. on Saturday.
Feb. 3. Feb. 24 is the official closing
date for the Fall Term.
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarsh ips in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1945-1946 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncement for Administrative As-
sistant, salary $4,830 ,to $5,589 per
year, has been received in our office.
For further details stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of appointments.
Choral Union Members whose at-
tendance records are clear will please
call for their courtesy passes to the
Dorothy Maynor concert today
bewaeen the hours of .9:30 and
11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the
University Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
tickets will be issued; nor will tickets
be issued on Saturday.
The Miehiganensian: All Organi-
zations expecting space in the MICH-
IGANENSIAN must return contracts
to the business office of the Student
Publications Bldg. today.
Academic Notices
Notice to Students Planning to Do



Directed T1eatching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the spring
term are requested to secure assign-
ments in Room 2442 University Ele-
mentary School on Thursday, Feb. 8,
according to the following schedule:
English, 8:00-9:00
Social Studies, 9:00-10:00
Science and Mathematics, 10:00-
All foreign languages, 11:00-12:00

(Editor's Note: Letters to the Editor are
invitod but they must be signed and
they should not exceed 300 words.)
THERE has been much discussion
lately on the merits of Mr. Wal-
lace as Secretary of Commerce and
head of the RFC, and on the vicious-
ness of his opponents.
It is strange that Mr. Jones' evil
intent should be so sudden, although
he has been Mr. Roosevelt's appoin-
tee for thirteen years. At the presente
moment, of course, the liberals are
gleefully seeking out Achilles heels,
proclaiming Mr. Jones' incompetencei
and short-sightedness as far back as
1940-1941. Why then did they wait
so long to expose this danger?
If these charges are true, why did
not the liberals and the chief execu-
tive himself, the guardian of his
well-loved nation, remove Jones long
Or, since lie has steeled himself to
the disagreeable task at last, whyI
does Mr. Roosevelt have nothing but
praise for Mr. Jones? Is this the
time to be tactful and polite with a'
wrecker of the home fi'ont? Why
does he not denounce this scoundrel?
Why does he not himself laud Mr.
Wallace's qualifications?
If Mr. Jones is guilty, his re-
moval should have occurred three
years ergo. Either Mr. Jones is not
guilty, or Mr. Roosevelt is not
noble. Either Mr. Wallace is tin-
fitted for the post, of Secretary of
Commerce and head of the RFC,
or Mr. Roosevelt is guilty of hiding
his ability from the public under
an ignoble reason for the appoint-
As for Mr. Wallace, he, like certain
of his party opponents, has said that
full post-war employment is desir-
able. His plan is to continue govern-
ment spending at war levels. Thus,
says Mr. Wallace, jobs will be plenti-
ful, wages will be maintained or
increased and "national income will
be so high we can even reduce taxes."
Mr. Wallace has quoted his former
experience in the Department of
Agriculture as qualification for the
RFC-experience better forgotten.
His was the AAA, unpopular with so
many faimers, the economy of scar-
city (where is the vision of plenty
here?), the "plough-'em-under" the-
ory denounced and rejected, at last,
by the New Deal itself.
All Mr. Wallace's remarks imply
that business is engaged in some
gigantic censpiracy to cause, aug-
ment, and preserve unemployment.
It is more sensible-and business-
men are at least sensible about
business-to have millions of peo-
pie working and buyin'g than to
have millions of people not work-
ing and not buying. The idle fac-
tories of the depression years were
not making money for their own-
ers any more than they were pay-

ing wages to the workers. To con- All others, and any having con:
tend that business is hostile to full Ilicts at scheduled hour, 2:00-4:00
employment is to label oneself un- or by appointment.
intelligent. English Concentration
To label all opposers of the Presi-
dent, and of M'. Wallace's direction All students who have previously
in a tremendous lending agency, fas- conferred with Prof. Davis shiould ar-
cists and haters of America's welfare range for appointments for Tues-
is low tactics and black falsehood. day, Feb. 6 or 13, between 2 and 5
To those of us who question Mr. T w's n
Roosevelt's sincerity, this appoint- redwith whoDr. haveG reviu should ar-
Iment as acknowledged payment of are wihD'Genutsola-
political debt is a matter of t'emen- range for appointments for Monday,
dous seriousness. Feb. 5 or 12, between 1 and 4 p. m.
It has been said that one man Students concentrating for the first
could not, as some of us fear, wreck time may arrange for apopintments
this nation. Although Mr. Wallace with either Prof. Davis or Dr. Green-
is not in the same category, it might hut during the above hours.
be valuable to point out that one Doctoral Examination for Leo Mor-
I man wrecked Italy; one man wrecked ton Shames, Forestiy and Conserva-
Germany. The theory that one per- tion; thesis: "Lumber Consumption
son doesn't matter much is dead and in the United States," today,
gone. One man does matter. 2:00 p. in., at 2045 Natural Sci-
This is a question which requires ence. Chairman, S. T. Dana.
Imore sei'ious consideration than ;T aa
name calling. To consider it any less By action of the Executive Board
eousl wuld.beb erit oucanesthe Chairman may invite members
seriously would be betraying our 00n- of the faculties and advanced doe-
victions. of the 20,000,000 persons toral candidates to attend this ex-
o dast amination, and he may grant per-
I who voted against the New Deal iso otoewofrsfiin
love America as passionately as mission to those who for sufficent
their opponents, and in standing ieason might wish to be present.
firmly against the ineptitude of
men like Mr. Wallace- whose Concerts
dreams are part of America, but Concert: Dorothy Maynor, Negro
who are not the kind cf men t> soprano, willgive the eighth program
put those dreams into action- in the Choral Union Concert Series,
and in protesting with vehemence Saturday evening at 8:30 in Hill
against a reinstitution of the spoils Auditorium. She has chosen a pro-
system and of personal vendettas, gram of interest and variety, includ-
these Americans are only fighting ing a group of Negro spirituals.
for their belief and hope in the A limited number of tickets are
maintenance of what America has available at the offices of the Uni-
meant for 150 years. versity Musical Society in Burton
-Alice Hall, Grad. Memorial Tower





lY1L11V1t:L 1 VW G .

FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1945
VOL. LV. No. 74
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
urda ys).
Washington's Birthday: Washing-
ton's birthday, Feb. 22, will not be
observed as a University holiday.
To the Members of the Faculty
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: The February meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic year 1944-45 will be held on
Monday, Feb. 5, at 4:10 p. m. in
Room 1025 Angell Hall.
The reports of the various commit-;

Events Today
Senior Society: There will be a
meeting of Senior Society at 5 o'clock,
Anyone unable to attend call Cor-
nelia Groefsema at 22591.
The Post-War Council will present
an evening of movies on the people
and the war effort of China this
evening in Rackham Amphitheatre
at 7:30. All those interested are in-
vited to attend.
Mr. Franklin Littell, Director of
the Student Religious Association, will
deliver the sermonson "Achieving an
Effective Religious Discipline" at
Conservative Sabbath Eve Services to
be held at Hillel Foundation at 7:45
p. m.
Faculty Women's Club. The next
regular meeting of the Faculty
Women's Club will be a lecture by Al-
den H. Dow, Architect, tonight at 8:00
in Rackham Lecture Hall. All inter-
ested are invited to attend as guests
of the Club.
Coyin Events
Avukah: Dr. Alfred Jospe, Director
of the Hillel Foundation, Indiana
University, will speak Feb. 4 at 8:00

IrPop. Mr. O'Molley. my FoiryJ

By Crockett Johnson

fEveryihing's set, m'boy, for


So the program will start





Pop says have you got a sponsor?



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