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February 01, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-02-01

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UGU RSDAY, i I:B, 1, 1.9i:i


Fifty-Fifth Year

orale, at Walter Reed Bad

Edited and managed by students of the University
6f Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips ,,
Stan Wallace ..
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho .
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy . .
Lee Amer . .
Barbara Chadwick
June Pomering. .

. . Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
* . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
* .Women's Editor
. Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Avertising Service, ic.
College Pblishers Rep resentaive
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
French emands
WITH the war's decisive battles approaching,
the big question mark in the minds of gov-
ernments and peoples is what shall be done with
Recently, the French government has voiced
a strong demand that France have a share in
the post-war occupation of Germany.
Before the question of French occupation
came into the limelight, it appeared that some
kind of a three-part Germany was envisioned by
England, the United States and Russia.
If the French demand is considered seriously
by the Big Three, an altogether new post-war
plan will have to be formulated.
Looking at the contrversy from a historical
standpoint it seems that the age-old antipathy
between the French and German nations
might cause the French to forget that in the
long run, correction instead of punishment
would fead to a better Germany.
- Bob Goldman
Spiritual Unity
S THE United States veers closer to the end
of the greatest military conflict in history, it
seems that it's about time we Americans take
stock of our spiritual resources if we are to be
instrumental in averting another such holocaust.
Victory of arms might be ours, but we might
well share it with spiritual defeat which could
pave the way for World War II. And ironically
enough, our spiritual deterioration might mani-
fest the fruit of Hitler's propaganda in this
country whose seeds had been sown in the war
Already, the causes of a new war and incipi-
ent fascism are taking root despite our crrent
planning for a new democracy aid world
peace. Anti-semitism is becoming a :tronaer
undercurrent, and the Negro problem is ra-
idly becoming critical. Should the scio-co-
noinic structure of this country begin to crack
under the undue stress of the uncertain days
ahead, the nation might rise in a violent cru-
sade of ruthless suppression of its minorities.
Indeed, this is a fair manifestation of incipient
fascism because the manner in which any
body politic treats its minorities is a good
index to its democracy.
As peace looms nearer in the future, other
conditions seem to be setting the stage for fas-
cism and war, and these conditions could pave
the way to dissension, and finally anarchy by an
ambitious demagogue who will play on the weak-
nesses of the opposing factions.
When the war is over, the floodgates wi be
open, and capital and labor will be able to battle
it out without fear of abridging the national
unity needed to wage a successful military war.
Divergent groups will be uninhibited to work at
contra-purposes and divide the nation on vital
issues that make for a lasting peace.
Indeed, the return of eleven million service-
men to civilian life, representing about eight
per cent of the population, could serve a nucleus
for a fascistic group because they are already

susceptive to mass suggestion from their military
training and experiences. A slippery tongued
demagogue could easily play on their dissatis-

WASHINGTON-Very little appeared in the
papers about it, but highly important poli-
cies regarding future rlatins with Japan were
discussed at the recent Institute of Pacific Rela-
tions at Hot Springs, Va. Most important of all
Was a proposal by the British to retain Emperor
Hirohito and the Japanese ruling class in the
post-war set-up of Japan.
Sir Paul Butler, leading advisr to the British
Foreign Office, led the appeal for Hirohito.
Behind closed doors at the swank Home-
stead Hotel, Butler made this blunt pro-
nouieemnent: "No alternative to a monarchial
system, under the present emperor or soei
other member cf his family, is likely to provide
the focus of stability which will be essential if
the state is not to dissolve into chaos in the
impending crisis."
Sir Paul's tender concern for the Japanese
monarch brought a tart reply from Dr. Huh
Shih, former Chinese Ambassador to the U.S.A.
who suggested that Hirohito be exiled to London
"along with the other discredited monarchs."
Other United Nations delegates also were vig-.
orously opposed to the British policy of appeas-
ing the emperor. Most significant of all was the
position of the British Dominions-Canada, Aus-
tralia and. New Zealand--which split with the
delegation from the British Isles itself. The
Canadians demanded a complete house-cleaning
in Japan and the Dominion delegates froin
"down under" agreed with them.
Note-U.S. delegates at the Pacific confer-
ence included Admiral Thomas Hart, former
Commander of the Asiatic fleet; John Carter
Vincent, Chief of the State Department's Chi-
nse Division; and Congresswoman Frances
Belon of Cleveland. At the end of the hush-
hush meeting, Mrs. Bolton remarked: "This is
one conference Drew Pearson won't find out
Son of Lord Ifax . ,.
T.RICHARD WOOD, son of British Ambassa-
dor Lord Halifax. lost both his legs in North
Africa. A German dive bomber attacked a mo-
torized British column, and planted a bomb
square it the lap of Lieutenant Wood. Fortu-
nately the bomb was a dud, but it crushed his
legs, and (hey were immediately amputated well
above the knee.
Wood has been in Washington for some
weeks, with his father and mother, at the
British Embassy. (Incidentally, his brother
Peter was killed in action, and the third Mali-
fax son, Major Charles Wood, heir to the title
of Halifax, is a member of Parliament, now
serving on active duty with the British Army.)
The other day-an icy day in Washington--
young Wood was being taken to the convalescent
wing of Walter Reed Hospital, just outside of
Washington-not for treatment, but to talk to
convalescent veterans. He has artificial limbs,
and has mastered the difficult business of walk-
But his car got stuck on an icy hill leading to
the hospital. Lieutenant Wood wanted to get to
the hospital to keep his engagement with the
American soldiers. So he climbed out of the car,
and hobbled up the icy hill with the help of his
cane. He reached the hospital and gave his talk
to the soldiers.
VoternWs, Sti c - -
ALTHOUGH the Army boasts of its Walter
Reed General Hospital in Washington as the
finest in the country, hundreds of servicemen
come out severely critical, except of the actual
surgery performed.
Head of Walter Reed is 64-year-old Major
General Shelly U. Marietta, General Persh-
ing's close friend and personal physician.
General Marietta is a renowned doctor, bt
not so strong as an administrator, with the
result that the hospital morale is extremely
low, especially among enlisted men.
One failing is that the Army's vaunted re-
habilitation program has never been properly
installed at Walter Reed. The only serious at-
tempt at rehabilitating veterans is for men who
are to remain in the service. Those scheduled to
get dischar ges are practically ignored.
One result is that war attendants are doing a
thriving business selling liquor from five to if-
teen dellrs a qual t.Visitors have often noted
that [lie imocent-appearing pitchers alongside

hospital cots contain liquid much stronger than
Coca-Cola, while nurses have been known to go
thro ugh a ward distributing ice cubes..
Recently the men in ward 32, most of them
in traction splints which require absolute quiet,
drank so much and became so noisy that an MP
appeared to rzsc ore order and was beaten tip by
the patients. Several patients were set back
several weeks in their recovery as a result of
leaving their cots to jump on the MP.
At the Forest Glen Convalescent home. under
Waliter Reed administration, the situation is
nerhaps worse. Most of the G.I.'s here are able
to get out and visit Washington. Classes in
mathlemaics. language and other aedemi sab-
!jcts arc offered by volunteer teachers, but no
attempt is ineil( to give the men psychological
tests to aid them in choosing a post-war trade or
The Army Morale Service is permitted to
work at Forest Glen only at the invitation of
thi Med'cal Corps. Last summer a group of
psychologists from the Morale Service pre-
pared 'an analysis of the hospital's needs and

recommended a reorganization. This group
was ordered overseas before its report was
completed-and the report never has been
Capiti aCl ,ff
INTEREST in the Senate Commerce COmmit-
tee's session with Henry Wallace was so great
that even capitol employes had difficulty getting
in. Bob Fokes, secretary to Senator Claude Pep-
per, a member of the committee, showed up at
the doer with a message for his boss and identi-
fied himself. The harassed guard recognized
him and let him through, remarking, "I recog-
nize you, and you can go through. But you'll be
interested to know that four secretaries to Pep-
per have showed up already with messages for
him and none has come out yet."
One of the private laughs at the White louse
is that Jesse Jones is the only cabinet member
who didn't go through the formality of sub-
mitting his resignation as the President com-
pleted his third term.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
~rnd eistandiii g
NEW YORK-We must stop thinking about
the French as a people who are merely hard
up. and we must begin at once to think about
them as a people who have been struck by catas-
trophe. This is not a hardship case any longer;
it is an emergency case. It is not merely that
the French are suffering: the world has learned
how to suffer, and knows by now how to do it
pretty well. The French are dying, and no na-
tion can learn to endure dying.
The bits of news which come over about what
s happening in the side streets (Genet's dis-
patch to the New Yorker this week, for example)
and the accounts of returning travelers all add
up to tell us that a great nation has been struck
by a major disaster, and that the rest of the
world doesn't realize it. There is no coal, there
is no heat, in the worst winter of the war. When
de Gaulle has to wear two overcoats during an
official conference, one may imagine what is
happening in the slums.
The French official food ration is so small
that the Paris press calls it "derisive," some
1 ioke; but even so it would take 15,000 car-
leadings a week, to carry this ration, and only
5,000 are being loaded. The French are living
on a third of a joke.
This means that we of the home front in
America simply cannot understand France. It is
not a questiE of good will or bad will. Those
who sit, in a relatively warm room and eat can-
not understand what goes on in the minds of
those who sit in a cold room and do not eat.
No interpreter can bridge that gap. There can
be no real communication.
We can get a glimpse now and then, but that
is all; we can understand a little of how cold
it is in Europe when we read an editorial in the
Army newspaper, Stars and Stripes, in which the
soldier-editors suddenly burst into denunciation
of American women back home for wearing fur
coats, when American soldiers are freezing for
lack of fur garments in the seven-foot drifts of
Mirfeld and Berscheid. These soldiers are angry
at their own sisters, wives and sweethearts. It is
that cold
W7E BACK HOME in America do not under-
stand, and cannot understand. We must
objectively come to know this fact about our-
selves, that we don't understand. We must make
a special allowance for our lack of understand-
ing, in all the thinking we try to do about Eur-
ope. But we don't make such an allowance. We
act as if we do understand.
Those American Congressmen who are bit-
terly opposing France's request to us for 5,000
tons of newsprint, are not bad men. But they
cannot know what it is like to have lived under
Nazi occupation for four years, to have come
out of it, to have replaced the old crooked
French press with a clean press at last, and
then to see that press reduced, for lack of
paper, to a single half-sheet a day.

No xmanter how cold it is, no matter what else
is ratoned, one may still have great words. The
American Congressmen may not know it, they
cannot know it, but they are rationing even the
words of those who have little besides words.
Half a sheet daily. And there is so much to say.
We of the American home front cannot under-
stand France, or any part of frozen Europe, and
this fact is one of the big facts of the war. It
keeps us from making contact. It is the reason
why we give Europe ethical discourses, when it
asks for bread. It is why we sometimes consider
de Gaulle a ridiculous figure when he speaks of
France's greatness; we cannot understand that
when a nation has no coal, all it can warm itself
with is greatness. That is why we frown when
de Gaulle signs a treaty with Russia, and wonder
why he can't wait patiently for us to do some-
thing instead.
That is why we tell a continent, all of whose
water pipes have burst, that the first item for
host-war settlement is commercial air lines,
and who gets them. And there is no cure for
us, except to try, bit by bit, to face the facts.
If we cannot understand, let us at least under-
stand that we cannot understand.
(Copyright. 1945, New York Post Syncticate)

Home Front
T HE PEOPLE on the home fron
realize there is a war on. That
is what a soldier said on his return
to the United States after fighting
They realize that the war is not
yet won and they are endeavoring to
produce goods for us who are in dire
need of them. That is what the
soldier might have said, but how true
would it be?
Yes, the folks back home know
there is a war because it is hard to
pick up a paper without seeing
the headlines or to turn the radio
on without hearing a commentator
say Allied forces are 232 miles or
73 miles from Berlin as the case
may be. A few comments are made
in effect that the war will soon be
over and the situation is prompt-
ly forgotten.
Going to the factory every day and
working for eight hours or perhaps
12 if overtime pay seems to be a
worthwhile reimbursement for the
time lost is the lot for the average
workman of today. They work and
they know they are turning out im-
plements for war but whether they
realize to what avail they will be
used is another question.
War is now pure routine for the
people on the home-front. they have
made up their minds that they will
have to do without gasoline for that
Sunday afternoon ride and they will
have to save their shoe coupon for
War casualties are listed every-
day, and hit quite a number of
people but even this doesn't bring
war home to everyone.
Troops are advancing and more
miles are being covered.' The war
will soon be over and we can all go
back to the good old days. People
should be made to see their error
and begin to realize that the Germans
have not stopped to fight. They are


Let your War Bond Officer cheek your War
Bond acouit for i axiiriuiiii hiii< o you.

a +



What She Is and What She Does.
The public is cordially invited.

THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1945
VOL. LV; No. 73
Publication in the Daily Official Buil-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
hers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be senit in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Washington's Birthday: Washing-;
ton's birthday, Feb. 22, will not be


Univrs :ity L~ecture: Dr. Gustav E.
von Grunebaum, Professor of Arabic,
University of Chicago, will lecture on
the subject. "The Arabian Nights and
Classical Literature" at 4:15 p. i.,
Wednesday, Feb. 7. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Oriental Languages and
Literatures. The public is cordially

retreating under the bombardment of observed as a University holiday.
our artlllery, yes, but troops must
continue to be supplied. They can't o the members of the faculty
be if John Doe, American, starts I College of Literature, Science and the
I AJnA i.can, starts ^ " Tu f"vo', "tinof th

counting the miles and days off when
it will all be over, and lapses into a
lackadaisical mood.
No, the war is not , over yet.
Much more land must be covered
and this can not be done in a
matter of weeks or days; it will
take months or perhaps years. This
is the time to prepare for high
geared production and more re-
strictions at home.
-Liz Knapp
W andCase
is temporarily tied in another
legal knot by the ruling of Federal
District Judge Sullivan in Chicago
that seizure of the company's prop-
erties on order of the President. be-
cause of its refusal to comply with
WLB directives, was illegal.
Confused though this leaves the
situation with the government held
powerless to enfcrce directives of the
agency set un to preseive industrial
peace in wartime, the latest knot
won't be a permanent one. Attorney-
General Biddle plans to appeal to
higher federal courts, and the best
possible outcome would be a quick
decision by the Supreme Court on
the President's wartime powers.
These powers have long consti-
tuted a twilight zone of our govern-
ment. Though the WLB, as Sewell
Avery contended, has no enforce-
ment authority of its own, the gov-
ernment relied upon the President's
war powers to obtain compliance.
There are indications, in prev-
icus decisions, that ther Supreme
Court takes a broader view of these
powers than does JTudge Sullivan.
- St. Louis Pout Dispatch
13)'Ray D,\oII
ART KRAFT thinks we're too short
to tell such tall stories every day
and so he proceeds to make the fol-
lowing comments about Hitler's

1 IGS: IZIU d tWl(AUIy ILUUUua ; Ul Uazc

i i

Faculty of the College of Lierature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic year 1944-45 will be held on
Monday, Feb. 5, 1945, at 4:10 p. m.
in Room 1025 Angell Hall.
The reports of the various commit-
tees have been prepared in advance
and are included with this call to the
meeting. They should be retained
in your files as part of the minutes
of the February meeting.
A large' attendance is desired.
Edward H. Kraus

University Lecture. Captain Pet-
er Freuchen, Danish Polar Explorer,
will lecture on "Epic of an Explorer
in the War." at 8:00 p. in., Thurs-
day, Feb. 8, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall; auspices of the Department of
Geography. The public is cordially
Academic Notices
Bacteriology 110. lecture course,
and Bacteriology 114, advanced bac-
teriology, will start on March 5 and
will be given on the spring term
schedule for the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts.
Bacteriology 111, laboratory work
for medical students, will start March
19 and will be given on the spring
term schedule for freshmen in the
Medical School.
Doctoral Examination for Leo Mor-
ton Shames, Forestry and Conserva-
tion; thesis: "Lumber Consumption
in the United States," Friday, Feb.
2 2:00-o. pi n at 2045 Natural Sci-


f , Y.V j. 1 ., a V U 1 aiLI A " 1
1 osdrt gen emnts ence. Chairman, S. T. Dana.
1. Consideration of the minutes of By action of the Executive Board
the meetings of the Chairman may invite members
a. January 8, 195 (pp. 1132- of the faculties and advanced doc-l
1135) toral candidates to attend this ex-
S n y 2 amination, and lie may grant per-
1138) mission to those who for sufficient
which were distributed by campus reasoni might wish to be present.
2. Introduction of Provost James P.
3. Consideration of reports submit- Concert: Dorothy Maynor, Negro
ted with the call to this meeting, soprano, will give the eighth program
2. Executive Committee-Pro- in the Choral Union Concert Series,
fessor L. I. Bredvold Saturday evening at 8:30 in Hill
b. Executive Board of the Grad- Auditorium. She has chosen a pro-
uate School-Professor V. W. gram of interest and variety, includ-
Crane ing a group of Negro spirituals.
c. Senate Advisory Committee A limited number of tickets are
on University Affairs-Profes- available at the offices of the Uni-
sor C. D. Thorpe versity Musical Society in Burton
d. Deans' Conference-Dea4 E. Memorial Tower.
H. Kraus Student Recital: Jerry Pickerel, pi-
4.UOralert. Canist, will present a recital in partial
University Council-Professor H. fulfillment of the requirements for
{ M. Dorr I Ut 1n t L li1. f1nofU1 VI IVJof AOi .






5. Eligibility of Instructors to Vote
(pp. 1122 and 1123)
6. Continuation of the informal dis-
cussion of the Combined Report,
of the Curriculum Committee and
the Committee on Concentration
and Group Requirements.
7. New Business.
8. Announcements.
Conservation of Heat and Light:
In compliance with the order of the
Director of War Mobilization the Uni-
versity is making arrangements to
conserve both heat and light, Fac-
ulty and staff members should there-
fore turn out all unnecessary lights
and are cautioned against changing
any adjustments which may be made
I ins the. thermostate. Where certain

the degr ee ox Bacneior of Mvusc a
8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. His program will
include compositions by Mozart,
Leo Sowerby, Brahms, and Chopin,
and will be open to the general pub-
Tea at the International Center,
'very Thursday, 4-5:30 p. m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their Am'erican
friends are cordially invited,
Vepartment of Chemical and Met-
allurgical Engineering: At the regular
Seminar meeting today Mr. N. Fatica
will speak on the subject "Electro-
plating." The meeting will be held
at 4 p.' m. in Rm. 3201 of the East
Engineering Building. All persons
interested are cordially invited to at-
The (geometry Seminar will meet in
3001 Angel Hall at 4:15, Dr. Erdos
will talk on Integral Distances. Tea
at 4.
Kappa Phi, Methodist College
Women's Club, will have its regular
meeting today at 5:30. The program
will be about Race Relations,




sp ec :IR; , is) *AJ'Jk) t' . YY )AUI L'.
speech: ' conditions must be maintained, in
Hitler has finally begun to see laboratories, animal houses, hospi-I
things G the way we do. Said der tals, etc. proper arrangements will be
Fuehrer: Germany will fight to md.Ti oiyhsteapoa
the finish. Said der Allies: K, made. Thispoicy has thei approval
providing it's Germany's finish. Alexander G. utven
The address was made on Hitler's Members of the University Coun-!
12th anniversary as head guy in Ger- -il: There will be no meeting of' the
many. Thus far lie has managed to University Council in February.
duplicate FDR's tenure, but here's Louis A. Hopkins, SecretaryI
hoping he doesn't have four more
years to look forward to. Choral Union I embers whose at-



tendance records are clear will please The Post-War Coincil Seminar
Adolph warned against the spirit call for their courtesy passes to the will meet tonight at 7:30 at the home
of Versailles" and then proceeded Dorothy Maynor concert Friday, Feb. i of Prof. P. A. Throop, 1015 Berk-
to give the Allies the devil. 2, between the hours of 9:30 and shire. Philosophic and political prob-
Of course the big difference between 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the lems will be discussed and a topic
Germany and the United Nations is University Musical Society, Burton will be decided upon. All those inter-
Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no estd are cordially invited to attend.
and the Germans fight for a common tickets will be issued; nor will tickets'
cuss. G be issued on Saturday. C >rn i i Events


13y Crockett Johnson

The Michiganensian: All Organi- Senior Society: There will be a
zations expecting space in the MICH- meeting of Senio' Society at 5 o'clock,
IGANENSIAN must return contracts Friday, Feb. 2. Anyone unable to at-
to the business office of the Student tend call Cornelia Groefsema at
Publications Bldg. by Friday of this 22591.
week. The Post-War Council will present

I The networks will vie frantco ic}lly
ih n neanother to broadcast

My big reof-life story will deal with
the Infer years of Puccini's heroine.






Daytime radio serials never
I end, m'boy. They're like life.

But keep tuned in,


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