Cloudy, Continued Cold,
Light Sno faii
V' Ball
ed Drive on Berlin Gains 10 Miles
Set for March 9;
'cIn tyre
To Play
Servicemen, Wonmen Granted Late
P~eisision for Biggest Social Event
Preliminary plans for the third annual Victory Ball were completed
yesterday and the gala dance will be held on Friday, March 9 at the
I-M Building, Paul John chairman announced.
At the same time it was revealed that Hal McIntyre and his orchestra
have been engaged to play the dance and plans are proceeding to place
tickets on sale at an early date.
Address Will
Opera Campus
WS Drive
'The War-Stricken
Stdent' To Be Topic
Introducing the World Studen
Service Fund drive to the campus
Miss Alexander Feldmahn, Assistan
Executive Secretary of the WSSF'
will speak on "The War-Stricken Stu-
dent" at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Kellogg
"flow To Canvass" will be Miss
Feldmahn's topic when she addresses
representatives of campus organiza-
tions and other interested students
at 8 p. m. today in the Lane Hall
basement auditorium.
Committee of Advisors Named
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bur-
sley; Prof. Donald L. Katz of the
College of Engineering; and the Rev-
erend Chester Loucks form the Com-
mittee of Advisers for the WSSF
WSSF is a worldwide relief organ-
ization through which students do-
nate gifts to students in at least 1
countries and on four continents
Students in prison camps, internees
and others whose education has beer
disrupted by war receive books, stud3
materials, food and clothing bought
with Fund contributions.
University Quota Set
The University of Michigan quote
is $4,000 out of the $500,000 nation-
wide goal.
$15 of this money will buy one
Chinese student a month's supply oJ
food; $1.00 a month will provide so
bean milk for Chinese students
threatened with tuberculosis; $15 wil
supply for a month a kerosene-pres-
sure lamp around which forty Chi-
nese students can study; $200 wil
supply a National Reconstructior
Scholarship for a specially selectec
student and $5.00 will ibuy from on
to six books which will bring new hope
to discourage student prisoners.
George Herman, Grad., is chairmar
of the campus drive; Mary Shepherd
'46, is vice chairman; and Elizabet
Wright, '45, secretary treasurer.
Revives Death
Penalty Issue
LANSING, Jan. 31-(P)-The cap-
ital punishment issue was renewe
today in the lekislature, with intro-
duction of a bill by Rep. Joseph E
Warner, Ypsilanti Republican, t
punish first degree murder with death
in the electric chair at the Stat
Prison of Southern Michigan.
Warner predicted the unsolvec
slaying of Senator Warren G. Hoop-
er on Jan. 11 would provide a shove
which would carry the measure t
It would define as first degree mur-
der requiring the capital penalty al
willful and premeditated slayings
those by poison and "lying in wait,'
and those committed in attempts a
rape, arson, robbery, burglary, kid-
napping for ransom, escape from pris-
on, or while being transported t
Today WSSF meeting for repre-
sen tatives,at 8 p.m.ain
basement of Lane Hall.
Feb. 2 Open House for students
in Bus. Ad. school from
9 p. m. to midnight at
the League.
Feb. 3 Eighth Choral Union Con-
cert featuring Dorothy
C Maynor, soprano, at 8:30
YT:1 A ...44- -
Servicemen Given Late Permission
All Army, Navy, and Marine per-
sonel stationed on campus were
granted 2:30 a. m. liberty for the
dance by military authorities here
yesterday while coeds will have 2
a. m. permission. '
Victory ball first originated on
campus in 1943 when the war em-
ergency forced the combination of
traditional J-Hop and Senior Ball
into one dance. All previous V-Balls
have attracted more than 2,000
couples and the committee expects a
capacity turnout for this dance.
t McIntyre's Band Acclaimed
McIntyre was acclaimed the be'st
"new"band by Billboard magazine
in its annual college poll and the
orchestra has experienced a rapid
rise to fame since Glen Miller sug-
Olangapo Isk
Taken; Grande
Iland Invaded,
Manila-Bound Army
Is 28 Miles Away
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Luzon, Thursday, Feb. 1i
-In a series of significant successes,
Eighth Army troops have captured
Olongapo which already is being de-
veloped as a naval base in Subic Bay
and have landed on an island at the
Bay's entrance while the Sixth Army
seized Calumpit and crossed the Pam-
panga River, 28 ml-s from Manila.
The successes were announced to-
day by Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Surge Into Calumpit
The surge of the Sixth into Calum-
pit, in an advance of 13 miles south-
ward down Pampanga province, car-
ried motorized units of the 14th Army
Corps safely through a narrow stretch
of land compressed between two
swamps. Beyond, the plans open
wide to Manila with no good de-
fenses for the Nipponese in between.
While the Yanks of Lt. Gen. Rob-
ert Eichelberger thus advanced more
than 20 miles from' Monday's beach-
heads on the Zambales coast to win
Olongapo, Sixth Army columns rolled
10 miles southwest of San Fernando
toward a juncture with the Eighth
which would seal off Bataan Penin-
The two army elements are push-
ing toward each other along a wind-
ing road of 60 miles from the Zam-
bales coast to San Fernando.
Other Eighth Army units landed on
Grande Island at the entrance of
Subic Bay, whose waters can supply
the U. S. Seventh fleet a fine base
on the very fringes of Manila Bay.
New Facilitiest
Seizure of Olongapo gave the Am-
ericans a drydock and extensive ship
repair facilities.
At Calumpit, scene of a gallant
stand by Americans and Filipinos at
the start of the war, the Americans
secured bridges spanning the Pam-
panga River.
Grande Island, largest in Subic
Bay, commands the entrance to the
arbor.pIt lies about five miles o
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, announc-
ing these gains in his communique
today, said the Americans who seiz-
ed Grande Island and Olongapo "are
now using this excellent anchorage,
and the development of a naval base
is already under way."
General MacArthur said Japanese
pockets in the Fort Stotsenburg are
to the north of San Fernando have
been cleared out.
Brownout Rule
Effective Today
Washtenaw County officials yester-
day refused to predict future effects
of the nation-wide brownout which
started at 12:01 a. m. today but inti-
mated that most Ann Arbor resi-
dents will take the ruling "in stride."
Contrary to current opinion, local
police officials do not expect an in-
creased crime or accident wave with
the dimming of this area's lights. In
fact, with neon lights out, traffic
signals will be more effective, was the
James Byrnes, director of war
mobilization predicted that the
brownout order will save approxi-
mately 2,000,000 tons of coal annually.
* *
* *
B Caba eBAGUIO/ avombong-
®t ingayen UZ r5
Damort R.*"L UZ N
S.Fab a
:Dagupanf ,~'San Manuel
LINGAYE d aS Quintin
CruzJose !
Palauig LN
IBA Field
:il% A Araya
San Narciso -_S n SAR
0 Marcel noESAN
I 4ER NA 4'
S. Antonio Castc e os 2alumps Malolos
SAMPALOC 9 n, Montalban -
BATAAN Manila Boy
0 20 Mariveles-Nichols
YANKS MAKE NEW LUZON LANDING-American forces (arrow at
left) have invaded the Zambales coast of Luzon in support of the south-
ward advance (arrow at center) from Lingayen Gulf which has passed
San Fernando.
Tickets Go on Sale Today for
Informal Paul Bunyan Formal
German Radio Reports
Soviets -45 Miles Away
Zhukov's First Army Captures Beyersdorg,
Takes Communications Center of Landsberg
LONDON, Thursday, Feb. 1-The Red Army, dashing unchecked across
the frozen approaches to Berlin, was 63 miles from the Nazi capital by its
own account today and a scant 45 according to the alarmed German radio.
The Soviet communique late last night announced the capture of
Beyersdorf, 63 miles northeast of Berlin-a distance equal to that from
Philadelphia to Newark, N. J. This represented a 10-mile advance in 24
hours for Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's First White Russian Army, which
took the big communications center of Landsberg in passimg.
German Radio
. . . to appear here.
gested that McIntyre form his own
band. He was formerly a featured
member of Miller's orchestra.
Ruth Gaylor, Al Nobel, and John-
nie Tumbull are featured with Mc-
Intyre's orchestra which may be
heard at 11:30 p. m. every day over
the CBS network.
Nationally Known
McIntyre's band has played at such
outstanding spots as the Glen Islef
Casino, Commodore Hotel, the Palla-
dium, and the Paramount and Strand
theatres in New York.
Thecommittee elected in an all
campus election early this month is
composed of Dick Mixer, Norma
Johnson, Dave Loewenberg, Syd Sor-
ice, Doris Heidgen, William McCon-
nell, Mort Scholnick, Alene Loeser,
and Jean Wick
Debate Squad
Is Announced
Six Teams Will Open
Series at East Lansing
Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the
Department of Speech and manager
of the Michigan Debate Squad yes-
terday announced the members of the
1944-45 regular squad and the debate
schedule for the remainder of this
Members of the squad includle John
Condylis, Martin Shapiro, Joyce Sie-
gan, Mary Ellen Wood, Margaret
Farmer, Dorothy Murzek, Mary Bat-
tle, Betty Lou Bidwell, James Land,
Archie Carmichael, Marilyn Sperber,
Harriet Risk, Barbara Levine and
Alice Wishnevsky.
According to the present schedule,
6 teams will travel Feb. 12 to Michi-
gan State College for a series of de-
bates that afternoon. Two teams,
representing the affirmative and neg-
ative, will hold debates Feb. 13 at
Albion College. Two teams will also
debate at Bowling Green State Uni-
versity at Bowling Green, Ohio Feb.
14. John Condylis and Martin Shapiro
will represent Michigan.
Joyce Siegan and Mary Ellen Wood,
representing one team, will debate
Feb. 21 in Lansing with the Univer-
sity of Detroit.
Seitz Wlill Head
Tickets for the "most informal for-
mal" of the year, the Paul Bunyan
Birthday Celebration which will be
held from 8:30 p. m. to midnight Fri-
day, Feb. 9 in the Union, will go on
sale today at the Union desk.
Paul Bunyan To Appear
Sponsorship by the Forestry Club
for the entire campus, the dance is
open to everyone. Tickets will be
sold from 10:15 to 11 a. m. today and
tomorrow, from 12:45 to 1:30 p. m.
Monday and from 4 to 5 p. m. Tues-
House Rejects
Amendments to
Manpower .Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-(P)--The
House took its longest and most im-
portant stride toward passage of a
limited national service bill today.
Two amendments some members had
feared would jeopardize the whole bill
were firmly rejected.
In succession, the membership
turned down the proposals that a
man compelled to go to work in a
"closed shop" war plant need not
join the union; and that race, creed
day. Any remaining tickets will go
on sale after Tuesday.
According to J. W. Johnson,
USMCR, Paul Bunyan himself accom-
panied by his blue ox, Babe, will be
present at the dance. To make Paul
feel at ease at his birthday party all
guests are asked to wear clothing
appropriate to lumberjack life in the
Great North Woods. Bill Layton and
his band will furnish music for the
dance and will appear in blue jeans
and plaid shirts.
A special acommittee of musical
foresters has been appointed to lead
celebrants in an intermission-time
community sing.
Central Committee Announced
Other members of the central com-
mittee making arrangements for the
dance include Paul Ehinger, USMCR,
tickets, Gabriel Caldevilla, decora-
tions, and Dave Beull, USMCR, and
president of the Forestry Club, mu-
sic and decorations.
Because a Paul Bunyan Formal is
an annual tradition at the Univer-
sity, navy V-12 men have been grant-
ed liberty until 12:30 a. m. in order
to attend the dance.
Wallace Dispute
To Be Decided
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-(P--Ma-
jority leader Barkley today summon-
ed Democratic Senators to an emer-
gency conference in an eleventh-hour
effort to compromise the disputed
Henry Wallace cabinet appointment.
The Democrats, split wide open
over the issue of granting the former
vice president power as the govern-
ment's chief loan agent as well as the
Commerce Secretaryship, are to meet
at '10 a. m. (EWT) tomorrow, two
hours before the Senate convenes for
what may be the stormiest meeting of
the new session.
One report from the German radio
placed Marshal Zhukov's men north
of Frankfurt-on-the-Oder in the
Oder River Valley, not more than 45
miles from the capital, and driving
on Kustrin, a rail center 41 miles east
of Berlin, scarcely more than the dis-
tance from Washington to Baltimore.
The Soviet communique reported
continued advances along the entire
Eastern Front, from East Prussia,
where surrognded German divisions
were squeezed inside less than one-
fifth of the province's territory, to
besieged Budapest, where 8,200 pris-
oners were taken Tuesday.
Breslau Not Mentioned
The Moscow bulletin made no men-
tion of besieged Breslau and the Sile-
sian sector where Marshal Ivan S.
Konev's First Ukraine Army is oper-
ating, but the Berlin radio, contend-
ing that the line west of Breslau had
been stabilized, acknowledged Rus-
sian crossings of the Oder at many
points in that area and placed the
northern end of Konev's line at Sor-
au, 45 miles inside Germany and 30
miles west of the Oder. Sorau is
84 miles southeast of Berlin.
Topper Captured
In the First White Russian Army's
sector directly, east of Berlin, the
Soviet communique announced cap-
ture of Topper, 70 miles due east of
the capital and 11 miles west of
Schweibus, a town which fell to Zhu-
kov's army earlier in the day.
The northward spread of the First
White Russian Army in Pomerania
brought the capture of Flatow, Jas-
trow and more than 50 other popu-
lated places. The thrust to Jastrow
represented an advance of 12, miles
in a drive which threatened to cut off
the greater part of Pomerania from
Germany and endangered Stettin,
Berlin's port on the Baltic.
Maine Tragedy
Claims Lives
Of 16 Infants
AUBURN, Me., -Jan. 31-(P)-A
privately operated boarding home for
babies became the funeral pyre of 16
infants and a nurse early today in
the worst disaster of its kind in recent
Maine history.
Stunned relatives filed slowly into
the morgue tonight seeking to identify
five of the babies who died in their
temporary home.
An undertaker said this might, in
some instances, be impossible, so bad-
ly were they burned.
One woman nurse, Mrs. Rosa Cote,
50, also perished in the flames that
destroyed the home, operated pri-
vately by Mrs. Eva Lacoste for the
benefit of mothers engaged in war
work or other daily jobs.
Maine's worst tragedy of its kind
in recent years broke out at 5:40
a. m., when, Mrs. Lacoste said, gas
formed in the kitchen stove in which
she was burning soft coal, exploded.
Flames caught the nearby walls, she
The explosion awoke her. She seiz-
ed two cribs, the babies still in them,
and started for the door.
"Then I fell down," she related
hysterically. "I had them in my
arms. I lost them when I fell down."
Senate Appeals
Draft of Farmers
Aachen Gap
Expanded in
U.S. Smash
Drive on Siegfried
Line is Intensified
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 31-American dough-
boys of the U. S. First and Third Ar-
mies smashed across the German bor-
der in rain and slush at four new
places today and widened the Aachen
breach in the Siegfried Line by two
additional miles and overran at least
a dozen more towns, some of them in-
side Germany.
Pushing a full-scale offensive along
a 40-mile section of the westwall, the
power of the American twin-drive
carried the troops of Lt. Gen. George
S. Patton, Jr., and Let. Gen. Court-
ney H. Hodges as much as 5,000 yards
further east. The Front extends all
the way from the Aachen breach
along the Roer River to the Welchen-
hausen bridgehead along the Our
Driving East
As heavy U. S. artillery and armor
were poured against the western face
of the Siegfried 'Line American troops
under the French Army Command in
Southern Alsace drove east and south
in their maneuver to encircle Colmar,
the last major unliberated city in
French forces captured Witten-
heim, northwest of Mulhouse.
The American Seventh and Ninth
Army sectors remained compara-
tively quiet, but on the northern
flank of the long western front, Can-
adian and British troops mopped up
the last remaining German- units
which were holding out among the
numerous dikes on the Maas Island
bridgehead north of Tilburg, Hol-
Trudge Through Mud
All Allied supporting air forces were
grounded today by a heavy overcast
and a steady drizzle which, combined
with the rising temperatures, quick-
ly turned recently fallen snow into
ground-soaking slush.
Soph Committee
To Be Selected
or color should not be a
Disposition of the two
sues left nothing in the
condition of
explosive is-
way of final
Correction . . .
Contrary to previous announce-
ment, Carol McCormick will be
director of Junior Girls' Play and
Mardy McKeever will be the as-
sistant director. JG Play, which
will be an original musical comedy,
is scheduled for early this spring.
Will Be
Polish Border Dispute Is Discussed
Interviewing for the central com-
mittee of 1945's Soph Cabaret will
continue from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow and from 10 a.m. to
noon Saturday in the Undergraduate
Office of the League.
All those coeds who have signed
for interviews -have been requested
to bring their petitions to the inter-
view if they have not already placed
them in Virginia Councell's box in
the Undergraduate Office.
Women who have already volun-
teered their services to the various
committees which include talent,
floor show and costumes, decora-
tions, patrons, tickets, refreshments,
finance, publicity, and recorder of
eligibility will be contacted as soon
as the new central committee is
Soph Cabaret will be presented at
the hearinninao nf nevt smete in
A definite danger to peacetime
relations among Soviet Russia, Great
Britain and the United States is
growing out of the current dispute
over Polish boundaries, results of a
ca.-n n r,^11 tlrrn roentlu in estern.
ity of those interviewed, believed
that Soviet Russia will be granted
her demands to Polish territory east
of the Curzon line. Five believed
that the dispute would be adjudicat-
ed differently, giving Poland her 1939
showed knowledge of Polish history.
Most interviewees admitted that
their knowledge of the present situa-
tion came from hearsay, while some
stated that they have kept in touch
with the Polish boundary dispute
+~hmonh n monnavrs l~ni m;tnamw