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January 30, 1945 - Image 2

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Wl ,Mrlvy, JAN, 0. PIC)

PAGE TWO fl~S1VA~, JAN; 30; 1.~4~i

Fifty-Fifth Year

Post- War Control of Machinery

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Staff
. . . . . Managing Editor
* . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
g . . . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
ck . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mar.
Telephone 23-24-1

Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwi
June Pomering

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Eptered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc-
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Dumbarton Oaks
fHE PROSPECT for Senate ratification of
the Dumbarton Oaks charter never has
looked brighter than it does today," reads the
lead of a story in the Christian Science Monitor.
That's fine. For years, this nation has been
building to a point where it can perceive the
advantages of a world organization which
"will preserve the peace."
According to the Monitor story, 41 Senate
Democrats and 14 Republicans are for the rati-
fication of the charter. Eleven Democrats and
10 Republicans are doubtful, and the isolation-
ist ranks claim 15 Republicans and five Demo-
Senators placed in the doubtful group have
been thus classified, because "their inten-
tion has not been made decisively evident,"
the article claims. Most optimistic note of
the story lies in the fact that all "freshman"
Senators have declared that they are whole-
hertedly for the adoption of the charter.
It must not be overlooked, however, that a
seemingly progressive governmental experiment
for the world's future may be blocked by slight-
ly more than 40 per cent of a skeptical or iso-
lationist. Senate.I
It is rumored that when the world political
chips are down, "statesmen" will revert back
to their old practices of power politics, and cut-
throat competition. These "statesmen" may
well be among the group now supporting the
world charter.
Clearly, the task of the U. S. Senate majority
is to discover why it is for the charter's passage
and then convince the apparently die-hard 40
per cent.
Bandying around the phrase "world char-
ter" without realizing its real meaning and its
ultimate application, may prove far more di-
sastrous than opposing the world govern-
ment plan.
-Bob Goldman
Complacency: Now?
W E ARE a great fat complacent nation-or
was it yesterday that we said that? Yester-
day, before we read that Stimson reported total
casualties between December 16 and January 11
in the European theatre at 55,421; before the
news seeped out that we have not kept pace with
Germany's development of new weapons; before
the prospect of a 150,000 monthly draft of men
into the armed services rather than the Decem-
per rate &f 60,000.
Before Jimmy Byrnes gave his ultimatum re-
garding conventions; before official warning
that clothing would be much more difficult to
get because of requirements in liberated coun-
Sureness was the byword yesterday. This
is today, and the Russians are going to beat
us to Berlin. We've lost weight. Nervous
jitters have increased our cigarette and liquor
consumption. Even nylons cost $15 a pair
now. Things are tough.
Homes are "ordered" to maintain a temper-
ature of 69 degrees. Can we live through the
A soldier without a leg stood and watched the

inauguration on January 20. The khaki-clad

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30-The fight over Jesse
Jones and Henry Wallace boils down largely
to one thing: control of the tremendous war
machinery of the U. S. A. after the war is over.
With the beginning of World War I, Wood-
row Wilson's reforms-the income tax, the
Federal Reserve, the Federal Trade Commis-
sion-were frozen. They gave way to the war.
And after the armistice, Wilson, busy with the
Versailles conference and the League of Na-
tions fight, let the war factories of the country
be dismantled ar converted by private industry
to their own us, or in some cases remain idle.
The nitrogen-fertilizer plant at Wilson Dam,
now part of the Tennessee Valley Authority,S
languished for 12 long years-the years of Hard-I
ing, Coolidge and Hoover-during which they
were the center of a bitter controversy between
government and private operation, until finally
Roosevelt established the TVA.
At the end of the last war, the nation had
enough gun-powder plants to manufacture a bil-
lion pounds of powder. But they were all turned
over to private industry and converted. At the
beginning of this war in 1939, the U. S. Army
had only two weeks supply of gunpowder on
War Jea/h Cice arated
WTITH. THE beginning of World War II, Roose-1
velt's New Deal reforms, like Wilson's stop-
ped. But in addition, war business and accom-
panying wealth were concentrated as never be-
fore in the hands of Roosevelt's old enemies-
big business. Six companies got more than 60
per cent of all the war orders. (General Motors,
Du Ponts, Newport News Shipbuilding, Bethle-
hemn Shipbuilding, Curtiss-Wright, The Alumi-
num Corporation.) In addition, 100 companies
got 80 per cent of the, war orders. Instead of
dispersing business, the war did exactly the op-
Today the biggest question in the minds of
business, and of the conservative Senators who
so conscientiously represent them in the fight
against Wallace is: Who will get these war plants
after the war?
Jesse Jones up until Jan. 20 was in general
charge of their disposition-subject to certain
counter-checks by the war surplus property
board. He also was completely in charge of
new loans to these and other companies. Econ-
omically, he was the most powerful man in the
world, and the amazing thing about it was
that, thanks to a powerful lobby of friends in
the Senate, he was able to maintain that power
despite the fact that his record for short-
sightedness in ordering vital war supplies is
almost unbelievable.
in regard to tin, Jones was asked by the
State Department and the National Defense
Council as early as two years before Pearl
Harbor to grant a loan to build a tin smelter
in the U. S. A. They were afraid our normal
tin would be cut off from Singapore. But
Jesse refused to budge. And as a result,
housewives today are still salvaging their tin
72-Year Old Banker .. .
PART OF THE trouble was that Jesse has spent
most of his 72 years as a banker, not as a
planner. He almost seemed more interested
in saving pennies rather than saving the na-
tion. For instance when the War Department
finally demanded that rubber be rushed from
the Dutch East Indies in the summer of 1941,
the Navy wanted to unload rubber-laden ships
at San Francisco, instead of taking them all
the way through the Panama Canal to New
York. This meant a more expensive rail haul
over the Rockies, but it also meant saving about
a month in getting the ships back to Singapore.
But Banker Jones wouldn't pay the extra
rail charge from San Francisco to New York.
He insisted that the ships go all the way
through the canal. He had made the loan
to buy the rubber, and so lie was boss. As a
result, he saved 6 cents a pound on the rubber.
lBut he cost the American people thousands
of tires one year hence. And only a few months
later he was paying at a rate of more than
$1 a pound to get rubber from Brazil.
Again in Mexico, Banker Jones refused to pay
more than $100 a flask for mercury. Japan was
paying as high as $230 a flask, and mercury

was vitally needed for making shells. But Jesse
wouldn't go a cent higher. Furthermore, Jesse
wouldn't buy the mercury except through the
banks in Mexico City, who took a commission
from the natives, with the result that the natives
preferred to sell direct to the Japs.
By Ray Dixon
HERE was so much excellent campus talent
at the Kampus Kapers show Sunday after-
noon, that we were reminded of the old joke
about the zipper salesman who went to Holly-
wood and became a talon scout.
We noticed that a bunch of Army fellows
had gone "over the Bill" Auditorium to see
the show.
California has Los Angeles, but the Japs
have lost Angeles.

Jones and Big Business .. .
,BECAUSE he always plays ball with banking
and big business circles, Jesse is considered
safe by the Georges, the Baileys, and the Van-
denburgs who rushed frantically to his support
in the Senate. He has always cooperated with
their friends. That is also one reason why
there has been such a concentration of wealth
in the hands of a few companies during the
war. This has been true of aluminum, rubber,
water power, magnesium, and tin.
Take for instance, rubber. There were two
reasons why Jones was so tragically slow in
producing synthetic rubber. First reason was
that he bucked the frantic, persistent recom-
mendations of Ed Stettinius and the National
Defense Council who nagged him for - eighteen
months prior to Pearl Harbor to start building
rubber factories. Jones now alibis that no one
could foresee that the Japs would attack. But
the National Defense Council foresaw it and
warned him repeatedly.
The second reason for the delay was that
even after Jesse started the synthetic rubber
factories; he put all his eggs in one basket-
that of the big companies. He put all his
rubber production in the hands of the Stand-
ard Oil of New Jersey patent pool, headed by
his old Texas friend, the late William Parish.
And despite the fact that the thirty-one rub-
ber factories to be built by the Standard group
were not to be even completed until 1944,
Jesse stuck to them until blasted loose by the
Baruch report on rubber.
Jones, however, was playing with his old
friends. And big companies had their eyes on
the post-war world.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)

"et' Emblem
A DETROIT newspaper is making
quite a front-page to-do about
the supposed inadequacy of the lapelj
button issued discharged servicemen.
Among other things, the gold-plat-
ed plastic emblem is termed too small,
too odd of design, too difficult to see,
and it is said that it does not "thrill
the public."
The first desire of the ex-ser-
viceman is to become again inte-
grated into normal civilian society.
His military service being in most
cases an unnatural and unlonged-
for experience, he has no wish to
keep its memory actively alive. He
wants only to be accepted again in
society, not as a uniformed oddity,
but as an Vrdinary person with an
individual personality.
The program advocated by the De-
troit paper would produce a discharge
button bigger, gaudier, "more dis-
tinctive" and generally louder than
what we have now, a button that
would call immediate attention to the
veteran as he walks down the street.
It would take away the present un-
assuming token, which a man can
wear without being unduly conspic-
The veteran may appreciate it if
acquaintances realize that he has
been in the service, but he does notR
want that fact to call especial at-
tention to himself. Above all he does
not want a glaring label on himself
that segregates him from "ordinaryj
Admittedly many veterans do not
often wear the lapel buton, not be-
cause they are ashamed of it or be-
cause it is not distinctive enough
(what is more distinctive than the
American eagle?), but because they
feel that even the present small, sober
button calls undue attention to the
fact that they have been in the ser-
vice. The veteran wants to be treat-
ed as a civilian, and not as an "ex-
Some of them feel that by wear-
ing the button they immediately be-
come an object of segregation, as
if -the button says in effect, "Look
at me, folks. I've served my coun-j
try. I've done something big for
you. Now what are you going to
do for me?" It is a mood that noc
person-veteran or otherwise-
consciously wishes to create. s
Of course the discharge button is
no ever-living work of art, nor should
it be. Within the forseeable future,
discharge buttons will become as
common as blue serge suits, and will
excite just about as much comment.
The button is only a symbol which
signifies that a man has served. Any
button, so long as that was its deno-
tation, would and could serve the
same purpose.
If the desire of the metropolitan
newspaper is to give publicity to the
present button, then it is performing
a service, since the public should, if
only out of respect, recognize the dis-
charge button when they see it. But
there is no need to campaign for
some new type of insigne, equally un-
recognizable. The fact that only a
small portion of the general public
knows the button is not the fault
of the present design, but rather that
the public has seen very few of them
and that the button itself has re-
ceived little publicity.

"She was voted The-Girl-Most-Li


Navy War Bond Cartoon Service
kely- To-Mature -Before - Her-

4 !



War Offensives

EW YORK-To understand row big the new
Russian offensive really is, we must compare
it with the German offensive into Belgium. The
German offensive looked big enough to us,
and made is doleful; and it was a little hard
to understand at the time why it aroused only
derision in the Soviet military press.
During those alarming early days, when the
initial German success threw us into paroxysms
of abuse of our generals, and of our Intelli-
gence officers, Soviet military writers remained
calm. More than calm, they were scornful;
Soviet military commentators reviewed German
tactics in a curiously bored and sniffy fashion, as
if they were watching a tiresome old routine, a
worn-out military vaudeville.
German tactics were "hackneyed," said one
Soviet writer, Lieut. Col. V. Kravtsov. He
pointed out, on December 28, in the Moscow
News, that the Germans were up to their old
business of attempted encirclement, but that
they were encircling "a sector where Allied
troop concentration was lowest." Why en-
ircle a weak point? asked Lieut. Col. Kravt-
sov. If you win, what do you win?
There was'no point to the German, maneuver,
said the Lieutenant Colonel, unless it could
bring German armies into contact with the main
Allied force, in the hope of destroying that force.
Otherwise, he noted, a strike at a weak spot may
be no more than a tactical success and "may
lead to a major disaster."
On the basis of current news from Belgium,
the Lieutenant Colonel seems clearly to have
known what he was talking about.
THE RUSSIAN offensive stands in sharp con-
trast with the limited German enterprise
of a month ago. It hammers, not at German
weak points, but at German strong points.
It seeks to come to conclusions with the main
German armies, to join battle precisely where
the results of battle can be decisive. It is
not a hunch play, aimed at one point in the
line, where a temporary weakness has been dis-
covered, and can be exploited for reasons of pres-
The Russian aim is not to go where the
German army isn't, but precisely the oppo-
site, to involve the entire German army; to
make this, not a local test, but a truly total
test of all of Russian force against all of
whatever German force may happen to be
available in the east.
In this straining of totality against totality,
the Russian endeavor is to present the German
command with a contnuous series of unsolved
problems, an endless array of bad choices, all up
and down the line. No soldier in the German
army escapes the effects of Russian tactics; the
very last trooper in the German reserves is con-
tinuously needed somewhere else than where he
happens to be, and he will never arrive in time.
Our armis are included in this total concep-
tion, too; no action, west or east, is local now;
each contributes to the total strain upon a
planless Germany. This is unity in action.
And if this magnificent moment puts the recent
German offensive into correct perspective, it
ought to put some of our international political
problems into perspective, too. They are not
,as big as what is happening now.
Sometimes they seem to be puffed up, be-
yond their true size, by some who still cling
to the unreal hope that the great Russia of to-
day will somehow win and vanish, conquer
and evaporate.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

New National Anthemde
"rHE STAR Spangled Banner" is
-a sng born of war Its spirit The courage of the pioneers is
praised in the second stanza in such
is warlike. The words of the first j phrases as "stern, impassioned stress
stanza are a stimulus to the patriot- . . . of pilgrim feet . . . a thorough-
ism of the flag-waver and the jingo- fare for freedom beat across the
I wilderness ..' The self-admon-
ist. It is no more than a war song, ihngrs . . . mend se every
1 o1 f astat m shing wards . , . end thine every
appealing to love of an abstract sym-
bol, t American flans flaw" are a fitting symbol of the
As suchm"e tarSpanrecognition that we have yet to fully
As such "The Star Spangled Ban- elzordmcrt ga."L-
realize our democratic goals. "Lib-
ner" is an inadequate reflection of erty in law" is certainly more fun-
the finer ideals of Americans. In thel damental to our system than military
days ahead when we look for peace, power.
our attention will be concentrated on
the finer values of human existence. Self-sacrice for our nation's
Our present national anthem will no ideals is by no means disregarded
longer befit our national aims and its in "America, the Beautiful." Ra-
military phrases, "bombs bursting in ther, it is put on a higher plane by
air" and "the rockets red glare" of "Oh beautiful for heroes proved in
the first stanza will be intoned with- liberating strife, who more than
out feeling. The other stanzas, ad- self their country loved, and mer-
mirable as they may be, are not sung, cy more than life." Surely; look-
are not known to most people, and ing upon war as sacrifice to ideals
therefore cannot enter into a con- is more spiritually provocative than
sideration of the spirit of the song. concern as to whether "our flag
was still there."
In the future we will come to
realize that a new anthem, express- "The Star Spangled Banner" tells
ive of the ideals of humanity, only of our battle to remain free and
should supersede "The Star Spangl- j speaks nothing of our other ideals.
ed Banner" as our national song. "Till all success be noblen'ess," a
Surely. it is not heretical to con- positive goal, is not even hinted at in
template a change, especially when the four stanzas of our present na-
we consider that our present an- tional anthem.
them exists as. an anthem only Another objection to "The Star
since 1931, when Congress chose Spangled Banner" is that its range
it from a group including "Amer- of notes extends too low or too high
ica, the Beautiful" and "America." for the averae voice. This has been
The song that should replace "The a vexing problem for some time, and
although a simplified arrangements
Star Spangled Banner" as our an- has been written, it has never gained
them should be one of two just men- wide popularity.
tioned, preferably "America, the
Beautiful,' 'a song truly expressive Therefore, we suggest that some-
of the most spiritual values of this time in the near future, Congress
great nation. It's first stanza speaks consider the inadequacies of "The
of the natural beauties of this vast Star Spangled Banner" and,
land, its "amber waves of grain . . . through legislation, replace as our
purple mountain majesties . . . the national anthem with "America,
fruited plain" and the crowning ideal the Beautiful," whose words are
of the great 'melting pot', . . . "broth- more expressive of America's ideals.
erhood, from sea to shining sea." -Arthur J. Kraft


TUESDAY, JAN. 30, 1945 #

Never, however, should be reach
the state advocated by one soldier,
who conveniently said for the De-
troit newspaper, "The time should
come when everyone looks first at
a stranger's lapel and then at his
--Ray Shinn
Health Figures

VOL. LV, No. 7 1

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-

EVERY TIME someone suggests Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
that the poor must have better dents living in approved rooming
doctoring than their own means will houses who intend to move to differ-
provide, a segment of the medical' ent quarters for the Spring Term or
profession raised the objection that who expect to leave the University at
Americans are the world's healthiest the end of this Term, must give no-
people. What have such "realistic" I tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
persons to say to the figures just re- dents before 11 a.m. on Saturday,
leased on draft rejections? Feb. 3. Feb. 24 is the official closing
Turn-downs are highest among do- date for the Fall Term.
mestic servants. Next the part-time
and unemployed workers-poverty.' Concerts
Third, with a shocking 56.4 per cent I
rejected, come farmers. Even among Student Recital: Elizabeth Lewis,
farmers, poor man's diet is also a violinist, will present a recital in par-
big cause, with a race for the worst tial fulfillment of the requirements
health between the Negro share-crop- for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
per and the tobacco-growing hillman at 8:00 this evening, in Lydia
of the Appalachians. Rejections are Mendelssohn Theatre. A student
highest in the South. of Professor Gilbert Ross, Miss
The draft statistics speak a Lewis w ll play compositions by Pug-
Thegu drafth at sticsun speaku at nani. Bach, Mozart, and de Falla.
language that the country must - The public is cordially invited.

p. m., at the Hillel Foundation.
Evelyn Kossoff will speak on "The
Possibilities For a Reconciliation Be-
tween Science and Ethics."
Sigma Rho Tau-Pictures for the
'Ensian will be taken at tonight's
meeting of the Stump Speakers' So-
ciety of Sigma Rho Tau. Black or
dark ties should be worn. All mem-
bers are required to be present at
7:30 p. m. in Rooms 319-323 of the
Union. Support of non-profit exten-
sions of public utilities will be dis-
cussed. A third round of debates on
compulsory military training will be
given new opposition.
Coming Events
The Student Religious Association
Music Hour, led by Robert Taylor,
'46E, will present the second half of
J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor Wed-
nesday evenng, Jan. 31, at 7:30 in the
Lane Hall library. Refreshments will
be served and scores will be pro-
vided. Everyone is invited.
Graduate Students: There will be
a Graduate Coffee Hour Wednesday,
Jan. 31, from 7:30 to 8:30 in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. All graduate studentts
interested in getting acquainted with
each other are invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica announces
that the second lecture in the an-
nual series will be presented on Wed-
nesday, Jan. 31, at 8 p. m. in the
Michigan Union. Because of the
unavoidable absence of Lieut.-Col.
Burset, the lecture originally sched-
uled for Feb. 7 will be given. Pro-
fessor Arthur Aiton will speak on
"Relaciones entre Latino-America y




--St. Louis Post Dispatch
HoI i ri1 .
T HERE are pigmies in the Philip-
pines, says Ripley, who smoke
cigars with the lighted ends in their
mouths. This will surprise everybody
but Harold Ickes, whose tongue has
always been asbestos.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

iEvents rToday
Assembly Board Meetings will be
held today at 5 p. m. in the League.
Dormitory and Auxiliary Dormitory
presidents meet with Jane Richard-
son in the Kalamazoo Room. League
house and Co-op presidents meet


with Florene Wilkins. Place of meet- los Estados Unidos." Tickets for
ing will be posted on the League the series will be on sale at the door.
Bulletin Board. Attendance is com-
pullsBor y.- Suent Recial: Jerry Pickrel, pia-
__usryt nist, will present a recital in partial
The Cerele Francais will meet to- fulfillment of the requirements for


By Crockett Johnson


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