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January 30, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-30

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Snow Flurries and









U. S.SArmyeSweeps
Across Our River
Yanks Batter To Outposts of Siegfried
Line by Wading Through Icy Waters
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Jan. 29-The U. S. Third Armyssmashed into Germany at
two new points today, crossing the Our River from Belgium and batter-
ing into the outposts of the Siegfried Line in a storm of fire from enemy
tanks and self-propelled guns.
Unable to bring up assault boats and bridging equipment over the
jagged snow-banked terrain, the doughboys waded through the icy waters
four feet deep and clambered up the steep banks into the Reich. Part of
one German town was in American hands tonight. -
The crossings were forced at Peterskirche anC Oberhausen, seven and
ten miles south of St. Vith and some 13 miles southwest of Prun, the
* . * Eiffel Mountain Road and Railway

By The Associated Press
into Germany within 93 miles of
Berlin, take Dreisen, Woldenberg;
Nazis start preparing Germans for
loss of capital.
Army crosses Our River into
Reich; First Army "American
Bplge" reaches within two miles
of Germany; French near Colmar.
AIR-German rail centers and
tank factory blasted by 2,000 Allied
heavy bombers; Berlin hit in night
PACIFIC-Yank advance patrols
within 30 miles of Manila as main
Army continues unchecked drive
toward city.
Senior Class
Petitions Due
Must Be Turned In
At Union Office Today
Petitions for positions of president,
vice-president, secretary and treasur-
er of the 1945 senior classes in the
literary school must be turned in to
the student offices of the Union by
5 p. m, today, according to Jim Wal-
lis, president of the Men's Judiciary
Each petition is required to have
25 signatures of students graduating
in February, June or October, 1945,
and must be accompanied by an eli-
gibility card. A senior may sign four
different petitions under the theory
that he is supporting a different can-
didate for each of the four posts,
Wallis said.
Candidates will be announced in
The Daily Sunday andethe election
will be held Friday, Feb. 9. Polls
will be open from 8:30 a. m. to 3:30
p. m.
This will be the first campus elec-
tion held under the recently revised
election rules passed by the Judiciary
Speech Students
Vie for Honors
The annual Speech 31 Inter-sec-
tional Contest, in which six repre-
sentatives from beginning speech
classes will compete, will be held
4 p. m. tomorrow at Kellog Auditor-
The preliminary contest will be
held at 4 p. m. today in Rni. 4203
Angell Hall when two representatives
from each section of Speech 31 will
compete. From this contest six rep-
resentatives will be selected who will
compete in the contest tomorrow.
Today Senior night honoring all
senior women who grad-
uate in Feb., 8 p. m. at
the League.
Feb. 2 Michigan - Wisconsin
basketball game, 7:30
p. m., Yost Field House
followed by the Ohio
State-Michigan Wrestling
Feb. 3 Michigan - Indiana
Wrestling Match, 2:30
p. m. Yost Field House.

center which supplies the Siegfried
(A Berlin broadcast declared Am-
erican pressure was mounting on this
First Within Two Miles of Reich
The U. S. First Army to the north
also was , on the attack, liquidating
the Belgian bulge and hammering out
a half mile advance placed it on or
beyond the Jump-off line of the Ger-
man winter offensive.
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's Third
Army troops, who first stalled the
ambitious German winter drive by
cracking hard against the south
flank, now were carrying the war back
to enemy soil.
German Armies Retire
Two to three miles east of the river
lies the main belt of the Siegfried
fortifications, into which the bulk of
the German armies retired after col-
lapse of their push in the Ardennes.
Tactical bombers found thesGer-
man withdrawal still in progress to-,
day, spotting 2,000 vehicles ten miles
southeast of St. Vith.
Heavy and medium bombers joined
the assault on the enemy's communi-
cation lines, and in all more than
3,500 Allied planes caught rail and
motor transport behind the battle
lines in a tornado of destruction.
Increasing Desertions
The French First Army in southern
Alsace fought to within a half mile
of the enemy citadel of Colmar and
was pressing hard against the Ger-
man canal defenses of the Rhine
Valley, threatening to force the Nazis
from a 20-mile salient menacing
Strasbourg from the south.
A front dispatch said the Ardennes
withdrawal, coupled with reversals
on the eastern front, was sapping
German morale and that desertions
were increasing. It was estimated the
enemy had withdrawn at least a
fourth of its air strength and shifted
it to meet the Soviets.
Peter Delegates
Royal Powers
LONDON, Jan. 29-(P--King Pet-
er of Yugoslavia agreed tonight to
transfer his powers to a regency
council to be chosen by himself and
appointed Premier Ivan Subasic to
put into effect an agreement with
Marshal Tito for a coalition govern-
In this maneuver the King sought
to straighten out the tangled Yugo-
slav situation by accepting the res-
ignations of Subasic and his entire
cabinet which he had demanded Jan.
22 and then re-appointing the pre-
mier and five of the six members of
the former cabinet.

Labor RejectsI
Sermice Bill
House Debates on
Closed Shop Question
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29-A pro-
posed compromise of the controversial
"closed shop" question was rejected
by labor union spokesmen today as
the house began debate on limited
national service legislation.
The fate of the bill, which empow-
ers draft boards to assign men 18
through 45 to war production jobs,
is considered highly uncertain. The
House is expected to vote on it Thurs-
day or Friday.
Closed Shop Amendment
Southern - Democrats refused to
budge from their contention the bill
would be unsuitable without an am-
endment permitting men assigned to
jobs to work in a closed shop with-
out joining a union. Such a provi-
sion once was approved by the House
Miltary Committee, but was later
Rep. Wadsworth (R.-N.Y.), seeking
to soften organized labor's opposition
to it, proposed that it be rewritten to
include language underscoring the
inviolability of existing collective
bargaining and other labor laws.
Philbin for Labor
"It is still an anti-closed shop am-
endment, commented Rep. Philbin
(D.-Mass.), who said he bespoke the
views of organized labor.
Leading of the debate on the man-
power bill, Rep. McCormack (D.-
Mass.), majority leader, said it would
be "a real contribution on the home
front toward the winning of this
global war."
But the Democratic leader's claim
that the legislation would make men
work was disputed by other speakers.
Rep. Cox (D.Ga.) complained that
the legislation "fails woefully to sat-
isfy the demands of public opinion,"
and is "hardly more than a gesture
and an illusion." Cox is leading the
fight for restoration of the "anti-
closed shop" amendment.
Saturday Dance
To Aid World
War II Veterans
A dance to provide funds for the
rehabilitation program of University
veterans of World War II will be held
from 9 p.,im. to midnight Saturday
at the Women's League, Ted Goves,
dance chairman, announced yester-
Under the sponsorship of the
George H. Cannon Post of the Ameri-
can Legion, the dance will- be open
tc, students, veterans on campus and
servicemen stationed at the Univer-
sity, Groves said.
Lee Brant's band will 'make its
campus debut at the dance. Brant,
himself a veteran of World War II,
has led his band in performances
before Army Air Bases in the state.
Proceeds from the dance will sup-
plement governmental grants to vet-
erans on campus, Groves said. Be-
cause some of the servicemen turned
students are married federal funds
are insufficient for their living ex-
penses, Groves added, and proceeds
will aid these men.
The Cannon Post, named fr an
Ann Arbor victim of World War II,
is made up of both veterans on cam-
pus and residing in Ann Arbor.

Russians Drive on
Stettin, Baltic Port
Marshal Zhukov's Forces Smash
Northwest of Poznan in West Poland
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Tuesday, Jan. 30-A powerful Red Army invaded Pomerania
in northeastern Germany for the first time yesterday on a 30-mile front,
sweeping to within 93 miles of Berlin and to within 57 miles of the big
Baltic Port of Stettin, Premier Stalin announced last night on the eve of
Adolf Hitler's 12th anniversary as Chancellor.
"The fate of Berlin is in the balance," a German radio announcer
declared in calling on Germans to rise and save the fatherland capital in
the same manner that Russians saved Moscow from the Nazi legions in
December, 1941.
Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's First White Russian Army smashed 13
miles inside Germany northwest of tottering Poznan in Western Poland
after leaving siege units behind to re-0 * * *

Gulf is covered with drums of gasoline as more fuel arrives by barge
from supply fleet, in background, to power American tanks, trucks
and other equipment for the southward drive of Gen. MacArthur's for-
ces on Luzon Island in the Philippines.
Yanks Speed Toward
Galumpit, Near Manila,
MacArthur Claims 25,000 Japanese
Casualties; American Losses Total 4,254,

By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Luzon, Tuesday, Jan. 30
-American Armored Units sped
toward Calumpit, within 25 airline
miles of Manila, Sunday after Sixth
Army Infantrymen swept unopposed
into San Fernando on the heels of
several hundred Japanese who fled
toward historic Bataan.'
The Armored Units shot past San
Fernando, 34 miles from Manila, to
enter the narrow neck of land be-
tween two swamps in a drive nearing
Calumpit on the Pampanga River.
Casualties Announced
The fall of San Fernando was re-
Hopkins Will
Visit PopePises
FDR's Emissary May
Meet with Allied Headsf
PARIS,. Jan. 29.-(P-Harry L.
Hopkins, on an information mission
for President Roosevelt preparatory
to the big-three conference, has gone
to Rome to see Pope Pius XII follow-I
ing visits to London and Paris.
An American-imposed censorship
had banned any mention of Hop-
kins' movements for "security rea-
sons" until a Paris radio broadcast
today announced his visit here.
Coincident with the disclosure of
Hopkins' visits, diplomats specu-
lated that Mr. Roosevelt, Prime
Minister Churchill and Premier
Marshal Stalin might produce a
joint immediate surrender call to
Germany at their meeting.
There wasspeculation also that
the President's advisor might go to
Moscow before the heads of the three
nations get together. Hopkins' tour
apparently was intended to give Mr.
Roosevelt a first hand, up-to-date
view on all European problems be-
fore the President goes to the con-
ference table.
During his week-long visit in Lon-
don Hopkins and U.S. Ambassador
John W. Winant met for hours with
Churchill and Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden.
In his Paris conferences Hopkins
did not invite Gen. DeGaulle to
attend the big-three meeting nor
did he disclose its time and place,
French officials said.
MYDA Votes To
Affiliate With A YD
i ~ ihia Vit- fr lmnrai

ported in a communique which list-
ed Nipponese casualties on Luzon in
excess of 25,000 men as against Am-
erican casualties of 4,254.
While the push toward Manila
gained speed, other Yanks to the
north, battling in tough ridge coun-
try, seized more high ground in the
Rosario area within 14 miles of the
summer capital of Baguio.
14th Takes San Fernando
The Fourteenth Army Corps of
Maj. Gen. Oscar W. Griswold seized
San Fernando, capital of Pampanga
province in a push nine miles below
Angeles, then sent patrols far aheadI
where the central Luzon plain nar-
rows between two swamplands. The
Yanks at San Fernando, are 90 miles
south of Lingayen gulf where they
landed Jan. 9.
The First Corps of Maj. Gen. In-
nis P. Swift took ridges overlooking
camp one in behind fallen Rosario
and also capped a bloody fight 15
miles to the southeast at San Manuel
by annihilating Japanese in hand-
to-hand fighting. Around San Man-
uel, 49 destroyed enemy tanks and
789 Nipponese bodies have been
Japs Flee Toward Bataan
San Fernando, Luzon's second city,
on the railroad to Manila and junc-
tion point for roads to Manila and
Bataan, was left virtually intact.
Several hundred Japanese fled hur-
riedly at day-break Sunday toward
On the extreme east side of Pan-
gasinan province, the one the Yanks
invaded at Lingayen gulf, First Corps
elements obtained a wedge in high-I
way eight which skirts foothills of
the Sierra Madre range as it leads
to Manila.

duce that island of resistance. Ber-
lin said Russian troops had fought
their way into the heart of encircled
Poznan and that its fall was only a
matter of hours.
Russians at Old Frontier
West of Poznan the Russians also
reached the pre-war German-Polish
frontier within 93 miles of Berlin.
Moscow indicated these units had
crossed into Germany, but did not
disclose their progress inside the
Frankfurt on the Oder River, last
big shield before Berlin, was only 57
miles from the advancing Russians
and German troops were falling back
across the great northern German
plain, presumably to make a stand on
the Oder which flows to within 40
miles of the Axis capital.
In crossing into Pomerania, the
Russians turned the southern end of
a miniature Siegfried Line running
northward from Scheidemuhl, 50
miles northwest of Poznan, and Ber-
lin said that Schneidemuhl itself was
encircled by the Russians as they
drove swiftly to cut off all Pomeranla-
extending eastward from Stettin to
the Polish Corridor.
Ley Promises To Fight
On the eve of Adolf Hitler's 12th
anniversary as chancellor the Get-
man radio quoted Nazi labor leader
Dr. Robert Ley as declaring "We will
fight before Berlin, in Berlin, around
Berlin and behin Berlin"-apparent-
ly preparing the ermans for a hint-
erland resistance should Berlin be
engulfed by Zhukov's Stalingrad vet-
At captured Driesen, along the
Danzig railway leading down to Ber-
lin, the Russians were only 24 miles
northeast of Landsberg and 62 miles
from Frankfurt, last big German
strongholds before'the Reach capital.
They were only 53 miles from the
Oder River defense line.
Police Report
On 'Browvnout'
Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County
police officials reported "no unusual
circumstances" last night as Michi-
gan began compliance with the na-
tionwide "Brownout" to save fuel
three days early.
Police officials said yesterday that
there was no increase in.the accident
rate. Compliance with the order was
about 85 per cent, they revealed.
The "Brownout," which will begin
on a nationwide scale Thursday, was
ordered to eliminate superfluous out-
door light. Michigan, designated as a
test area, was asked to begin the
"Brownout" earlier. Purpose of the
move is to conserve dwindling war-
time coal supplies, according to gov-
ernment officials.

Nazi, Leaders
Warn People of
Berlin's Peril
Promise' To Defend
Capital on All Fronts
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 29-Nazi leaders
began preparing the German people
for the possible loss of Berlin today
as Swedish reports said the flashes
from Russian guns already could be
seen from the German capital in the
night skies over the eastern front.
Summoning the Germans for re-
sistance in the hinterlands if Berlin
should fall, Dr. Robert Ley, German
labor front leader, said: "We will
fight before Berlin, in Berlin, around
Berlin-and behind Berlin." His slo-
gan was broadcast by the German
Transocean Agency, which said the
"fate of Berlin is in the balance" and
added that the German high com-
mand still held "trump cards" against
the Russians.
Hitler Goes to Front
The Moscow radio, attributing its
information to "leadingpoliticalcir-
cles in Berlin," said Adolf Hitler had
gone to the eastern front on an "in-
spection tour to acquaint himself
with the critical situation."
Asserting that all high Nazi offi-
cials had left Berlin for Munich,
the Paris radio said that the latter
city henceforth would be "the center
of German resistance."
Nazis Admit Disorganization
The Nazis stated that there had
been some disorganization during the
flight of thousands of Germans from
threatened areas, while unconfirmed
broadcasts from Paris and Brussels
spoke of demonstrations inside the
Refugees arriving in Halle aiid
Frankfurt on the Oder staged demon-
strations when they found no food,
a Brussels broadcast said, adding
that in Leipzig Elite guards fired on
a crowd demonstrating against the
sending of Volkssturm (Home Guard)
units to the fronts.
The Paris radio quoted a Swedish
diplomat, whose name was not given,
as saying the German army had in
formed Hitler "it is useless to con-
tinue the war."
Canada To Hold
New Elections
King Plans To Dissolve
Present Parliament
OTTAWA, Jan.29 - (") - Prime
Minister W. L. MacKenzie King serv-
ed notice today that he Intends to
dissolve the present Parliament and
force a general election.
Such a move would place before
voters of the entire Dominion the
issues which have plagued his gov-
ernment, primarily the conscription
of home defense troops for overseas
The notice was included in a mes-
sage to voters of the constituency of
Grey North who are to determine
whether King's defense minister,
Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton, shall
have the seat in Parliament which
his cabinet post requires.
A by-election in Grey North- in
which McNaughton is the govern-
tri'.e alo n 10 nllnI s rl

Stilwell Predicts Long Pacific
War, Warns of Jap Strength

Miss Feldmahn Will Discuss.
War Stricken Students Friday

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 - (A') -
War-wise old "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell
thinks the war in the Orient will last
a long, long time.
Perhaps not the hundred years one
reporter suggested nor the fifty years
mentioned by another-"But I think
it will last a long time." And the
general who fought the Japanese in
Chinaand Burma before he came
back here to become new chief of'

nese army may have to be engaged
on the Asiatic mainland.
Japan probably won't collapse in-
ternally before defeat. We'll have to
count on the Japanese continuing to
fight as fanatically as they have done
in the past.
'Long War Ahead'
After he had expressed belief that
a long war lay ahead, he was asked:
"Would the United States be expect-j

"The War Stricken Student" will
be discussed by Miss Alexander Feld-
mahn, Assistant Executive Secretary
of the World Student Service Fund,
in an address introducing this year's
WSSF drive to campus, at 8 p. m.
Friday in Kellogg Auditorium.
WSSF is the organization through
which students help other students
in Europe, China and the United
States whose education has been dis-

Pembroke, Miss Feldmahn attended
Brown University. She was grad-
uated in the class of '42.
She was president of her class and
president of student government in
the College of Sofia, in Bulgaria. At
the beginning of her junior year at
Pembroke she received the Student
Government Association award for
the girl making the most outstanding
enntrihutinn ti the lifenof the conlege

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