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January 27, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-27

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___ ___ I-

Wallace Spurns Compromnise

Ltterst o


WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-Senator Styles Brid-
ges' sub-committee, which is probing the air-
plane travel of Elliott Roosevelt's dog, may also
want to look into the honeymoon airplane trip to
Rome and Paris of General Denny Giles' WAC
General Giles is Commander of American op-
erations in the Near East, with headquarters at
Cairo, Egypt. His office there is run by beauti-
ful, Joan Crawford-ish WAC warrant officer Jean
Lutz, who not long ago married an Army cap-
tain, For their honeymoon they were planning
to go to Palestine, the Mecca of most American
Array personnel when they want a rest from
Cairo. You can get there on the "Jeriusalem
Express," a desert railroad which belies its name,
but gets there in the end.
General Giles, however, stepped in with a
counter-suggestion. ie proposed that his sec-
retary and her new captain-husband fly to
Rome and Paris. So he arranged it. The
happy couple flew first to Rome, then to Paris,
then back to. Cairo. Whether they had a
special plane is not definitely known, but
the same crew was with them throughout.
A good time was had by all, except that a lot
of G. I. Joes, who had to stick in Cairo, were
plenty burned up-and not from the hot sands
of the Sahara.
Later, General Giles himself flew to Paris to
spend Christmas. But, of course, that was on
very official business.
Wallace Is Tempted ...
N THE middle of the Senate fight over ex-
Vice President Wallace for Secretary of Com-
merce, Henry was taken up on the mountain.
Democratic advisers told him that if he would
appoint Ed Pauley, Treasurer of the Democratic
National Committee, as his Federal Loan Admin-
istrator, he would be confirmed both as Secre-
tary of Commerce and in charge of the far-
flung loan agencies. Pauley had raised large
amounts of money during the recent campaign,
had helped a large number of Senators get
elected. His influence in the Senate is not to
be sneezed at.
Henry looked down from the-mountain and
did not accept the deal. He decided that if
he could not be confirmed on his own merits
he would not buy confirmation through Demo-
cratic patronage. Actually,' he is more likely
to appoint a leading Republican businessman
as Federal Loan Administrator if he is con-
Tesse Jones' PoweG - -
THE MANNER in which Jesse Jones has con-
trolled banks, railroads and even newspapers
by making loans and appointing directors in key
places long has been well-known on capitol hill.
Down in Tennessee, the Nashville Tennessean
appeared on the streets Sunday night with an
editorial in its bulldog edition praising Henry
Wallace as Jesse Jones' successor.
Then suddenly the editorial was pulled out
of the paper. Later editions of the Tennessean
carried no praise for Henry Wallace.
Two days later, however, the Tennessean sud-
denly cane out with an editorial in exactly oppo-
site vein. Bitterly, it criticized President Roose-
velt for losing the excellent services of Jesse
Jones and replacing him with Henry Wallace.
What most people outside the publishing world
did not realize was that Silliman Evans, pub-
lisher of the Tennessean, secured control of
that paper through Jesse Jones. Evans had been
a newspaperman ark ghost writer for Jesse,
and when the RFC made a substantial loan to
the shaky Maryland Casualty Company, Jones
rewarded Evans by making him head of that
company though he knew absolutely nothing
about insurance.
Later, the RFC bailed out a New Orleans
bank in which the Nashville Tennessean had
deposited certain assets as collateral on a loan.
Thereupon, Jones took over these assets, despite
the fact that James Hammond of the Mem-
phis commercial appeal made a id for them.
And with the cooperation of another Nashville
bank, Jesse proceeded to set his old friend
Silliman Evans up in business as publisher of
the Nashville Tennessean.
FBI Budget Cut .
fKESPITE the fact that more than one thousand
German war prisoners have escaped at var-

ious times in this country, and despite the recent
entry of two Nazi saboteurs, the Bureau of the
Budget has just made a backstage demand that
J. Edgar Hoover's efficient FBI cut its approp-
riation by $10,000,000.
Hoover has already suggested voluntary cuts
which would save the taxpayer considerable
money. But the additional slashes proposed by
the Budget Bureau would mean the firing on
June 30 of 400 G-Men and 200 clerks who keep
fingerprint and crime records.
On econd Thought...
OCAL Philippine saloon keepers on Luzon will
probably set up a Clark bar.
All those things they are saying about Henry
Wallace may be true, but we were never under
the impression that 4'ones was a fair-haired
Maybe if a "visionary radical" had been head
of the Commerce Department before the war,
the Allies would have had a little more synthetic
rubber and quinine.
The 're giving the reword r As your Fa
e . Y PI MI

Meanwhile,, there is considerable evidence
indicating that Hitler and Himmler, now des-
perate, are intensifying their efforts at sabo-
tage inside the United States. The landing
of the two saboteurs near Bar Harbor, Maine,
is one indication. Another is the apprehension
of Nazi agents in South America.
These, when picked lip, are shipped back to
Germany on the Gripsholn unless the Latin-
American country is at war with Germany. One
of the Nazi saboteurs who goes on trial at
Governor's Island tomorrow had been picked up
in Peru some time ago and returned to Berlin
by the State Departieint without even the pre-
caction ef getting his fingerprints and photo.
Of the thousand or m ore German war pris-
oners who have escaped, all but twelve have
been recaptured. However, it remains an un-
comfortable fact that these twelve, or any
one of them, would be sufficient to blow1 up
certain key bridges in this country. That is why
Congress is seriously considering a reversal of
the Budget Bureau in order to keep the FBI
going at efficient strength.
(npyrigt, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc )
New Appointments
NEW YORK, Jan. 24-A few weeks ago, the
President appointed a flock, or covey, of
conservatives to the State Department, and the
Senate liberals rose in flushed protest. They de-
inanded reconsideration of the names of Messrs.
Grew, Clayton, and Rockefeller. Senate conser-
vatives, including the Republicans, supported the
President. It was a curious scene, with all the
old familiar political landmarks reversed. like life
in a mirror.
Now the President has chosen Henry Wallace
to be Secretary of Commerce, replacing Jesse
Jones. This post has carried with it, in Jones'
case, headship over the government's huge money
lending agencies, including the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation; and that fact makes the
Senate peculiarly sensitive to the question of
whether the appointee is a liberal or a conser-
vative. A liberal at the head of these agencies
could pump money out to make jobs in the post-
war period; and we know that Mr. Wallace takes
a dime view of unemployment. He doesn't really
care for it. He thinks money can be awful use-
ful; Jesse Jones used to hold more to the idea
that it was awful pretty
Life in the Senate will now return to normal,
with the conservatives attacking the Presi-
dent's appointee, and the liberals defending
him. It looks as if the President has finally
accepted that showdown fight between liberal
and conservative opinion which he has been
dodging for months on many issues. It is curi-
ous that the President should be willing, now,
to undertake that fight, after going to such
great lengths, in the State Department ap-
pointments, to avoid it. And here a doubt
arises. Is the President really going into a
showdown fight for Wallace, or is he merely
throwing him to the Senate for action, as he
threw him to the Democratic Convention last
YUTIE PRESIDENT'S letter to Jesse Jones, ask-
ing Jones to step down for Wallace, is curi-
ously tepid. It says that Wallace worked hard
during the election campaign, that Wallace
thinks he'd be good in the job, and that Wallace
is suited for it, and "therefore" ought to have it.
It's an odd letter. lhere's no elevation in it.
It's the kind of letter one writes to a President,
trying to get somebody appointed to a third-class
postmastership; it is not the kind of letter a
President normally writes, proposing a major
cabinet change. The letter offers Wallace the
job, in a bored kind of way, not for anything
Wallace is, but because he was a good campaign
worker; it is a flat letter; it never gets off the
All sorts of prospects open up, most of them
dismal. Will the President really back Wallace
in the Senate, as he backed Clayton.? Or will
he be completely occupied with international
affairs when the vote comes, and will he let
whatever happens, happen?
Or will there be a ferocious fight over confirma-
tion in the upper House, that Wallace, with his
usual taste for self-sacrifice, will withdraw his
name, to avoid embarrassing the President? In

that case the President will have got rid of both
Wallace and Jones through a single maneuver,
which would set a new high in political virtuosity.
There are other reasons for doubt. The
President has placed the Reconstrue ion Fi-
nance Corporation within the Department of
Commerce, but Congress can take it out. A
bill to split the two has already been drawn
up. Of the two agencies, the R.F.C. is incom-
parably more important than the Commerce
Department; the R.F.C. will not only have the
money lending function after the war, but it
will also be- in charge of disposing of our war
plants. The manner in which we use our new
plants may make all the difference between full
or partial employment. If Congress takes
the R.F.C. out of Commerce, Wallace may be
konfwrmed, but he will then be left high and
dry on a mountain of business statistics, with
little to do except tell us how many betel
nuts were chewed in the East Indies in 1928.
The President still has to show whether he
is really backing Wallace, or merely letting nature
take its course.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

Sovereigry .
i SIGNED editorial published in l
yesterday's Daily attributed to
me the view that "American policy
is prepared to resume advocacy of the
old principle of sovereignty and that1
the State Department places tra di-
tional position before contenmiporaryt
need. ''t
This editorial contains so flag-
rant a distortion that it cannota
pass unanswered. The entire the-l
sis of my speech was that no Coun-
try, even one as powerfu. as our
own can any longer rely for its -
security upon its own national ac- l
tion. In other words, the doctrine
of sovereignty which is merely a
legal formulation of isolationism,
is obsolete in an interdpendent
As to the allegation that I advo-
cated a negative concept of sover-
eignty, I need only refer to the fol-
lowing excerpt from my address:
The extent of the advance which
we have made in our national atti-
tude with respect to international
collaboration since 1919 may be
judged by reference to the presentt
position of the discussion with re-
spect to the always thorny problem}
of national sovereignty. In the great'
debate concerning our proposed par-
ticipation in the League of Nations.
many of the opponents of our entry:
denied that it was legally possible
for the United. States to participate
in an organization in which our na-
tional independence of judgment
might be discussed by an interna-
tional body, even thougli we partici;
pated in it. This objection is no
longer seriously raised. There seems
to be no dissent from the proposition
that the United States can legally
and constitutionally assume the obli-
gations for the maintenance of peace
and security outlined in the Dun-1
barton Oaks proposals, and that ful-
fillment of such obligations does not
involve a delegation of sovereignty
to the organization. As an indepen-
dent state, the United States can I
exercise its sovereignty, through con-
tracting any type of obligation which
is customarily the subject matter of
agreement among states. Emphasi.,
is no longer placed on sovereignty as
a negative conception, which would
limit the sphere of international co-
operation to relatively unimportan,
matters which lie upon the surface
of international right. Our present
emphasis is upon sovereignty as a
power to be used in cooperation with
others for the very purpose of secur-
ing more efficacious protection of
our national independence and secur- l
The Supreme Court of the Unit-
ed States has expressed it in this
way: "As a member of the family
of nations, the right and power of
the United Statesa....re equal toI
the right and power of other mem-
bers of the international family.
Otherwise the United States is not
completely sovereign."

nani, Bach, Mozart, and de Falla.
The public is cordially invited
it he Ldaor Exldb-i ai
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Twenty Lithographs, by
rgs of te 'i alf-baked liberal." Not prominent artists, loaned through
conteit with stating his views, this the Museum of Modern Art, New
liberal mnusi, constanly revert to the York City. Ground floor corridor,
most infan1ile kind of side remarks Architecture Building. Open daily
whichu repel anyone who makes the 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan.
lightest attempt to be fair. He must 29. The public is invited
!O oij oi cx ('Iesive digressions telling_ --
ihuw wicked some wealthy man once
was a:sd how the latter was con- i VE I1 I s!iodd
stantly oppressing his more unfor- The Congregational-Disciples Guild
anHe must disser- will meet at the Memorial Christian
ate len il (ei than emoc Church (Disciples) Hill and Tappan
big risks. He takes great pride in at 5 p.m. Folowling the supper Dr.
ofering reIengdorus explanations Preston A. Slosson will speak on "The
sol i ta how :;onie liberal was not Religion of an Historian." Miss Bev-
reu. & fault for mnaling some not- erly Paul will lead the closing wor-
t-d oraistamentwhie nhe-ship service. Those coming promptly
cate-d isrocrei's atlment, while he from Kampus Kapers will be served.
cannot let his rers or- listeners be
ignorant 1 Ilieact that some ad- Lutheran Student Association:
mirable qual y a any respected Re- Skating Party tonight at 7:30. All
who wish to attend meet at the home
i'(aly no a u,-lislhuent of that of Rev. and Mrs. Yoder, 215 E. Wil-
iiwdi e at ll; t1)esprobably bor- liam St. The regular meeting of the
r'0 v(( t Lfoin sonb successful liberal. Association will be held in the Parish
'1hat the hall-baked liberal has a Hall on Sunday afternoon at 5 with
righ to to so I do not deny. It is supper and fellowship hour following
merely that the stand of this liberal supproag
is, in a sense, a perfect farce. The the program.
more disgusting the liberal, the more Talent Night: Tonight, 8:30, at the
effectively ill his re:ider be driven Roger Williams Guild House, 502 E.


to te I.othle Slae.
May I suggest to these liberals a
re-reading of the great writings ofI
their idols. Only ths time, instead
of looking for phrases they .can
sling at the conservatives, may I
request that they notice the digni-
fled humnity of thses men. May
he obierve the tirustig sincerity
of Jeffeono and Linol n and the
rotgh fadr-and-square attitude of
an T my they make the
characteristics of' these men the
basic principles of their daily liv-
ing. In so doing they will convertI
more conservatives than could be
do ne by writing .a thousand books.
-Harry Daum

Huron. Musical and dramatic stunts
will be presented. All Baptist stu-
dents and their friends are invited
to join in the program or the enjoy-
ment of it.
Corin g Events


SATtRDAY, JAN. 27, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 69I
Puhticantio in ithe aDiy Official ul-
1 re1's of ttie I f ei Vtr'ily NhIlf' S for the
Nu1ein slii)i h' setlit tyhewrIItea.
form to Hw Ie Asistal; to the President,
1021 AA( W 1illby :"!01 :e, .. lthe day
pr'ect'."ifi: iiiihijcatio (11:3 1 . . .Sat-
it rf .
Shoh t 6' iJ ' W, Assembly: Monday
morning, Jan. 29, at 11, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, for students1
and faculty members. Eleven o'clock
(lasses and lessons in the School of
Music will be dismissed for the as-1
sembly, by order of the Executive
Commit tee.

The Turkish Student Club of the
University of Michigan will play host
for the l rogm'an at the International
Center on Sunday, JTan. 28, a t 7:30
Michigan Youth for Dernoratic
Action will meet Monday, Jan. 29, at
8 p.m. in the Union, Rm. 302. There
will be a discussion on affiliating
with the national American Youth
for Democracy. All members are
urged to attend.
The Cercle Francais will meet Tues-
day, Jan. 30, at 8 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union. As the picture of the Club
will be taken at the meeting, all
members are urged to be present. On
the program a few French songs by
Miss Elizabeth B. Moore, games and
group singing.
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Pastor. Roger
Williams Guild House, "502 E. Huron.
Saturday, 7:10, Choir rehearsal in
the church; 8:30, "Talent Night" at
the 'Guild House. Sunday, 10, Panel
discussion closing the Idea of Right
and Wrong--Guild House; 11, Morn-
ing worship, "Youth and the Chu-
rch," Miss Frances Lee, Mr. George
Doyle, Mr. Dudley Orvis; 5, Roger
Williams Guild. Pres. Ernest Van
Valkenburg will speak on the actions
of the National Collegiate Christian
Council recently held at Granville,

0, I

As Senator Connally has expressed
it, in assuming obligations for co-
operative action in the maintenance
of peace, "there is no surrender of
our sovereignty. On the contrary,
there is an exercise of 'sovereignty.
There is an assertion by our nation
of the will and power to do those
things which are for the best inter-
ests of our citizens and, in a larger
fashion, in the best interests of the
world and world peace. That is the
very essence of sovereignty."
-Dr. Lauwrence 11ics s
lIb Qral$ . . *
T HAS BEEN the consistent policy
of The Daily editorial staff, I be-
lieve it fair to say, to emphasize the
fact that we must have a progressive
outlook on the social, political, and
economic problems of our day. We
must keep moving, unceasingly striv-
ing to attain the higher objectives of.
While humanity is marching for-
ward, the conservative-so is he
depicted-exerts all his energy try-
ing to impede this movement, if
not to reverse its direction. It is
the conservative who obstructs the
path leading to true democracy.
It is the conservative to whom the
concept of human rights is but a
secondary consideration. It is the
conservative who is the deadly foe
of the general welfare of the na-

. +

Notice to Men Students: Men stu- 0.; 6, Cost supper.
dents living in approved rooming First Congregational Churc Suite
houses who intend to move to differ- andr William Sts Minister, Rev
ent quarters for the Spring Term - and W .llam rr Mitr, CRe
wilt expect to leave the University at LoadA ar ietr oge
the eof this eani must Uive no- gational-Disciples Guild, Rev. H. L.
ti'e in writing to the Dean of Stu- Pickerill. 10:45 a.m., Public worship.
dc iit 11 at.n a Dr. Parr will preach on the subject:
Feb. :3. Feb. 24 is the official closing "It's Good To Be Here." 5 p.m.,
date for the F lTlermr. 1 Congregational-Disciples Guild for
young people. Supper at 5 p.m. Dr.
important Notice: La Sociedad Preston Slosson will speak on "The
Hispanica will have the Michigan- Religion of an Historian." Beverly
ensian group' picture taken on Mon- Paul will lead the devotions. Guild
day, .lan. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the will meet in the Christian Church
1ii'i ar n o All hnen' ,a (Disciples) at Hill and Tappan.


hbe jj'c, cnt.

First Church of Christ, Scientist:
11-v IUnited States Civil Service 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
Commissionie ties thatl Febve ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
r;xm" gives notice that Feb. 6, ing service "at 10:30 a.m. Subject
1945, will be the closing date for ac- "Truth." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
c i~ane of aplhcations for the fol- A convenient reading room is main-
low ~ing exarnrticrs: Bacteriologist, tained by this church at 106 E.
$3,1;3 and $3,828; Dental Hygienist, Washington St. where the Bible, also
-1,970; Mainitenance Supervisor, $3, the Christian Science Textbook, "Sci-
828 and $4,128; Nursing Education ence and Health with Key to the
Consultant, $3,163 to $5,228> Occupa- Scriptures" and other writings by
tional Therapy Aide, $1,970 to $2,433; Mary Baker Eddy may be read, bor-
Physiotherapy Aide, $1,970 to $2,190; owed or purchased. Open daily eX-
4 Pub Health Nurse, $2,10 and $2,- cept Sundays and holidays from
43,3 , public ealt NursingConsul 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until
be fled with the United States 9 p.m.
Civil Service Coumission, Washing- The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 27 D.C., nc 1_( r thani that date. TeCuc fJssCrs fLt
United States Civit Service An- ter Day Saints: Sunday services will
Unitd Sate Civl Srvie . be held at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of
nouncemnents for Dictating Machine the Michigan League.
Transcribers, salary $1,970, and Sub- -_g__g
stitute Railway Postal Clerk, salary } First Methodist Church and Wes-
$1,850 to $2,464, have been received ley Foundation: Student class at 9:30
in our office. For further informa- a.m. Dr. E. W Blakeman, leader.
tion stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bunr- am r .W kmn edr
Subject for discussion: "Religious
eau of Appoitments. Counselling in Wartime." Morning



City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncemeuts for Sr. General Staff.
Nurse salary $2,520 to $2,880 a year,


,-- y.1 , -
That the conservative has often Second Operatm g Ergineer( Steam
Thattheconervtivehasoftn ,Engine) s;4iary $2,063 to $3,174, and,
been guilty of these accusations there Marine Operating Engineer Fire-
can be no doubt. boat). salary $3,381 to $3,864, have
The danger to democracy and to been received in our office. For fur-
the common good of mankind from' ther information stop in at 201 Ma-
this source, however, is almost negli- son ll Bureau of Appointments.
gible when compared to the destruc- '
tive effects of the teachings antd writ-,.
ly Crocket Johnson The Univ :rsity ol' Michigan Sym-

worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
James Brett Kenna will preach on
"Is a Christian State Possible?"
Wesleyan Guild meeting beginning
with supper at 5 p.m. Program at
6 p.m. Scott Miyikawa will be the
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship.
The Rev. Frederick Eugene Zendt
will speak on "Van Dusen of Union."
5 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
Following the supper Dr. Preston
A. Slosson will speak on "The Reli-
gion of an Historian." Miss Beverley
Paul will lead the closing worship
service 'Those coming nromptly from


airy c dfathei, I

We r Bonds, eh? . . . And not
. . , . a e

Copydighi i1945, The Newype4ePM. Inc.

phony ('cliestra, cilbert Ross, Act-
SinConductor, will be heard in a f




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