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January 27, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-27

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Cloudy wvitli Occasional
Light Snow.

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Reach Danzig Free



Red Offensive
Rolls Through
Rogozno, 140 Miles
From Berlin, Taken
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 27, Saturday-The
Soviet High Command announced
last. night that the Red army has'
killed or captured more than 381,330
Germans in its two-weeks-old winter
offensive, which yesterday rolled on
unchecked through the big industrial
city of Hinderiburg in Silesia, reach-
ed the Danzig Free State frontier,
and cut off East Prussia with a thrust
to the Baltic Coast.
From 20 to 25 Nazi divisions-per-
haps 200,000 Germans-now are
trapped in East Prussia.
Cross Warta River
Outflanking Poznan, big Polish
stronghold, the Russians also crossed
the Warta River ten miles south of
the city and speared to within 136
miles of Berlin with the capture of
Mosina. This was the closest ap-:
proach to the Reich capital yet an-
nounced by the Soviet command.
North of Poznan the Russians took
Rogozno, only 20 miles from the Ger-
man frontier and 140 miles northeast
of Berlin; other units striking to-
ward the coveted Reich capital from
the southeast in Silesia were only 143
miles away.
Staggering Losses
A special Russian communique an-
nounced the . staggering losses in-
flicted on the Germans in the gigan-
tic offensive between Jan. 12, when;
it began at the Vistula River bridge-
head below Warsaw, and Jan. 24.-
Moscow said that five Russian arm-
ies had killed more than 295,000 Ger-
mans in that period and 'captured
86,330, and" also had destroyed or
captured 592 planes, 2,995 tanks and
self-propelled guns, 7,932 guns of all
calibers, 7,386 mortars. 20,019 ma-
chine guns, 34,019 trucks as well as
vast quantities of other war material.
Nearing Breslau
On the 15th day of their powerful
winter offensive the Russians were
reported to have driven closer to the
rim of besieged Breslau, Silesian cap-
ital, to have crossed the Oder River
defense line and broken into Brieg,
on the west bank 22 miles to the
southeast, and also to have fought
their way into Beuthen, five miles
east of fallen Hindenburg, whose
normal population is 126.000.
Berlin said Russian troops in nor-
thern Poland had crossed the Brom-
berg Canal west of Bydgoszcz (Brom-
berg), indicating that Marshal Greg-
ory K. Zhukov's First White Russian
Army units now were sweeping
northward into the Polish corridor
to widen the salient between the
German homeland and the cut-off
Junkers province of East Prussia.
Russians Kill or
Capture 381,330
Nazis in 12 Days
LONDON, Jan. 26-(P)-The Rus-,
sian offensive cost the Germans 381,-
330 men in killed and captured-most,
of them killed-during its first 12
days ending Jan. 24, a special com-
munique by the Soviet Information;
Bureau said tonight.
The communique, broadcast from
Moscow, said the enemy lost more
than 295,000 officers and men in kill-
ed alone during the period Jan. 12-24.
The First White Russian front ac-
counted for 80,000 killed, 37,700 cap-

tured; Second White Russian front,
65,000 killed, 5,530 captured; Third
White Russian front, 60,000 killed,t
4,000 captured; First Ukrainian
Front, 70,000 killed, 31,900 captured,
and Fourth -Ukrainian front, 20,000
killed, 7,200 captured.

Allied Forces Capture
Posts Near Dusseldorf
Ninth Army Forces Advance to Roer;
Germans Retreat Across Moder River

JBy Tice Asswiated Press
PARIS, Jan. ?6.-All German re-
sistance collapsed today west of the
Roer River system at the gateway
to the prize Ruhr industrial valley
and the U.S. Ninth and British Sec-
ond Armies-with 35 miles of the
west wall behind them-seized as-1
sault positions only 25 miles from!
The Ninth broke a six-week lull
Kampus Kaper
Show To Be
Held Tomorrow
All-Student Production
To Feature Bill Layton
Final preparations were completed
with rehearsal yesterday for the sec-
ond all student production of Kam-
pus Kapers which will be held at
3:30 p. m. tomorrow in Hill Audit-
Ticket sales continued at a high
pace and they will remain on general
sale today in the Union, the League,
at the USO, and in a State street
All remaining tickets for the show
will be put on sale at 3 p. mn. tomor-
row at the Hill Auditorium boxoffice.
No seats will be reserved and doors
will be open at 3 p. m.
This production of Kampus Kap-
ers-a student inspired entertain-

and pushed to the Roer on a five-
mile front as the U.S. Seventh Army
far to the south threw a new German'
drive into reverse, erased all itsI
northern Alsatian gains and liftedI
the threat to Strasbourg by drivingi
the enemy back across the Moder
Fighting Dwindles
By nightfall the fighting had dwin-
dled to sporadic machinegun andI
rifle fire along the entire 20-mile
The U.S. First and Third Armiesj
crushed virtually the last of the Ar-3
1 dennes wedge in Belgium and Lux-
The Third Army pushed eastward:
to a number of points where the
enemy's December offensive kicked
off, moved its lines up to within a
mile or two of the German frontier'
along most of the Luxembourg front,
and put five divisions on a ridge-top
highway overlooking the west wall.
Five More Towns Taken
The First Army to the north cap-
tured five more towns and edged
eastward within two and a half to
five miles of Germany against such
light resistance that it was asserted
officially German troop shifts to_
meet the Russians had definitely re-
laxed pressure in the west.
In southern Alsace, French and
American troops of the French First
Army fought into Houssen, three
miles north of Colmar for the closest
approach yet made to that strong-
hold in the Rhineland pocket. Other!
ground lost to counterattacks in this
area was re-won.I
Nazis Evacuate
On the front north of Aachen, Lt.-
Gen. William H. Simpson's Ninthn
Army in a pre-dawn attack foundt
the Germans had pulled out westn
of the Roer and reached the river 11
miles inside the Reich with such ease
that a scheduled artillery barragen
was cancelled.0
At the same time, Scottish patrolsV
of the British Second Army moppeds
up the remainder of the sector to7
the north All the way to the strong-
hold of Roermond, where the Roer 1
joins the Maas.
Jap Artillery
Attacks Yank
Aviation Center 1

Critics Claim 48
Votes i Senate
Group Approves George Bill Shifting
RFC From Commerce Department
By The A§§Ociated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26-The Senate Commerce Committee coldly
rebuffed Henry A. Wallace today, voting 14 to 5 against his nomination as
Secretary of Commerce and Federal Loan Administrator.
The adverse report went to the Senate, where the nomination may be
acted on early next week.
Critics of Wallace, contending the former Vice-President is without the
experience necessary to handle the big lending agencies, are claiming 48
to 50 votes in the Senate-enough to beat him.
The Committee's decision after hearing -the deposed Jesse Jones and
Wallace himself amounts to this: it sends President Roosevelt's nomina-
tion to the Senate with a black mark against it. Similar actions in the
past, however, have had varied recep- -- - ----___ __
tions by the full body which some- pR A
times backs up its committees and Td BER4 DL
sometimes overrules them.
Overrles eorgeBillBy The AssociatLed Press
Overrules George Bill 1-EASTERN FRONT: 91 miles
At the same time, the Commerce (by German account Russians were
group decided, 15 to 4, to report out near Brandenburg province border,
the Bill of Senator George (D.-Ga.) 91 miles from Berlin at neare-t
stripping the Commerce department point.)
of the Reconstruction Finance Cor- 2-WESTERN FRONT: 310 miles
poration anal all its subsidiary financ- (From Linnich-Julich-Duren area).
ing agencies. 3--ITALIAN FRONT: 544 miles
This leaves the cabinet post only (From Reno River).
such routine bureaus as the Coast and
Geodetic survey, the Census and kin- .1
dred activities. Governor T0

WALLACE TURNED DOWN-The Senate commerce committee voted
14 to 5 against Henry A. Wallace's nomination as Secretary of Com-
merce and Federal Loan Administrator. The report now goes to the
Senate, where the nomination may be acted upon next week.
Four New Appointments Made
By Board of Regents Yesterday
Dr. F. C. Bald Named 'U' War Historian;
Gifts Received Total More Than $26,000

It was not made clear immediately
which would get the green light in
the Senate first-the nomination of
Wallace itself or the George Bill.
House Gets Measure
A similar measure divorcing the
lending agencies from the department
has been introduced in the House but
leaders there say it will take consid-

$121,900,000 Is
Needed for Schools

* ~ *.~**V'LUZON, Saturday, Jan. 27-(/P)-
LyClark Field, in American hands, is be-
ing shelled by Japanese artillery, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur reported today.
"The enemy has brought up artil-
lery and is shelling the Clark Field
BILL LAYTON area," MacArthur said in his Sat-
urday communique. Clark Field was
captured early Thursday morning by
ment show-will feature seven star the 40th U. S. Division. It is the most
acts rep;esenting a vai ety of talent highly-developed aviation center in
on campus. the Philippines.
Headed by Doc Fielding as master; Lt. Gen. Tomuyuki Yamashita's
of ceremonies, the show will feature Japanese forces , on Luzon showed
Bill Layton and his orchestra; the their first signs of a fight in ,the
dancing of Bev Witan and Dot Mur-
zek; cadet nurse trio; Judy Ward,- BULLETIN -
featured singer with Layton; a JGP
skit by Tady Martz; and the 60 voice WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (Sat-
Women's Glee Club. urday) - (1') - Superfortresses of
All proceeds from the show will be the 20th Airforce are blasting at
given to the local USO center and the Japan's bases in Indo-China to-
Bomber Scholarship Fund. day (Jan. 27 India calendar) Gen-
Approval for the show has been eral of the Army H. H. Arnold,
given by the University with words of announced this morning.
praise from many faculty and stu-
dent leaders. central, plains sector south of the
Bamban River Friday.
tT T d A__1_Today's communique reported no


The Board of Regents made four
new appointments and accepted gifts
totalling more than $26,000 at their
monthly meeting held here yesterday.
Dr. Donald G. Marquis, formerly of
Yale University, was appointed chair-
man of the University's Department
of Psychology. He succeeds Prof.
Walter B. Pillsbury in the chairman-
ship. Prof. Pillsbury retired in 1942.
Taught at Yale
Born June 22, 1908 at Two Har-
bors, Minn., Dr. Marquist holds de-
grees from Stanford and Yale and
has taught at Yale since 1933, where
he was head of the psychology de-
partment. He has been executive di-
rector of the Office of Psychological
Personnel of the National Research
Other appointments announced by
the Regents included the appointment
of Col. Robert B. Hall as professor
of geography. Prof. Hall will re-
asume his duties after a leave of ab-
sence in the Army. Colton Storm,
formerly Curator of Maps, has been
named Curator of Manuscripts at the
Clements Library, and Dr. F. C. Bald,
of the history department, has been
named University War Historian.
Both succeed Howard H. Peckham,
who has been made director of the
Indiana Historical Bureau at Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Instructor of History
Dr. Bald has been an instructor
in the Department of History since
1943. Formerly he taught at Detroit
Daily Editors
RecehVe on ors
Six journalists, students at the Uni-
versity, were last night honored for
their achievement in the profession
when they were initiated by the local
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary
journalism fraternity,.
This organization, entering its fif-
teenth year in Ann Arbor, honored

Institute of Technology and did his
doctoral dissertation on a phase of
Michigan history. His appointment
makes the office of University War
Historian a full-time position. The
Michigan Historical Collection con-
tinues to be the headquarters for the
University history work. Mr. Storm
has been Curator of Maps since 1942
at the Clements Library.
Prof. Charles M. Davis will re-as-
sume his duties in the geography de-
partment after a leave of absence
with the Navy.
Leave of Absence
A leave of absence for the next four
months was granted by the Regents
to Prof. Lionel Laing because of ill
The Regents accepted gifts total-
ling more than ,$25,000, headed by a
grant of $10,000 from the estate of
the late Edwin C. Goddard. The gift
in Series G Savings Bonds, was for
the Edwin C. Goddard Loan and
Scholarship Fund.
German Guard,
Is Cal led Out
LONDON, Jan. 26-(/'--Germany's
Volkssturm-organized to defend the
Reich-was called out today to help
keep order on the home front as the
mass of westward fleeing refugees
swelled with each mile of Russian ad-
While Nazi propagandists wained
the people to "prepare for more dis-
appointments" and tried to whip up
their resistance by threats of their
fate under Red domination, the Ger-
man radio reported the home guard
had to help handle snarled traffic at
jammed railway stations.
A Moscow broadcast told of "chaos


erabe timie tor passage. Governor Kelly's state Public Edu-
There are a number of possibilities cation Study Commission will recom-
now. Wallace could be rejected by mend to the Michigan Legislature
the full Senate-a majority vote is that $121,900,000 be allocated annu-
needed for confirmation. The George ally for state public schools, during
bill could be passed. The President 1945 and '46, it was decided at a
could resubmit the nomination for the Study Commission meeting yesterday
pared-down job of Secretary of Com- held at the Union.
merce. Many Senators have said they This figure, decided upon at a
have no objection to Wallace in that Commission subcommittee meeting
role-the primary point of contest Thursday, represents an increase of
is the supervision of the multi-bil- more than $15,000,000 over the 1944
lion dollar RFC which Jones headed state appropriation.
up for 13 years. Average Salary Is $2,400
Jones Replaced Under the proposed plan, 32,000
Jones was replaced by Wallace on teachers receiving an average salary
Inauguration Day, Mr. Roosevelt say- of $2,400 per year, would get a total
ing in his letter of announcement allocation of $76,800,000 as compared
that he owed a political debt to the with $67,000,000 during 1944.
retiring Vice President. Over all average of Michigan tea-
Despite the action in the Senate I chers for 1944 was $2,146, with state
Committee today, friends of Wallace J1rural instructors receiving an average
continued to plump for him in the of $1,391.
dual job. Operational costs during 1945-46.
An organization named the Na- were placed at $45,100,000, which is
tionl Bsinesme fo Walacesen five million over last year's figure.
tional Businessmen for Wallace sent Inddtntohagsn het-
word to Vice President Harry Tru- In addition to changes in the esti-
man protesting that they had been mate needs of Michigan public
denied a hearing in Wallace's behalf. schools, the Study Commission, head-
ed by Dr. Eugene B. Elliot, state
The businessmen sent their word to superintendent of public instruction,
Truman in a telegram signed by 250 recommended :
men, including War Contractor And- Recommendations
rew Jackson Higgins, J. Louis Rey- (1) That returning veteransre-
nolds and James H. McGill, Chairman
of the Board of McGill Manufacturing gardless of age, be counted in public
of te Bord f Mcillschool membership for the purpose
Company. of computing state aid unless schools
in which they enroll are receiving
federal or state aid,
j X-K nsas City(2) That the 4thClass School Dis-
Strict Act be amended to include
'Boss Dies at 72 approximately 5,500 primary school
districts not now listed as 4th class;
(3) That a seven mill tax be levied
Thomas Pendergast's on the present state equalized land
Ailment Undisclosed valuation of $7,400,000,000.
Dr. Elliot told the 26-man Com-
mission, composed of members rep-
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 26-/P).-
resenting the Farm Bureau, the PTA,
Thomas J. Pendergast, 72, former the State Legislature and the CIO,
Kansas City machine boss died to- that these' recommendations would
night at Menorah Hospital. be placed before the legislature as
The stocky Democratic boss who soon as possible.
made Governors and Senators and
whose nod of approval was sought by
Missouri politicians for years before N ik etC ffee
his downfall in May, 1939, had been
in the hospital of an undsclosed ail- l
ment since Tuesday. He had been s
in poor health for some time.
It was in 1939, after years at the Spiking recent rumors "that you
top of a political machine which rul- can't get a nickel cup of Java in this
ed Kansas City, Jackson County and town," Washtenaw OPA officials yes-


SU' "rchi estra

Today Mixer dance, sponsored
by Independent League


Will Perform
Wagner's "Siegfried Idyll" will be
featured on the University Symphony
Orchestra's first concert of the cur-
rent season at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow

sizable gains anywhere on Luzon as
the enemy maintained his bitter re-
sistance against the U. S. First Armyj
corps on the left flank. This resist-1
ance has been almost constant since
the Jan. 9 invasion.
But the 14th corps, whose spear-
heads yesterday were reported to be
at Angeles, a little more than 40 air-

PCII11 Ciclill Rnhrart ('-nlrlmari Ta rnr "


caul bisro i oUe Uuoiumn, taoun and panic" in Berlin.
Dixon, William Mullendore, David
Loewenberg and William Lambert, all' itTackling its toughest propaganda
members of the Michigan Daily staff. job yet, the Nazi press and radio
The initifttion ceremony was con- sounded a theme of strength through
ducted by the present executive board, fear.
.... _ _ ......7 .. A ire. . .

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