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January 26, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-26

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FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1945

jhg S irigau Baei1y
Fifty-Fifth Year

Comparison of A llied Armies

The Pendulu m


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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Staff
" . , . . Managing Editor
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . or . Bots Editor
S . . Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff

Lee Amer.
June Pomering . . .

Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

National Service

WITH THE deletion of the objectionable anti-
closed shop clause the national service meas-
ure seems likely to be more effective, but the
plan is still far from perfect.
Chairman of the House Military Affairs Com-
mittee May and his legislators must base any
workable legislation on the principle that short-
age of labor is the only one factor, and a rel-
atively insignificant one, in the extremely com-
plex manpower problem. In December Hiland
Batcheller, WPB chief of operations, attributed
only 22 per cent of production shortages to lack
of manpower. The WMC has stated that there
is no manpower shortage although there is a
manpower problen. The fundamental problem
remains, as President Roosevelt remarked a
year ago, "to have the right number of the
riglit people in the right places at the right
It is customary when pointing a way out of
our manpower morass to cite the example of
Britain, which is more fully organized for pro-
duction than any other warring nation, except
perhaps Russia, with about 66 per cent of its
population of working age in paid occupation in
contrast to our 54 per cent. It is also custom-
ary to attribute Britain's success in mobilizing
her labor force to the passage in May, 1940, of
an Emergency Powers Act which pro.vided that
every ablebodied person must register for es-
sential employment and work at a job in the
place and at the rate of pay which the Govern-
ment determines.
Actually, Britain's achievement has been more
the result of Government planning and integra-
tion at top levels than of exercise of compul-
sion. Responsibility for war production is cen-
tered in one man, Minister of Production Oliver
Lyttleton; who collaborates on all labor matters
with the Minister of Labour and National Se-
vice, Ernest Bevin. In contrast with Britain's
centralization of responsibility for production,
we have at least four different boards directly
concerned--WPB, MWC, WLB and the USES.
The present need is not new governmental
machinery to add to .the considerable confusion
already existing but greater coordination, with
one or two men responsible for allocating avail-
alle manpower, providing transportation and
housing for transferred workers, planning the
overall production program designed to fill
strategic military odemands. Better coordina-
tion of war agencies in Washington plus streng-
thened MWC field committees, already operating
on a system of employment ceilings, labor prior-
ities and referrals, would do much more than a
national service bill to ease the manpower situa-.
-J. M. Fitch
BURIED in the story on Dr, Preuss' Post-War
Planning lecture on the Dumbarton con-
ferences is a significant statement: "the empha-
sis on sovereignty is no longer negative-." Speak-
ing as an academic Political Science authority;
and as member of the State Department, Preuss'
indication that American policy is prepared to
resume advocacy of the old principle of sover-
eignty is important.
Although it may be merely a restatement of
the fact that the State Department places
traditional position'before contemporary need,
this new impetus. given to nationalism. can
serve as a basis for. a post-Roosevelt return to
that autarchial economic policy which proved
almost fatal tel years Ago. '

WASHINGTON, Jan. 26-The amazing advance
of the Red Army compared with the present
stalemate of American-British forces on the
western front, naturally has caused some soul-
searching among U. S. military experts.
However, there is one important fact to keep
in mind. The Russians are now putting across
almost the same type of advance as the American
Army did in Normandy six months ago. U. S.
troops, then fresh and rested, attacked in force,
crashed through the Atlantic Wall along the
coast of France, then raced on through the Un-
fortified empty shell of France.
Likewise the Red Army after several months
to bring up fresh troops and ample supplies,
crashed through Germany's outer Polish de-
fense along the Vistula River and is now -ac-
ing across the flat and relatively unfortified
plains of Poland.
The Red Army will soon hit Germany's bristl-
ing Todt Line. The thing to watch will be
whether the Todt Line will stop the Russians
as the Siegfried Line has stopped us in western
In each case, it is important to note that ar-
tillery played a tremendous role. In the Nor-
mandy invasion, Allied warships stood off in
the English Channel, laid down a curtain of
steel which scattered the Germans. Before the
recent Russian advance, the Red Army lined up
big guns and did the same thing. (When the
Allies reached the Siegfried Line artillery was
slow in coming up; still is reported insufficient.)
Training of U.S. Troops, ,
HOWEVER, there is one other factor discussed
very frankly by Americans returning from
the western front and by men who have trained
in the U. S. Army here at home. It is the fact
that the German system of training and also the
Russian system may better develop the enlisted
The German Army, for instance, builds up the
ego of the individual soldier. He is taught to
believe that he is the best fighter in the world,
that no other soldier and no other army can
stop him. The German officer, among other
things, makes a ceremony of singling out each
enlisted man on his birthday and lighting his
cigarette in front of the entire mess hall.
The American soldier on the other hand, is
taught to suppress his individuality. It is
drilled into him that he is merely a cog in a
machine. U. S. troops have the best care in
the world, the best equipment, best medical
attention and best food in the world-every-
thing except the lift to their individual ego.
They are hammered down instead of being
built up.
The Russian military system was derived orig-
inally from German officers stationed in Rus-
sia and is similar. The Red Army, however, has
gone further when it comes to building up pride
and ego. In the Red Army a man can be a
sergeant one month and a colonel the next or
vice versa, if he makes a mistake. Generals
who fail are busted overnight.
No one ever hears of the once famous Marshal
Timoshenko anymore; or Marshal Budenny.
They did not obtain their objectives and are now
retired to Moscow.
In the U. S. Army more recently, thousands
of hightype men have come in with excellent
background but have little chance of becoming
officers, simply because the officers' ranks are
full. They were filled in the early days of the
war, and now the output of the Officers' Candi-
date Schools has narrowed to a mere driblet.
Meanwhile, enlisted men see the son of
Senator "Pass-the-Biscuits Pappy" O'Daniel
given a chance to take the Officers' Candidate
School course three times after failing twice,
when other men are given just one chance.
They also see the son of the President of the
United States carrying two dogs across the
Atlantic by airplane. So you can understand
why morale could be improved inside the U. S.
junketing Congressmen..,
SERVICEMEN are burned up at the way the
Amy and Navy are showing special favorit-
ism to a tiny group of Congressmen, who, anxious
to build up war records, but reluctant to resign
their seats in Congress are becoming veterans
within 90 days flat.
Most unique example is Democratic Represent-
ative John Fogarty of Rhode Island who left

Washington, Dec. 12th to report for duty in
Poll. Tax
THE STATEMENT of Gov.. Ellis Arnall of
Georgia that "The Poll Tax must go" is the
most heartehing thing that has happened in the
South for many years.
Gov. Arnall may well be representative of
a new, more wholesome point of view-the
Governor, at least, recognizes that the im-
portance of democracy far 6utweighs the
South's insistence on 'white supremacy.'
Arnall's statement is significant not only be-
cause the head of a Sputhern state has taken up
the fight against the poll-tax, but because the
voters of Georgia, Southerners all, elected a man
who would be sufficiently honest and courageous
to exert his influence to gain the repeal of the
Threatening to suspend collection of tax if
it is not repealed, the Georgia Governor placed
himself firmly on the progressive side of the
fence. Betty Roth

Balitmore as an apprentice seaman. That same
afternoon, Fogarty was promoted to Carpenter's
Mate First Class, a rank better than that of
Sergeant in the army, and few hours later was
sent to Davisville, R. I. sportig his new uniform.
Next day, Fogarty received five innoculations
in one afternoon, was approved for overseas
service in record time. A special Navy plane
was assigned to whisk him off to the west coast
where after two days rest, he embarked by
plane for a forward war area.
The *atch in Fogarty's case is that he has no
qualifications for a carpenter's mate rating other
than membership in the House Naval affairs
committee, ano can get out of uniform any time
he wants. Fogarty resigned his seat two weeks
before the end of the last Congress. However,
he had been re-elected in November, and so
is able to resign from the Navy merely by saying
he wants to. He will then be whisked back to
Washington in a special plane to resume his
relatively comfortable seat in Congress.
(copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)
Reaction to Wallace
NEW YORK, Jan. 26-The President touched a
live nerve in making the Wallace appoint-
ment. The reaction, in conservative sections of
Congress and the press, is spectacular. Ordinary
descriptive words do-not apply. You can't call
it just an angry reaction; there are elements
of magnificence in the way these bolts and sheets
of anger have been set flying.
But, then, the question arises: why so much
anger against one Henry Agard Wallace? He
is not a man picked off the street. He has been
Secretary of Agriculture for eight years, and
Vice President of this republic for four. The
Department of Commerce has not, in the past,
required better qualifications than these."
It is said that Mr. Wallace has had no train-
ing in financial affairs, but the Department of
Agriculture has handled up to a billion dollars
a year with equanimity; and it is rather strange
for any member of the Senate to suggest that
a man who has presided over the deliberations
of that body for four years is totally lacking
in important executive experience.
No, there are other reasons for the vast
emotional display which has been touched off
by the Wallace appointment. The plain truth
is that most of us have no idea whatever as to
how we are to pull through the post-war econ-
onic crisis, and that Mr. Wallace does have an
idea. Mr. Wallace believes that we shall have
to provide 60,00,000 jobs, and that the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation had better dis-
pose of war plants in 0 manner which will
increase national production, even if that in-
creases competition, and that the federal gov-
ernment must spend money to make work.
Ie is being fought by those who prefer that
we remain virginal and uncommitted on these
'he very mention of his name gives conser-
vative opinion a violent quiver; it is like a pre-
view of the problems which will come with the
end of the war; it has a horrid significance, like
the knocking on the gates in Macbeth.
We have preferred not to think too deeply
about the post-war untangling of the American
economy; we have rather hoped that a lucky
accident will turn the trick for us. The name
of Wallace is a shocking reminder; it ruffles
the surface of our indolence on this issue; it
spoils whatever remains of our brief vacation
from reality on this front. So there are many
who would turn him away, as they might shut
a door on a dark shadow.
They realize, too, that when Henry Wal-
idce speaks of 60,000,000 jobs, he speaks for
millions of Americans; Americans who are
silent now, because they do have jobs, but
who may not be so silent later when perhaps
they don't. It is easy to thrust the whole
problem out of sight now, when it is concen-
trated into the form of one man. There are
many who do not want to lose the chance for
so easy a victory.
The President has been perfectly aware of this
deep conflict in American life, which is why
he has been making conservative appointments,
and avoiding a showdown; he has wanted to
carry the whole country with him through the

war. It is still uncertain how much fighting he
will do for Wallace. Perhaps he will let nature
take its course, and use this case to show the
liberals just how hard his problem is, and just
what deep-seated fears he has to work against.
Bat if the President does not fight, and if he
lets Wallace be rejected, or confirmed with
only limited powers, his problem will be even
harder in days to come. He will have let
America go firmly on record with the proposi-
tion that it has no earthly idea as to how to
greet the morning after the day the war ends.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)
On Second Tlwnght . .
American troops who succeeded in ironing out
the German bulge in their lines will be well
fitted for work in the foundation garment indu-
stry after the war.
President Roosevelt is not having any more
success drafting a Secretary of Labor than
he is putting through his bill to draft labor.

1ATRIARCHIES preceded patri-k
archies. 'The slightest smatter-
ing of anthropology teaches us so
much about human history. Thus
the superfical sociologist who takes
a so-called long view and says women
have been debased in our society
because men always insisted upon it,
simply does not peer far enough intoE
the past. For women created the
world in which men came to gain an
ascendancy over them.
All of which is quite specious and
deceptive. I do not like the argument
to begin with because it is a device
for rationalizing one's own social
status. Does it make any difference
which sex caused what? Our thought
should have advanced by now to the
point where we have a firm sense of.
multiple causation. Caste arises from
a complex of contributory factors.
Nazi Factory
The mile-long Messerschmitt motor
factory buried under 70 feet of solid
limestone, which the Red Army cap-
tured at Budapest, affords a timely
example of why the Wehrmacht was
equipped to stage so vigorous an of-
fensive as Von Rundstedt's in mid-
essential production of war materiel
under ground so far away as the
Hungarian capital, it would seem to
go without saying that the Reich
itself must be honeycombed with sub-
terranean industrial installations.
December. If the Nazis have taken
That in Budapest, as described byf
Leigh White in his ditpatch from
Moscow Friday, was a solid mass of
concrete through which hundreds of
revolving ventilators protruded.
Assume such structures from Essen
to Posen, and Bremen to Vienna, and
here's one reason why our block-
busters have not stopped the build-
ing of Messerschmitts and Tiger
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

Woman is no less responsible
today for her subsidiary position
than man and it is important to
demonstrate this fact if ameliora-
tive steps are to be taken.aThe fact
is she probably wants to retain her
inequality or certain aspects of it,
much more adamantly than he.
To be blunt, many women like the
rights that come with equality, but
are indisposed to accept its responsi-
bilities. They want to be considered!
independent and at the same time
to be fed. clothed, sheltered. andI
domineered. They want the double
standard abolished. but at the same3
time insist that one set of terms
which men use among themselves be
completely different from that used
in their presence.
The give-away in this regard is a
question to which females invariably
respond in the affirmative, "Do you
want to marry your intellectual su-
periors?" Of course they do, and
moreover, purposively seek out mena
whose mentalities are greater than
theirs. The practical consequence of
this desire when it isconsummated
has been the suspension of thought,
the cessation of worry, and general
marital stagnation as wives trust-
fully hand over all the problems of
life to their more able spouses. Too
few women realize that this process
entails a willing and even aggressive
acceptance of inferiority.
Sexual inferiority is a myth of the
first order. It has been exploded
forever if only by the example of
Soviet women who work in factor-
ies, fight on the fields, and exert
themselves physically as well as
any group of men. In addition to
which, recent tests have shown be-
yond doubt that whereas women
may be constitutionally weaker
than men in that they cannot
undertake as much hard labor,
they are biologically stronger than
men in that they live longer.

I say this attitude is an admission
of hypocrisy and a proclamation of
Women want to pick and choose
and sort-much as they do at the
bargain counter on sales days. They
will take this sort of equality, and
throw that one away. The franchise?
But yes. The acumen it takes to
understand political issues? Ah-h,
no. In just this manner did they
rummage during pre-Civil War days
when women took on a large scale
to the lecture platform, where they
propagandized for the abolitionist
movement. No sooner did this occur
than a hue and a cry could be heard
from the distaff side against these
brazen hussies who did not know
their place in society. No male raised
his voice against this sign of wo-
man's emancipation. What hap-
pened was that wo'men got other
women away from the rostrum be-
cause being there was unladylike.




The soft and easy and frivolous
and tawdry were more appealing.
They usually are. But do let's stop
blaming men for this state of
affairs. We know that women con-
sistently maintain intelligence quo-
tients a fraction higher than those
of the male population. How does
one in that light explain the ab-
sence of female geniuses, of great
composers, or notable painters, or
philosophers? It is only explicable
in these terms: that women them-
selves are engaged in a conspiracy,
consciously or otherwise, to keep
dumb and mum, to remain what
they have so long been-household
drudges and intellectual vacua.


ing women as if they were the weaker
sex? Wherein is the logic- for our
elaborately facticious etiquette? Why
should men open doors and give up
seats for women except in obedience
to this comedy of manners? Reason-
ably there is no basis for our social
protocol, but women would be scan-
dalized to death, if we ever banished


What then is the reason for




FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1945 1
VOL. LV, No. 68
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
To Members of the Faculty, Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts: There will be another special
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 29, in
Rn. 1025 Angell Hall, to continue
the discussion of the Combined Re-
port of the Curriculum Committee
and the Committee on Concentration
and Group Requirements. A large
attendance is desired.
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1945-1946 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
House Heads: Women students liv-
ing in League Houses and converted
fraternities have until Monday, Feb.
5, to notify their house heads if they
intend to change their residence.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Sr. General Staff
Nurse, salary $2,520 to $2,880 a year,
Second Operating Engineer( Steam
Engine), salary $2,963 to $3,174, and
Marine Operating Engineer (Fire-
boat), salary $3,381 to $3,864, have
been received in our office. For fur-
ther information stop in at 201 Ma-
son Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that Feb. 6,
1945, will be the closing date for ac-
ceptance of applications for the fol-
lowing examinations: Bacteriologist,
$3,163 and $3,828; Dental Hygienist,
-1,970; Maintenance Supervisor, $3,-
828 and $4,128; Nursing Education
Consultant, $3,163 to $5,228; Occupa-
tional Therapy Aide, $1,970 to $2,433;
Physiotherapy Aide, $1,970 to $2,190;
Public Health Nurse, $2,190 and $2,-
433; Public Health Nursing Consul-
tant, $3,163 to $6,228. Applications
must be filed with the United States
Civil Service Commission, Washing-
ton 25, D.C., not later than that date.
United States Civil Service An-

nouncements for Dictating Machine
Transcribers, salary $1,970, and Sub-
stitute Railway Postal Clerk, salary
$1,850 to $2,464, have been received
in our office. For further informa-
tion stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bur-
eau of Appointments.
Important Notice: La Sociedad
Hispanica will have the Michigan-
ensian group picture taken on Mon-
day, Jan. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. All members please
be present.
College of Engineering, Schedule of
Examinations: Feb. 17 to Feb. 24;
1945. Note: For courses having both
lectures and quizzes, the time of
exercise is the time of the first lec-
ture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work dur-
ing one week..
Certain courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods must be reported for adjust-
ment. See bulletin board outside of
Rm. 3209 East Engineering Building
between Feb. 1 and Feb. 7, for in-
struction. To avoid misunderstand-
ings and errors, each student should
receive notification from his instruc-
tor of the time and place of his
appearance in each course during
the period Feb. 17 to Feb. 24.
No date of examination may be
changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Exam.

Sunday, Jan. 28, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. The public is cordially
Evets Today
Geological Journal Club: Meeting
in Rms. 4065 and 4054. Natural Sci-
ence Bldg., today at 12:15 p.m. Pro-
gram: Dr. Robert H. Hatt on "Pari-
cutin volcano (Mexico) in the sum-
mer 1944." All interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.
The Post-War Council is sponsor-
ing an evening of movies on the war
effort of America both at home and
at the fighting front. The movies will
be shown this evening in Rackham
Amphitheatre at 7:30. All those in-
terested are invited to attend.
The Post-War Council is sponsor-
ing an evening of movies on the war
effort both within our country and
with our fighting forces overseas this
evening at 7.30 in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. All those interested are
invited to attend.
Dr. Kenneth G. Hance, of the De-
partment of Speech, will lecture on
"The Big Five and the Little Fifty"
on the Dumbarton Oaks Week pro-
gram at the International Center to-
night at 7:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Library Club: Meeting
this evening, 7:45, Rm. 110 Univer-
sity General Library. Prof. Hobbs
will speak on "Island Fortresses of
the Pacific."
There will be dual Sabbath F4ve
Services at the B'nai Brith Hillel
Foundation this evening at 7:45,
Reform services will be held in the
Chapel, and Conservative services
will be held in the Assembly Room.







at 8-Thu., Feb. 22, 10 :30-12:30
at 9-Sat., Feb. 17, 10:30-12:30
at 10-Friday, Feb. 23, 8-10
at 11-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 8-10
at 1-Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2-4
at 2-Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10
at 3-Thursday, Feb. 22, 8-10

at Burns Park
the church a
directly to th

r Guild Skating Party
. Students will meet at
t 8 p.m. and then go
e Park. Refreshments.


Tues. at 8-Fri., Feb. 23, 10:30-12:30
Tues. at 9-Wed., Feb. 21, 10:30-12:30 Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, Director
Tues. at 10-Tu., Feb. 20, 10:30-12:30 of the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation,
Tues. at 11-Monday, Feb, 19, 2-4 will lead the Fireside Discussion on
Tues. at 1-Saturday, Feb. 17, 2-4 "Dumbarton Oaks: Will It Bring the
Tues. at 2-Thursday, Feb. 22, 2-4 World Peace and the Jew Security?"
Tues. at 3-Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2-4 at 8:30 p.m. The public is invited.
Draw. 2, 3-*Monday, Feb. 19, 8-10. Following the discussion there will
E.M. 1, 2, C.E. 2.Draw. 1-*Satur- be a social hour and refreshments
day, Feb. 17, 8-10. will be served.
M.P. 2, 3, 4, French-*Monday,
Feb. 19, 10:30-12:30. Events
Economics 53, 54-Tuesday, Feb
20, 2-4. Lutheran Student Association: Ska-
M.E. 3-Wednesday, Feb. 21, 8-10. ting Party on Saturday night at
Surveying 1, 2, 4- Thursday, Feb. 7:30. All who wish to attend meet at
22, 8-10. the home of Rev. and Mrs. Yoder, 215
E.E. 2a, Span., Ger.- Friday, Feb. E. William St. The regular meeting
23, 2-4. of the Association will be held in the
Irregular, Conflicts or Make-up- Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon at
Saturday, Feb. 24, 8-10. 5 with supper and fellowship hour
*This may also be used as an following the program.
irregular period, provided there is no





By Crockett Johnson


Copyright, 1945, The Newspaper PM, Inc.

Those Gnomes! They took the
seIIn furs Uc t othes nre

Now the insurance company
won't nav off on that reward!

Crooks? What crooks?

Fine! They couldn't let your
Fairy Godfather's areat work



I b





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